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Education in the United States

I.Elementary and Secondary Education II.Higher Education

I. Elementary and Secondary Education

Elementary and secondary education, which forms of public education(公立教育), is free(免费)and compulsory(义务的,强制的).The great majority of American students go to public school(公立学校), which are supported by taxpayer and free for students.

The rest of the students attend private schools(私立学校), most of which need certain amount of tuition fees(学费)from their parents.

The names “public school”(公立学校)and “private school”(私立学校)refer to the way in which these institution are funded and controlled.

Public school:usually lager in size, are created, financially supported and governed by states and communities. The revenues to operate schools primarily come from states and localities. In public schools where public taxes are involved, educational spending is guided by Boards of Education(美国的公立中学和小学的地方教育委员会)at the state or district level.

The function(功能)of the Boards of Education:

It makes decision about school curricula(学校课程),teacher standards and certification(教师标准和资格)and the overall measurement of student progress.

Private schools:run by religious groups, private organizations or individuals,where religious teaching (宗教教育)is a part of the of the curriculum in addition to the normal courses of reading, mathematics, history, geography and science. As private schools are not supported by public funds, they rely on private sources and students tuition fees.

●Preschool Age kindergarden 3-5 ●Elementary School

1st---6th grades 6-11

●Junior High School/Middle School 12-14 7th---9th grades

●Senior High School/High School15-17 10th---12th grades

●Post-secondary School age vary college or university(Freshman大一学生, Sophomore 大二学生, Junior大三学生,

Secondary education: generally refers to grades 9-12 which is called “high school”. However, in many districts, it includes both grades 7-9 which is called “junior high school”and grades 10-12 which is called “senior high school”.Secondary education in the United States also includes vocational schools and technical school that prepare students for certain kinds of occupations and vocational shool and techinical schools that prepare students for certain kinds of occupation and vocations.

II. Higher Education

●Americans esteem high education as most of them believe that education is necessary for maintaining a democratic govenment as well as for a good income. For some careers such as law, medicine, engineering, etc. a college education is a must.

Higher education in the United states began in with the founding of Harvard University in 1636. Before 1944, higher education had been something for the elite(精英),now it is within the reach of the ordinary citizen.

●There are different types of colleges and universities avaliable for high school graduates from different social and economic backgrouds. It is reported that, presently, more than half of the graduates from senior high schools can go on to further study in different types of institutions of higher learning. There are about one million college graduates a year in America.

● A college at a leading university(一流大学)might receive applications(申请)from 2% of high school graduates, and accept only one out of ten(十分之一)applicants. Successful applicants at such college are usually chosen on the basis of

1. their high school grades

2. recommendations from their high school teachers

3. the impression they make during interview at the university

4. their scores on the Scholastic Aptitude


the university may contains:

1) University(several colleges for undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor's degree; one or more graduate schools for those continuing in specialised studies beyond the Bacheor's degree to obtain Master's or Doctoral degree.

2)the four-year undergraduate institution-the college-most of which are not part of a university

●3)the technical training institution that serves as an entrance for students to various professions. High school graduates may take courses ranging from six month to four year in duration(持续)and learn a wide variety of technical skills, from hairstyling through business accounting to computer programming.

●4)the two-year or community college, from which students may enter many professions or may transfer to four-year college or university.

Educational trend(趋势)

Since the 1970s and 1980s, there has been a trend away from the traditional liberal arts(传统的文科)and pure science(纯自然科学).Instead, students became more vocation-oriented(职业导向).More than half of students major in business and management, computer information science, education and engineering.

校历制度(School Calendar)


1.最通行的是“学期制”(Semester System),把全学年

分为春季(Spring Semester)和秋季两个学期(Fall



2.第二种是“学季制”(Quater System),每一学年分为




Ten Famous Universities

1. Harvard University 哈佛大学

2 Stanford University 斯坦佛大学

3 Yale University 耶鲁大学

4 Massachusetts Institute Techlonogy 麻省理工学院

5 California Institute Techlonogy 加州理工学院

6 University California Berkeley 加州大学伯克利分校

7 Columbia University 哥伦比亚大学

8.University Chicago 芝加哥大学

9 Princeton University 普林斯顿大学

10.Cornell University 康奈尔大学
