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2000-AnZS-Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon

2000-AnZS-Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon
2000-AnZS-Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon

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Quaternary Science Reviews 19(2000)743}762

Asynchronous Holocene optimum of the East Asian monsoon

Zhisheng An ,Stephen C.Porter *,John E.Kutzbach ,Wu Xihao ,Wang Suming ,

Liu Xiaodong ,Li Xiaoqiang ,Zhou Weijian

Xi 'an Laboratory of Locss and Quaternary Geology,Academia Sinica,People 's Republic of China

Quaternary Research Center,Uni v ersity of Washington,Seattle,WA 98195-1360USA Center for Climatic Research,Uni v ersity of Wisconsin,Madison,WI 53706USA

Institute of Geomechanics,Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources,People 's Republic of China

Nanjing Institute of Geography and Lakes,Academia Sinica,People 's Republic of China Lanzhou Institute of Plateau Atmosphere-Physics,Academic Sinica,People 's Republic of China


The spatial and temporal distribution of summer monsoon precipitation (or e !ective moisture)during the Holocene has been reconstructed on the basis of geological data,including lake levels,pollen pro "les,and loess/paleosol records.In addition,the summer (July)precipitation increment,e !ective precipitation,and monsoon strength index have been obtained from numerical modeling experiments.Both geological data and numerical modeling indicate that the Holocene optimum,as de "ned by peak East Asian summer monsoon precipitation,was asynchronous in central and eastern China,reaching a maximum at di !erent times in di !erent regions,e.g.,ca.10,000}8000yr ago in northeastern China,10,000}7000yr ago in north-central and northern east-central China,ca.7000}5000yr ago in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,and ca.3000yr ago in southern China.In southwestern China the maximum appeared ca.11,000yr ago,but probably was related to the maximum landward extension of the Indian summer monsoon.The regional shift in the maximum precipitation belt from northwest to southeast over the past 10,000yr is interpreted as a response to changing seasonality related to orbital forcing of the climate.The southeastward shift of the East Asian summer monsoon maximum is consistent with the progressive weakening of the summer monsoon as the summer solar radiation anomaly decreased progressively through the Holocene and the East Asian monsoon index declined,while the early maximum in southwestern China matches the maximum of the Indian monsoon index. 2000Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.


The Asian monsoon is an important component of atmospheric circulation and plays a signi "cant role in the global hydrologic and energy cycles.It has in #uenced signi "cantly the geographic environment of the region it a !ects directly,as well as its marginal zones.The mon-soon region of eastern China di !ers from other dry,subtropical,and temperate areas of the same latitudes in being densely populated.Not only is the livelihood of the people closely linked to the summer monsoon precipita-tion in agricultural regions,but the monsoon rains also generate devastating #oods that can impact tens of thou-sands of people.

A critical question facing the people living in mon-soonal regions is whether,and how,a rapid and signi "-cant change in global climate might a !ect the monsoon system.The past history of monsoon climates is important in answering this question,for it can provide evidence of the past behavior of the monsoons at times when global climate was di !erent from what it is now,and it can provide insights about the nature and regional impacts of future changes in climate.

In the present study,we have synthesized a large body of geologic information related to changes in monsoon climate in China during the Holocene Period,and have compared the data with results from numerical experiments with a Global Climate Model that span the same time interval.The results of the two approaches are consistent,and imply that the zone of peak rain-fall conditions associated with the East Asian summer monsoon shifted latitudinally across China during the Holocene in response to natural variations in solar radiation.

0277-3791/00/$-see front matter 2000Elsevier Science Ltd.All rights reserved.PII:S 0277-3791(99)00031-1

2.Monsoon climate of China

Modern climatological research has shown that the Asian monsoon system has three relatively independent subsystems,namely the Indian monsoon,the East Asian monsoon,and the Plateau monsoon(Tao and Chen, 1987;Tang,1979).Among these,the East Asian monsoon is the dominant in#uence on the climate and environ-ment of central and eastern China(Gao et al.,1962).

2.1.East Asian monsoon

During the seasonal transition from winter to summer, the East Asian summer monsoon moves gradually north-ward as Northern Hemisphere insolation increases,caus-ing a strengthening of the thermal contrast between the warmer Asian continent and the colder Paci"c Ocean. This leads to a marked pressure gradient between the ocean and land.In mid-summer,the East Asian summer monsoon advances to a ca.403N,spreading across the eastern part of northwestern China,northern China,and most of northeastern China.

Precipitation associated with the East Asian monsoon is produced by the interaction along the monsoon front of northward-moving moist summer monsoon air and a northern mass of cooler https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,ually,the belt of heavy monsoon rainfall consists of somewhat discontinuous rain bands that form as the front moves northward.The rainfall belt migrates with the frontal system,leading to asynchronous onset of summer monsoon precipitation in di!erent areas.The rain belt is stable when the front maintains a quasi-stationary state.The"rst pause occurs in the second week of May in the maritime areas of southern China.The second pause occurs in the third week of June in areas between the Yangtze and Yellow rivers.The third pause,in mid-July,occurs in northern and northeastern China.

Rain belt changes are characterized by their abrupt-ness,for they occur in sudden jumps in response to insolation-induced general circulation changes in East Asia(Gao et al.,1962;Lau et al.,1988).This situation contrasts with the Indian monsoon rainfall regime,which is caused by convection of moist,unstable air#owing northward from the intertropical convergence zone (Ramage,1987).Consequently,the region of the Chinese monsoon is among the most complicated and unique climatic regions of the world.Judging from geologic records,the Asian monsoon system has developed during the late Cenozoic(e.g.,Ruddiman and Kutzbach,1991; Sun et al.,1998).

Precipitation(P)variability is more important than evaporation(E)variability for understanding the vari-ation in e!ective moisture(P-E)in the East Asian mon-soon region.Between the southern(Guangzhou)and the northern(Harbin)regions of central and eastern China the di!erence in annual average temperature is more than183C and the di!erence in annual average precipita-tion is about1100mm(Zhang and Lin,1985).However, the di!erence in annual average evaporation is generally no more than700mm between these two regions because the lower temperature in northern China generally de-creases evaporation and the higher relative humidity of southern China results in a decrease in evaporation un-der the higher-temperature conditions(Zhang and Lin, 1985).

Kutzbach and Guetter(1986)and COHMAP Mem-bers(1988)modeled the variation of tropical monsoon climate since the last glaciation in northern Africa and southern Asia.They showed that the monsoon systems of these regions varied systematically in response to vari-ations in solar insolation related to changes in the Earth's orbital parameters.An et al.(1990a,1991b)studied the evolution of the East Asian monsoon over the last20,000 and130,000yr,respectively.The variation of the mon-soon climate in China is not just a response to external orbital forcing;it also is related to such factors as the con"guration of sea and land(An et al.,1991b),the uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)Plateau(Ruddiman and Kutzbach,1991),the distribution of high-latitude and high-altitude ice and snow,and sea-surface temperature (Porter and An,1995).

2.2.The Holocene optimum

Considerable attention has been directed to the history of Chinese monsoon climate(e.g.,Zhou et al.,1984,Li and Liang,1985;Xia,1988;Liu,1989;Yang,1989;Sun and Yuan,1990;An et al.,1990b;Shi et al.,1992).Of signi"cance to this history is the Holocene optimum,not only because it was an important recent climatic episode, and produced a varied array of geologic records,but also because it might serve as an important analog for future climatic change in this region.The Holocene(or climatic) optimum is often regarded as the time of maximum postglacial warmth(e.g.,Winkler and Wang,1993).It also has been de"ned informally as`the postglacial inter-val of most equable climate,with warm temperatures and abundant rainfall a(Bates and Jackson,1987).In using the term,a single parameter(e.g.,mean annual or sea-sonal temperature,or precipitation)often is not speci"ed. Nevertheless,the concept is derived from the mid-Holo-cene Atlantic interval of the northern European pollen stratigraphy,which was characterized by a warm and generally moist climate.Recognized as globally dia-chronous,it is not generally considered a time-strati-graphic entity.

Quite di!erent opinions have been expressed as to the time of the Holocene optimum in di!erent parts of China, de"ned mainly on the basis of postglacial temperature variations.Its onset has been variously placed at 10,000}7500yr BP and its end at5000}2000yr BP. However,both precipitation and e!ective moisture are

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Fig.1.Map of China showing subdivisions of the Chinese monsoon region based on physiography and numerical modeling,and the locations of the geological records analyzed (Table 1).Landward limit of modern summer monsoon front is after Gao (1962).

considered important environmental parameters within the region of the East Asian monsoon (i.e.,in central and eastern China),and are closely related to changes in winter and summer monsoon intensity.Furthermore,many of the available high-resolution paleoclimate proxy records can be interpreted in terms of precipitation or e !ective moisture variations,rather than temperature.Accordingly,in this paper we treat the Holocene opti-mum in China as a precipitation (or e !ective moisture)maximum,without reference to temperature,and will argue that it is a time-transgressive phenomenon (i.e.,not a chronostratigraphic unit).

3.Paleoenvironmental data and modeling

We have divided central and eastern China into six regions (A }F),based on physiography,taking into ac-count the horizontal resolution of the numerical model used in this study (Fig.1Table 1);region G in western China,a vast area with a relative paucity of information,includes the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan)Plateau.Geologic data,such as lake-level records,lacustrine and swamp deposits,pollen-spore sequences,and the magnetic sus-ceptibility of loess-paleosol sequences,are used to recon-

struct past precipitation or e !ective moisiture during the last 12,000yr.Numerical modeling,using the CCM0(Community Climate Model 0of the US National Center for Atmospheric Research;Pitcher et al.,1983;Kutzbach and Guetter,1986),is used to obtain estimates of summer (July)precipitation,e !ective precipitation,and the mon-soon strength index.The modeling results are then com-pared with the geologic climate-proxy https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,ke-le v el y uctuations

Lake levels constitute a sensitive index of hydrological climate,especially as a measure of the e !ective humidity of a region,and can be determined by analyzing paleoshoreline features,sedimentary facies,and fossils (Street-Perrott and Harrison,1984).Data available for regions A,B #C,D,and F are plotted in 3000-yr inter-vals in Fig.2(region E is omitted from the plot due to lack of adequate paleolacustrine sedimentary pro "les).Lake-level status is reported as high,middle,or low ("large,intermediate,or small area,following Street and Grove (1979),and is de "ned as follows:high/large "*70%of the highest level/largest area;inter-mediate status "20}70%of highest level/largest area;and low/small ")20%of highest level/largest area.

Z.An et al./Quaternary Science Re v iews 19(2000)743}762745


Locations and altitudes of Holocene paleoclimatic proxy sites

Site C Name N Latitude E Longitude Altitude(m) A Northeastern China

a Qingdeli48300 133315 52

a Jingchuan42320 126322 600

a Gushantong42330 126310 600

a Hulong Lake49300 117320 540

B North-central China

b Qinghai Lake37310100300 3165

b Halali36340 99353 3220

b Jiuzhoutai36305 103348 2060

b Baxie35334 103335 2000

b Salawusu37350 108340 1400

b Wudangzhao40350 110315 1200

b Daihai Lake40335 112340 1260

b Huangqihai40350 113315 1264

b Chaganlimenoer43316 112353 1060

b Dalainoer43320 116340 1230

b Chanhanzhao41330 113352 1270

b Baisuhai41308 112340 2000

b Luochuan35344 109325 1010

b Fuping34350 109350 500

b Beizhuangcun34322 109332 520

C.Northern east-central China

c Pulandian39330 112300 20

c Maohebei39332 119312 2

c Baiyandian38350 116300 20

D.Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze Ri v er

d Taihu Lake30355 }31335 119350 }120335 3

d Poyang Lake28330 }29340 115350 }116340 8

d Dongting Lake28340 }29330 111345 }113310 10

d Guyuanmence29340 }30320 111340 }112325 15

d Longquan Lake30353 111352 50

d Dajiuhu Lake31325 110310 2500

d Zhengjiang32312 119325 15

d Qidong31350 121340 2

d Jianhu33330 119345 10

d Daping26310 110310 1640

E.Southeastern China

e Huangsha23310 110320 6

e Fangyu22355 113325 2

F.Southwestern China

f Dianchi Lake24340 }25303 102335 }40 1886

f Caohai Lake25300 112340 1890

f Eryuan26308 99355 2050

f Erhai Lake25335 }55 110308 }15 1980

f Fuxian Lake24325 }35 102350 -55 1720

f Caohai Lake(Weining)26350 104312 2220

f Jimenghai24310 102345 1500

f Mianning28340 102320 2400


g Daqaidan37350 95315 3000

g Sumxi Co34318 80308 5058

g Seling Co31334 }37 88331 }89321 4530

Region A(northeastern China)is mainly characterized by an interconnected system of Holocene lakes and swamps that drain externally,but are sensitive to climatic change(Harrison and Digerfeldt,1993).Four lakes, Gushantun of Jilin(Liu,1989),Jingchuan(Sun and Yuan, 1990),Qindeli of Heilongjiang(Xia,1988),and Hulonghu

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Fig.2.Temporal variation in percentage of lakes with high,intermedi-ate or low level.Region A:lakes a ,a ,a ,a in Fig.1;region B#C north to the Yellow River:lakes b ,b ,b ,b ,b ,b ,b ,c ,c ; region D:lakes d }d ;region F:lakes f }f .Chronology of all lake records is based on conventional,uncalibrated C dating.

of Inner Mongolia(Wang et al.,1994),have been ana-lyzed on the basis of changing sedimentary facies and fossil remains in lake or swamp deposits(Xue and Wang, 1994).The data show that all lakes with adequate records were high from12,000}10,000yr BP,and that the percentage of lakes with high levels decreased to ca. 50%from10,000}9000yr BP and to ca.25%from 9000}7000yr BP.No post-7000yr BP high lake stages have been recorded;for this period intermediate levels dominated.Thus,lakes were deepest and most extensive before10,000yr BP when summer monsoon precipita-tion(and,locally,meltwater from thawing permafrost) apparently was high and/or the evaporation rate was low because of relatively low temperatures towards the end of the last glaciation.

In regions B#C(central northern and eastern central China),most lakes do not discharge and can be viewed as `natural precipitation gauges a.Nine lakes have been analyzed[i.e.,b (Yuan,1988),b (Wang et al.,1990a,b), b (Li et al.,1992a),b (Sun,1990),b (Geng,1988;Li, 1992),b (Cui and Kong,1992),c (Institute of Geo-chemistry,1977),and c (Xu et al.,1988)].High lake levels began to appear ca.11,000yr BP(22%)and pre-vailed from10,000}7000yr BP(60%).Since5000yr BP, intermediate and low levels were dominant,and since 3000yr BP low levels have prevailed.

In the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (region D,Fig.1),lakes are hydrologically connected with rivers,and lake-level#uctuations have been control-led not only by local precipitation but also by stream runo!,including ice and snow melt in stream source areas.Seven lakes were analyzed[d (Sun and Wu, 1987a),d (Editorial Committee of a Studies on Poyang Lake,1987),d (Zhang,1991),d (Tan,1980),d (Li

et al.,1992a),d (Li et al.,1992b),and d (Xu and Zhu, 1984)].Although high lake levels have never dominated the region as a whole,there are two periods when they were most prevalent,i.e.,8000}7000and3000}0yr BP. The"rst period is inferred to have been related to a pre-cipitation increase,whereas the second was largely re-lated to a decline in the evaporation rate due to lower temperatures and persistence of the summer monsoon front in the region.

In region F(southwestern China),lakes are found near stream divides and often have restricted outlets.As a result of their semi-con"ned character,the lakes are sensitive to precipitation.Seven lakes have been ana-lyzed;f (Zhu,1989),f (Zhou et al.,1992),f }f (Lin, 1987;Song,1994),f (Lin and Zheng,1987),and f (Nanjing Institute of Geography and Limnology,CAS, 1989).About84%of the lakes were high from 12,000}10,000yr BP,but only56%were high from 10,000}9000yr BP.Since9000yr BP,intermediate lake levels were dominant,with only a brief interval between6000and3000yr BP when one lake was high, possibly related to strengthening of the Indian summer monsoon.

3.2.Pollen analyses

More than100published pollen pro"les have been reviewed in this study.Representative diagrams with C control are presented for each of the six regions shown in Fig.1as proxy records of precipitation,e!ec-tive moisture,or relative summer monsoon strength.

In the East Asian monsoon region of China,modern vegetation zonation is largely related to precipitation, especially summer monsoon precipitation,and to tem-perature.From north and south,the principal vegetation zones are as follows:mixed-needle deciduous broadleaf forests and deciduous broadleaf forests in the temperate zone;deciduous broadleaf forests(containing evergreen broadleaf components);mixed evergreen broadleaf and deciduous broadleaf forests in the northern and middle subtropical zone;and monsoon evergreen broadleaf for-ests in the southern subtropical zone(Wu et al.1980;Liu, 1988).The deciduous broadleaf forest component of the northern and middle subtropical zone and the monsoon evergreen broadleaf and rain-forest components of the southern subtropical zone are closely related to summer rainfall.Therefore,these components can be viewed as indicators of monsoonal rainfall conditions.

Z.An et al./Quaternary Science Re v iews19(2000)743}762747

Fig.3.Percentage of deciduous broad-leaf pollen in the arboreal(AP)total,northeastern China.Qingdeli(a ):Ulmus,Quercus,Salix,Carpinus,Tilia, Acer,Juglans,Alnus,Corylus.Jingchuan(a ):Ulmus,Quercus,Salix,Carpinus,Tilia,Juglans,Corylus,Fraxinus.

3.2.1.Northeastern China(region A)

The Qingdeli pro"le(a ,Fig.3)is located in the north-ern part of the middle temperate zone of humid climate in a region of deciduous broadleaf forest.Representative genera include Ulmus,Quercus,Salix,Carpinus,Tilia, Acer,Juglans,Alnus,and Betula(the latter indicated by shading in Fig.3).The curve of broadleaf genera plus Betula is high(80}90%)from11,000to6000yr BP, indicating a high e!ective humidity during the growing season for this interval.Omitting Betula,the curve shows a steep rise about10,000yr BP,indicating a signi"cant strengthening of the summer monsoon.Most of the Be-tula pollen are of small size,indicating shrub birch rather than tree birch.Wu(1980)has pointed out that shrub birch requires ecological conditions characteristic of the eastern part of northeastern China,which are marked by high precipitation,high humidity,and relatively low tem-perature.

Betula,a pioneer of the broadleaf genera,appears earlier than11,000yr BP,indicating that humidity had reached the high values favorable for this genus during the"nal phase of the last glaciation,likely the result of high precipitation and a low evaporation rate related to

low mean temperatures.A similar increase in Betula ca.

11,000yr BP has also been observed in the Gushantun

pro"le(Liu,1989).The Jingchuan pro"le(Fig.3,a )has a similar pattern,with a steady high in broadleaf pollen

(Quercus,Ulmus,and Juglans)since at least10,000yr BP.

Thus,an interval of high humidity(i.e.,high e!ective

moisture)can be identi"ed that lasted from ca.10,000to

6000yr BP.

3.2.2.North-central China(region B)

The Qinghai Lake pro"le(Du et al.,1989;Kelts et al.,

1989;Liu and Qiu,1994)(Fig.4,b )is from drill core QH85-14C,collected from the western part of Qinghai Lake.This site lies on the northeastern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau and within the plateau temperate semi-dry grass-land at the margin of the East Asian monsoon region. The climate of Qinghai Lake is sensitive to summer monsoon variations.Because the deciduous broadleaf forest is sustained by conditions of high precipitation and summer temperature,it can be considered representative of summer monsoon conditions in the temperate zone

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Fig.4.Percentage of deciduous and broad-leaf pollen in the total AP in northwestern China.Qinghai Lake(b ):Quercus,Betula.Fuping(b ):Betula, Corylus,Carpinus,Quercus,Ulmus,Celtis,Juglans,Ailanthus.

(Wu,1980).We therefore use the deciduous broadleaf components as a proxy for summer monsoon precipita-tion.The curve has two prominent peaks at ca.9500and 8500yr BP(37%)and a rather persistent low from8000 to3000yr BP.Subsequently,the percentage of deciduous broadleaf pollen(woody plants)rose to30%,although possibly as a result of human activity.

The Jingbian pro"le(Li,1991),located at the northern margin of the Loess Plateau,displays a similar pattern, with the arboreal pollen content and concentration of charcoal fragments reaching a maximum ca.9000yr BP. The Fuping pro"le(Fig.4,b ;Sun and Zhao,1991) displays a broadleaf pollen peak at ca.7000}8000yr BP.

3.2.3.Northern east-central China(region C)

The Maohebei pro"le(Fig.5,c ;Li and Liang,1985)is located on the northeastern margin of the North China Plain,close to Bohai Bay.The site lies in the warm temperate zone,with semi-humid climate,and the veg-etation is a deciduous broadleaf forest.The broadleaf pollen genera identi"ed are Quercus,Tilia,Ulmus,Car-pinus,Juglans,and Betula.The two peaks(ca.20}33%)at ca.10,000and8500yr BP shown in Fig.5correspond to humid periods,and the subsequent interval of lower

percentages((15%)corresponds to a dry interval.

The Baiyangdian pro"le(Fig.5,c ;Xu et al.,1988) displays a similar pattern,i.e.,an abrupt increase in

deciduous broadleaf pollen ca.11,000yr BP,with high

percentages until ca.9000yr BP.


4.Middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze Ri v er

(region D)

The Qidong pro"le(Fig.6,d ;Liu et al.,1992)is located north of the Yangtze River mouth in the northern subtropical zone of wet climate.The vegetation is charac-terized by a mix of subtropical evergreen broadleaf gen-era and a deciduous broadleaf assemblage.Pollen genera include subtropical hygrophilic and thermophilic ever-green broadleaf Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis,and deciduous Carya.Because of inconsistent C ages between ca.25and35m depth,the dates of8320$170 and4460$90yr BP are used in plotting the curve. High values in the pollen concentration curve occur in the middle portion of this silty clayey section,with the highest peak at about5000yr BP(up to2900grains/ cm ).

Z.An et al./Quaternary Science Re v iews19(2000)743}762749

Fig.5.Percentage of Holocene deciduous broad leaf pollen in AP total,northern China.Maohebei(c ):Quercus,Tilia,Ulmus,Carpinus,Juglans. Baiyangdian(c ):Quercus,Tilia,Juglans,Ailanthus,Salix.

The Jianhu pro"le(Fig.6,d ;Tang and Shen,1992)is located north of the Yangtze River near the Yellow Sea in the northern subtropical zone.High in#ux of evergreen broadleaf pollen(Castanopsis,Cyclobolonopsis,and Quer-cus;Tang and Shen,1992;Tang et al.,1993)indicates that two humidity maxima occurred about6700}6000yr BP. The Daping pro"le(Fig.6,d ;Wang Jian,personal communication,1991)lies in a zone between the middle and southern subtropical zones and is characterized by the evergreen broadleaf assemblage.At present,this is the only pro"le available for this region,which is important bioclimatically and geographically.The evergreen broad-leaf genera in the pro"le are Cyclobalannopsis,Castanop-sis,Myrica,Magnolia,Elaeocarpus,and the deciduous genus Carya.The inferred chronology is based on inter-polation,using the average sedimentation rate of the upper1.1m.The curve displays a high of'15%from ca.7000}4000yr BP.The peak value('20%)occurs at ca.4300yr BP.

3.2.5.Southern China(region E)

The Huangsha pro"le(Fig.7,e ;Li et al.,1991)is located in a suburb of Guangzhou on the northern part of the Pearl River delta where the vegetation is a south-ern subtropical evergreen broadleaf assemblage with evergreen rain forest of transitional type.The genera counted in the percentage diagram are Elaeocarpus, Quercus,Chamionii,Altingia,Apocynaceae,and Moraceae.The curve displays a broad high from ca.5000 to1600yr B.P.but the three maxima at ca.4000,3000, and2000yr BP may represent times of greatest e!ective precipitation.

The Fanyu pro"le(Fig.7,e ;Li et al.,1991)displays abundant evergreen broadleaf genera,but has its high-frequency variability lacks any clear trends.The most prominent peak at ca.3000}2500yr BP is apparently correlative with that in the Huangsha pro"le.Distinctive tropical rainforest components(i.e.,Terminalia)and subtropical components(Syzygium)appear from 3500}2500yr BP.

3.2.6.Southwestern China(region F)

The Eryuan pro"le(Fig.8,f ;Lin,1987)is located north of Erhai Lake in the western part of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau,where the climate is strongly control-led by the southwest(Indian)monsoon.The vegetation is the evergreen broadleaf assemblage of the middle subtropics.Genera represented in the pollen include

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Fig.6.Pollen concentration,pollen in#ux,and percentage of subtropical tree species in the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River.Qidong(d ): Castanopsis,Cyclobalanopsis,Carya.Jianghu(d ):Castanea,Castanopsis,Quercus.Daping(d ):Castanopsis,Myrica,Magnolia,Elaeocarpus,Carya.

deciduous Quercus,Ulmus,and coniferous Tsuga.The pollen concentration curve displays peaks at ca,11,000 and9200yr B.P.(2290and3860grains/cm ,respective-ly),indicating low temperature but a high e!ective hu-midity during the growing season.The percentage of broadleaf genera in the pollen curve of the Dianchi Lake pro"le(D218drill core)increases at13,000yr B.P.and reaches a maximum between10,000and8000yr BP that is related to an interval of high humidity(Sun and Wu, 1987b).

Cold-resistant species dominate the vegetation be-tween11,000and9100yr BP in a pollen pro"le(Fig.8,f ; Jarvis,1993)obtained for a core from Shayema Lake, located15km northeast of Mianning County(Fig.1). Between ca.9100and7800yr BP,deciduous Quercus declined and evergreen Quercus and Tsuga along with other hygrophilic species increased,marking a transition to a warm,moist period.

3.2.7.Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan)Plateau(region G) Three lascustrine pro"les on the Qinghai-Xizang (Tibetan)Plateau are of special interest:Daqaidan(g1)on the northern part of the plateau(Huang et al.,1980), Sumxi Co(g2)in the west(Gasse et al.,1991),and Seling Co(g3)in the central part(Gu et al.,1993)(Figs.1and9). Changes in sedimentary facies in the Daqaidan section, in O records of the Seling Co section,and in the Artemisia/Chenopodiaceae ratio of the Sumxi Co section indicate that a rapid change in lake conditions occurred close to10,000yr BP during the glacial/interglacial transition.Di!erent proxy indicators suggest that e!ec-tive humidity peaked ca.10,000}8000yr BP and was associated with a rapid rise in temperature on the plateau at the end of the last glaciation when a decrease in snow and ice cover may have helped strengthen the summer monsoon.

3.3.Eolian Deposits

Since the last glaciation,eolian deposition has occur-red across a broad area in China,including northeastern China,north-central China,and the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,but the best developed and most thoroughly studied region is north-central China.

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Fig.7.Evergreen tree pollen characterizing the southern China subtropical and tropical zone.Huangsha(e ):Elaeocarpus,Altingia,Apocyanacea, Piperceae,Palmae,Moracea.Fanyu(e ):Elaeocarpus,Piperceae,Palmae,Moracea,Cesgtrum,Germinalia.

The arid,semi-arid,and semi-humid parts of north-cen-tral China coincide with the Loess Plateau and include a border zone between desert and loess-covered terrain. Five loess-paleosol(or sand-paleosol-alluvial)pro"les are shown here(Fig.10):Halali(b ;Chen et al.,1991a)to the south of Qinghai Lake,Jiuzhoutai(b ;Chen et al.,

1991b)in Lanzhou,Salawusu(b )in Inner Mongolia, Wudangzhao(b ;Cui and Song,1992)near the Daqing Mountains in Inner Mongolia,and Luochuan(b ; Zhou and An,1991)on the central Loess Plateau. Generally speaking,the loess units re#ect a strengthening of the winter monsoon and weakening of summer mon-soon,while the paleosols represent the opposite conditions(An et al.,1991a).All"ve pro"les contain a paleosol with basal C ages of ca.10,000}10,700yr BP that denotes an abrupt transition from the dry climate of the last glaciation to stronger summer monsoon conditions(a rise in e!ective moisture)of the early Holocene.

The magnetic susceptibility of the loess-paleosol sequence is a proxy index for the e!ective moisture and summer monsoon strength(An et al.,1991a).Two high-resolution susceptibility curves for the Baxie and Beiz-huancun pro"les provide evidence of early Holocene summer monsoon conditions.

The Baxie pro"le(Fig.11,b ;An et al.,1993)is located at the southwestern margin of the Loess Plateau,near the northern base of the Qingling Mountains.The site is in the semi-arid warm temperate zone of forest/grass-land vegetation.A palaeosol that developed from 9500}5500yr BP,an interval corresponding to the Holo-cene optimum,contains two SUS peaks at ca.9000and 8000yr BP(ages estimated by interpolation using a sedi-mentation rate based on bounding C ages)that are inferred to indicate times of maximum e!ective humidity and the strongest summer monsoon conditions.

The Beizhancun(Weinan)pro"le(Fig.11,b ;Zhou and An,1991)is located at the southeastern margin of the

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Fig.8.Arboreal-pollen curves of humidity-sensitive genera in Southwestern China.Eryuan(f ):Tsuga,Quercua,Ulmus.Mianning(f ):Tsuga,Mesic deciduous taxa,Quercus cf.sclerophllous taxa.

Loess Plateau at the northern foot of the Qingling Mountains in a region of semi-humid warm temperate climate with a deciduous broadleaf forest.Two paleosols developed between9500and3000yr BP.A magnetic susceptibility peak(150SI units)at ca.9500}8000yr BP represents the time of maximum e!ective moisture.

4.Numerical modeling

A series of numerical modeling simulations spanning the last18,000yr has been run using the CCM0(Com-munity Climate Model0of the US National Center for Atmospheric Research;Pitcher et al.,1983).CCM0is a global three-dimensional model of atmospheric circula-tion,with a horizontal rhomboidal truncation of15waves in the east-west direction and corresponding to a horizontal resolution of4.43latitude;7.53longitude; the model has nine vertical levels.Included in the model are solar and terrestrial radiation,cumulus convection, precipitation,and evaporation.Surface temperature is calculated using a local energy balance equation.The orbital parameters,atmospheric trace-gas amounts,sea-surface temperatures,sea-ice limits,snow cover,albedo of the land surface,e!ective soil moisture,and surface topography(including ice sheets)are speci"ed using available data(Williamson,1983;Pitcher et al.,1983; Kutzbach and Guetter,1986).

In order to analyze the variation in summer climate of eastern Asia,experiments were run for`permanent a July conditions at intervals of3000yr,beginning18,000astro-nomical years ago.In addition to the global results of

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Fig.9.Sedimentary sequences in the semi-arid and arid areas of western China.

Kutzbach and Guetter(1986),special attention has been paid to the climate of the Chinese monsoon region and neighboring areas.Modeling of modern conditions pro-duced results that generally agree with observed sea-level air pressure,the wind"eld at high and low levels,air temperature,and precipitation.However,a systematic northward deviation of the model output compared with present conditions can be seen in connection with the East Asian summer monsoon system and associated rain belt.Perhaps this deviation is due to the altitude speci"ed in the model for the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau being ca. 1500}2000m too low.Nevertheless,this has little e!ect on our relative correlations of the di!erent experiments, each of which displays similar deviations.

In our modeling,the summer precipitation maximum (deviation from the control simulation mean,in percent) for the last15,000yr is as follows(Fig.12and Table2b): the maximum appeared at ca.12,000astronomical yr BP in northeastern China(region A;23%),at9000yr BP in north-central and northern east-central China(regions B and C;33and12%,respectively),at6000yr BP in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River(region D;25%),and at3000yr BP in southern China(region E; 12%).In southwestern China(region F),the maximum appeared early at ca.12,000yr BP(24%).The amplitude of the percentage deviation also di!ers among regions; the largest is in north-central China in the arid to semi-arid areas,whereas the smallest is in northern east-cen-tral China and southern China,beyond the northern and southern limits,respectively,of the modern`plum-rain a region.The deviation reached a minimum of!19%at 6000yr BP in northern east-central China,and!10% in southwestern China at3000yr BP.Because the e!ec-tive precipitation(moisture)is not the same as precipita-tion,and evaporation increases as temperature rises,the e!ective precipitation was also modeled,but the results were very similar.

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,parison of geologic records and numerical modeling results

Table2lists the times of maximum precipitation or e!ective moisture recorded in di!erent regions by

754Z.An et al./Quaternary Science Re v iews19(2000)743}762

Fig.10.Loess and paleosol pro"les on the Loess Plateau.

paleoecological,paleolimnological,or geologic data and those simulated by CCM0.The C ages have been calibrated using the calibration program of Stuiver and Reimer(1993)so that the geologic records and modeling results can be compared using the same (calendric)time scale.The geologic records and modeling results are in general agreement(Figs.13and14,Table 2),and show a clear diachronism in the culmination of the Holocene optimum(i.e.,based on a precipitation or e!ective moisture maximum):it appears earlier in the north and northwest and,with the exception of southwestern China,occurs later toward the south and southeast.

The greatest precipitation recorded by the geologic data and calculated by numerical modeling in north-eastern China(region A)occurred ca12,000cal yr BP(ca 10,300 C yr BP).Air temperature toward the end of the last glaciation was relatively low,implying diminished evaporation.The rising soil humidity would have been increasingly favorable for the establishment of the de-ciduous broadleaf assemblage.By contrast,in southern China(region E)the amplitude of the variation of pre-cipitation since the last glaciation calculated by modeling has been relatively small,in agreement with pollen data that display only a minor peak and some increase in the rainforest component.

Whereas the ranges in calibrated ages for lake-level and pollen data in the northern regions of China are broadly comparable or overlap,for those in the southern reigons the maximum e!ective precipitation recorded by lake-level#uctuations apparently occurred somewhat earlier than that recorded by pollen data.Possibly this re#ects a quicker response of lake levels to changes in precipitation,whereas a slower response of vegetation resulted in a detectable lag.

In most regions,the time of greatest precipitation calculated by numerical modeling is comparable to that recorded by geologic data.Apparent discrepancies in a few cases(e.g.,middle-lower Yangtze River)could be caused either by the arbitrary3000-yr time resolution of the model,by climatic boundary conditions that were selected a priori for the model,or by model de"ciencies. It should be noted,however,that the horizontal resolu-tion of CCM0is not adequate for simulating shifts of monsoon precipitation on the scale of several hundred kilometers.The six regions(Figs.1and12)are

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Fig.11.Magnetic susceptibility pro"les from the Southwestern and Southeastern margins of the Loess Plateau.

represented by as few as two or as many as5grid squares; better simulation of the monsoon-front processes will be achieved with higher-resolution models.

The precipitation peak on the central and northern Qinghai-Xizang Plateau occurred ca.9000cal yr BP(a deviation of76%),a value much higher than for other regions,suggesting that the plateau is very sensitive to climatic change and exhibits a strong response. Winkler and Wang(1993)also compared paleocli-matic proxy records from China with climate-modeling (CCM)results and came to somewhat similar con-clusions.They argued that a climatic`tension zone a exists at di!erent times of the year in central China where Arctic,central Asian,Korean,and South Paci"c airstreams interact.They inferred that this zone,which is coincident with the present monsoon boundary, was displaced northward9000yr B.P.as the monsoonal circulation intensi"ed.China,at that time,was wetter than now and became still wetter by6000yr B.P. Since then,the monsoon circulation has shifted southward,become weaker,and assumed its present pattern.6.Discussion

Air temperature is widely used as the basic criterion for identifying the Holocene optimum(i.e.,it is a time of optimum,or highest,temperature).However,in the East Asian monsoon region,monsoon precipitation and e!ec-tive moisture(a function of precipitation,evaporation, and temperature)are the most important factors control-ling biological productivity,especially in arid,semi-arid, and semi-humid areas that are sensitive to variations of the monsoon climate.As recorded by geologic and biolo-gical data,e!ective moisture has a strong in#uence on ecological environments in east-central China and deter-mines whether the desert shrinks or advances,the level of inland lakes rises or falls,the vegetation cover becomes more or less dense,the tree limit advances or retreats, pedogenesis intensi"es or weakens,and in semi-humid and humid regions,lake and swamp systems develop or vanish.

The seasonal cycle of the East Asian monsoon and the advance or retreat of its front is controlled by the sea-sonal cycle of insolation(Gao et al.,1962).A cycle of

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Fig.12.July precipitation increment (%departure from present)in the Chinese monsoon region for the last 15,000yr.Regions A,B,C,D,E,and F are the same as in Fig.1.The precipitation values are taken from the climate-model simulations for July with CCM0,using model grid points that correspond as closely as possible to regions A }F.

Table 2

Ages for the culmination of the Holocene optimum based on (a) C-dated geologic evidence and (b)numerical modeling

Lake-level C age (yr BP)

Pollen C age (yr BP)Region





(a)Geologic records Northeastern China 12,000}10,00013,990}11,16011,000}700012,920}7790North-central China



Northern east-central China 10,000}700011,160}77909000}80009980}8830Middle-Lower Yangtze River 8000}70008820}779065007380Southeastern China 30003180Southwestern China 12,000}10,000




Astronomical Precipitation Departure from present Age (yr)



b.Numerical Modeling Northeastern China 12,000230.9North-central China

900033 1.2Northern east-central China 9000120.1Middle-lower Yangtze River 6000250.9Southeastern China 300012 1.1Southwestern China

12,00024 1.3

Z.An et al./Quaternary Science Re v iews 19(2000)743}762757

Fig.13.Map of China showing position of East Asian Monsoon maximum through time based on paleoclimatic proxy data.Maximum precipitation/e!ective precipitation occurred ca.12,000}10,000yr ago in northeastern China,ca.10,000}7000yr ago in north-central and northern east-central China,ca.8000}5000yr ago in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,and ca.3000yr ago in southern China.The monsoon maximum dating to ca.11,000yr ago in southwestern China is related to the northeastward penetration of the Indian summer monsoon.

insolation at much-lower frequency,resulting from pro-gressive changes in the Earth's orbital parameters since the last glaciation,is likely to be re#ected in a similar pattern of monsoon variation on a multi-millennial time scale.

About11,000}10,000cal yr BP,summer(July)solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere reached a max-imum(8%more than the present value;Prell and Kut-zbach,1987),thereby amplifying the seasonal contrast expressed in the summer monsoon index of our numer-ical modeling(Fig.15).The northernmost frontal zone of monsoon rainfall advanced northward into the present arid and semi-arid regions,causing a peak in precipita-tion that was reached early in the present solar radiation cycle.As Northern Hemisphere seasonality weakened, a corresponding weakening of the summer monsoon caused the northernmost frontal zone to retreat.About 6000cal yr BP,the belt of maximum precipitation lay in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (Fig.13),resulting in a lengthened interval of`plum rains a(i.e.,a regional belt of high precipitation).Still later,about3000cal yr BP,the regional precipitation peak had shifted to southern China.Thus,the asyn-chrony of the Holocene optimum in the monsoon region of central and eastern China is related to the position of the East Asian monsoon front which responds to the Earth's changing orbital factors.

Orbital forcing,however,is not the only control on the Chinese summer monsoon climate,for solar radiation in the Northern Hemisphere began to increase before 15,000cal yr BP,whereas the precipitation in most parts of eastern China did not increase until9000cal yr BP, and in some places it even decreased.This discrepancy likely is related to glacial boundary conditions(i.e.,the remnant ice sheets and the lowered concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere during the last gla-ciation that delayed the development and advance of the East Asian summer monsoon;the associated low air temperature also decreased the water-vapor content of the atmosphere,both factors being unfavourable to an increase in East Asian monsoon precipitation).

The appearance of a precipitation peak is south-western China ca.12,000cal yr BP was probably asso-ciated with the tropical Indian monsoon which peaked ca.12,000yr BP,some3000yr before the East Asian monsoon maximum(Fig.15).Possibly the remnant

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Fig.14.Timing of the Holocene summer monsoon precipitation max-imum along a transect (A }A ',Fig.13)from north-central to south-eastern China.The best-"t regression indicates a southward retreat of the belt of maximum precipitation at an average rate of 250km/1000yr.Dashed lines lie $1000yr from the regression


Fig.15.Solar radiation anomaly (departure from present)( S)com-pared with the East Asian monsoon index (the di !erence of sea-level pressure between 1603and 1103E Longitude along 25}503N Latitude)and the tropical Indian monsoon index (the di !erence of sea-level pressure between ocean and land within the region 453to 1203E Longitude and 453N to 153S Latitude ( M(hPa);Prell and Kutzbach,1987)at 3000-yr intervals since 15,000astronomical yr BP.Positive values of the M index indicate generally lower pressure over land compared to the ocean.The monsoon indices are calculated from the climate-model simulations for July using CCM0.

Northern Hemisphere ice sheets delayed the develop-ment of the East Asian monsoon,but had less in #uence on the tropical Indian monsoon.Other important factors are the signi "cant rise of sea level during deglaciation (Fairbanks,1989)and the progressive warming of the high Qinghai-Xizang Plateau between ca.15,000and 12,000cal yr BP,both events being favorable for the development of the Indian monsoon.

The change of climate toward wetter and warmer conditions on the Qinghai-Xizang Plateau ca.10,000cal yr BP is also signi "cant.The postglacial rise in air tem-perature led to ablation of ice and snow on the plateau,perhaps further strengthening the Plateau monsoon.The seasonal contrast between the thermodynamics of the plateau and that of the surrounding areas is the main driving force for the Plateau monsoon (Tang,1979).The variation of solar insolation in the Northern Hemisphere not only in #uences the sea-land thermodynamic con-trast,but also the contrast between the plateau and the adjacent plains,which contributes to the Plateau mon-soon:when the contrast increases,the converging air #ow toward the plateau strengthens,and precipitation in-creases.Thus,during the Holocene,monsoon precipita-tion in China and the surrounding regions was in #uenced by the three relatively independent monsoon subsystems.

The low-resolution CCM0model results,although in-structive,are insu $cient to analyze details of the regional climate of China.For example,the model results show a systematic northward deviation from present condi-tions,probably due to the low horizontal resolution of the model,the simpli "ed parameterizations of physical processes,and the simpli "cation of plateau relief.The seasonal variation of the East Asian monsoon is not simulated by this version of the model,and the selected values of sea-surface temperature and soil humidity may not be su $ciently accurate.Also not taken into account is the changing concentration of CO

and other trace

gases in the atmosphere.More-recent simulations incor-porate seasonal changes,mixed-layer ocean changes,and CO

changes (Kutzbach et al.,1998).

At present,the resolution of geologic records and nu-merical models is too low to provide detailed and precise

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analysis of the complex East Asian paleomonsoon sys-tem.In each case,improved resolution is a high-priority research target.For example,models are needed that incorporate the interrelationship between continental hydrology and the atmosphere,as well as the coupling of land and ocean.This work with improved models is now in progress(Kutzbach and Gallimore,1988;Gallimore and Kutzbach,1989;Kutzbach et al.,1996;Kutzbach and Liu,1997;Kutzbach et al.,1998).Geologic climate-proxy records require better and more plentiful age con-trol,and improved means of quantifying paleoclimatic parameters.

Reconstruction of the Holocene history of the East Asian monsoon raises an important question:How might the pattern and intensity of summer monsoon precipita-tion in central and eastern China change in the coming decades in response to the increasing concentration of anthropogenically generated greenhouse gases in the at-mosphere?More speci"cally,does the Holocene pattern of climate change in response to orbital forcing provide insight into the processes that might in#uence climate variations in the East Asian monsoon region in the near future?Whether the response might be regionally rapid,or far slower and therefore diachronous(as during the Holocene),is of obvious interest.An additional question concerns whether higher-frequency climate variability,similar to that recently recognized in the North Atlantic paleoclimate records(e.g.,Bond et al.,1997),in#uenced the Holocene monsoon region of China.Such variability,superimposed on the longer-term trend reported here,is evident in many of the records we have examined(e.g.,Figs.6,7,9and10). Further high-resolution stratigraphic studies may help us to understand whether the Holocene climate of China was unique to this monsoon region or was closely in step with that of other regions in the Northern Hemisphere.


Geologic data and numerical modeling are consistent in showing that the Holocene optimum,as de"ned by peak precipitation or e!ective moisture,is diachronic in central and eastern China,i.e.,it appears earlier in the north and northeast and later in the south and southeast, and is related to a general weakening and southward retreat of the East Asian summer monsoon since ca. 9000yr BP.


This research was supported by the U.S.National Science Foundation,the National Science Foundation of China,the Chinese Academy of Sciences,and the SSTC.Wang Jian,Xiao Jiayi,Liu Junfeng,and Lu Jijun assisted in the collection and analysis of data.We are grateful to Patrick Bartlein and Kam-biu Liu for their helpful cri-tiques of the manuscript.


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一键U盘安装Win7系统教程 如今安装操作系统变得超简单,菜鸟也可以轻松一键U盘安装Win7系统了。下面本文与大家分享下如何轻松使用U盘一键安装Win7系统,每个菜鸟朋友均可以轻松学会U盘装Win7系统,大家知需要准备U盘,然后制作下U盘启动,再将系统文件放置U盘即可,非常容易上手,下面一起来看今天的教程吧。 准备:一键U盘安装Win7系统所需工具: 1、U盘一个(容量至少8G以上,4G勉强也可以); 2、下载好Win7系统,制作好U盘启动; 说明:如今U盘都很便宜,8G以上U盘也不过几十元,大家可以到电脑城或者网购U盘均可,最好选用8G以上U盘,因为如今的Win7系统文件普遍在4G左右,Win8系统更大,因此U盘容量过小,系统文件无法放入。 购买好之后,将U盘插入电脑,然后再网上下载一个U盘启动软件,一键制作U盘启动,此类软件很多,比如大白菜、U大师、电脑店、老毛桃等等均可,随便下载一个软件安装,之后即可按照提示,一键制作好U盘启动,超简单。 将U盘制作成了启动盘之后,我们就需要下载Win7系统了,由于Win7系统很大,下载需要很长时间,建议大家可以提前晚上睡觉前将迅雷7打开挂着电脑下载Win7系统文件,记得设置一下下载完成之后自动关机,然后就去睡觉吧,第二天起来就下载好了,无需干等着下载。

百度搜索Win7系统下载 找到自己喜欢的Win7系统下载 猜你用的到:迅雷7下载完成后自动关机的设置方法 至此制作好了U盘启动,并且下载好了Win7系统,那么准备工作就完成了,下面就可以进入一键U盘安装Win7之旅吧,以下演示的是使用U大师制作的U 盘启动教程,其他诸如大白菜、电脑店等基本大同小异。 一键U盘安装Win7系统步骤:


操作系统安装流程 YZF2(001B) —·杨昭飞·— —·Zhophy Young·— 一、启动盘制作。 常用的启动盘有两种:1.刻录盘;2.系统盘。 制作启动盘所用到的软件:UltraISO、电脑电、大白菜、老毛桃等,我用的是电脑店。 1.刻录盘 刻录盘是通过UltraISO软件制作的一种在U盘只有系统文件的启动盘,刻录盘一旦制作完成就不能再随便拷入或删减U盘内的文件,也不能再拷入和删减系统无关的文件,以确保文件的完整性。 2.系统盘 系统盘是把大白菜或者老毛桃软件小系统win PE安装在U盘,使U盘内的小系统具有独立显示的功能。这种启动盘的优点是在不挪用镜像文件的情况下可以随意拷入和删减其他文件,不影响文件的安装。只要存储空间足够,可以当做一般U盘使用。 二、刻录镜像文件。 Ultra软件制作刻录盘流程: (1)(System\启动盘\刻录盘\UltraISO 绿色免费版)解压,双击打开UltraISO_9.6.2.3059.exe,默认或者修改安装路径。安装完成输入注册码激活UltraISO软件。 (2)这里以安装win8系统为例,先制作win8刻录盘。 打开UltraISO软件,然后点击文件---打开---选择win8系统镜像文件(System\系统\win8\cn_windows_8_x86_dvd_915414),确认打开后就能在软件的界面内看到整个镜像文件的信息了。数据无价,先确认文件无误再继续下边的步骤。 接下来开始制作系统安装盘,点击启动---写入硬盘映像。



初出茅庐,有不足之处,请指教 一、请认真看完本教程再操作,不懂的部分记得参考其他帖子 二、所需工具 1、64位的Windows系统(EFI不支持32位系统,尽量使用原版系统,很多 修改系统删除了EFI支持,也不要GHOST版) 2、U盘一个(不小于4G) 4、支持UEFI启动的主板BIOS 三、在Windows环境下需要做的事 1.制作一个启动U盘 A 、将U盘插入电脑 B 、备份U盘里的文件(这个可以很重要) C 、打开启动U盘制作工具 点击“一键制作成启动U盘”,会出现如下提示 点击“确定”,并等待制作完成 2. 将下载好的系统解压(有很多解压软件都可以解压ISO文件)到U盘的 根目录下(一定要在根目录,U盘里最好不要有其他的东西) 3.设置BIOS(以三星np275e4v-x03cn为例) A、开机按F2进入BIOS(不同的电脑按键不同,有的是ESC、F12) B、将fast bios mode的选项设置为Disabled C、将secure boot设置为Disabled后,会出现OS Mode Selection选 项 D、将OS Mode Selection设置为CSM OS或则CSM OS and UEFI OS C、按F10保存退出 4、保存退出后不停的按F10(这一步的目的是选择从U盘启动,不同电脑的按键不同,有的是按方向键的上下键),打开选项后选择“******”(*号代表你的U盘名)那一项 6、选择第2或3项 四、在WINPE环境下需要做的事 1、使用DiskGenius的快捷分区工具进行分区,也可手动进行分区 2、使用DiskGenius将硬盘转换为GUID(GPT)格式(右键点击“HD0:****” 那一项,会出现如下图所示菜单,点击“转换分区表类型为GUID格式”) 3、此时查看分区表内是否有EFI和MSR分区,如果没有,执行第 4、5步(新 硬盘会自动添加EFI和MSR两个分区,就不用执行第4、5步了) 4、格式化C(系统所在盘),使用DiskGenius拆分C盘在前端留出300M左 右的空间 5、按WIN+R打开运行命令窗口,运行以下命令 diskpart 说明:进入磁盘管理命令工具 list disk 说明:列出计算机上的硬盘,固态硬盘等 select disk 0 说明:选中编号为“0”的硬盘(数字0代表代表一个硬盘) ?create partition efi size=100? 说明:创建大小为100M的EFI分区(不能小于100M) ?create partition msr size=128? ? 说明:创建大小为128M的MSR分区(不能小于128M)


系统安装方式目前有三种,分别是硬盘装系统、U盘装系统、光盘装系统。它们各有优 缺点小编就不在此累述。小编编写此篇教程的目的是为了教大家在系统没崩溃的情况下,通过硬盘安装GHOST系统的方式,实现快速装机目的。具体步骤如下: 硬盘装系统 一、系统下载完成之后,右键单击ISO镜像,弹出菜单选择解压文件; 二、解压完成,文件夹内容如下,双击打开autorun.exe文件或直接打开名为”安装系统”的程序:

三、弹出的“AUTORUN.EXE”运行界面中选择“安装GHOST系统到C盘”; 四、进入系统安装界面,如下图点选相应选项,点确认即可

选择完成,点击确定,然后选择自动重启,即可进入自动装机状态,时间约持续5~10分钟; 注意事项:1、如果自动装机完成后没有直接进入桌面,而出现了黑屏状态,毋须担心,不是系统问题,直接手动重启电脑,重启完成即可正常使用。 2、解压时请直接进行解压,不可系统存放路径不可存有中文字符,否则将无法正常安装。 3、请将解压出的gho文件放到除C盘外的分区,否则将无法正常安装;点击确定后会重新启动自动化安装,一般安装时间在5-10分钟! U盘装系统 U盘装系统是目前最常用的系统安装方式。特别适合于未安装光驱的台式机或超薄笔记本电脑上。小编为了给这类无光驱用户提供最大的便利,将在本文中为大家讲解最详细的U盘装系统教程。 您需要准备一个空的U盘(注意U盘中的重要数据请及时的备份出来,最好提前格式化U盘,U盘容量不小于4G) 第一步:1、下载大白菜U盘制作软件到你的电脑中; 2、下载GHOST系统到你的电脑中; 第二步:首先插入U盘,右键点击U盘,弹出菜单选择快速格式化(切记U盘中重要文件事先要备份出来,以防丢失),然后启动大白菜软件,界面如下图,点击界面最下方的“一键制作U盘启动”按钮,进入自动制作U盘启动盘;


1、u盘操作系统一个 2、设置电脑从u盘启动 重启计算机,在计算机启动的第一画面上按"DEL"键进入BIOS(可能有的主机不是DEL有的是F2或F1.请按界面提示进入),选择BIOS FEATURES SETUP,将Boot Sequence(启动顺序)设定为USB-ZIP,第一,设定的方法是在该项上按PageUP或PageDown键来转换选项。设定好后按ESC一下,退回BIOS主界面,选择Save and Exit (保存并退出BIOS设置,直接按F10也可以,但不是所有的BIOS都支持)回车确认退出BIOS设置。如下图: 之后进入 设置完成后按F10保存退出,电脑将自动重新启动,重启电脑看看大白菜的启动效果如下面介绍。 U盘启动电脑安装步骤: 一:将U盘操作系统插入电脑USB接口

二:电脑启动的过程进入电脑主板bios设置,设置第一启动项为U盘启动,上面详细介绍过。 三:设置好了U盘启动后重新启动电脑,电脑将直接跳过硬盘将直接进入U盘启动. 然后我们进入的时候选择进入winPE,如下图. 选择进入U盘PE操作系统 四:进入WINPE界面如下:

WIN PE操作系统界面 WIN PE操作系统操作说明

五:如果是新电脑没进行过分区,请先进行分区,重新装电脑的用户可以省掉这步,直接点"系统恢复",如下图: 六: 选择"是" 之后将进入操作系统选择界面,电脑百事网为大家提供的操作系统一般为双系统,大家可以选择自己喜欢的 进入选择U盘中的系统选项,会发现有2个xxx.GHO系统镜像文件, *.GHO文件就是操作系统文件,任意选择一个自己喜欢的即可,如下图:


易修装机流程 一、自带win7(asus、thinkpad、lenovo等)。 识别方式: 1)win7标贴 一般说来,标贴主要负责“解释”4类内容:预装操作系统、硬件配置说明、所使用的“先进技术”以及特定功能。 2)背面正面序列号 预装系统安装正常流程:注册解压—调试与分区---安装常用软件---备份 1)注册解压 一般操作流程比较简单,根据系统提示操作即可。(注意几点:语言选择、网络连接等)

2)调试与分区 调试 正常情况下进入系统后只会看到OEM自带信息软件和回收站(包括一些OEM信息软件和某些限时杀毒软件等)。这时候就需要我们人为的去调试系统里面的相关设置和删除多余的OEM自带软件以及并不实用的杀毒软件,以方便正常使用。 正常情况下我们需要做几点相关设置: 显示常用图标到桌面:开始---“搜索程序和文件”位置输入“IC”命令—显示或隐藏桌面上的通用图标—调用(计算机、文档、网络等)图标到桌面 设置系统安全性能:控制面板—用户账户---更改账户类型拉到最低 新建宽带连接:网络—右键属性—设置新的连接或网络---连接到internet---创建新的连接---宽带(PPPOE)----连接。连接完成后把快捷方式发送到桌面 设置主页:网络—右键属性---Internet选项 关闭防火墙:网络—右键属性---windows防火墙 关闭自动更新:计算机---右键属性---windows update---更改设置—从不检查更新 删除无用的程序:控制面板—添加删除程序(杀毒软件等)

分区 一般步骤:计算机—右键管理---磁盘管理 1、lenovo 等。做的比较人性化,一般出厂分区模式:引导分区200M和系统分区C盘50G 大小、D盘(比较大)、lenovo OEM隐藏分区(用于储存出厂备份系统)。 分区比较简单:一般分4个区(包括C盘)更改光驱盘符为G,删除原D盘,与D盘的基础上新建D、E、F分区,分区大小按照均分原则(或者遵从客户意愿)。 2、thinkpad、sony、dell、asus等。 以ThinkPad为例:一般出厂会由1G左右的引导分区、windows7_OS C盘分区以及大于10G 的恢复分区组成(一般像asus、sony、dell等一般不会有隐藏分区或者有隐藏分区,但是

Windows server 2008R2系统安装教程

Windows server 2008 R2 安装教程 (注:此教程省略了制作Raid过程,如需做Raid,请先做好Raid阵列再按下面教程进行系统安装) 1.开机后将系统盘放入光驱,按F11键进入BIOS BOOT选项菜单,选择BIOS Boot Menu: 2.进入了Bios Boot Manager后,选择DVD+/-RW,从光驱启动:

3.服务器开始从光驱启动,进行读取光碟里的文件及信息: 4.读取完系统信息后,系统会进行安装前的预设,第一个界面是选择系统安装的语言类型以及键盘类型,我们还可以看到即将要安装系统是Windows Server 2008 R2系统,我们按Enter(确认键)继续: 5.第二个界面是询问是现在安装,还是修复计算机,新装系统都是默认按Enter

键选择现在安装,继续安装: 安装程序启动: 6.读取完安装程序完毕后,会出现一个选择安装系统的版本提示,一般有三个版本选择,即Standard(标准版)、Enterprise(企业版)、Datacenter(数据

中心版),每个版本都会有两个安装形式,一个完全安装,即图形安装;另一个是服务器核心安装,即命令行形式安装。此教程我们选择安装企业版完全安装: 7.选择版本后,会出现许可条款,如果同意,就可以继续安装,如果你对于条款不同意,就会结束当前安装。当然,我们选择按空格键同意协议条款,继续安装:

8.接下来会询问你进行何种类型的安装,如果你先前系统安装的是windows 2003版本的系统(或其他跟旧的Windows系统),就选择第一项升级。如果你想进行全新安装系统,就选择自定义安装类型,这里,我们按上下键,选择自定义安装,进行全新安装系统: 9.接下来,如果你看到的是如下两个界面中的一个,你会发现,看不到我们要安装系统的硬盘,为什么呢?这是因为,我们在安装系统前,对硬盘做了Raid,需要在此加载一个驱动程序,如果你是做集成Raid的话,就选择相应主板集成的阵列驱动程序,如果你的服务器安装了独立阵列卡,请加载相对应的阵列卡的驱动。


注意事项: 1.在系统安装之前,请仔细阅读本教程的详细步骤! 2.安装系统会清空磁盘的所有数据,请先备份好有用的个人数据!! 3.请确保机器的电量在60%以上,防止因为电量低导致系统安装失败!!!准备工作: 1.准备带供电的USB HUB和OTG线 2.键盘、鼠标(可选)和8GB或更大容量的U盘一个 操作步骤: 一、制作带启动功能的U盘 1.运行UltraISO软件(见目录下的: UltraISO_v9.5. 2.2836.exe)。 2.加载PE镜像(见目录下的: winpe_x86_win10.iso)

3. U 盘插到电脑的USB 接口上,然后依次点击UltraISO 软件上方工具栏的启动—>写 入硬盘映像

在弹出的菜单上注意如下三个选项: 点击写入按钮,即可对U盘创建启动分区。完成以后退出软件,进到电脑的磁盘管理下,可以看到U盘有一个启动分区,然后另一个磁盘可以格式化成NTFS格式,存放大于4GB的单文件了。

二、安装或更新Windows系统 1.在电脑上解压缩下载的压缩包 温馨提示:如果是分卷压缩的,如下图所示,一个压缩包分两部分压缩,必须要全部下载下来,然后解压缩其中一个即可. 2.把前一步制作好的,带启动功能的U盘连接到电脑上,格式化成NTFS格式,在格式化 时要把U盘的磁盘名称改为WINPE(这个很重要,不然在安装系统时,有可能会出现认不到U盘的情况),然后打开前面解压的文件夹,把里面的所有文件复制到U盘上。复制完成以后,打开U盘显示的目录如下: 3.把带供电的USB HUB插上电源,然后插上键盘,鼠标,U盘和OTG线,OTG线另一端连 到平板上。 4.按平板的电源键开机,然后连续短按键盘的F7键,设置U盘启动。如下图所示: 1)按键盘上的向下方向键选中U盘(上边第4个,选中以后,图标会跳动),并按确认键从U盘启动。


用U盘装系统操作教程:没有光驱,该怎么办? 需要重装系统的时候,没有光驱,该怎么办?也许你会说可以在dos下硬盘安装,但有几个人会用dos? 其实不仅仅不带光驱的笔记本用户愁怎么装系统,那些没有光驱的台式机用户也愁。为了给这类用户提供方便,笔者今天就来讲解一下,在没有光驱的情况下,如何方便快速的安装操作系统。 ● 装系统前的准备 一个能启动电脑的U盘和一个系统的光盘镜像 在安装系统前,需要准备好一些东西。一个是操作系统的镜像,另一个就是能启动的U盘。下面我们就来讲解怎么

安装deepin版的XP系统。 注:读懂本文需要了解安装操作系统的一些基础知识。 ● 首先是制作一个能启动电脑的带Wind owsPE的启动U盘 先到网上去下载一个叫“老毛桃WinPE”的工具到硬盘里,再把U盘接在电脑上,然后按下面的步骤一步步来就可以制作一个能启动的U盘了。 选第4项,然后回车 输入U盘的盘符,然后回车

来到格式化步骤,按默认的设置,点“开始”就行 顺利格式化

引导部分 这里要说明一下,在“设备”里有两个选项,一个是电脑的硬盘,一个是要制作的U盘。这里一定要选对U盘而别选错硬盘,从大小就能分出来哪个是U盘。笔者的U盘是2G的,所以应该选择(hd1)[1898M]。下面的“选项”部分可以不用管,默认不勾选任何参数就行。确认好以上步骤后,点“安装”然后进行下一步。 写入引导完毕,按任意键继续

要给启动U盘设个密码 本来笔者不想设置启动U盘的密码,但这个步骤不能跳过,所以没办法只好设了一个密码。设置完后,一定要牢记你设好的密码,否则启动U盘会无法使用。 制作完毕 当你完成以上步骤后,恭喜,一个具有启动功能的U盘已经来到你的身边。你再也不用心烦没有光驱不能从光驱启动了,因为以后你可以从U盘启动再安装操作系统!想知道怎么操作吗?下一页就开始。 ● 把电脑的第一启动项设为USB设备启动 以往用光盘装系统,必须调整启动项为光驱启动,而现在我们要用U盘装系统,所以要调整为U盘启动。关于这个,不同电脑不同版本的bios有不同的设置方法,不过都大同小异,目的就是让电脑的第一启动项变为U盘启动。下面我们举例几个不同bios的调整方法。


安装U E F I系统教程完整 版 Prepared on 21 November 2021

初出茅庐,有不足之处,请指教 一、请认真看完本教程再操作,不懂的部分记得参考其他帖子 二、所需工具 1、64位的Windows系统(EFI不支持32位系统,尽量使用原版系统,很 多修改系统删除了EFI支持,也不要GHOST版) 2、U盘一个(不小于4G) 4、支持UEFI启动的主板BIOS 三、在Windows环境下需要做的事 1.制作一个启动U盘 A 、将U盘插入电脑 B 、备份U盘里的文件(这个可以很重要) C 、打开启动U盘制作工具 点击“一键制作成启动U盘”,会出现如下提示 点击“确定”,并等待制作完成 2. 将下载好的系统解压(有很多解压软件都可以解压ISO文件)到U盘的 根目录下(一定要在根目录,U盘里最好不要有其他的东西) 3.设置BIOS(以三星np275e4v-x03cn为例) A、开机按F2进入BIOS(不同的电脑按键不同,有的是ESC、F12) B、将fast bios mode的选项设置为Disabled C、将secure boot设置为Disabled后,会出现OS Mode Selection 选项 D、将OS Mode Selection设置为CSM OS或则CSM OS and UEFI OS C、按F10保存退出 4、保存退出后不停的按F10(这一步的目的是选择从U盘启动,不同电脑的按键不同,有的是按方向键的上下键),打开选项后选择“******”(*号代表你的U盘名)那一项 6、选择第2或3项 四、在WINPE环境下需要做的事 1、使用DiskGenius的快捷分区工具进行分区,也可手动进行分区 2、使用DiskGenius将硬盘转换为GUID(GPT)格式(右键点击“HD0: ****”那一项,会出现如下图所示菜单,点击“转换分区表类型为GUID格式”) 3、此时查看分区表内是否有EFI和MSR分区,如果没有,执行第 4、5步 (新硬盘会自动添加EFI和MSR两个分区,就不用执行第4、5步了) 4、格式化C(系统所在盘),使用DiskGenius拆分C盘在前端留出300M 左右的空间 5、按WIN+R打开运行命令窗口,运行以下命令 diskpart 说明:进入磁盘管理命令工具 list disk 说明:列出计算机上的硬盘,固态硬盘等 select disk 0 说明:选中编号为“0”的硬盘(数字0代表代表一个硬盘) create partition efi size=100 说明:创建大小为100M的EFI分区(不能小于100M)


《U盘安装三系统教程》 XP WIN7 Linux 在电脑平民化的今天,越来越多的非计算机专业人员使用电脑学习、办公及娱乐,然而电脑也并不安全是绝对的智能的,,它允许用户灵活地选择安装不同的操作系统及应用软件,并进行各种自定义设置,从而满足不同用户的应用需求。在这里,我给大家简单介绍几种系统安装的方法。可能有点长,但希望大家耐心看完,会有收获的。 其实,我们一般人用的操作系统系统无非就常用的那几个,微软的Windows XP、Windows 7,还有一些Linux爱好者玩的linux。接下来笔者就教教大家如何把这三个系统同时装到一台电脑上。 首先,我们必须做好安装前的准备工作,找全我们需要的东西,一个U盘(2G以上最好),还有一些必备的软件,比如USB-HDD、BCDautofix系统修复工具、虚拟光驱软件等等。软件来源可以百度一下,很容易找到。XP和WIN7的系统镜像(一般我们普通玩家很少有人买正版的Windows系统。都是用大虾们的Ghost版。随便网上都可以下载到,我本人也是用的绿茶版的Ghost系统,感觉也蛮好的。本教程我们也用这样的系统) 接下来我们就为安装系统前做点准备工作,首先制作U盘启动盘,我们这里用USB-HDD软件,因为这个软件制作的Win pe 系统兼容性最好,适合大部分老款机和新款笔记本电脑,至今未曾出现过任何异常,而别的U盘制作工具如老毛桃WIN PE ,大白菜的win PE、upanok……在笔记本电脑上可能会出现蓝屏,这大概是因为新的硬盘接口模式,当然要是你的电脑是旧一点的台式机或者台式组装兼容机,用上面任何一个工具都没问题。废话不说我们开始制作可以启动电脑的U盘,就以USB-HDD为例。 第一步:首先网上下载USB-HDD软件,完成后关闭杀毒软件,要不然会影响制作完成。建议在XP系统下打开软件,然后按步骤进行。 第二步,按提示做完启动盘。


前言: 我把教程分为两部分: 第一部分:各种安装教程 第一部分之:虚拟光驱安装教程篇 第一部分之:安装工具教程篇(包含UEFI教程) 第二部分:安装界面教程 本教程仅供参考,如有不足之处请提出。谢谢! 附上Windows 7微软原版无修改的系统镜像下载地址: Windows 764位旗舰版 ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677408.iso|342055731 2|B58548681854236C7939003B583A8078|/ Windows 732位旗舰版 ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677486.iso|265327616 0|7503E4B9B8738DFCB95872445C72AEFB|/ 备注:您可以直接将上述地址复制到迅雷等下载工具中下载。不提倡使用第三方修改的系统(例如常见的雨林木风、深度、电脑公司等等),并不是盲目的向您推荐所谓“官方”的东西,在下面的教程中您将看到我们也适时的给您提供了合理的选择。 安装前准备工作: 首先我们需要确定我们要安装的系统。以Windows 7为例,他分为32位与64位版本。如果您的内存超过4GB时,请务必安装64位版本,请不要使用32位版本进行“内存破解”,这将严重影响您机器的稳定性。如果您的内存刚好是4GB,那么无论哪个版本区别不大。但如果您刚准备从XP升级到Windows 7或

内存不足4GB,那么这里我建议您选择32位版本。至于对基本版、家庭基础版、家庭高级版、专业版、企业版以及旗舰版的选择,您可以自行斟酌。但不论您选择何种版本,在兼容性、稳定性以及资源消耗上都没有区别。如果无从下手建议您直接选择旗舰版。选择好您需要的系统下载后,建议您继续做如下准备: (一)适合您机器的驱动 为了使机器各硬件能够正常使用,您必须准备好对应您机器的驱动(同时也必须对应系统和位数)。如果没有驱动您可能会遇到显示器无法调节到最佳分辨率、无法玩游戏、无法上网、无法识别您的外设等情况。这些驱动您可以根据您的硬件自行搜索并下载,多数笔记本也会配有驱动光盘或者在品牌官网提供驱动下载。或者您也可以选择事先准备带有万能网卡驱动的“驱动精灵”、“驱动人生””万能驱动管理”等工具,只要保证网卡先正常工作,其余驱动可由工具帮您下载(但这是在您无法找到最合适您的驱动的时候才建议)。 驱动精灵下装地址:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/ 驱动人生下装地址:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/ 万能驱动管理:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/s/1mgFvQyO (二)类运行时的安装包 您无需关心其具体如何工作,您需要知道的是没有了这些东西一些程序将无法正常工作。建议您至少安装如下两类: ============================================================ Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/zh-cn/search/DownloadResults.aspx?q=Microso ft+Visual+C%2b%2b+Redistributable+Package 备注:2005、2008、2010、2012、2013等没有向下兼容的关系,64位系统建议您全部安装,32位系统安装带有“x86”的即可。 ============================================================ DirectX 最终用户运行库: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/zh-cn/download/details.aspx?id=35 备注:此为联机安装程序,安装时需要联网,您也可以搜索其离线版本。 ============================================================ 安装前请检查C盘空间是否足够,建议30G以上。


最全的从装系统教程 首先,确定你的光驱是第一启动顺序并支持从光驱启动。 要从光盘安装,要把BIOS进行设置,使系统能够从光盘启动。其方法如下: (1)启动计算机,当屏幕上显示Press Del to Enter BIOS Setup提示信息时,按下键盘上的Del键,进放主板BIOS设置界面。 (2)选择Advanced BIOS Features 选项,按Enter键进入设置程序。选择First Boot Device 选项,然后按键盘上的Page Up或Page Do wn 键将该项设置为CD-ROM,这样就可以把系统改为光盘启动。 (3)退回到主菜单,保存BIOS设置。(保存方法是:按下F10,然后再按Y键即可) (4)然后将光盘放入光驱,并重启电脑,系统便会从光盘进行引导,并显示安装向导界面,你可以根据提示一步步进行安装设置就OK了。 在Windows XP拷贝完文件到硬盘,第一次重新启动计算机前,必须把光盘从光驱中取出,否则系统仍会从光盘启动并会循环执行安装程序。

方法2: 然后,按任意键进入光驱启动模式,加载Mini版本的操作系统。 然后,按Enter确定继续安装。 然后,按F8接受许可证协议。 然后,选择你想要安装的位置,选择一个足够大的空间,按Enter。 然后,选择文件系统,推荐使用NTFS,按Enter。 然后,将进入磁盘扫描,并且将安装程序复制到硬盘上。 然后,计算机将在15秒后重新启动,按Enter立即重新启动。 然后,从硬盘启动继续安装过程,此时开始是图形界面模式。 在进行完一系列硬件检测后,将进入区域选择提示,在此配置语言,键盘和所在地区。 然后,系统将提示你输入用户名和组织名,并生成一个计算机名,你可以更改。


【寒山居】手把手教你装系统【史上最详细教程】 (其实我是个搬运工) 1L准备介绍 2L U盘制作 3L华硕主板启动项设置 4L技嘉主板启动项设置 5L微星主板启动项设置 6L华擎主板启动项设置 7L映泰主板启动项设置 8L各个主板快速启动快捷键 9L-10L Ghost 装系统 11L硬装系统 作为一个合格的电脑高手,系统安装是必须会的,今天就给大家讲讲怎样通过U盘(移动硬盘)安装系统。 其实以前用光驱安装系统一样,光盘是一个载体,当他作为启动盘的时候要写入一个启动系统文件到光盘上面,电脑选择从光盘启动的时候就会去读取这个文件,启动电脑安装操作系统。如果没有启动文件,光盘也就是一个数据存储盘。就像电影光盘,游戏光盘一样,那是不能启动系统的。 U盘其实也是一个载体,当他没有写入启动文件的时候,就是一个普通的数据仓库。当他写入启动文件,选择从U盘启动的时候,就会像光驱一样启动安装系统。 U盘启动系统的制作就是一个写入启动文件的过程。首先准备一个U盘系统制作工具,“电脑店U盘装机系统”制作简单,而且工具比较齐全,当然还有很多类似的就不一一细说了。 准备工作: 1.买个8G或16G的U盘(这个是必须的,为什么要8G勒,除了启动系统文件,还要些常用的工具,比如:测试软件,驱动什么的。XP系统大概700M,WIN7大概3G多) 2.网上下载“电脑店U盘启动系统”,现在最新版6.0。地址:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/ 3.下载WIN7系统(网上下载的一般是ISO文件,这个是用来刻盘用的,里面包含启动文件和一些工具,我们只要用解压软件提取WIN7.GHO(一般是最大的一个文件)文件就行了 4.下载一个驱动精灵完整版(完整版中包含网卡驱动,只要能上网了,所以得驱动问题就都交个驱动精灵解决了,当然还有其他类似的软件根据喜好自己选择)


WIM映像方式安装Windows系统教程 前言 准备工具:一台正常的电脑,一个8G(含)以上的U盘(内容会被清空) 下载:Win8PE_网络标准版;WIN7或者WIN8的系统镜像;激活工具(下载地址在最后)注意:本教程只针对初学者,适用于传统BIOS+MBR分区表环境下安装,如果是UEFI+GPT 分区表所需PE请到无忧启动论坛另外寻找,具体操作也稍有不同。 一、U盘准备篇 一、以下步骤需要在正常的电脑上进行操作。插入U盘,解压“Win8PE_网络标准版.7z”到本地磁盘(如D:\下载\Win8PE_网络标准版)。如图1-1。 图1-1 解压后到文件夹 二、打开文件夹中的UltraISO.exe(若未显示后缀名则打开UltraISO),此处可能弹出用户帐户控制(UAC)提示,请选择是。如图1-2。

图1-2 打开UltraISO 三、打开ISO映像,选中文件夹中的Win8PENet.iso(若未显示后缀名则打开Win8PENet),单击打开按钮。如图1-3。 图1-3 选择Win8PENet 四、单击软件上方菜单栏中的启动-> 写入硬盘映像。如图1-4 图1-4 准备写入 五、选择需要写入的U盘,然后单击写入(此处会清除U盘中的原有内容),随后等待写入完成后拔除U盘。如图1-5。

图1-5 写入U盘 六、将下载的系统ISO文件拷至U盘根目录中。至此,U盘准备篇完成。 二、BIOS设置篇 一、以下内容参考自:https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html,/bios.html。根据不同的电脑型号,选择相应的热键,直接一键从U盘启动之前我们制作好的PE进行系统安装(重要提示:在选择启动热键前,需先插入U盘) 组装机主板品牌笔记本品牌台式机 主板品牌启动按键笔记本品牌启动按键台式机品牌启动按键华硕主板F8 联想笔记本F12 联想台式机F12 技嘉主板F12 宏基笔记本F12 惠普台式机F12 微星主板F11 华硕笔记本ESC 宏基台式机F12 映泰主板F9 惠普笔记本F9 戴尔台式机ESC 梅捷主板ESC或F12 联想Thinkpad F12 神舟台式机F12 七彩虹主板ESC或F11 戴尔笔记本F12 华硕台式机F8 华擎主板F11 神舟笔记本F12 方正台式机F12 斯巴达卡主板ESC 东芝笔记本F12 清华同方台式机F12


雨林木风ghost系统安装图解教程 大部分用户,都是以光驱引导,用光盘来完成安装系统的。首先设置BIOS 第一启动为光驱启动。操作如下。(以Award Bios为例)和AMI Bios一样,再开机画面时按下“Del”键进入Bios设置菜单(有些是按F1键)进入后大家会看到以下菜单,也有可能会有一些差别,但是基本上是差不多的,但是基本上作用是一样的大家可以用方向键移动光标,回车键确认,ESC键返回,用PageUp,PageDown和数字键键调整设置,在任何设置菜单中可以按下F10键退出并保存设置,这些都和AMI Bios设置差不多!

接下来,我们来进行详细的操作步骤。 1。设置BIOS 为光驱启动后,放入光盘,由光驱引导进入光盘莱单界面。 2。首先我们来对硬盘进行分区。(已分区的就没必要操作) 就用系统盘自带的PQ8.05中文版来完成。 进入PQ操作界面,你就会看到你的硬盘大小和属性了。 选择"作业" "建立"

现在选择建立为"主要分割磁区",也就是"主分区"将来用来装系统。 接下来选择分区类型,因为是GHOST系统所以,随便FAT NTFS 都可以。无所谓。 下面是选择主分区的大小,现在的硬盘都很大了,最小也在120G 以上,所以建议设置大小为10-15G 之间,也就是 10000M-15000M 之间。添好后点击确定。

这样一个新的分区就这样建立了。接下来选择未分配空间(黑白的地方就是未分配的)。依旧选择" 作业" "建立",这次选择"逻辑分割磁区"。分区类型和大小,跟据个人所需,进行分配即可。好,我们所需要的硬盘分区已分好。

下面是一个关键的步骤,就是设置"C盘"也就是"主要分割磁区" 为作用。点击"作业" "进阶" "设置为作用" 提示是 否设置该分区为作用,选择"确定"

[教程] 电脑系统装机教程(包括安装版系统,ghost备份安装)

本帖最后由yaoluqi 于2010-11-13 00:46 编辑 修改启动项 从光盘启动(装机教程一)(如果光驱坏了,用u盘装系统就设置u盘启动一样的设置) 现在我们可以说已经不再使用软驱了,所以当我们需要进入DOS界面时,需要进行一些在DOS下运行的程序软件时,就只有通过带启动功能的光盘来实现这一原来由软盘实现的功能。因此我们需要修改系统默认的启动项,将光驱设置为系统第一启动设备,这样才能保证系统启动后由首先读取光驱内光盘,由带启动功能的光盘引导进入DOS或启动界面。 2010-11-12 23:56 上传 下载附件(83.04 KB)

2010-11-13 00:02 上传下载附件(59.57 KB) 2010-11-13 00:02 上传下载附件(61.81 KB)

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2010-11-13 00:03 上传 下载附件 (72.11 KB) 本主题由 pc120 于 2011-1-9 10:05 添加图标 优秀 收藏7 分享0 支持0 反对0 绿色,精选,安全,免费——大白菜u 盘启动工具 大白菜唯一官方网站: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8114794745.html, 回复 引用 举报 返回顶部 大白兔 发短消息 沙发 发表于 2010-11-13 00:04 |只看该作者


Windows操作系统安装方法研究 撰写这篇文章也是闲来无事,在百度知道上回答了一个双系统安装的问题。忽然回忆起自己探索window系统安装的过程,想来颇有乐趣,想要作个总结。 2007年的时候,我刚上大二,在学校碰到一同学,笔记本光驱坏掉了,然后系统密码丢失了,想要重装系统,他的电脑中安装了ghost,当时装B如我,说,交给我吧,没问题。可是,最终把人家的机器搞的什么都没了,ghost也弄没了,于是,自己就再没有办法给他装系统了,至今想起都很丢人。从那以后,自己就潜心研究系统安装的方法,终于小有所成,自认为现在已经基本掌握了普通人所能见到的所有的系统安装方法,在此一并总结。我们只探究单系统安装的方法,只要你能够灵活运用,安装个双系统乃至多系统都不是问题。这里只介绍一个小工具——NTBOOTautofix v2.1.3.exe,安装双系统或者是多系统经常能用的到,就是安装完第二个系统后,第一个系统启动不了了,用这个小工具一修复,就万事大吉了。OK,转入正题。 首先说明一下,这里总结的系统安装方法只以winXP、winVista、win7、win8为例,因为之前的什么dos、win9x、win2000等等,有很多是用软盘安装的,我觉得现在的机器

恐怕鲜有装软驱的吧,很多人甚至连软盘为何物也不知道了,所以,也就没必要探讨了。 下面就我尝试过的方法逐一进行探讨吧,首先是最最普通的安装方法,光盘安装。 一、光盘安装法 (一)介质准备 顾名思义,光盘安装就是用光盘安装系统,那么介质必然是光盘。对于电脑安装系统来讲,光盘无所谓是CD、VCD 还是DVD,只要是能够引导系统的都可以。但是,光盘中的系统却可以大体分为两类,一类是安装版,一类是ghost版。安装版就是运用光盘上的文件来安装系统,这种光盘安装系统在整个过程中都不要将光盘拿出,一旦拿出就容易产生错误。而ghost版是制作系统的人将已安装但未完成的系统打包,用户在安装时光盘首先将镜像还原到硬盘的分区上,而后机器启动系统,在已启动的系统中将剩余安装工作完成。那么对于这种来讲,一旦镜像已还原到硬盘上,光盘就可以取出,不影响系统的安装。 (二)安装方法 其实这种方法的核心就是以光盘引导电脑启动,而后就像安装一个程序一样把系统安装在电脑的硬盘上。那么首先
