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Jane Austen (16 December 1775 –18 July 1817),a distinguished English novelist, who was born in Hampshire of middle class parents. She never accepted the formal school education. However, the wide range of activities with-in the Austen family-country walks, charades, reading, writing stories and family plays, constituted a rich informal education for the children and stimulated Ja ne Austen’s ambition to become a novelist. As a writer, she pay more attention to portraying the commonplace events of people among the landed gentry. Jane Austen’s appeared on the English literary scene in 1813. Besides, her novels are comedies of manners that depict the self-contained word of provincial ladies and gentlemen who appear in domestic setting. She is particularly noted for her vivid delineations and lively interplay of character, her super sense of comic irony, and her moral firmness(Wang Jun, 2007:1). In generally, Austen occupies a curious position between the 18th and 19th centuries. Jane Austen led a quiet, retired and uneventful life. She remained single her entire life. On July 8, 1817, she died in Winchester and was buried in the cathedral. (Zhang Boxiang&Long Jiang, 2008:1-2)

Pride and Prejudice,published in 1813, was Jane Austen’s earliest work, and in some senses also one of her most mature works, which was Jane Austen herself called this brilliant work her "own darling child. The initial title of the novel is “First Impression” . The works raw material concentrates on daily life including the relationship of love and marriage and family life in the genteel rural society in Britain in the 18th century. It reflects people’s rural life and ways of the world in Britain in a state of conservative situation. With the ironic sentence “It is a truth universally acknowledged,that a single man in possession of a good fortune,must be in want of a wife” begins “the most reread novel of English” Pride and Prejudice. The story of Mrs. Bennet's attempts to marry off her five daughters is one of the best-loved and most enduring classics in English literature." In pride and prejudice the plot revolves

mainly around the second daughter, Elizabeth, and her troublesome romance with the rich, handsome, wealthy, high-born, but formidable outrageously pride and arrogant Mr Darcy.

Elizabeth, the protagonist in pride and prejudice, one of the most well-known female in English literature. She has a middle-class family background and has not been affected by the formal education that is belonging to the aristocratic young children, therefore, she is not good at painting and music. However, she has read a great deal of books which make her intelligent and perceptive. She is a witted girl with courage and independence. About Elizabeth, Jane Austen wrote in a letter“I must confess that i think her as a delightful creature as ever appeared in print and how I shall tolerate those who do not like her at least I do not know.(Jones, 1991)” Elizabeth is an indeed special girl at that time. She has attracted the attention of many readers. This paper will give an analysis of her characteristics, marriage concept, and the significance of her marriage concept,it aims to help readers understand the character and the novel comprehensively.

The thesis is divided into four parts. The first part is introduction. It is a part that contains of four points: a brief introduction about the author, a brief summary of the story, the method and value of my thesis, the frame of this thesis. The second part is literature review. It mainly includes some research about Elizabeth from home and aboard. The third part is the body part, which is about the analysis of Elizabeth. It is composed of background information, characteristics of Elizabeth, marriage concept of Elizabeth, and the significance of Elizabeth’s marriage concept. The forth part is conclusion. In this part, the author will give a briefly summary about this thesis on the whole and state the importance of this paper.

2. Literature Review

Many readers have witnessed their own romance experiences reflected in Pride and Prejudice while it has been serving as a source text which has yielded many

recreational fruits such as movies and TV series. In the academic field,scholars from both abroad and China have done the research on Pride and Prejudice. In china,the love and marriage in Pride and Prejudice has long been literary research, such as Love and Marriage in Pride and Prejudice(Ma Kun, 2013), Money and Happiness(Xu Yongxin, 2013), and Love is Choice and so on(Ma Lin, 2013). This is because marriage is the center topic in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.These papers basically refer to the relationship between love and marriage in that period in Pride and Prejudice from discussion of the different marriages( Charlotte’s marriage, Lydia’s marriage, Jane ’s marriage and Elizabeth’s marriage) and love. This kind of paper all demonstrate a concept: love and marriage is closely associated with property and society, but the two things can not only be decided by property and social states. An ideal marriage should be based on mutual affection and respect.

Apart from it, abroad, study has been done of the Elizabeth' s feelings for Mr.Wickham and Mr.Darcy in Pride and Prejudice through American psychologist Sigmund Freud' s Tripartite model of the mind.This theory believes the model of the mind has three functional aspects: the id, the ego and the superego. The id “incorporates libidinal and other desires”( Abrams and Harpham, 291) ,the superego is “the internalization of social standards of morality and propriety”( 291) ,and the ego “tries as best it can to negotiate the conflicts between the insatiable demands of the id,the impossibly stringent requirements of the superego,and the limited possibilities of gratification offered by reality”( 291) .Besides, readers usually choose the most impressive character to study. There exists so many research about character analysis in china, especially Elizabeth, an attractive and independent protagonist, such as The Pride and Prejudice of Elizabeth: An Analysis of the Heroine in Pride and Prejudice(Zhang Huili and Shi Jianghong, 2011), A Brief View on Elizabeth 's Character in Pride and Prejudice(Shi Xiaoyuan and Sun Tana, 2003), On the Characteristics Pluralism of Elizabeth(Peng Kaiming, 2003). These papers all study on some main characteristics: intelligent, witty, sensible and so on, which are well known to everyone.

This essay will also gives an analysis of her characteristics. However, this paper will also analysis her marriage concept, and the significance of her marriage concept,so that, readers can understand the character and the novel more comprehensively.

3. Analysis of Elizabeth

3.1 Background Information

3.1.1 Women’s Status in 19th Century in British Society

In 19th Century in British Society,most women live in a state better than slavery. Girls received less education than boys, were barred from university, and could obtained only low-paid job.They had to obey men, because in most cases men held all the resources and women had no independent means of substance. Women’s sole purpose was to marry and reproduce. Most women had little choice but to marry and upon doing so everything they owed, inherited and earned automatically belonged to her husband. Every man had right to force his wife into sex and childbirth. He could take her children without any reason any reason. He could spend his wife’s inheritance on a mistress or on prostitutes. If a woman was unhappy with her situation there was, almost without exception, nothing she could do about it. A wealthy window or spinster was a lucky exception. A woman who remained single would attract social disapproval and pity. She could not have children or cohabit with a man: the social penalities were simply too high. (Wojtczak, H. 2004, 2-7)

3.1.2 Generally Love and Marriage Concept in 19th Century in British society

Concept of love and marriage in Britain in 19th century,men is the dominate power. Woman has lower social status. And they were constrained anywhere, the virtues they should have is modest and reserved, they need to keep their manners, polite bearing. In the same way, woman in a marriage also are positive. They can not ask for love of men's. They can not choose, and only to be chosen.(Tang Yinghua. 20 12, 289-292) Marriage was an important means to strengthen a family’s economic, political and social status. Britain was highly stratified in the early 19th century. Even from the part of Darcy, though he does not need to marry a lady with property since

he is in possession of a good fortune, he does experience a long-time and fierce struggle in the process of accepting Elizabeth due to her low social position and connections. In such a social background, marriage and money are inseparable. Marriage is considered as a market in which women are goods and men are buyers. Men have the initiative in their hands. If women from the low class want to squeeze into the upper society, the most effective way is to marry a rich man.(Ma Kun, 2013, : 192)

3.1.3 Elizabeth’s Family Status

The Bennets belong to middle class. Although they can associate with Mr Bingley and Mr. Darcy who come from the upper class, there are still some gaps between them. Although Miss Bingley is friendly with Jane, she always shows her superiority in front of Jane. In the depth of her heart, she looks down upon Jane and her family. Mrs.Bennet is a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper; but she has a clear understanding of the importance of marriage for the futures of her five daughters. She is very well aware of the fact that they can not inherit their father’s estate and they will have no guarantee for their future life. She hops they can marry a rich man to guarantee their future. Therefore, when she learns about that Mr.Bingley has rent Netherland, she immediately considers him as the passport to the upper society. (Ma Kun, 2013, : 192-193).

3.2 Characteristics of Elizabeth

3.2.1 Outstanding Wisdom

Elizabeth’s characteristic, as the protagonist, is clever and intelligent from the beginning of pride and prejudice, Mr. bennet had pointed that: “they are all silly and ignorant like other girls; but L izzy has something more of quickness than her sisters.” from this sentence, we have an initial impression to Elizabeth; other sisters are all confused, only Elizabeth is clever. She could also understand the deep meaning o f any talk. She could talk with her partner humorously. This character in my opinion w as inherited from her father. If anybody wanted to spoil her rights, she would surely protect it with her bitter words. T his can be easily seen from the talk between her and

Lady Catherine ( M r.Darcy’s aunt). When Lady Catherine asked her about how m any sisters o f he r lad been ort, she rep lied with he r personal opinion. The last born has as good a right to the pleasures of youth as the first. And when Laky Catherine asked her abort her age, she even d id not answer her directly. Through her thoughts, words and actions, Elizabeth proved herself an intelligent girl who possesses a humorous sense as well as a keen capability of observation. Her quickness of mind always helped her to find the right things to do in every circumstance. It was the reason why both her father and Darcy had high opinions of her cleverness and showed special affection for her.

3.2.2 Independence

In addition, Elizabeth Bennet is independent. She is not only smart but also she has an independent character. We can see that Elizabeth is a maverick in the novel. When she got the mail about her sister Jane catching a bad cold by the rain, she “walked alone, crossing field after field at a quick pace, jumping over stiles and springing over puddles with impatient activity…with weary ankles, dirty stockings, and a face glowing with the warmth of exercise”. (引用)Her behavior astonishes Miss Bingley, and Miss Bingley ridiculed that she was “a mixture of pride and impertinence; no stile, no taste, no beauty”and “She really looked almost wild”(Pride and Prejudice 50-52). From these words, we can know that Miss Bingly is extremely jealous of Elizabeth’s independen t character. However, Mr.Bingley’s opinion was different from his sisters. He expressed a unlike tune: “…I thought Miss Elizabeth Bennet looked remarkably well, when she came into the room this morning. Her dirty petticoat quite escaped my notice”(Pride and Prejudice 53).

3.2.3 Courage

Apart from independence, Elizabeth is a courageous girl, who never cowered before a rich and a high social status person. When invited to Mrs.Catherine’s House, though Mrs. Catherine is swollen with arrogance, mediocre, and has not any lovely quality deserved being respected, other people are too nervous to speak, and her cousin Mr. Collins flatters Mrs. Catherine all the time. Only Elizabeth remains

unruffled. “She had heard nothing of lady Catherine that spoke her awful from any extraordinary talents or miraculous virtue, and the mere stateliness of money and rank she thought she could witness without trepidation”(Jane Austen,1978) . And Elizabeth is brave enough even to challenge Mrs. Catherine’s in spite of her wealth and high social status. We can see it clearly when Elizabeth contradicts Mrs. Catherine publicly .when she exerts herself to humiliate Elizabeth so as to depart Elizabeth and her nephew Darcy. Though humble, Elizabeth does not easily give in in front of power and the rich. (Li Li, 2012, :211-215). Finally, Lady Catherine left in a rage.

As mentioned in background information, in 19th Century in British Society,if women from the low class want to squeeze into the upper society, the most effective way is to marry a rich man. And women are inferior to men in any case. Therefore, every girl wants to marry a man who is handsome and rich, just like Mr Darcy. However, it is not the same case to Elizabeth, though she is not as rich as Miss Bingly and as beautiful as her sister(Jane), she refuses Darcy’s proposal immediately and angrily because of his arrogant attitude. She is so brave to confront with the person who is far more powerful and wealth than herself. This kind of courage is not only an excellent quality that should be owned by female in modern times, but also a valuable characteristic be shared with whole human beings.

3.3 Marriage Concept of Elizabeth

3.3.1 Refusal of Mr Collin’s Proposal

Elizabeth is one of the heroins Jane Austen creates and is one of her favourite as she said in a letter“I must confess that i think her as a delightful creature as ever appeared in print and how I shall tolerate those who do not like her at least I do not know.”(Jones, 1991). As her father’s favourite daughter, Elizabeth is intelligent, sensible, and quick witted and has a strong sense of personality and dignity. As mentioned above, in such a social background, marriage and money are inseparable. Marriage is considered as a market in which women are goods and men are buyers. If women from the low class want to squeeze into the upper society, the most effective way is to marry a rich man. What’s more, women of that age must unite prospective

marriages, for there will be no other guarantee for their future life. Elizabeth is of no exception. However, because of her special and rebellious characteristics, she seeks not just a guarantee of life, what she consider first is spiritual agreement.(Wang Ming, 2012:143). She firmly belive that marriage should be based on true love and mutual respect. We can clearly understand this through her refusal of the two proposals of marriage and the acceptance of Mr. Darcy’s second proposal.

Elizabeth’s first marriage proposal comes from Mr collins. He is the inheritor of Mr Bennet. “Mr. Collins was not a sensible man, and neither education nor society had improved him(Austen, 1991:)”. When they are having dinner in the Bennets’family, he grasps every chance to show her status and knowledge. In chapter 3, “I am sure you are right, said Mr Bennet. No doubt you are expert at flattering with delicacy. May I ask you how you thinking of these pleasing compliments? Some of them come to me at the time, but in my spare moments I do occasionally prepared a few words which may be suitable for different occasions. Mr Bennet listened to his nephew with the greatest enjoyment. Mr Collins was as foolish as he hoped.(Austen, 1991:). From his words , we can see that he is a silly and conceited man, who often said things which had no meaning for the person talking with him. He want to marry one of his cousins so that he could not only inherit the estate without feeling any guilty, but also could solve one of the most important things in his life -marriage.

At first, when he saw Jane Bennet’s lovely face, he wants to marry Jane, but as soon as he knew Jane had already had admire, he quickly turned to Elizabeth. He thinks “next to Jane in birth and beauty, Elizabeth was obviously choice (Austen, J, 1991:)”. From the words of Mr Collin , we can know that Mr Collins think that marriage have nothing to do with love and mutual-understanding. There is no doubt that his proposal is refused by Elizabeth. “You are too hasty, Sir,”she cried. You forget that I have made no answer. Let me do it without father loss of time. Accept my thanks for the compliment you are paying me, I am very sensible of the honor of your proposals, but it is impossible for me to do otherwise than cline them(Austen, 1991)”. Sir, cried Elizabeth, your hope is rather extraordinary after what I’ve said! I am perfectly serious. You could not make me happy, and I’m convinced I am the last one

in world who would make me happy(Austen, 1991)”. The words of Elizabeth not only show her boredom of Mr. Collins, but also reflect Elizabeth’s marriage concept. In Britain society in 19th century, even if marriage become a good way for women to get money and high status, but Elizabeth refuses Mr. Collins proposal certainly.

The reason why Elizabeth refuse Mr.Collins’s proposal is that she would never choose a person she does not adore even if he possesses wealthy and high status. Besides, in proposing to Elizabeth, Mr. Collins said that she would have no more than a thousand pounds in the four percents. Collins makes advantage of his inherit right to compel Elizabeth, which makes Elizabeth feel more disgusted about Collins and offended. The refusal of Mr. Collins proposal, is a mirror, which reflects, for the first time, her attitude toward love and marriage. It is impossible for her to accept marriage without love just based on money.

3.3.2 Refusal of Mr Darcy’s first Proposal

Darcy is the son of a wealthy, well-established family and the master of the great estate of Pemberly(彭贝利), who is condemned as proud in the novel. The first encounter makes Elizabeth offended by the arrogant manner of Mr.Darcy, leading to her resentment against him. Handsome and wealthy,he wins the admiration from people at the ball. But“his manners gave a disgust which turned the tide of his popularity; for he was discovered to be proud,to be above his company,and above being pleased”( Austen, 1991:12). and his wealth cannot“save him from having a most forbidding,disagreeable countenance and being unworthy to be compared with his friend”( Austen, 1991:12). All his later arrogant behaviors such as laughing at Elizabeth' s appearance challenge the bottom line of the superego of Elizabeth.In her eyes,a gentleman should be like Bingley who“was lively and unreserved,danced every dance”( Austen 12) . However,Darcy' s performance is the opposite.

Meanwhile, for Mr. Darcy, at first he thought that marriage must be set on the equal background. He believes that a gentleman with a high position should marry a woman with good education, elegant behavior. When he met Elizabeth, he changed his attitude toward love and marriage. “In vain have i struggled. It will not do. My feeling will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you ardently i admire and love

she explains this clearly. “why with so evident a design of offending and insulting me, you chose to tell me that you like me against your will, against your reason, even against your character? Was not this excuse for incivility, if I was uncivil?”(Austen, 1991:). From the dialogue between Elizabeth and Darcy, we can see that Elizabeth deeply-rooted disliking him, resolutely refused his offer of marriage and condemned his arrogance angrily. Besides, we can understand that Elizabeth can not accept marriage that just based on social status and appearance without mutual respect.

For the refusal of Mr. Darcy’s first proposal, the most important reason is that Elizabeth has been extremely disguised with with Darcy’s arrogance for a long time. At first, he looks down upon Elizabeth’s family and their social status. So, she turns down his proposal though Darcy is handsome and wealthy-the temptation of money and social status can not make her disregard her dignity and personality as well as the pursuit of equal love.(Wang Ming, 2012:143)

3.3.3 Acceptance of Mr Darcy’s Second proposal

Elizabeth' s refusal to Darcy' s proposal is not the end of the story, but the beginning of her love for him.Darcy begins to get rid of her imposed evil image on him and faithfully corrects the mistakes. First he writes a letter in which he tells her the truth about Wickham. From this letter Elizabeth also finds the truth of herself. The letter breaks her false belief of her discernment and justice. The misunderstanding shakes its foundation. She is eager to learn about him across the board. Now she knows she is mistaken and totally wrong. She is aware that it is her vanity that blinds her to Darcy's true character. With this awareness, her prejudice begins to fade away gradually. Then she meets Darcy again, who also becomes very polite and amiable this time, and she begins to have tender feelings towards him.

Besides, the visit to Darcy' s house made an important influence on Elizabeth’s feelings towards Darcy. On seeing such beautiful scenery, Elizabeth has the idea that "to be mistress of Pemberley might be something! " (Austen 207). Meanwhile, Elizabeth admires Darcy’s taste in decoration, and his sense of responsibility is confirmed by the housekeeper’s praise. The housekeeper’s account of Darcy suggests that the proud impression he given is mistaken. What Elizabeth saw and heard at

Darcy’s home make she knows Darcy’s true character, and her prejudices against him begin to weaken, and her feelings towards him begin gradually to soften.(Xu Yongxin, 2013:36).

Her good feeling for him increases when she learns from her aunt that Darcy has contributed greatly to the settlement of the elopement of Lydia and Wickham,which shames the family.“Her ( Elizabeth' s) heart did whisper,that he had done it for her ” ( Austen 270 ). After going through all this,Elizabeth throughly understand that Darcy' s love for her is true and deep. Gradually, Elizabeth falls in love with Darcy. Therefore, when Darcy’s second suitor is sent to Elizabeth, she accepts his proposal at once. From her refusal of the proposal of Mr.Collins,we can see Elizabeth is not a person who bases her marriage only on wealth.But when a handsome,wealthy and kind man loves her and sacrifices a lot for her,she cannot help taking the reality into consideration.First,Darcy loves her very much,although she has hurt him and refused his proposal. And they get married and live together happily.

In this part, through description of Elizabeth’s love and marriage, it represents Elizabeth’s views on marriage. First of all, love is the basis of the happy marriage.Therefore, even though Collins is much wealthier than her, she still refuses the proposal of Collins without the least hesitation. What’s more, Mutual-respect is the deciding factor of the happy marriage. Darcy loves Elizabeth, but dose not show his respect in proper way. Although he expresses his affection to Elizabeth, he could not help showing his arrogance and looking down upon her social status, which make Elizabeth feel offended. Elizabeth deeply-rooted disliking him, resolutely refused his offer of marriage and condemned his arrogance angrily. Last but not least, money is the safe-guard of the happy marriage. Money is also important to an ideal marriage. Elizabeth accepts Darcy's second proposal of marriage mainly because her attitude towards Darcy has entirely changed and she falls in love with him. But there is also financial consideration. Elizabeth's voyage to Pemberley plays an important role in changing her attitude. On her visit to Pemberley as a tourist with her aunt and uncle, Elizabeth becomes aware of her own outlook.”The imposing and beautiful look of Pemberley moves Elizabeth and makes her sense that to be the mistress of Pem-berley

might be something. In all, Elizabeth believes that marriage should be the conjecture of sense and sensibility and of ideal and fact. She advocates marriage based on affection, mutual respect and property, but affection should comes first.

3.4 The Significance of Elizabeth’s Marriage Concept

3.4.1 The Influence on Her Happy Ending

Elizabeth’s refusal of Mr. Collins’s marriage is a revolutionary landmark in the context of the novel. Although rejecting a man who you do not love is a self-evident truth for us in modern society, in 1813, it is a far less obvious matter. Mr. Collins was socially desirable, he would provide Elizabeth a home, respectability and long term stability for the Bennet family. However, on a personal level, Elizabeth realizes that Mr.Collins would have brought her to insanity and that she would never love such a man. On condition of that, most of women may think that she was insane to reject Mr. Collins proposal. However, just because of her persistence on seeking for the true love, finally, she and Darcy lead a happy life.

As for Mr Darcy, at first, she does not like him though he loves she very much. In Elizabeth’s eyes, he is arrogant and unreasonable because he is rich and in high social status. Therefore, as for Mr. Darcy’s first proposal, she turns down his proposal immediately and throughly because of Darcy’s pride. Because, for Elizabeth, she never accepts marriage without mutual respect. With first marriage proposal as a boarder, Darcy gradually alters his behavior, and become a better man. Because of Darcy’s letter, Elizabeth comes to change her attitude toward Mr. Darcy. Finally, she accepts Darcy because of her realization of Darcy’s true affection towards herself. But what is more important, she deeply appreciates that considering not only his personality but also his talents. Therefore, she chooses Darcy as her life companion. And because have these twists and turns, the love between them become more deeply and precious.

In brief, Elizabeth’s marriage concept has a good influence on her happy ending. All the time, Elizabeth is interested in finding a husband with compatible personality and proper behavior rather than one with a lot of wealthy and a high social status. And just because of her insistence on seeking for true love, finally, she has the most

admirable and happy marriage.

3.4.2 The Enlightment in the British Society in 19th Century

In nineteenth century in Britain, the feminism is in the formation and development period. It also can be called first wave. First-wave feminism was a period of activity during the nineteenth century and early twentieth century. In the UK and US, it focused on the promotion of equal contract, marriage, parenting, and property rights for women. The atmosphere of equality in marriage is the target for feminists in which man or woman is an independent individual and woman is not a mere appendix to the man.

Elizabeth, the heroine of the novel, is energetic, lively, strong-minded and confident who can not devote herself completely and wholly when there is anything less than mutual trust or respect, particularly in love and marriage. And she is an indeed feminist in nineteenth century in Britain. She establishes her marriage on love and mutual respect rather than fortune and power. In t he British Society in 19th Century, Elizabeth is the heroine on behalf of female to seek equality and freedom. Her personal characteristics and marriage concept deeply show her female consciousness and the courage to resist the male chauvinism. And her concept of marriage called for more women to pursue equality in marriage. In some way, her concept of marriage promotes the development of the feminist movement in the United Kingdom in the 19th century.

3.4.3 The Enlightment in the Modern Society

Even though pride and prejudice was written 200 years ago, it was also moved us and give us many warnings in the modern society.

Nowadays, with the rise of market economy throughout the world, people are more and more concerned about economic status and turned to be indifferent to human being’s traditional virtues, among which true love is included. Many women begin to take wealth and social status as the most important yardstick to search for future husband. It is quite sad. Marriage based on pure material interests and fragile love often brings long-time sorrows. And it is us female who are more deeply hurt at last. Love is a part of life. To women, it may be a larger part. True love can bring us

sweetness while false love may reduce us to enormous bitterness. Only treat love sincerely can we get long-lasting happiness.

Besides, in such a competitive society, some young people choose flash marriages, and they get married without knowing each other very well; in choosing a marriage, some young people do not give careful consideration to each other and neglect emotion factor, which may result in an unhappy marriage. Pride and Prejudice is Jane Austen’s masterpiece. Although it was written 200 years ago, it can still inspire young people and set an good example for young people.(Ma Kun, 2013:143).

4. Conclusion

Jane Austen, this worldwide known woman writer, among her six novels, Pride and Prejudice is her masterpiece and being read most widely. As the central character of the novel, Elizabeth Bennet is a courageous, energetic, intelligent and independent girl. She is the heroine on behalf of female to seek equality and freedom. In conclusion, Elizabeth is a welcomed image in literature. Besides her views of marriage provided new way of thinking, acting and living to the woman. The writers wishes people will have a better understanding of Elizabeth.


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前言[前言另起一页,“前言”二字为三号黑体,居中,字间空2格;下空一行。 论文正文内容:小4号宋体行间距选固定值25磅(下同)两端对齐(下同)段首行缩进2格(下同)] 知识产权质押贷款是我国近年来发展起来的一种新型融资模式,它打破了传统的担保贷款模式,是一种符合科技型中小企业发展的融资模式,因此自它出现以来,便得到了许多关注。多年来,国内政府及金融机构在业务开展方面不断探索和实践,知识产权质押贷款取得了很大的进展,并形成了一些典型的模式。 一、知识产权质押贷款首现[标题:3号黑体,上下各空一行,两端对齐。(不使用自动生成格式)] (一)知识产权质押贷款[次标题:小4号宋体,行间距固定值25磅(下同),段首行缩进2格。(不使用自动生成格式)] 1、知识产权质押贷款的出现,给科技型中小企业的发展带来了曙光。 2006年10月31 日,我国首例科技型中小企业知识产权质押贷款在北京诞生。北京科瑞生物医药技术有限公司不是用厂房、土地作抵押物,而是凭借其蛋白多糖生物活性物质的发明专利权从交通银行北京分行成功获得了150万的贷款,由此打破了传统的 担保贷款模式,为科技型中小企业解决融资难问题提供了新的思路,新的途径。【论文正文内容:小4号宋体行间距选固定值25磅(下同)两端对齐(下同)段首行缩进2格(下同)】 二、知识产权质押贷款的概念 知识产权是指人们对于自己的智力成果和经营管理活动中的标记、信誉依法享有的权利。[1]【文章中的注释一律用宋体小四加粗右上标】知识产权质押贷款则是指以知识

产权作为担保物的质押方式,即以知识产权作为质押的标的物,向金融机构申请贷款,在债务人到期不履行还贷义务时,金融机构作为债权人有权将该知识产权以折价、拍卖或变卖方式转让而优先受偿的一种新型质押融资方式。 结论[“结论”二字为三号黑体,居中,字间空2格;上下各空一行。内容:小4号宋体,行间距固定值25磅(下同),段首行缩进2格] 知识产权质押贷款突破了传统实物质押模式,是适应科技型中小企业自身发展特点的融资形式。实践证明,这是缓解科技型中小企业融资难题的一种行之有效的融资形式。由于这些模式都有一些难以克服的基本问题未得到有效解决,各模式都存在这样或那样的局限性,导致知识产权质押贷款不能真正有效发挥它的作用。如何化解知识产权质押贷款中面临的风险,需要政府、金融机构、企业多方的不断探索与实践。 致谢[“结论”二字为三号黑体,居中,字间空2格;上下各空一行。内容:小4号宋体,行间距固定值25磅(下同),段首行缩进2格] 本文在选题及进行过程中得到老师的悉心指导。论文行文过程中,刘老师多次帮助我分析思路,开拓视角,对论文进行多次细致入微的修改,使本文得以顺利完成。 感谢所有论文答辩的评委老师,感谢各位老师不辞辛苦来参加我的答辩。


届学士学位论文论文分类号 论文(设计)题目 年月日

本科学生毕业论文(设计)任务书 课题来源 任务起止日期:年月日至年月日论文(设计)的主要内容与要求: 主要参考文献:

毕业论文(设计)任务书填写说明 1.毕业论文(设计)任务书由指导教师根据各课题的具体情况填写,经各学院(专业教研室)负责人审定、学院领导小组组长签字后下达给学生。此任务书应在毕业论文(设计)开始前一周内填好并发给学生; 2.任务书内容必须用黑墨水笔工整书写,不得随便涂改或潦草书写,禁止打印在其它纸上后剪贴; 3.任务书内填写的内容,必须和学生毕业论文(设计)完成的情况相一致,若有变更,应经过所在专业及院长或领导小组组长审批后方可重新填写; 学生根据指导教师下达的任务书独立完成开题报告,2周内提交给指导教师批阅。 4.任务书内有关“学院”、“专业”等名称的填写,应写中文全称; 5.有关日期,按照如“2011年9月1日”方式填写。 6.任务书是论文(设计)评阅和毕业论文答辩的主要档案资料,是学士学位论文成册的主要内容之一。

本科学生毕业论文(设计)开题报告报告日期: 一、本课题研究现状及可行性分析 二、本课题需要重点研究的关键问题及解决问题的思路

本科毕业论文(设计)指导记录 说明:1.指导记录是学生毕业论文(设计) 各阶段工作进展情况的详细记录。由学生在指导教师的指导下填写完成。第一阶段为接受任务和开题阶段;第二阶段为查阅资料、制定论文(设计)提纲、完成论文撰写(设计制作)初稿阶段;第三阶段为论文(设计)的修改、定稿、打印完成阶段。 2.各阶段工作完成情况记录该阶段学生所做的具体工作以及该阶段完成情况。 3.指导记录是对学生论文(设计)工作进展情况进行检查的主要依据之一。 第 一 阶 段 工 作 计 划 及 完 成 情 况 指导教师签名:年月日


英语专业毕业论文摘要 和目录另有正文部分 Document number【980KGB-6898YT-769T8CB-246UT-18GG08】

A b s t r a c t: The feature of Hardy`s style is about the description of nature in Hardy`s Wessex novel. The description of Nature not only as a setting, but also a vital part of Hardy`s novels. He pays attention to the interrelations between human, Nature and society. Nature in his novels is personated and melted with the characters together. Hardy believed firmly that man was part of Nature, a guardian of Nature and should always remain true to their closeness with Nature. In all Hardy`s Wessex novels, the characters, who can live in harmony with Nature all deserve a good ending, while those who cannot are by all means go ruining. The conflict between man’s aspirations and his environment is the central unifying force of Hardy`s tragic novels. It stresses that human should live in harmony with Nature. Key Words: Hardy、Nature、Wessex people、fate、harmony


农学、理学类专业毕业论文格式规范 一、规范要求 1.正文中论文题目使用黑体三号字,正文使用宋体小四号字,1.5倍行距;表格为单倍行距;一级标题段前段后为0.5行,正文段前段后为0,字符间距为标准。 2.论文字数不少于8000字。 3.论文中的表格采用三线表,必要时可以加辅助线,表头放在表格的上方,5号黑体。中;表格内为5号宋体,左对齐。 4.论文中的图,图题放在图的下方,不要外框。 5.表序、图序均以阿拉伯数字连续编号。 6.参考文献不少于10篇,采用顺序编码制,文中参考文献[数字]上标。 7.中英文摘单独成页。 8.为保证打印效果,全文字体的颜色统一设置成黑色。均用A4纸单面打印(特殊要求除外)。 二、格式 1.目录格式 (顶头空2行)目录(4号黑体,居中) 中文摘要(小4号宋体) (1) Abstract (1) 引言(或绪论) (1) 1□材料与方法…………………………………………………………………………Y 1.1□材料……………………………………………………………………………Y 1.2□方法……………………………………………………………………………Y 1.2.1□×××××……………………………………………………………………Y 1.2.2□×××××……………………………………………………………………Y

1.2.3□×××××……………………………………………………………………Y 2□××…………………………………………………………………………………Y 2.1□×××××………………………………………………………………………Y 2.2□×××××……………………………………………………………………Y 2.3□×××××……………………………………………………………………Y 3□×××………………………………………………………………………………Y ……………………………………………………………(略) 致谢……………………………………………………………………………………Y 参考文献………………………………………………………………………………Y 附录A ××××(必要时)…………………………………………………………Y 附录B ××××(必要时)…………………………………………………………Y 图1 ××××(必要时)……………………………………………………………Y 图2 ××××(必要时)……………………………………………………………Y 表1 ××××(必要时)………………………………………………………………Y 表2 ××××(必要时)………………………………………………………………Y 注:1. 目次中的内容一般列出三级标题即可; 2.X、Y表示具体的阿拉伯数字; 2.正文格式 毕业论文题目(3号黑体居中) ××××专业学生姓名(小4号仿宋体居中) 指导教师指导教师姓名(小四仿宋体居中) 摘要:(5号黑体)××××××××××××××××××(250—300字,五号宋体)×××××××××××××××××…… 关键词:(5号黑体)×××;××××;×××××;×××(3-5个,五号宋体) Title(3号Times New Roman居中)


1、正文格式具体要求如下: 1. 纸 型:A4纸 2. 页边距:上3cm ,下2.5cm ,左2.5cm 、右2.5cm ; 3. 页 眉:2.5cm ,页脚:2cm ,左侧装订; 4. 字 体:正文汉字全部为宋体、小四,正文英文为Times New Roman ,小四; 5. 行 距:每段落首行缩进2字符;1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0行,取消网格对齐选项。 2、论文标题格式的说明 1. 标题可分为四级,分别用一、;(一);1、;(1)排序。作者可根据论文自身情况决定是否采用四级标题。 2. 一级标题格式:居左,首行缩进两字符,黑体,字号:三号,1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0.5行。

3. 二级标题格式:居左,首行缩进两字符,黑体,居左,字号:小三,1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0.5行。 4. 三级标题格式:居左,首行缩进两字,黑体,居左,字号:四号,1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0.5行。 5. 四级标题格式:居左,首行缩进两字,宋体加粗,居左,字号:小四,1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0.5行。 正文各级标题编号的字体规范如图所示:


(如采用文末注释,注释另起一页。如采用脚注,则不必) 注释的书写格式说明 1.注释在正文中采用脚注或文末注释方式,引用的文献在正文中用阿拉伯数字按顺序以右上角标形式标注在引用处。 2.注释按照在正文中引用的顺序进行连续编码。 3.作者一律姓前名后(外文作者名应缩写),作者间用“,”间隔。作者少于3人应全部写出,3人以上只列出前3人,后加“等”。 4.文末注释格式:宋体,居左,首行缩进2个汉字,字号:五号,行距:1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0行。参考文献正文英文设置为字体:Times New Roman,居左,字号:五号,行距:1.5倍行距,段前、段后均为0行。 5.按照引用的文献类型不同使用不同的表示方法: (1)引用著作类的注释要求 基本规格:作者姓名、书名、卷次、版本(出版地、出版社名、出版年份)、页码。 (2)引用文章类的注释要求 基本规格:作者、文章题目、引自何种出版物、出版时间、页码。 文末注释的书写格式示例如下


本科毕业论文文格式参考 本科毕业论文文格式参考 、注释、参考文献、附录、致等。本科毕业论文字数文科类不少于8000字,理科类不少于6000字,外语、艺术类不少于5000字。 一、毕业论文撰写的容要求 标题 毕业论文的标题应简短、明确、有概括性,使读者大致了解论文的容、专业特点和学科畴。标题字数要适当,不宜超过20字,必要时可加副标题。 摘要与关键词 1.摘要 中文摘要标题为摘要,英文摘要标题为 Abstrat 。中文摘要执行GB 6447标准,字数在300字左右,英文摘要在250个实词左右,撰写具体要求为: ①摘要应具有独立性和自含性,即不阅读正文,就能从摘要中获得必要的信息; ②摘要应用第三人称的方法记述论文的性质和主题,不使用、作者等作为主语,应采用对进行了研究、报告了现状、进行了调查等表达方式; ③摘要应突出论文的创造性成果和新见解,不要表述本学科领域常识性的容;

④摘要书写要合乎逻辑关系,同正文的文体保持一致; ⑤结构要严谨,表达要简明,语义要确切,一般不分段; ⑥对某些缩略语、简称、代号等,首次出现时必须加以说明; ⑦摘要常不用图表、化学结构式以及非公知公用的符号和术语。 关键词 关键词的选取执行GBT3860标准,以3 5个为宜,必须反映出论文所属学科和论文的基本信息。中文关键词前加关键词三字、英文关键词前加 Ke ords 作为标识。 正文 一般包括前言、本论、结论三个部分。 1.前言部分: 是论文的开头部分,主要说明论文写作的目的、现实意义、对研究问题的认识,并提出论文的中心论点等。前言要简明扼要,概括性、准确性强。 本论部分: 是毕业论文的主体,包括研究、论述的容、实验材料、实验结果与分析等,要反映出作者的科研能力和学术水平。 3.结论部分: 是毕业论文的收尾部分,是围绕本论所作的结束语,旨在总结全文,加深题意。 注释




附件7:毕业论文正文(式样) 引言(或绪论) 从引言或绪论开始,是正文的起始页,页码从1开始编排。 引言包含的内容:说明论文的主题和选题的范围;对本论文研究主要范围内已有文献的评述;说明本论文所要解决的问题。 注意不要与摘要内容雷同。 建议与相关历史回顾、前人工作的文献评论、理论分析等相结合,如果引言部分省略,该部分内容在正文中单独成章,标题改为绪论,用足够的文字叙述。 注意:是否如实引用前人结果反映的是学术道德问题,应明确写出同行相近的和已取得的成果,避免抄袭之嫌。 1正文格式说明 “正文”不可省略。 正文是论文的主体,要着重反映学生自己的学习、实习、工作成果,突出新的见解。例如新思想、新观点、新规律、新研究方法、新结果等。 正文一般可包括:立论;理论分析;观点阐述;试验装置和测试方法;对试验结果的分析讨论及理论计算结果的比较等。 正文要求论点正确,推理严谨,数据可靠,文字精练,条理分明,文字图表清晰整齐,计算单位采用国务院颁布的《统一公制计量单位中文名称方案》中的规定和名称。 各类单位、符号必须在论文中统一使用,外文字母必须注意大小写,正斜体。简化字采用正式公布过的,不能自造和误写。利用别人研究成果必须附加说明。引用前人材料必须引证原著文字。在论文的行文上,要注意语句通顺,达到科技论文所必须具备的“正确、准确、明确”的要求。 1.1论文页眉页脚的编排 一律用阿拉伯数字连续编页码。页码应由引言首页开始,作为第1页。封面不编入页码。将摘要、Abstract、目录等前置部分单独编排页码。 页码必须标注在每页页脚底部居中位置,宋体,小五。


摘要(中文):(宋体五号) 摘要(宋体三号) ################################################################### ############################(宋体小四) 关键词:######; #####; ######; ########(黑体小四) 摘要(英文):(另起一页)(宋体五号) Abstract (三号) #################################################################### ###########################(宋体小四) Keywords: ###### ; ##### ; ###### ; ########(小四) 目录:(另起一页)(宋体五号) 目录(黑体三号) 第一章(黑体小四)............................................................... 1(页码)1.1 #####. (1) 1.1.1 #####……….…………………………………………………………… ####………………………….…………………………………………. 第二章 ##…………….…………………………………………………………. 2.1 #####……………….……………………………………………………….. 2.1.1 #####…………………………….……………………………………… . ####…………………………….……………………………….…… . 参考文献……………………………….………………………………………. . 附录…………………………….………………………………………………. . 谢辞…………………………….………………………………………………. .


1.引言 改革开放以来,中国民营企业迅速发展,是国民经济中最具活力的增长点,已成为社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,对国民经济发展的贡献也在逐年提高,在经济发展、技术进步、扩大就业、财政税收、国际贸易、出口创汇等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。但是,同国际上其他国家的中小企业一样,中国民营企业的发展也面临着严重的融资困境。本文拟在全面分析民营企业融资现状及特征的基础上,试图探讨票据融资在民营企业中的创新运用,以期为缓解民营企业融资困境提出尝试性的建议。正文,宋体,小4号,不加粗 2.我国民营企业简述一级标题,黑体,4号,加粗 实践表明,中国的民营企业对国民经济发展的贡献在逐年提高,特别是在满足人们多样化的个性需求、促进科技进步、实现产业结构调整、优化资源配置和增加社会就业总量等发面发挥着越来越重要的作用。据有关资料显示,中国民营企业以其48.5%的资产吸纳了近70%的就业,提供了57%的社会销售额,创造了43%的税收。2.1民营企业内涵及特点二级标题,黑体,小4号,加粗 2002年11月8日,在中国共产党第十六次全国代表大会上,江泽民同志在报告中提出了两个“必须毫不动摇”,即“必须毫不动摇地巩固和发展公有制经济,必须毫不动摇地鼓励、支持和引导非公有制经济发展”。坚持公有制为主体,促进非公有制经济发展,统一于社会主义现代化建设的进程中,不能把二者对立起来。各种所有制经济完全可以在市场竞争中发挥各自的优势,相互促进,共同发展。 2.1.1民营企业内涵三级标题,宋体,小4号,加粗 民营企业或者是民营经济,是中国所特有的经济形态和经济概念…… 2.1.2民营企业特点 我国的民营企业是在比较特殊的历史背景下成长起来的…… 2.2民营企业现状 我国的民营企业在最近二十多年的发展中……截至2001年末,我国的民营企业已发展到3000万家,年产值超过5万亿元人民币。在全国工业总产值和实现利税方


1 引言 1.1 研究背景 随着市场经济的迅猛发展,企业与企业之间的竞争也在不断加剧。为抢占市场份额,越来越多的企业采用赊销的方式来进行商品交易。与现销相比,赊销在拓展市场、提高企业市场竞争力、降低经营成本等方面有着明显且不可替代的优势。 但是,如果企业采用赊销的销售方式,在外界因素甚至企业本身一些因素的影响下,企业实际能够收回的应收账款金额可能会远远低于企业账面上的应收账款金额。即:企业最终能够得到的收人很可能并不是企业原有的应收账款账面金额。因而以应收账款来表现的这部分资产价值,在企业实际收回应收账款之前,存在着很大的不确定性。 由此可见,应收账款的存在会导致企业产生一系列的财务风险。如果应收账款控制不好会对企业的经营造成重大影响,甚至造成企业倒闭。[1]企业想要利用赊销的手段来拓展市场、提高企业市场竞争力、降低经营成本,就需要企业管理者正确的管理好企业应收账款。本文以洋河酒厂股份为例,对企业应收账款的成因、存在问题及解决方法等方面进行研究,并给出企业应收账款管理的具体建议,以求企业能够更好地发展。 1.2 研究目的和意义 应收账款是日益激烈的商业竞争的必然产物,应收账款管理也是企业财务管理的重要容之一。在西方,企业应收账款管理是一门重要的学科,它作为一门研究学科已有100多年的历史。[2]目前我们国家关于企业应收账款管理方面的研究虽然已经相对成熟,但还远不及国外。同时,由于国情的巨大差距,我国还不能完全照搬西方国家的管理模式。随着世界经济一体化程度不断提高,我国与世界各国交往也愈加密切,市场经济也将会得到进一步发展。而应收账款管理在我国市场经济的发展中更是有着不可替代的作用:加强企业应收账款管理,不仅可以加强资金的回笼,提高资金利用率、降低企业经营风险,而且还关系到企业的长远发展。一旦管理不善,就会影响企业的资金周转,降低企业的实际效益,甚至可能引发企业的财务危机。[3]这就更迫切地需要我们来研究企业的应收账款管理。它在企业减少坏账损失几率、提高资金使用效率、降低经营成本以及提高企业市场竞争力等方面都有着重要意义。


毕业论文正文部分格式规范摘要: 1.页眉:宋体5号,中间空1格,居中 2.大标题:黑体小3号,中间空1格,居中;段前30磅、段后30磅、行距固定值20磅 3.正文部分:宋体小4号;段前6磅,行距固定值20磅,首行缩进2字符 4.关键字:关键字前需空一行,顶格写;“关键字:”需加粗;宋体小4号;段前6磅,行距固定值20磅 5.页脚:罗马字符 ABSTRACT: 1.页眉:Times New Roman5号,居中 2.大标题:Times New Roman小3号,居中;段前30磅、段后30磅、行距固定值20磅 3.正文部分:Times New Roman小4号;段前6磅,行距固定值20磅,首行缩进1字符 4.key words:key words前需空一行,顶格写;“key words:”需加粗;Times New Roman 小4号;段前6磅,行距固定值20磅 5.页脚:罗马字符 目录: 1.页眉:宋体5号,中间空1格,居中 2.大标题:宋体小2号,中间空1格,居中;段前30磅、段后30磅、行距固定值20磅 3.目录部分:必须是自动生成且点击能进入对应章节;宋体小4号;行距固定值20磅;左右两端顶格;毕业设计需要有参考文献、致谢、附录(可选)、外文资料原文、翻译文稿,课程设计和项目制开发需要有参考文献、致谢、附录(可选) 4.页脚:罗马字符 正文: 1.页眉:宋体5号,居中;奇数页按照“第1章绪论”的形式书写章号和章题目,章号和章题目间需空一格;偶数页毕业设计的学生书写“电子科技大学成都学院本科毕业设计论文”、课程设计的学生书写“电子科技大学成都学院课程设计”、项目制开发的学生书写“电子科技大学成都学院项目制开发” 2.大标题:黑体小3号,居中;段前30磅、段后30磅、行距固定值20磅,章号和章题目间需空一格 3.一级节标题:黑体4号;段前18磅、段后18磅、行距固定值20磅 4.二级节标题:黑体小4号;段前12磅、段后12磅、行距固定值20磅


毕业论文(设计)撰写与存档要求 1基本要求 1.1 毕业设计必须由学生本人独立完成,不得弄虚作假,不得抄袭他人成果。 1.2 论文应中心突出,内容充实,论据充分,论证有力,数据可靠,结构紧凑, 层次分明,图表清晰,格式规范,文字流畅,字迹工整,结论解释合理。 1.3 毕业设计中所使用的计量单位一律采用国际标准单位。 1.4 对论文中的图或表要给予解释,统一标上编号和图题,安排于相应位置。 若同类图表数量过多,也可作为附录列于论文后面。 1.5 凡手绘图形一律用碳素笔在硫酸纸或复印纸上誊描,并标上图号、图题, 然后贴附于论文适当位置或附录中,要求图面整洁、比例适当。流程图、设备及 结构图应按国标绘制。 1.6 毕业设计篇幅以8000 字左右(不含图表、程序和计算数字)为宜。 1.7 毕业设计的封面可参照学校提供的项目内容自行设计(附后),所有文字部 分一律用 A4 号纸激光打印,一级标题用三号黑体;二级标题用四号黑体;其 他标题和正文用小四号宋体(表格内填写内容用小四号楷体),段落前空 2 个汉字,单倍行距。页面设置 : 上/ 下/ 左/ 右分别为 2.4/2.2/2.6/2.0; 页码标在右下。 2内容要求 2.1标题要求简洁、确切、鲜明,有概括性。字数不宜超过25 个汉字,如 果有些细节必须放进标题,可以分成主标题和副标题。 2.2摘要叙述本设计的主要内容、特点,文字要精练。中文摘要约 300 汉字; 英文摘要约 250个实词。 2.3关键词从说明书标题或正文中挑选 3~5 个最能表达主要内容的词作为 关键词,同时有中、英文对照,分别附于中、英文摘要后。 2.4 目录写出目录,标明页码。 2.5 正文前言、本论、结论三个部分。 ( 1)前言(引言)本设计的目的、意义、范围及应达到的技术要求;简述本课题 在国内外的发展概况及存在的问题;本设计的指导思想;阐述本设计应解决的主 要问题。 ( 2)本论 ①设计方案论证说明为什么要选择这个设计方案(包括各种方案的分析、比 较);阐述所采用方案的特点(如采用了何种新技术、新措施、提高了什么性 能等)。 ②计算部分该部分在设计说明书中应占有相当的比例。要列出各零部件的工作条件、给定的参数、计算公式以及各主要参数计算的详细步骤和计算结果;根据此计算应选用什么元、器件或零、部件采用计算机的设计还应包括各种软件设计。 ③结构设计部分机械结构设计、各种电气控制线路设计及功能电路设计、计算机 控制的硬件装置设计等,以及以上各种设计所绘制的图纸。④样机或试件的各种实 验及测试情况:包括实验方法、线路及数据处理等。⑤方案的校验所设计的系统是 否满足各项性能指标的要求,能否达到预期效


摘 要:法律强制力是法律得以实施的保障之一。随着社会文明程 “命令——服从”向“服务——合作”转变。法律不再单纯以强烈的约束作用为依托,公安行政指导的广泛运用以及取得的成效便能很好地说明这一点。关键词:强制力;行政指导;有限性;协调作用;指导前置 Abstract : Compulsoriness is one of the characteristics of the law that guarantees its implementation. Improvement of the civilization of the society seen the government function switching from “ordering-obeying” to With the narrowing of the function scope of the law no longer simply relies on strong restraint, but more proportion on the roles of coordination and guidance, weakening compulsoriness of the law. In public security extensive use of administrative guidance and effect achieved are good of that point. In order to adjust social order and maintain social the main mission of public security is to obtain a correct words: compulsoriness ;administrative guidance ;in guiding the prearrangement 20世纪50的运用不是法律存在和法律实施的本质特征。那么,我国是否存在这种法律强制力弱化的现象,这种现象在公安工作中有什么指导意义呢?本文将以公安行政指导在治安方面的具体运用来分


1引言 1.1 研究背景 随着市场经济的迅猛发展,企业与企业之间的竞争也在不断加剧。为抢占市场份额,越来越多的企业采用赊销的方式来进行商品交易。与现销相比,赊销在拓展市场、提高企业市场竞争力、降低经营成本等方面有着明显且不可替代的优势。 但是,如果企业采用赊销的销售方式,在外界因素甚至企业本身一些因素的影响下,企业实际能够收回的应收账款金额可能会远远低于企业账面上的应收账款金额。即:企业最终能够得到的收人很可能并不是企业原有的应收账款账面金额。因而以应收账款来表现的这部分资产价值,在企业实际收回应收账款之前,存在着很大的不确定性。 由此可见,应收账款的存在会导致企业产生一系列的财务风险。如果应收账款控制不好会对企业的经营造成重大影响,甚至造成企业倒闭。[1]企业想要利用赊销的手段来拓展市场、提高企业市场竞争力、降低经营成本,就需要企业管理者正确的管理好企业应收账款。本文以洋河酒厂股份有限公司为例,对企业应收账款的成因、存在问题及解决方法等方面进行研究,并给出企业应收账款管理的具体建议,以求企业能够更好地发展。 1.2 研究目的和意义 应收账款是日益激烈的商业竞争的必然产物,应收账款管理也是企业财务管理的重要内容之一。在西方,企业应收账款管理是一门重要的学科,它作为一门研究学科已有100多年的历史。[2]目前我们国家关于企业应收账款管理方面的研究虽然已经相对成熟,但还远不及国外。同时,由于国情的巨大差距,我国还不能完全照搬西方国家的管理模式。随着世界经济一体化程度不断提高,我国与世界各国交往也愈加密切,市场经济也将会得到进一步发展。而应收账款管理在我国市场经济的发展中更是有着不可替代的作用:加强企业应收账款管理,不仅可以加强资金的回笼,提高资金利用率、降低企业经营风险,而且还关系到企业的长远发展。一旦管理不善,就会影响企业的资金周转,降低企业的实际效益,甚


Chapter One Origins of Bronte Sisters’ Female Consciousness Every writer belongs to a specific period of history though his/her compositions may have a much longer standing, and hence the social conditions of his/her living time have an inevitable influence on him or her. The Bronte sisters are no exceptional, they were born in an age of reforms and the tremendous changes in Victorian time rooted in these reforms. 1.1 Victorian Background The Victorian Age in which they lived was featured with the cleavage between the wealthy and the poor. With the accomplishment of the industrialization and the development of capitalism in this era, the class antagonism between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie became acute and prominent. Even since the thirties of the 19th century, the struggle between the workers and capitalists became the contradiction in English social life. …… It is impossible to say when women begin to write fiction. Obviously, however, women are not supposed to pursue writing as the professional activity, as reviewed in Robert Southey’s letter to Charlotte Bronte “literature can not be the business of a women life, and it ought not to be. The more she is engaged in her proper duties, the less leisure will she have for it, even as an accomplishment and recreation” (Beer, 1980: 330) . The Bronte sisters are insisting on their dream and career, paving a way for awakening of women. Among the major social development of the Victorian Age, the change of the women’s status should not be overlooked especially


塔里木大学本科毕业论文基本要求 毕业论文是根据本科专业培养目标要求和人才培养方案的总体安排,为培养学生综合运用能力而设置的实践教学环节。撰写毕业论文是高等教育教学计划中必不可少的一个重要环节,为加强对毕业论文的指导和管理,确保毕业论文的顺利完成,提高毕业论文的质量,根据《塔里木大学实践教学工作条例》,对毕业论文基本要求作如下规定: 一、目的 毕业论文是培养和检验学生结合所学基本理论、基本知识、基本技能分析问题、解决问题的能力,通过试验设计方案的构思和实施,使学生在意志品德、工作能力、工作态度和创新能力等方面得到全面提高。 二、组织管理 学院要成立由院领导、教研室主任、教务办主任及有经验的教师组成的领导小组。领导小组负责毕业论文试验设计的组织、计划的制定、毕业论文的选题、指导教师的选派、论文试验方案的论证、计划执行情况的检查、毕业论文答辩及考核等工作。 三、基本要求 1.毕业论文的撰写是一项创造性劳动,每位毕业班学生必须严肃认真对待毕业论文的写作。学生在撰写论文的全过程中,应充分发挥主观能动性,并遵从教师的指导,在规定的时间范围内独立完成出反映本人最高水平的论文。不允许抄袭他人的研究成果,更不允许由别人代作。若有类似情节,论文不予通过,不能毕业。 2.论文应坚持四项基本原则,观点正确,中心突出,层次分明,论述清楚,论点明确,论据充分,结构严谨,语言准确、简练,文字流畅。对所论述的问题有归纳总结,有分析批评,力求有个人观点和见解。 3.毕业论文字数以8000—10000字为宜。 4.毕业论文要求递交打印稿。 四、时间、选题的要求 毕业论文试验设计的时间不少于30周,各学院毕业论文试验设计领导小组应在第六学期末或第七学期初公布不同专业毕业生毕业论文选题、指导教师、指导范围、指导学生数及研究方向,要求本科生一人一题。可以由指导教师与学生双向选择,也可以由学科组(教研室)根据学生所报的论文选题,统一安排指导教师,确定指导关系,并指导学生借阅参考书目。毕业论文设计和选题要体现“新”和“实”,使“新”和“实”有机地结合。 五、对指导教师的要求 安排有一定教学和试验设计经验且有强烈责任感的教师担任指导教师,指导教师的职称一般应是讲师以上(包括讲师),一名指导教师指导学生一般原则上不超过4名。


开题报告、文献综述、外文翻译、论文反抄袭软件、论文目录,就差论文正文了,其他都全了!! 开题报告主要包括以下几个方面: (一)论文名称 论文名称就是课题的名字 第一,名称要准确、规范。准确就是论文的名称要把论文研究的问题是什么,研究的对象是什么交待清楚,论文的名称一定要和研究的内容相一致,不能太大,也不能太小,要准确地把你研究的对象、问题概括出来。 第二,名称要简洁,不能太长。不管是论文或者课题,名称都不能太长,能不要的字就尽量不要,一般不要超过20个字。 (二)论文研究的目的、意义 研究的目的、意义也就是为什么要研究、研究它有什么价值。这一般可以先从现实需要方面去论述,指出现实当中存在这个问题,需要去研究,去解决,本论文的研究有什么实际作用,然后,再写论文的理论和学术价值。这些都要写得具体一点,有针对性一点,不能漫无边际地空喊口号。主要内容包括:⑴研究的有关背景(课题的提出):即根据什么、受什么启发而搞这项研究。⑵通过分析本地(校)的教育教学实际,指出为什么要研究该课题,研究的价值,要解决的问题。(三)本论文国内外研究的历史和现状(文献综述)。 规范些应该有,如果是小课题可以省略。一般包括:掌握其研究的广度、深度、已取得的成果;寻找有待进一步研究的问题,从而确定本课题研究的平台(起点)、

研究的特色或突破点。 (四)论文研究的指导思想 指导思想就是在宏观上应坚持什么方向,符合什么要求等,这个方向或要求可以是哲学、政治理论,也可以是政府的教育发展规划,也可以是有关研究问题的指导性意见等。 (五)论文写作的目标 论文写作的目标也就是课题最后要达到的具体目的,要解决哪些具体问题,也就是本论文研究要达到的预定目标:即本论文写作的目标定位,确定目标时要紧扣课题,用词要准确、精练、明了。 常见存在问题是:不写研究目标;目标扣题不紧;目标用词不准确;目标定得过高, 对预定的目标没有进行研究或无法进行研究。 确定论文写作目标时,一方面要考虑课题本身的要求,另一方面要考率实际的工作条件与工作水平。 (六)论文的基本内容 研究内容要更具体、明确。并且一个目标可能要通过几方面的研究内容来实现,他们不一定是一一对应的关系。大家在确定研究内容的时候,往往考虑的不是很具体,写出来的研究内容特别笼统、模糊,把写作的目的、意义当作研究内容。基本内容一般包括:⑴对论文名称的界说。应尽可能明确三点:研究的对象、研究的问题、研究的方法。⑵本论文写作有关的理论、名词、术语、概念的界说。(七)论文写作的方法
