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Washing machines

Let’s look inside one of today’s fully automatic washing machines that use swirling water to clean the clothes. There are many types of washing machines but

this Figure shows you what most of them are basically made up of.

The reason why a washing machine like this can wash and get the water out of the clothes at the same time is because it has a double layer drum. When washing and rinsing, the pulsator spins and makes the water swirl.. To get the water out of the clothes, the inner wall f the drum spins and the water goes through the holes.

These days, the “centrifugal force washing machines” are quite popular. This type of machine does not use a pulsator. Instead, the inner wall spins really quickly. When the drum spins, the dirty clothes get stuck to the wall. The water and detergent also try to escape through the holes of the wall but before they do so, they are forced to escape through the clothes. When this happens, the power of the water and detergent removes the dirt form the clothes. Another good thing about this type of machine is that clothes don’t get tangled up so you don’t have to worry about

your clothes getting ripped or damaged.

Next, let’s look at some different t ypes of washing machines!

Many of you probably think that the water inside washing machines goes round and round. Actually, different washing machines make water flow in different ways.

Whirlpool type:

This type of washing machine uses a pulsator to force the water to move like a whirlpool inside the Drum. The spinning water forces the dirt out form the clothes inside the machine. Some of the newer models of this type also make the whirlpool move up and down to make it clean clothes even better!

Agitator stirring type

This type of washing machine has something that looks like a propeller at the bottom of the tub. This Propeller spins around and stirs the water. The water then forces the dirt out from the clothes in the machine. The good thing about this type of machine is that clothes do not get tangled up and clothes get evenly washed.

Drum type:

This type of machine has a drum with many holes in it. There are also protrusions bumps on the wall of the drum. As the drum turns, the clothes are picked up by the protrusions. When the clothes fall down from the top of the drum through the water, the movement removes dirt from the clothes.

Centrifugal force type:

As we have said before, the spinning drum pushes the water and detergent out through the wall of the inner drum. The power that comes form spinning the drum is called centrifugal force., which is where the name comes from. The water is forced through the clothes and then the holes in the inner wall. After one cycle, the water is recycled back into the tank and the process starts again. This cycle is what

cleans the clothes!

In Japan, people first started using machines in 1930. But then the price of a washing machine was so high that most average persons could not buy one for their homes.

Looking back now, there was something strange and funny on some of the first versions of the washing machine .The machine had two rollers that were used to sandwich each shirt and other clothes to squeeze the water out of them. The rollers were turned by hand, and in fact, you needed a lot of strength to turn those things! Still, people then thought it was a really neat invention! This type of water squeezer was used for almost 30 years until something new came along. The spin drier that used “centrifugal force” to get most of the water is out of the clothes.

In 1953, the nozzle type washing machine was first sold in Japan. This washing machine is like the older brother of the swirling washing machine that you see today. The price of these washing machines was lower and because of this, more people bought them. The first fully automatic washing machine was introduced in 1968, and after that, washing clothes became a lot easier to do!

There are a lot of different types of washing machines. What kind of washing machine do you have in your house?

Fully automatic:

The fully automatic machine has two drum layers that wash, rinse and remove water from clothes together. All you have to do is add detergent and put in dirty clothes and then washing machine will do the rest. There is also a new type of fully automatic washing machine that can dry clothes after they have been washed.

Twin tub:

This washing machine has one part that dose the washing and another part that does the squeezing. Even though it’s a hassle to t ake the clothes out and move them

to other tub, the good thing is that you can wash and squeeze at the same time with one machine.

Front loading:

The main feature of front loaders is that they use a lot less water than other types. This is the type of Washing machine that dry cleaners use but a lot of people in western countries have this type of washing machine in their homes too.

Let’s try to make the best washing machine in the world!

We should already thank the scientists that invented the fully automatic washing machine because it makes washing clothes a piece of cake.

Scientists are still trying really hard to find ways to make washing machines a lot handier to use for everyone. Some of the things that they are trying to do are to find better ways of making clothes clean and ways to make washing machines last longer. There are washing machines with d trying function today so you don’t even have to hang clothes after words because it dries them automatically! Amazing!

Scientists are also trying to find ways to use less water and less detergent in washing machines at present. This is because that it is better to use less water for preserving the environment.

What are washing machines of the future going to be like? Maybe there will be a washing machine that dries and folds your clothes after washing them, or maybe there will be one that will wash your clothes while you are still wearing them! How handy would that be! Remember, if the first washing machine was like a dream to people in the old days, all the dreams you have about washing machines of the future may come true!

Now, washing machine is becoming more and more popular. We see the main classification.

Washing machine can be divided into automatic type and semi-automatic type

two kinds, automatic type washing machine as long as we begin our work proactively set better washing procedure, washing machine began to work until the end without manual intervention. And semi-automatic washing machine washing and dewatering process is divided, is also called the double barrel washing machine, a tong, one takes off a bucket, and put tong inside washing out to artificial add to take off in the barrel dehydration is handled and complete laundry process.

Full-automatic washing machine in structure to take off in tong internal bucket suit, two barrels of axis, while working with the clutch to finish washing state and dehydration of the transition of the states, on the key said is automatic washing machine.

Full-automatic washing machine press catharsis means to points, can be divided into bunt washer and roll barrel type two kinds of washing machine, From the electric control ways to points, can be divided into mechanical program-controlled type and computer board controls type washing machine two kinds.

The cylinder and the pulsator washing machine are now the main two kinds.

Pulsator washing machine working principle is to add clothing, then open the inlet valve, choose good bibcock of water level and correct working procedures, switch on the power, closed warehouse door, and safety switch closed at water level, the public internal switch contacts are and dehydration contacts are interlinked, inlet valve electrify water, when the barrel water reaches the specified height, in air pressure under the action of water level switch inside public contacts disconnect dehydration contacts and connect washing contacts, feed valve power to stop water, motor power is switched on, motor started running, and periodically sometimes are turning, sometimes reverse, mutual alternant, driven by clutch BoLun using the same cycle are turning, inversion, with a certain speed rotating BoLun can drive inside bucket of water and clothing, clothing rotating water

formed in the mutual friction and reach the purpose of laundry. When washing process is completed, drainage electromagnetic valve electrify work, drain valve is opened, inside bucket of water exudes, and linkage shaft also the clutch from washing state switch to dehydration state, when drainage is completed, atmospheric pressure drop and inside bucket of water level switch public contacts reset through dehydration contacts, drainage electromagnetic valve keep electrify state, motor driven off running electrify bucket high-speed and jilt dry clothing, laundry program after washing machine disconnect hydropower and stop. As for intermediate process of how many times, laundry to wash the length of time, by process control.

Roller-type washing machine of the principle and Pulsator washing machine are basic similar. But 110mm drum machine it no clutch variable speed, but its motor is double-speed motor, so when washing machine work in washing state, program-controlled device connected motor washing low-speed windings, motor speed slow, working on dehydration, when they connect dehydration modal

high-speed windings, motor high-speed operation, this process is programmed through the device and motor to work together to finish.

To sum up, the role of these two kinds of washing machine is same, but different implementation, each has his strong point, Pulsator washing machine is simulated handmade kneaded action to work, 110mm drum type washing machine is by gravity inertial function to finish our work, they realize washing and dewatering way also have different features, Pulsator washing machine to wear clothes is relatively large, but detergents degree is higher, 110mm drum machine for clothing wear small, but detergents degrees, but lower than Pulsator washing machine to save water.

So far, washing machine is still towards a higher requirements development.








涡流式 :





滚筒式 :


离心力式 :






自动式 :



acknowledge 收到 action 执行、动作+B405 activity journal 活动日志 actuator 传动装置 add 添加 adding or inserting sheets 增加或插入纸张 adding the cover 增加封页 ADF mixed size mode ADF混合尺寸模式 advanced copy 高级复印 after recalling your settings 调用设定值后 air vent 通风口 alarm 报警器、报警音 alarm lamp 报警指示灯 alarm light 报警指示灯 alarm silent 报警器静音 alarm&key volume 报警器和按键的音量 aligning roller 定位辊 altitude 高度 anode 阳极/正极 ans/fax ready 答录/传真已准备好 area editing 区域编辑 area image overlay 局部影像覆盖 assigned number 分配号 audible alarm 声音报警 auger 螺旋钻 auto color select 自动选择颜色 auto doc size detection 原稿尺寸自动探测 auto duplex tray 自动双面纸匣 auto feed 自动进纸 auto feed indicator 自动进纸指示灯 Auto Image Density 自动调节影像浓度 auto original type 自动判断原稿类型 auto paper select 自动选择影印纸类型 auto power off mode 自动断电模式 auto print 自动打印 auto reduce/enlarge 自动缩小/放大 auto separation sensitivity level 自动分离灵敏度级别auto staple 自动装订 auto start 自动启动 auto text/photo mode 自动判断文字/照片模式autodialer 自动拨号器 automatic duplex copying 自动双面复印 back fence 后挡板 background density 背景浓度


中文参考文献格式 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识: M——专著,C——论文集,N——报纸文章,J——期刊文章,D——学位论文,R——报告,S——标准,P——专利;对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 参考文献一律置于文末。其格式为: (一)专著 示例 [1] 张志建.严复思想研究[M]. 桂林:广西师范大学出版社,1989. [2] 马克思恩格斯全集:第1卷[M]. 北京:人民出版社,1956. [3] [英]蔼理士.性心理学[M]. 潘光旦译注.北京:商务印书馆,1997. (二)论文集 示例 [1] 伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. [2] 别林斯基.论俄国中篇小说和果戈里君的中篇小说[A]. 伍蠡甫.西方文论选:下册[C]. 上海:上海译文出版社,1979. 凡引专著的页码,加圆括号置于文中序号之后。 (三)报纸文章 示例 [1] 李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N]. 光明日报,1998-12-27,(3) (四)期刊文章 示例 [1] 郭英德.元明文学史观散论[J]. 北京师范大学学报(社会科学版),1995(3). (五)学位论文 示例 [1] 刘伟.汉字不同视觉识别方式的理论和实证研究[D]. 北京:北京师范大学心理系,1998. (六)报告 示例 [1] 白秀水,刘敢,任保平. 西安金融、人才、技术三大要素市场培育与发展研究[R]. 西安:陕西师范大学西北经济发展研究中心,1998. (七)、对论文正文中某一特定内容的进一步解释或补充说明性的注释,置于本页地脚,前面用圈码标识。 参考文献的类型 根据GB3469-83《文献类型与文献载体代码》规定,以单字母标识: M——专著(含古籍中的史、志论著) C——论文集 N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章 D——学位论文 R——研究报告 S——标准 P——专利 A——专著、论文集中的析出文献 Z——其他未说明的文献类型 电子文献类型以双字母作为标识: DB——数据库 CP——计算机程序 EB——电子公告


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各种花卉的英文名 iris蝴蝶花 cockscomb鸡冠花 honeysuckle金银花chrysanthemum菊花 carnation康乃馨 orchid兰花 canna美人蕉 jasmine茉莉花 daffodil水仙花 peony牡丹 begonia秋海棠 cactus仙人掌 christmas flower圣诞花/一品红poppy罂粟 tulip郁金香 chinese rose月季 violet紫罗兰 peach flower桃花 aloe芦荟 mimosa含羞草 dandelion蒲公英

plum bolssom梅花中国水仙 new year lily 石榴 pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花 polyanthus 木棉 cotton tree 紫丁香 lilac 吊钟 lady's eardrops 紫荆 Chinese redbud 百合 lily 紫罗兰 wall flower 桃花 peach 紫藤 wisteria 杜鹃 azalea 铃兰 lily-of-the-valley 牡丹 tree peony 银杏 ginkgo 芍药 peony 蝴蝶兰 moth orchid 辛夷 violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌 Christmas cactus 玫瑰 rose 郁金香 tulip

茶花 common camellia 千日红 common globe-amaranth 非洲堇 African violet 栀子花 cape jasmine 木槿 rose of Sharon 风信子 hyacinth 百子莲 African lily 牵牛花 morning glory 君子兰 kefir lily 荷包花 lady's pocketbook 含笑花 banana shrub 非洲菊 African daisy 含羞草 sensitive plant 茉莉 Arabian jasmine 猪笼草 pitcher plant 凌霄花 creeper 树兰 orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 鸡冠花 cockscomb 荷花lotus 鸢萝 cypress vine 菩提 botree


贯彻落实科学发展观大力发展节能与绿色建筑 (2005年2月23日) 中华人民共和国建设部 节能建筑是按节能设计标准进行设计和建造、使其在使用过程中降低能耗的建筑。 绿色建筑是指为人们提供健康、舒适、安全的居住、工作和活动的空间,同时在建筑全生命周期(物料生产,建筑规划、设计、施工、运营维护及拆除过程)中实现高效率地利用资源(能源、土地、水资源、材料)、最低限度地影响环境的建筑物。绿色建筑也有人称之为生态建筑、可持续建筑。 一、发展节能与绿色建筑的重要意义 建筑作为人工环境,是满足人类物质和精神生活需要的重要组成部分。然而,人类对感官享受的过度追求,以及不加节制的开发与建设,使现代建筑不仅疏离了人与自然的天然联系和交流,也给环境和资源带来了沉重的负担。据统计,人类从自然界所获得的50%以上的物质原料用来建造各类建筑及其附属设施,这些建筑在建造与使用过程中又消耗了全球能源的50%左右;在环境总体污染中,与建筑有关的空气污染、光污染、电磁污染等就占了34%;建筑垃圾则占人类活动产生垃圾总量的40%;在发展中国家,剧增的建筑量还造成侵占土地、破坏生态环境等现象日益严重。中国正处于工业化和城镇化快速发展阶段,要在未来15年保持GDP年均增长7%以上,将面临巨大的资源约束瓶颈和环境恶化压力。严峻的事实告诉我们,中国要走可持续发展道路,发展节能与绿色建筑刻不容缓。 绿色建筑通过科学的整体设计,集成绿色配置、自然通风、自然采光、低能耗围护结构、新能源利用、中水回用、绿色建材和智能控制等高新技术,具有选址规划合理、资源利用高效循环、节能措施综合有效、建筑环境健康舒适、废物排放减量无害、建筑功能灵活适宜等六大特点。它不仅可以满足人们的生理和心理需求,而且能源和资源的消耗最为经济合理,对环境的影响最小。 胡锦涛同志指出:要大力发展节能省地型住宅,全面推广节能技术,制定并强制执行节能、节材、节水标准,按照减量化、再利用、资源化的原则,搞好资源综合利用,实现经济社会的可持续发展。温家宝和曾培炎同志也多次指出,建筑节能不仅是经济问题,而且是重要的战略问题。 发展节能与绿色建筑是建设领域贯彻“三个代表”重要思想和十六大精神,认真落实以人为本,全面、协调、可持续的科学发展观,统筹经济社会发展、人与


中英文参考文献格式! (細節也很重要啊。。)来源:李菲玥的日志 规范的参考文献格式 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章J——期刊文章 D——学位论文R——报告S——标准P——专利 A——文章 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 常用的电子文献及载体类型标识: [DB/OL]——联机网上数据(database online) [DB/MT]——磁带数据库(database on magnetic tape) [M/CD]——光盘图书(monograph on CD ROM) [CP/DK]——磁盘软件(computer program on disk) [J/OL]——网上期刊(serial online) [EB/OL]——网上电子公告(electronic bulletin board online) 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母. 如:Malcolm R ichard Cowley 应为:Cowley, M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:Frank Norris 与Irving Gordon应为:Norri s, F. & I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:Mastering English Literature,English Weekly。二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1] 周融,任志国,杨尚雷,厉星星.对新形势下毕业设计管理工作的思考与实践[J].电气电子教学学报,2003(6):107-109.


植物花卉中英文对照、花卉英文名大全 金橘--------------kumquat 米仔兰(米兰)--------- milan tree 变叶木-------------croton 一品红-------------poinsettia 扶桑--------------Chinese hibiscus 吊灯花-------------fringed hibiscus 马拉巴栗(发财树)------- Guiana chestnut 山茶--------------camellia 云南山茶------------Yunnan camellia 金花茶-------------golden camellia 瑞香--------------daphne 结香--------------paper bush 倒挂金钟------------fuchsia 八角金盘------------Japan fatsia 常春藤-------------ivy 鹅掌柴-------------umbrella tree 杜鹃花-------------rhododendron 茉莉花-------------jasmine 桂花--------------sweet osmanthus 夹竹桃-------------sweet-scented oleander 黄花夹竹桃-----------lucky-nut-thevetia 鸡蛋花-------------frangipani 龙吐珠-------------bleeding-heart glorybower 夜香树(木本夜来香)------night jasmine 鸳鸯茉莉------------broadleaf raintree 栀子花-------------cape jasmine 蝴蝶兰-------------moth orchid 卡特兰-------------cattleya 石斛--------------dendrobium 兜兰--------------lady slipper 兰花--------------orchid 春兰--------------goering cymbidium


动脉粥样硬化所导致的心脑血管疾病是目前发病率和死亡率较高的疾病之一。在动脉粥样硬化的形成过程中, 内皮细胞病变是其中极其重要的因素,最显著的变化是动脉内皮功能紊乱, 血管内皮细胞的损伤和功能改变是动脉粥样硬化发生的起始阶段。 Cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease caused by atherosclerosis is one of diseases with higher mortality and morbidity at present . In the formation of atherosclerosis, the endothelial cell lesion is one of the most important factors, in which, the most significant change is endothelial dysfunction. In addition, the injuries and the changes of vascular endothelial cells are the initial factors of atherosclerosis. 许多因素会导致血管内皮细胞受损, 主要包括脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharides , LPS)、炎症介质、氧自由基等。其中脂多糖因其广泛的生物学作用, 越来越引起研究者的关注。LPS 是一种炎症刺激物, 是革兰阴性杆菌细胞壁的主要组成成分,其通过刺激血管内皮细胞,引起其相关细胞因子和炎性因子的表达紊乱,尤其是Ca2+ 和活性氧簇(Reactive Oxygen Species , ROS的合成和释放发生改变诱导细胞氧化应激内环境紊乱。大量研究表明, LPS 直接参与动脉粥样硬化的形成过程, 特别是动脉粥样硬化血管炎症的初始阶段, LPS可通过直接作用或间接影响的方式激活并损伤内皮细胞,从而引 起血管内皮细胞形态与功能的改变。 Many factors induce vascular endothelial cell damage, including lipopolysaccharides (LPS), inflammatory mediators and oxygen free


定影膜 Fuser film sleeve 充电辊(PCR) Charge roller/充电膜套 Charge sleeve 供粉辊 Supply roller 清洁刮板 Cleaninh Blade 清洁纸 Cleaning Web Roller 挡粉片 Picker-up Roller 上定影辊 Upper Fuser Roller 下定影辊 Lower Fuser Roller 陶瓷片 Ceramic Heater 鼓芯 Drum 灯管 Lamp 复印机粉盒 Copier Cartridge 热敏电阻 Thermistor 温度传感器 Thermai Senson 搓纸轮/搓纸辊 Pickup Roller(Cleaning Entrance Seal)搓纸轮套 Pickup Roller Tire 防双张分离垫 Separation Pad 输纸辊 Transfer Roller 出纸辊 Exit Roller 分离爪 Separation Claw 原装/原厂制造/纯正 OEM 加热辊/压力辊 Hot roller/Pressure Roller

曝光灯/加热灯 Exposure/Heater lamp 激光打印机刮刀 Wiper/Doctor Blade 感光鼓清洗刮刀 Drum Cleaning Blade 墨盒 inkjet cartridges 硒鼓 toner cartridges 色带 toner 色带架 ribbon 填充碳粉 enkjet refills 加热陶瓷片 Heating Element 加热组件 Fuser Assembly 搓纸组件 Pickup Roller Assembly 栅网 Grid/充电网 Charge Corona


英文引用及参考文献格式要求 一、参考文献的类型 参考文献(即引文出处)的类型以单字母方式标识,具体如下: M——专著C——论文集N——报纸文章 J——期刊文章D——学位论文R——报告 对于不属于上述的文献类型,采用字母“Z”标识。 对于英文参考文献,还应注意以下两点: ①作者姓名采用“姓在前名在后”原则,具体格式是:姓,名字的首字母.如:MalcolmRichardCowley应为:Cowley,M.R.,如果有两位作者,第一位作者方式不变,&之后第二位作者名字的首字母放在前面,姓放在后面,如:FrankNorris与IrvingGordon应为:Norris,F.&I.Gordon.; ②书名、报刊名使用斜体字,如:MasteringEnglishLiterature,EnglishWeekly。 二、参考文献的格式及举例 1.期刊类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[J].刊名,出版年份,卷号(期号):起止页码. 【举例】 [1]王海粟.浅议会计信息披露模式[J].财政研究,2004,21(1):56-58. [2]夏鲁惠.高等学校毕业论文教学情况调研报告[J].高等理科教育,2004(1):46-52. [3]Heider,E.R.&D.C.Oliver.Thestructureofcolorspaceinnamingandmemo ryoftwolanguages[J].ForeignLanguageTeachingandResearch,1999,(3):62–6 7. 2.专著类 【格式】[序号]作者.书名[M].出版地:出版社,出版年份:起止页码. 【举例】[4]葛家澍,林志军.现代西方财务会计理论[M].厦门:厦门大学出版社,2001:42. [5]Gill,R.MasteringEnglishLiterature[M].London:Macmillan,1985:42-45. 3.报纸类 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 【举例】 [6]李大伦.经济全球化的重要性[N].光明日报,1998-12-27(3). [7]French,W.BetweenSilences:AVoicefromChina[N].AtlanticWeekly,198 715(33). 4.论文集 【格式】[序号]作者.篇名[C].出版地:出版者,出版年份:起始页码. 【举例】 [8]伍蠡甫.西方文论选[C].上海:上海译文出版社,1979:12-17. [9]Spivak,G.“CantheSubalternSpeak?”[A].InC.Nelson&L.Grossberg(e ds.).VictoryinLimbo:Imigism[C].Urbana:UniversityofIllinoisPress,1988, pp.271-313.


iris 蝴蝶花hon eysuckle 金银花 chrysanthemum 菊花 carnation 康乃馨 orchid 兰花 canna 美人蕉 jasmine 茉莉花 daffodil 水仙花 peony 牡丹 begonia 秋海棠 cactus 仙人掌 christmas flower 圣诞花/一品红 poppy 罂粟 tulip 郁金香 chi nese rose 月 季 violet 紫罗兰 peach flower 桃花 aloe 芦荟 mimosa 含羞草 dandelion 蒲公英 plum bolssom 梅花中国水仙new year lily

石榴pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花polyanthus 木棉cotton tree 紫丁香lilac 吊钟lady's eardrops 紫荆Chinese redbud 百合lily 紫罗兰wall flower 桃花peach 紫藤wisteria 杜鹃azalea 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 牡丹tree peony 银杏ginkgo 芍药peony 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 辛夷violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌Christmas cactus 玫瑰rose 郁金香tulip

非洲堇African violet 栀子花cape jasmine 木槿rose of Sharon 风信子hyacinth 百子莲African lily 牵牛花morning glory 君子兰kefir lily 荷包花lady's pocketbook 含笑花bana shrub 非洲菊African daisy 含羞草sensitive plant 茉莉Arabian jasmine 猪笼草pitcher plant 凌霄花creeper 树兰orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 荷花lotus 鸢萝cypress vine 菩提botree 大理花dahlia


(文档含英文原文和中文翻译) 中英文翻译 平面设计 任何时期平面设计可以参照一些艺术和专业学科侧重于视觉传达和介绍。采用多种方式相结合,创造和符号,图像和语句创建一个代表性的想法和信息。平面设计师可以使用印刷,视觉艺术和排版技术产生的最终结果。平面设计常常提到的进程,其中沟通是创造和产品设计。 共同使用的平面设计包括杂志,广告,产品包装和网页设计。例如,可能包括产品包装的标志或其他艺术作品,举办文字和纯粹的设计元素,如形状和颜色统一件。组成的一个最重要的特点,尤其是平面设计在使用前现有材料或不同的元素。 平面设计涵盖了人类历史上诸多领域,在此漫长的历史和在相对最近爆炸视觉传达中的第20和21世纪,人们有时是模糊的区别和重叠的广告艺术,平面设计和美术。毕竟,他们有着许多相同的内容,理论,原则,做法和语言,有时同样的客人或客户。广告艺术的最终目标是出售的商品和服务。在平面

设计,“其实质是使以信息,形成以思想,言论和感觉的经验”。 在唐朝( 618-906 )之间的第4和第7世纪的木块被切断打印纺织品和后重现佛典。阿藏印在868是已知最早的印刷书籍。 在19世纪后期欧洲,尤其是在英国,平面设计开始以独立的运动从美术中分离出来。蒙德里安称为父亲的图形设计。他是一个很好的艺术家,但是他在现代广告中利用现代电网系统在广告、印刷和网络布局网格。 于1849年,在大不列颠亨利科尔成为的主要力量之一在设计教育界,该国政府通告设计在杂志设计和制造的重要性。他组织了大型的展览作为庆祝现代工业技术和维多利亚式的设计。 从1892年至1896年威廉?莫里斯凯尔姆斯科特出版社出版的书籍的一些最重要的平面设计产品和工艺美术运动,并提出了一个非常赚钱的商机就是出版伟大文本论的图书并以高价出售给富人。莫里斯证明了市场的存在使平面设计在他们自己拥有的权利,并帮助开拓者从生产和美术分离设计。这历史相对论是,然而,重要的,因为它为第一次重大的反应对于十九世纪的陈旧的平面设计。莫里斯的工作,以及与其他私营新闻运动,直接影响新艺术风格和间接负责20世纪初非专业性平面设计的事态发展。 谁创造了最初的“平面设计”似乎存在争议。这被归因于英国的设计师和大学教授Richard Guyatt,但另一消息来源于20世纪初美国图书设计师William Addison Dwiggins。 伦敦地铁的标志设计是爱德华约翰斯顿于1916年设计的一个经典的现代而且使用了系统字体设计。 在20世纪20年代,苏联的建构主义应用于“智能生产”在不同领域的生产。个性化的运动艺术在俄罗斯大革命是没有价值的,从而走向以创造物体的功利为目的。他们设计的建筑、剧院集、海报、面料、服装、家具、徽标、菜单等。 Jan Tschichold 在他的1928年书中编纂了新的现代印刷原则,他后来否认他在这本书的法西斯主义哲学主张,但它仍然是非常有影响力。 Tschichold ,包豪斯印刷专家如赫伯特拜耳和拉斯洛莫霍伊一纳吉,和El Lissitzky 是平面设计之父都被我们今天所知。 他们首创的生产技术和文体设备,主要用于整个二十世纪。随后的几年看到平面设计在现代风格获得广泛的接受和应用。第二次世界大战结束后,美国经济的建立更需要平面设计,主要是广告和包装等。移居国外的德国包豪斯设计学院于1937年到芝加哥带来了“大规模生产”极简到美国;引发野火的“现代”建筑和设计。值得注意的名称世纪中叶现代设计包括阿德里安Frutiger ,设计师和Frutiger字体大学;保兰德,从20世纪30年代后期,直到他去世于1996年,采取的原则和适用包豪斯他们受欢迎的广告和标志设计,帮助创造一个独特的办法,美国的欧洲简约而成为一个主要的先驱。平面设计称为企业形象;约瑟夫米勒,罗克曼,设计的海报严重尚未获取1950年代和1960年代时代典型。 从道路标志到技术图表,从备忘录到参考手册,增强了平面设计的知识转让。可读性增强了文字的视觉效果。 设计还可以通过理念或有效的视觉传播帮助销售产品。将它应用到产品和公司识别系统的要素像标志、颜色和文字。连同这些被定义为品牌。品牌已日益成为重要的提供的服务范围,许多平面设计师,企业形象和条件往往是同时交替使用。


打印耗材中英文术语对照一览表 复印机及激光打印机耗材 Copiers ﹠Laser Printers Consumables 墨粉 Toner 载体 Developer 桶装粉 Toner With Pail 铝箔袋 Aluminum foil bag 红/青/黄/黑 M / C / Y / B Magenta / Cyan / Yellow / Black 散粉 Bulk Toner 双组份 Double Compositions 单组份Single Composition 磁性粉 Magnetic Toner 非磁性粉 Non magtnetic Toner 正极性粉 Positve Toner 正极性载体Positve Developer 负极性粉 Negative Toner 负极性载体Negative Developer 导电性粉 Conductive Toner 非导电性粉 Non conductive Toner 瓶装粉 Bottle Toner 模拟复印机 Analog Copier 数码复印机 Digital Copier 激光打印机 Laser Printer 鼓盒、鼓组件、暗盒 Drum Cartridge / Drum Kit / Photograph Cartridge 粉盒 Toner Cartridge / Toner Unit / Toner Kit 空盒组件 Casing Ass’y/ Empty Cartnidge 显影器 Devehoper Cartridge / Development 粉仓Toner Hopper 废粉仓/ 废粉盒/废粉瓶 Waster Bin / Waster Box / Waster Bottle 鼓护罩、鼓保护盖 Drum Shutter 有机光导体 OPC Organic Photoconductor (单个的)鼓Drum 带齿轮的鼓 Drum With Gear 充电辊 PCR Primary Charge Roller 显影辊 Developer Roller 磁辊/磁显影辊 MR/ Mag Roller/Magnetic Developing Roller


常见花的英文单词 中国水仙new year lily 石榴pomegranate 月桂victor's laurel 报春花polyanthus 木棉cotton tree 紫丁香lilac 吊钟lady's eardrops 紫荆Chinese redbud 百合lily 紫罗兰wall flower 桃花peach 紫藤wisteria 杜鹃azalea 铃兰lily-of-the-valley 牡丹tree peony 银杏ginkgo 芍药peony 蝴蝶兰moth orchid 辛夷violet magnolia 蟹爪仙人掌Christmas cactus 玫瑰rose 郁金香tulip 茶花common camellia 千日红common globe-amaranth 非洲堇African violet 栀子花cape jasmine 木槿rose of Sharon 风信子hyacinth 百子莲African lily 牵牛花morning glory 君子兰kefir lily 荷包花lady's pocketbook 含笑花banana shrub 非洲菊African daisy 含羞草sensitive plant 茉莉Arabian jasmine 猪笼草pitcher plant 凌霄花creeper 树兰orchid tree 康乃馨coronation 鸡冠花cockscomb

荷花lotus 鸢萝cypress vine 菩提botree 大理花dahlia 圣诞百合Christmas bell 一串红scarlet sage 紫薇crape myrtle 勿忘我forget-me-not 睡莲water lily 文心兰dancing lady 吊兰spider plant 白头翁pappy anemone 向日葵sunflower 矢车菊cornflower 竹bamboo 金鱼草snapdragon 夹竹桃oleander 金盏花pot marigold 月季花china rose 金银花honeysuckle 长春花old maid 金莲花garden nasturtium 秋海棠begonia 非洲凤仙African touch-me-not 美人蕉canna 曼陀罗angel's trumpet 晚香玉tuberose 梅花flowering apricot 野姜花ginger lily 圣诞红common poinsettia 菊花chrysanthemum 虞美人Iceland poppy 昙花epiphyllum 鸢尾iris 龙胆royal blue 腊梅winter sweet 麒麟花crown of thorns 木芙蓉cotton rose 九重葛paper flower 火鹤花flamingo flower 三色堇tricolor viola 嘉德丽亚兰cattleya


中英文对照翻译 (文档含英文原文和中文翻译) Policies for Development of Iron and Steel Industry The iron and steel industry is an important basic industry of the national economy, a supporting industry for realizing the industrialization and an intensive industry in technologies, capital, resources and energy, and its development requires a comprehensive balancing of all kinds of external conditions. China is a big developing country with a comparatively big demand of iron and steel in the economic development for a long time to go. China's production capacity of iron and steel has ranked the first place in the world for many years. However, there is a large gap in terms of the technological level and material consumption of the iron and steel industry compared with the international advanced level, so the focus of development for the future shall be put on technical upgrading and structural adjustment. In order to enhance the whole technical level of the iron and steel industry, promote the structural adjustment, improve the industrial layout, develop a recycling economy, lower the consumption of materials and energy, pay attention to the environmental protection, raise the comprehensive competitive capacity of enterprises, realize the industrial upgrading, and develop the iron and steel industry into an industry with

复印机 扫描仪 打印机(中英文对照)

1 sided 单面 2 sided 双面 20-bin sorter stapler 20格分页装订机 20-bin stapler sorter 20格装订分页器 2nd generaion 二次影印 access code 接入码 acknowledge 收到 action 执行、动作+B405 activity journal 活动日志 actuator 传动装置 add 添加 adding or inserting sheets 增加或插入纸张adding the cover 增加封页 ADF mixed size mode ADF混合尺寸模式advanced copy 高级复印 after recalling your settings 调用设定值后air vent 通风口 alarm 报警器、报警音 alarm lamp 报警指示灯 alarm light 报警指示灯 alarm silent 报警器静音 alarm&key volume 报警器和按键的音量aligning roller 定位辊 altitude 高度 anode 阳极/正极 ans/fax ready 答录/传真已准备好 area editing 区域编辑 area image overlay 局部影像覆盖assigned number 分配号 audible alarm 声音报警 auger 螺旋钻 auto color select 自动选择颜色 auto doc size detection 原稿尺寸自动探测auto duplex tray 自动双面纸匣 auto feed 自动进纸 auto feed indicator 自动进纸指示灯 Auto Image Density 自动调节影像浓度auto original type 自动判断原稿类型 auto paper select 自动选择影印纸类型auto power off mode 自动断电模式 auto print 自动打印 auto reduce/enlarge 自动缩小/放大 auto separation sensitivity level 自动分离灵敏度级别 auto staple 自动装订 auto start 自动启动 auto text/photo mode 自动判断文字/照片模式 autodialer 自动拨号器 automatic duplex copying 自动双面复印back fence 后挡板 background density 背景浓度 background print 后台打印 background, dirty 背景,脏 batch box 批邮箱,合并邮箱 batch box no. 批邮箱号,合并邮箱号 batch tx 批发送,合并发送 black & white 黑白 black copy 黑白影印 blade 刮板 blank slip sheet 空白薄衬纸 block junk fax 阻止垃圾传真 blocked number list 阻止号码表 bold 粗体 book 书本 book origianls 书本原稿 border erase 消除边框阴影 both 两者 bound(book) original 装订原稿 box in use 邮箱在使用中 box list 邮箱列表 box name 邮箱名称 box No 邮箱号 breaker 断路器 brightness 亮度 broadcast 广播 bulletin box 公告邮箱 bus reset 总线复位 bushi 层数 bushing 轴衬 bypass feed copying 手送台影印 bypass tray 手送台 bypass tray 旁路输纸盘 c+A57opy 副本 cable clamp 电缆夹具 calibration 标定 call request 通话请求 call reserve 通话预定 caller 主叫人、来电人 caller ID 来电者身份 carbon backed 带复写面 cardboard 硬纸板 carriage 托架 Carrier Sheet 纸垫 cassette cover 色带盒盖 cassette size label 纸盒尺寸标签 cathode 阴极 caution 小心 center erase 消除中间阴影 center line 中心线 center paper guide 打印纸中央导杆 center/border erase 消除中间/边框阴影 centering 居中 changing the machine's settings 改变机器 设定值 charger 充墨器 chassis ground 底板接地 check 复选;选中 check # of document 检查文件数,检查文 件页数 check box 复选框 claw 卡爪 clearance 间隙 clutch 离合器 coarse 粗糙 code key 代码键 collate copies 逐份打印 color adjustment 颜色调节 color adjustment/memory 颜色调节/记忆 color background 颜色背景 color balance 颜色平衡 color balance ajustment 颜色平衡调节 color balance program 颜色平衡程式 color balance sample 颜色平衡样本 color conversion 颜色转换 color creation 颜色创造 color erase 颜色消除 color mode 颜色模式 color to convert to 转换色 color to be converted 被转换色 colored area 带色区域 column adjust knob 列调节旋钮 column scale 列刻度 com No 任务号 combination chart 功能合并使用表 combine 连接 combine 2 original 连接2份原稿 combine 4 original 连接4份原稿 commands full 任务已满 communication light 通信指示灯 complementary color 补色 confidential 保密 connector 端子 console 控制台式 console type 台式 continuous polling operation 连续查询工作 contrast 对比度 copies 复印份数 Copy 晒制 copy counter 影印计数器
