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假设你是李华,于2015年8月3日搭乘国外某航空公司航班(flight number BA793)回国后,发现遗失了一个行李箱(suitcase)。现请用英文给该航空公司写一封信,请他们帮你寻找。


Dear Smith,

I’m Li Hua. I am writing to ask you to help me find my lost suitcase. When I returned on 3rd, August 2015, I took flight number BA793. My suitcase is brown but it is a special, for there is a particular picture on it. In the picture is a lovely panda which is eating bamboo. Now I’m very worried because many important things, such as passport, papers, purse are all in it.

I need the things badly. I would appreciate it if you can help me find the suitcase.

Looking forward to your reply!


Li Hua


Bookcrossing. Com 是一个面向全球的图书分享网站。该网站组织的分享活动有两种参与方式:一是自由分享(wild release),即把书放在指定地点,由其他参与者自由获取;二是定向分享(controlled release),即直接传递给另一位参与者。假设你是李华,请用英文写信申请参加。内容应包括:·表明写信目的




Learning that you are organizing this activity to share books worldwide, I am writing to apply for it for the simple reason that I love reading and I own a large number of books.

You’ve introduced two ways to share books: wild release and control led release. Of the two, the latter wins my favor. By the means of controlled release, I only need to deliver books to other participants, not only are books shared but it can build up a bridge connecting readers from different parts of the world as well.

If you could provide more specific information, I would be well grateful. Looking forward to your reply.


作为班长,请你根据以下内容给新任外教Mr. Smith 写一封信, 向他表示欢迎并转达同学们对英语课的希望:

1. 介绍西方文化;

2. 组织多样活动;

3. 关注学生发音。

Dear Mr. Smith,

I’m writing on behalf of my class to extend our warm welcome to you. Here are some of our expectations for your English class.

First, we’d like to have topics in class about Western culture. We are all very interested in knowing more about culture behind the language. Besides, we’d appreciate various activities to get everyone involved in speaking English. Last but not least, please give us some guidance and training in our pronunciation, because we all hope to speak English fluently and clearly just as you native speakers do.

Thank you very much. Looking forward to meeting you!



假定你是李华,你校英文报“外国文化”栏目拟刊登介绍美国节日风俗和中学生生活的短文。请给美国朋友彼得写信约稿。一、要点如下:1、栏目介绍;2、稿件内容3、稿件长度:约400字4、交稿日期:6月28日前Dear Peter,

I'd like to ask you to write an article for our school's English newspaper. In order to make students know more about American culture, our school has decided to set up a column to publish some articles written by American students. Hearing the news, I was very happy. I couldn't wait to tell you about it .As far as I know you are very good at writing and you always dream of becoming a writer in the future .I think it's a good opportunity that you are eager to get.

Here are some more requirements about the article.

Firstly, you are expected to write about American festivals and middle school student’s everyday life. Most important

of all, you are required to hand in your article before June 28th. In my opinion, by doing so not only can you improve your writing skills but also can you become popular in China. I hope you can finish it as soon as possible.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.


Li Hua


访问学者推荐信范文英文模版 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 nov. 30, 19xx pratt institute office of graduate admissions 200 willoughby avenue brooklyn, ny 11205 to whom it may concern: i have known him since 1996 and he has worked in our lab of xxx at xxx university for 3 years. mr. x is one of the best students in our department, he is both diligent and independent, intelligent and fast-learning. what impressed me most, is his working attitude and ability. during the years in our lab, he was mainly responsible for the interior design and acoustic model test of xxx theater. as a student majored in architecture, he lacked the skills of such physical experiment at first. but i found that as soon as he was assigned this task, he began to study assiduously for relevant knowledge and read many references. thus he mastered the skill of the experiment in a short time and can even install and debug the whole set of equipment himself. these equipment included some sophisticated acoustic instruments and data processing programs. in the spring of 1998, his instructor, also his experiment director, had to go to japan for academic event. in the next half year, he finished the whole experiment independently, including the reverberation time measurement and the pulse response measurement. the result was soon used to direct the interior design of the theater. also should be mentioned is that from the beginning of the experiment, he took part in it enthusiastically and positively. he helped the layout of the model and made more than 400 exquisite model chairs by hand. all these clearly demonstrate that he has the ability of solving problems effectively, working independently and has organized manner in approaching problems. mr. x is a student eager to learn. in order to acquire more knowledge, he began to study japanese, for many architecture books and journals are published in japan. in one year, he passed the level 3 of the japanese language proficiency test with a high score. recently i heard that he has also got excellent record in gre test. i believe that he would have no trouble in studying abroad. when he told me he was planning for further research in u.s.a, i encouraged him. his talent and ability would ensure him to do outstanding works. i can state unequivocally that he will be well qualified for graduate studies in your group. i would appreciate it if you could give him your favorable consideration. sincerely篇二:出国留学推荐信范例(巨经典!) 推荐信范例 大多数学校都要求申请人提供二至三封推荐信。有力的推荐是录取的重要条件之 一。推荐信要客观、公正、切忌流于形式,内容空洞,要与申请人的其它材料(如成绩 单)等相符。推荐信也应注意格式、文法等。因为向来有“名师出高徒”之说。推荐信的格 式与一般书信基本相同。有信头,发信日期,收信人姓名,称呼,正文,信尾谦称,签名,


申请书格式及范文 一、申请书格式 1、标题: 标题一般是:“申请书”三个字,或者较为正规的关于XXX的生源地助学贷款申请书。其中的“XXX”是指你的姓名。这两种格式我们只需要选择一种即可,在书写时,一定不要有错字。而且标题要放在首行的正中间来书写,字体比正文字体稍微大一点,与正文字体大小相同也可以,但不要字体大小小于正文字体,建议稍微大于正文字体大小。 2、称呼: 书写生源地助学贷款申请书时,一定要写称呼,一般都是:尊敬的XXX领导,您好。其中的“XXX”是你申请助学贷款银行的全称,记住是全称而不是简称,如果不清楚,你可以咨询你所在地教育局或去当地教育信息网查询,你也可以咨询你的老师。这个需要顶头书写,就是不用空两格,而申请称呼后面的您好,需要另起一行空两格来书写。“您好”后面一般为句号或感叹号。 3、正文: 正文的内容可以接在“您好”的后面来书写,也可以另起一行空两格来书写。正文的主要内容格式为:你的简要信息描述,包括姓名、性别、名族、籍贯、毕业院校、录取院校;家庭的简要信息,包括家庭成员组成、经济状况及来源支出、身体状况等进行简要说明。书写完成后,可写写你在学校的积极思想状况、学习工作状况、生活状况等(这些信息需要的是积极向上、健康正确),这里的学校对于新生就是高中毕业院校,对于已在大学的同学来说就是读书所在校。紧接着书写的就是你为什么要申请助学贷款,这个可以详细书写,但简明扼要阐述,可以分条列序说明,最后书写恳请领导批准我的申请等话语。书写中不要出现错别字、病句等,动笔前仔细酝酿,写好后认真查一遍。 4、感谢语:

在文章的结尾处应书写一段对各位领导表示感谢的话语,这也需要另起一行空两格书写。这段语言一般都是表示自己无论是否申请成功,都对领导的辛苦工作表示感谢,自己也会努力学习、积极上进报答父母、报答学校、报效社会,最后再一次对领导的关心与帮助表示感谢。当然,如果申请成功。你将保证好好学习、珍惜并合理使用这些经费,也会在规定的时间里按时偿还这些费用,在偿还期内,会保持思想积极上进,保证联络信息通畅无误等。这段话语中也不要出现错别字、病句等。 5、结尾: 结尾一般采用常见的格式,也就是此致、敬礼、申请人:XXX、XXXX年XX月XX日。其中的“此致”空两格书写,敬礼则顶头写,而申请人:XXX、XXXX 年XX月XX日。则需要单独做两行来书写,而且是右对齐的格式。申请人就是你的姓名,XXXX年XX月XX日就是你申请的日期。使用大写数字,使用阿拉伯数字也可以,但需要写全,是个位数的在数字前方加一个阿拉伯数字'0"。 6、其他: 如有其他特别说明的,可以制作一份附件,附在申请书后面。比如一些申请书里面提到的证明材料等可以加在申请书后面,如果有一些特殊说明,也可以用另外一张纸加以说明后附在申请书后面。 二、助学申请书范文 尊敬的院领导: 您好!我是艺术设计学院10级视觉传达(1)班的学生XXX。10年很荣幸的成为我校的一名新生,在激动与兴奋的心情中不知不觉地开始了大学生活,在这一年里我始终保持着积极向上的心态,时时以高标准要求自己的同时,妥善处理好学习和工作两者之间的关系,努力做到全面发展。本人认为在各方面均符合优秀学生的评选条件,故提出该份申请书。现将本人基本情况介绍如下,作为各位领导的评审参考。 一、思想情况


访学申请信样本电子邮件版本 该申请信只是样本,请根据自己的需要增补相关信息,尤其是本专业的研究方向、国内研究团队的优势及申请对方学校的原因等 Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8118120178.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


访学申请书范文 访学申请书 尊敬的各位领导: 我是来自——大学——学院——级——班的——,申请赴——访学。现将我的基本条件叙述如下: 在学习方面,我学习刻苦,志存高远,取得了优异的成绩。 获得了“专业奖学金” 、“优秀学生奖”和“三好学生”荣誉称号。上学年学业成绩在班级前10%,操行评价在班级前10%。大学英语四六级考试均一次性通过。我十分珍惜在校的学习机会,利用大学丰富的学习资源,全面提升自我的科学文化素质。 在担任学生干部方面,我一丝不苟,认真负责,达到了老师同学们的认可。大学两年来连任班级——,大二兼任——。在校级社团——里,担任——职位。在班级工作中做到了帐目明细清楚,班级学生素拓分提升。在社团工作上,每次活动前尽可能考虑周全,写出一份优秀的策划书。在全体社员的努力下,开展了——等丰富多彩的社团活动。荣获校“优秀学生干部”和“文明大学生”称号,——协会“优秀部长”称号。 与此同时,我积极参加各项活动,获得了诸多荣誉。在社会实践方

面,大二暑期我参加了——学院暑期“三下乡”社会实践服务队在——开展的关爱农村留守儿童活动,参与了课业辅导、结对帮扶、安全教育和爱心捐赠等多种多样的活动,并获得暑期“三下乡”社会实践优秀心得体会。此外,校组织的各项比赛活动我也积极参加,获得校——协会“辨别真假钞”大赛二等奖,校运动会上,获得了秋季校运会袋鼠跳第三名和春季校运会女踢毽子第一名的好成绩,并连续两年荣获院“体育积极分子”称号。在生活中,我和室友相处融洽,一起为梦想奋斗,积极参加寝室团体比赛活动,获得了校“文明寝室” 称号,在院举办的寝室装扮大赛也获得第一名。这些活动极大促进了我的身心健康,提高了沟通和交流能力,培养了良好的纪律观念和团队意识。学校组织的2014 年英语暑期学校项目,能够扩大我的学习视野,提高我的英语水平,体验不同的人文环境。这对我来说,能够到——访学,将是一段难忘的人生经历。为此我会更加努力,严于律己,提高专业知识和英语水平,贯彻“——”校训,展现——大学学生昂扬向上的精神风貌。 鉴于上述多方面我特此向学校申请——访学,希望学校和院领导批准。 此致 敬礼!


Dear Professor Harry Smith, I am Wang Mei, an associate professor of Applied Linguistics(专业) at Sichuan International Studies University, Chongqing, P.R.China. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of conducting a one-year research in the area of Second Language Evalution (研究方向) at your renowned university as an academic visitor starting September, 2016. I have obtained a full scholarship from China Scholarship Council (CSC, website: https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8118120178.html, ), which allows me to conduct a one-year research on Second Language Evaluation(研究方向) at a prominent overseas university as a visiting scholar. All my living expenses and airfare will be covered by the scholarship. Your research team enjoys a renowned reputation in my research area, I will be very grateful if I can obtain an opportunity to improve my professional expertise as a visiting scholar under your generous guidance. I have being actively involved in __Second Language Evaluation__(研究方向) research for nearly 15 years. It would be my delight to be able to join your brilliant team and share with you my personal research progress, and if possible, I do hope that we establish long-term reciprocal academic cooperation through this visiting scholar program. Attached is my CV. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Yours sincerely, Wang Mei Associate Professor English Department Sichuan International Stuides University P.R. China Office Tel: Mobile: Email: Letter Two: 回复信


Dear Professor......, I am writing to apply for a position of visiting scholar at your Lab. My name is ......, from ...... University, China. I’ve got my Ph. D degree in ...... under the supervision of Professor ...... in ...... University, majored in Organic Chemistry. From 2010 to 2013, I researched in ...... as a Post-Doctor. Recently, I have been awarded the financial support from China Scholarship Council (CSC) to pursue further research in America as a visiting scholar for 12 months. The financial support covers international airfares, health insurance, and necessary expenses during my stay in America. Currently, I'm working in the field of ...... and my projects mainly involve in the design and synthesis of ......, I need to widen my vision and perspectives. Checking into my advisor's guide and other sources, I have found that your Lab is an ideal place for ambitious youth. I will greatly appreciate an opportunity to do some further research under your direction. So I write to you to see if you can give me a chance to be a visiting scholar in your group and let me take part in some of the research work to extend my research skill and knowledge on molecular recognition. I strongly believe that with your instruction I can make big progress in my research career. In the following section of this email, I list part of my research achievements for you. If time permits, I hope you can look up and give some suggestions. Thank you for your time and consideration. Best regards to you and your family. Sincerely yours, Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8118120178.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The XXX has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX


篇一:申请书格式 台头:关于xxxxx的申请 正文:xxxxx: 兹有xxxxx因xxxx需向xxxx申请办理xxxxxx事宜。 特此申请。 申请单位: (申请人):年月日 申请书的格式范文 申请书是个人、单位、集体向组织、领导提出请求,要求批准或帮助解决问题的专用书信。分类: 申请书的使用范围相当广,种类也很多。按作者分类,可分为个人申请书和单位、集体公务申请书。 注意事项: (1)申请的事项要写清楚、具体,涉及到的数据要准确无误。 (2)理由要充分、合理,实事求是,不能虚夸和杜撰,否则难以得到上级领导的批准。(3)语言要准确、简洁,态度要诚恳、朴实。 格式与范文分析: (1)标题 有两种写法,一是直接写“申请书”,另一是在“申请书”前加上内容,如“入党申请书”、“调换工作申请书”等,一般采用第二种。 申请书 (2)称谓 顶格写明接受申请书的单位、组织或有关领导。 尊敬的校领导: 您们好! (3)正文 正文部分是申请书的主体,首先提出要求,其次说明理由。理由要写得客观、充分,事项要写得清楚、简洁。 (4)结尾写明惯用语“特此申请”、“恳请领导帮助解决”、“希望领导研究批准”等,也可用“此致”“敬礼”礼貌用语。 (5)署名、日期 个人申请要写清申请者姓名,单位申请写明单位名称并加盖公章,注明日期。 如: 申请书 尊敬的**: 我是***,郑重的向**提出*****这一申请. *********(根据实情详细说明原因)****************************************************************************************************************************** 我(希望/愿意/一定.....)(申请成功后我会怎样) 希望**能够(批准/考验/接受)我 此致 敬礼


公派访问学者申请信模板 Name: M No. XXX XX Road XX City XX Province PR. China. Tel.: +86-xxxxxxxxxxxxx E-mail: XXXX@https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8118120178.html, Dear XXX, I am writing to you about the possibility of studying and researching in your lab as a visiting scholar. The X has approved my request to study abroad. They will provide me with XXXX dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for X year. Your researches are of particular interest to me, especially in XXXX that XXX Your group’s research is so outstanding that I believe that if given the opportunity to study and research under your guidance, the experience at your lab can improve my research capacity, learn technology that is more new, and enlarge my knowledge in this field, which will benefit me a lot. I am a professor of organic chemistry and the director of organic synthesis laboratory at Department of Chemistry and Biology, XXX University, XX Province, PR China. I graduated from XXX University and got my XX degree in XXXX. Since that time, I have been working forXXX. My current research focuses on (1) XXX (supported by the key subject of XXX); (2) XXX(project supported by the XXX Natural Science Foundation, Granted No. XXX ).; (3) XXX I am satisfied with my research work. However, due to the condition of the experiments, finances, and personal experiments are restricted, I would like to find an opportunity to go abroad for further study and research. After I finish my research and study in USA, I will continue my research work and construct a new organic synthesis lab in my college in order to bridge the gap between my lab and the others Your comments and consideration will be highly appreciated. I am looking forward to hear from you. Sincerely yours, Michael


台头:关于xxxxx的申请 正文:xxxxx: 兹有xxxxx因xxxx需向xxxx申请办理xxxxxx事宜。 特此申请。 申请单位: (申请人): 年月日 申请书的格式范文 申请书是个人、单位、集体向组织、领导提出请求,要求批准或帮助解决问题的专用书信。 分类: 申请书的使用范围相当广,种类也很多。按作者分类,可分为个人申请书和单位、集体公务申请书。 注意事项: (1)申请的事项要写清楚、具体,涉及到的数据要准确无误。 (2)理由要充分、合理,实事求是,不能虚夸和杜撰,否则难以得到上级领导的批准。 (3)语言要准确、简洁,态度要诚恳、朴实。 格式与范文分析: (1)标题 有两种写法,一是直接写“申请书”,另一是在“申请书”前加上内容,如“入党申请书”、“调换工作申请书”等,一般采用第二种。 申请书 (2)称谓 顶格写明接受申请书的单位、组织或有关领导。 尊敬的校领导: 您们好! (3)正文 正文部分是申请书的主体,首先提出要求,其次说明理由。理由要写得客观、充分,事项要写得清楚、简洁。 (4)结尾

写明惯用语“特此申请”、“恳请领导帮助解决”、“希望领导研究批准”等,也可用“此致”“敬礼”礼貌用语。 (5)署名、日期 个人申请要写清申请者姓名,单位申请写明单位名称并加盖公章,注明日期。 如: 申请书 尊敬的**: 我是***,郑重的向**提出*****这一申请. *********(根据实情详细说明原因)****************************************************************************************************************************** 我(希望/愿意/一定.....)(申请成功后我会怎样) 希望**能够(批准/考验/接受)我 此致 敬礼 申请人:*** *****年**月**日


青年骨干教师CSC公派访问学者博士后申请材料 “青年骨干教师出国研修项目”(简称青骨项目)是国家留学基金委(CSC)面向高校重点培养的优秀青年教师、实验室骨干或中层及以上管理人员开展的国家公派资助项目。每年两次,派出时间截至至当年年底。分别于4月初和9月初登录国家公派留学信息管理系统(https://www.sodocs.net/doc/8118120178.html,)进行正式网上报名。 今年政策明确提出:两批公派人员留学资格有效期均保留至2016年12月31日。凡未按期派出者,留学资格自动取消。这意味着,即使9月申请,10月获得公派资格,也需要在2个月内完成签证申请,公证《留学基金委资助协议》、交纳担保金,按时出境。据以往申请经验分析,因第二批派出的时间安排过于紧张,更多的老师们会优先申请4月的选拔。 2016年的青骨项目将于4月1日-15日及9月1日-10日正式开始申报,提醒各位老师抓紧时间联系导师,准备申请材料。 公派申请材料明细: 一、个人准备材料: 1.《国家留学基金管理委员会出国留学申请表》 通过国家公派留学信息管理系统填报,包括个人基本信息、外语水平、国内外教育经历、国内外工作经历、学术成果(论文、专利、项目、奖励)。 2.有效身份证复印件 3.职称证书、最高学历、学位证书复印件 4.国外单位正式邀请信 国外大学或科研机构的邀请函(复印/传真件即可)。要求由外方教授/邀请单位签发,并使用邀请单位专用信纸打印。邀请信/函应明确如下内容: 1)基本信息:姓名、国内单位等; 2)留学身份:访问学者/博士后 3)留学期限:明确到留学起止年月; 4)留学专业、课题或研究方向;

5)资金资助情况; 6)外方负责人签字(含电子签名)与联系方式。 5.获奖证书复印件 应与申请国家留学基金资助相关的、获奖级别最高、日期最新的奖励(原则上应是五年内获得的)。 6.外语水平证明复印件 申请人应按所申报项目有关外语水平要求提交相应的有效外语水平证明复印件,包括: 1)全国外语水平考试(WSK)成绩通知单(有效期2年); - 英语(PETS5):笔试总分55分(含)以上,其中听力部分18分(含)以上,口试总分3分(含)以上; - 德语(NTD):笔试总分65分(含)以上; - 法语(TNF):笔试总分60分(含)以上; - 日语(NNS)/俄语(ТЛРЯ):笔试总分60分(含)以上,其中口试总分3分(含)以上。 2)外语专业本科(含)以上毕业的证明材料为学历或学位证书。 3)我驻外使(领)馆出具的《留学回国人员证明》或曾留学单位及工作单位人事部门分别出具的在外学习或工作的证明。要求申请者近十年内曾在同一语种国家或地区连续留学8个月(含)以上,或连续工作12个月(含)以上,或曾以国家公派高级研究学者身份留学3个月(含)以上。 4)教育部指定出国留学人员培训部结业证书: 英语为高级班结业证书; 德语、法语、日语、俄语、西班牙语、意大利语为中级班结业证书。 5)雅思、托福考试达标成绩单(雅思(学术类)6.5分、托福网考95分)。 6)对赴非英语国家留学的人员,如外方邀请信中明确表述可使用英语作为工作语言,英语达到国家公派合格标准也可以申请并派出。


申请书格式范本 企业名称预先核准申请书格式示范文本 企业名称预先核准申请书 申请企业名称:营口××房地产开发有限公司 备选企业名称(请选用不同的字号): 1 营口××房地产开发有限公司. 2__营口××房地产开发有限公司. 3 . 经营范围:(只需填写与企业名称行业表述一致的主要业务项目):房地产开发经营 注册资本:伍佰万元人民币 企业类型:有限责任公司 住所:营口市站前区×路×号 投资人姓名或名称、证照号码、投资额和投资比例(投资人写不下的,可另备页面载明并签名盖章): 投资人签名盖章:林××(签字) 营口××建筑工程有限公司(盖章)

中华人民共和国工商行政管理总局制 投资人授权委托意见 兹委托(我单位/代理机构/自然人股东)林××前来办理企业名称预先核准事宜。 授权期限为: 2004年7月1日至2004年7月15日 授权权限如下(同意的,在括号内签署“同意”;不同意的,在括号内签署“不同意”选择二项以上同意或有空括号未填写的,本授权委托意见无效。): 1.全权办理企业名称预先核准,但不得修改本申请书任何文字内容。(不同意) 2.全权办理企业名称预先核准,授权修改本申请书出现的错别字、遗漏和误加的文字。(同意) 3.全权办理企业名称预先核准,如申请的企业名称未能核准,授权修改、增加或减少企业名称字词表述。(不同意) 4.全权办理企业名称预先核准,授权修改本申请书任何内容和文字表述。(不同意) 代办人或代理人签名:林××(签字) 联系电话:28××××× 通信地址及邮政编码:营口市站前区×路×号 11500× (全体投资人签名盖章处) 林××(签字) 营口××建筑工程有限公司(盖


charles e. bakis distinguished professor of engineering science & mechanics mailing address: 212 ees building dept. of engineering science and mechanics the pennsylvania state university university park, pa 16802 tel +1 (814) 865-3178 fax +1 (814) 863-6031 dear professor, i am writing to inquire about the availability of visiting scholar positions in your university in the springtime or the fall of 2009 and to apply for admission to your research group as a visiting scholar in the field of bridge engineering or civil engineering which you are specialized in. i am expecting to conduct some joint research with you and i sincerely hope that you will be my supervisor. the ministry of education of p.r. china has approved my request as one visiting scholar to go to the usa for further research in the field. they will provide me with 1200 dollars per month along with a round-trip ticket as financial support for one year. i am planning to stay in your research group for one year. i would be very grateful if you could consider giving me a visiting scholar position. it will be my best honor if you receive me to your group! again, i hope you can accept me as a visiting scholar! i look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible. very sincerely, ****** school, department ****university **** city, postcode, nation (*** campus, city, province, p.r. china, postcode) tel : + fax : + e-mail: enclosures: ? financial support certificate ? curriculum vitae篇二:访问学者申请流程及注意事项 访问学者申请流程及注意事项 标签:访问学者申请流程公派 2011-11-26 11:19 1.国内申请 准备、提交公派留学申报材料。此时也许你还没联系好国外合作导师,或许还没有拿到 pets5成绩,没关系,只要你清楚你想出去干什么,形成一个有鲜明特点、创新较强的研究 方案是这个阶段你要做的最重要的事情。只有获得公派资格,你才能进行下一步的工作。关 于pets成绩,当然越早报考越好,这样心里就有数了。对于像我这样口语、听力都缺乏锻炼、 欠佳的人来说,在拿到成绩之前,心里一直都忐忑不安!所以尽早准备报考就是了。 2.国外申请 在申报国内资助资格的同时,你可以着手申请合作导师。当然国外申请越早越好,可以 更充分地了解、准备。不过申报材料中你所涉及的意向学校、导师不一定是你最终要去的单 位、课题组。作为国家资助的留学项目,外导一般还是比较欢迎的,毕竟他会省去一大笔支


访问学者申请信模板 厚谱教育:访问学者申请领跑者 要想事半功倍,始于好起点 在出国做访问学者盛行的今天,各界广大高端人士,为了再次提高自己的实力,展现自我,实现学术与国际接轨,梦想与世界腾飞的愿望,都开始注重海外履历、海外学术交流,因此出国做访问学者也就成了热门的选择。厚谱教育告诉大家:申请访问学者之路,看似简单,做起来却十分的难,其所花时间经历是无法估量的,如果申请者想要高效的完成访学计划,那么就要学会把握机会,选择捷径,用智慧和毅力才能收获成功。 有人说“为了梦,我在所不惜,所有苦累都能承受”这是勇者之言,这种人即使成功,也一定一路坎坷,并且浪费了太多时间。 “访学之路纵使有千条,如果你选择最远的那条,耽误的不仅仅是时间,可能是更多宝贵的访学机会,所以我们要相信,在通向梦想之路上,一定会有一条捷径助我们更好的完梦并用足够的时间来享受成功的喜悦,也许这条捷径在起点、在路中、或是在即将胜利的那一刻!” 今天,厚谱教育就和大家分享一下他积累的访学经验:要做访问学者,就要赢在起点,写好一封标准有质量的申请信尤为重要。 申请信贵在精实、重在诚信,其败于虚浮、毁于阿谀 众所周知,每年申请访学的人数众多,机会难得。而且,你不能忽视的是海外教授资源也不是随时随地等你的,错过了也就错过了。所以当我们做出要出国访学的决定后,第一环节最重要的就是那块引路石“申请信”,千万不要小看这封信,有些人正是因为小看了这封信的威力,要么抄一个模版投十几个教授应付、最后还满怀期望的等待,结果却如石沉大海般杳无音讯;要么将申请信写的华丽非凡,但空洞无力,极尽阿谀,这样的人根本就不明白访学的真正意义是什么,这说明你的申请信就是一块粗糙难看的‘石头’,而不是让人眼前一亮的瑾玉。 访问学者旨在促进教育、艺术、商业和科学等领域内人员的知识和技术交流,注重的是态度、内涵、个人实力,那些空洞华丽、字句敷衍的申请信,除了表明申请者的无知和以访学为借口达到不良目的的用心的作用外,估计还可以充实知名教授的垃圾箱。 下面就是一份申请者自认为写的十分高大上的申请信,却最终沦为美国教授的邮箱中垃圾的例子。


个人申请书格式模板申请书格式及范文申请书的使用范围相当广,种类也很多。按作者分类,可分为个人申请书和单位、集体公务申请书。 申请书格式 (1)标题 有两种写法,一是直接写“申请书”,另一是在“申请书”前加上内容,如“入党申请书”、“调换工作申请书”等,一般采用第二种。 (2)称谓 顶格写明接受申请书的单位、组织或有关领导。 (3)正文 正文部分是申请书的主体,首先提出要求,其次说明理由。理由要写得客观、充分,事项要写得清楚、简洁。 (4)结尾

写明惯用语“特此申请”、“恳请领导帮助解决”、“希望领导 研究批准”等,也可用“此致”“敬礼”礼貌用语。 (5)署名、日期 申请书范文 尊敬的领导: 我于xx年x月x日成为公司的试用员工,到今天3个月试用期已满,根据公司的规章制度,现申请转为公司正式员工。 作为一名刚参加工作一年多的毕业生,初来公司,曾经很担心不 知该怎么与人共处,该如何做好工作;但是公司宽松融洽的工作氛围、团结向上的企业文化,让我很快完成了从普通职员向高效职员的转变。 在岗试用期间,我在市场部学习工作。这个部门的业务是我以前 从未接触过的,和我的专业知识相差也较大;但是在各部门领导和同 事的耐心指导下,使我在较短的时间内适应了公司的工作环境,也熟悉了公司的整个操作流程。

在本部门的工作中,我一直严格要求自己,认真及时做好领导布置的每一项任务,同时主动为领导分忧;专业和非专业上不懂的问题虚心向同事学习请教,不断提高充实自己,希望能尽早独当一面,为公司做出更大的贡献。当然,初入职场,难免出现一些小差小错需领导指正;但前事之鉴,后事之师,这些经历也让我不断成熟,在处理各种问题时考虑得更全面,杜绝类似失误的发生。在此,我要特地感谢部门的领导和同事对我的入职指引和帮助,感谢他们对我工作中出现的失误的提醒和指正。 经过这三个月,我现在已经能够独立处理公司的业务,部门内部各种,当然我还有很多不足,处理问题的经验方面有待提高,团队协作能力也需要进一步增强,需要不断继续学习以提高自己业务能力。 这是我的第二份工作,这三个月来我学到了很多,感悟了很多; 看到公司的迅速发展,我深深地感到骄傲和自豪,也更加迫切的希望以一名正式员工的身份在这里工作,实现自己的奋斗目标,体现自己的人生价值,和公司一起成长。 在此我提出转正申请,恳请领导给我继续锻炼自己、实现理想的机会。我会用谦虚的态度和饱满的热情做好我的本职工作,为公司创造价值,同公司一起展望美好的未来!
