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Chapter 12 Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure

Chapter 12 Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure
Chapter 12 Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure

Chapter 12 Managing Economic Exposure and Translation Exposure

1. Depreciation of the euro relative to the U.S. dollar will cause a U.S.-based multinational firm's reported earnings (from the consolidated income statement) to _______. If a firm desired to protect against this possibility, it could stabilize its reported earnings by

_______ euros forward in the foreign exchange market.

A) be reduced; purchasing

B) be reduced; selling

C) increase; selling

D) increase; purchasing


2. Springfield Co., based in the U.S., has a cost of goods sold attributable to foreign material orders that exceeds its foreign revenue. All foreign transactions are denominated in the foreign currency of concern. This firm would _______ a stronger dollar and would

_______ a weaker dollar.

A) benefit from; be unaffected by

B) benefit from; be adversely affected by

C) be unaffected by; be adversely affected by

D) be unaffected by; benefit from

E) benefit from; benefit from


3. Whitewater Co. is a U.S. company with sales to Canada amounting to C$8 million. Its cost of goods sold attributable to the purchase of Canadian goods is C$6 million. Its interest expense on Canadian loans is C$4 million. Given these exact figures above, the dollar value of Whitewater's "earnings before interest and taxes" would _______ if the Canadian dollar appreciates; the dollar value of Whitewater's "earnings before taxes" would _______ if the Canadian dollar appreciates.

A) increase; increase

B) decrease; increase

C) decrease; decrease

D) increase; decrease

E) increase; be unaffected


4. Sycamore (a U.S. firm) has no subsidiaries and presently has sales to Mexican customers amounting to MXP98 million, while its peso-denominated expenses amount to MXP41 million. If it shifts its material orders from its Mexican suppliers to U.S. suppliers, it

could reduce peso-denominated expenses by MXP12 million and increase

dollar-denominated expenses by $800,000. This strategy would _______ the Sycamore's exposure to changes in the peso's movements against the U.S. dollar. Regardless of

whether the firm shifts expenses, it is likely to perform better when the peso is valued

_______ relative to the dollar.

A) reduce; high

B) reduce; low

C) increase; low

D) increase; high


5. Which of the following is an example of economic exposure but not an example of transaction exposure?

A) An increase in the dollar's value hurts a U.S. firm's domestic sales because foreign competitors are able to increase their sales to U.S. customers.

B) An increase in the pound's value increases the U.S. firm's cost of British pound


C) A decrease in the peso's value decreases a U.S. firm's dollar value of peso


D) A decrease in the Swiss franc's value decreases the dollar value of interest payments

on a Swiss deposit sent to a U.S. firm by a Swiss bank.


6. Rockford Co. is a U.S. manufacturing firm that produces goods in the U.S. and sells all products to retail stores in the U.K.; the goods are denominated in pounds. It finances a

small portion of its business with pound-denominated loans from British banks. Which

of the following is true? (Assume that the amount of products to be sold is guaranteed by contracts.)

A) The dollar value of sales is higher if the pound depreciates against the dollar.

B) The dollar value of sales is unaffected by the pound's exchange rate.

C) A and B

D) None of the above


7. If a U.S. firm's expenses are more susceptible to exchange rate movements than revenue,

the firm will _______ if the dollar _______.

A) benefit; weakens

B) be unaffected; weakens

C) be unaffected; strengthens

D) benefit; strengthens


8. Laketown Co. has some expenses and revenue in euros. If its expenses are more sensitive

to exchange rate movements than revenue, it could reduce economic exposure by

_______. If its revenues are more sensitive than expenses, it could reduce economic exposure by _______.

A) decreasing foreign revenues; decreasing foreign expenses

B) decreasing foreign revenues; increasing foreign expenses

C) increasing foreign revenues; decreasing foreign revenues

D) decreasing foreign expenses; increasing foreign revenues


9. Any restructuring of operations that _______ the difference between a foreign currency's inflows and outflows may _______ economic exposure.

A) reduces; increase

B) increases; reduce

C) reduces; reduce

D) A and B

E) none of the above


10. It is generally least difficult to effectively hedge various types of:

A) translation exposure.

B) transaction exposure.

C) economic exposure.

D) A and C


11. With regard to hedging translation exposure, translation losses _______; and gains on forward contracts used to hedge translation exposure _______.

A) are not tax deductible; are taxed

B) are tax deductible; are taxed

C) are not tax deductible; are not taxed

D) are tax deductible; are not taxed


12. If a firm is subject to ______, then it must be subject to translation exposure.

A) transaction exposure

B) economic exposure

C) A and B

D) none of the above


Chapter 12 课后答案

新编语言学教程Chapter 12答案 Applied Linguistics 1. Define the following terms briefly. (1) applied linguistics: the study of language and linguistics in relation to practical issues, e.g. speech therapy, language teaching, testing, and translation. More often than not nowadays, it is used in the narrow sense, and refers to language teaching in particular. (2) grammar-translation method: a method of foreign or second language teaching which makes use of translation and grammar study as the main teaching and learning activities. (3) audiolingual method: the teaching of a second language through imitation, repetition, and reinforcement. It emphasizes the teaching of speaking and listening before reading and writing and the use of mother tongue in the classroom is not allowed. (4) communicative language teaching: an approach to foreign or second language teaching which emphasizes that the goal of language learning is to achieve communicative competence.


新编实用英语综合教程2 unit 1 课后习题答案 P4-1 ①What are you doing tonight② i was wondering ③i wish i could ④write a term paper ⑤ some other time then ⑥ That's right P4-2 1)are you doing anything special tommorrow evening ? 2) i would like invite you to come to my birthday party . would you like to join us ? :3) Good , will you come at 7:00 ? 4) Lemonade if you must bring sth . P4-3 1) what are you going to do this weekend ? 2) Thunderstorm is on this weekend . 3) the early or the late show 4) Maybe go to KFC (kentucky Fried Chicken ) or a Coffee Shop . 5) i 'd rather go to KFC 6) when and where shall we meet ? P5-1 ①tomorrow②ball game③skiing④f or a long time ⑤very warm⑥agree P6-2

① No , she doen't ②going to the ball game and skiing ③She heard it on the radio ④ No , he doesn't ⑤ He will give claire a call P6-3 ① the time and place ②fine ③formal written ④ in writing ⑤ at the bottom ⑥ attend ⑦ in person or by phone ⑧ comfortable P7-4 1) d 2) C 3) a 4) b P8-1 1) You should not fell committed until you know what the invitation 2) it is : apology , reason for refusal , thanks for the invitation . 3) it means each pays one's own check when eating in a restaurant . 4) the word "sometime ". P9-2 1) instances 2) informal 3)entertain 4) host 5) casual 6)suggestion P9-3 ① invent an excuse later ② present problems ③ explicit④ specific time mentioned ⑤ Yes , th at would be nice . P9-4 1) instance 2) present 3) hostess 4. appropriate 5)invent 6) entertain 7) explicit 8) identify P9-5 !) For convenience , the photo will be shown in time sequence. 2) You are required to stop your car after an accident .


安全社区创建档案模板 说明:将两年来街道创建委员会、各工作小组、有关部门单位的创建工作档案按照安全社区评定指标(试行)十二项标准分类归档,形成迎查档案材料。 一、安全社区创建机构与职责 1.1关于成立创建安全社区促进委员会的文件;(城管) (成立仪式图片资料) 1.2创建安全社区促进委员会成员名单;(城管) 1.3创建安全社区促进委员会办公室成员名单。(城管) 2.1交通安全工作组成员名单;(城管) 2.2消防安全工作组成员名单;(安监) 2.3工作场所安全工作组成员名单;(安监) 2.4家居安全工作组成员名单;(城管) 2.5老年人安全工作组成员名单;(社会事务) 2.6儿童安全工作组成员名单;(社会事务) 2.7学校安全工作组成员名单;(团委) 2.8公共场所安全工作组成员名单;(城管) 2.9体育运动安全工作组成员名单;(社会事务) 2.10涉水安全工作组成员名单;(城管) 2.11社会治安工作组成员名单;(城管)

2.12防灾减灾与环境安全工作组成员名单;(卫生) 2.13数据统计工作组成员名单。(城管) 3.1创建安全社区促进委员会工作职责; 3.2、创建安全社区促进委员会办公室工作职责;3.3交通安全工作组工作职责; 3.4消防安全工作组工作职责; 3.5工作场所安全工作组工作职责; 3.6家居安全工作组工作职责; 3.7老年人安全工作组工作职责; 3.8儿童安全工作组工作职责; 3.9学校安全工作组工作职责; 3.10公共场所安全工作组工作职责; 3.11体育运动安全工作组工作职责; 3.12涉水安全工作组工作职责; 3.13社会治安工作组工作职责; 3.14防灾减灾与环境安全工作组工作职责; 3.15数据统计工作组工作职责。 4.1交通安全安全管理制度; 4.2消防安全管理制度; 4.3生产经营单位安全管理制度; 4.4家居安全管理制度; 4.5老年人安全管理制度;


2020年社会治安重点地区消防安全专项整治工作实施方案按照省市区综治委的部署要求,街道办事处结合辖区特点,将于xx年4月20日至6月30日以办事处和社区以及公安派出所为主,开展为期二个月的“六小场所”消防安全专项整治,为确保专项整治工作的顺利开展,特制定本方案。 一、组织机构 为确保此次专项整治活动顺利开展并取得实效,成立黑林铺街道办事处“六小场所”消防安全专项整治工作领导小组。 组长: 副组长: 成员: 领导小组办公室设在办事处综治维稳中心,由李华同志兼任办公室主任,负责“六小场所”消防安全整治的日常工作。 二、指导思想

以安全生产“一岗双责”责任制为指导,提高认识,统一思想,明确任务,落实责任,充分认识搞好“六小场所”消防安全专项整治工作的重要意义,切实加强组织领导,认真落实整治工作目标责任制。通过集中整治,消除“六小场所”存在的火灾隐患,规范消防安全管理,杜绝各类火灾事故的发生,使“六小场所”的消防安全环境得到明显改善。 三、整治的重点和工作步骤 此次专项整治,重点对辖区“六小场所”的消防设施、消防通道等情况进行检查。通过检查督促整改火灾隐患,杜绝火灾事故的发生,督促各业主加强对员工的消防安全宣传教育,提高员工的自防自救能力和消防安全意识。 此次专项整治工作分四个阶段进行,时间从xx年4月20日至6月30日结束。 第一阶段(4月20日至4月23日):各社区要按照本方案的要求制定具体的实施方案,组织本管辖区内的“六小场所”业主召开动员大会,贯彻落实此次专项整治工作的要求。在召开动员会的基础上对辖区的“六小场所”进行摸底,掌握其经营场所的消防安全情况,确定整治范围和重点,为专项整治工作打好基础。


实用英语综合教程2课后习题答案 Unitl Liste n and Decode 1. tomorrow ball game skii ng for a long time very warm agree 2.1. No, she does n't. 2. Going to the ball game and skii ng 3. She heard it on the radio 4. No, he does n't 5. He will give Claire a call 3. the time and place fine formal writte n in writ ing at the bottom atte nd in pers on or by phone comfortable 4. DCAB o Unit3 Liste n and Decode 1. Dr. An early airport hotel ten-minute 2.1. Dr. An 2. Miami Un iversity 3. He took the earlier flight 4. Very nice 5 The hotel. 3. a teleph one message a memo pho ne at home pers onal skills a message expect who called "What the message?" was friends and family questi ons WHEN they called the pers on call ing reach 4. BD Passage1 1. (1) . . Because people stopped talking face to face to one another. (2) . Because his friend was busy talking on his cell phone, completely forgetting his presenee. (3) . Because they can be used any where and any time. (4) .With e-mail, we can com muni cate without see ing or talki ng to one ano ther; and with voice mail, we can con duct en tire con versati ons without ever reach ing anyone. (5) . People lose their in timacy of in teract ion. (6) . He thinks it's great, but worries about its uninten ded con seque nces 2. disc onn ected setback Internet talk ing reach ing an swer contact goes up phone automated 3. (1). the com muni cati ons revolutio n (2). their cell phones (3). electro nic voice (4). e-mail (5). voice-mail (6). Directory assista nee (7). great 4. burde n adva nces Ion ely in visible insert atte ndants pets cha in preferable deposit in terrupted Evide ntly 5. (1). Please dial home and tell them rm on the way to the company. (2) . Since the n there has n ever bee n any setback in producti on. (3) . I saw him insert the key into the lock. (4) . I suggest that you make a deposit at/with the bank (5) . Yesterday Mr. Wang checked out from that hotel 6. 1. The hall was filled with stude nts wait ing for the in terview. The square of the village was filled with people watchi ng the football match of the World Cup 2. We used to grow beautiful roses Peter used to go to the small tow n 3. Why is it that this con clusi on is wrong? Why is it that she can sing better tha n I? 4. As I knew him better, I discovered that my first impressi on of him had bee n/was right. We get wiser as we get older. 5. Why use wood whe n you can use plastic? Why ask me to do it whe n you can do it yourself? 6. Pretty soon you won't have the burde n of cook ing breakfast for him. Pretty soon you won't take the trouble to send her to go to school every morning.


Unit 8 Vocabulary 1.Translate the following expressions into English. 1. lift the curtain 11. defy/challenge the authority 2. resent the treatment 12. bend the rules 3. calculate the price 13. oppose the decision 4. confiscate one's property 14. plot murder 5. draw ridicule l5. diagnose liver cancer 6. offend the boss l6. complicate the matter 7. commit treason 17. recharge a flagging spirit 8. dismiss the idea 18. recapture one's childhood 9. bury the dead 19. interrogate the suspect 10. announce/declare bankruptcy 20. disconnect the power 2.Give appropriate nouns or verbs that can form possible collocations. Give nouns 1. a report/an opinion/an order / a warning/a new stock/new stamps 2. a missile/a satellite/a campaign 3. the boat/the train/the bus/the chance/the point/one's friend/a few classes/the first part of the lecture


实用英语第二册课后练习题答案 Her weekends are dominated (dominate) by housework. He was sweating (sweat) during the interview. She shook his hands and thankfulness (thank) was written on her face. Addition (add) is much easier to learn than division(除法)。 Proud (pride) of her good look, she was only interested in becoming an actress. The Declaration (declare) of Independence is part of the American history. A good citizen is expected to be lawful anywhere and anytime. Can you use an MP4 player without reading its instructions (instruct)? His face was flushed with excitement (excite), and his hands trembled. Nothing in the world can be as painful (pain) as this. For parents, they have the responsibility (responsible) for caring for and educating their young children. Social conflicts often result from misunderstanding (understand). This is a test to help determine if you have a personality disorder (order). Do you think money will disappear (appear) some day in the future? A former commander (command) of U.S.-led coalition forces in Iraq has sharply criticized the Bush administration’s handling of the war . Unfortunately (fortune), she lost her purse with her passport, credit card and some cash in it. She was interviewed for a volunteer participant (participate) in the 2008 Beijing Olympics. To our surprise, the man walked out of Death Valley unaided (aid)a week later . He is reluctant (reluctance) to tell us the truth. His hard work has turned him into a knowledgeable (knowledge) researcher. To the great disappointment, the officer realized that they had obtained the information unworthy (worthy) of their efforts. The new film, The Assembly (集结号), impressed (impress)us deeply with its memorable character ,a company commander . The woman asked for two days’ leave for something urgent (urge) that had happened to her family. The soldier surprised his commander that he could repeat precisely (precise) what he had heard in class. The class became quite active (activity) when their favorite teacher Professor Liang was teaching them. If you want to be respected (respect), you must learn to respect others first. With the sound of a(n) explosion (explode),the factory was going up in a big flame. The insurance (insure) company covered 80% of her operation fee. In many foreign countries you need to make a (n) appointment (appoint) before seeing a doctor. I was awfully (awful) sorry for being late again. He did’t suffer injury(injure) during his four-month service. Water, though tasteless, can keep us _alive____. Really handy (hand) are those which you can rely on whenever you need. Mr. Robust never feels any pity for beggars (beg) who are physically healthy. She was delighted (delight) at the news of the weeding.


社会治安论文:构建和谐社区保障居民平安摘要作为群众最关注的问题之一,社会治安与和谐社会建设息息相关。可以说和谐莱钢、和谐社区的构建,稳定是基础,平安是保证。自2010年以来,金鼎公司围绕创建“平安社区、平安小区”的活动主题,积极开展各项活动,倡导“小区是我家,我要爱护她”的团队意识,并充分依靠广大职工的智慧和力量,调动一切积极因素,利用一切可以利用的条件,认真做好治安综合治理工作,通过召开座谈会、现场调查、个别走访等形式,比较全面、深入地了解了现阶段莱钢社区社会治安防范机制方面的情况。 关键词社会治安和谐社会平安社区 一、莱钢社区基本情况 莱钢本部共有6个社区、27个小区,常驻人口7万余人。其中,全封闭的小区有20个,未封闭、半封闭的小区有7个;安装视频监控系统的小区有10个;安装门禁系统的小区有3个。各小区共有大小门口44个。最大的小区为金鼎花园(北区),常驻户2216户,居住人口8000余人。最小的小区是黄羊山小区,住户290户,居住人口800余人。 二、目前我们在治安防范上所做的工作 (一)充分发挥人防的根本性作用,完善了专业防范、群防群治防范机制

一是在社区、小区等各基层成立了相应的社会治安综治领导小组,从而在组织上保证了综治工作的运行,确保了管理文件、案件通报及基层情况的下传上达及时到位。二是居住生活区和社区警务室联合,各派出所与社区、公司保卫部及时通报各种情况,加强了管段警与群众的联系。三是充分发挥百户治保员和门卫的作用,在社区形成了以社区管委会为主导,以辖区居民共联防的群防群治体系。在工作中严格按要求进行管理,认真对照“标准住宅小区”创建标准,做好小区的各项工作,在各小区实施了“全天候”机动巡逻,要求门卫、百户治保员看好门户,严禁闲杂人员进出园区,看到可疑人员随时进行观察、盘问,每天晚上0点—5点,各小区安排治保员进行夜间巡逻,和警务室巡逻人员一起加强了对主要街道、重点部位和易发案小区的巡逻密度,小区也通过宣传栏、走家窜户、温馨提示等向居民宣传防范知识,提醒居民做好安全防范工作,提高居民的警惕性,形成了“五位一体”的管理模式,从而保证了社区内居民财产与人身的安全,进一步提高了小区居民的安全感。 (二)不断巩固物防的基础性作用,增加了社区居民楼宇监控设施 一是按照“能联则联,能封则封”的原则,采取小区封闭、半封闭式管理。通过完善、增加照明设施,合理调配照


大学英语精读 3 课后答案【篇一:大学英语精读第三版第三册课后答案(含 close 原文)】 >1) accent 2) turn against 3) a couple of 4) takes his time 5) fate 6) confirmed 7) witness 8) subsequent 9) stands a chance 10) trial 1) belief 2) brilliant 3) employment 4) has saved up 5) stood a chance 6) were awarded 7) presumably 8) conducted 9) casual 10) around (which student life) revolves 1) joe wrote to say that he had to put off his visit because of his illness. 2) despite the noise, they went on working as if nothing were happening. 3) traffic was held up for several hours by the accident. 4) called (up) on to speak at the meeting, i couldnt very well refuse. 5) mrs. stevenson looked in the cupboard and found there was not a single lump of sugar left. 6) it was the rumor that turned joe against his twin brother. 7) we wondered how sara was getting on in her new job. 8) although anne agreed with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give in. 9) visitors could photograph almost anything here without having to ask for permission.


Unit 1 5. 1.她一家商店一家商店的看,最后以她能付出的价格买了她所需要的东西。She shopped around till she got what she wanted at a price she could afford. 2.除了向我要东西,他从不跟我说话。 He never speaks to me other than to ask for something. 3.你永远应该以搞好你的工作为目的。 You should always aim at doing your job well. 4.几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father. 5.修建这条路是为了缓解交通拥挤。 The route was designed to relieve traffic congestion. 6.社会是由形形色色的人组成的。有些人很好,有些人很坏,也有些人介乎两者之间。 Society is made up of a wide variety of people; some are good, others (are) bad, and still others (are) in between. Unit 2 5 1.这个星期你每天都迟到,对此你如何解释? How do you account for the fact that you've been late every day this week? 2.政府已经承诺改善落后地区人民的生活条件。 The government has committed itself to improving the life conditions of the people living in the underdeveloped areas. 3.据最新报道,这次火车交通事故造成多名乘客死亡。 According to the latest report, the train accident resulted in the death of several passengers. 4.多呼吸新鲜空气有助于身体健康。 Plenty of fresh air contributes to good health. 5.他试图竞争学校学生会主席,但是没有成功。 He attempted to compete for the position of chairman of the Students' Union,


观音桥镇省级安全社区建设复评工作汇报中共观音桥镇委员会观音桥镇人民政府 (2017年9月) 尊敬的徐组长、各位专家、各位领导: 大家好! 首先,我代表观音桥镇党委、政府,热烈欢迎各位专家、领导莅临观音桥镇检查指导省级安全社区建设!衷心感谢各位领导、专家对我镇省级安全社区建设工作进行现场复评!下面,将我镇三年来开展安全社区建设工作作一简要汇报,敬请各位专家、领导批评指正。 一、基本情况 近年来,我镇牢固树立“安全、健康、和谐”理念,在各级领导和专家的关怀指导下,在县级各部门、社会团体的大力支持下,全镇干部群众积极参与,省级安全社区建设持续推进,辖区内工作场所、消防、道路交通、居家、老年人、学校、食品安全、社会治安、涉水、防灾减灾及环境等行业领域安全状况持续改善,“小社区、大安全”观念深入人心,安全、健康、和谐的社区环境逐步形成,省级安全社区建设持续改进工作取得了显著成效:一是安全生产形势持续稳定好转,各类安全事故大幅下降。道路交通事故从2015年的5起减少到2017年的3起,下降40%;工作场所事故从2015年的15起减少到2017年的8起,下降46%;消防事故从2015年的1起下降到2017年的0起,下降100%;学校安全事故从2015年至今,未发生一起事故;溺水事故从2015

年1起减少到2017年的0起,下降100%,我镇已连续5年实现了安全生产事故死亡零指标。 二是全民安全意识普遍增强,安全自救互救能力不断提升。通过多种方式宣传上级安全社区建设精神,加强安全教育,省级安全社区建设知晓率达96.5%。开展“百日安全活动”、“安全生产月”、“百日攻坚”、应急演练等活动,提高居民的积极性和参与度,群众安全生产意识普遍增强。 三是社会民生不断推进,群众幸福指数大幅提升。坚持把民生工作作为“民心工程、德政工程”来抓,切实抓好扶贫解困、社会保障、百姓安居等民生工程,建成公办幼儿园1所、社区互助幸福院1个、日间照料中心1个等,实现了学有所教,劳有所得,病有所医,老有所养,住有所居,群众幸福指数大幅上升。 四是信访维稳、社会治安形势大幅好转,社会治理成效明显。坚持把保一方平安、促一方和谐作为第一责任,认真排查调处矛盾纠纷,主动下访、耐心接访。三年以来,成功处理信访问题58件次、调解各类矛盾纠纷200余起,调解成功率达100%,全镇无一起非法进京到省上访、无一例越级上访、集访事件发生。建立健全全民参与、整体联动、群防群治的治安防控体系,层层签订责任书,落实治安防范人防、技防、物防措施,加强对流动人口、学校周边环境和重点区域的管理和整治,加大对“黄、毒、赌”、“法轮功、门徒会”的打击力度,社会治安形势持续好转,社会治理成效明显。 二、工作开展情况 镇党委政府高度重视省级安全社区建设工作,将此项工作纳

乳品加工手册 Chapter12

第十二章 奶油和涂布乳制品 国际乳品协会(IDF)介绍了一种包括奶油和涂沫制品的标准,即IDF标准166: 1993,“涂布脂肪指南”,这些指南的意图是用来提供一个主要框架,在该框 架下不同国家可以根据自身需要设定更加明确详细的一组或单一的标准。

定义 涂布脂肪:“涂布脂肪”是一种以乳浊液形式存在的食物,主要是油包水型,并且主要由水相、食用脂肪和油组成。 食用脂肪和油主要由脂肪酸的甘油三酸脂组成,它们来源于蔬菜、动物、乳或海产品。 下列表(12.1和12.2)选自于该标准。 表12.1 乳脂肪和人造奶油制品的主要组成 乳脂产品 混合脂肪产品 人造奶油产品 总脂肪中含乳 总脂肪中乳脂含量 总脂肪中乳脂含量 脂100% 最高为80%,最低为15% 最高为3% 注意,按照一些国家的或其它的有关法规:脂肪含量和乳脂与其它种类脂肪的比例会有一些更严格的限制性范围。 主要的原料应该是水和/或乳制品,食用脂肪和/或油或者是它们的混合物,关于脂肪含量及涂布脂肪的标准可依据脂肪的来源不同分为三类,最高脂肪含量应达到95%。 食物的名称应符合国家法规的规定,但产品需遵守表12.2所列的一般要求,该表将所有产品全部覆盖在以下三大类中: 表12.2 乳脂肪和人造奶油制品的名称 脂肪含量% 乳脂产品 混合脂肪产品 人造奶油产品 80-95 奶油 混合物 人造奶油 762-<80 涂布乳品 涂布混合物 涂布脂肪 60-62 3/4脂肪或 3/4脂肪或 3/4稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 稀释脂肪 奶油 混合物 人造奶油 <41-<60 减量脂肪 减量脂肪 减量脂肪涂布 涂布乳品 涂布混合物 涂布 39-41 1/2或低脂奶油 1/2或低脂混合物 1/2或低脂人造 奶油或米纳林 <39 涂布低脂肪乳品 涂布低脂肪混合物 涂布低脂肪 下列联合国粮农组织/世界卫生组织(FAO/WHO)的标准普遍适用于在国际贸易中并指明所允许使用的产品的名称: A1-奶油和乳清奶油标准 (A16-涂布低脂乳品标准——草稿) 规范标准32-1981是人造奶油标准 规范标准13-1981是低脂奶油标准


新编实用英语2课后答案 第1单元 一、填词 1 What's you(guideline指导方针)in choosing songs for your audience 2 The(seminar讨论会)starts on Friday and the experts will be discussing the impact of technology on the climate in the future 3 Barclays appointed bob Diamond ,the head of its investment banking business,as its new chief(executive主管)from march 2011 speaking,I cannot(uphold支持)such conduct. You see, it is aimed only at the personal interest 5 However just because you can write statements in purely mathematical (notations标记),this doesn't mean that you necessarily should 6 That was good(timing时间选择)because his work was influential in shaping the project plan 7 Those studying abroad will most (likely可能)return home for better employment because of the tight job market abroad 8 It gives me great pleasure to express once again my deep appreciation for the grand (reception招待)and generous .hospitality we enjoy here 二、汉译英 1美国人一班早早的就安排好他们的退休生活 Americas usually arrange their retirement well in advance 2他们通常被看做最有希望的歌手 They are commonly regarded as the most promissing singer 3我从你的推荐人那里听说雇主曾给他们打过电话 I've heard from your references that employers had call them 4请告诉我们的具体时间,以便我们做好适当的准备 Please inform us the specific time,so that we can make proper preparation 5我们对出席派对的人数的估计与实际的人数差一大截 We show up party to estimate of the number of people with actual to is a large margin 6只要不成为阅读的负担,你的报告可以包括足够的细节 Your report can include enough details as long as it doesn't become burden to read 三、英译汉 1、Although invitations are usually sent through the mail ,informal invitations such as e-mail and phone invitations are becoming more acceptable. 尽管邀请通常是通过发送邮件、非正式邀请如电子邮件和电话被邀请成为更可接受的。 2、For most formal occasions ,it`s best to invite guests three or four weeks in advance. 对于大多数正式场合,最好是提前三或四周邀请客人。


Unit1 1. 他对他的研究如此专心致志,从来没有过很快就要退休的念头。He is so devoted to his research that it never occurs to him that he will soon have to retire. 2. 很多人都曾说过,如果没有有效的制约,我们都有滥用权力的倾向。Many people have observed that, without effective checks, we all have a tendency to abuse our power. 3. 有些国家拒绝卷入这一争端,而且他们对外国的干涉非常反感。Some countries refuse to get involved in this dispute and they resent any foreign interference. 4. 控制沙城暴需要大量的工作和资金。The control of sandstorm will involve a lot of work and money. 5. 你们用这些技术的时候,必须考虑到当地的条件。You must take the local conditions into consideration when you apply these technologies. 6. 所有的申请者都必须填好这些表格,然后邮寄50 美元的报名费。All applicants will have to fill out these forms and mail in an application fee of 50 dollars 7. 他根据对孩子们行为的观察得出结论:学习是一种自然的乐趣。Based on his (careful) observation of children 's behavior, he came to the conclusion that learning is a natural pleasure. 8. 在一个多民族的国家里,各民族之间的和谐需要小心处理。In a country of many nationalities, ethnic harmony requires very careful handling. 9. 政府决定严惩所有涉案的腐败官员。The government is determined to punish all the corrupt officials involved. 10. 考试作弊并不经常发生,但一旦发生,学校会采取严厉的态度。Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a very tough position. Unit2 1. 我怀疑这本书也许已经不再印了。我去问书店的工作人员,他们说我说的对,这书已经绝版很多年了。
