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Li Yang Crazy English IPA and K.K Crash Course;李阳疯狂英语口语速成 系列之音标速成
Hi,this is your friend Jim again!This time we're going crack IPA and K.K.;嗨,吉姆又和各位朋友 见面了.现在我们来学国 际音标和美国音标.
Although many Chinese people have study IPA,;虽然许多中国人学过 国际音标(IPA),
they still don't know the correct pronunciation.;可是他们仍然不知道如何 正确发音.
I,on the other hand, know the correct pronunciation,but I never learned IPA.;而我则相反,知道正确发 音,却从没学过国际音标.
So we're going learn from each other.;所以,我们就互相学习吧!
第一节 前元音;
1. [i:] IPA(1963) [i:] IPA(1981 [i] K.K;
feel [fi:l] How are you feeling today?;今天你觉得怎么样?
people [`pi:pl] The Chinese are a great people.;中华民族是伟大的民族。
2.[i] IPA(1963) [1] IPA(1981 [1] K.K;
give [g1v] She gives me a big headache.;她让我头痛。
little [`l1tl] I feel a little sick today.;今天感觉有点不舒服。
3.[e] IPA(1963) [e] IPA(1981 [?] K.K;
expensive [ik`sp?nsiv] Everything is so expensive in Japan.;在日本什么东西 都那么昂贵。
friend [fr?nd] She is my best friend.;她是我最好的朋友。
4.[?] [?] [?];
family [`f?mili] I have a very happy family.;我有一个非常 幸福的家庭!
bad [b?d] That's too bad.;太遗憾了。
第二节 中元音;
5. [?] [?] [?];
love [l?v] I love money.;我喜欢钱。
lucky [`l?ki] I'm just lucky.;我只是运气好。
6. [?:] [?:] [?:];
OK,the first one is the British pronunciation. It goes--;好,先听英式发音,它发 音是这样--
[?:] [?:] [?:];
work [w?:k] Did it work?;这行得通吗?
perfect [`p?:fikt] Nobody's perfect.;没有十全十美的人。
Now I wanna hear American vowel. The American has a hard [r].And it goes;现在我想听美式元音. 美音有很明显的[r]音, 它的发音是,
[3] curl the tongue.;卷舌.
Of course,if you are a northerner,you should have no trouble curling your tongue.;当然如果你是北方人, 卷舌不应有困难.
OK,now listen to these.;好,现在听这些.
work [w3:k] Did it work?;这行得通吗?
perfect [`p3:fikt] Nobody's perfect.;没有十全十美的人。
Now,there is one place in America that pronounces the British way.;现在,在美国有一个地方 的人发英音.
I know,that is the New England.;我知道,是新英格兰州.
7.By the way,No.7 is similar but short one. So the British pronuciation would be;7.顺便提一下,第7个音相 似,但较短.英式发音是
[?] [?] [?];
matter [`m?t?] What's the matter?;什么事?
teacher [`tit??] Our English teacher is great.;我们的英语老师很好。
Now,the American: [?(r)] [?(r)][?(r)];现在听美音: [?(r)] [?(r)][?(r)]
matter [`m?t?(r)] What's the matter?;什么事?
teacher [`tit??(r)] Our English teacher is great.;我们的英语

Frankly speaking,I'm crazy about American pronunciation.;说实话,我热爱美音.
I'm just crazy about American pronunciation Listen to this:;我就是热爱美音. 听这个:
What's the matter? Our English teacher is great.;什么事? 我们的英语老师很好.
I personally don't like British pronunciation. What's the matter?;本人不喜欢英音. 这是怎么回事?
Our English teacher is great.;我们的英语老师很好.
So please follow Jim and Li Yang to learn authentic,real American pronunciation;所以请跟吉姆和李阳学 地道的,真正的美音.
Oh,I hope no British people hear this tape.;哦,但愿没有英国人听到 这盘磁带.
8. [?] [?] [?];
about [?`baut] Forget about it.;忘记它吧。
together [t?`g???] China and America should work together.;中美应该携手合作。
China and America should work together.;中美应该携手合作。
Now,there is one more pronunciation you forgot about.;还有一个发音你忘了.
In "forget about it" there is the "New York pronuciation".;在""forget about it" 中,有个"纽约式发音".
And in New York,we don't say-- "forget about it." What would you say?;在纽约,我们不说 "forget about it." 你们怎么说?
We say-- Forget-about-it.;我们说 Forget-about-it.
It's one word.;是一个词.
Remember it's not "Forget about it". That's three words.;记住,不是 "Forget about it". 那是三个词.
In New York,it's-- Forget-about-it.;在纽约,它是 Forget-about-it.
第三节 后元音;
9. [?] [?] [?];
father [`f???] My father has never traveled abroad.;我父亲从未出国旅行过。
calm [k?m] Keep calm, its nothing serious.;保持冷静,没什么 大不了的事。
[?] [?] [?];
father [`f???] My father has never traveled abroad.;我父亲从未出国旅行过。
calm [k?m] Keep calm, it's nothing serious.;保持冷静,没什么 大不了的事。
I think that American English is more relax and exaggerative than British pronunciation.;我认为美式英语比英式 英语更文放松,更夸张.
A little bit,yeah.;是的,有一点点.
10.[?] [?] [?];
after [`?ft?] How about the day after tomorrow?;后天,怎么样?
last [l?st] You've made the same mistake as last time.;你犯了和上次 一样的错误。
[?] [?] [?];
after [`?ft?] How about the day after tomorrow?;后天,怎么样?
last [l?st] You've made the same mistake as last time.;你犯了和上次 一样的错误。
By the way,in America we call this "the flat 'a'".;顺便提一下,在美国,我们 管这个叫"平音'a'.
Yeah.And some people in America even pronounce it [?r],;是的.有些美国人甚至 把这个音发成[?r],
like "after","last". real flat "a".;象"after","last". 真正的平音a.
especially in upstate New York,northern New York state,they use the flat "a".;纽约北部的人尤其爱用 平"a".
It's very nasal,too, through the nose.;这也很明显的鼻音化,气流 通过鼻子.
11. [

?r] [?r] [?r];
charge [t??rd?] Who's in charge here?;这儿谁负责?
hard [h?rd] What makes you work so hard?;什么使你这样卖命?
[?] [?] [?];
charge [t??d?] Who's in charge here?;这儿谁负责?
hard [h?d] What makes you work so hard?;什么使你这样卖命?
Well,I'm familiar with this pronunciation,;我对这个音很熟,
because when I was in college,my roommate was from New England.;因为我念大学时,我的 室友来自新英格兰州.
I went to the college in the midwest and I had to be his interpreter,;我在中西部念的大学,期 间,我得担任他的翻译,
because the local people could not understand him,;因为当地人听不懂他的话
because he said [w?:k] and [h?d] and [k?];因为他说, [w?:k] ,[h?d] 和 [k?]
I have to [p?k] my [k?]instead of '[park] my [kar]', as New England.;
Americans have to be translated for Americans.That's a joke.;美国人为美国人作翻译, 这简直是个笑话.
12.[?] [?] [?];
confidence [`k?nf?d?ns] He has a lot of confidence.;他充满了自信。
impossible [im`p?s?bl] Nothing is impossible.;没有做不成的事。
[峕 [峕 [峕;
confidence [`k峮f?d?ns] He has a lot of confidence.;他充满了自信。
impossible [im`p峴?bl] Nothing is impossible.;没有做不成的事。
13.[?:] [?:] [?:];
talk [t?:lk] I need to talk to you.;我要和你谈谈。
call [k?:l] I will call you later.;回头我给你电话。
Now this is one thing that I had to change when I came to China.;我初来中国时,诸多要改 变的事项中,这个音是其 中之一.
I did not pronounce those words that way when I came to China from New York.;我从纽约来中国时,那 些词我不那样发音.
The New York pronunciation is very different.;纽约式发音非常不同.
We say "talk" "call"-- it's true.;我们说"talk" "call"-- 这是真的.
Especially those sounds,we say-- I need to talk to you. I will call you later.;特别是那些音,我们说-- 我要和你谈谈. 回头我给你电话.
14.[?:] [?:] [?:];
more [m?:] I really can't stand any more.;我实在受不了啦。
for [f?:] I'm looking for Mr.Li.;我找李先生。
[?r] [?r] [?r];
more [m?r] I really can't stand any more.;我实在受不了啦。
for [f?r] I'm looking for Mr.Li.;我找李先生。
15.[u] [u] [u];
good [gud] My mother is a good cook.;我的妈妈是一位好厨师。
look [luk] You look great today.;你今天看上去好极了。
Hey!Jim,you look great today.;嗨!吉姆,你今天看上去 好极了.
Thanks,Stone.And you look great today,too. Thank you.;谢谢,世通.你今天看上去 也很好. 谢谢.
good good good cook cook cook;
16.[u:] [u:] [u];
improve [im`pru:v] I want to improve my poor English.;我想改进我的破烂英语。
I want to improve my poor Chinese.;我想改进我的破烂中文.
truth [tru:?] You must tell the truth.;你必须说出真相。
第四节 合口双元音;
17. [ei] [e1

] [e];
pain [pen] No pain,no gain.;没有付出,就没有收获。
mistake [mi`stek] I made a mistake.;我犯了一个错误。
18.[ai] [a1] [a1];
shy [?a1] Don't be shy, just try.;不要害羞,只管去尝试。
Jim,if you want to speak good Chinese, don't be shy,just try. Thank you.;吉姆,如果你想说漂亮的 中文,不要害羞,只管去 试试.
mind [ma1nd] Do you mind if I smoke? (Actually I do.);你介意我抽烟吗? (说实话,我介意.)
19.[?i] [?1] [?1];
join [d??1n] Ask him to join us for lunch.;请他来和我们 一起吃午饭。
But when you read this sentence quickly,you'd link 'join' and 'us'-- join-us[d??1n?s].;但这个句子读快的时候, 你得把'join'和'us' 连读.
Yeah,it's one word-- like one word, join-us[d??1n?s].;对,读得就像一个词.
Ask him to join us for lunch.;请他来和我们 一起吃午饭。
enjoy [in`d??1] Enjoy your stay here.;祝你在这里 过得愉快。
20.[?u] [?u] [o];
hope [hop] I hope I can see you again.;我希望我希望我能再次 见到你。
know [no] I don't know what to do.;我不知道做什么。
21.[au] [au] [aU];
Just like a tiger. No,something like I'm getting hurt.[au] just like a tiger.;就像一只老虎. 不,就像我受伤了一样.[au] 就像一只老虎.
about [?`baut] No doubt about it.;毫无疑问。
Could you read it quickly?;你能快读这个句子吗?
No doubt about it.;毫无疑问。
Great! Secondly:;真棒! 第二个:
sounds [saundz] That sounds great.;听起来棒极了。
