当前位置:搜档网 › 200部好莱坞大片经典镜头汇聚成一部超级大片电影名单



001 00:04 家庭作业The Art of Getting By

002 00:15 关键四号I Am Number Four

003 00:22 真爱直航Bridge Flight

004 00:23 生命之树The Tree of Life..

005 00:24 白天Daylight

006 00:25 美少女特工队Sucker Punch

007 00:26 洛杉矶之战Battle:Los Angeles..

008 00:28 贱民Pariah

009 00:29 莎拉的钥匙Sarah's Key

010 00:31 里瓦万岁Viva Riva

011 00:33 路尽骄阳Where The Sun Meets The Road

012 00:34 闰年Leap Year

013 00:36 同一天的生活Life In A Day

014 00:37 隐形的格里夫Griff the Invisible

015 00:38 暮色4:破晓(上)The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn(Part one)..

016 00:41 旅途The Trip

017 00:44 某种形式的风流韵事A Love Affair of Sorts

018 00:46 暮色4:破晓(上)The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn(Part one)

019 00:48 誓约The Vow

020 00:52 总统杀局The Ides of March

021 00:53 生活,高于一切Life Above All

022 00:54 生命之树The Tree of Life

023 01:02 绑架Kidnapped/Secuestrados

024 01:13 哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Part2)025 01:15 众神Immortals

026 01:15 洛杉矶之战Battle:Los Angeles

027 01:16 变形金刚3:黑月之时Transformers:Dark of the Moon...

028 01:19 猩球崛起Rise of the Planet of the Apes

029 01:20 仪式The Rite

030 01:22 传染病Contagion

031 01:24 超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spiderman

032 01:25 牛仔与外星人Cowboys and Aliens..

033 01:26 雷神托尔Thor

034 01:28 绿灯侠Green Lantern

035 01:29 美国队长Captain America

036 01:29 汉娜Hanna

037 01:30 铁甲钢拳Reel Steel

038 01:31 X战警:第一站X Men-Frist Class..

039 01:32 黑夜传说4:觉醒Underworld Awakening

040 01:33 幽灵骑士2 Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance..

041 01:34 蝙蝠侠前传3:黑暗骑士崛起The Dark Knight Rises

042 01:37 碟中谍4:幽灵协议Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol..

043 01:40 战舰Battleship

044 01:42 红色机尾Red Tails

045 01:44 战马War Horse

046 01:46 八月战事5 Days of War/5 Days of August

047 01:48 X战警:第一站X Men-Frist Class

048 01:50 哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Part2)049 01:52 变形金刚3:黑月之时Transformers:Dark of the Moon

050 01:54 变形金刚3:黑月之时Transformers:Dark of the Moon

051 01:58 牛仔与外星人Cowboys and Aliens

052 01:59 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

053 01:59 三个火枪手The Three Musketeers

054 02:00 非常小特务4 Spy Kid :All the Time in the World

055 02:00 杀手精英Killer Elite

056 02:01 死人之夜Dylan Dog

057 02:02 关键四号I Am Number Four

058 02:03 碟中谍4:幽灵协议Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol

059 02:05 铁甲钢拳Reel Steel

060 02:06 新少林寺Shaolin

061 02:07 绑架Abduction

062 02:08 汉娜Hanna

063 02:08 美少女特工队Sucker Punch

064 02:09 拳霸Ong Bak 3

065 02:10 蛮王柯南Conan the Barbarian

066 02:12 圣徒Priest

067 02:13 机关枪牧师Machine Gun Preacher

068 02:13 幽灵骑士2 Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance

069 02:14 黑夜传说4:觉醒Underworld Awakening

070 02:14 速度与激情5 Fast Five

071 02:15 时间规划局In Time

072 02:15 罪孽The Debt

073 02:16 死神来了5 Final Destination5

074 02:17 新天师斗僵尸Fight Night

075 02:17 众神Immortals

076 02:18 人形净琉璃Bunraku

077 02:19 雷神托尔Thor

078 02:20 美国队长Captain America

079 02:22 绿灯侠Green Lantern

080 02:22 X战警:第一站X Men-First Class

081 02:23 至暗之时The Darkest Hour

082 02:24 约翰卡特John Carter

083 02:24 饥饿游戏The Hunger Games

084 02:27 使命召唤:现代战争3 Call of Duty:Modern Warfare 3

085 02:28 憨豆特工2 JohnnyEnglish Reborn

086 02:37 蒙特卡罗Monte Carlo

087 02:37 欢乐合唱团:演唱会3D电影版Glee:The 3D Concert Movie

088 02:38 惊魂30分钟30 Minutes or Less

089 02:39 另一个地球Another Earth

090 02:39 朋友也上床Friends With Benefits

091 02:41 抗癌的我50/50

092 02:42 德州杀场Texas Killing Fields

093 02:42 贾斯汀比伯:永不言败Justin Bieber Never Say Never

094 02:43 蒙特卡罗Monte Carlo

095 02:44 救赎之路Redemption Road

096 02:45 塞尔日·甘斯布:英雄人生Serge Gainsbourg,vie héroique/Gainsbourg:A Heroic Life 097 02:47 伤心小号曲The Last Circus

098 02:47 怀旧范儿的狂欢节A Good Old Fashioned Orgy

099 02:48 我们是夜晚We Are Night

100 02:48 完美主人The Perfect Host

101 02:49 印度超人RA one

102 02:50 追逐梦想Go for It

103 02:51 宿醉2 The Hangover Part Ⅱ

104 02:52 大侦探福尔摩斯2:诡影游戏Sherlock Holmes A Game of Shadows

105 02:56 随波逐流Just Go with It

106 02:57 坏老师Bad Teacher

107 02:58 加勒比海盗:惊涛怪浪Pirates of the Caribbean:On Stranger Tides

108 03:00 极品前男友What's Your Number

109 03:01 寻堡奇遇3 A Very Harold and Kumar 3D Christmas

110 03:05 杰克与吉尔Jack And Jill

111 03:07 源代码Source Code

112 03:08 凯特的外遇日记I Don't Know How She Dose It

113 03:09 后人The Descendants

114 03:11 疯狂愚蠢的爱Crazy Stupid Love

115 03:12 亨利的罪行Henry's Crime

116 03:13 猩球崛起Rise of the Planet of the Apes

117 03:14 高楼大劫案Tower Heist

118 03:14 永无止境Limitless

119 03:14 互换身体The Change-Up

120 03:15 说唱歌手的世界Beats Rhymes & Life

121 03:16 贾斯汀比伯:永不言败Justin Bieber Never Say Never

122 03:17 凯文哈特脱口秀Laugh At My Pain

123 03:18 欢乐合唱团:演唱会3D电影版Glee:The 3D Concert Movie

124 03:20 蓝精灵The Smurfs

125 03:21 赛车总动员2 Car 2

126 03:21 兰戈Rango

127 03:23 神奇海盗团The Pirates! Band of Misfits

128 03:23 拯救小兔Hop

129 03:24 快乐的大脚2 Happy Feet 2

130 03:25 里约大冒险Rio

131 03:26 布偶The Muppets

132 03:27 勇敢的公主Brave

133 03:28 里约大冒险Rio

134 03:28 小熊维尼Winnie the Pooh

135 03:30 鼠来宝3 Alvin and the Chipmunks:Chip-Wrecked

136 03:31 功夫熊猫2 Kung Fu Panda 2

137 03:33 铁拳:血之复仇Tekken:Blood Vengeance

138 03:34 冰河世纪4:大陆漂移Ice Age:Continental Drift

139 03:35 老夫子之小水虎传奇Old Master Q and Little Ocean Tiger

140 03:38 火影忍者剧场版8: Gekijouban Naruto: Buraddo purizun

141 03:39 海贼王3D电影版2011:追寻草帽ONE PIECE 3D 麦わらチェイス

142 03:41 穿靴子的猫Puss in Boots

143 03:43 轻音少女剧场版Eiga Keion

144 03:44 丁丁历险记The Adventure of Tintin

145 03:44 新世纪福音战士新剧场版:急ヱヴァンゲリヲン新劇場版:Q

146 03:45 战国BASARA:最后的宴会劇場版戰國BASARA The Last Party

147 03:46 新?大雄与铁人兵团展翅翱翔吧!天使们Eiga Doraemon Shin Nobita to tetsujin heidan: Habatake tenshitachi 映画ドラえもん新?のび太と鉄人兵団~はばたけ天使たち~

148 03:47 波普先生的企鹅Mr.Popper’s Penguins

149 03:52 蓝眼睛Blue Eyes

150 03:55 阿吉的最后计划Archie’Final Project

151 03:56 罪爱Crime d’amour/Love Crime

152 03:57 勇气Courageous

153 03:58 最好的和最聪明的The Best and the Brightest

154 03:59 对美味的怜悯Sympathy for Delicious

155 04:02 更高境界Higher Ground

156 04:03 黑衣女人Woman in Black

157 04:04 我很高兴母亲还健在Je suis heureux que ma mère soit vivante/I ’m Glad My Mother Is Alive 158 04:05 双面玛莎Martha Marcy May Marlene

159 04:07 小镇杀人之歌Small Town Murder Songs

160 04:09 莫扎特的姐姐Mozart’Sister

161 04:11 内情Insight

162 04:13 摇滚正当年The Perfect Age of Rock’n’Roll

163 04:14 特别服务Sans queue ni tête/Special Treatment

164 04:15 秘境里斯本Mistérios de Lisboa/Mysteries of Lisbon

165 04:17 周末Weekend

166 04:19 家庭环境Circumstance

167 04:22 蒂莫西的奇异生活The Odd Life of Timothy Green

168 04:26 不求回报No Strings Attached

169 04:28 爱的音符Between Notes

170 04:29 冈希尔路Gun Hill Road

171 04:30 我们的傻老哥Our Idiot Brother

172 04:31 空中的飞鸟A bird of the Air

173 04:32 一年恋一天One Day

174 04:33 点球成金Money Ball

175 04:35 刺猬的优雅Le hérisson/Hedgehog

176 04:36 下流女孩Dirty Girl

177 04:37 飞向远方Fly Away

178 04:38 蒙特卡罗Monte Carlo

179 04:39 家谱The Family Tree

180 04:40 帮助The Help

181 04:41 你好,寂寞Hello Lonesome

182 04:42 小镇大街Main Street

183 04:43 观音山Buddha Mountain

184 04:46 生于贝纳维德斯All She Can

185 04:49 海豚的故事Dolphin Tale

186 04:51 灵魂冲浪手Soul Surfer

187 04:53 勇士Warrior

188 04:55 凯特的外遇日记I Don't Know How She Does It

189 04:55 商海通牒Margin Call

190 04:58 告密者The Whistleblower

191 04:58 病院惊魂The Ward

192 04:59 今晚带我回家Take Me Home Tonight

193 05:02 好邻居Good Neighbour

194 05:03 半路人生The Off Hours

195 05:03 初学者Beginners

196 05:04 鲨鱼惊魂夜3D Shark Night3D

197 05:05 恶老板Horrible Bosses

198 05:05 嘿咻卡Hall Pass

199 05:06 爱疯了Like Crazy

200 05:08 非法入侵Tresspass

201 05:09 拉里·克劳Larry Crown

202 05:11 抗癌的我50/50

203 05:22 超级8 Super 8

204 05:23 白日梦国度Daydream Nation

205 05:25 美国彻夜狂欢者的传说The Myth of the American Sleepover 206 05:29 那些年,我们一起追的女孩You Are the Apple of My Eye 207 05:30 睡美人Sleeping Beauty

208 05:32 超级英雄Super

209 05:34 杀死波诺Killing Bono

210 05:35 雨果·卡布里特Hugo

211 05:35 泰瑞Terri

212 05:38 如果大树倒下If A Tree Falls

213 05:42 另一个地球Another Earth

214 05:46 布赖顿硬糖Brighton Rock

215 05:49 坦纳大厅Tanner Hall

216 05:51 女朋友Girlfriend

217 05:53 小石城Little Rock

218 05:54 美国彻夜狂欢者的传说The Myth of the American Sleepover 219 05:56 无法安宁Restless

220 05:57 潜水艇Submarine

221 05:58 星空Starry Starry Night

222 05:59 汉娜Hanna

223 06:00 超级8 Super 8

224 06:01 后人The Descendants

225 06:01 灵魂冲浪手Soul Surfer

226 06:02 发明之父Farher of Invention

227 06:03 绑架Abduction

228 06:04 变形金刚3:黑月之时Transformers:Dark of the Moon

229 06:05 惊魂半小时30 Minutes or Less

230 06:05 超级8 Super 8

231 06:06 铁甲钢拳Reel Steel

232 06:07 超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spider-Man

233 06:08 哈利波特与死亡圣器(下)Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows(Part2)



1.Parachute-American Secrets (从03:50开始才是视频当中使用的片段,网上很难找,已上传至QQ群共享)

2.Spider Man 4 Trailer’s Ost Dirt 3-Demons (大家搜不到的话可以搜超凡蜘蛛侠The Amazing Spider Man 4 ost)

3.Glee-Light Up The World (已上传至QQ群共享)

4.Demi Lovato-Skyscraper

5.All time low-Time bomb
