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Passage 1

Over the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find ways to discourage senior from feathering their own nests at the e xpense of their shareholders. The three most popular reforms have bee n recruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more ind ependent, linking bosses’

pay to various performance measures, and giving bosses share options, so that they have the same long-term interests as their shareholder s.

These reforms have been widely adopted by American’

s larger companies, and surveys suggest that many more companies are thinking of following their lead. But have they done any good? Thr ee papers presented at the annual meeting of the Academy of Manageme nt in Boston this week suggest not. As is usually the case with bo ardroom tinkering, the consequences have differed from those intended.

Start with those independent boards. On the face of it, dismissing t he boss’

s friends from the board and replacing them with outsiders looks a perfect way to make senior managers more accountable. But that is no t the conclusion of a study by Professor James Westphal. Instead, he found that bosses with a boardroom full of outsides spend much of their time building alliances, doing personal favors and generally p leasing the outsiders.

All too often, these seductions succeed. Mr.Westphal found that, to a remarkable degree, “independent”boards pursue strategies that are likely to favor senior managers rather than shareholders. Such compani es diversify their business, increase the pay of executives and weake n the link between pay and performance.

To assess the impact of performance related pay, Mr.Westphal asked th e bosses of 103 companies with sales of over $1 billion what measur

ements were used to determine their pay. The measurements varied wide ly, ranging from sales to earnings per share. But the researcher’

s big discovery was that bosses attend to measures that affect their own incomes and ignore or play down other factors that affect a c ompany’s overall success.

In short, bosses are quick to turn every imaginable system of corpor ate government to their advantage—

which is probably why they are the people who are put in charge of things. Here is a paradox for the management theorists: any boss w ho cannot beat a system designed to keep him under control is proba bly not worth having.

1. What is the purpose of the large companies in recruiting outs iders and putting them on the board of directors?

A) To diversify the business of the corporation.

B) To enhance the cooperation between the senior managers and the board directors.

C) To introduce effective reforms in business management.

D) To protect the interests of the shareholders.

2. What does Professor James Westphal’s study suggest?

A) Boardroom reforms have failed to achieve the desired result.

B) Outside board directors tend to be more independent.

C) With a boardroom full of outsiders, senior managers work more conscientiously.

D) Cooperation between senior managers and board directors suffered from the reforms.

3. The word “seduction”(Line 1,Para.4) probably means “”.

A) efforts to conquer

B) attempts to win over

C) endeavors to increase profits

D) exertions to understand

4. Which of the following statements is true?

A) Corporate executives in general are worth the high pay they r eceive.

B) The income of corporate executives is proportional to the grow th of corporate profits.

C) Corporate executives tend to take advantage of their position to enrich themselves.

D) The performance of corporate executives affects their own inter ests more than those of the shareholders.

5. How does the author feel about the efforts to control senior executives?

A) Doubtful. B) Optimistic. C) Positive. D) Approving.

Passage 2

U.S. college students are increasingly burdened with credit card debt, according to a study released Tuesday, and the consequen ces can be serious--ranging from higher drop-out rates to future empl oyment problems and even suicide.

Based on hundreds of face-to-face interviews and surveys wi th students, sociologist Robert Manning of Georgetown University conclu ded both the number with credit card debt and their indebtedness had been "systematically underreported" in previous studies which failed to reflect the "survival strategies" many used to cope with their debts. These included the use of federal student loans to pay off c redit cards, effectively shifting the debt, appeals to parents for lo ans, cutting back on course work to increase time at paid jobs, or even dropping out altogether to work full time. "Official drop

out rates include growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and/or part time jobs for servicing their credit cards," the study said.

Even then, debts can haunt students. "Student credit card debts are increasingly scrutinized during the recruitment process and may be an important factor in evaluating prospective. employee," it n oted. And the stress can also manifest in far more tragic ways. Jan ne O'Donnell's 2g-year-old son, a junior at the University of Oklahom a, committed O'Donnell and Manning agreed students should bear some r esponsibility for reckless use of credit, but said credit card compan ies also had to be held accountable for making it so easy for them to get into debt. Manning said one of the most disturbing aspects of the student credit card issue was "the seduction of college and university administrators by the credit card industry." Card issuers were sponsoring school programs, funding activities and even entering into business partnerships with schools involving college-branded "aff inity" cards, he said. "As a result, rather than protecting the ec onomic and educational interests of their students, college administrat

ors are playing an active and often disingenuous role in promoting t he prominence of credit cards in collegiate life."

1. Which is NOT one of the strategies American students may use to deal with their credit card debt?

A) Use federal student loans.

B) Seek part-time jobs to get money.

C) Promote the prominence of credit cards.

D) Ask parents to help them pay the debt.

2. Which may NOT be the consequence of students' credit card debt?

A) High drop-out rates.

B) Enter into business partnerships with schools.

C) Commit suicide.

D) Future employment problems.

3. Who should be least criticized for negative consequenc es of students' credit card debt according to the passage?

A) Parents.

B) Students themselves.

C) College and university administrators.

D) Credit card issuers.

4. The main idea of this passage is ______.

A) negative consequences of students' using credit card

B) college administrators are playing their proper roles in promoting credit cards

C) card issuers or college administrators promoted credit card

D) reasons for high drop-out rates in universities

5. We can infer from the passage that ______.

A) students should not have part-time jobs

B) credit cards should not be used

C) if there is no credit card, college students may not commit suicide

D) college students should learn to wisely manage their personal finances

Passage 3

In the first year or so of Web business, most of the ac tion has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market. More re cently, as the Web proved to be more than a fashion, companies have

started to buy and sell products and services with one another. Su ch business-to-business sales make sense because businesspeople typicall y know what product they're looking for.

However, many companies still hesitate to use the Web beca use of doubts about its reliability. "Businesses need to feel they c an trust the pathway between them and the supplier," says senior ana lyst Blane Erwin of Forrester Research. Some companies are limiting t he risk by conducting online transactions only with established busine ss partners.

Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce con cerns the technology available for marketing. Until recently, Internet marketing activltie8 have focused on strategies to "pull" customers into sites. In the past year, however, software companies have deve loped tools that allow companies to "push" information directly out t o customers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted custo mers. Most notably, the Point cast Network uses a screen saver to d eliver a continually updated stream of news and advertisements to sub scribers' computer monitors. Subscribers can customize the information they want to receive and proceed directly to a company's Web site. Companies such as Virtual Vineyards are already starting to use simil ar technologies to push messages to customers about special sales, pr oduct offering, or other events. But push technology has earned the contempt of many Web users. Inline culture thinks highly of the no tion that the information flowing onto the screen comes there by spe cific request. Once commercial promotion begins to fill the screen un invited, the distinction between the Web and television fades.

But it is hardly inevitable that companies on the Web wil l need to resort to push strategies to make money. The examples of Virtual Vineyards, Amazon: com and other pioneers show that a Web site selling the right kind of products with the right mix of inter activity, hospitality, and security will attract online customers. And the cost of computing power continues to fall, which is a good si gn for any enterprise setting up shop in silicon. People looking bac k 5 or 10 years from now may well wonder why so few companies too k the online plunge.

1. We learn from the beginning of the text that Web bu sinesses ______.

A) has been striving to expand its market

B) intended to follow a fanciful fashion

C) tried but in vain to control the market

D) has been booming for one year or so

2. Speaking of the online technology available for market ing, the author implies that ______.

A) the technology is popular with many Web users

B) businesses have faith in the reliability of online tr ansactions

C) there is a radical change in strategy

D) it is accessible limitedly to established partners

3. In view of Net purists, ______.

A) there should be no marketing messages in online cultu re

B) money making should be given priority to on the Web

C) the Web should be able to function as the television set

D) there should be no online commercial information witho ut requests

4. We learn from the last paragraph that ______.

A) pushing information on the Web is essential to Intern et commerce

B) interactivity, hospitality and security are important t o marketing

C) leading companies began to take the online plunge dec ades ago

D) setting up shops in silicon is independent of the co st of computing power

5. The purpose of the author in writing the text is to ______.

A) urge active participation in online business

B) elaborate on various marketing strategies

C) compare Web business with traditional commerce

D) illustrate the transition from the push to pull strat egy


Passage 1

1.【答案】D。解析:D 细节理解题解题依据为本文第一段第一、二句

"Over the past decade, American companies have tried hard to find wa

ys to discourage senior from feathering their own nests at the expen se of their shareholders. The three most popular reforms have been r ecruiting more outside directors in order to make boards more indepen dent."此句大意为:在过去的十年里,美国公司力图寻求方法以阻止资深管理者以牺牲股东利益为代价损公肥私的行为。为此采取了最流行的三种改革措施,如招录外来董事以使董事会更加独立。由此我们可推知招录外来董事的目的是为了保护股东的利益。其中

to feather their own nests意为"构筑自己的窝";

at the expense of their shareholders意为"以股东的利益为代价"。

2.【答案】A。解析:A 细节推论题文章第二段最后一句

"the consequences have differed from those intended"表明改革的结果是事与愿违,这是一个总的结论。第三、四、五段是具体说明,主要是引用了Westphal的调查结果。因此,本题答案应当是A。

3.【答案】B。解析:B 词义判断题文章第三段最后讲外来董事会的老板们会花很多时间建立联盟,施惠于个人以讨好外来董事,第四段开始接着说这些手段通常是成功的,由此我们可以推知老板的这些手段是为了争取外来董事而结成联盟, 进而可推知B正确。

4.【答案】C。解析:C 细节判断题本题可用排除法。选项A(公司高层应拿高薪)文章未提及; 选项B(公司高层的收入与公司增长的利润成比例)也未提及; 选项D(公司高层的表现比那些股东更会影响其自身利益)文章同样未提及; 选项C(公司高层倾向于利用其地位肥己)与文章第五段最后一句所述之意相符。

5.【答案】A。解析: A 观点态度题纵观全文,作者所述三项改革举措并未收到预期的效果,反而适得其反,事与愿违,由此我们可判断作者对其最终的结果显然持怀疑态度,故正确答案为A,B选项(乐观的)、C选项(肯定的)和D选项(赞成的)均排除。

Passage 2

1.【答案】C。解析:C 细节题。文中第二段提及

“These included the use of federal student loans to pay off credit cards,effectively shifting the debt,appeals to parents for loans,cutting back on course work to increase time at paid jobs,

or even dropping out altogether to work full time.”,因此,正确答案为C项。选项C是college administrators从事的活动,不是美国学生。

2.【答案】B。解析:B 细节题。文中开篇提到

“the consequences can be serious-ranging from higher drop- out rates to future employment problems and even suicide”,最后一段谈到

“Card issuers were sponsoring school programs,

funding activities and even entering into business partnerships with s chools”,由此可以看出选项B是card issuers从事的活动,而不是美国学生,更不是使用credit card的后果。因此,正确答案为B项。

3.【答案】A。解析:A 细节题。文末倒数第二句、第三句中提到了“students,card companies,university administrators”都应该为信用卡负面影响负责。因此,正确答案为A项。

4.【答案】A。解析:A 主旨题。本文首句即提到

“U.S.college students are increasingly burdened with credit card deb t”,第二段主旨是

“growing numbers of students who are unable to cope with the stress of their debts and/or part time jobs for servicing their credit ca rds”。第三段讲“debts can haunt students”,最后一段主要讲述

“who should answer for the negative consequences”。因此,正确答案为A项。

5.【答案】D。解析:D 推断题。文章主要讲述学生使用信用卡的负面影响,但也不能千篇一律断然否定使用信用卡,因而选项B不对。不使用信用卡电不能保证美国学生不自杀,故选项C不对。美国学生有part-time工作,是司空见惯也不能因为信用卡的负面影响而取消,故排除选项A。采用逐个排除法,可以确定正确答案为D项。

Passage 3

1.【答案】A。解析:A 细节题。由第一段第一句

“In the first year or so of Web business,

most of the action has revolved around efforts to tap the consumer market.”可知在网络商业第一年左右的时期里,大多数的努力都是围绕着打开市场而展开的。因此正确答案为A项。


“Another major shift in the model for Internet commerce concerns the technology available for marketing.”可知网络商业的另一个重大的改变是关于市场营销的可用技术。接着作者讲到一直以来网络市场的营销活动都以如何把顾客“拉”到网站中为中心。而最近几年,软件公司已经开发出工具让公司直接把信息“推”到目标客户面前。由此可见,市场营销技术在策略上发生了根本性的变化。故答案为C项。


“In line culture thinks highly of the notion that the information f lowing onto the screen comes there by specific request.Once commercia l promotion begins to fill the screen uninvited,

the distinction between the Web and television fades,”可知原来网络文化所认同的是电脑屏幕上的信息都是人们所查询的。否则一旦商业广告不请自来,充斥屏幕,网络和电视就没有差别了。所以可以看出网络纯粹主义者认为商业信息不应该不请自现。因此正确答案为D项。

4.【答案】B。解析:B 细节题。由最后一段第二句可知网络销售获得成功的一些公司都使用了恰当的产品,加上适当的互动、热情和安全,由此来吸引顾客的。因此,正确答案为B项。



历年中国建设银行春季校园招聘面试真题及解析例题一:(可设追问) 如果让你重新进行面试,你会做哪些准备?(2017年建设银行面试试题) 【题目分析】 该题目测查的是应试者的自我认知与定位,间接测查考生对报考岗位的熟知度。应对此题目,一方面应凸显针对过往面试的准备情况,另一方面应结合当前的面试情况,做出更深层面的准备,如针对岗位认知盲区的进一步了解与思考、进一步增强抗压能力等。 【参考答案】 如果让我重新面试,我会做好以下几方面的准备工作: 一方面,对于此次面试中涉及到的岗位认知盲区进行再次深入了解。在过往的面试准备中,我对金融行业、此次报考岗位的要求、职责进行了全局地了解,也关注了一些关于金融银行行业的前沿动态信息;再次准备面试过程中,我也会在不断拓宽自身行业视野的同时,多一份思考,多一份研究,方便在未来的工作中,为我行的未来发展提出更具建设性的意见,并且,根据此次的岗位认知盲区,加强自身的专业功底,进一步熟知单位的工作环境、工作细则以及高端人才的需求,坚定目标,促成自身能力从量变到质变的飞跃。 另一方面,进一步加强心理建设,抗压能力。此次面试也测查了我的抗压能力,虽然我能够进行较好的心理调适,但是,还是会有些紧张,难免会影响到考试状态。如果再次让我准备面试,我会在抗压能力这块进一步增强。因为在未来的工作中,面对客户的压力、业绩的压力、领导的重托、自身给予自身的工作目标压力等,都需要我拥有更加强大的心理承受力,从毅力的加强、心态的快速调整、规则意识的增强等层面,全面突破。唯有此,在面对新环境、新业务的时候,才能够更加从容、冷静、快速适应与应对。 此外,持续关注与银行业相关的时政热点与国家大政方针政策。银行的发展离不开国家的政策支持与引导,需要我们每一位行业人准确把握国家的最新政策,才能把准社会脉搏,更好设计出符合社会需求和消费者青睐的金融产品。 例题二: 你认为银行的人工服务和自助服务相比,哪种服务对银行的发展更有利,为了有效银行的服务质量和服务效率,请给银行提一些建议。(2017年建设银行辽宁分行面试试题)【题目分析】


2013-2014年中国建设银行校园招聘 笔试考试真题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、美国社会心理学家马斯洛提出人类的多种需要可以分为5个层次,被称为马斯洛需求层次理论。其中最高层次需求是( B )。 A尊重的需要B自我实现的需要C社交的需要D安全的需要 2、服务不可能像有形产品一样被储存以备来出售,这是服务特征的(C )。 A相连性B时间性C无形性D易变性 3、主张通过分析案例来研究管理学问题,从而抽像出某些一般性的管理结论或管理原理的学派是( B )。 A管理科学学派B经验学派C系统管理学派D决策理论学派 4、补偿通货膨胀风险的利率是(A )。 A名义利率B实际利率C一般利率D浮动利率 5、银行以年贴现率10%为顾客的一张面额为1万元,72天后才到期的票据办理贴现,银行应付给顾客( C )元。 A 9000 B 10000 C 9800 D 8000 例题:公司持有一张票面额为40,000元的不带息商业汇票,出票日3月1日,到期日6月1日.企业于4月1日向银行贴现.年贴现率为12%,怎么计算及做会计分录? 1.贴现期限= 30 + 31 + 1 - 1 = 61天 其中,4月30天、5月31天、6月1天。 2.贴现息= 40 000 * (12% / 360)* 61 = 81 3.33元 3.贴现额= 40 000 - 813.33 = 39 186.67元 4.会计处理 借:银行存款39 186.67元 借:财务费用813.33元 贷:应收票据40 000.00元 关于补充问题。

商业汇票持票人持尚未到期的商业汇票,向银行贴现以提早收取款项,而贴现银行为此垫支了该票款并承担了一定的风险,应当收取一定的费用。所以,银行在办理贴现业务时,需要向申请贴现人收取(从贴现额中扣除)贴现息。 6、股票的市盈率与股票价格紧密相关,股票市盈率越高,股票的价格就(B)。A越低B越高C不动D反向变动 市盈率=普通股每股市场价格/ 普通股每年每股盈利 市盈率是估计普通股价值的最基本、最重要的指标之一。一般认为该比率保持在10-20之间是正常的。过小说明股价低,风险小,值得购买;过大则说明股价高,风险大,购买时应谨慎,或应同时持有的该种股票。 7、金融市场实现了借贷资金的集中和分配,并有资金供给与资金需求的对比形成该市场的“价格”,金融市场的交易价格是( C )。 A借贷资本 B 借贷利息 C 利息率D利润率 8、在金银复本位制下,当金币与银币的实际价值相背离,致使实际价值高于名义价值的货币被收藏、熔化而退出流通,而实际价值低于名义价值的货币则充斥市场,这是( C )。 A 特里芬难题B米德冲突 C 格雷欣法则D三元悖论 这种现象称为劣币驱逐良币,也成为格雷欣法则 9、现代金融市场中存在着直接融资和间接融资两种形式,下列不属于直接融资的是(D )。 A商业信用B国家信用C消费信用D银行信用 10、一个已经存在风险暴露的经济主体,力图通过持有一种或多种与原有风险头寸相反的金融工具来消除该风险的金融技术,称之为( B )。 A投机B套期保值C互换D互利 套期保值足指一个已经存在风险暴露的经济主体.力图通过持有一种或多种原有风险头寸相反的金融工具来消除该风险的技术。


小学教师业务考试英语试题及答案 一、单项选择: 1. Binbin gets up ___ a bout 8:30 _____ S aturdays. A. on, at B. in , on C. at, on 2. — What ' s he like ? — __________ A He likes beef. B. He ' s Mr Carter C. He ' s short. 3. How is the cin ema from here? A. much B. many C. far 4. I'd like Kate soon. A. to write B. to write to C. to writ ing to 5. ---What Amy ? ---She's writing an e-mail to her pen- friend. A. did -B.d? …doing C. is …going to do 6. ---Your homework is very good. --- ____________ .A . Yes, it is B. Thank you C. No , thanks 7. I'm eleven years old. My little sister is nine. So .A. She 's older than me. B. She's taller than me. C. I'm two years older. 8. You and I like swim ming . We have the same .A. both both …hobby 9. --- ____ is this walkman? --- ______ m y daughter A.W/ho, It It 's the 13. Mr Carter teaches _____ En glish. ______ all love ______ .A .our, We, him B us, Us, her C us, We, him 14. ______ sheep are there on the farm? A. How old B. How many C. How much …hobbies B. are …hobbies C. B. Whose, Its C. Whose, 10. ---Would you like tea? --- Yes, just _____ .A. some, little B. any, a little C. some, a little 11. Come in and have a look. This is _______ bedroom.A. Lucy B. Lucyarid Isiland Lily ' s C. Lucy and Lily ' s 12.1 can play football. My sister can play piano.A. 不填,the B. the,不填 C. the,


*2019年中国建设银行校园招聘笔试题和答案 1.评论文章若想可读,就要写活,既要________,也要提出建议;既可从细微处议论,也可就大政方针发言。作为平面媒体,报纸要和网络竞争,追求________显然不现实,只能在思想的深度上下功夫,用“综合性”的专栏言论来克服劣势。 填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.一针见血关注度 B.针砭时弊时效性 C.高屋建瓴发行量 D.言之有物世俗化 2.在一定程度上,技术的飞速发展与国家之间的竞争有着________的关系。二战抑或冷战时期,某些领域尤其是军事领域的科学突破即是例证,以登月为标志的航天科技的突飞猛进只是其中之一。但如果将今天的进步缓慢归因于竞争不充分,甚至怀念那样一个阴暗、极端、意识狭隘的时代,显然是________的。人类所有可以称道的文明进步最终在于包容和协助,事实上,目前的太空探索也正是朝着国际合作的方向努力。 依次填入划横线部分最恰当的一项是()。 A.相辅相成荒谬 B.此消彼长无奈 C.不可或缺可怕 D.休戚与共落伍

3.现代社会中,人们是在相对统一的时间里交往活动,这有利于节约社会成本,提高社会效率,推动社会发展。但全社会的“步调一致”容易导致交通的堵塞,由此引发的一系列社会问题不容忽视。从另一方面来看,人们的需要、社会发展的需求,又对作息时间提出了不同的要求。但作息时间不统一,也会给人们的交往、社会的发展带来一定障碍。 这段文字意在说明()。 A.作息时间应在统一与差异中寻找平衡 B.小问题可能会引起社会发展中的大矛盾 C.调整作息时间是解决交通堵塞的有效措施 D.作息时间需随着人们生活习惯的改变而调整 4.一位著名企业家从百折不挠的拼搏经历中总结出了“冰淇淋哲学”,即卖冰淇淋必须从冬天开始,因为冬天顾客少,会逼迫你降低成本,改善服务。如果能在冬天生存,就再也不会害怕夏天的竞争。 根据本段文字,“冰淇淋哲学”主要强调了()。 A.逆境对培养企业的竞争力非常重要 B.选择一个好的时机,企业就成功了一半 C.企业在创业阶段难免会遇到很多困难


小学英语教师招聘教师考试试题及答案 Company number:【WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998】

一、单项选择:从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分。) 1.You can’t pass the exam _________ you study hard. A.if B.because C.unless D.so 2.Look out! Don’t get too close to the house roof is under repair. A.whose B.which C.of which D.that 3.If it were not for the fact that she _________ sing, l would invite her to the party. A.couldn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.might not 4.Always read the _________ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine. A.explanations B.instructions C.descriptions D.introductions 5.Green products are becoming more and more popular because they are environmentally . A.common B.various C.friendly D.changeable 6.—What happened to you this morning


中国建设银行校园招聘考试试题_真题(二十六) 1、对法院的查询,信用社应当立即协助办理()。 A、查看有效证件,不需办理签字手续 B、查看有效证件,需办理签字手续 C、不需办理签字手续 D、需办理签字手续 2、票据金额以中文大写和阿拉伯数据同时记载,对二者不一致的结算凭证()。 A、以大写为准 B、以小写为准 C、信用社可予受理 D、信用社不可予受理 3、"票据法"适用于中华人民共和国境内的票据活动。它规范的票据是()。 A、汇票、支票和本票 B、承兑汇票、支票和本票 C、支票和本票 D、汇票、支票 4、票据金额、日期不得更改,收款人、用途可更改,更改的票据()。 A、有效 B、无效 C、受理 D、不可受理 5、出票人或背书人记载"不得转让"字样的票据不能转让,其后手仍然转让的,则出票人,背书人对其后手的被背书人()。 A、承担保证责任 B、不承担保证责任 C、承担连带保证责任 D、不承担连带保证责任 6、大额支付系统采取()处理支付业务,全额清算资金。 A、逐笔实时 B、适实汇兑 C、实时逐笔 D、序时汇兑 7、大额支付系统按不同的业务类型,设置了不同优先级此的排队队列,将()置于队列之首。 A、特急大额支付(救灾、战备款项) B、紧急大额支付 C、错账冲正 D、日间透支利息和支付业务收费 8、()是贴现信用社持未到期的已贴现汇票向中央信用社的票据转让行为。 A、转贴现 B、再贴现 C、贴现 D、转贷款 9、大额支付系统系统行号是由()位数字构成,是参加大额支付系统机构的唯一标识 A、5 B、12

C、11 D、6 10、明细核算是按()核算。 A、账户 B、明细户 C、余额表 D、登记簿 1、B 2、D 3、A 4、B 5、B 6、A 7、C 8、B 9、B 10、A


一、单项选择题个层次,被称51、美国社会心理学家马斯洛提出人类的多种需要可以分为。B )为马斯洛需求层次理论。其中最高层次需求是(安全的需要 D B自我实现的需要C社交的需要A尊重的需要 。C )2、服务不可能像有形产品一样被储存以备来出售,这是服务特征的(D易变性时间性C无形性A相连性B、主张通过分析案例来研究管理学问题,从而抽像出某些一般性的管理结3 B )。论或管理原理的学派是( 决策理论学派C 系统管理学派DA管理科学学派B经验学派 )。4、补偿通货膨胀风险的利率是(A D浮动利率C一般利率名义利率A B实际利率 天后才到期的票据72为顾客的一张面额为、银行以年贴现率10%1万元,5 )元。办理贴现,银行应付给顾客( C D 8000 C 9800 A 9000 B 10000 。B)股票市盈率越高,股票的价格就(6、股票的市盈率与股票价格紧密相关,A越低B越高C不动D反向变动 7、金融市场实现了借贷资金的集中和分配,并有资金供给与资金需求的对比形成该市场的“价格”,金融市场的交易价格是( C )。 A借贷资本 B 借贷利息 C 利息率D利润率 8、在金银复本位制下,当金币与银币的实际价值相背离,致使实际价值高于名义价值的货币被收藏、熔化而退出流通,而实际价值低于名义价值的货币则充斥市场,这是( C )。 A 特里芬难题B米德冲突 C 格雷欣法则D三元悖论 9、现代金融市场中存在着直接融资和间接融资两种形式,下列不属于直接融资的是(D )。 A商业信用B国家信用C消费信用D银行信用 力图通过持有一种或多种与原有风一个已经存在风险暴露的经济主体,、10. 。险头寸相反的金融工具来消除该风险的金融技术,称之为(B )互利互换D投机B套期保值CA各项中国人民银行规定的资产负债比例管理指标中有存贷款比例要求,11、。 C )贷款之比不超过(D100% B50% C75% A25% 其中核心资本8%,资本净额与表内、外风险加权资产总额的比例不得低于不得低于4%;附属资本不能超过核心资本的100%。 12、商业银行的收入形式多种多样,包括表内收入、表外收入或者营业内收入、营业外收入,下列属于商业银行营业外收入的是( B )。 A手续费收入B罚没收入C咨询收入D利息收入 13、债券的价格发行与市场利率、债券收益有直接的关系,若市场利率低于债券收益率时,债券为( A )发行。 A 溢价B折价C平价D时价 14、国际通行的贷款五级分类,既正常、关注、次级、可疑、损失贷款,其中(A )为不良贷款。


1、“互联网+”,是一种科学地驾驭技术、利用技术基础上的提速、提质、提效。作为先进技术、先进工具的互联网,用于建设和发展是积极正面的,用于攻击和毁损是消极负面的。既要积极有效地使用互联网这一先进工具,推动经济社会发展,又要建立良好秩序,采取安全保护措施,防范由于破坏性运用所带来的被动和伤害。关于这段文字,以下理解正确的是()。 A.互联网有利于推动经济社会发展,是利大于弊的 B.互联网是一把双刃剑,“互联网+”就是对互联网辩证地趋利避害 C.“互联网+”的出现就是为了消除互联网的消极负面作用 D.互联网使得不少青年人沉溺其中,耽误了学业,是弊大于利的 2、“中国制造”是中国人的骄傲,“中国制造”开启了走向世界的全新一页。然而,当“世界工厂”的称号落户华夏大地,人们开始反思,“中国制造”难道是“中国加工”(大部分“中国制造”来自加工贸易,是附加值不高的劳动密集型产品)的代名词?对这段话理解不准确的是()。 A.“中国制造”虽然拉高的是我们的GDP,赚鼓的却是别人的腰包 B.“世界工厂”靠的是廉价劳动力成本、环境成本、资源和能源成本,还有粗放式经济发展模式 C.在全球性经济结构调整中,中国抓住了机遇,一举成为“世界工厂” D.要注重提高经济增长质量和效益 3、①成长和成才所包含的意蕴要深刻和正面,也是多元化的②真正意义上的成功,已经被狭隘的“成功学”所污染了,它所携带的那些正面力量就因此被人们一并厌恶③让青年不被“成功学”左右,首先要釜底抽薪——我们不要总谈“成功”,要转化话语系统④对青年,我们不建议过多使用“成功”这个词,而应更多使用“成长”和“成才”⑤不要以为这是换汤不换药——话语系统其实就是一种药,话语系统的转换就是换药⑥作为意识形态的话语,对自我认知的影响很大。将以上六个句子重新排列,语序正确的是:() A.①④②③⑥⑤ B.②①④③⑤⑥ C.③⑤⑥②④① D.④①②③⑥⑤ 4、PM2.5是指大气中直径小于或等于2.5微粒的颗粒物,也称为可入肺颗粒物。直径相当于人的头发粗细的1/20。PM2.5的主要来源是发电、工业生产、汽等过程中燃烧产生的残留物。因为这些颗粒物太轻,很难自然降落在地面上,而是长期悬浮在空气中,可直接通过呼吸进入肺部甚至融入血液。PM2.5直径小,在大气中的停留时间长,输送距离远,多含有二氧化硫、氮氧化物、硫酸铵等有害物质,因而对人体健康和大气环境质量的影响很大。根据上述文字,下列表述不正确的是()


教师招聘考试小学英语真题及答案 小学英语试卷 (满分:150分) 第一部分专业基础知识 Ⅰ. 完形填空/Close(20分) In 1990 a report was published about what the earth might be like 20 years from then on. The report was a result of a three year 1. According to the report, the picture of the earth in the year 2010 is not a 2 one. The world will be more 3 because the population will continue to grow. The population could be 4 6300 million, almost 2 150 million more than in 1985. More people would move into cities, especially cities in 5 countries. Cities like Cairo and Jakarta probably would 6 have 15 million by then. Food production will 7, but not enough to feed all the people. Farmers will grow 90% more food than they did in 1985, 8 most of the increase would be in countries that 9 produce enough food for their people. Little increase is 10 in South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Poor farming ways are 11 large areas of crop land, changing farms into deserts. More farmland is 12 as cities become larger and more houses are built. 13 will get worse as industrial countries burn more coal and oil. Many of the worlds 14 could disappear as more and more trees are cut down. Energy will continue to be a serious problem. The experts say their picture of the earth for the year 2010 15. They only carried out the situation that 16 today. By changing the situation, by 17 the problems, the picture can be changed. There is 18 time for the nations of the world to


2017中国建设银行校园招聘各类别笔试内容 2017银行校园招聘预计在开学后9月份陆续开始!中公金融人为广大考生整理发布全国各地银行校园招聘信息,及时获取近期各大银行招聘考试信息,可及时关注2017银行校园招聘公告汇总。 中国建设银行校园招聘考试分为三类:综合类、信息技术类和其他类,不同类别其考试内容不进相同的,分别为以下的情况来进行考核。 1、收到总行直属中心通用类岗位考试通知的应聘者,所学专业为金融、经济、财会、管理、国际贸易、统计、法律等请选择综合类;所学专业为计算机、通信、电子、系统工程等请选择信息技术类;所学专业为电气工程、能源动力、空调暖通、电工等请选择其他类; 2、收到总行直属中心客服类岗位考试通知,以及境内分支机构所有岗位考试通知的应聘者均参加综合类考试。 要知道历年来建设银行校园招聘考试试题与其他四大商业银行相比较是难度最大的,特别是英语,占比也多,所以加大英语的复习力度很有必要,当然不是说其余部分不重要了,水桶理论考生应该都很清楚。 还有就是行测部分,其他四大银行数字推理难度都是适中,题量保持水平,并且很多都是不用计算,通过观察就可以得出结果,建设银行就不同了,虽然数字推理考查不断减少,但同时数学运算考查不断增加,所以说,建设银行的数字推理还是需要考生花费一定时间来复习的。数量运算总题量没有变化,然而知识点涉及有明显广泛,好在难度没有增加,低于省考难度,复习过省考行测的考生占有一定优势。 还常常出现这类的题目,如下: 1.某校学生食堂单位时间内,每个窗口没走午餐的人数和因不愿长久等待而到学校外就餐的人数各是一个固定值.并且发现若开一个窗口,45分钟可使等待的人都能买到午餐;若同时开两个窗口,则需30分钟.还发现,若在二十五分钟内等待的学生都能买到午餐,在单位时间内,外出就餐的人时就可减少百分之80.


小学英语教师招聘考试试题 公共部分(30分) 一、判断对错 ()1、“读书、实践、思考、总结、写作”表达了名师成长的基本方式。 ()2、学生的学业成绩等于教育质量,因为学生成绩所反映的是学生发展的一部分。()3、要严格控制考试与考查的门类,对考查学科不能随意进行书面闭卷考试。()4、阅读经典,能给教师提供一条直抵自由的精神通道与破译幸福的心灵密码。 ()5,教师成长都一样要进行反思,但不一样的是,名师给反思以特有的深刻性,并形成习惯,努力成为“批判性继承者”。 二、选择题 ( )1、______是教师成长的主要场所。 ①学校图书室②办公室 ③课堂④家庭 ()2、_______是教师永远的目标,也是提高学科教学质量的最主要途径。 ①追求课堂教学的最大效益②深厚的业务功底 ③鲜明独特的教学个性④精当的课堂教学评价 ( )3、名师成长的方式实质上是________. ①()个性的形成与发展②共性基础上的独特性 ③心智的丰富与开放④追求崇高感 ()4、教师的任务就是要不断的发展儿童从学习中得到满足的良好情感,以便从这种情感中产生和形成一种情绪状态——即。 ①对幸福的追求②坚定的信念③强烈的自尊心④强烈的学习愿望 ( )5、“只有书籍,能把辽阔的时间浇灌给你,能把一切高贵生命早已飘散的信号传递给你,能把无数的智慧和美好对比着愚昧和丑陋一起呈现给你。区区五尺之躯,短短几十年光阴,居然能驰骋古今,经天纬地,这种奇迹的产生,至少有一半要归功于阅读。”这句话出自_________之口。

①王老咪②易中天③陶继新④余秋雨 ()6、教师形成专业成长意识,获得专业成长的最佳途径是______ ①专业培训②参加优质课评比 ③校本教研④深化课改 ()7、激起学生学习热情的动因是_________. ①教师的热情②教师渊博的知识 ③教师对学生的期望④教师对学生的信任 ()8、学校办学过程中,每一个管理者、每位教师都要始终坚持“三个还给”的理念,即:_______ ①把自信还给学生②把能力还给学生 ③把健康还给学生④把时间还给学生 ()9、关于小学生的家庭作业,下列说法中正确的是_____。 ①作业布置要紧扣教学要求,精选内容。 ②一、二年级各学科绝不允许布置书面家庭作业。 ③中高年级只有语文和数学两科可以布置书面家庭作业。 ④中高年级各学科都可以布置书面家庭作业,但总量不准超过一小时。 ()10、《临沂市小学教学工作指导意见》中提出的小学教学工作要突出的三个重点是_____。 ①培养学生健康的心理和强健的体魄。 ②培养学生高尚的道德情感和乐观向上的生活态度。 ③培养学生良好的学习习惯。 ④搞好知识的积累和储备。 三、“T”or “F”,将答案填在题前括号内。 ()1.英语课程的出发点和归宿是学生的发展。


中国建设银行银行招聘之工资待遇详情 中国建设银行是每年校园招人数非常多的一家银行,但是中国建设银行工资待遇如何,可能很多报考考生并不清楚,山东银行考试网为考生整理了建行工资待遇的信息。 更多银行待遇问题,点击查看: 各大银行工资待遇揭秘汇总 建行据说不同支行待遇相差还是比较大的,有句顺口溜叫“国宝一二五,分行营业部”。就是指建行效益比较好的是国际业务部,宝山支行,第一支行,第二支行,第五支行和分行营业部。 待遇★★★☆ 稳定★★★★ 发展★★★ 舒适★★★★ 中国建设银行薪酬福利: 这几年建行的发展很快,收益的增长同时也带来了员工的高收入。尽管建行的工资比不上四大之类的,但是奖金(说白了就是灰色收入)还是一笔蛮可观的收入。不过即使是在同一银行系统,国内不同地区的收入水平有所差异。比如四川省某支行的普通员工月薪在3000元左右,但是省行机关年薪则不低于10万元。而深圳支行,第一年月薪5600元,第二年7000-8000,好的支行有10000元。总的来说,不同支行之间待遇差别较大,一般建行是年

薪65000 左右。 中国建设银行职业发展: 建行会保障你退休后的生活,还有买房和租房的补助,所以你不需要为了房子拼死拼活,退休之后建行给你的钱足够你幸福安闲。建行并不会看重你是否名校出身,入职之后的发展还是要看个人能力。 中国建设银行工作舒适度: 在建行工作不需要加班,会有很多业余时间,这一点,对很多女生尤其具有吸引力。而且空余的时间你可以用来学习以自我增值,工作满5年的话建行有可能送你出去读书。而银行的工作环境,因为很多都需要直接面对客户,所以都非常讲究,肯定可以保证你舒舒服服地坐在有空调的凉快的办公室里,也有易于调配的公车。


建设银行校园招聘考试笔试复习资料 建设银行笔试资料 2012 年11 月24 日中国建设银行笔试回忆与感受,考试涉及所知识面没有交行和工行广,但是考试深度绝对比前两者要深;尤其是英语部分,交行和工行都是托业的题目,很简单、1 分钟绝对能选对 5 个题目以上,但是建行的题目越是考研难得金融英语阅读题。 下面开始梳理下考试内容吧。 1、考试时间:三个小时,做两部分。第一部分,综合,两小时四十分钟,共155 道题目;第二部分,性格测试,二十分钟,200 道题目。第一部分题目时间绝对是够的,这样做题超慢的人也能提前做完,足以证明时间是充裕的。 2、综合部分:专业单选40+专业多选30+英语15+言语15+数学15+逻辑15+资料15+时事10 (1)专业单选题,40 道:主要有考到西方经济学的基础知识,比如,计算需求价格弧弹性、 经济调控政策等;市场营销题目,比如,四个人,各有不同的性格和做事特征,那么应该如何为每个人策划个营销的职位呢?是参与式还是指令式等);会计题目;比如,资产负债表的同增减性里面的,收支表中最终获得多少收入或支出等;经济法,比如,一个是合同问题,另外一个,下面这个题目遇到好几次:甲为乙担保丙的债权,乙把债权转让给丁,丙到期拒付款,应该怎么办?还想起一个:要约问题,甲公司3 号同乙公司订立一个合约,但5 号甲公司就欲反悔,于是撤回合约,要约于7 号到达乙公司,但是8 号乙公司开会要如何投资, 问题是该要约有无效;貌似有些管理、法律的题目,还是全面准备一下吧 (2)专业多选题,30 道:多选少选不错选都是不给分的,所以LZ 只能是祈求保佑啦,不要让我的多选题像我的考研政治一样全军覆没! (3)英语,3 篇文章,三篇都是经济类的文章,共15 题:都是比较新的文章,有讲到了关于美国政府是否应该投入资金帮助三大汽车公司,还有关于中国工资上涨对外资企业带来的影响,还有一篇好像讲的是关于劳动力方面的问题的?楼主曾经考过GRE 的,英语水平也不差,所以这些文章做的很快,花了17 分钟


中学英语教师招聘考试试题及答案(高考卷一) 第一节:语法和词汇知识(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。例: It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants. A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever 答案是 B。 21. The field research will take Joan and Paul about five months; it will be a long time _____ wemeet them again. A. after B. before C. since D. when 22. Little _______ that we were watching his every move, so he seemed to be going his ownway i n this business. A. he realized

B. he didn't realize C. didn't he realize D. did he realize 23. The teacher __ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time onhim, I s uppose. A. should B. can C. would D. must 24. -- Was Martin sorry for what he' d done? -- ___________. It was just like him! A. Never mind B. All right C. Not really D. Not surprisingly 25. In my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than ________.


2010年初中英语教师招聘考试试卷(时间:90分钟总分100分) 一、单项选择(每题1分,计20分) ()1.—Have you ever been to the Great Wall? — . A. Yes, never. B. No, ever. C. No, never. D. Yes, I do. ()2.Always read the ____ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of medicine A. explanation B. instructions C. description D. introduction ()3.We ____ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made in the past ten years. A. needn’t B. may not C. shouldn’t D. mustn’t ()4.—— What did she ______so much money? —— Nothing but a necklace made of glass. A. spend on B. pay for C. buy for D. sell to ()5.If we ______, we can realize the progress we have made. A. turn back B. move back C. answer back D. look back ()6.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants. A.however B.whatever C.whichever D.whenever ()7.We all believe him _______ he said is true. A. because B. because of C. because what D. because of what ()8.—I’m taking my driving test tomorrow. — !


2019中国建设银行招聘试题及答案:综合 知识(一) 导读:本文2019中国建设银行招聘试题及答案:综合知识(一),仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 1.持久收入理论认为消费者函数是稳定的,原因在于()。 A.在一定时期内,社会的人口构成是稳定的 B.在长期中,人们的持久性收入是稳定的 C.人们的消费倾向是呈稳定变化 D.在一定时期内,人们的持久性收入是稳定的 2.在三大货币政策工具中,()能够对货币供给量及经济产生巨大的震动性,被西方经济学家喻为"更像巨斧而不像小刀"。 A.法定存款准备金政策 B.公开市场操作 C.再贴现政策 D.再贷款政策 3.下列选项中,不属于商业银行附属资本的是()。 A.优先股 B.可转债 C.混合资本债券 D.未分配利润 4.如果一国出现国际收支逆差,则该国()。 A.外汇供不应求,外汇汇率上升,本币贬值 B.外汇供不应求,外汇汇率下降,本币升值 C.外汇供过于求,外汇汇率上升,本币贬值

D.外汇供过于求,外汇汇率下降,本币升值 5.当国际收支出现逆差时,一国之所以采用本币贬值的汇率政策,是因为本币贬值以后,以外币标价的出口价格下降,而以本币标价的进口价格上涨,从而(),使国际收支逆差减少,乃至恢复均衡。 A.刺激出口和进口 B.限制出口和进口 C.刺激出口,限制进口 D.限制出口,刺激进口 1.【答案】B。解析:持久收入理论是由美国经济学家弗里德曼提出来的。所谓持久收入,是指消费者可以预期到的长期收入,即预期在较长时期中可以维持的稳定的收入流量。该理论认为,消费者的消费支出不是根据他的当前收入决定的,而是根据他的持久收入决定的。该理论将人们的收入分为暂时性的收入和持久性的收入,并认为消费是持久性收入的稳定的函数。 2.【答案】A。解析:法定存款准备金政策影响基础货币,进而影响商业银行等货币存款机构所能够用于放款和投资的超额准备金持有量,并且影响货币乘数及存款货币机构的派生存款创造能力。存款准备金政策及对货币供应量具有极强的影响力,速度快,效果明显,因而被西方经济学家喻为"更像巨斧而不像小刀"。 3.【答案】D。解析:未分配利润属于商业银行的核心资本。 4.【答案】A。解析:当一国出现国际收支逆差时,即外汇收入小于外汇支出,导致外汇供不应求,因而会导致外汇汇率上升,外币升值,本币贬值。 5.【答案】C。解析:本币贬值会促使进口减少,出口增加,改


中国建设银行柜面考试试题及答案 一、单项选择题 1、按照制度规定,办理外币业务的网点必须配备的出纳机具是(D)。 A.复点机 B.人民币验钞设备 C.自动捆钞机 D.外币鉴别仪 b5E2RGbCAP 2、新建、改(扩)建的金库必须经(A)出纳、保卫管理部门验收合格批复后方可 启用。 A.总行 B.一级分行 C.二级分行 D.县支行 3、现金调拨业务必须由(B)名解款员 办理。 A.1 B.2 C.3 4、营业机构提取和交存现金须经(C)批准。 A.出纳负责人
B.会计主管 p1EanqFDPw C.营业机构负责人 D.出纳综合员 5、营业终了尾箱必须(C)。 A.上锁 B.入柜保 管 C.入库保管 D.入支行临时库保管 ?6、收缴假人民币,对临柜人员的奖励为假币金额的(A)。 A.5%---10% B.10%---15% C.15%---20%D.10%---20% 7、现金差错率应控制在(D)之内。 A.万分之五 B.万分之零点五 C.百万分之五 D.百万分之零点五 8、某支行受理一客户申请挂失两张支票,经审查符合挂失规定,票面金额分别为 10000 元、2000 元,问应收手续费多少?(C) A、10 元 B、12 元 C、15 元
D、60 元 9、沈阳某支行 2004 年 2 月 2 日接收一笔电汇,收款人账号为我行开户单位
1 / 19

账号,但收款人名称不符,当日发出查询,次日未收到查复,2 月 3 日如何处理? (D)
A、 2 月 3 日不做处理,待查复后再处理; B、 将此款项入到我行开户单位账户 内; C、 做退汇处理; D、 挂到“3140 待处理结算款项”科目中,待查复后再处理。 ?10、银行承兑汇票到期,若企业存款账户余额不足,则到期日银行从以下账户扣 款的顺序?(C) A 活期存款账户、保证金账户、应解汇款 B 保证金账户、活期存款账户、逾期贷款 C 活期存款账户、保证金账户、逾 期贷款 D 保证金账户、活期存款账户、应解汇款 11、已纳入损益的应收未收贷款利 息,在其贷款本金或应收利息逾期超过 ( C A.30 B.60 C.90 D.180RTCrpUDGiT B )科目核算。 ) 天 (不含) 以后,应及时冲减利息收入。
?12、国债发行和兑付手续费收入应在( A.代收代扣业务收入 C.其它营业收入
B.代客证券买卖业务收入 D.营业外收入 13、办理协助冻结业务时,经办人在所提 C ) 交执法
供材料审核无误后,应在协助冻结存款通知书回执联上写明情况并加盖 ( 人员。5PCzVD7HxA A. 结算专用章 B. 转讫章 C. 业务用公章
D. 票据受理章 14、我国 ( D ) 规
定,“国家保护公民的储蓄所有权”。jLBHrnAILg A.商业银行法 B.人民银行法 C.民法 D.宪法 15、外币定期存款 C.100
的起存金额为一般不低于人民币( C )元的等值外币。 A.10 B.50 D.500xHAQX74J0X
16、储蓄所一次领用其它重要单证,一般以本所( D )天签发量为限。
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英语试题 专业知识 第I卷(共55分) 一、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 1. In 2006, Pan Ki-moon was elected ______ Secretary-General of ______ United Nations, ______ position he will hold for at least 5 years. A. /; /; a B. /; the; a C. the ; /; a D.the; the; the 2. ---- Have Mary and Tina sold out all of the English dictionaries? ---- Yes, completely. ______ is left. A. None B. Nothing C. No one D. Neither 3. Since the mid-1980s, growing numbers of Asians ______ in New Zealand, and they ______ about 6% of the total population. A. had settled; make of B. have settled; make up C. settled; make up of D. are settling; make up for 4. ---- What do you think of the new English teacher? ---- ______ she is an elegant lady, she can be extremely difficult to work with. A. When B. While C. Once D. Even if 5. The number of travellers during the Spring Festival this year is double ______. A. of last year’s B. those of last year’s C. it of last year’s D. that of last year’s 6. I was overjoyed at the news of my country ______ so much progress. A. made B. to make C. to have made D. having made 7. Although Tom was ______ out of breath when he got to the classroom, he thought it was ______ worth the effort. A. well; quite B. quite; quite C. quite; well D. well; well 8. The best method to ______ this goal is to unite as many sympathetic people as possible with the labour movement itself. A. win B. finish C. complete D. accomplish 9. Could it be in the restaurant ______ you had dinner with me yesterday ______ you left behind your keys and wallet? A. where; where B. that; that C. that; where D. where; that 10. If you ______ drink so much, of course you will feel sick. A. ought to B. can C. may D. must 11. Finally they arrived at a place ______ sold cigarettes and other small articles. A. where B. that C. what D. in which 12. ______ to an Australian home, you will probably eat outside and cook meat on an open fire. A. Asking B. Being asked C. If asking D. If asked 13. The man insisted that he ______ nothing wrong and that he ______ free. A. did; was set B. did; would be set C. had done; would be set D. had done; be set 14. ______, she was now dressed up for the party. A. Taking a shower B. Having taken a shower C. She took a shower D. Taken a shower 15. ---- Go for a picnic, Ok? It’s forecast sunny this weekend. ---- ______. I love getting close to nature. A. I’m afraid not B. I don’t like picnics C. I couldn’t agree more D. I don’t think so 二、完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面的短文,从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项。 To be a good teacher, you need some of the gifts of a good actor; you must be able to (16)__________ the attention and interest of your (17)__________; you must be a clever speaker, with a good, strong, (18)__________ voice which is fully under your control; and you must be
