当前位置:搜档网 › 译林版8B英语第一次月考试卷(unit1-2)






A) 从A、B、C三幅图中找出与你所听内容相符的选项。听两遍。( )1. What is Mark’s favorite animal?

A B C ( )2. How is Lucy going to Xiamen?

A B C ( )3. Where would Sam like to go?

A B C ( )4. What is Tom most interested in?

A B C ( )5. What will the weather be like next Sunday?

A. B. C.

B) 听对话,根据所听对话及问题选择正确答案。听两遍。

( )6. What does the man want?

A. A white skirt.

B. A white shirt.

C. A yellow shirt. ( )7. Where’s Jill’s grandmother?

A. At the store.

B. In the hospital.

C. At home. ( )8. Who did Mary’s father ge t a gift from?

A. Mary

B. Lily

C. Lucy ( )9. What is Kate doing?

A. She is asking Tony for help.

B. She is helping Tony.

C. She is repairing the computer.

( )10. How old is Jack?

A.11 years old

B. 13 years old

C. 15 years old C)听下面几段对话,选择正确答案。听两遍。


( )11. What will David have for lunch ?

A. Some dumplings .

B. Some noodles .

C. Some rice . ( )12. Where is Mrs. Smith now ?

A. In China .

B. In America .

C. In England .


( )14. A. Chinese B. science C. P.E.

( )15. A. four B. three C. five


( )16. Where will the students go?

A. A school.

B. A park.

C. A town. ( )17. When will the bus leave?

A. At 8:30 am.

B. At 8:00 am.

C. At 3:00 pm. ( )18. How will the students go?

A. By bus.

B. By train.

C. By subway. ( )19. What will the students have for lunch?

A. Mooncakes.

B. Sandwiches.

C. Hamburgers. ( )20. What’s the teacher’s phone number?

A. .

B. .

C. .


()1. ---Do you want to watch the lion dance?

---No, I ________ it the day before yesterday.

A. saw B have seen C. see D. was seeing ()2. Jim’s grandpa lived________, but he didn’t feel________

A. alone; alone

B. alone; lonely

C. lonely; lonely

D. lonely; alone

()3. It’s raining hard. ________, my parents are stil l working in the field.

A. But

B. So

C. However

D. Because

()4. The ________ film made the audiences(观众) feel very ________ and some of them fell asleep.

A. boring; bored

B. bored; boring

C. boring; boring

D. bored; bored ()5. Mr. Green’s never been to Canada, ________?

A. isn’t he

B. is he

C. hasn’t he

D. has he

()6. --- Lucy hasn’t come back from the library ________.

--- Yes, I have ________ called her.

A. already; yet

B. yet; yet

C. already; already

D. yet; already ()7. Mary _______ to see the films because she ________ it twice.

A. won’t go; saw

B. won’t go; will see

C. won’t go; has seen

D. didn’t go; sees

()8. Jim has many hobbies, ________ swimming, hiking and playing badminton.

A. for example

B. such for

C. such as

D. as the example of ()9. John ________ South Hill. He will be back ________ a few days.

A. has been to; in

B. has gone to; in

C. has been to; after

D. has gone to; after

()10. ________ it is to visit theme parks in Beijing!

A. How great fun

B. What a great fun

C. What great fun

D. How a great fun

()11. There may be _____ in Mount Huang in spring, but the weather is very nice.

A. some rains

B. some rain

C. some rainy

D. a lot of rains ()12. It took us about ________ to fly to Hong Kong.

A. three hours and a half

B. three and a half hour

C. three and a half hours

D. A&C

()13. --- How long _______ his grandpa __________?

--- ________ two years ago.

A. did; die; Since

B. has; been dead; For

C. did; die; For

D. has; been dead; Since

()14. Mr John ________ cards and Chinese chess in his free time.

A. used to playing

B. is used to play

C. used to play

D. is used to playing the

()15. ________ the road, you’ll find a little coffee shop.

A. By the end of

B. In the end

C. At the end of

D. To the end of


I stood in the doorway, watching my elder brother carefully putting clothes into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally _ _41__ that I was there, Rocky turned towards me with a sad smile. “I’m leaving tomorrow,” he said.

“I know.” My voice was almost a whisper. I was ___42___ with myself for being so weak, but I wasn’t about to cry.

“My ___43__ is early, so there is still enough time to come to the airport,” he said. Seeing the sad look on my face, he quickly added, “I promise I won’t leave without saying goodbye.”

I tried to say som ething, but didn’t. It’s always ___44___ to keep quiet if you’re about to cry. “You promised you wouldn’t cry,” he said to me, thinking that I was close to ___45___.

I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike. ___46___ I thought he was always right behind me, holding the seat to keep me from ___47___. I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn’t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go.

His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say ___48___ to the person who taught me everything?

The next morning I ___49___ , looked at my alarm clock, and realized he had left ___50___ ago. We never even said goodbye.

Goodbye, Rocky! Although he may have been many miles away, I knew he heard me, even if it was only an answer in his heart.

()1. A. forgetting B. realizing C. watching D. learning ()2. A. glad B. moved C. angry D. pleased ()3. A. ship B. flight C. train D. bus

()4. A. stranger B. better C. worse D. easier ()5. A. tears B. smiles C. words D. sadness ()6. A. At last B. Since C. At first D. So far ()7. A. riding B. running C. walking D. falling ()8. A. goodbye B. hello C. yes D. sorry ()9. A. gave up B. stood up C. looked up D. woke up ()10. A. minutes B. hours C. days D. weeks



We are always using body language in our daily life. When we have a conversation with someone, we may be using more body language than words. However, the same body language may mean different things in different countries. That’s why people sometimes do not understand each other correctly.

Pointing to one part of the body can mean differently in different cultures. For example, in the USA people point to their heads when they think someone is clever. However, in Europe it means ‘He or she is stupid or somethi ng is wrong with his or her head’. In our Chinese culture, nodding our head up and down means ‘yes’ and shaking our head from side to side means ‘no’. However, in parts of India, Greece and Turkey, it means just the opposite. In England or the USA, when you raise your hand and make a circle with the thumb and the second finger, it means ‘You’re all right or Everything is OK’. However, if we do this in France or Belgium, it means ‘You’re worth zero’. In Greece or Turkey, we should not make this gesture(手势). Or we are thought to be very rude.

The meaning of gestures can also change over time. In the 1960s, the V sign meant ‘peace’. However, during World War II, it meant ‘victory’. In Greece, it is a very insulting(污辱性)sign.

Though the meaning of body language is different, there are some expressions having the same meaning throughout the world, such as smiling and crying.

( ) 1. In England, if people point to their heads it means they think someone is _________.

A. clever

B. stupid

C. headache

D. angry

( ) 2.In India, if one nods his head up and down, it means he ______.

A. doesn't agree

B. agree

C. is happy

D. is sad

( ) 3. In France, if you raise your hand and make a circle with the thumb and the second finger, it means ________.

A. you are clever

B. everything is OK

C. it is true

D. you are worth nothing

( ) 4.Which country's body language is most different from our usual thinking?

A. France

B. England

C. Greece

D. India

( ) 5.V sign meant _______________ about forty years ago.

A. victory

B. killing

C. festival

D. peace


Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line, others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe. He looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.“What time is your bus?” asked Mike.

“There’s plenty of time yet”, answered Tom.

“Well, I’ll get you some more tea then”, said Mike.

They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again.“ Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)! ”he cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.”

“You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad. The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.

( ) 1. Tom went into the station cafe because

A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea

B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there

C. he didn’t li ke to stay with the schoolgirls

D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

( ) 2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?

A. Half past twelve

B. Twenty to twelve

C. Half past eleven

D. Half past one

( ) 3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find ______________.

A. the time is right

B. it’s going slowe r

C. it’s going backward

D. it’s going fas ter

( ) 4. Which of the following is true?

A. Tom arrived in Paris on time.

B. The next bus would leave in half an hour.

C. After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer.

D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once.

( ) 5. Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story?

A. The Mirror of the Station

B. Not A Careful Man

C. Missing A Bus

D. The Clock In The Mirror


1. Millie ________ ( spend) 5,000 dollars on the flat 15 years ago.

2. Have you ever ________ ( eat) Italian Pizza?

3. Did you enjoy ________ ( you) at Disneyland last week, boys and girls?

4. It’s great fun to visit ________ ( nature) sights in Jiuzhaigou.

5. Are they ________ ( plan) for the coming May Day holiday?

6. Most middle school students have no ________ ( communicate) with their parents.

7. How many ________ ( north) cities have you ever been to ?

8. Nowadays, we can take a direct ________ (fly) to Taiwan.

9. Jim spent the whole night __________ ( repair) this machine.

10. They have ________ (know) each other for many years.


Many kinds of birds live in the United States, but the number of the birds is becoming smaller every year. One of the leading reasons is the growing number of pet cats. By keeping your pet cats in your home, you can help give birds a better possible chance to live.

Of the 90 million pet cats in this country, about two—thirds are allowed to go outside. It is said that these cats kill hundreds of millions of birds each year, as well as billions of small animals such as rabbits and field mice.

They can also bring illness to the animals that live in people's yard(院子), further weakening the health of the natural populations.

Allowing pet cats to go outside is not just bad for birds and wildlife, it's also bad for the cats themselves. Outdoor cats can get sick very easily. They are in danger from traffic and attacks(攻击)from other animals. In fact, outdoor cats usually don't live past the age of five, while indoor cats often live to be 17 or older.

Keep your pet cat inside! If you raise a young cat, it's your duty to let it play inside.



以Changes in my hometown为题写一篇80词左右的文章,包括以下内容:



