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PU表面略刮伤 Slight scratch on PU surface

PU下面的泡棉不平 Foam is uneven

包装漏放五金包 Missing Hardware Kit

爆钉穿破PVC特别刮手 Explored staple piercing PVC and it is easy to scratch hand

背侧PVC拉太紧起皱 PVC of side of back cushion is too tight

背垫PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of back cushion

背垫PVC略刮伤 Slight scratch on PVC of back cushion

背垫PVC破损 PVC of back cushion torn

背垫背封车缝未车牢 Broken stitching on back cover

背垫背封浮钉 Float staple on back cover

背垫背封破损 Back cover torn

背垫背钢板孔距与底盘孔距不吻合,螺丝无法组立 Assembly can't be done due to the distance of holes on back bar and seat plate is different

背垫边条管处露底线 The inner thread which is located welting strip of back cushion coming out 背垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on welting strip of back cushion

背垫边条管外翻 Welting strip of back cushion protruding outward

背垫边条管压伤 Indentation on welting strip of back cushion

背垫表面有一死皱 Wrinkle on back cushion occurred by defective stitching

背垫表面皱大 Much wrinkles on back cushion

背垫表面皱大,腰靠太平 Wrinkles on back cushion and lumber is too flat

背垫布料刮伤 Fabric of back cushion is scratched

背垫布料破 Fabric of back cushion torn

背垫侧包压皱 Indentation on side of back cushion

背垫侧边管条弯曲 Welting strip of back cushion is crooked

背垫侧边皱折 Wrinkles on back cushion

背垫车缝开线 Broken stitching on back cushion

背垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on back cushion

背垫车缝跳针 Skip stitching on back cushion

背垫吊卡有折痕 Folds on the hangtag of back cushion

背垫缝套二层皮有皮疤 Scar on leather of back cover

背垫扶手孔位漏烙孔 Hole on back cushion for assembling arm is missing

背垫扶手孔无丝牙 Hole for assembling arm on back cushion has no thread

背垫管条刮伤 Scratch on welting strip of back cushion

背垫管条弯曲 Welting strip of back cushion is crooked

背垫肩部凹陷 Indentation on shoulder of back cushion

背垫肩部厚度不够 Thickness of shoulder of back cushion is not enough

背垫肩部内缩 Shoulder of back cushion shrinking to the inner

背垫肩侧空,皱 Side of back cushion is empty and wrinkled

背垫胶袋用错(本应为三国语言,错用为七国语言的胶袋)Plastic bag of back cushion is wrong, it should be three kind of language on bag, but there is seven kind of language on bag 背垫拉点太浅 Pulling strength isn't enough

背垫拉扣太松,易拔出 Button on back cushion is too loose and easy to pull out

背垫拉链开裂 Zipper on back cushion broken

背垫漏烙孔 Missing hole on back cushion

背垫露棉 Foam inside of back cushion exposed

背垫略刮伤 Slight scratch on back cushion

背垫略歪斜 Back cushion is slight crooked

背垫略有针孔露白 Pinholes on back cushion revealing white

背垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on back cushion

背垫螺丝孔被套子堵住 Screw hole on back cushion is jammed

背垫面料上粉笔印未清洁干净 Chalk marking on fabric of back cushion

背垫内外板线条对不上 Two stitching lines of back cushion aren't aligned

背垫皮吊卡烫金字体模糊 The golden letters of hangtag on seat cushion are not clear

背垫皮料腐皮 Leather of back cushion is decayed

背垫皮料刮伤 Scratches on leather of back cushion

背垫枪钉外露 Staple on back cushion exposed

背垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on back cushion

背垫清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on back cushion (Dust)

背垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on back cushion (Silver pen mark)

背垫上粘有贴纸 Tape sticking on back cushion

背垫松线 Loose stitching on back cushion

背垫头部凹凸不平 Headrest of seat cushion is uneven

背垫头部空 Headrest of back cushion is flat

背垫头枕略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on headrest of back cushion

背垫头枕内外板缝隙处PVC外露 PVC which is located the headrest of back cushion exposed 背垫歪斜 Back cushion is crooked

背垫歪斜较严重 Back cushion is crooked seriously

背垫线头 Untrimmed thread on back cushion

背垫严重碰破 Back cushion broken

背垫针孔过大 Obvious pinholes on back cushion

背垫皱折 Wrinkles on back cushion

背封PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of back cover

背封PVC破 PVC of back cover torn

背封边条管弯曲 Welting strip of back cover is crooked

背封处断钉 Broken staple on back cover

背封封钉未封不牢 Staple for fastening back cover is not fast

背封浮钉刮手 Float staple on back cover

背封刮破 Back cover broken

背封刮伤 Back cover is scratched

背封漏封钉 Missing staple on back cover

背封露棉 Foam inside of back cover exposed

背封清洁不良 Poor cleanness on back cover

背封压伤 Indentation on back cover

背封有压痕 Indentation on back cover

背封皱折 Wrinkles on back cover

背钢板处PVC压皱 Indentation on PVC beside the back bar

背钢板掉漆生锈 Back bar is rusty

背钢板套子PVC破损 PVC of cover for back bar torn

背钢板套子皱折 Wrinkles on cover of back bar

背弯管略掉漆 Metal frame is scratched

背下露PVC PVC which is located underside of back cushion exposed

背下露木板露 Plywood of back cushion exposed

本应用CP143N五爪;混用:CP144-26五爪 Base is misapplied, it should be CP-143N, but CP-144N-26 is used

标签位置不对 Label is adhered improperly

标签字体模糊 Letter of label is not clear

布料表面有线结 Thread kink on fabric

布料上有杂色线 Mottle on fabric

车缝线外露 Stitching thread exposed

车缝压线宽窄不一致 Width of two stitching lines is different

成品箱内漏放左手铁架 Missing left metal arm frame from box

冲孔皮皮层纤维外露 Fiber inside of punching leather exposed

底盘把柄布套车缝松线 Loose stitching on fabric cover of handle of seat plate

底盘把柄顶到扶手铁无法升降 The handle of seat plate touching the bracket resulted in the lift and drop can't be done

底盘把柄皮套粘贴不牢 Leather cover for handle of seat plate is not fast

底盘把手上有胶水 Glue on handle of seat plate

底盘表面磨伤 Scratches on seat plate

底盘胶袋上有水 Glue on plastic bag for packing seat plate

底盘上有油渍 Stain on the seat plate

垫子无防布烫破 Fabric on cushion burned out

二节杯上毛边 Burrs on the 2 tier cup

防尘套破 Telescoping cover broken

仿皮皮文较浅,且发亮 Grain on PVC is too flat and light

扶手边管条未打紧 Welting strip of arm pad is not fast

扶手边条管刮伤 Welting strip of arm is scratched

扶手边条管内缩 Welting strip of arm shrinking to the inner

扶手边条压线不对称 Two stitching lines of arm pad aren't aligned

扶手车缝线错位 Two stitching lines of arm pad aren't aligned

扶手底布未打好 Fabric which is loacted bottom of arm pad is not fast

扶手底布有粉笔痕迹 Chalk marking on fabric of arm

扶手垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on the welting strip

扶手垫边条管略外露 Welting strip of arm pad exposed

扶手垫边条管内缩 Welting strip of arm pad shrinking to the inner

扶手垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on arm pad

扶手垫车缝线接口不牢(易拔出) Stitching joint on arm pad is not fast

扶手垫底部有粉笔痕迹 Chalk marking on bottom of arm pad

扶手垫刮伤 Arm pad is scratched

扶手垫略有针孔露白 Pinholes on arm pad revealing white

扶手垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on arm pad

扶手垫面料有暗疤 Scar on fabric of arm pad

扶手垫明线不顺畅且打的凹凸不平 Stitching line on arm pad is not smooth 扶手垫前端略皱折 Slight wrinkle on the front of arm pad

扶手垫轻微皱折 Slight wrinkle on arm pad

扶手垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on arm pad

扶手垫清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on arm pad (Dust)

扶手垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on arm pad (Silver pen mark)扶手垫跳线 Skip stitching on arm pad

扶手垫头部皱折 Wrinkles on front of arm pad

扶手垫下不织布外露 Non-woven fabric on arm pad exposed

扶手垫线头 Untrimmed thread on arm pad

扶手垫压线跳线 Skip stitching on arm pad

扶手垫皱折 Wrinkles on arm pad

扶手刮伤 Arm is scratched

扶手管条接头处缝隙大 Space on welting strip of arm pad

扶手厚薄不一致 Thickness of arm pad is inconsistent

扶手架表面刮伤 Arm is scratched

扶手架表面较粗糙 Surface of arm is not smooth

扶手架表面气泡袋印 Bubble bag marking on the surface of arm

扶手架表面汽泡 Bubble on the arm (Coating for arm is defective)

扶手架车缝松线 Loose stitching on arm support

扶手架掉漆 Arm is scratched

扶手架刮伤 Arm is scratched

扶手架灰尘 Dust on the arm

扶手架烤漆不良 Coating for arm support is defective

扶手架略有掉漆 Slight scratch on arm support

扶手架毛边(略刮手) Burrs on arm (Scratch hand)

扶手架毛边(未打磨平) Burrs on the arm due to the arm didn't be polished

扶手架磨伤 Arm is scratched

扶手架清洁不良 Poor cleanness on arm

扶手架清洁不良(EVA粘在扶手架上) Poor cleanness on arm (EVA sticking on arm)扶手架清洁不良(灰尘) Poor cleanness on arm support (Dust)

扶手架上向前标贴的不规范 Location of FRONT label on arm is not correct

扶手架上有污渍未清洁干净 Smut on arm pad

扶手架脱漆 Arm is scratched

扶手架与背垫间隙太大 Distance between arm and back cushion is too big

扶手螺丝头毛刺严重刺手 Strictly burrs on screw of arm

扶手轻微刮伤 Slight scratch on arm

扶手铁片灰尘 Dust on the metal bracket of arm

扶手同边 Two arms are the same side

扶手线头 Untrimmed thread on arm

扶手压变形 Arm pad distorted

扶手左右标贴错 L or R label on arm is wrong

胶垫易破 Plastic washer is easy to break

角铁孔烙太大 Hole on bracket is too big

角铁孔上棉屑 Foam on the hole of arm bracket

漏贴西班牙文向前标 Missing Spanish FRONT label

轮子有白色斑点 White stain on caster

面料上有折痕 Folds on fabric

能摸到扶手组装螺丝 Screw for assembling the arm pad can be felt

能摸到铁条 Metal line in the back cushion can be felt

能直接摸到木板棱角 Plywood corner can be touched

汽压棒外管生锈 Canister of gas lift is rusty

枪钉堵孔 Hole is jammed with staples

三节杯上有灰尘 Dust on 3-tier-cap

手工太差 Poor handcraft

手工太差,有海棉棱角 Poor handcraft, foam corner

铁架刮伤 Metal frame scratched

铁架横杆变形(不能组立) Assembly can't be done due to the crossing pole distorted

铁架胶垫晃动(螺丝未上紧) Plastic washer of metal frame is wobbly as the screw is not fast

铁架胶塞未塞到位 Plastic cap of metal frame filled improperly

铁架孔位与座底孔位不对无法组装 Assembly can't be done due to the holes on metal frame and seat cushion are not matched

铁架略刮伤 Metal frame is scratched

铁五爪插销孔内有焊渣,轮子差不进去 Hole of meat base is jammed with solder resulted in caster can't insert

五爪掉漆 Base is scratched

五爪盖脱落 Cap of base falling off

五爪刮伤 Base is scratched

五爪胶盖上有灰尘 Dust on plastic caps of base

五爪脚盖破 Caps of base broken

五爪清洁不良 Poor cleanness on base

五爪清洁不良(有灰尘) Poor cleanness on base (Dust)

五爪生锈 Rusty base

线头 Untrimmed thread

纸箱SKU#错误 SKU# on carton is wrong

纸箱唛头错误 Shipping mark on carton is wrong

坐垫皮料破 Leather of seat cushion torn

座背垫侧边缝隙 Gap between side of seat and back cushion

座背垫间隙 Gap between seat and back cushion

座背垫线条不对称 Two stitching lines of seat and back cushion aren't aligned

座背垫组立后略有缝隙 Space between seat and back cushion

座底标签破损 Label on bottom of seat cushion torn

座底不织布破损 Non-woven fabric on seat cushion torn

座底钉距太稀 The distance of staples is too big

座底扶手螺丝孔位漏烙 Missing hole on bottom of seat cushion for assembling arm 座垫PVC刮伤 Scratches on PVC of seat cushion

座垫PVC略刮伤 Slight scratch on PVC of seat cushion

座垫PVC破损 PVC of seat cushion torn

座垫边条管角易拨出 End of welting strip of seat cushion is easy to pull out

座垫边条管略刮伤 Slight scratch on welting strip of seat cushion

座垫边条管弯曲 Welting strip of seat cushion is crooked

座垫布料破碎 Fabric of seat cushion torn

座垫侧边凹凸不平 Side of seat cushion is uneven

座垫侧边空 Side of seat cushion is flat

座垫侧边皱折 Wrinkles on side of seat cushion

座垫车缝松线 Loose stitching on seat cushion

座垫车缝跳针 Skip stitching on seat cushion

座垫底盘组立困难 It is difficult to assemble seat plate and seat cushion

座垫浮钉 Float staple on seat cushion

座垫浮钉刮手 Float staple on seat cushion and it is easy to scratch hand

座垫华司灰尘过多 Much dust on plastic washer of seat cushion

座垫拉点太浅 Pulling strength for seat cushion isn't enough

座垫漏放电话卡 Missing toll-card

座垫漏烙底盘孔 Missing hole on seat cushion for assembling seat plate

座垫略刮伤 Slight scratch on seat cushion

座垫略有浮钉 Float staple on seat cushion

座垫略有皱折 Slight wrinkle on seat cushion

座垫螺丝孔处拉线未清理干净 Pulling wire which is loacted the hole on seat cushion is remnant 座垫内缩 Seat cushion shrinking to the inner

座垫皮料磨伤 Leather of seat cushion is scratched

座垫皮料破 Leather on seat cushion torn

座垫清洁不良 Poor cleanness on seat cushion

座垫清洁不良(木屑) Poor cleanness on seat cushion (Wood scraps)

座垫清洁不良(水银笔印) Poor cleanness on seat cushion (Silver pen mark)

座垫松线 Loose stitching on seat cushion

座垫头部压皱 Wrinkles on the front of seat cushion

座垫头枕边条管弯曲 Welting strip of seat cushion is crooked

座垫线头 Untrimmed thread on seat cushion

座垫压皱 Indentation on seat cushion

座垫有轻微针孔露白现象 Pinholes on seat cushion revealing white

座垫皱折 Wrinkles on seat cushion

座前凹凸不平 Front of seat cushion is uneven

座中两侧手工不对称 Two sides of seat cushion aren't aligned

手工太差,有海棉棱角Poor handcraft, foam corner

标签位置不对 Label is adhered improperly

能摸到扶手组装螺丝Screw for assembling the arm pad can be felt

底盘上有油渍Stain on the seat plate

皮面疤痕Scar on leather on back cushion

五爪胶盖没有装好Cap of base is apart

皮/布下面的泡棉不平 uneven foam under the leather /fabric

二节杯上毛边 burrs on the 2 tier cup

扶手厚薄不一致 Thickness of arm pad is different

背垫上粘有贴纸 Tape sticks on back cushion

座底标贴不规范 label on seat cushion doesn't adhere properly

座底不织布外露 non woven exposed under the seat cushion

铁管架脚垫脏污 poor clean on plastic pads of metal frame

扶手角铁螺母没有露在外面 nut on arm bracket of back cushion doesnot outside exposed

铁架管塞没塞好 plastic cap on the top of metal frame doesn't stopper

三节杯杯口太大,自由坠落 center hole of telescoping cover is too big,cover can't be done to the gas lift

角铁孔上棉屑 foam on the hole of arm bracket

能摸到铁条 metal line in the back cushion can be felt

枪钉堵孔 staple plug up the hole of nut

座底钉距太稀 Staple on seat cushion is very sparse

座垫树脂棉外露 Colophony foam inside of seat cushion exposed

椅脚颜色错误 Color of base is not correct

扶手架损坏 Defective hole on arm

背钢板套没有装好 Cover border of back bar exposed

背封边条接头没接好 Joint on welting strip of back cover is not acceptable

背后"serta"LOGO 没有放正 "serta" logo on back cushion is reverse

底盘把柄没有装好 Handle of seat plate is loose

底盘把柄装反 Handle of seat plate is reverse

座底不织布烙坏 Non-woven fabric on bottom of seat cushion torn by welding

背钢板表面粗糙 Bac bar is rough

背封内枪钉未打平 Staple inside of back cover can be felt

扶手垫上凹槽 Dent on arm pad

车缝子口宽窄不一致 Defective stitching on back cushion

底盘锥孔太大,组装后椅子自动升降 Hole on seat plate is too big resulting the chair fall down automatically 车缝线接头没有叠在一起 Defective stitching on cushion

背侧内缩 Side of back cushion shrinking to the inner

目的地错误,与订单不符 Destination on carton is not correct

座底不织布下泡棉未修饰 Foam exposed

扶手装饰条没装好 Welting strip of arm pad is not acceptable

扶手垫下边条枪钉没打牢 Staples for fastening the arm pad are loose

皮面纹路不一致 Embossing of leather is not matched

铁架横杆生锈 Crossing pole is rust

座底枪钉盖住标签字体 Staples covering the letter on label

缺少一个拉链头 Zipper has not handle

漏组螺丝 Missing screw

螺丝没有锁紧 Screw is not locked tight

扶手装饰条没装好 Welting strip of arm pad is not acceptable

座底不织布太薄 Non-woven fabric is too thin

扶手边条管接头处没包好 Joint of welting line of arm pad is not packed well

多放保证卡 This item no need guarantee card, but guarantee card is put in the carton 背垫内外板开裂 The inner and outer plywood of back cushion is apart

扶手前端组装略有缝隙 Space between arm pad and support

扶手垫装反 Arm pad is assembled in reverse

布料断纱 Broken yarn

纸箱压变形 Carton distorted

车缝线没有重合在一起 Defective stitching on cushions

背角铁上锁针生锈 locking pin of arm bracket is rust

扶手架前端边缘外露 Arm pad can't cover totally the arm support

冲孔皮面绒毛 Floss on the punching leather

公英制螺丝五金包混用 Screws with Metric system and British & U.S. system mixed 背钢板套发霉 Moldy on back cover

扶手孔变形堵塞无法组装 Hole on arm is distorted

扶手孔铁片颜色不一致 The color of metal slips on arm is different

三节杯杯口形状不一致 The tape of 3-tier-caps is different

扶手架表面水印 Watermark on arm support

扶手表面处理颜色不一致 Coating for arm is defective

说明书错用为旧版 Assembly instruction is not correct

座垫露丝棉 Silk foam exposed

扶手孔边缘未修饰 Burrs on hole of arm

扶手装饰条装好后有缝隙 Space between the inserts and arm support

能摸到铁条 Metal rod can be felt

扶手上小孔大小不一致 Hole on arm is defective 座垫露丝棉 Silk foam exposed

拉点深浅不一致 Pulling strength is different
