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The managing director took the___for the accident, although it was not really his fault.







It is important to ___ the fine tradition of plain living had hard work.

?Acall off

?Bkeep up

?Cmake over

?Dlay out


1.3The police refused to___the clues they are working on.







The child enjoyed___up the wooden bricks then knocking them down.







I’d appreciate it very much if you could make some___on my recent article at the conference.






The general manager was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ___ to the meeting.

?Awould have come

?Bwould come

?Cshould come

?Dhad come



The number of tickets___willbe determined by the size of the stadium.







If you want this painkiller, you’ll have to ask the doctor for a___.







The court considers a financial___to be an appropriate way of punishing him.







Our sleep influences our mood. Our mood,___, affect our performance.

?Ain return

?Bin vain

?Cin short

?Din turn


In order to write his paper, he borrowed a lot of _______ books from the school library.

? A implication

? B reference

? C sample

? D saucer





It is difficult to escape the influence of television. If you fit the statistical averages, by the age of 20 you will have been exposed ____ at least 20,000 hours of television. You can add 10,000 hours for each decade you have lived__2__ the age of 20. The only things Americans do more than watch television are work and sleep. Calculate for a moment what could be done with even a part of those __3__ . Five thousand, I am told, are what a typical college undergraduate __4__ working on a bachelor’s degree. In 10,000 hours you could have learned several languages fluently, you could be reading Shakespeare in the__5__ , and you could have walked around the world and __6__ a book about these hours. The trouble with television is__7__ it discourages concentration. Almost anything interesting and rewarding in life__8__some constructive effort. The dullest, the least gifted of us can achieve things that seem remarkable to those __9__never concentrate on anything. But television encourages us not to make any __10__ . It makes the time pass without pain.






固定搭配,be exposed to





























与前面could have done形成并列结构(and)


























①Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strong dissatisfaction with any

marriage arrangement wherein the husband and his career are the primary considerations in the marriage. By the end of the 1970s, for example, considerably less than half of the women in the United States still believed that they would put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers. More and more American women have come to believe that they should be equal partners rather than junior partners in their marriages. This stage of marriage, although not typical of most American marriages at present, will grow most rapidly in the future. ②In an equal partnership marriage, the wife pursues a full time job or career which has equal importance to her husband's. The long-standing division of labor between husband and wife comes to an end. The husband is no longer the main provider of family income, and the wife no longer has the main responsibilities for household duties and raising children.

Husband and wife share all these duties equally. Power over family decisions is also shared equally.

The rapid change in women's attitudes toward marriage in 1970s reflected rapid change in the larger society. ③The Women's Liberation Movement appeared in the late 1960s, demanding an end to all forms of sexual discrimination against females. An Equal Rights Amendment(修正案) to the U. S.

Constitution was proposed which would make any form of discrimination on the basis of sex illegal, and though it has failed to be ratified, it continues to have millions of supporters.


Since the late 1960s, more and more women dissatisfied with the marriage ___.

?Aarranged by other people

?Bin which husband and children are put in the first place

?Cin which they themselves have superior privilege

?Darranged by their husbands



In an equal partnership marriage, ___.

?Athe wife is the main provider of family income

?Bthe wife no longer has household duty

?Cthe husband and wife share the responsibility for the family

?Dthe husband and wife will not quarrel in the family

找到核心词equal partnership marriage


The Women's Liberation Movement ___.

?Amaintains sexual equality

?Bclaims to get rid of family responsibility

?Cbegan in the end of 1970s

?Dthinks that husband and wife should interchange roles in family



The word “ratify”(the fourth line in paragraph 3) probably means ___.







In 1970s, women's attitude toward marriage changed rapidly because ___.

?Awomen’s liberation movement appeared in the late 1960s

?Ban Equal Rights Amendment to the U. S. Constitution was proposed

?Chusband is no longer the main provider of family income

?Dboth A and B



College-bound American high school students usually have some combination of parents,teachers,guidance counselors,or peers to support them in the tough process of applying to and beginning college. Unfortunately,adults who want to go to college particularly adults who have been out of school for a long time generally have no such support system. “①Adults have a much harder time starting out in college because,unlike regular students,they have adult obligations----raising children and working full time that often conflict with the demands of school,”says DeepaRao,a World Education expert.

“Also,adults who have been out of school for a long time may not be academically prepared for college-level work. Some have little exposure to technologies like e-mail and Internet research,which are an increasing part of college communication and courses. They may be unaware of available resources,such as financial aid,tutoring centers or mentoring programs, and may be unfamiliar with terms such as ‘bursar’and ‘prerequisite’And if you don’t know where to begin or what to do once you do get there,it’s easy to get overwhelmed and simply give up.”The challenges that working adults face when going to college inspired Deepa to develop a web page and ③The website is arranged like a college campus with ‘buildings’representing the sort of departments and classrooms housed on a college campus. Each building contains ‘classes’that describe the admissions process, where to look for grants and scholarships,and lists resources,where an out-of-practice student can review reading,writing,and math.There are also lists of advice and resources to help students with their college life.

Another helpful aspect of this interactive multimedia site is its audio capacity:all texts can be read to the

visitor.④This particular feature is especially helpful for people with visual problems or learning disabilities. ⑤The cycle of learning runs from cradle to grave,and World Education works to break down barriers to education for people of all ages, all over the world.


According to the passage,working adults find it difficult to start their college education because___.

?Athey are too busy and academically unprepared

?Bthey have been out of school for quite a long time

?Ctutoring resources in college are unavailable to them

?Dthey do not have enough money for further education



The comparison between adult students and regular students shows that___.

?Athe latter are less prepared than the former

?Bthe latter have more problems than the former

?Cthe former have more problems than the latter

?Dthe former are no less prepared than the latter



The purpose of the website is to___.

?Ahelp adult students edit web pages

?Bprovide adult students with guidance

?Csolve financial problems of adult students

?Denable students to repair computers by themselves



The newly created website provides programs___.

?Afor regular college students only

?Bfor students interested in websites

?Cfor students including the disabled

?Dfor educators interested in adult learning



The last paragraph shows that learning___.

?Ainvolves difficulties

?Bis a life long process

?Crequires repeated efforts

?Dstarts at one’s birthplace



①My husband Christopher was once a financial planner. Even though he couldn’t balance our budget,

his clients trusted him completely and he made them feel secure. In exchange they paid him very well.

We had a nice life then. At that time, my yoga studio(瑜伽馆) was just starting to make a profit, and I had recently decorated it. At last, I was in control of my working life and poured my heart and soul into making it succeed. ②When we first met, I fell hard for Christopher right away, although I wouldn’t call it love. I’d never been with a man who was prettier than I was, but after a while I got used to this, and it didn’t bother me so much. I was recovering from a broken heart and needed something to help me move on. If it wasn’t love, it was good enough, and when he asked me to marry him I jumped at the chance, knowing that it might be my last. Things started out so well. I was working steadily and

Christopher was patiently climbing up the ladder in his department. Then, without any warning, one grey winter afternoon in year five, he just upped and left his desk at the bank, handed in his resignation, and came home and told me he wanted to start an interior design business. He has always loved mixing and matching, and has a real eye for color, texture and shape, but the idea of turning a hobby into a

business wasn’t something we had ever discussed.③I thought the stress of his job was becoming too much and perhaps he would take a few months off over the spring and summer to relax and get the idea out of system. ④I didn’t believe he could be serious. ⑤But once he had a few clients, he began to draw up plans, ordering catalogues and turning our empty workshop into a kind of makeshift studio with all of his sketches pinned to the wall. After spending a lot of time and money on all of this preparation, and really doing quite a nice job of it, he called each client in turn and apologized, saying he wouldn’t be able to design their living spaces after all.


As a financial planner, Christopher___.

?Apaid his clients very well

?Bwas trusted by his clients

?Cwas making his yoga studio profitable

?Dcould make his family’s budget balanced

首先找到核心词financial planner+人名,得出答案


The woman in the passage.

?Afell in love with Christopher at first sight

?Bmanaged a yoga studio with her husband

?Cfelt really uncomfortable with a smart man

?Dmarried Christopher because of a broken heart



His wife thought Christopher suddenly quit his job because he___.

?Acouldn’t wait to get promoted

?Bhad experience in interior design

?Cwanted to do something he enjoyed

?Dcouldn’t bear the pressure from his job

quit job含义为“辞职”,在原文中应该迅速找到有关辞职的信息,在第三个自然段末尾,resignation含义为“辞职”,同时第四中妻子的感受也表露无疑


The woman___her husband’s decision.

?Awas supportive of

?Bwas indifferent to

?Cwas satisfied with

?Dwas negative about



It can be inferred from the last paragraph that Christopher___.

?Awas more likely to change his mind

?Bwould return to his office in the bank

?Cmade a big success in interior design

?Dwas not well-prepared for his business




Albert Einstein is said to have been asked by a student, “what finding helped you most when you were developing the theory of relativity?”Einstein replied without __1__ moment’s hesitation. “Finding how to __2__ about the problem.”The same __3__ is told about Sir Isaac Newton and __4__ other scientists.

We have no proof __5__ any of these well-known conversations __6__ took place, but we are prepared to __7__ that they did, and, if so, that the __8__ was the same one Einstein gave, __9__ this is the “way scientists work __10__ science progresses.”




















? A any












































__Were he to leave_ today, he would get there by Saturday.

?AWas he leaving

?BIf he leaves

?CWould he leave

?DWere he to leave



___ we have satisfied you, you have no further grounds for complaint.

?ASince that

?BSince now

?CNow that

?DBy now



The microphone enable to keep in touch. In other words, it made it_possible__for them to contact each other.







___ is generally accepted, economic growth is determined by the smooth development of production.







Nobody knows his ___ for helping us.







Experts have found that normal sleep can be divided into five___stages.







I shall have a companion in the house after all these___years.







The student___described the beautiful mountains and rivers in his home town.







Generally speaking, there is always a generation _gap__ in every country.







This is a purely ___ problem, not a political one.








If you asked people what the most important invention has been, many would say the printing press.

Others __1__ say the wheel. But even though it’s __2__ whether the appearance of the printing press affected the course of history more than the wheel, the printing press __3__ within the top two or three inventions in history. __4__ the telephone, the television, the radio, and the computer, the written word was the only way to __5__ ideas to people too far away to talk with. Until the 6th or 7th century all books had to be written __6__. Creating a book was difficult, and very few existed. Therefore, very few people read books. In the 6th and 7th centuries, the Chinese invented a way to print pages by __7__ characters and pictures on wooden, ivory, or clay blocks. They would print a page from the block by putting __8__ on the block and pressing paper onto the ink. This __9__ is called letterpress printing. The invention of letterpress printing was a great advance in communication __10__ each block could be inked many times and many copies of each page could be made. Many books could now be made. Therefore, many people could read the same book.




?Chad to

?Dought to














?ANow that

?BSince then

?CLong before

?DNo longer









?Aby hand

?Bin mind

?Con foot

?Dat heart




























①Dream is a story that a person watches or even takes part in during sleep. Dream events are

imaginary, but they are related to real experiences and needs in the dreamer's life. They seem real while they are taking place. Some dreams are pleasant, others are annoying, and still others are

frightening. Everyone dreams, but some persons never recall dreaming. Others remember only a little about a dream they had just before awakening and nothing about earlier dreams. No one recalls all his dreams. Dreams involve little logical thought. In most dreams, the dreamer cannot control what

happens to him. The story may be confusing, and things happen that would not happen in real life.

People see in most dreams, but they may also hear, smell, touch, and taste in their dreams. Most dreams occur in color. but persons who have been blind since birth do not see at all in dreams. ②Dreams are a product of the sleeper's mind. They include events and feelings that he has experienced.

Most dreams are related to events of the day before the dream and strong wishes of the dreamer. Many minor incidents of the hours before sleep appear in dreams. Few events more than two days old turn up.

Deep wishes or fears - especially those held since childhood- often appear in dreams, and many dreams fulfill such wishes. Events in the sleeper's surrounding- a loud noise, for example, may become part of a dream, but they do not cause dreams. Some dreams involve deep feelings that a person may not realize he has. ④Psychiatrists(精神病医生)often use material from a patient's dreams to help the person understand himself better. ⑤Dreaming may help maintain good learning ability, memory, and emotional adjustment. People who get plenty of sleep-but are awakened each time they begin to dream- become anxious and restless.


This passage is mainly about___.

?Awhy we dream during sleep

?Bhow we dream during sleep

?Cwhat dreams are

?Dwhat benefits dreams bring to people文章首段说明主旨


According to the passage, dreams result from___.

?Athe sleeper’s wishes

?Bthe sleeper’s imagination

?Cthe sleeper’s feeling

?Dthe sleeper’s own mind



Which of the following is NOT true?

?ADream is a confusing story which involves little logic thought.

?BDream is related to the dreamer’s real life.

?CDream is an imaginary store which seems real while taking place.

?DDream involves events that always happen in real life.



This passage suggests that psychiatrists are___.

?Atrying to help the dreamer recall his earlier dreams.

?Btrying to make the sleeper dream logically.

?Cstudying the benefits of dreams.

?Dhelping the sleeper fulfill his dreams



We may infer form the passage that dreaming___.

?Ais beneficial to people

?Bdisturbs people’s life

?Cmakes people always restless

?Ddeprives people of a good sleep



①American scientists are developing an “intelligent”mobile phone capable of blocking incoming calls

depending on the owner’s mood. Using “context aware”technology the “Sensay”phone will monitor calls and send back polite messages saying the user may be contacted later. A research team at the Institute for Complex Engineering Systems at Carnegic Mellon University in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, are developing body temperature and electrical skin monitors to help the device understand the

emotional state of its user. If the phone senses that the user is busy----for instance, involved in a conversation—it might block an incoming call and turn it onto voicemail. The phone would send back a text message saying the user is unavailable, but advising that if the matter is urgent the caller can try again in three minutes. If a call from the same person came in again, the phone would put it through.

The researchers are interested in four basic different states—busy and not to be interrupted, physically active, idle, and “normal”. Most people are said to change between these states, an average of 6 to 12 times a day. Professor AsimSmailagic, a leading member of the Carnegie Mellon team, told The Engineer magazine, “Today’s computers are pretty dumb compared with the device. We got to work at

the beginning of May and since then have been improving it. The next stage is to make it smarter, adding various intelligence systems so ④it can learn about the user. The phone also employs four primary sensors—two microphones to pick up conversations and monitor local noise, a light detector and an accelerometer(加速度计). ③The light sensor shows if the phone is being carried in a bag or pocket, while the accelerometer determines whether the user is walking, running or standing still. In the future, the sensor box, phone and personal organizer will be combined into one device.”


According to the passage, the “Sensay”phone is capable of ___.

?Ashowing body temperature

?Bblocking unwanted calls

?Cdetecting the owner’s mood

?Dsensing the caller’s mood



The second paragraph mainly tells us___.

?Awhere the intelligent phone is developed

?Bhow the new phone is going to function

?Cwhether the researchers failed in their experiment

?Dwhy the researchers are developing an intelligent phone



According to Professor Smailagic, the light detector will show ___.

?Awhere the mobile phone is

?Bwhere the mobile phone user is

?Cwhether the mobile phone user is busy

?Dwhether the mobile phone is within reach



The word “it”in line 5 of paragraph 4 refers to ___.

?Athe phone

?Bthe monitor

?Cthe computer

?Dthe light sensor



The best title for this passage is ___.

?AHow to Tell a Person’s Mood

?BHow to Block Incoming Calls

?CSensay: Your Personal Organizer

?DSensay: The Future Mobile Phone



Most young people enjoy some form of physical activity. It may be walking, cycling or swimming, or in winter, skating or skiing. it may be a game of some kind football, hockey(曲棍球), golf, of tennis, it may be mountaineering. Those who have a passion for climbing high and difficult mountains are often looked upon with astonishment. Why are men and women willing to suffer cold and hardship, and to take risks on high mountains? This astonishment is caused probably by the difference between

mountaineering and other forms of activity to which men give their leisure. ②Mountaineering is a sport and not a game. There are no man-made rules, as there’re for such games as golf and football. There are, of course, rules of a different kind which it would be dangerous to ignore, but it is this freedom from man-made rules that makes mountaineering attractive to many people. Those who climb mountains are free to use their own methods. If we compare mountaineering and other more familiar sports, we might think that one big difference is that mountaineering is not a 'team game'. ③We should be mistaken in this. There are, it is true, no 'matches' between 'teams' of climbers, but when climbers are on a rock face linked by a rope on which their lives may depend, there is obviously teamwork. ④The mountain climber knows that he may have to fight forces that are stronger and more powerful than man. He has to fight the forces of nature. His sport requires high mental and physical qualities. A mountain climber continues to improve in skill year after year. A skier is probably past his best by the age of thirty, and most international tennis champions are in their early twenties. But it is no unusual for a man of fifty or sixty to climb the highest mountains in the Alps. They may take more time than younger men, but they probably climb with more skill and less waste of effort, and they certainly experience equal enjoyment.


Mountaineering is a sport which involves ___.



?Cphysical risk

?Dall of the above



The main difference between a sport and a game lies in ___.







Mountaineering is also a team sport because ___.

?Ait involves rules

?Bit involves matches between teams

?Cit requires mental and physical qualities

?Dmountaineers depend on each other while climbing 第三自然段末尾说明答案


Which of the following is NOT true?

?AMountaineers compete against each other.

?BMountaineers compete against other teams.

?CMountaineers compete against nature.

?DMountaineers compete against international standard.



What is the best title for the passage?


?BMountain Climbers

?CMountaineering is Different from Golf and Football

?DMountaineering Is More Dangerous Than Other Sports 文章从首段+尾段的含义交待清晰了作者的写作目的


新概念英语第二册测试卷(一) English Test Paper for New Concept English BookⅡ ( For Lesson 1---Lesson 5) Name__________ Marks________ I. Write out the words according to the phonetic symbols. ( 5 % ) 1.[`me sid?] _______ 2. [`θ i?t?] _______ 3. [`s?:vis]________ 4.[`s ent?] ______ 5. [m j u:`z i:?m]_______ II. Fill in the following box with the correct forms. ( 10 % ) Infinitive Verb+’s Past Tense Past Participle Present Participle fall began receiving been thinks carry bought ring spoiling bore III. Multiple choice questions ( 20 % ) 1. My brother has never been ________ before. A. aboard B. broad C. abroad D board 2. I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A. tomatos B. potatos C. vegetables D. meat 3. His father _____ until he _____ back. A. died; came B. didn't die; came C. didn’t die; didn’t come D. died; didn’t come 4. For the whole month, there no rain in this area. A. is B. will be C. has been D. have been 5. -----Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend? ----- A .It’s none of your business! B. Dear me! C .Have a good time!. D. Enjoy yourself. 6.The young man and the young woman paid _____ attention to the writer. A. a few B. none C. not any D. no 7.You’d better do your work ______ I have shown you. A. in a way B. in the way C. by the way D. by way of 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming


2 / 3 ______ 11. How big ______ your feet? ( ) A .is B .are C .it 12. It's going to be ______(snow) tomorrow. 13. 根据所给图片补全对话: 14. —______you busy yesterday? 15. 看图片,写单词。 ______ 三、提升练习(30分) 16. 阅读短文,按要求完成任务。 MissLee: Hi, children! How was your weekend? Mary: It was OK. I cleanedthe room, washed my clothes and cooked for my family. I really had a busyweekend. MissLee: Did you have a good time, Sarah? Sarah: Yes. My parents andI visited my grandma. Last Sunday was her 60th birthday. I made a card for her.And we had a big dinner at home. It was great. MissLee: Cool! How about you, Lily? Lily: Last Saturday Iplayed ping-pong with my brother. It was fun. But I stayed at home on Sunday,because my cat was ill. MissLee: Oh, I'm sorry. I hope it will be better soon. 根据对话内容,在图片下面写出相应人物的名字。 1. (1)


北京语言大学网络教育学院《大学英语(二)》模拟试卷一注意: 1.试卷保密,考生不得将试卷带出考场或撕页,否则成绩作废。请监考老师负责监督。 2.请各位考生注意考试纪律,考试作弊全部成绩以零计算。 90分钟。3.本试卷满分100分,答题时间为本试卷分为试题卷和答题卷,所有答案必须答在答题卷上,答在试题卷上不给分。4. Multiple Choice. (2 points for each, altogether 40 points) I.each sentence there are There are 20 sentences in this section. Beneath Directions: four choices respectively marked by letters A, B, C and D. Choose the word that you Write your answers on the answer sheet.think best complete the sentence. 1. Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer from depression. [D] in that [C] in which [A] that [B] which the capable of governing that the majority of voters it is has 2. The party failed to _______ country. [D] believe [A] trust [B] credit [C] convince 3. Many of us visited the industrial exhibition, __________, to our disappointment, we saw very few high-tech products. [D] that [A] where [B] which [C] as 4. The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home. [D] motivated to [B] bound to [C] desired to [A] obliged to 5. All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. [D] from [B] between [C] for [A] to work is done in series. 6. Management often works hard to set up a situation [D] what [B] where [C] which [A] that 7. If we _______ everything ready by now, we should be having a terrible time tomorrow. wouldn't getwouldn't have got [D] [A] hadn't got [B] didn't get[C] 8. In his composition there were no other errors _______ a few misspelled words. [D] than [C] then beside [B] except [A] the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact on the ,9. In deciding _______ a course of


New Concept English BookⅡLesson1---Lesson5 一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many 3、He until it stopped raining. B. didn't wait C. leave 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. be been been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend —— A .It’s n one of your business! me! C .Take it easy. yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes ? C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like , is , does , does , is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. -------_____________ -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you do you from 10. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s.


2013年10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二) 模拟试卷(一) (课程代码00015) 本试卷共7页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并在答题卡上相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 Black Holes Most scientists agree that black holes exist but are nearly impossible to locate. A black hole in the universe is not a solid object, like a planet, but it is shaped like a sphere. Astronomers think that at the center of a black hole there is a single point in space with infinite density. This single point is called a singularity. If the singularity theory is correct, it means that when a massive star collapses, all the material in it disappears into the singularity. The center of a black hole would not really be a hole at all, but an infinitely dense point. Anything that crosses the black hole is pulled in by its great gravity. Although black holes do exist, they are difficult to observe. These are the reasons. ● No light or anything else comes out of black holes. As a result, they are invisible to a telescope. ● In astronomical terms, black holes are truly. For example, a black hole formed by the collapse of a giant star would have an event horizon only 18 miles across. ● The nearest black holes would be dozens of light years away from Earth. One light year is about 6 trillion miles. Even the most powerful telescopes could not pick out an object so small at such a great distance. In 1994 the Hubble Space Telescope provided evidence that black holes exist. There are still answers to be found, however, so black holes remain one of the mysteries of the universe. 1. Black holes are part of space. A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. Black holes exist but are difficult to observe. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. The black hole is shapeless as it is not a solid subject. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. The center of a black hole is empty.



10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二) 试卷 (课程代码 00015) 本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 选择题区 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~l0题,每题l分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了l0个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该旬提 供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择8;如果该旬的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 Black Friday Everyone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know

the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday; most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节).On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday. Black Friday is not as ok! as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black. Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA. It was a day when stores decided to mark the start of the holiday season In order to draw more customers, they offered great discounts. All products sold very well. This large success resulted in the name Black Friday, it was so named because the stores were "in the black". This financial term means the stoics made a lot of money. However, it was not until around that Black Friday really started to gain in popularity. Today in the USA, countless advertisers proudly announce their Black Friday sales. They hope to attract shoppers into their stores. Black Friday is a day when many shoppers in the USA go out and buy gifts, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get some excellent Black Friday deals online. So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to still get items at reduced prices. 1.Many people know the history of Black Friday.? A. True B. False C. Not Given 2.Most stores open their doors for business very early on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3.Customers get better service on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4.Black Friday started in the USA. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5.The holiday season ends on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 6."In the black" is a financial term. A. True B. False C. Not Given


英语(二)模拟试题 Section I Use of English Directions: Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on ANSWER SHEET . (10 points) Facebook has been 1 with fire and has got its fingers burned, again. On November 29th America’s Federal Trade Commission (FTC) announced that it had reached a 2 settlement with the giant social network over 3 that it had misled people about its use of their personal data. The details of the settlement make clear that Facebook, which 4 over 800m users, betrayed its users’ trust. It is also notable because it appears to be part of a broader 5 by the FTC to craft a new privacy framework to deal with the rapid 6 of social networks in America. The regulator’s findin gs come at a 7 moment for Facebook, which is said to be preparing for an initial public offering next year that could value it at around $100 billion. To 8 the way for its listing, the firm first needs to resolve its privacy 9 with regulators in America and Europe. 10 its willingness to negotiate the settlement 11 this week. Announcing the agreement, the FTC said it had found a number of cases where Facebook had made claims that were “unfair and deceptive, and 12 federal law”. For instance, it 13 personally identifiable information to advertisers, and it failed to keep a promise to make photos and videos on deleted accounts 14 . The settlement does not 15 an admission by Facebook that it has broken the law, but it deeply 16 the company nonetheless. In a blog post published the same day, Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s boss, tried to17 the impact of the deal. First he claimed that “a small number of high-profile mistakes” were 18 the social network’s “good history” on privac y. The FTC is not relying on Facebook to police itself. Among other things, the company will now have to seek consumers’ approval before it changes the way it shares their data. And it has agreed to an independent privacy audit every two years for the next 20 years. There is a clear pattern here. In separate cases over the past couple of years the FTC has insisted that Twitter and Google accept regular 19 audits, too, after each firm was accused of violating its customers’ privacy. The intent seems to be to create a regulatory regime that is tighter than the status quo, 20 one that still gives social networks plenty of room to innovate. 1. [A] setting [B] playing [C] lighting [D] turning 2. [A] craft [B] documentary [C] trade [D] draft 3. [A] verdicts [B] allegations [C] rumors [D] affirmation 4. [A] boasts [B] exaggerates [C] estimates [D] assesses 5. [A] impulse [B] initiative [C] innovation [D] motion 6. [A] increase [B] elevation [C] rise [D] appearance 7. [A] indispensable [B] essential [C] critical [D] fundamental 8. [A] steer [B] clear [C] lay [D] remove 9. [A] controversy [B] competition [C] dispute [D] compromise


爱华英语学校新概念英语(二)测试卷 姓名:__________成绩:__________ 一.找出划线部分读音与其它三个不同的选项。(5分) 1. ( )A. clear B.learn C.dear D.nearly 2. ( )A. conscinece B.astonish C.confine D. block 3. ( )A. snake B.exchange C.wallet D.savings 4. ( )A. books B.goods C.astonish D.discover 5. ( )A. villager B.suggest C.edge D.design 二.按要求写出正确形式。(10分) 1. at last (近义词)________ 2.turn off(反义词)________ 3.tooth(复数)________ 4.weather(同音词)________ 5.buy(过去式)________ 6.thirsty(形容词)________ 7.wool(形容词)________ 8.suddenly(形容词)________ 9.empty(反义词)________ 10.feel (过去式)________ 三、英汉互译。(10分) 1.唱歌____________ 2.put out _____________ 3.漫长的成功之路____________ 4.than ever before ____________ 5.遇上了暴风雨____________ 6.intend to do ____________ 7.埋怨,抱怨____________ 8.in hospital ____________ 9.看得见____________ 10.be astonished at ____________ 四、选择正确的词填空。(10分) 1.I can’t drink this coffee. It is ______ (too/very) hot. 2.He often does ______ (jobs/works) about the house. 3.The train ______ (passed/past) at a terrific speed. 4.She ________ (refused/denied) to accept the flowers. 5.Jack felt ______ (such/so) sleepy. He wanted to go to sleep at once. 6.The begger ________ (asked/asked for) a glass of beer. 7.Ms. Smart met her old friend the ______ (next /other) day. 8.This water has been boiling ________ (continuously/continually) for over an hour. 9.Maybe someone ______ (stole/robbed) my money. I couldn’t find it. 10.The Greens________ (looked at/watched0 a football match just now. 五.选择。(30分) 1.( )He said something_________ I couldn’t understand . A. who B.whose C.whom D.which 2. ( ) This coat is _________expensive that I can’t afford to buy it . A. so B.such C.very D.too 3. ( ) His father_________to work by car , but now he goes to work on foot. A. is used to go https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9612977624.html,ed to go C.is used to going https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9612977624.html,ed to going 4. ( ) She left the room without_________ a word . A. to say B.say C.saying D.says 5. ( ) He_________the newspaper when the telephone rang . A. reads B.read C.is reading D.was reading 6. ( ) Mr Wang isn’t here now . He left _________ Shanghai yesterday . A. at B.for C.on D.to 7. ( ) At this time yesterday , your car _________ A. repaired B.was repaired C.was being repaired D.had repaired


《英语(二)》模拟卷五 第一部分选择题 阅读判断(本大题共10小题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上讲答案选项涂黑。未涂、错误、多涂均无分。 Red Nose Day Red Nose Day (RND) is a well-known event in the UK. The aim of the day is to raise money for Comic Relief. This is a charity that helps people in need in Africa and in the UK. Comic Relief was started in 1985 by Richard Curtis. He wrote the famous films "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and “Notting Hill". Richard started Comic Relief in response to the severe famine in Ethiopia. It's called Red Nose Day as on this day many people buy a plastic red nose to wear! The money made from selling red noses goes to the charity. Red Nose Day takes place every two years in the spring. It is now so well established that many people consider it to be an unofficial national holiday. The slogan for the last RND was "Do Something Funny for Money. "The money that was collected was used to help fund projects in such areas as education and mental health. Money-raising events take place on this day all over the country and many schools participate. People also donate money by post, inbanks, by phone using a credit card and online. In the evening of Red Nose Day a telethon tales place on the BBC TV channels. This is like a television marathon(马拉松) that shows some of the events of the day and reports how the money raised will be spent. People also upload videos of local charity events onto the Internet. So, if you are ever in the UK on Red Nose Day, you will know why you find normal people wearing red noses and doing silly things! It's all for a good cause! 1.Red Nose Day is a famous event in Britain. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 2. Comic Relief aims to help people all over the world. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 3. Richard Curtis is a well-known actor and film director. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 4. Many people wear a red nose on Red Nose Day. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 5. Red Nose Day takes place every year. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 6. Red Nose Day has become an official national holiday. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 7.The funnier people they look, the more money they collect. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 8. People give money to Comic Relief in many ways. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 9. Many schools take part in the money-raising events on Red Nose Day. ( ) A. True B. False C. Not Given 10. The Red Nose Day telethon has attracted lots of film stars.() A. True B. False C. Not Given


New Concept English BookⅡ 一、单项选择 1. the teacher at this college last year ? Yes, he did. A. Did, taught B. does, teach C. Did, teach D Do,teach 2、I went to the supermarket and bought a great many A.tomatos B.potatos C.vegetables D.meat 3、He until it stopped raining. A.waited B. didn't wait C. leave D.left 4、For the whole period of two months, there no rain in this area. A.is B.will be C.has been D.have been 5、——Hey, how are you getting with your girlfriend?—— A .It’s none of your business! B.Dear me! C .Take it easy. D.Enjoy yourself. 6、A great number of students fond of films, but a good student seldom to the cinema A. are,goes B. is,goes C. are,go D. is,go 7、If their house not like ours, what it look like?A.is, is B.is, does C.does, does D.does, is 8. I’m _______ in that ________ film A. interesting, interested B. interested, interesting C. interested, interested D. interesting, interesting 9. ------ Hurry up! We have little time! ------ I ____________. A. will come B. come C. shall come D. am coming 10. -------_____________? -------I am Italian. A.What’s your job B. What’s your name C. What nationality are you D.Where do you from 11. I don’t have ______writing paper, I only have _____chalk s. A. any, any B. any, some C. some, some D.some,any 12. Look, the little dog ______after a big cat! A. runs B. is running C. is going to run D.is runing 13. It’s very cold. _______ your coat. A. Take off B. Put on C. Turn on D.Put off 14.The man could not bear it.He could not it.A.carry B.suffer C.stand D.lift 15.Just then,the telephone rang.It rang .A.at once B.immediately C.again D.at that moment 16.On the last day he made a big dicision.It was the day of his holiday. A.final B.end https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9612977624.html,test D.bottom 17.He calls at every house in the street.He everyone.A.shouts at B.calls C.cries out at D.visits 18.The detectives were a valuable parcel of diamonds. A.expecting B.waiting C.expecting for D.expecting to 19.The man is fond of gardens. . A.They like him B.They like to him C.He likes them D.He likes they 20.How many times did the clock .A.hit B.beat C.knock D.strike 二、Change the sentences with what or what a(n) 21. It was very hot yesterday.________________ hot day it is yesterday! 22. It is so cold__________________ cold weather it is! 23. You have such an old bike.___________________ old bike you have! 24. The book Tom is reading is very interesting.___________________ interesting book Tom is reading! 25. We live in a very noisy place.____________________ noisy place we live in! 三、用over, between, along, in front of, behind, 或across 等介词或介词短语填空 26. A lot of birds are flying _______ the river. 27. The teacher is standing _________________ the blackboard. 28. I am running _______ the Great Wall(长城). 29. They are swimming ______ the river. 30. I am sitting _________my brother and my sister.
