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HI,boy and girls,today,I will introduce you a comic, named Natsume's Book of Friends .Natsume's Book of Friends is a Japanese fantasy manga series by Yuki Midorikawa. It has also been adapted as a series of anime television series produced by Brain's Base, which was broadcast on TV Tokyo in 4 seasons in 2008 to 2012.

The series is about Natsume, an orphaned teenage boy. For as long as he can remember, Takashi Natsume has had the ability to see spirits, inheriting the power from his grandmother Reiko. Upon her death, Reiko bequeaths to her grandson her Book of Friends, the notebook she used to bind spirits under her control. The Book of Friends is a highly prized item in the spirit world, and spirits haunt Takashi constantly. Whereas Reiko formed the contracts, however, Takashi spends his time dissolving the contracts and releasing the various spirits that come to him for help. But that doesn't mean there aren't malicious spirits trying to kill him. Which is where Madara comes in; Madara serves as Natsume's bodyguard and spiritual advisor of sorts, even though he is motivated by his own desire to possess the Book of Friends. He later on begins to become more attached to Takashi.

Takashi Natsume

The hero, Natsume is an orphan. His parents died when he was very young , leaving him to be passed from relative to relative. Natsume has a tough and

sad childhood, but he is warm-hearted and trying to be a kind person. Natsume is eventually passed on to a middle-aged couple on his father's side of the

family. They loves him.


A mysterious Inugami.,means a spirit of dog. Madara was sealed in a shrine until he was accidentally released by Natsume. Madara ordinarily takes on the shape of a lucky cat, leading Natsume to nickname him Nyanko-sensei. He is a leader in the spirits' world, who is powerful and robust.


妖怪出没!请注意! 后台回复「设计说」日站君会为您推送一条设计物语365天,365句经典,每天只更新一次哦 最近,有关日本妖怪的话题特别火。受万千动漫迷追捧的《夏目友人帐》开播了第五季。区别于其他人气值爆棚的热血动漫,《夏目》以人与妖怪之间的一个个温情故事治愈了无数 人疲惫的心。无论是不是这部动漫的粉丝,相信看到这篇文章的人们,多多少少都曾听过有关它的消息。 (《夏目友人帐》第五季官方海报)还有一款名叫《阴阳师》的手游,主角安倍晴明带领雪女、犬神、惠比寿等日本文化中经典的妖怪形象作战,画风细致精美,声优及配乐阵容强大。游戏一上线就获得大片好评,简直是学生和上班族通吃,八零后、九零后和零零后夜夜爆肝,只为多积攒一点欧气抽个SSR。(《阴阳师》SR式神全图鉴)其实,把时间放远一点,就会发现妖怪一直在日本流行文化的排行榜上占有一席之地,同时广受国外消费者的喜爱。《巷说百物语》《百鬼夜行抄》《鬼太郎传》《口袋妖怪GO》……甚至从更遥远的千百年前,在画作中表现妖怪,就几乎为日本历史上每位绘画大师所钟爱。比如比神奈川蜚声世界的葛饰北斋,以武士画闻名的歌川国芳,“专职妖怪画师”鸟山石燕,开创“新闻绘”这一全新创作领域的落合芳几……

如今,就像一提起“丧尸”就会想到美国,“妖怪”甚至也已成了日本文化中极为重要的一个组成部分。接下来,就让我们仔细表一表岛国这些神秘的异界生灵吧。百鬼物语阿岩葛饰北斋安达版画研究室A Hundred Ghost Stories / Lady Oiwa, KATUSHIKA Hokusai 葛饰北斋:一七六○ (宝历十年)至一八四九(嘉永二年)。代表作有《富岳三十六景》《富岳百景》《北斋漫画》等。被称为日本主义(Japonisme,十九世纪中叶在欧洲掀起的一种和风热潮,主要指对日本美术的审美崇拜。)的鼻祖。 相马旧王城歌川国芳福冈市博物馆The Ruins of Sōma Palace, UTAGAWA Kuniyoshi 歌川国芳:一七九七(宽政九年)至一八六一(文久元年)。代表作有《相马旧王城》《赞岐院派眷属救为朝图》等。出了名的喜欢猫。 大日本名将鉴赖光保昌四天王酒吞童子月冈芳年国际日本文化研究中心Great Generals of Japan Series: Shutendōji,TSUKIOKA Yoshitoshi 月冈芳年:一八三九(天保十年)至一八九二(明治二十五年)。代表作有《新形三十六形怪撰》《和汉百物语》《大日本名将鉴》等。为民众喜爱。怎样才能遇到妖怪? 古时候,岛国日本复杂的地理、气候环境无疑会加深人类对自然界捉摸不透的恐惧;而随着人们逐步认识世界、与自然共生,日本人逐渐形成了“万物有灵”的观点,即一草一木皆


夏目友人帐语录配图,非常唯美的图 1. 夏目:吾を守りし物よ、その名前を示せ(护吾之人,显汝之名) ——绿川幸《夏目友人帐》 2. 人类总是这样,在不停的寻找什么,又不停的在丢失什么《夏目友人帐》 3. 真羡慕你,我也好想快点变成一个人,好想独自一人生活我是妖怪,不太明白人的内心,但是,独自一人是很寂寞的哟,我明白这一点,我了解这一点几天后,少年被带去了很远的地方。那之后,再也没看到过那孩子了……人类为什么想要互相依靠,却又再次争吵——夏目《夏目友人帐》 4. 心有所觉亦作不解不可结缘徒增寂寞《夏目友人帐》 5. 妖怪:不管过了多少个春秋,我却仍没有忘记,一直都记得夏目:我一直都很在意,因为以奇怪的方式分别了妖怪:肯定,遇到什么温柔的人了吧,能让他拥有那样的笑容夏目:(拥抱)好怀念的味道,我是夏目贵志,能告诉我你的名字吗《夏目友人帐》 6. 是吗?这么短暂,所以我不喜欢人类——丙《夏目友人帐》 7. “算了我还是暂时待在这家伙身边吧直到那一眨眼的功夫过去——猫咪老师《夏目友人帐》 8. “谢谢你猫咪老师“你坦率起来还真恶心——猫咪老师夏目《夏目友人帐》 9. 斑:曲げなれることはありもあるのさあ(不能改变的事也是存在的) ——绿川幸《夏目友人帐》 10. 我们会保护你的,谁叫我们就是喜欢你呢《夏目友人帐》 11. 最近困るのは、小さな别れを、少し寂しいって感じることだ。束の间の出会いと别れ、その刹那を一つ一つ大切にしていきたいと思う最近的烦恼是,小小的离别带来的寂寞。一瞬间的邂逅与分别,这一个一个的瞬间,我想好好珍惜起来《夏目友人帐》 12. 一个寂寞的人被给予了思念就会显得更寂寞2、世上存在着无论如何期望也


#1 相对论主要是由谁创立的? 门捷列夫法拉第祖冲之爱因斯坦 #2 日本麻将中,岭上开花几翻? 1 4 2 3 #3 博丽灵梦所在的神社是什么? 早苗神社宇宙基地博丽神社万事屋银 #4 《十二国记》中泰麒的使令是? 蒲牢狴犴傲滥螭吻 #5 名台词“不可以逃避,不可以逃避...”出自哪部动画? 银魂海贼王奇诺之旅EVA #6 XX我成为正义的伙伴了吗? 诚哥桐人真嗣切嗣 #7 《机动战舰》中星野琉璃的配音是谁? 林原惠美南央美茅原实里丰崎爱生 #8 动画《Fate Zero》中,卫宫切嗣向卫宫士郎吐露的曾经的梦想是什么? 成为正义的伙伴探究根源的秘密成为不列颠帝国第九十九代皇成 为新世界的神 #9 下列哪一个不属于物语系列 伪物语伤物语化物语囧物语 #10 天上掉下本小册子是什么动漫? 死亡本子H笔记死亡笔记生存笔记 #11 恶魔艾萨谢尔在召唤你中主角身边的另一只恶魔是? 大便帝企鹅国王企鹅苍蝇 #12 《Angel Beats!》中的天使的武器是? Handsonic妖刀·五月雨Excalibur 阿姆斯特朗炮 #13 《奇诺之旅》中主角拥有的第一把说服者是? 长笛艾鲁梅斯森中人卡农 #14 《生化危机》系列中曾经说过“我的工资高到不行”的男主角是? 里昂吉尔威斯克克里斯 #15 夏目友人帐里夏木奶奶的名字?

夏目玲子笹田纯藤原塔子多轨透 #16 游戏《猎天使魔女》的女主角叫? 贝拉多娜贞德贝优妮塔奎托斯 #17 河内市中心那个湖叫什么?里面有什么神兽?全球数量多少? 神龟湖鳄龟 5万只还剑湖斑鳖 4只神剑湖斑鸠 1563只幻箭湖 水鳖 2500只 #18 以下作者的所有作品中,连载时间最长的是_的作品 高屋良树永野护萩原一至富坚义博 #19 《Fate/extra》中的紅色Saber尼錄的配音員是誰? 丹左櫻丹上櫻丹右櫻丹下櫻 #20 《魔兽世界》中不能在队伍中担任坦克职责的是下面哪一个职业? 圣骑士德鲁伊战士萨满祭司 #21 上古卷轴通常被叫做什么 古卷上轴旧书老滚 #22 《超级小黑咪》中公公婆婆最大的兴趣? 喝茶玩PSP 捡垃圾睇电视 #23 《空之境界·矛盾螺旋》最后,两仪式向黑桐索要的物件为: 手表钥匙匕首眼镜 #24 光线是波动,也是( )。 勇者的武器靠近会被弹开的物体补魔的能量粒子 #25 TariTari中維也納本名是? 前田敦博後田博敦前田敦子前田博打 #26 死神(bleach)的女主角是谁? 松本乱菊四枫院夜一黑崎草莓朽木露琪亚 #27 提供代价就能为你实现愿望的“次元之魔女”自称 壹原郁子壹元侑子壹原侑子壹元郁子 #28 以下哪个人是木叶十二忍之一? 奈良鹿丸宇智波鼬旗木卡卡西自来也 #29 樱木花道初中暗恋失败的次数是多少? 30 40 60 50


HI,boy and girls,today,I will introduce you a comic, named Natsume's Book of Friends .Natsume's Book of Friends is a Japanese fantasy manga series by Yuki Midorikawa. It has also been adapted as a series of anime television series produced by Brain's Base, which was broadcast on TV Tokyo in 4 seasons in 2008 to 2012. The series is about Natsume, an orphaned teenage boy. For as long as he can remember, Takashi Natsume has had the ability to see spirits, inheriting the power from his grandmother Reiko. Upon her death, Reiko bequeaths to her grandson her Book of Friends, the notebook she used to bind spirits under her control. The Book of Friends is a highly prized item in the spirit world, and spirits haunt Takashi constantly. Whereas Reiko formed the contracts, however, Takashi spends his time dissolving the contracts and releasing the various spirits that come to him for help. But that doesn't mean there aren't malicious spirits trying to kill him. Which is where Madara comes in; Madara serves as Natsume's bodyguard and spiritual advisor of sorts, even though he is motivated by his own desire to possess the Book of Friends. He later on begins to become more attached to Takashi. Takashi Natsume The hero, Natsume is an orphan. His parents died when he was very young , leaving him to be passed from relative to relative. Natsume has a tough and sad childhood, but he is warm-hearted and trying to be a kind person. Natsume is eventually passed on to a middle-aged couple on his father's side of the family. They loves him. Madara A mysterious Inugami.,means a spirit of dog. Madara was sealed in a shrine until he was accidentally released by Natsume. Madara ordinarily takes on the shape of a lucky cat, leading Natsume to nickname him Nyanko-sensei. He is a leader in the spirits' world, who is powerful and robust.


七年级下册期中复习试卷 一、单项填空 1. — What about____ English exam tomorrow? Are you ready ? — Oh, it’s a piece of cake. It is just ____ usual test. Don't worry. A. the ; an B. the; a C. an; an D. an ; a 2. — How long do you spend ______your homework every day? — Doing my homework usually_____ me an hour and a half. A. to do; spends B. to do ; takes C. doing; takes D. doing; spends 3. — It is _____ to know that our class won the football match yesterday? — Yes, I couldn’t express(表达) how_____ I felt when I knew it. A. excited; excitement B. exciting; excitement C. excited; exciting D. exciting, excited 4. — Why don’t you contact(联系) me, Mary? — I am too busy _______to you. I am preparing _______ the coming exam. A. writing ; for B. writing; to C. to write ; for D. to write ;to 5. — Do you know ______ this i-pad belongs to? — Let me see. Oh, it’s ______. A. who; Tom B. who; Tom’s C. whose; Tom D. whose; Tom’s 6. Look! _____workers are making bicycles. They made five _____bicycles in all. A. Hundreds; Hundreds B. Hundred of; hundreds C. Hundreds of; hundred D. Hundreds ; hundred 7.— Is there ____ wrong with your bike?— No. But there is _____ wrong with my watch. A. something; something B. anything; something C. something; anything D. anything; anything


名侦探柯南- 青山刚昌创作的侦探漫画 《名侦探柯南》(日文:名探偵コナン;英文:Detective Conan;美版英文:Case Closed)是日本漫画家青山刚昌的一部以侦探推理情节为主题的漫画作品,讲述了高中生侦探工藤新一被神秘的黑衣组织灌下代号为APTX4869的毒药后身体缩小为小学生,因此隐瞒身份,调查组织的同时不断解决各类案件的故事。初始创作于1994年,目前仍在日本小学馆的漫画杂志《周刊少年Sunday》上连载。作品亦改编为同名电视动画、真人版电视剧等。始创作于1994年,目前仍在日本小学馆的漫画杂志《少年SUNDAY》连载。 基本信息 中文名 名侦探柯南 出版社 小学馆(日本);青文出版社(中国台湾);长春出版社(中国大陆);安乐文潮(中国香港)外文名称 名探偵コナン,Detective Conan,Case Closed 单行本册数 84卷(连载中) 其他名称 Detective Conan/Case Closed 地区 日本 作者 青山刚昌 出品时间 1994年1月- 类型 少年漫画,推理漫画 所获荣誉 2001年第46回小学馆漫画奖 目录 展开 作品简介 《名侦探柯南》(日文:名探侦コナン;日文罗马音:Meitantei Konan;英文:Detective Conan、Case Closed),是日本漫画家青山刚昌的作品,于1994年1月在日本小学馆的漫画周刊《周刊少年Sunday》第5号起开始连载,是《周刊少年Sunday》史上连载时间最长的作品,1994年6月单行本第一册出版,19 96年1月TV版动画播出,1997年4月第一部剧场版公映。漫画与动画均仍在连载中。 作品的创作契机是1992年在《周刊少年Magazine》开始连载的《金田一少年之事件簿》所引发的推理漫画热潮。青山在其前一部作品《剑勇传说》连载结束后的仅4周时间(其中的前两周是在为游戏《狂飙骑士》进行人物设定的工作,实际时间为两周左右)的作品构思后,
