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外研版-英语-九上-Module3 2单元素材 邓亚萍经历

外研版-英语-九上-Module3 2单元素材 邓亚萍经历




2006年她开始在剑桥大学(剑桥大学耶稣学院)攻读博士学位,并于2008年11月29日获得剑桥大学土地经济学(Land Economics)博士学位。她的博士答辩论文的题目是:The impact of the Olympic Games on Chinese development: A multi-disciplinary analysis(奥林匹克运动会对中国发展的影响:多领域分析)。2009年4月16日,就任共青团北京市委副书记。





邓亚萍的出色成就,改变了世界乒坛只在高个子中选拔运动员的传统观念。 体育明星名人故事:邓亚萍的励志故事 邓亚萍是乒乓球历史上最伟大的女子选手,她5岁起就随父亲学打球,1988年进入国家队,先后获得14次世界冠军头衔;在乒坛世界排名连续8年保持第一,是排名世界第一时间最长的女运动员,成为唯一蝉联奥运会乒乓球金牌的运动员,并获得4枚奥运会金牌,其中包括单打和与乔红组合的双打。 童年的邓亚萍,因为受当时体育教练父亲的影响,立志做一名优秀的运动员。但是她个子矮,手脚粗短,根本不符合体校的要求,体校的大门没能向她敞开。于是,年幼的邓亚萍跟父亲学起了乒乓球,父亲规定她每天在练完体能课后,必须还要做100个发球接球的动作。邓亚萍虽然只有七八岁,但为了能使自己的球技更加熟练,基本功更加扎实,便在自己的腿上绑上了沙袋,而且把木牌换成了铁牌。 对一个孩子来说,这是多么难能可贵!这不但要使身体备受煎熬,心里方面也要承受巨大的压力。小小的她,每闪、展、腾、挪一步,都可以用举步维艰来形容! 腿肿了!手掌磨破了!这是家常便饭!但他从不叫苦,不喊累!负责训练的父亲,有时心疼得掉眼泪!付出总有回报,由于邓亚萍的执着,10岁的她便在全国少年乒乓球比赛中获得团体和单打两项冠军。 进入国家队后,邓亚萍都是超额完成自己的训练任务,队里规定上午练到11时,她就给自己延长到11时45分,下午训练到6时,她就练到6时45分或7时45分,封闭训练规定练到晚上9时,她练到11点多。邓亚萍为了训练经常误了时间,她就自己泡面吃。 在队里练习全台单面攻时,邓亚萍依旧往腿上绑沙袋,而且面对两位男陪练的左突右奔,一打就是2小时!在进行多球训练时,教练将球连珠炮打来,邓亚萍每次都是瞪大眼睛,一丝不苟的接球,一接就是1000多个。 每一节训练课下来,汗水都湿透了邓亚萍的衣服、鞋袜,有时甚至连地板也会浸湿一片,不得不换衣服、鞋袜,甚至换球台再练。长时间从事大运动量、高强度的训练,从颈到脚,邓亚萍身体很多部位都是伤病。为对付腰肌劳损,她不得不系上宽宽的护腰,膝关节脂肪垫肿、踝关节几乎长满了骨刺,平时只好忍着,实在痛的利害了就打一针封闭,脚底磨出了血泡,就挑破它再裹上一层纱布接着练。就算是伤口感染,挤出脓血也要接着练。 邓亚萍的出色成就,改变了世界乒坛只在高个子中选拔运动员的传统观念。


最新外研版英语九年级下册知识点总结 Module1 Travel Unit1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi. 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地 10. have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 quite a / an + adj. + n. = a very adj. + n. quite a nice boy = a very nice boy 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 Unit 2 It’s a long story. 1. say goodbye to sb. 向某人告别say hello to sb. 向某人问候 2. take care 多保重care for:喜欢care about:关心 take care = be careful 小心、注意take care of sb. / sth. 照顾某人/ 保管某物 3. get on 上(车)get off 下(车) 4. Be afraid +that从句恐怕 be afraid of +名词/代词/动名词害怕/担心be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事 5. take one’s seat就坐;坐某人的座位 5. have /get sth. ready: 把某物准备好Please have your tickets ready.请把票准备好。 6. have a look at sth. = take a look at sth. = look at sth. 看一看某物 7. I see the problem. 我发现问题了。I see. 我明白了。 8. How stupid of me.!我真笨!= How stupid I am! How + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 某人因做了某事而显得怎样 How careless of you to make this mistake. 9. wait a moment 等一会儿for a moment 一会儿at that moment 在那时 a moment ago 刚才at any moment任何时候 a moment later片刻之后 10. 1). That’s very good of you. 你真好。 It’s / That’s + 形容词+ of sb. to do sth. 表示人的性格或品质,这类形容词有:kind, good, nice, clever, polite, careless等。It’s kind of you to help me with the work.


最新外研版九年级下册全册课译文(其8个模块) Module 1 Travel Unit 1 We toured the city by bus and by taxi 3.Listen and read. Now complete the table. 玲玲:欢迎大家回来! 贝蒂:嗨, 玲玲! 假期过得怎么样? 玲玲:不错! 我去河南看望了我的祖父母。当时火车上全都是人,我不得不站了3个多小时。贝蒂:真不走运啊。为什么春节出行这么困难呢? 玲玲:噢,因为春节的缘故,这段时间成了交通最繁忙的时候。托尼呢? 大明:他回英国和家人团聚去了。他今天坐飞机回来,但是航班晚点了。 贝蒂:大明,你去了哪里? 大明:我们坐飞机直飞香港——飞机出发时也晚点了,不过飞行员成功地按时着陆了。然后我们乘船去了大屿山和迪斯尼乐园。真好玩! 玲玲:你呢,贝蒂?贝蒂:我们在北京玩得很开心。我们坐公交车和出租车在城市里游玩。上周末我们坐客车去了颐和园,还沿湖走了一段很长的路。 玲玲:听起来不错!但是这会儿我们还是最好回去学习吧…期末还有一场大考试呢。 贝蒂:只要你努力,就没什么好担心的。 大明:考试之后就是毕业晚会了。我们都盼着呢! 贝蒂:没错!我们会玩得很开心的! Unit 2 It’s a long story . 2.Read the play and number the expressions in Activity 1 in the order they appear. (李林和李薇在车站站台上告别。) 李林:告诉爸爸妈妈我会想他们的……我也会想念你们所有人。 李薇:我们也会想你的。

李林:春节见。李薇:保重。再见!(李林上了车,寻找他的座位。) 李林:对不起,先生。恐怕你坐了我的座位。 长者:对不起,年轻人。你说什么?我听不大清楚。 李林:你坐错位置了。 长者:真的吗?但是……我以为这是我的座位呢。我的票呢?(长者在口袋里、包里,最后又在钱包里翻找他的车票。) 长者:找到了。9车厢,12A座。这是12A座,对吗?(检票员来了。) 检票员:检票了,请大家准备好车票。长者:对不起,这是12A座吗? 检票员:是的,让我看看你的车票。哦,我知道问题在哪里了。这是12A座,但是您应该去9车厢,这里是8车厢。 长者:哦,我真糊涂!我还是去找9车厢吧。(长者起身开始收拾他的包裹。) 李林:等一下,先生!请您留下。我去坐9车厢你的座位吧。 长者:哦,你太好了。谢谢! 检票员:是的,谢谢你,年轻人。(李林穿过站立的人群向9车厢走去。) 李林:10A、11A、12A,找到了,那是我的座位。(他的朋友,温鹏,正坐在12B座上。看到李林他很吃惊。) 温鹏:嗨!李林!真意外啊! 李林:嗨!温鹏!见到你太高兴了。 温鹏:我也是!太棒了!漫长的旅程里有人陪我聊天了。好了,把外套脱了吧。舒舒服服地坐下来。对了,你怎么来得这么晚啊? 李林:哦,说来话长…… Module 2 Educatio n Unit 1 They don’t sit in rows. 3.Listen and read. Now complete Susie’s column in the table.


最新外研版九年级英语下册单元测试题全套及答案 Module 1 Travel达标测试卷 1Ⅱ.单项填空 ( )21.In Nanjing,we stayed at a very nice hotel.But I can’t remember name ofit. A. the B. a C. an D./ ( )22.--We will fly to Hong Kong tomorrow. --. A. That’s OK B.Thank you very much C.Have a good trip D.You’re welcome ( )23.--I often go to schoolfoot,but I had to go to schooltaxi this morning because of rain. A .by,by B. on,in C.on,by D.with,on ( )24.He is sure to succeed inthe experiment. A.to do B.does C.doing D.did ( )25.--Hurry up.It’s almost time for sch ool. --Don’t worry.We are sure to be at school. A .at times B.on time C.all the time D.by the time ( )26.--What do you want to be when you grow up? --A(n).I want to fly a plane. A. actor B. doctor C.pilot D.teacher ( )27.It’s a little cold outside.You should put on your. A .jacket B. glasses C. camera D.ticket ( )28.Liu Xiang is the first Chinesethe championship in the trackevents of Olympics. A. wins B. to win C. win D.winning ( )29.He didn’t come here notthe bad weather buthedidn’t feel well. A. because,because B.because,because of C. because of,because of D.because of,because ( )30.we continue to work hard,we are to finish our task ahead oftime. A.As far as B.As soon asC. As long as D.As though ( )31..A car is coming.You mustn’t cross the road now. A. Take care of B. Look after C.Take care D.Come on ( )32.The plane to Chengdujust now.You have to wait untiltomorrow. A. took off B.took afterC. took out D.took away ( )33.You’d betterfootball on the street.It’s dangerous to do that. A .don’t play B. not play C.not to play D.playing ( )34.--will you have the final examination? --In half a month. A.How long B.How often C.How soon D.How far ( )35.fathers can’t go to the class meeting because they have gone on business. A. Jack and Mike’s B. Jack’s and Mike’s


九下 Module 1 flight [fla?t] n.航班;飞行 because of因为;由于 direct [d??rekt] adv.径直地;直接地 pilot [?pa?l?t] n.飞行员 succeed[s?k?si:d] v.成功;做成 as long as只要 school-leaver[sku:l 'li:v?] n. [英]毕业生 exactly[?g?z?ktli] adv.确切地;完全;[口](表示赞同确切如此take care (告别用语多保重 sir[s?:] n.先生;长官 officer[??f?s?] n.军官;官员;警察 stupid[?stju:p?d] adj.笨的;糊涂的 take off脱去 jacket[?d??k?t] n.短上衣 Module 2 ours[?a??z] pron.我们的 tie[ta?] n.领带 row[r??] n.一排;一行;一列 pool[pu:l] n.水池;游泳池

pass[pɑ:s] v.及格;通过(考试或检查secondary[?sek?ndri] adj.(教育中等的;次要的;间接的 secondaryschool中学 absent [??bs?nt] adj.缺席的;不在的 bell[bel] n.钟;铃 Module 3 wealthy[?welθi] adj.富有的;富裕的fear[f??] n.担心;害怕 used to v. & aux. (用于表示过去真实或经常性的行为,特别强调现在不那样了过去 wealth[welθ] n.财富;财产 double[?d?bl] v.使加倍;把……增加一倍;adj. (成双的;两个…… seldom[?seld?m] adv.很少地;不常 spare[spe?] adj.空余的;备用的 spare time业余时间;闲暇 speak up大声说 deaf[def] adj.聋的 tiny[?ta?ni] adj.微小的;极小的 electric[??lektr?k] adj.用电的;电动的 light[la?t] n.电灯 candle[?k?ndl] n.蜡烛 postman[?p??stm?n] n.邮递员


思源教育九上MODULE TWO 测试卷 一.单项选择: ( )1.I want to be a teacher when I _____ . A.grow up B.get up C.am young D.stand atraight ( )2.That poor old woman ___ for nearly ten years. A.died B.has died C.has been dead D.dies ( )3.---- I hear George is working hard on English these days. ---- I’m ____ he will get good grade this time. A.afraid B.surprised C.excited D.sure ( )4.Thousands of trees over the mountain ____ by the Young Pioneers last year. A.planted B.were planted C.was planted D.have planted ( )5.Mr Wang asked the foreign visitors to walk one after another. He didn’t want them to____ in the wildlife park. A.go away B. get lost C.go out D.get ready ( )6.--- It’s so cold today. --- Yes, it’s ____ than it was yeaterday. A. more cold B.much colder C.cold D.more colder ( )7.The Road Ahead is the first book written ____ Bill Gates. A. of B.with C.by D.to ( )8.To develop the west of China, a lot of ___ new roads____ built. A.must B.has C.have D.must be ( )9.The Changjiang River is one of ____ rivers in the world. A.the longest B.longer C.long D.that ( )10.The Blue suit looks much better than the green _____ . A.one B.ones C.this D. that ( )11.You can answer my questions ____ either English or Chinese . A. to B. with C. in D.by ( )12.—What ____ do you want to learn? – I ____ want to learn how to use computer. A.other,also B.else, too C.also,too D.else,also ( )13.Tony is the best student in his class. Do you ____me? A. agree with B.think of C.get on with https://www.sodocs.net/doc/9415730437.html,ugh at ( )14.English is taught ___ a foreign language in almost schools in China. A. with B. by C.as D for ( )15.She is a ______ child and popular with everyone. A.alive B.lively C.living D.live ( )16.—I have written a short story.. May I read it to you ? --- Please do____. A.I’m sure I’ll enjoy it B.It’s really a good story C.What a good story it is! D.Let’s see how good it is ( )17.Do you know the speaker ____ a pair of glasses is famous thinker____ Beijing University. A.putting,in B.wearing on, of C.with, from D.having, from ( )18.--- Don’t stop ____ . Ienjoy listening to it. --- Thank you. It’s very kind of you to say so A.singing B.sing C.to sing D.sung ( )19.How sweet th light music ______ ! A.sounds like B.sounds C.is sounded D.is sounding ( )20.--- Did you win the match ?---- No,____ Jackson’s carelessness, we lost the match. A.Instead of B.Help yourself to C. In order to D.Because of 二.完形填空: Tom Sawyer is a young boy who likes to do things causing trouble, His mother so he and his younger brother,Sidney, live with his Aunt Polly. Tom does not like studying and is always trying to ways not to go to school. Sometimes he to be ill. Sometimes he just his aunt when she punish him! The story begins naughty Tom hiding from his Aunt Polly. Tom runs away from her and doesn’t go to school that day. Later,Aunt Polly tries to find out Tom went.Tom is that he manages to her by lying(撒谎)to her. His younger brother, Sidney, is smart too and tell his aunt too try to get Tom into trouble. But Tom is smarter and runs away. ( )1.A.was dead B.is dead C.is dying D.has died ( )2.A.provide with B.set off C.think over D.think of ( )3.A.pretends B.wants very much C.manages D.hopes ( )4.A.runs into B.meets C.runs away from D.runs out of ( )5.A.is trying to B.was trying to C.has to D.is told to ( )6.A.from B.with C.by D.for ( )7.A.how B.when C.where D.why ( )8.A.such smart that B.so smart that C.so that D.so smart that ( )9.A.fool B.tell C.ask for D.teach ( )10.A.tragedy B.the truth C.the result D.the important 三.阅读理解: A small boy at summer camp received a bag of cookies in the mail from his mother. He ate a few .and then put the rest under his bed. The next day ,after lunch, he went to his tent(帐篷)to get a cookie. The boy was gone. That after a camp leader saw another boy sitting behind a tree. He was eating the stolen cookies!“That young man,”he said to himself,“must be taught not to steal,” He returned to the group and found the boy whose cookies had been stolen.“Billy,”he said,“I know who stole your cookies.”Will you help me teach him a lesson?” “Well, yes. But aren’t you going to punish him?” asked the puzzled(unable to understand)boy. “No, that would only make him hate you,” the leader explained.“I want you to call your mother. Ask her to send you another box of cookies.” The boy did as the leader asked. A few days later, he received another box of cookies in the mail. “Now,” said the leader,“the boy who stole your cookies is down by the lake. Go down there. Share your cookies with him.” “But he’s the thief!”protested(抗议) the boy. “I know. But try it—see what happens.” Half an hour later, the camp leader saw the two boys comp up the hill, hand in hand. The boy who had stolen the cookies was trying to get the other to accept his jack-knife( 大折刀).He wanted to pay for the stolen cookies. The other boy was just refusing the gift from his new friend. He said that a few old cookies weren’t that important anyway. ( )1.When the small boy went to his tent to get a cookie, he found_____. A.the box with cookies wasn’t there B.the box lunch food wasn’t there C.the box with cookies went away D.the post office was far away from their camp ( )2._____ stole the rest of the cookies ? A.Billy B. The leader C.Another boy D.The puzzled boy ( )3._____ send another box of cookies to the small boy? A.Another boy’s mother B.The leader’s mother C.The other boy’s mother D. Billy’s mother ( )4.The underlined word “Share”means____


对小学英语教学的一些感悟 小学英语学科是义务教育小学阶段设置的必修科目,也是对学生进行外语启蒙教育的一门重要的学科。在社会经济飞速发展的今天,外语作为母语之外的第二大语言受到普遍关注。小学英语教育顺应了时代的发展,让学生从小对英语有所了解,培养英语素养。在实际的教学实践工作中,教师要有科学的教学观和学生观,才能切实组织和指导好学生的英语学习。本人将在教学中的感悟撰写成文,愿与广大同行交流。 一、英语教学现状分析 在英语教学中,虽然都在大谈改革的口号,但是很多教师在教学上仍然是茫然的,陷入了改革套路的程序化教学之中,实施的是“穿新鞋,走老路”的路子,头脑里想的是现代教学理念,手里拿的是新教材,沿用的仍是老方法。教师只管占据课堂的大部分时间讲授语言知识点,或者生搬硬套一些现代教学方式。学生仍然摆脱不了被动的学习,死记硬背,背英语单词、语法的学习方式。课堂教学气氛沉闷,教学效果差强人意。学生在英语学习中,明显存在抵触情绪,积极性不高,感到学习困难。比如:学生不知道学习的重要性,不知道当今社会的竞争在很大程度上就是知识的竞争,他们在认识上还存在问题。由于这些原因,他们根本就没有学习英语的动力;不会学习,有的学生在努力学英语,却找不出头绪,入不了门,或者自制能力差,没有良好的学

习习惯,在实践中不能好好地进行有效的自我控制;学习落后,有自卑心理,得不到教师的重视,体验不到好成绩带来的喜悦。 通过以上分析,不难看出,我们的英语教学还存在很多不尽如人意的地方,教师作为教学的带头人,学生学习的领路人,要切实负起责任。积极思考是否应该从根本上来一次大的转变,以改变这种教学现状呢?只有这样,才能看清教学中存在的问题,发现学生学习上的问题,让小学英语教学走向良性发展的轨道。 二、激发学生的学习动机 学习动机对于任何学科的学习来说都是重要的。据调查,有一半以上的学生缺乏学习的动机。在英语学习中,有的学生只是为了应付考试,应付老师和家长,也有的学生认为英语是副科,在考试中不重要。正是由于英语没有成为学生内在的学习需要,就没有了学习的意识,学习成绩差也不会着急。教师要扭转学生的这种心态,让他们产生学习的动机。 通过榜样力量来感染学生,让学生树立学习的动机。列宁说:“榜样的力量是无穷的。”小学生模仿力强,很容易从榜样的形象中得到启发,受到感染,促进学生的成长与进步。①学生身边的榜样,即他们自己的同学。这些最接近学生生活的榜样最容易被学生接受,最能激起学生的上进心。让学习好的学生谈谈为什么要学英语。有的说,要考上北大、清华;有的说,以后要出国;有的说,长大了想当翻译等等,会极大地激发学生的学习动机。 ②名人做榜样。小学生对名人有好奇心,教师可向他们介绍著名


外研版七年级下册知识点整理 目录和语法相关: Module 1 Travel 名词、冠词、数词 Module 2 Education 代词、介词与介词短语 Module 3 Now and then 形容词与副词 Module 4 Rules and suggestions 情态动词 Module 5 Look after yourself时态 Module 6 Eating together被动语态 Module 7 English for you and me状语从句与不定式 Module 8 My future life 宾语从句和定语从句 Module 1 Travel 单词: flight /fla?t/ n.航班;飞行 because of 因为;由于 direct /d??rekt/ adv.径直地;直接地 pilot /?pa?l?t/ n.飞行员 succeed /s?k?si:d/ v.成功;做成 as long as 只要 school-leaver /sku:l 'li:v?/ n. /英/毕业生 exactly /?g?z?ktli/ adv.确切地;完全;/口/(表示赞同)确切如此 take care (告别用语)多保重 sir /s?:/ n.先生;长官 officer /??f?s?/ n.军官;官员;警察 stupid /?stju:p?d/ adj.笨的;糊涂的 take off 脱去 jacket /?d??k?t/ n.短上衣;夹克 重点短语: 1. welcome back 欢迎回来 2. not bad 还不错 3. be full of 充满=be filled with 4. over = more. than 超过、多于 5. because of + 名词/ 代词/动名词because +句子 6. fly back to +地名飞回某地 7. a bit late 有点晚 a bit of + 不可数名词 8. fly direct to Hong Kong 直飞香港9. succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事 10. take a boat to sp. = go to sp. by boat 坐船去某地have quite a good time 玩得很高兴 11. tour the city v. = take a tour to the city n. 环城市旅行 12. go for a walk 去散步13. had better do sth. 最好做某事 14. at the end of the term 在学期末15. nothing to worry about 没什么担心的 16. as long as 只要; 和……一样长17. the school-leavers’ party 毕业生晚会 18. look forward to+ sth. / doing sth. 盼望(做)某事 19. It’s a long story. 说来话长。(口语) 20. 1) offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事offer sb. sth. = offer sth. to sb. 向某人提供某物 2) provide sb. With sb. = provide sth. for sb. 提供某物给某人


外研版九年级下册英语单词表 Module 1 airplane n.飞机 coach n.长途公共汽车,客车 departure n.出发;起程;航班;车次 lounge n.(机场等的)等待室 departure lounge (机场的)候机厅 transport n.交通方式;交通 set off 动身,出发 nod v.点(头)(表示赞成) tearn. 眼泪;泪珠 towards prep.往;向;朝...的方向 cigarette n.香烟 虽然;只管though conj. 下get off (火车,公共汽车) 步; step n.步调 Module 2 地理学geography n. 身体的physical a.; 体力的 体育PE n. ;体育课 非常;很;实在;确实really ad. 二者都不 a.(二者)neither pron.均无的 中学secondary school 在场的; present a.出席的 不在的absent a.,缺席的 演讲speech n.;演讲 生物学 biology n.安全safety n. 毒品fortunately n. 西班牙的;西班牙语的 n.西班牙语Spanish a. 法国的;法语的 n.法语French a. 牵扯;牵连;影响involve vt. 训练training n. 田径运动 athletics n. 社团;协会 society n.迪斯科舞厅;迪斯科舞会 disco n.要不...要不...;不是...而是... either...or... Module 3 辩论 debate n.病;疾病 illness n.防止;预防prevent vt. 医学medicine n.


邓亚萍学英语 作者:金文华新闻来源:博文之窗 一赛场上的夙愿 这个经典镜头定格在国人的心中。2001年月13日,邓亚萍身着红色礼服,矫健地走到陈述台前,用标准的英语进行精彩、流利的陈述,为北京申奥的成功,留下了亮丽的一笔。 此亚萍非那亚萍,4年不见,邓亚萍已经是清华大学的硕士生了,一口标准的英语让老外都感到吃惊。近日,记者对她进行了专访,主题是:邓亚萍是怎样学英语的? 学英语的最初想法是在邓亚萍进入国家队后,由于要频繁参加国际赛事,她越发感觉到知识的不足,尤其是外语方面的欠缺。 在多次的比赛中,唯一给她留下遗憾的,就是语言不通,无法与外国的同行们随时交流。遇到非说不可的事,只能找翻译帮忙。 越来越觉得这样别扭——朋友之间说说话,交流交流感情,还要劳驾翻译,多不方便。如果精通外语,哪有这些麻烦?她就在心里暗暗发誓:“我一定要下功夫学好外语,解决这个难题。” 终于有一天,她找到张燮林教练,非常认真地说:“张指导,我们每次出国比赛,还要带翻译,整天通过翻译与别人对话,多不方便,我现在想学外语,你能不能帮我请一个英语老师?” 看着亚萍那既稚气又执著的脸,张教练笑了笑说:“亚萍,你的想法很好,但估计行不通。因为时间和精力都保证不了。这一点,我有亲身体会。我当运动员时,也曾经有过这个想法,并且也付诸行动了,可是坚持了没几天,就搁下了,我没做到,估计你也做不到。”听了张教练的话,一向倔犟的邓亚萍又显出犟劲来:“你不行,不一定我就不行。” 张教练十分了解邓亚萍的性格,不管干什么事,只要她说做,就一定要做。看来不满足她的要求,肯定不行!不久,张教练果真帮亚萍请到了一位英语教师。 在一个春风沉醉的晚上,英语教师风尘仆仆地走进了邓亚萍的宿舍。这是师生首次见面,双方约定:每周上两次课,一次一个半小时。 开课了,老师教得十分认真,亚萍学得非常努力。这样坚持了一个多月,她学会了26个英语字母,掌握了几十个常用单词、短语。英语老师也相当高兴,不断鼓励她:“像这样学下去,你完全可以学好外语。” 谁知,不久,亚萍要参加赛前的封闭式训练,学习中断了。接着又出国参加比赛,等到结束比赛,返回北京,教师再来给她上课,却发现已经学会的单词、短语被忘得干干净净了! 面对英语老师那惋惜的目光,亚萍差点掉下泪来,师徒俩费了好大的劲,总算把忘掉的东西补上了。可是,正准备上新课时,又赶上赛前的封闭式训练,接着便是比赛…… 这样学学停停、停停学学,反复几次,亚萍觉得挺对不住老师,最后只好向老师表示:“我现在确实不具备学好外语的条件!”她泪眼朦胧地送走了老师,心里却留下了这样地愿望:将来有机会,我一定会重圆


目录 Module 1 (2) Unit 1 (2) Unit 2 (4) 单元测试 (6) Module 2 (8) Unit 1 (8) Unit 2 (10) 单元测试 (13) Module 3 (14) Unit 1 (14) Unit 2 (15) 单元测试 (20) Module 4 (22) Unit 1 (22) Unit 2 (25) 单元测试 (28) Module 5 (30) Unit 1 (30) Unit 2 (31) 单元测试 (36) Module 6 (37) Unit 1 (37) Unit 2 (38) 单元测试 (41) Module 7 (43) Unit 1 (43) Unit 2 (44) 单元测试 (47) Module 8 (48) Unit 1 (48) Unit 2 (51) 单元测试 (53) Module 9 (55) Unit 1 (55) Unit 2 (57) 单元测试 (63) Module 10 (65) Unit 1 (65) Unit 2 (66) 单元测试 (68) 期中试题 (70) 期末试题 (71) 参考答案 (72)

Module 1 单元目标 1.理解名词、冠词、数词的用法 2.熟记课本中的单词和词组 3.以“话题”的形式对本单元的词汇进行记忆。 Unit 1 要点精讲 1.The train was full of people and I had to stand for over six hours. 火车装满了人,我不得不在火车上站了6个多小时。 (1)be full of装满,充满,相当于be filled with ①The box is full of books. =The box is filled with books. 盒子里装满了书。 ②The shop is full of people on Sundays. 每到星期天商店里就挤满了人. ③My life is filled with pleasure. 我的生活充满了乐趣。 (2)have to和must的区别和用法 ①两词都是'必须'的意思,have to 表示客观的需要,must 表示说话人主观上的看法,既主观上的必要。 My brother was very ill, so I had to call the doctor in the middle of the night.我弟弟病得很厉害,我只得半夜里把医生请来。(客观上需要做这件事) He said that they must work hard. 他说他们必须努力工作。(主观上要做这件事) (2)have to有人称、数、时态的变化,而must只有一种形式。但must 可用于间接引语中表示过去的必要或义务。 He had to look after his sister yesterday. ③在否定结构中:don't have to表示“不必”;mustn't表示“禁止”。 You don't have to tell him about it. 你不一定要把此事告诉他。 You mustn't tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 2.We went sightseeing by bus and by taxi. 我们坐汽车或出租车去观光。 by+交通工具,表示“乘……,坐……”(注意介词后不能加a/an ) by bus/ car/ train/ plane/ ship/ subway 坐公共汽车/小汽车/火车/飞机/轮船/地铁 3.We’ve got exams at the end of the term. 我们在学期末进行了测试。 at the end of在……末尾,到……尽头 At the end of the road, You can see a shop. 到路的尽头,你能看到一个商店。 by the end of到……为止 We have learnt 300 words by the end of this term. 到这学期为止,我们已经学了300个单词。 in the end最后(注意不能与of连用) In the end, he passed the exam. 最后,他通过了考试。 4.There are plenty of fun things to do this term… 这学期有大量有趣的事情可做…… plenty of许多的,大量的,可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词,通常出现在肯定句中。
