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【1】No one can say exactly (what it looks like) when a planet takes ill, but it probably looks a lot like earth.


Never mind what you?ve heard about global warming as a slow-motion emergency (t hat would take decades to play out).


Suddenly and unexpectedly, the crisis is upon us


【2】It certainly looked that way last week as the atmospheric bomb that was Cyclone Larry—a Category 4 storm with wind bursts that reached 125 m.p.h (mile per hour) –exploded through northeastern Australia.


It certainly looked that way last year as curtains of fire and dust turned the skies of Indonesia orange, thanks to drought-fueled blazes sweeping the island nation.


It certainly looks that way as sections of ice the size of small states calve from the disintegrating Arctic and Antarctic.

(这个现象)的确看起来是这样的:一些体积较小的冰川地区从碎裂的南北极地区继续崩解。And it certainly looks that way as the sodden wreckage of New Orleans continues to molder, while the waters of the Atlantic gather themselves for a new hurricane season just two months away.


Disasters have always been with us and surely always will be. But when they hit this hard and come this fast—when the

emergency becomes commonplace—something has gone grievously wrong.

That something is global warming


【3】The image of Earth organism—famously dubbed Gaia by environmentalist James Lovelock —has probably been overworked,but that`s not to say the planet can`t behave like a living thing,and these days,it`s a living thing fighting a fever.From heat waves to storms to floods to fires to massive glacial melts,the global climate seems to be crashing around us.Scientists have been calling this shot for decades.This is precisely what they have been warning would happen if we continued pumping greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,trapping the heat that flows in from the sun and raising global temperatures.

【4】Environmentalists and lawmakers spent years shouting at one another about whether the grim forecasts were true, but in the past five years or so, the serious debate has quietly ended.


Global warming, even most skeptics have concluded, is the real deal, and human activity has been causing it.


If there was any consolation, it was that the glacial pace of nature would gives us decades or even centuries to sort out the problem.


【5】But glaciers, (it turns out, )插入语can move with surprising speed, and so can nature.


?What (what用作关系代词,引导主语从句,)few people reckoned on是名词性从句,做主语从句,即一个句子做了主语was 系表结构,做谓语(that global climate systems are booby-trapped with tipping points and feedback loops, thresholds past which the slow creep of environmental decay gives way to sudden and self-perpetuating collapse. )表语从句


(Pump enough CO2 into the sky, )and (that last part per million of greenhouse gas behaves like 、

the 212th degree Fahrenheit that)两个并列成分主语turns谓语( a pot of hot water into a plume of billowing steam.)宾语


?Melt enough Greenland ice,and you reach the point at【which you are not simply dripping meltwater into the sea but dumping whole glaciers】(定语从句修饰说明point).


?By one recent measure,several Greenland ice sheets have double (谓语)their rate of slide,and just week the journal Science published a study 【suggesting that by the end of the century,the world could be locked in to an eventual rise in sea levels of as much as 20 ft(作为suggest的宾语)】(非谓语动词suggesting引导的一个句子用来解释说明study). Nature,it seems(插入语),has finally got a bellyful of us.

?从这一点来看,根据最近的测量,格林兰岛的几个冰山以加倍的速度在下滑。仅上周期刊<<科学>> 发表了一篇文章,上面就提到到本世纪末为止,世界有可能被固定在海平面20英寸那么高。大自然可能最终会厌倦我们人类。

【6】“Things are happening a lot faster than anyone predicted,”says Bill Chameides, chief scientist for the advocacy group of Environmental Defense and a former professor of atmospheric chemistry,“The last 12 months have been alarming.”


Adds Ruth Curry of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts: “T he ripple through the scientific community is palpable.”


【7】And it's not just scientists who are taking notice.


Even as nature crosses its tipping points ,the public seems to have reached its own.


For years ,popular skepticism about climatological science stood in the way of addressing the

problem ,but the naysayers-many of whom were on the payroll of energy companies-have become

an increasingly marginalized breed.


In a new TIME/ABC News /Stanford University poll, 85% of respondents agree that global warming probably is happening.

在《时代》周刊、美国广播公司新闻网和斯坦福大学组织的一个民意调查中显示,85%的受访者认为全球变暖可能发Moreover, most respondents say they want some action taken.


?Of those polled, 87% believe the government should either encourage or require lowering of power-plant emissions, and 85% think something should be done to get cars to use less



?Even Evangelical Christans, once one of the most reliable columns in the conservative base, are demanding action, most notably in February, when 86 Christian leaders formed the Evangelical Climate Initiative, demanding that Congress regulate greenhouse gases.


?【8】A collection of new global-warming books is hitting the shelves in response to that

awakening interest ,followed closely by TV and theatrical documentaries .


?The most notable of them is An Inconvenient Truth18 , (非限制性定语从句)due out in May, a profile of former Vice Presiden t Al Gore19 and his climate-change work, which (非限制定语从句)is generating a lot of prerelease buzz over an unlikely topic and an equally unlikely star.



?For all its lack of Hollywood flash, the film compensates by conveying both the hard

science of global warming and Gore?s particular passion.


【9】Such public stirrings are at last getting the attention of politicians and business leaders, who

may not always respond to science but have a keen nose for where votes and profits lie.


State and local lawmakers have started taking action to curb emissions , and m ajor corporations are doing the same.

州和地方议员已经开始采取行动遏制温室气体排放,同时一些大公司也在做着同样的事情。Wal-Mart has begun installing wind turbines on its stores to generate electricity and is talking

about putting solar reflectors over its parking lots.


HSBC, the world?s second largest bank , has pledged to neutralize its carbon output by investing in wind farms and other green projects .



Even president Bush , hardly a favorite of greens , now acknowledges climate change and boasts of the steps he is taking to fight it .


?Most of those steps , however , involve research and voluntary emissions controls ,

not exactly the laws with teeth scientists are

calling for .


【10】1. Is it too late to reverse the changes global warming has wrought?

2. That's still not clear.



3. Reducing our emissions output year to year is hard enough.


4. Getting it low enough so that the atmosphere can heal is a multigenerational commitment.


5. "Ecosystems are usually able to maintain themselves," says Terry Chapin, a biologist and professor of ecology at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks.


6. “But eventually they get pushed to the limit of tolerance.”


□【11】It is fitting, perhaps, (that )as the species causing all the problems, we…re suffering the destruction of our habitat too, and we have experienced that loss in terrible ways.


□Ocean waters have warmed by a full degree Fahrenheit since 1970, and warmer water is like rocket fuel for typhoons and hurricanes.


□Two studies last year found that in the past 35 years the number of Category 4 and 5 hurricane s worldwide has doubled while the wind speed and duration of all hurricanes has jumped 50%.



□Since atmospheric heat is not choosy about the water it warms, tropical storms could start turning up in some decidedly non-tropical places.


□"There's a school of thought that sea surface temperatures are warming up toward Canada," says Greg Holland, senior scientist for NC AR in Boulder. "If so, you're likely to get t ropical cyclones there, but we honestly don't know."

□翻译:“有一种观点认为,海洋表面温度正在变暖趋向于加拿大的气候”,NC AR 在科罗拉多州博尔德的资深科学家格雷戈说。“如果这样的话,你将有可能在那儿面临热带气旋,但是具体情况还不清楚。”

□【12】There are a whole series of things that (定语从句)d emonstrate that (宾语从句)people want to act and want their government to act.


?Krupp and others believe that(宾语从句)we should probably accept that (宾语从句)it?s too late to prevent CO2 concentrations from climbing to 450 p.p.m .


?From there,however,we should be able to stabilize them and start to dial them back down.


?【13】The goal should be attainable.


?Curbing global warming may be an order of magnitude harde r than,say,eradicating

smallpox or putting a man on the moon.


?But is it moral not to try ?


?We did not so much march toward the environmental precipice as drunkenly reel there,

snapping at the scientific scolds who told us we had a problem.



?【14】The scolds, however, knew what they were talking about. In a solar system

crowded with sister worlds that either emerged stillborn like Mercury and V enus or died in infancy like Mars, we’re finally coming up to appreciate the knife-blade margin within life can thrive.




?For more than a century we’ve been monkeying with those margin. It’s long past time

w e set them right.

