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Unit 1 Stay Healthy

Lesson 1: What’s Wrong, Danny?

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

stomach, regret, fever, pale, Sara, examination, pain, X-ray

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) Danny wakes up his parents.

2) I regret eating so many donuts now.

3) Need we go there right now?

4) She takes them to a small examination room.

5) Danny needs to stay in the hospital today.

Language Points:

1. regret


【举例】①Tony has been regretting that matter. 托尼对那件事情一直感到很后悔。②I regret making such a foolish decision. 我后悔做出这么愚蠢的决定。


【举例】His great regret is not seeing his father for the last time. 他最大的遗憾是没有能最后一次见他父亲一面。

2. Danny wakes up his parents. 丹尼把他的父母叫醒了。

【用法】短语wake up意为“叫醒”,这是“动词+副词”短语。这类短语用名词作宾语时,名词可在副词前,也可用在副词后;如用代词作宾语时,代词则必须用在副词前。故这句话中的wake up his parents 还可说为wake his parents up。

【举例】Mum, will you please wake me up at five tomorrow morning? 妈妈,你能在明天早晨五点钟叫醒我吗?

【拓展】wake up也可不带宾语,意为“醒来”。

【举例】That baby suddenly woke up and cried. 那个婴儿突然醒了,然后哭了起来。

3. She takes them to a small examination room. 她带他们去了一个小检查室。

【用法】句式take somebody to…意为“带某人去某地”,介词to后加表示地点的名词或代词。

【举例】My father took me to the zoo last Sunday. 上个星期日我父亲带我去了动物园。

4. Danny needs to stay in the hospital today.


【举例】①They are certain to need help. 他们一定需要帮助。②You don’t need to buy a new computer. 你不必买新计算机。③This machine needs repairing. 这台机器需要维修了。


【举例】She needn’t wait for them. 她不必等他们了。

Lesson 2: A Visit to the Dentist

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

dentist, refuse, toothache, rotten, fortunately, headset, aching, German, wolf

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1)I’m really afraid of going to the dentist.

2)I had no choice but to go with her.

3)She saw right away that I was scared and told me not to worry.

4)Before I knew it, my aching tooth was fixed.

Language Points:

1. refuse


【举例】①We invited him to our party, but he refused. 我邀请他参加我们的聚会,但他拒绝了。②She refused to travel with us. 她拒绝和我们一起去旅行。


【举例】The United States has refused him a visa. 美国拒绝给他发放签证。

2. I’m really afraid of going to the dentist. 我真的害怕去看牙医。

【用法】句式be afraid of 意为“害怕……”,后加名词、代词、动名词作介词of的宾语。

【举例】①My little sister is afraid of cats. 我的小妹妹怕猫。②Tony is afraid of coming out at night. 托尼害怕在晚上出来。

【拓展】句式be afraid to do …意为“害怕做某事”;另,be afraid 后还可加宾语从句,意为“恐怕……”。

【举例】①Danny is afraid to stay at home alone. 丹尼害怕独自呆在家里。②We are afraid that we can’t finish all the work today. 我们恐怕今天不能完成所有的工作。

3. I had no choice but to go with her. 我没有别的选择只有和她一起去了。

【用法】句式have no choice but to do…表示“别无选择只能做……”,注意but后的动词要用不定式形式。

【举例】They had no other choice but to work hard. 他们没有别的选择只有努力工作。

Lesson 3: Good Food, Good Health

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

grain, corn, vitamin, mineral, fiber, protein, bean, Asian, soy, calcium, bone, yogurt, contain,

balanced, diet

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1. They help you grow and stay healthy.

2. They’re made with lots of f resh vegetables.

3. Do we need to balance our diet?

Language Points:

1. corn


【举例】They planted a lot of corns on their farm. 他们在农场上种了很多玉米。

2. Breakfast cereal is also made of different grains. 早餐麦片也是由不同的谷物制成的。

【用法】句中的短语be made of…意思是“由……制成”,通过成品可以看出原材料。

【举例】These tables are all made of wood. 这些桌子都是木头做的。


be made from…“由……制成”,通过成品不能看出原材料。

be made in…“在某地制造”。

be made by somebody “由某人制造”。

be made into…“把……制成”,指把原料制成成品。

【举例】①This kind of paper is made from grass. 这种纸是用草制成的。②That bicycle is made in Tianjin.那辆自行车是天津制造的。③This kite was made by Li Ming.这个风筝是李明做的。④Grapes can be made into wine.葡萄能酿成酒。

2. Calcium makes your bones and teeth strong. 钙能使你的骨骼和牙齿坚固。

【用法】句中的形容词strong用在your bones and teeth后作宾语补足语。动词make后面可以加名词、代词、不带to的不定式、形容词、过去分词等词语构成的复合结构。

【举例】①We made Bill our monitor. 我们选比尔当班长。②The boss makes the workers work long hours every day. 老板迫使工人们每天工作很长时间。③What makes you so happy? 什么事情让你这么高兴?④This made her so frightened. 这件事使他很害怕。

Lesson 4: Don’t Smoke, Please!

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

smoke, harmful, disease, lung, breathe, harm, cigarette, whenever, risk, somebody

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law.

2) Never touch cigarettes.

3) If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking.

4) Once you get into the habit of smoking, it’s not easy to give it up.

Language Points:

1. risk


【举例】Despite such accidents, even more people are taking the risk. 尽管事故频发,但很多人仍然在冒险。


【举例】They risked l osing lives to save that children. 他们冒着生命危险挽救那个孩子。

2. In many countries, smoking in public places is now against the law. 在很多国家,在公


【用法】这句话中的smoking in public places 是动名词短语作主语,此时谓语动词要用单数形式。

【举例】Playing with children is very interesting. 和孩子们在一起玩很有趣。

【用法】介词短语 against the law意为“违背法律”,在句中作表语或定语。

【举例】We can’t do anything against the law. 我们不能做任何违法的事情。

3. If your family members smoke, encourage them to stop smoking. 如果你的家人吸烟,鼓励他们戒烟。

【用法】句式encourage somebody to do something 意为“鼓励某人做某事”,这里用不定式作宾语补足语。

【举例】The teachers always encourage us to study hard. 老师总是鼓励我们努力学习。

【用法】句式 stop doing something 意为“停止做某事”,类似句式stop to do something 则表示“停下来去做某事”。

【举例】It is too late. Please stop playing games. 时间很晚了。请不要玩游戏了。

4. Once you get into the habit of smoking, it’s not easy to give it up. 一旦你养成吸烟的习惯,就不容易戒掉了。

【用法】句式get into the habit of doing…意为“养成或形成……习惯”,介词of后加动名词作宾语。

【举例】His uncle has got into the habit of drinking wine. 他叔叔养成了喝酒的习惯。

Les son 5: Jane’s Lucky Life

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

damage, unable, dare, wheelchair, control, telephone, hers, cheer, kick, disabled, pity

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) She can answer it just by saying “hello”.

2) She likes to watch her eleven-year-old son play soccer.

3) If you only focus on your problems, you’ll have a life full of them.

4) People who don’t know how lucky they are.

Language Points:

1 control


【举例】All the things are back in control. 所有的事情都已在控制之中。


【举例】The young manager controls a large company. 一位年轻的经理管理一家大公司。

2. She can answ er it just by saying “hello”. 她只能通过说“hello”回答它。


【举例】She learns English by reading and speaking. 她通过读和说学英语。

3. She likes to watch her eleven-year-old son play socce r. 她喜欢看她11岁的儿子踢足球。

【用法】句式watch somebody do something 意为“看某人做了某事”,所指动作已经完成。类似句式watch somebody doing something意为“看某人正做某事”,所指动作正在进行。

【举例】I watched her dancing under the tree with her friends. 我看她正在树下和她的朋友们跳舞呢。

4. If you only focus on your problems, you’ll have a life full of them. 如果你只是注意你的问题,你就会过一个充满问题的生活。

【用法】句式focus on意为“注意……,致力于,关注……”,后加名词或代词作宾语。

【举例】We should focus on something important. 我们应该关注一些重要的事情。

Lesson 6: Stay Away from the Hospital

I. Learning aims:

Master the new words:

appendicitis, append ix, sleepy, mention

II. Learning important and difficult points:

1) I slept all day after my appendix was taken out.

2) She told me to drink plenty of water and have a good rest.

3) Fortunately, you and Wang Mei are both getting muc h better now.

4) I think we should try hard to form good habits so that we can stay healthy and stay away from the hospital!

Language Points:

1. sleepy


【举例】①Why are you so sleepy, Danny? 丹尼,你为什么这么困倦呢?②This is a sleepy village,

isn’t it? 这是一个寂静的小村庄,是吗?

2. She told me to drink plenty of water and have a good rest. 她告诉我多喝水并且要好好休息。

【用法】这句话用不定式作宾语补足语,句式tell somebody to do something 意为“告诉某人做某事”;如果表示“告诉某人不要做某事”则用句式tell somebody not to do something。除动词tell外,ask, want, order等也有这种用法。

【举例】①She asked me to help her with her English. 她请我帮她学英语。②The officer ordered the soldiers to lie down. 军官命令士兵们卧倒。③Our teacher wants us to come to school on time. 我们老师要我们按时到校。

3. Fortunately, you and Wang Mei are both getting much better now. 幸运的是,你和王梅现在都好多了。

【用法】比较级前可以用much, even, still, far, a bit, a little, a lot 等词加以修饰。

【举例】①This unit is much easier than that one. 这个单元比那个单元容易得多。②I’m a little taller than she. 我的个子比她的个子稍高一点。③This book is far more interesting than that one.这本书比那本书有趣得多。


Unit 1 Stay Healthy. Lesson 1 What’s wrong, Danny? 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also have the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching Content Lesson 1 is the first lesson in Unit 1, Book 5.This unit focus on the subject staying healthy. Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 1 mainly talks about the story that Danny’s stomach hurts and to see the doctor. It also tells us an old saying: Don’t eat too much, keep healthy. 【知识目标】 (1)Be able to use: stomach, regret doing, have a fever, pale, examination, pardon, take an X-ray. (2)To understand: a. I don’t feel well. b. Don’t worry. The doctor will see you soon. c. It’s going to be OK, son. 【能力目标】 To develop the students’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. 【情感目标】 To encourage the students not to be afraid when they meet some trouble or something difficult. 【教学重点】 (1)To master the important words, phrases and sentences.2·1·c·n·j·y (2)To master the usage of the phrases.


Unit1教案(英文版) Unit 1 The Olympics Lesson 1:Higher, Faster, Stronger Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: modern, gold, record, event, twentieth Oral words and expressions: ancient, Athens, Beamon, medal, shooting, athlete, silver, bronze, sprint Teaching Aims: 1.Learn about the history of Olympics. 2.Encourage the students to work hard for our country.Teaching Important Points: 1.Learn something about the Olympics. 2.Wishes and congratulations. Teaching Difficult Points: Some words and expressions used in the Olympics. Teaching Preparation: some pictures of Olympics Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Show some pictures of Olympics to the class. Let the students say something about the Olympics. Show some new words to the students with the help of the pictures. At the end, introduce the topic of the unit to the class. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a011740435.html,e to “THINK ABOUT IT.” Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions. 1.When were the first Olympics? 2.When did the modern Olympics start? Step4.Now let’s learn how to use the new words. Make some sentences with the new words. Sometimes they can guess the meanings of the new words. Step5. Read the text and find out the words that stand for places, time, medals, sports and events. Places: Greece, Athens, Sydney, Mexico City, Los Angeles Time: ancient, modern, BC (Before Christ), AD Medals: gold, silver, bronze Sports and events: race, sprint (a short race), long jumping, shooting Step6. Discuss the main ideas of the text. Answer the questions in Quick Quiz! Have the students talk about the history, sports and events, and famous athletes of the Olympics.



冀教版九年级英语上五册第一单元第四课教学设计 设计者:甘肃武山城关中学汤小英课题: (Topic) Book 5 Unit1 Lesson4 课时: ( Time ) 第___1___课时 课型: ( Type ) New lesson 教学目标: ( Teaching aim ) 掌握本课的重点词汇: do one’s best , believe, give up 句型: Good luck to sb., make sb. +adj./V., believe/believe in.学唱歌曲Good luck to you 重点与难点: ( Teaching important and difficult points ) Teaching Important Points: 1.Wishes and congratulations. 2.Some language points Teaching Difficult Points:do one‘s best, good luck to you, up and down, believe in 学习方法 : ( Learning methods ) 合作学习小组讨论 教学方法 : ( Teaching methods ) 任务型教学法与交际法 学具与教具 : ( Teaching and learning tools ) 课本,录音机,多媒体板书设计 : ( Blackboard design ) 教学过程 Step1 Step2 Step3 discuss the following questions: 1. Who is the athlete 2. What does he do 3. How many Olympics did he take part in 4. Did he get medals in the Olympics? Step4. Listen to the tape and sing the song together. If they can ‘t follow it play the tape again.


Unit 3Safety Lesson 13 Be Careful, Danny! 1. Analysis of the Students The students of Grade 9 have mastered certain vocabularies,expressions and structures. They also hav e the abilities of self-teaching and working in groups. Most of them are willing to express their opinions in English. 2. Analysis of Teaching C ontent Lesson 13 is the first lesson in Unit 3, Book 5.This unit focus on the subjectsafety.Students cares about the subject because it is close to everyone. Lesson 13 mainly talks about be careful by accident. Enable Ss to use new words: safety, lie, careful, serious, decorate, etc. 【能力目标】 Enable Ss to retell the story about this lesson. 【情感目标】 Be aware of safety when you take an adventure. 【教学重点】 New words: safety, lie, careful, serious, decorate, etc. Phrase: jump up 【教学难点】


Lesson 21: Cookies, Please! Teacher: Cao Juan T eaching Content: Mastery words and expressions: bill, purse, any other, afraid, safe, afford, coin Oral words and expressions: come up to, go over to, That’s too much expensive. I’m afraid I can’t afford it. T eaching Aims: Learn and review some words and expressions in interesting information about real and attempted products. Talk about shopping. T eaching Important Points: The adverbial clause and articles. How to introduce your products to the customers. Teaching Difficult Points: Talk about shopping. Teaching Preparation: pictures and some objiects Teaching Aid: audiotape, flashcards, pictures vedio Type of lesson: new lesson T eaching Procedure: Step 1.Greeting Step2.Lead in .Show something interesting to the students and then ask them : What are they?Do you want them ? Now ,let's go shopping with Danny and Brian. Step3.Listen and choose true or false . 1.On Thursday, Brian and Danny are making their products. 2.Y ou can buy four cookies for 1 dollar. 3.Danny’s products have bags and paper. 4.The girl thinks Danny’s products are safe. Step4Read and answer the following questions: When are Brian and Danny selling their products? Who buy cookies from Brian? Do es anybody buy Danny’s product? Step5. Read the text again and find ind a few useful“shopping”sentences from the reading . Step6.Explain the language points. Analyze the text in details. Encourage them to ask more questions about the text. Such as: What d o you think of Danny’s product? What do you think Brian’s cookies made of? Do you want to make some cookies by yourself/ Step 7.Listen to the tape and let the students imitate after it. At the same time, they must keep silent. Step 8.Do some exercises Step9. Make a new dialogue about going shopping then let the students act out their new dialogue in the class. Ask the students take out something interesting and sell them in the class. What do they want to sell? Who wants to buy? Do they have a deal? Observe if they have any


第一课时Lesson 1 What’s Wrong,Danny? 1.记忆单词stomach,regret,fever,pale,examination,pain,pardon,X-ray;短语和句型: regret doing…,get/have a (high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。 2.掌握重点句型:I don’t feel well.You look pale.You’ll be all right.How are you feeling?I regret eating so many donuts now.You’ve got a high fever,son.Danny’s father gets dressed quickly.I’ve got a pain here.We may need to take an X-ray. 3.能够听懂用情态动词should来讲述句子,并掌握询问“生病”的重要交际用语。 4.通过听力训练、合作、分角色扮演等方式,提高学生的英语听说能力。 5.理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。 1.学习用情态动词should来讲述句子。 2.掌握反意疑问句的用法。 3.学会并能正确使用单词及短语:wake up,hurt,should,need,regret,get dressed。 1.能够正确应用词汇regret,stomach,fever,examination,pale,pain,X-ray,掌握重点短语regret doing…,get/have a (high)fever,get dressed,take an X-ray。 2.能准确应用句型I don’t feel well.You look pale.You’ll be all right.How are you feeling?并运用这些句型听懂课后的听力材料。 StepⅠ.Lead in Leading in 【情景1】 T:Hello,boys and girls.Now you are the ninth graders.Congratulations to you and I will be with you to achieve a great success this year!This week we will learn Unit 1 Stay Healthy.Staying healthy is not only about our physical bodies,it’s also important to exercise our brains by having hobbies and good habits.Today we’ll learn Lesson 1 What’s Wrong,Danny? Show the Think About It questions at the top of Lesson 1 on PPT and help the students talk about them. T:When you don’t feel well,what do you usually do? S1:I stay in bed and have a rest. S2:I drink some hot tea with honey or sugar. S3:I take some medicine. S4:I usually tell my parents and ask them to take me to the hospital. … T:When you don’t feel well,it’s nice to have someone who can take care of you.My husband takes care of me when I’m sick.But if you get really sick,your family members can’t help you.When you get really sick,you should go to the hospital and see a doctor.What does the doctor do? Ss:The doctor checks you,and then gives you medicine to make you feel better. T:That’s right.What is the worst illness you’ve ever had? S1:The worst illness I’ve ever had was the chicken pox.I was very weak and I had a very high fever.My skin was itchy and I always felt tired. T:I see.Did you go to the doctor?How did the doctor help you? S1:The doctor checked my fever and gave me a blood test.And then he gave me some medicine.It helped me get better. T:That’s good.What about you? S2:Pneumonia. T:How did you recover from your illness? S2:I stayed in hospital for several days.Thanks to the doctors and nurses,I soon recovered from my illness. T:That’s good.Can you guess what happens in this lesson? S3:Danny doesn’t feel well so his parents take him to the doctor. T:I think you’re right.Let’s read and find out. [设计意图]教师通过设计几个学生感兴趣的问题导入新课,从而调动了学生们的学习积极性,参与课堂教学活动的热情。

冀教版英语九年级下册Lesson 57 教案

Lesson 57: Best Wishes I. Learning aims: Master the new words: wallet, owner, row, senior II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Did you really think it work, Danny? 2) Be sure to always stay in touch! 3) Though we are going to part, our friendship will always remain. 4) We all have big plans for the future, and I’m confident that we’ll all do very well. Language Points: 1. memory, 【用法】作可数名词,意为“记忆、回忆、记忆力、存储器”,复数形式是memories。 【举例】You can store the information into the memory. 你可以把信息存储在存储器中。 2. Be sure to always stay in touch! 一定要保持联系! 【用法】句式be sure to意为“一定、务必”,后加不定式表示“一定要做某事”。 【举例】Are you sure to come on time next time? 下次你一定能按时来吗? 1

【拓展】句式be sure of则表示“对……有把握”。 【举例】We are quite sure of this exam. 我们对这次考试很有把握。 3. We all have big plans for the future, and I’m confident that we’ll all do very well. 我们都有未来的大计划,并且我相信我们能做好。 【用法】句式be confident 意为“有信心”,在这里加宾语从句。 【举例】She is confident that she can keep up with others. 她相信她能赶上别人。 【拓展】句式be confident of则表示“对……有信心”,后加名词或代词作介词宾语。【举例】Are you confident of yourself? 你对自己有信心吗? 2


Unit 1 Stay Healthy Lesson 1: What’s Wrong, Danny? I. Learning aims: Master the new words: stomach, regret, fever, pale, Sara, examination, pain, X-ray II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Danny wakes up his parents. 2) I regret eating so many donuts now. 3) Need we go there right now? 4) She takes them to a small examination room. 5) Danny needs to stay in the hospital today. Language Points: 1. regret 【用法】作及物动词,意为“对……感到后悔”,后加名词、代词、动名词作宾语。 【举例】①Tony has been regretting that matter. 托尼对那件事情一直感到很后悔。②I regret making such a foolish decision. 我后悔做出这么愚蠢的决定。 【用法】作不可数名词,意为“遗憾、惋惜”。 【举例】His great regret is not seeing his father for the last time. 他最大的遗憾是没有能最后一次见他父亲一面。 2. Danny wakes up his parents. 丹尼把他的父母叫醒了。 【用法】短语wake up意为“叫醒”,这是“动词+副词”短语。这类短语用名词作宾语时,名词可在副词前,也可用在副词后;如用代词作宾语时,代词则必须用在副词前。故这句话中的wake up his parents 还可说为wake his parents up。 【举例】Mum, will you please wake me up at five tomorrow morning? 妈妈,你能在明天早晨五点钟叫醒我吗? 【拓展】wake up也可不带宾语,意为“醒来”。 【举例】That baby suddenly woke up and cried. 那个婴儿突然醒了,然后哭了起来。 3. She takes them to a small examination room. 她带他们去了一个小检查室。 【用法】句式take somebody to…意为“带某人去某地”,介词to后加表示地点的名词或代词。 【举例】My father took me to the zoo last Sunday. 上个星期日我父亲带我去了动物园。 4. Danny needs to stay in the hospital today.


九年级英语组教学工作计划(冀教版) 九年级英语组教学工作计划(冀教版) 本学期,我将担任九年级四,六班的英语教学工作,作为一直从事中学英语教学的我,虽了解到了一些教学教法,但在实际的教育教学中,我深深感觉到教中学英语之难之累,为了能在以后的工作中取得更好的成绩,特做计划如下: 一继续认真学习教学理念,积极运用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式。 “先学后教,当堂训练”是一种教学模式。假期我再一次仔细研读了介绍这种教学模式的材料, 领会了这种模式每一节课主要有三个环节:“先学”“后教”“当堂训练”。三个环节要环环紧扣。而且目标的确定要切实可行, 课上必须能够完成。另外自学指导要有效,就必须明确时间,内容,学习方法,达到的标准,考核的方法及要求。后教并不都是老师讲。 但老师讲是有必要的,教师讲的内容都是学生不会的,急需要讲的。且要做到精讲并讲透。本学期经过认真学习,整个教学模式成竹在胸。 所以运用起来比上学期会更得心应手多了。 二学习教学理念,将认真实行“四清”管理。 本学期,我将继续实行四清管理,面对全体学生,重点是差生。每天自习辅导课,我帮助并清堂清为过关的学生。每周学生自查, 互查后,我们几个同年级同学科的老师带将领课代表班与班对查,并填写周清登记表。另外运用四清,培养优秀生和尖子生,为中考打下坚实的基础 三按照“考改考”的模式认真上好每一节复习课。 首先,老师精心设计好检测题,测试后马上出示答案并了解学情,发现问题,针对问题让学生们更正讨论,学生确实不会的老师要讲清讲透,然后组织学生背记且检查,下一节课又做同类测试题,使学生能够牢固且熟练地掌握所学知识和典型习题。更多的培养优秀生。 四认真研究教学目标和历年中考试题,把握好中考方向。 认真研究近两年的中考试题,狠抓中考重点,把握中考方向,有的放矢的进行备战中考的练习。同时注重培养学生学习及运用知识的能力和应考技巧。从而是学生能够从容应对中考的考验。 五下学期的计划和努力方向。 本学期一定要积极运用“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学模式,学习没有教不好的学生教学理念。熟练掌握“先学后教,当堂训练”的教学方法,从学情出发,积极改革创新,提高课堂教学效率,提高个人素质。通过“四清”管理打牢基础,提高学生素质,争取在明年中考中取的优异的成绩。 2010学年第一学期九年级英语教学计划 一、教学目标 培养学生优良的英语学习兴趣、习惯,帮助学生树立自信心,养成良好的英语学习习惯,提高、发展自主学习的能力,形成有效的学习策略;使学生掌握一定的语言基本知识和技能,有较好的语感,获得初步运用英语的能力,为实际应运打下扎实的基础。同时注重综合能力的开发、提高,培养他们的观察、思维、记忆、想象和创造等方面的能力;让学生了解中西方文化的差异,培养爱国主义精神,增强世界观意识,并结合课外学习,达到教学的最优秀性,培养学生良好的自学能力和习惯,并做到持之以恒,使本年段的英语教学能进一步发展、提高。 在这一学期中,主要培养学生学习英语的兴趣,继续培养学习英语的学习习惯,要很好


Unit 9 Communication Lesson 49: Get Along with Others I. Learning aims: Master the new words: topic, misunderstand, realize, require, satisfy, communicate, exactly, solution, hopeful II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) How do you get along with others in school or at home? 2) Friendship requires good communication.. 3) I guess that people who know how to communicate well with others are happier and more satisfied with their lives. 4) Bad feelings like hate and angry can make you seriously ill. Language Points: 1. require 【用法】作及物动词,意为“要求、需要”,后加名词或代词作宾语。 【举例】If you require more information, you can ask Mr. Zhou. 如果你需要更多的信息,你可以问一下周先生。 【拓展】当用表示物的词语作主语时,require 后加动名词表示“需要被做”,用主动形式表达被动含义,此时它与need 同义。 【举例】This room requires painting. 这个房间需要粉刷了。 2. How do you get along with others in school or at home? 你在学校或家里和他人相处得怎么样? 【用法】句式get along with 与get on with同义,意为“和……相处”或表示“……的进展情况”,如果表示相处融洽或进展顺利要用副词well加以修饰。 【举例】How are you getting on with your work? 你们的工作进展如何? 3. I guess that people who know how to communicate well with others are happier and more satisfied with their lives. 我猜想能与别人很好地交流的人会很幸福并且对他们自己的生活也会更加满意。 【用法】这句话中的I guess 是主句,后面的that people who know how to communicate well with others are happier and more satisfied with their lives 是宾语从句;宾语从句中的主语是people,后面的who know how to communicate well with others又是定语从句,作定语,修饰前面的名词people。句中的句式be satisfied with 与be pleased with 同义,意为“对……感到满意”。 【举例】I think the radio that is made in Shanghai is the best. 我想上海生产的收音机是最好的。 Lesson 50: Tips for Good Communication I. Learning aims: Master the new words: comfortable, interpersonal, passport, proper, listener, truth, waste, promise II. Learning important and difficult points: 1) Make a great effort to do this when you first meet someone new. 2)The main thing is to find a topic you are both interested in. 3)One simple way to show you are a good listener is to make eye contact. 4) If you set a time to meet your friends, do your best to be on time.



Lesson1.What’s wrong,Danny? 备课时间:2015年 8 月 30 日 授课时间:2015年月日 学习目标: 1、能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇; examination,stomach,regret,fever,pale,pain. 2、能了解情态动词should 的用法。 3、理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。 4、学生分角色表演对话。 学习重点: 1、了解课文中的相关的单词和短语。 2、重要句型。 (1)I don’t feel well. (2)You look pale. (3)You will be all right. (4)How are you feeling?. 学习难点: 掌握重要句型。 学习过程: 一、导入: Discuss the following questions: When you don’t feel well .what do you usually do If you don’t feel well ,what shoud you do first 二、自学指导: Listening: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1、What is wrong with the woman 2、 3、Did the medicine help her get well 4、 5、What advice did the man give to the woman 6、 Reading: Read the dialogue and answer the questions 1、Why does Danny wake up his parents early in the morning? 2、What does Danny regret doing? 3、How do they get to the hospital? 4. Why does Dr.Ling ask Danny to stay in the hospital? Finish the task in class orally.


冀教版九年级英语上五册第一单元第四课教学设计 设计者:甘肃武山城关中学汤小英 课题: (Topic)Book 5 Unit1 Lesson4 课时: ( Time ) 第___1___课时 课型: ( Type ) New lesson 教学目标: ( Teaching aim ) 掌握本课的重点词汇: do one’s best , believe, give up 句型: Good luck to sb., make sb. +adj./V., believe/believe in.学唱歌曲Good luck to you 重点与难点: ( Teaching important and difficult points ) Teaching Important Points: 1.Wishes and congratulations. 2.Some language points Teaching Difficult Points:do one…s best, good luck to you, up an d down, believe in 学习方法: ( Learning methods ) 合作学习小组讨论 教学方法: ( Teaching methods ) 任务型教学法与交际法 学具与教具: ( Teaching and learning tools ) 课本,录音机,多媒体 板书设计: ( Blackboard design ) Lesson4 do one’s best believe, give up Good luck to sb. make sb.+ adj./V. believe/believe in 教学过程: ( Teaching procedures ) Step1. Class opening . Greeting with the students each other. Step2. Show some pictures of the champions. Liu Xiang got the gold medal in 110-metre hurdle race. Show the picture to the students. Then let them listen to the Chinese song. Step3. Show more pictures of Chinese athletes to the students and discuss the following questions: 1. Who is the athlete? 2. What does he do? 3. How many Olympics did he


’s wrong,Danny? 备课时间:2015年 8 月 30 日 授课时间:2015年月日 学习目标: 1、能够掌握课标要求的“四会”词汇;examination,stomach,regret,fever,pale,pain. 2、能了解情态动词should 的用法。 3、理解课文意思并能回答课后的问题。 4、学生分角色表演对话。 学习重点: 1、了解课文中的相关的单词和短语。 2、重要句型。 (1)I don’t feel well. (2)You look pale. (3)You will be all right. (4)How are you feeling?. 学习难点: 掌握重要句型。 学习过程: 一、导入: Discuss the following questions: When you don’t feel well .what do you usually do? If you don’t feel well ,what shoud you do first? 二、自学指导: Listening: Listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions: 1、What is wrong with the woman? 2、Did the medicine help her get well? 3、What advice did the man give to the woman? Reading: Read the dialogue and answer the questions 1、Why does Danny wake up his parents early in the morning? 2、What does Danny regret doing? 3、How do they get to the hospital? 4. Why does ask Danny to stay in the hospital? Finish the task in class orally. 三、精讲板书: 知识点一: What is the worst illness you have ever had? Worst 是bad/ill/badly的最高级。 知识点二:It is 3:00 . Danny wakes up his parents. Wake up 意思是“醒来,叫醒某人” Eg;When he is sleeping .Don’t wake him up.
