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Quiz 1

Quiz 1 Unit 1 A letter from a penfriend

Class ________________ Name _________________ Score ______________ I.Words (1’*14)







7.在……期间_________________ 8.最好的____________________







II.Phrases (1’*4)





III.According to the English meaning, write down the words. (one word in each blanket)(1’*18)

1.to have things that are yours =_____________

2.perhaps = ______________

3.be very interested in = ________ ________ ________

4.someone who you write to as a hobby =________________

5.an interest or activity = ______________

6.put inside = _______________

7.wish or goal; a strong wish to do something = ________________

8.in every part of the world = _______ ________ ________ __________

9.near = _________ _________

10.be present at; go to = ____________

11.a person who works with money and numbers = ______________

12.how tall a person or a thing is = ______________












6.反义疑问句:There are no new students in our class, _________ _________? (2’)

V.Grammar (1’*45)


(一) Wh-疑问词: what, where, when, who, which

1. I would like a cup of coffee.

_________ would you like?

2.I was born in Shanghai.

_________ were you born?

3.I want to try on this shirt.

_________ shirt do you want to try on?

4.I have been to America.

_________ have you been?

5.He is my best friend.

_________ is he?

6.She is a physics teacher.

_________ is she?

(二) How疑问词:

1. how: 身体如何; 什么方式

(1) I’m not feeling well.

__________ are you?

(2) We raise money by collecting newspaper.

_________ do you raise money?

(3) I go to school by school bus.

_________ do you go to school?


He is twelve years old.

__________ _________ is he?

3.how many: 多少数量; how much: 多少钱

(1) There are about 30 students in our class.

__________ ___________ students are there in our class?

(2) The sushi costs me 10 yuan.

__________ ___________ does the sushi cost you?

4. 大小:how big(物体大小), how large(空间大小)

(1) My shoes are size large.

__________ __________ are your shoes?

(2) This room is 20 square meters.

__________ __________ is this room?

5.高度:how tall (人,动物,树); how high (其他)

(1) He is 5 feet tall.

_________ _________ is he?

(2) This building is 50 meters high.

__________ __________ is the building?

6. 长度:how far(两地之间的距离from…to…); how long(某物多长)

(1) It’s 3 hours’ drive from Shanghai to Nanjing.

__________ ___________ is it from Shanghai to Nanjing?

(2) This bridge is 300 meters long.

__________ _________ is this bridge?

7. 次数,频率

how often(多久一次,表频率)

how many times (共多少次, 没有’每’的概念)

(1) I play rugby twice a month.

__________ __________ do you play rugby?

(2) I played rugby twice this month.

__________ __________ ___________ did you play rugby?


how soon(多久以内,提问将来时in+时间段)

when (提问时间点)

how long (对完成时, for + 时间段; since+ 时间点提问)

(1) I will go to America in two years.

__________ __________ will you go to America?

(2) I will go to America two years later.

__________ __________ will you go to America?

(3) He has been an actor for 10 years.

___________ __________ has he been an actor?

(4) He has been an actor since 1997.

___________ ___________ has he been an actor?

二.Complete the sentences with a or an.

1I have _________ penfriend called Angela.

2She is ________ European girl, but she lives in China.

3She wants to be _________ architect when she leaves school.

4It takes her _________ hour to travel to school every day.

5His father is _________ university teacher.


数学文化作业答案(全正确答案) 1数学的研究对象是()a,物质b,物质运动c,自然d,以上不是两个学科。只有成功地应用()我们才能成熟数学 3 学习的主题不是物质或物质运动的科学。数学素养对文科学生来说并不重要。正确答案是:× 5。一般来说,数学素养意味着理性思考、仔细思考、验证、简洁、清晰和准确的表达正确答案:√ 6 一个不识字的人可以活,但不会数数的人也可以活正确答案:×7数学文化中的文化指狭隘的文化正确答案:×8 我国第一次提出数学文化是哪一年?数学文化一词最早出现在:1990年0 10年数学文化这门课程被评为XXXX 国家精品课程正确答案:“数学文化”中的× 11文化是指广义的文化正确答案:ì 12以下不是数学文化课。学生获得的是:b,提高数学能力13 以下不是数学文化的侠义意义: A,数学思想b,数学精神c,数学方法d,数学教育 14 数学是一门与其他自然学科处于同一水平的科学正确答案:×15 不同的自然科学可以用于数学研究正确答案:√ 16数学文化中的文化定义更倾向于广义解释。()正确答案:× 17数学文化的研究对象是人正确答案:√ 18“大学生素质与文化教育”一词是什么时候提出来的d,是什么时候第一次建立32 个“大学生素质与文化教育国家基地”c2 0 世纪90 年代,1 XXXX 1999 年的数学素养不包括() A,从数学的角度看问题b,控制问题的因素c,以及理性思维d。

解 决问题的逻辑能力 2 数学素养不是与生俱来的,而是在学习和实践中培养出来的正确答案:√ 3数学训练可以提高一个人的 A,推理能力b,抽象能力c,分析和创造能力d,所有这些都是正确的4企业招聘员工的问题和数学推理往往与正确答案有关:√ 5以下哪一项不是通过学习数学文化获得的? A、理解思想b、激发兴趣c、学习方法d、解决问题方法6 一个人的数学素养水平决定了一个人工作的有效性。正确答案:√ 7数学不仅是一些知识,还是一种素质(素养)正确答案√ 8 该专业的“数学素养”是什么?()b,2: 9以下不是数学文化课的指导思想:c,数学能力10能用数学方法解决现实生活中的问题正确答案√ 11数学文化是一门以简单的数学知识为载体,讲述数学思想、精神、方法和观点的课程正确答案:ì 12目前,社会不重视数学素养正确答案:× 13数学素养是指排除数学知识后剩下的东西正确答案√ 14数学专业不含()C,热力学统计 15数学语言特征不含A,清晰B,严谨C,规范D,杂16数学重要性体现在几个层面C,317数学文化课教学方法不含 A,启发式教学B,讨论式教学C,研究式教学D,实验式教学18 数学不仅是一种重要的工具,也是一种思维方式正确答案:√1 9 数学


Directions:请根据所给释义,选择其所对应的单词或词组 21. be more than a particular number or amount. 考试时的选项顺序 A) oblige B) exceed √C) thrust 原始的选项顺序 A) exceed √B) thrust C) oblige 22. exact, clear and correct A) span B) adequate C) precise √ 答案: C 解析: precise a. exact, clear and correct 精确的;准确的In preparing scientific reports, a student should explain his findings in precise language. 在准备科学报告时,学生应该用精确的语言来解释他的发现。 23. boring and continuing for too long 考试时的选项顺序 A) precise B) tedious √C) dumb 原始的选项顺序 A) tedious √B) dumb C) precise 24. if you are allergic to sth., you do not like it and try to avoid it A) earnest B) allergic √C) adequate 答案: B 解析: allergic a. 1 (be ~ to sth.) (infml.) if you are allergic to sth., you do not like it and try to avoid it 不喜欢某事;对某事反感Most men are allergic to housework. 大多数男人都不喜欢做家务。2 having


注意:本版面只供下载试卷录音用! 要查看试卷打印版,请点这里。 说明: ?由于试卷录音文件有可能很大,所以出于下载可靠性的考虑我们只提供按试卷各个部分 下载录音文件的功能。请点击位于试卷各个部分开头的小喇叭()检查该部分的录音, 点击下载按钮()下载该部分的录音文件。文件的格式为MP3。 ?要打印试卷供学生用,点这里进入打印版页面后请点击网页浏览器的打印按钮打印试卷。 姓名:___________________________ 班级:____________________________ 学号:___________________________ 日期:____________________________ 大学英语2网络自主学习单元测试1 试卷编号:quiz1 考试时间:70 分钟 满分:100 分 注意事项 Part 1 Vocabulary and Structure (Each item: 1) Directions:Choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. 1-5 DABAC 6-10 CAABD 11-15 BACDD 16-20 CACDD 21-25 CCABA 26-30 BAAAB 31-35 DACBA 36-40 DDBCD

41-45 ABDCA 46-50 CDCAB 1.I'd like to take ___D_______ of this opportunity to thank all of you for your efforts. A. profit B. benefit C. occasion D. advantage 2.In copying this paper, be careful not to leave ___A_______ any words. A. out B. alone C. off D. behind 3.When doing the wash, it is important to _____B__ white and colored clothing. A. compare B. separate C. establish D. contrast


泛读还是精读 穿暖花开班孙永萍 “鸟欲起飞先振翅,人欲上进先读书。”读书是获取知识、活跃思维、提高自我的捷径。博览群书总还是要的,读书人喜欢说“腹有诗书气自华”,仔细想想,在人身上真正起作用的,一定是真正读懂、读通、读化了的那几部分。 有人说,应该两者兼顾,所谓博览群书即是要多读书、吸取更多的知识,但在博众的同时,对一些重要的知识或者说是对你将要从事的职业有关的书则要细读、精读,这样才能适应科技时代的发展,并做好、做实自己的本职工作。 我认为,读书还是要精读的好,读书年龄正是年少时,记忆力好,如果能够精读,对精髓的地方反复读,甚至能够诵读,那就终身不忘,到了用时,很自然地就会运用自如,可谓受益匪浅!博众有博众的好处,就是在同样情况下多读书,接受的面大,但是如果你没有过目不忘的本事,时过不久就会忘得一干二净或者基本记不得了,对其中的精髓也不能是一知半解,当用的时候还得重新查找资料。精读虽然慢一些,但收获更大,掌握更牢。 所谓精读就是仔细的读,细细钻研每个字的意思,不会的字要查字典,尤其对于名著,不重要的可使用略读等走马观花式读法,精读可以增加信息量。 精读可以使你与作者同步。当你细细品读的时候,你会发现,你不再是被动地接受知识,而是在和作者一起思考和洞悉事物的本质,

甚至,你是在和作者一起写作。这会让你更清晰地感受到作者的独到之处,也帮你发现作者的不足或欠缺之处。这样,你读一本书,远远超过以普通方式读十本书获取的收益。 精读还可以激发你内心深处的东西。读书的时候别忘了准备一支笔,把精彩的观点或阐述划上线,或把自己的感受随时写下来。因为,看别人观点的同时,实际上是在与作者对话,注意,读书是与作者对话!你不自然地会有一些感悟,把它记录下来非常非常重要。当你养成这种习惯,你会发现你的获取知识的速度会更快,效率会更高,思维会更加活跃。 精读会让你领略到更独特的风光。读书就像是在书海中畅游,那么细读读就像在书海中发现了一座绿意盎然的小岛,你只有俯下身子,进行更深一层的探索,才更能领略到其独特的风光。 读书读得久了,我渐渐发现,人是要读书的,而非什么书都要读,不要注重量,而要注重读书的质量。有些书要常常读,越读越读出其中的味道来。我们不要好高骛远,要铺下身子去真正研究书中的奥妙才行。 要知道书中说些什么,这是比较容易的,然而,你要把书中的财富,变成自己的,那就要费功夫了。总之,既要多而博,又要少而精。


2019年安全知识竞赛题库(正确答案已标出) 本题库主要包括消防安全66题,用电安全20题,安全法律法规15题,反恐安全4题,共计105题;试题类型为单选题。 一、消防安全知识 1.发现火灾要及时报警,报警早、损失小。我国的火灾报警电话是() A.119(正确答案) B.122 C.120 D.911 2.发生火灾后,如何正确报火警() A.讲清着火单位、详细地址、着火物质及火势大小 B.讲清着火单位、详细地址、着火物质及火势大小,是否有人被困,留下报警 人姓名及联系方式(正确答案) C.告知着火方位后迅速挂断电话,返回火场 3.谎报火警是违法行为。谎报火警的,最高可以处()日拘留 A.3 B.5 C.8 D.10(正确答案) 4.发现火灾隐患和消防安全违法行为,可以拨打火灾隐患举报电

话(),向当地消防部门进 行举报 A.96119(正确答案) B.12580 C.12315 D.10086 5.个人损坏、挪用或擅自拆除、停用消防设施、器材,埋压、圈占、遮挡消火栓的,处() 处罚 A.警告或五百元以下罚款(正确答案) B.十日以下行政拘留 C.劳动教养 6.遇到消防车执行灭火或抢险救援任务时,社会车辆及行人应当() A.靠边让行(正确答案) B.穿插其中 C.超越消防车 7.抽烟时应该注意() A.不躺在床上或沙发上吸烟,不乱扔烟头(正确答案) B.只要在床头或茶几上摆上烟灰缸,可以躺在床上或沙发上吸烟 C.烟头已经不冒烟了,可以把烟头扔在纸篓里

8.烟头中心温度可达(),它超过了棉、麻、毛织物、纸张、家具等可燃物的燃点。若乱扔 烟头接触到这些可燃物,容易引发火灾。 A.100-200℃ B.200-300℃ C.700-800℃(正确答案) D.900-1000℃ 9.室内装修装饰不宜采用以下哪类材料() A.聚氨酯泡沫(正确答案) B.石膏板 C.复合木地板 10.用灭火器灭火时,灭火器的喷射口应该对准火焰的() A.上部 B.中部 C.根部(正确答案) 11.用灭火器进行灭火的最佳位置是() A.下风位置 B.离起火点10米以上的位置 C.距离起火点3-5米的上风或侧风位置(正确答案) 12.电熨斗是家庭生活中常用的家用电器。以下哪一项做法是错误的() A.电熨斗不能与其它家用电器合用一个插座,也不要与其它大功


1. When she heard the news of the death of her son in the terrorist attack in New York, the mother broke down and . (Suggested first letter(s): w ) 2. I was determined that I would not or make the parting harder for him, and I managed to say goodbye to him without tears. (Suggested first letter(s): w ) 3. Early signs of a disease are usually , so we very often fail to pay any attention and go to see a doctor in good time. (Suggested first letter(s): unno ) 4. The small question marks could have been made in other ways, and are hardly anyway. (Suggested first letter(s): no ) 5. One quality of American art life is the link between art historical teaching and criticism, which is not so common elsewhere. (Suggested first letter(s): no ) 6. Her explanation for being away was obviously a lie, but he it whole and said nothing. (Suggested first letter(s): sw ) 7. So your pride and prejudice and don't make an enemy of your own friends. (Suggested first letter(s): sw ) 8. Doctors say that since air travelers are in no condition to work after crossing a number of time , they should go straight to bed on arrival. (Suggested first letter(s): zo )


1.《春秋》是根据()历史改编的。鲁国 2.下列说法错误的是:孔子把商朝最重要的典籍做了整理 3.孔子用()区分君子与小人。道德 4.《论语》是四书之一,是记录孔子及弟子言行的书。√ 5.孔子打破了“学在官府”传统,导致只有贵族可以读书× 6.孔子最提倡以()来区分君子与小人。道德 7.信奉鬼神较少的典籍是论语 8.孟子从不以财产和地位区分君子与小人。× 9.《论语》中,“君子”一词出现107次,“小人”一词出现107次。× 10.孙中山革命提出的口号“大同社会”是由儒家思想提升出来的。√ 11.在儒家典籍里()的关系处于核心地位。人与人 12.要想成为君子,下列做法错误的是:自弃 13.怎么才能成为一个君子?下面不包括哪些?要吃亏 14.论语中有句“父母唯其疾之忧”是对()的解释。孝 15.儒家思想认为君子的道德底线是“仁”。√ 16.孔子说“四十不惑,五十而知天命”说的是人到了一定年纪听天由命,不用学习的意思。× 17.“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”是对()的描述。仁 18.“德不孤必有邻”是谁说的? 孔子 19.“居处恭,执事敬,与人忠”解释错误的是:做事不用认真 20.墨家的爱是无差别的,而儒家的爱是有差别分先后顺序的。√ 21.孔子认为所有人认为是好人的人就是好人。× 22.下列说法错误的是: A、史可以通古今之理

B、史在一定程度上具有“经”的作用 C、史的作用在汉朝形成共识 D、在古代《春秋》只是鲁国才有的我的答案:D 23.下列说法错误的是: A、鲁国曾是周公伯禽的封地 B、现在的《春秋》是记录西周和东周的历史 C、孔子编订了《春秋》 D、《春秋》在春秋时期各国都有的一本书我的答案:B 24.下列说法错误的是()。 A、史官在古代是很多官员的统称 B、老子是出身于史官 C、“天人”不是史官的组成系统 D、古代的“卜官”也属于史官我的答案:C 25.《春秋》记录了春秋时期12个国君,242年的历史大事纲要。√ 26.在周朝,卜官和巫官地位上升,而主管作用下降。× 27.《春秋》是中国现存的最早的一部编年体史书。√ 28.下列说法错误的是()。 A、《左传》又称《春秋左氏传》 B、《春秋》的字数比《左传》多 C、《左传》最大的影响是“行人辞令” D、《左传》是研究历史得失,总结教训的我的答案:B 29.现在说的春秋三传不包括:《夹氏传》 30.对《公羊传》和《谷梁传》说法不正确的是:没有谈义例 31.《公羊传》和《谷梁传》在汉代起到非常重要的作用√

Chapter 1 quiz1

Chapter 1: Basic Economic Concepts Chapter Practice Review Quiz 1..What drives the economy? A) goods and services B) wants and needs C) resources D) consumers 2. Which is NOT true of public wants? A) They are widely shared by many. B) Government satisfies public wants C) They are often considered private D) Examples include highways and parks. 3. Which is a name for items people can use to make or obtain what they need or want? A) Resources B) goods C) services D) products 4. Which is true of resources? A) Resources are unlimited. B) Businesses and governments lack resources. C) Insurance and tourism are examples of resources. D) Resources are limited. 4. What should you do before making a decision? A) Determine the pros and cons of alternatives. B) Satisfy your needs and wants. C) Think of another decision you have made. D) Make the best use of limited resources. 5. Which question would best help you evaluate a decision after you put it into effect? A) What resources are available to me? B) What are my needs and wants? C) Would I make the same choice again? D) What is the problem and what are my options? 6. Which is true of both personal and business decisions? A) They should be made independently. B) They should be made without regard for consequences. C) They should consume the most resources available. D) They should be consistent with values and goals. 7. What is a commercial activity that seeks profit by providing goods in exchange for money? A) Profit B) market research C) competition D) a business 8. What is profit? A) commercial activity B) motivation and wealth C) money remaining after costs have been paid D) an opportunity to earn a better living 9. Which is NOT true of businesses? A) They pay taxes and provide jobs. B) The wealth they create benefits the entire community. C) They are rewarded with profits by satisfying consumers. D) They can survive without profits. 10. What is competition? A) a contest to win customers B) the freedom to produce new products C) voluntary exchange D) inexpensive goods and services 12. Which is NOT something a competitive business needs to offer? A) quality products B) discontinued goods C) outstanding service D) good prices 13. What must a business do when developing new products or services? A) evaluate demand B) lend money C) pay taxes D) focus on customer service 14. What is one result of effective market research? A) immediate access to global markets B) immediate access to start-up capital C) information that helps a business identify opportunities D) improved production management 15. What might a business do if its products don't meet consumer's needs? A) consider bankruptcy B) start a new business C) try new selling techniques D) modify its products to satisfy consumers

新视野大学英语3 Quiz1答案.doc

Part 1 Word Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) 小题得分对错我的答案客观 1. justice 2. beneath 3.faithful 4. restrain 5. reconcile 6. disguise 7. weekday 8. merry 9. index 10.whistle Part 2 Understanding Short Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分) 1.B A B A D Part 3 Understanding Long Conversations (每小题: 1 分; 满分:5 分) D A B B A Part 4 Understanding Passages (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) C B C C D C C B A

A Part 5 Compound Dictation (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分) passed passed occupied occupied aware aware prevous previous take up take up advanced advanced recording recording all of the in his dary All of the thoughts that came to mind got put down in his diary when her husband when her husband stopped his habit of leaving his diary around in places she was tempted to open it and see what information she could find inside she was tempted to open it and see what information she could find inside Part 6 Cloze (with four choices provided) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:20 分) reckon set up revolve Much of accomplished preserve build reconcile admitted wreck a few agreeable communicated blossom naturally realistic drained acknowledge pledging customary Part 7 Skimming and Scanning (Multiple Choice + Blank Filling) (每小题: 1 分; 满分:10 分)


课后翻译 L1 1他们下了公交车后,就朝旅馆走去(make one’s way to) They made their way to the hotel after they got off the bus. 2 在我们城市,成千上万的人通过上夜校来学习英语(thousands of) In our city, thousands of people learn English by attending the evening schools. 3 杭州是个美丽的地方,值得一游(worth) Hangzhou is a beautiful place which is worth visiting. 4 当这小孩找不到他母亲时,突然大哭起来 The little child burst into tears when he couldn’t find his mother. 5 不要这样对他讲,你会使他受惊吓的(give a fright) Don’t speak to him like this, or you will give him a fright. 6这位教授写了好几部英语语法书。此外,他还翻译过一些短篇小说(besides) The professor has written quite a few English grammar books. Besides, he has translated some short stories. 7 天开始下起雨来,但他们继续在球场上踢足球(go on) It began to rain, but they went on playing the football on the playground. 8 指挥员神色坚定地说:“我们一定要尽快扑灭森林中的大火。”(with a… look) We must put out the big fire in the forest as soon as possible, said the commander with a determined look on his face. L2 1 孩子们正在认真的听老师讲课(with+ n.) Children are listening to the teacher with great care. 2 从前他们很贫穷以至于常常整天没一点东西吃(hard up) They used to be so hard up before that they have nothing to eat for a whole day. 3 他们在树林里搜寻失踪的女孩(search v.) They are searching the woods for the missing girl. 4 她找合适的套房已经找了好几个月了(search n.) She has been in search of the suitable flat for several months. 5 新轿车太贵了,他买不起。他只买了一辆旧车(afford) The new car is too expensive for him to afford, so he buys an old one. 6 在进行一番长谈后她才知道那个老人其实是她的父亲(in fact) Only after a long chat did she know that the old man was in fact her father.


3.xx用()区分君子与小人。xx 4.《论语》是四书之一,是记录孔子及弟子言行的书。√ 5.孔子打破了“学在官府”传统,导致只有贵族可以读书× 6.孔子最提倡以()来区分君子与小人。道德 7.信奉鬼神较少的典籍是论语 8.孟子从不以财产和地位区分君子与小人。× 9.《论语》中,“君子”一词出现107次,“小人”一词出现107次。× 10.孙中山革命提出的口号“大同社会”是由儒家思想提升出来的。√ 11.在儒家典籍里()的关系处于核心地位。人与人 12.要想成为君子,下列做法错误的是: 自弃 13.怎么才能成为一个君子?下面不包括哪些?要吃亏 14.论语中有句“父母唯其疾之忧”是对()的解释。孝 15.儒家思想认为君子的道德底线是“仁”。√ 16.孔子说“四十不惑,五十而知天命”说的是人到了一定年纪听天由命,不用学习的意思。× 17.“己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人”是对()的描述。仁 18.“德不孤必有邻”是谁说的?xx 19.“居处恭,执事敬,与人忠”解释错误的是: 做事不用认真 20.墨家的爱是无差别的,而儒家的爱是有差别分先后顺序的。√

21.孔子认为所有人认为是好人的人就是好人。× 22.下列说法错误的是: A、xx可以通古今之理 D、在古代《春秋》只是xx才有的我的 答案:D 23.下列说法错误的是: A、xx曾是xx禽的封地 B、现在的《春秋》是记录西周和东周的历史 C、xx编订了《春秋》 D、《春秋》在春秋时期各国都有的一本书我的 答案:B 24.下列说法错误的是()。 A、xx在古代是很多官员的统称 B、老子是出身于xx C、“天人”不是xx的组成系统 D、古代的“xx”也属于xx我的 答案:C 25.《春秋》记录了春秋时期12个国君,242年的历史大事纲要。√ 26.在周朝,卜官和巫官地位上升,而主管作用下降。× 27.《春秋》是中国现存的最早的一部编年体史书。√ 28.下列说法错误的是()。



Part 1 Fill in the Blanks (with the initial letters provided) (每小题:1 分) Directions: Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the help of the first letter(s). Use only ONE word to fill in each blank. 1. I think, like all moderate people, that one step at a time is not a bad thing. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 2. moderate exercise such as walking is the answer for the gentleman to improve his health. (Suggested first letter(s): mod ) 3.This might reflect cultural differences as well as effects due to the type and quantity of food consumed by the mother. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 4. Not only do these factories consume more natural resources, they also produce more pollution. (Suggested first letter(s): cons ) 5.supplement to aid the digestive system. (Suggested first letter(s): supp ) 6.The secretary was looking for other jobs to


英文阅读之如何精读和泛读 在阅读英语材料时或是在考试过程中有很多人感到自己的阅读速度实在是跟不上需要,有些朋友就认为是自己的英语基础不行,然后就拼命的背单词,其实如果能够用正确的方法进行快速阅读训练的话,即使在原有的基础上也可以在阅读速度方面取得显著的提高,更何况很多情况下根本就不是英语基础的问题,而是阅读方法的问题。 1.快速泛读(fast extensive reading) 所谓泛读就是要读得广泛, 读得多; 量一多, 语言现象重现率就高,精读学过的东西肯定能在不同场合反复出现, 达到巩固和娴熟的程度。泛读还可以扩大精读课上所学的内容。比如: 词汇的多种意思; 语法规则的基本用法和各类句子的变化以及长、难句的掌握。在泛读时, 我们要追求的是速度与数量, 不需要经常查字典, 可以按照英国专家柯鲁克的意见, 根据上下文来猜出一些生词的意思。起初你可能猜不对, 但随着这些生词在不同上下文中的反复出现, 他们的意思也就变得越来越清楚了。如果一些生词不是常出现, 他们可能就不重要, 你就不必急着知道他们了。 平时要养成快速泛读的习惯。这里讲的泛读是指广泛阅读大量涉及不同领域的书籍,要求读得快,理解和掌握书中的主要内容就可以了。要确定一个明确的读书定额,定额要结合自己的实际,切实可行,可多可少。例如每天读20页,一个学期以18周计算,就可以读21本中等厚度的书(每本书约120页)。

2.仔细地精读 精读在初学阶段是很重要的, 是基础。它的内容涉及语音、词汇、语法、句型、朗读等。学生的口头、笔头语言能力的提高、词汇的学习和积累、语音、语法知识的掌握都有赖于精读, 精读还为学习者以后的发展打下了牢固的语言基础, 培养了良好的学习习惯和独立分析问题、解决问题的能力。因此, 精读课在英语学习中是任何别的课程都不能取代的。 精读课千万不能上成语法课和查字典课, 否则对学生将有害无益。精读毕竟还是要读, 只不过是读得精一些, 细一些。有些人把精读课文看成是学好英语的唯一方法, 把大部分(甚至全部)英语学习的时间都用在课文上, 认为学好了课文就学好了英语。有些教师一节课将大量时间花在讲词汇、语法上, 一个单词举七八个例句, 分析每个句子的成分, 这样一节课下来, 恐怕只能讲一、两个自然段,而且这样一来, 你可能理解了这一段的每个词了,但没有从整体上抓住这个段落的主旨大意, 如果精读进行到如此缓慢的地步。那就正如英国专家柯鲁克所说的那样“精读是只见树木, 不见森林”了。相反, 如果读得快一些, 就能使你强迫自己集中精力, 抓住要点, 这样就会对阅读的材料理解得更好一些。 精读跟泛读组成一个综合的学习体系,无论是精读还是泛读都应该有技巧地、循序渐进地进行学习。


风险管理知识试题 一、单项选择题 1、风险监管员依法依规( A ),不受其他任何人指使和干预,不得对其个人下达存贷款等业务营销任务,但工作作息时间要严格遵守信用社的相关规定。 A.独立开展工作 B.协同其他业务人员共同开展工作 C.监督其他业务人员开展工作 D.辅助主任开展工作 2、风险监管员( B )参加对派驻信用社的现金、重要空白凭证、有价单证等重要物品查库。 A.每一周一次 B.每两周一次 C.每月一次 D.每月两次 3、风险监管员须按( B )对银企对账情况逐笔进行核对,保证对账真实有效,核对无误后应在银企对账单上签字确认,并将对账中发现的异常情况及时上报县联社风险管理部。 A.半月 B.月 C.季 D.半年 4、审查贷款资料应根据借款人种类不同,进行差异化审查,重点审查农户、非农户贷款材料的(C)。 A.合法性、合规性 B.真实性、完整性 C.完整性、合规性 D.合法性、完整性 5、险监管员须按月对银企对账情况逐笔进行核对,保证对账真实有效,核对无误后应在( B )上签字确认,并将对账中发现的异常情况及时上报县联社风险管理部。 A.对账登记簿 B.银企对账单 C.开户资料 D.风险监管专有对账登记簿 6、风险监管员聘任期为( A ),到期根据其工作实际履职情况决定续聘或者解聘。 A.1年

C.3年 D.5年 7、风险监管员负责信贷业务重要环节操作,参与派驻社查库和( A )。 A.核对银企对账 B.贷前调查 C.贷款审批 D.贷款授信 8、符合借款条件的聋哑人,风险监管员可将标准问题打印在A4纸上,由借款人( B )回答提问。 A.手语 B.手写 C.手指 D.别人代替回答 9、信贷合同由借款合同和担保合同组成,( D )是主合同,担保合同是从合同,主、从合同必须相互衔接。 A.担保合同 B.联保合同 C.抵押合同 D.借款合同 10、风险监管员采集担保类贷款影像声信息时,有多个担保人的可以参照( B )贷款录制方式。 A.保证 B.联保 C.农户 D.担保 11、银企对账出现重大问题是指除正常的未达账项等原因外,( B )和余额出现重大或多处不一致等情形。 A.明细表 B.银企对账明细 C.出账单 D.对账单 12、影像声回放检验。影像声采集后风险监管员要及时回放检验,如录制效果不符合规定应( A )。 A.重新录制。 B.及时上报 C.备案登记 D.删除文件 13、对于个人和农户贷款中,不需办理( B )登记的,直接进入打印放款通知书环节。 A.保证 B.抵(质)押 C.联保


Quiz 1 1. Long before European settlers arrived in North America, Asians, known as the ancestors of American Indians or Native Americans, had been living there for thousands of years. 2. America was rediscovered by Christopher Columbus in 1492. 3. The early Puritans who arrived in New England in 1620 on a ship called the Mayflower were called the Pilgrim Fathers. 4. Puritanism as a cultural heritage exerted great influence over American moral values and American literature. 5. American Puritans accepted as their theological foundation the Calvinistic doctrine of predestination, original sin, total depravity, and salvation of a selected few through a special infusion of grace from God. 6. For its early colonial years American literature reflected the settlement and growth of the American colonies, largely through diaries, travel books, letters, journals, sermons, and histories. 7. Anne Bradstreet is the first female poet in North America. 8. George Washington is the Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army in the War of Independence against the British colonial rule and the first President of the United States. 9. Thomas Jefferson is the chief author of the Declaration of Independence and the third President of the United States. 10. Benjamin Franklin did an experiment with a kite to prove that lightning was electricity; 11. The revolutionary period of the American literature is called the age of revolution, as well as the Age of Reason because of the American Enlightenment. 12. Benjamin Franklin summarized 13 virtues as a project of arriving at moral perfection in his work The Autobiography. Quiz 2 (Week 8): The Literature of the Romantic Period 1.The Romantic Period in American Literature started with the publication of___B___. A.Washington Irving’s Tales of A Traveler B.Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book C.Whitman’s Leaves of Grass D.James Fenimore Cooper’s Leather Stocking Tales 2. Rip Van Winkle is a short story written by__A___. A.Washington Irving B. James Fenimore Cooper C.Edgar Allan Poe D.Mark Twain 3.“The American Renaissance”is the period of__C__in the history of American literature. A.Local Colorism B.Colonism C. Romanticism D. New England Transcendentalism 4. Which of the following features of American Romanticism is different from that of British Romanticism?B A. Expression of the artist’s imaginations, emotions, impressions, or beliefs. B. A strong sense of optimism and the mood of “feeling good” of the whole nation. C. Love for the remote, supernatural, mysterious, exotic and illogical quality of things. D. To see nature as a source of mental cleanness and spiritual understanding. 5. The Publication of ___D___established Emerson as the most eloquent spokesman of New England Transcendentalism. A. Self-Reliance B.The Over-Soul C.The American Scholar D. Nature 6. In 1837, Ralph Waldo Emerson made a speech entitled ____C___at Harvard, which was hailed by
