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A Study on Task-Based Language Teaching

Name: 黄雪雅 Class: 英师五班 Student number: 20140201134 1.Abstract

This essay mainly include the summarization of the chapter 18, description of a teaching case and my personal reflection. The summarization of the chapter 18 is divided into the background, approach, procedure and its conclusion. And the

description of the teaching case, I will analyze it from my perspective.

Keywords: TBLT; language; learning

2.Summarization of the chapter 18

2.1.Background of Task-Based Language Teaching

TBLT is an approach based on the use of tasks which is as the core unit of designing and instruction in language about from the 1980s. Some linguists thought it is the development of Communicative Language Teaching because TBLT adopt several principals of CLT, such as involving real communication, carrying out meaningful tasks in learning, using the students’ understandable words to teach and so on.

Two early applications of a task-based approach for language teaching were the Malaysian Communicational Syllabus (1975) and the Bangalore Project (Beretta and Davies 1985; Prabhu 1987; Beretta 1990), but both of them were shortly-lived. However, the role of tasks was researched in the second language acquisition and researchers thought tasks as SLA tools in the mid-1980s.

Researchers found that tasks-based activities were much better than form-focused ones. Tasks required students to negotiate meaning and engage in naturalistic and meaningful communication.

Feez summarized the key assumptions of task-based instruction. In his theory, task-based focused more on process, communication, meaning, interacting communicatively and purposefully, real context, specific pedagogical purpose, task sequences and difficulties.

The use of tasks as a unit in curriculum planning was in the vocational training practices of the 1950s. Task analysis initially focused on solo psychomotor tasks and little communication or collaboration. Although task analysis and instructional design initially dealt with solo job performance on manual tasks, attention then turned to team tasks. Orientation functions, organization functions, adaptation functions and motivational functions were recognized into four major categories. Following the nature of occupational tasks, academic tasks have been

the focus of considerable attention in general since the early 1970s.


TBLT is motivated primarily by a theory of learning rather than a theory of language. TBLT is not linked to a single model of language but rather draws on structural, functional and interactional models of language theory. The majority of tasks within TBLT involve conversation and many task-based proposal incorporate the vocabulary central perspective. TBLT is a “strong” version of CLT, it is from beginning to the end of the class and focus more on the text and information. And, TBLT is a meaning-based approach with semi-control activities.

Tasks provide full opportunities for both input and output requirements, which are believed as the key processes in language learning. Tasks are also believed to foster processes of negotiation, modification, rephrasing, and experimentation which are the heart of second language learning. Tasks can improve the learners’ motivation. Besides, specific tasks can be designed to facilitate the use and learning of particular aspects of language.

There are few published examples language programs that claim to be fully based on most recent formulations of TBLT. The goals in TBLT are ideally to be decided by the specific need of different learners and the selection of tasks should be based on the real-word needs of learners.

There are many differences between a conventional language syllabus and a task-based one, including language structure, functions etc.. These specifies content and learning outcomes can be used as a basis for classroom teaching and the design of teaching materials. But the proponents of TBLT are more concerned with the process dimension of learning. Nunan divided the tasks into two types, one is real-world tasks, and the others is pedagogical tasks. However, both types of them were used in the Bangalore Project. And many linguists thought the real-world tasks should be grouped according to themes. It is hard to decide the order of tasks, the basis for a TBLT syllabus, because we have to according to the difficulties of the tasks to decide it, but the definition of difficulty are also hard to be determined.

There are many different views of what constitutes a task. Among them, Breen thought that a language learning task can be regarded as a springboard for learning work. And it is a structured plan for providing opportunities for refinement of knowledge and capabilities entailed in a new language. Besides, a simple and brief exercise is a task. In the meanwhile, Prahu said “a task was an activity which required learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought, and which allow teachers to control and regulate that process” (Prahu 1987:17). Crookes believed that a task was a work

or an activity with a specified goal. As for the types of the tasks, Willis labeled them as follows: listing, ordering and sorting, comparing and so on. Pica. Kanage, and Falodum (1993) classify tasks. They were jigsaw tasks, information-gap tasks, problem-solving tasks, decision-making tasks and opinion exchange tasks. Other characteristics of tasks had been described, they were one-way or two-way, convergent or divergent and so on.

There may be some overlap between the TBI and CLT, but the primary learner roles that are implied by task work are group participant, monitor, risk-taker and innovator. As for the teacher roles, they are selector and sequencer of tasks, preparing learners for tasks and consciousness-raising. The role of instructional materials, they are pedagogic materials and realia. And through newspaper, television and internet, we can build the types of tasks.


In chapter18, the author first gave an example of Japanese college students how to learn English with TBLT. Then the author gave two examples of the procedure of TBLT. The first one included pretask activities, the task activity and posttask activities. The learners can know what to read, listen and write according to the introductory of the task by variety of activities. Then, they can read some dialogue on a related topic. Learners also should perform and negotiate the task in pairs or in groups. In this part, the last thing to do is to compare the differences between them and the native speakers and analyze themselves and get improvement. The second example contained pretask, the task cycle, analysis and the language focus.

Among the task cycle, there are also task, planning, report, and posttask listening.

In the language focus, there are analysis and practice.


At that time, there were still some doubts on the TBLT, but TBLT also offered a different rationale for the use of tasks. Besides, although TBLT have been justified, it was better than those approaches which was not wedded to the theoretical framework. And TBLT provided more effective basis for teaching than other language teaching approaches.

3.The Description of A Teaching Case

The writer chose a teaching case from Unit3, What’s your favorite food, 5 grade, PEP version, in Guiping city.

Step 1 Warm Up

At the beginning of the class, teacher greeted with the class and asked a question “How many kinds of food do you know”. Then, the teacher showed them a video

which was made by the teacher himself and asked them how many fruits the monkey had in the video.

Step 2 Lead In

The teacher took out somethings or pictures, like apples, pears and others, asking students to say their Chinese names.

Step 3 Presentation

According to the way of leading in, the teacher also used some things and pictures to teach new vocabularies: fork, tofu, mutton, etc.. Then, they had a game, guessing riddles. For example: It is a green kind of bean. (green bean) Riddles were made by students themselves and they had to show their riddles and guess other’s. If they answered correctly, they would a prize. Students would be grouped, and had a spelling exercise and competition by groups. For example: the teacher or students showed a picture or thing, then asked What’s this and saw which group would be the first one to answer it. At the last this part, the teacher would choose the champion group.

Step 4 Practices

In this part, students would practice this sentence: What would you like for lunch?

I’d like …. They also had a conversation practice with their desk mate. For example: A: What would you like for lunch?

B: I’d like some eggplant, please.

C: What would you like for lunch?

D:I’d like some green beans, please.

Step 5 Consolidation

The teacher would give a situation, and students had to create a performance. After their performances, the teacher would analyze them and take scores. At last, the teacher would conclude this lesson and ask what students learned that day.

Step 6 Homework

In this part, the teacher would arrange a homework about reviewing the new words and making a food list for their family.

4.Critical Reflection

From my point of view, some parts of this teaching case make good use of the TBLT, such as asking students to make conversations and performances. The teacher showed a video to students, which could motivate students’ interests of this lesson. They would feel more interesting. Then, the teacher took out some real things, that students can feel the reality and know these knowledges were really related to our real-world. Next part is to have a guessing riddles game. In this game, students could learn the meanings of the words and have the better understanding

of it. It was good way to help students to remember the new words and the features of them. The game also can improve their enthusiasm in learning new words. In practices part, students were required to practice the sentence patterns with their desk mate. This activity can help students to be more familiar with the sentence patterns. As for the consolidation part, students were asked to create a situation and perform. In this part, students’ imagination could be cultivated. And this performance was related to the real world, and the students could perform according to their daily life naturally. At last, there was a homework assignment. Students could solidify what they learned in that class and had better understand of it.

However, every coin has two sides, and there are some disadvantages in this teaching design. Firstly, there are some overlap between Warm Up and Lead In. And these two parts use too much time of this class. I think these two part can be shortened a little and be integrated. Besides, in the activities of this class, the teacher have to control the discipline of the class, because the fifth grader are still naughty, the teacher should hold the overall situation. During the practice and discussion part, the teacher should observe the reaction of students to better deal with the following situation.








[6]Richards, J.C., Rodgers T.S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, Second Edition, 2015.9

[7]https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a05190532.html,/thread-220435-1-1.html (Accessed 30 May 2016)



语言教学的流派(第2版)(当代国外语言学与应用语言学文库) (Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching) Preface xxxiii Part I Major trends in twentieth-century language teaching 1 1 A Brief History of Language Teaching 3 2 The Nature of Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 18 3 The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching 36 4 The Audiolingual Method 50 Part II Alternative approaches and methods 71 5 Total Physical Response 73 6 The Silent Way 81 7 Community Language Learning 90 8 Suggestopedia 1 00 9 Whole Language 108 1 0 Multiple Intelligences 115 11 Neurolinguistic Programming 125 12 The Lexical Approach 132 13 Competency—Based Language Teaching 141 Part III Current communicative approaches 151 14 Communicative Language Teaching 153 15 The Natural Approach 178 16 Cooperative Language Learning 192 17 Content—Based Instruction 204 18 Task—Based Language Teaching 223 19 The Post-methods Era 244


四、第二语言教学法主要流派 (一)语法翻译法 ①时间:18世纪末②代表人物:[德]奥伦多夫③言学理论基础:机械语言学或历史比较语言学认为所有语言同出一派 ④心理学理论基础:官能心理学或联想心理学 官能心理学:认为心理的各种官能可分别加以训练例如:记忆、思考、概括…… 联想心理学:把一切心理活动看成是各种感觉或观念的集合。心理活动主要依靠联想的力量来实现。例如:记忆单词依靠和母语的联系⑤主要特点:A.以语法为纲,教授系统的语法知识B.课堂教学使用学生的母语,教学法以翻译为主C.注重书面语的教学,轻视口语D.教授所谓的“规范”语言,重视使用所谓经典的“名著”“原著” ⑥成就:A.强调母语教学的理论B.强调发展学生的智力,学生语法知识扎实C.由于注重书面语教学,学生的阅读水平和能力比较高D.对教师本身的口语要求不高,该教学法使用方便 ⑦缺点: A.忽视言语交际技能,尤其是听说能力的培养B.过分依赖学生的母语和翻译的手段,无法培养用目的语思维的习惯和能力C.过分强调语法的重要性,教学内容枯燥乏味或深奥难懂 (二)直接法(改革法、自然法) 针对“语法——翻译法”“直接”:用目的语教授目的语 又称“自然法”,主张仿照幼儿学习母语的自然过程来设计第二语言教学过程 直接法是作为语法——翻译法的对立物在西欧出现的,代表人物是贝立兹。(01填空) 直接法主张在外语教学中完全不使用学生的母语(02选择) 直接法的“直接”指直接用目的语教授目的语(03选择) 直接法的优点之一是有利于学生外语思维和语言能力的培养(00选择) ①时间:19世纪后半叶西欧 ②代表人物:[德]贝立兹 [法]古安 [英]帕莫·艾盖尔特 ③心理学基础:联结主义心理学强调语言与客体的直接连接 ④特点:A.在语言和外界事物或经验之间建立起直接的联系,在教学过程中不使用学生的母语B.以口语为基础(与语法——翻译法针锋相对)C.句本位,以句子为基本的教学单位D.以模仿为主 E.用归纳法教授语法规则先操练,后归纳 ⑤优点: A.打破语法——翻译法一统天下的局面,开创了新路子B.利用直观手段(实物、图片等)进行教学,有利于调动学生积极性C.注重口语教学,有利于培养学生的言语能力D.不使用学生母语,有利于培养学生用目的语思维的能力 ⑥缺点: A.把幼儿习得母语和成人学习第二语言混为一谈是不对的B.完全摒弃学生母语,忽视其积极意义,有时反而影响学生对目的语的理解C.过分强调模仿、重复,不符合成年人需要适当给出规则的学习方式 D.对读写能力的培养不够重视 (三)听说法(结构法、句型法) 时间:20世纪四、五十年代二战时美国训练士兵所用方法 外语教学听说法产生于美国,其语言学基础是结构主义语言学(96选择) ②代表人物:[美]弗里斯埃比拉多 ③语言学基础:结构主义语言学强调先搞清语言的结构 ④心理学基础:行为主义心理学刺激——反应——强化 听说法的心理学理论依据是行为主义心理学,这种心理学理论的创始人是华生(98选择) ⑤特点:A.听说领先,读写跟上B.反复实践,养成习惯C.以句型为中心进行训练强调以句型为中心反复进行操练的教学法是听说法(01选择) D.排斥或限制使用母语(不完全排斥) E.大量使用现代化教学技术手段如:录音、语音实验室、视听设备等 F.注重语言结构的对比,找出学习的难点,确定学习的重点 G.有错必纠 ⑥优点: A.以句型作为第二语言教学的中心,并建立了一套培养语言习惯的练习体系 B.充分利用对比分析的方法,找出教学的难点和重点 C.不完全摒弃学生母语克服了直接法的某些片面性


英语教学法主要流派 常见术语:Method, Approach, Design, Procedure, Technique 一、语法翻译法 1、语法翻译法是一种通过学习语法规则和词汇,并且按照规则用本国语和目的语进行互译来教授语言的方法。 2、教学过程 阅读/朗读——句子翻译——讲解语法/语言点——书面回答——理解性问题 3、原则和技巧 原则:(1)书面语重要,重视写作和阅读 (2)熟记语法规则和单词 (3)教师的绝对权威 (4)本族语的中介作用 技巧:(1)书面翻译/互译 (2)阅读理解性问答 (3)演绎法讲解语法规则 (4)填空、背诵、造句、作文等 4、评价: (1)使用方便 (2)学习语言知识多于语言技能掌握 (3)改良式的语法翻译法:弥补口语的听说训练、重视交际能力的培养、重视调动学生学习的主动性。 二、直接法 1、直接法是一种通过实物、图画、动作、表情等手段把外语和其对应的意思直接联系,从而达到直接理解和直接应用的外语教学法。 2、教学步骤 用目的语讲解——提问——回答 用归纳法教语法:例子——总结规则——巩固性练习——听写练习 3、原则与技巧 原则:(1)先听说后书面语言 (2)通过有意义的上下文来学习单词和句子 (3)禁止使用本族语翻译 (4)自我更正来促进语言学习 技巧:大声朗读、问答练习、自我更正、会话、填空、听写段落、画图讲解、实物演示等。 4、评价:(1)强调语言实践和运用,有利于听说 (2)学习用外语思考,重视语言的交际作用 (3)排斥本国语,有时花费很长的时间来解释,或者解释不清楚 (4)对教师口语、教学技能要求高 三、听说法 1、听说法是一种运用句型操练形式学习外语的方法。其理论基础为结构主义语言学和行为主义心理学。 2、教学步骤 听外语对话——模仿——纠正语音语调——逐句背诵——对话练习——看书面材料——语法点归纳——替换/回答练习 3、原则与技巧


Nunan将任务定义为指导学生在学习目的语的过程中领悟、使用、输出语言和互动的课堂交际活动,它重点关注的是意义,而非语言形式。任务为语言学习和使用提供了一个目的,而不再是单纯地学习一门语言。 在大量文献资料中对任务的定义,产生了三个共同特性:一、任务具有较为明确的目标指向,比如说画一幅地图或者预订一家旅馆;二、输入材料,关于如何画画的指令或者一份旅馆的广告宣传;三、一个及以上的相关活动或程序,如基于广告提供的信息来决定预订哪一家旅馆。 任务型教学法是从20世纪80年代逐渐发展起来,现在任务型教学法已在第二语言教学大纲设计和二语习得研究中广泛应用。因为任务特别是小组合作能促进自然地学习与交流,催化习得过程,这种方式与交际教学法更为契合。 任务型教学会根据教学方面的因素来分类,也就是说他们有效建立课堂互动过程和产生协商交流的能力;此外还会依据心理学的因素来分类,也就是刺激内部习得教工过程的潜能。在目标任务、真实任务以及课堂任务之间也产生了区别。 一项在语言教学中被广泛使用的任务就是信息差任务。信息差任务也就是一位参与者持有另一位参与者所不知道的信息,而必须通过互换信息来完成任务。“找出不同点”是一个典型的信息差任务,参与者会得到一些类似却有略微不同的图片,在不看别人图片的情况下,所有人在找出不同点上达成一致。 另一项交际性任务是问题解决任务,比如说,提供参与者线索并要求他们做出解释直到最终解决问题。决策任务是期望参与者在所提供的结果中选择一个结果。还有一些别的任务例如拼图、角色扮演、模拟、口头讨论和设计任务。 在任务设计方面存在的一个问题就是如何在选择和界定目标时找到一个清晰的标准。这是因为有诸多因素对任务产生干扰,包括任务的认知困难,学习者需要加工和产生的语言的数量,执行任务时产生的心理压力,时间压力以及所涉及的知识背景的数量和类型。 比如说,“找出不同点”只要求学生建立一个存在或不存在(未描述的)的项目,这个要求显然比需要精确描述的要求来的低。同样的,加工处理一段包括标题,副标题,照片,图画、图表、曲线图等的内容显然比加工处理一段没有任何前后文联系的文章来的容易。 二语习得研究表明有一些任务比其余的更有利于学习者的语言发展,例如,双向任务即在交互过程中每一个参与者都拥有信息来提供交换,这种方法比单向任务(一个参与者提供信息,另一个参与者仅对给出的信息产生反馈)更为有效。汇总型任务(一个加过必须进行商定统一)比分散型任务(接受来自参与者的不同观点)能产生更多的言语。 另一个根据任务结构的难度和复杂性的划分包括前任务和后任务活动的结合,为学习者提供视觉支持和任务框架。任务设计的突出点包括真实的文本和活动以及语言技能的整合。各类任务提供了三种不同的基本的教学大纲类型:过程、程序和任务。 不管任务型教学大纲的简短历史,任务型教学在产生刺激性的教学材料上有很大的影响力,而且从根本观念上改变了25年前所以为的好的教学实践活动。


第二语言教学法流派简介 第二语教学法流派 ?第二语教学法流派很多,有几十种,这里重点介绍以下几种。 语法——翻译法 直接法 听说法 认知法 功能法(交际法) 1、语法翻译法 ⑴产生背景 ⑵基本特点 ⑶分析评价 ⑷应用提示 ⑴产生背景 发展线索 古代拉丁语的教学——中世纪的古典语言教学,16世纪开始现代语言取代拉丁语,到18世纪末,现代语言(英语、法语)已经进入教育主流。 代表人物 18世纪末19世纪初,德国语言学家,奥伦多夫(H.Ollendorff)对这种方法进行了理论上的阐述和总结,使之成为第二语言教学法体系。 普洛茨(1819-1881)推行语法翻译法教学的重要人物(教师) 相关理论: 历史比较语言学 心理学基础——18世纪德国的官能心理学 ?⑵基本特点 ?以理解书面语、培养阅读能力和写作能力为主要目标,不重视口语和听力; ?以系统的语法知识为主要内容,教学采用演绎的方法; ?词汇的选择由内容决定,对译生词表; ?用母语教学,翻译是主要教学手段; ?强调学习规范的书面语,注重原文,阅读名著。 ?⑶分析评价 ?积极方面: ?创建了翻译的教学形式; ?注重语法规则; ?注重阅读,注重语料的规范性。 ?局限: ?重语言知识而忽视语言运用; ?过分依赖母语; ?教学方式单一; ?忽视听说训练。 ?⑷应用提示 ?两个基本点: ?①以启发学生的目的语认知为出发点; ?②根据教学环境、对象、内容等选取合适的方式。

?在第二语言课堂上,教师容易陷入过多使用母语或媒介语的误区,而作为一个第二 语言教师,在课堂上说目的语,则永远不会多余! ?2、直接法(自然法) ?⑴产生背景 ?⑵相关理论 ?⑶基本原则 ?⑷训练方法 ?⑸分析评价 ?直接法就是直接用外语教外语,不用学生的母语,不用翻译,也不重视形式语法。 ?⑴产生背景 ?语言教师进行第二语言教学的新尝试,法国语言教育家古安(F.Gouin)(或称戈恩) 创造“序列教学法”。 ?德国教育家贝力子(M.D.Berlitz)一生主要在美国,因创建贝力子外语学院采用直 接法而闻名。 ?⑵相关理论 ?语言学 ?当时发展起来的语音学为直接法的创立和发展提供了语言学的基础。1886年国际语 音协会成立,公布了国际音标提出了第二语言教学的新原则。 ?心理学——联想主义心理学 ?理念:在语言行为中起重要作用的是感觉而不是思维,注重联想,形象化的作用, 通过感觉学习。并认为最强的感觉是由声音引起的。 ?⑶基本原则 ?直接联系:客观事物与第二语言教学直接联系 ?以模仿为主:通过大量感性材料灌输感性认识,再归纳 ?以口语为基础:从听说入门,重视语音教学 ?以句子为基本的教学单位 ?教授当代通用语言 ?⑷训练方法 ?实物法(名词类) ?动作启发法(表演法) ?环境制造(情景再现) ?重复法:模仿、重复、领会 ?词语拓展法 ?⑸分析评价 ?积极方面: 重视活的语言,重视实用性; 尝试建立第二语言教学的直接联系; 教法生动活泼; 为母语不同的教学对象的教学提供了可行方式。 ?局限: 推广受到限制,成功与否取决于教师的技巧; 教学条件有要求;小班授课效果较好; 完全排斥母语,有时“舍近求远”甚至于完全误导;


专题七任务型外语教学法 任务型教学法是在20世纪80年代交际法广被采纳的历史背景下产生的。意念功能大纲成为当时普遍应用的标准大纲,而传统的3P程序则是相当流行的教学模式。任务型教学法正是在批判结构大纲、意念功能大纲以及3P程序教学模式的基础上创立起来的。其理论基础主要交际法教学理论,以及第二语言习得理论等。 一、任务型教学法的形成 (一)任务型教学法的兴起 任务型教学法认为,语言教学中一直存在语言形式和语言意义之间的矛盾、发展语言系统和发展语言交际能力之间的矛盾、课堂语言教学与自然习得语言之间的矛盾、提高语言流利性和准确性与任务复杂性之间的矛盾,而通过合理设计和成功完成任务可以使这些矛盾得到改善。 任务型教学法的研究开始于20世纪80年代。普拉布(Prahbu)在印度南部的班加罗尔(Bangalore)进行的一项强交际法理论的实验,提出了把学习内容设计成各种课堂教学的交际任务,让学生通过任务进行学习的一系列观点。他将任务界定为让学生思考所给的大信息,并从中得出结论的一种活动,这种活动使学生对自己的思考过程进行调控。他把活动分成四种类型:规则中心活动、形式中心活动、目标中心活动和意义中心活动。意义中心活动是任务型教学最重视的活动,因为这种活动使学生在有意义的学习活动中潜意识地内化了语言系统。这与克拉申的自然习得理论不谋而合。 班加罗尔实验是任务型教学法的雏形。第一,在教学内容的选择上,该实验放弃了传统的结构大纲以及交际法采用的意念一功能大纲,而采用任务组成的程序大纲,为学习者提供在课堂上的交际任务。普拉布认为他的大纲说明的是“课堂上要做什么而不是要学习哪一部分内容的问题”。第二,普拉布识别了信息差、意见差、推理差三种类型的任务,使交际活动有了明显得目的性,并把学习者的注意力吸引到完成任务上。这里的任务具有意义第一性,与学生的生活相关,有交际的问题要解决等基本特点。第三,反对语言形式的讲解。语法教学借助任务,让学习者在完成任务的过程中领悟到语言规则。 随后,坎德林C.Candlin和布瑞恩M.Breen从课程设计的角度出发改进了普拉布的早期理论,并在批判“综合大纲”的过程中提出了“过程大纲”理论。他们赋予课程设计者更艰巨的任务,即教学中要为学生提供可选择的活动和任务。此后朗(Long)和威理司(Willis)和斯干(Skhan)进一步研究了任务型教学法的实施模式,将任务型教学法发展成为一种较完善的方法理论体系。 (二)理论基础 1. 中介语理论 中介语是指第二语言和外语学习者在学习目的语的过程中产生的既不同于母语,又不同于


《语言教学的流派》课程教案 课程介绍: 对外汉语教学是一门新兴的学科,属于应用语言学,狭义的应用语言学指的就是语言教学,因此对外汉语教学要从外语教学的研究中吸取营养。国外的外语教学研究较早,成果丰富,我们一定要去借鉴,才可能根据汉语特点来推动对外汉语教学法的研究。 这门课程是对外汉语专业本科生的专业选修课,其目的在于让学生直接阅读外文资料,并在学习的过程中学习理论分析的方法,提高理论和学术素养。 要求: 1、熟悉每章的key words 2、Make presentation in English 3、积极参加课堂讨论 4、认真预习和完成课后作业 5、期末考查方式:passage translation(英译汉) 教材介绍: 20世纪外语教学蓬勃发展,教学法的研究也发展很快。一方面,19世纪一些传统的教学法传承下来;另一方面,20世纪有许多创新的教学法。Jack C. Richard 和Theodore S. Rodgers 所著的Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 一书对20世纪出现的几个具有代表性的教学法进行描述和分析,有助于我们了解历史,承前启后。Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 1、Approach and method 2、Language teaching --- second language teaching or foreign language teaching This book is a book on the history of language teaching, but it’s more than that. Accordin g to the authors, the aim of this book is to present an objective and comprehensive picture of a particular approach or method. The authors have avoided personal evaluation, preferring to let the method or approach speak for itself and allows readers to make their own appraisals. So this book is not intended to popularize or promote particular approaches or methods described. It is designed to give the teacher or teacher trainee a straightforward introduction to commonly used an less commonly used methods, and a set of criteria by which to critically read, question, and observe methods. The goal is to enable teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of methods and so they can better arrive at their judgments and decisions. 第一章 A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史 本章主要介绍20世纪以前的外语教学简史 通过此章的学习,我们将会发现20世纪出现的教学法都是历史的延续和发 展。 在这章中,我们将了解两种传统的教学法:The Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法)和The Direct Method(直接法)


英语语教学法主要方法和流派 一、语法翻译法 1、语法翻译法是一种通过学习语法规则和词汇,并且按照规则用本国语和目的语进行互译来教授语言的方法。 2、教学过程 阅读/朗读一一句子翻译一一讲解语法/语言点一一书面回答一一理解性问题 3、原则和技巧 原则:(1)书面语重要,重视写作和阅读 (2)熟记语法规则和单词 (3 )教师的绝对权威 (4)本族语的中介作用 技巧:(1 )书面翻译/互译 (2 )阅读理解性问答 (3)演绎法讲解语法规则 (4)填空、背诵、造句、作文等 4、评价: (1 )使用方便 (2)学习语言知识多于语言技能掌握 (3)改良式的语法翻译法:弥补口语的听说训练、重视交际能力的培养、重视调动学生学习的主动性。 二、直接法 1、直接法是一种通过实物、图画、动作、表情等手段把外语和其对应的意思直接联系,从而达到直接理解和直接应用的外语教学法。 2、教学步骤 用目的语讲解一一提问一一回答 用归纳法教语法:例子一一总结规则一一巩固性练习一一听写练习 3、原则与技巧 原则:(1)先听说后书面语言 (2)通过有意义的上下文来学习单词和句子 (3)禁止使用本族语翻译 (4)自我更正来促进语言学习 技巧:大声朗读、问答练习、自我更正、会话、填空、听写段落、画图讲解、实物演示等。 4、评价:(1)强调语言实践和运用,有利于听说 (2 )学习用外语思考,重视语言的交际作用 (3)排斥本国语,有时花费很长的时间来解释,或者解释不清楚 (4)对教师口语、教学技能要求高 三、听说法

1、听说法是一种运用句型操练形式学习外语的方法。其理论基础为结构主义语言学和行为主义心理学。 2、教学步骤 听外语对话一一模仿一一纠正语音语调一一逐句背诵一一对话练习一一看书面材料一一语法点归纳一一替换/回答练习 3、原则与技巧 原则:(1 )教师示范,学生模仿。 (2 )掌握结构句型和词汇。 (3)语言学习是形成习惯的过程,教师的正确肯定有助于强化正确的语言习惯。 (4)本族语控制到最低限度。 技巧:背诵对话,扩展练习,链式提问,替换练习、回答提问、对话、转换练习等。 4、评价:(1)《英语900句》、《灵格风教材》 (2)学生学到的句型较少能自如地转化为课外的交际能力 (3)“听说领先,读写跟上” 四、交际法 1、交际法就是把运用目的语进行有意义交际作为学习语言的方法。交际法有时 称为功能法或意念法。 交际法的最大特征是它对语言结构和能同等重视。学习不仅要知道语言 规则的用法,还必须学会交际。 2、示例 (1 )利用真实生活材料开展讨论: (源于材料)题目辩论一一提供不同的句型一一小组讨论一一总结 (2)连环图片做交际性练习:抽出图片猜测前后内容 (3)设置生活背景进行交际:按照角色身份、年龄、地位、性别说出不同的内容。 3、原则与技巧 原则:(1 )强调语言的意义,而不是结构。 (2)语言学习的目的就是学习交际能力(即有效和得体地运用语言系统的能力)? (3)教学一开始就鼓励学生尝试交际。 (4 )教师的作用就是以任何方式激发学生学习。 (5)流利性与可接受性是教语言的主要目标。技巧:(1)利用真实材料 (2)重新安排打乱顺序的句子 (3 )语言游戏(信息差等) (4 )小组讨论,解决难题 (5 )角色扮演 4、评价:交际法的运用可使学生更好地掌握目的语的形式、意义和功能。 五、静授法 静授法,就是指教师在课堂上尽可能沉默,从而促使学生尽可能多地活用语言的方 法。该法由戈铁诺(Caleb Cattegno)提出(1972),其特征是使用各种带颜色的小棍,把各种声音与特定的颜


《语言教学的流派》课程教案 Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching 1、Approach and method 2、Language teaching --- second language teaching or foreign language teaching This book is a book on the history of language teaching, but it’s more than that. According t o the authors, the aim of this book is to present an objective and comprehensive picture of a particular approach or method. The authors have avoided personal evaluation, preferring to let the method or approach speak for itself and allows readers to make their own appraisals. So this book is not intended to popularize or promote particular approaches or methods described. It is designed to give the teacher or teacher trainee a straightforward introduction to commonly used an less commonly used methods, and a set of criteria by which to critically read, question, and observe methods. The goal is to enable teachers to become better informed about the nature, strengths, and weaknesses of methods and so they can better arrive at their judgments and decisions. 第一章 A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史 在这章中,我们将了解两种传统的教学法:The Grammar-Translation Method (语法翻译法) 和The Direct Method(直接法) 第二章The nature of approaches and methods in language teaching 外语教学法理论与方法的性质本章为以后的分析立下了一个基本的理论分析框架(framework)。在这个框架中,教学法包括 三个部分: 1、Approach(理论):语言理论和学习理论 2、Design(设计):教学目的、大纲、教学活动形式、学生角色、教师角色、教材的作用 3、Procedure(教学步骤) This chapter will present a model for the description, analysis, and comparison of methods. This model will be used as a framework for the subsequent discussions and analyses of particular language teaching methods and philosophies. 第三章至第十章是根据第二章中所立的基本理论分析框架对八派语言教学法进行描述和分析。 第三章The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching 口语法和情景法 第四章The Audiolingual method 听说法 第五章Communicative Language Teaching 交际法 第六章Total Physical Response 全身反应法 第七章The Silent Way 沉默法 第八章Community Language Learning 社团学习法 第九章The Natural Approach 自然法 第十章Suggestopedia 暗示法 Where a method or approach has extensive and acknowledged links to a particular tradition in second or foreign language teaching, this historical background is treated in the first section of the chapter. Where a method or approach has no acknowledged ties to established second or foreign language teaching practice, historical perspective is not relevant. In these cases the method is considered in terms of its links to more general linguistic, psychological, or educational traditions. 第一章 A brief history of language teaching 外语教学简史 This chapter provides a background for discussion of contemporary methods and suggests the issues we will refer to in analyzing these methods. Changes in language teaching methods throughout history have reflected a.Recognition of changes in the kind of proficiency learners need (oral proficiency or reading comprehension) b.Changes in theories of the nature of language and of language learning.


外语教学法流派介绍和简评 [日期:2007 来源:作者:[字体:大中小] -03-28] 外语教学是一个复杂的过程,影响它的因素比较多。由于外语教学是学校教育的组成部分,它必然与其他学科的教学一样,受到教育学、心理学和教育领域一般教学论的影响。然而,外语是一门语言学科,外语教学法的主要理论基础是语言学。自语言学成为一门独立学科后,每一主要流派都有体现它基本理论的相应的外语教学法。但是,外语教学并不完全依附语言学,它具有相对的独立性。有的外语教学法(如直接法)并无相对应的语言学流派作为理论基础。因此,不能机械地将语言学流派与外语教学法看成一对一的关系。 第一节传统外语教学法流派及其教学原则与方法据历史记载,最早谈论外语教学方法的是欧洲教育家马科斯.昆体良(Marcus Fabins Quintilian A.D.35—95)。他出生于西班牙,后去罗马教授希腊语。他的教学由四个步骤组成:朗读伊索寓言;写下该故事;口头讲述某段故事;写一篇短文。据说这一方法流传很长一段时间。然而,16世纪前外语教师的工作大部分仅为词汇和句子的讲解而已。直到19世纪初,有关外语教学的方法尚未形成系统的观点和理论。 外语教学法理论是在19世纪历史比较语言学的基础上形成的。在长达一个世纪的历史中,它经历了两个阶段:20世纪60年代前以语法翻译法(the grammar-translation method)、直接法(the direct method)和听说法(the audiolingual approach)为代表,一般称它们为传统的外语教学法;60年代后,认知法(the cognitive approach)和交际法(the communicative approach)的崛起促使一系列新型教学法脱颖而出,它们又可分为70年代诞生与80年代后期发展的两大教学方法。 但是,任何新教学法的兴起并不意味着旧方法的消亡。无论是传统的还是新兴的外语教学法都是在一定的历史条件下产生的,都各有长处和局限性。重要的是,我们应该学习和掌握各种不同的教学方法的特点,根据具体的教学要求,自觉地、灵活地运用他们为不同的教学目标与对象服务。 一、语法翻译法(the grammar-translation method) 语法翻译法是外语教学中历史最长与使用最广泛的方法之一。无论在我国或国外,早期的外语教学都普遍采用语法翻译法。18世纪末,欧洲的拉丁语和希腊语的教学方法大多为语法翻译法。19世纪盛行的历史比较语言学更为语法翻译法提供了理论基础:通过翻译的手段和比较母语与外语语音、词汇和语法的异同达到掌握外语和欣赏外国文学作品的目的。


《语言教学的流派第二版》自己整理的笔 记

第一章 A brief history of language teaching 第二章 The nature of approaches and methods 前两章很简单,详见前面中文导读 第三章 The oral approach and situational language teaching The oral approach (situational language teaching) is a grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points are presented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities. 一、Background 1. Two of the leaders were Harold palmer and A.S.Hornby. 2. Vocabulary control 3. Grammar control 二、The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching The main characteristics of the approach were as follows: 1. Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally. 2. The target language is the language of the classroom. 3. New language points are introduced and practiced situationally. 4. Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered. 5. Items of grammar are graded by their complexity. 6. Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. 三、Approach ○1a type of British “structuralism”. ○2 One distinctive feature: structures must be linked to situations in which they could be used ○3 Language was viewed as purposeful activity related to goals and situations in the real world. a type of behaviorist habit-learning theory(three processes in learning a language) (1). Language learning as habit formation


第二语言教学法主要流派 1、语法-翻译法:又称“传统法。是使用学生的母语来教授第二语言并以系统地教授语法知识为教学基础的一种第二语言教学法。主张母语与目的语并用,通过翻译和系统的语法教授学习。” 最古老的教学法,盛行于18世纪末,代表人物是德国语言学家奥伦多夫。 语言学理论基础:机械语言或历史比较语言学 心理学理论基础:联想心理学 基本原则和特点: A、语法是教授第二语言的基础。学习二语首先要背熟语法规则和例句。 B、课堂教学使用学生的母语。翻译是主要的教学手段 C、注重书面语教学,注重读写,轻视听说 D、教授所谓“规范”语言,重视经典名著 教学过程:字母发音和书写――语法――阅读原文 语法教学的步骤:A、先讲词法,后讲语法。B、用演绎法教授语法规则,并翻译。C、练习 课文教学的步骤:A、介绍课文B、逐字逐句翻译C、朗读D、互译来巩固 主要成就: A、创建了在二语教学中利用母语的理论。翻译即是教学目的,也是手段 B、主张语法知识,重理性和演绎。 C、使用母语,初学阶段不会觉得困难 D、注重书面语和名著,阅读能力高 E、使用方便,无需复杂的设备和教具,对教师本身的口语要求也不高 主要缺点: A、忽视言语交际技能,听说能力。 B、过分依赖母语和翻译,无法培养用目的语思维的习惯和能力 C、过分强调语法,死记硬背语法规则和例句,教学内容乏味。

2、直接法:又称“改革法”、“自然法”。用目的语,不用母语不翻译,不注重语法形式。 19世纪后半页的西欧,代表人物:德国的贝立兹、法国的古安、英国的帕默、艾盖尔特 主张仿照“幼儿学语”的方式和自然过程来设计二语教学过程,以顺乎人类学语言的自然规律。建立语言和外界实物的直接联系和模仿大人说话是幼儿习得母语的基本策略。 心理学基础:联结主义心理学。受其影响,强调词语与客观事物的直接联系,而不通过母语。 教学原则和特点: A、直接联系。在语言和外界事物间建立直接联系,不用母语。 B、以口语为基础。教学目标是口语。 C、句本位。以句子为最基本的教学单位。 D、以模仿为主。是主要练习方式 E、先用直接感知语言材料,而后靠归纳的方式教授语法规则。 教学过程:教师口头展示句子or课文-学生模仿跟读-教师纠正错误-学生继续模仿-教师提问,学生回答;然后也可学生提问,教师回答。 主要优点: A、打破语法-翻译一统天下,开创了一个二语教学的新局面、新路子,重视口语。 B、利用直观手段教学,有利于调动学生积极性 C、注重口语,有利于培养学生的言语能力。 D、不使用母语,有利于培养目的语思维的能力。 E、制定出一套言语训练的方式方法。 主要缺点: A、忽视幼儿习得母语和大人学习二语的差异 B、排斥母语,只见消极面,不见积极面 C、注重建立目的语和事物的关系,教师解释不多,不用母语,易造成误解 D、重视感性认识,偏重经验,过分强调模仿、重复,对学生主动性认识不足 E、对复杂语言现象的理解易出问题,读写能力弱。


第二语言教学法主要流派 认知派:强调自觉掌握经验派:强调习惯养成 人本派:强调情感因素功能派:强调交际运用 语法翻译法:以语法知识为纲,依靠母语,通过翻译手段,主要培养二语读写能力。 时间:18世纪末19世纪初 别称:又叫“传统法”、“古典法” 代表人物:德国语言学家奥伦多夫 语言学基础:历史比较语言学 心理学基础:德国官能心理学(德国哲学家沃尔夫创立) 主要特点: 1、以理解目的语的书面语,阅读能力和写作能力,发展智力为主,不重视口 语和听力(重读写,轻听说) 2、以系统语法知识为纲,采用演绎法,通过翻译练习巩固 3、词汇是课文内容,用对译生词表进行教学,句子是讲授与练习的基本单位 4、用母语教学,翻译是主要的教学手段,练习手段和评测手段 5、强调学习规范的书面语,阅读文学名著 优势与不足: 1、语法翻译法是二语教学史上第一个完整的教学法体系,体现理性派教学法 特点 2、历史悠久具有很强的生命力,对我国对外汉语教学特别是精读课有较大影

响 3、忽视口语教学与语音教学,缺乏听说能力训练 4、过分依赖母语和翻译手段 5、过分重视语法知识的教学,死记硬背语法规则 6、教学内容枯燥无味或者过深过难 7、不利于语言交际能力的培养 直接法:主张口语教学为基础,按照幼儿习得母语的过程,用目的语直接与客观事物相联系而不依赖母语,不用翻译 时间:19世纪末20世纪初 别称:改革法、自然法 代表人物:早期代表人物菲埃托《语言教学必须彻底改革》、德国教育学家贝力子、创造“系列法“的法国语言学家古安, 典型教材:英国艾克斯利的《基础英语》 语言学基础:语言观认为语言是习惯,语言的运用靠感觉和记忆 心理学基础:联想主义心理学 主要特点: 1、目的语与事物直接联系,教学中排除母语,排除翻译,采用直观手用目的 语学习目的语,课堂教学采用扮演角色或演戏方式 2、不是先学习语法规则,而是靠直接感知,以模仿、操练、记忆为主形成的 自动的习惯,在一定阶段做一个总结 3、以口语教学为基础,先听说后读写,认为口语第一性符合自然途径,重视


第一章A brief history of language teaching 第二章The nature of approaches and methods 前两章很简单,详见前面中文导读 第三章The oral approach and situational language teaching The oral approach (situational language teaching) is a grammar-based method in which principles of grammatical and lexical gradation are used and new teaching points are presented and practiced through meaningful situation-based activities. 一、Background 1. Two of the leaders were Harold palmer and A.S.Hornby. 2. Vocabulary control 3. Grammar control 二、The Oral Approach and Situational Language Teaching The main characteristics of the approach were as follows: 1. Language teaching begins with the spoken language. Material is taught orally. 2. The target language is the language of the classroom. 3. New language points are introduced and practiced situationally. 4. Vocabulary selection procedures are followed to ensure that an essential general service vocabulary is covered. 5. Items of grammar are graded by their complexity. 6. Reading and writing are introduced once a sufficient lexical and grammatical basis is established. 三、Approach (2).An inductive approach is used to the teaching of grammar (3).The same processed are thought to occur both in child language learning and in second language learning. 四、Design (1). Practical command of the four basic skills of language (2). Accuracy in both pronunciation and grammar is regarded as crucial. (3). Automatic control of basic structures and sentence patterns is fundamental. —a list of the basic structures and sentence patterns a drill-based manner to practicing the new sentence patterns (2) Situation: the use of concrete objects, pictures and realia, which together with actions and gestures (3) Practice techniques: guided repetition, substitution activities, pair practice
