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BlackBerry 10:Qt中使用OpenAL播放wav声音文件BlackBerry 10:Qt中使用OpenAL播放wav声音文件

BlackBerry 10/PlayBook OS 2.0里面都内置OpenAL的类库,所以在程序中使用OpenAL类库播放声音是很方便的。

BlackBerry 10开发者网站上提供的例子程序Cowbell就包括了如何相应例子代码。
Basic sound handlingA cow, a bell, and Cascades are the only things that you need to build a simple instrument app.
In this sample, a rotation animation is used to animate a bell hanging around the neck of a cow.
You will learn how to:
Handle rotation animationsTrigger C++ functions from QMLUse an AbsoluteLayoutPlay a basic sound with OpenAL
a rotat
好,我们下载例子程序Cowbell的代码 cowbell.zip

BlackBerry 10 开发工具中导入项目:
选择菜单File -> Import ...
选择Existing Projects into Workspace

选择select archive file,选择Browse按钮,在文件系统上找到cowbell.zip文件,选择Finish按钮,将导入项目cowbell。

Build Project
Run Configurations...
运行结果如下图,注意在BlackBerry 10模拟器上是横屏显示的,按牛(cow)身上的铃铛(bell),铃铛会左右晃动,并发出铛铛(cowbell.wav)的声音;按牛身上其他地方,牛会发出牟(moo.wav)的声音。


我们新建一个BlackBerry Cascades C++ Project。
从 cowbell项目中拷贝
程序文件:cowbellapp.cpp, cowbellapp.h, soundmanager.cpp,soundmanager.h(其中红色的两个文件在cowbell.zip原始代码上稍作代码改动)
声音文件:cowbell.wav, moo.wav

CONFIG += qt warn_on debug_and_release cascadesLIBS += -lOpenAL -lalut -lasound注:如果没有这一行,项目编译出错,找不到OpenAL的类库。


#include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]){ QApplication app(argc, argv); QWidget window; window.resize(768, 1280); QPushButton playButton("Play sound(wav)", &window); playButton.setGeometry(100, 200, 280, 40); CowBellApp cowbell; QObject::connect(&playButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), &cowbell, SLOT(playClicked())); window.show(); return app.exec();}

下面我们看看CowBellApp.h 头文件。里面声明了playClicked()方法供主程序ma

#ifndef COWBELLAPP_H#define COWBELLAPP_H#include "soundmanager.h"class CowBellApp: public QObject{Q_OBJECTpublic: CowBellApp(); ~CowBellApp();public slots: void playSound(const QString &msg); void playClicked();private: // The sound manager. SoundManager *mSoundManager;};#endif // ifndef COWBELLAPP_H

1)playClicked()方法中播放牛铃声音文件cowbell.wav 。
2)对sound manager做对象生命周期管理,退出时delete sound manager。

#include "cowbellapp.h"CowBellApp::CowBellApp(){ //Sound manager, we initialize the sound manager with a directory that resides in the //assets directory and that directory only contains playable files. mSoundManager = new SoundManager("sounds/");}CowBellApp::~CowBellApp(){ // Destroy the sound manager. delete mSoundManager;}void CowBellApp::playSound(const QString &msg){ mSoundManager->play(msg);}void CowBellApp:: playClicked() { mSoundManager->play("cowbell.wav"); //mSoundManager->play("moo.wav");}

最后,核心的sound manager程序,我们简单看一下soundmanager.h头文件吧,cpp程序就不看了。我们看到头文件中首先引入了OpenAL的三个头文件,然后引入Qt的头文件。这造成虽然OpenAL和Qt无关,但是这段Sound Manager这个例子代码只能运行在Qt/Cascades程序中,不能运行在非Qt程序中。

#ifndef _SOUNDMANAGER_H#define _SOUNDMANAGER_H#include #include #include #include #include // The number of max number of sound sources.#define SOUNDMANAGER_MAX_NBR_OF_SOURCES 32/** * SoundManager * * A very basic sound manager class for playing sounds using OpenAL. */class SoundManager{public: /** * Constructor, initializes the sound manager. This function sets up OpenAL * and loads all sounds from the specified directory. This directory should * be a folder only containing valid sounds. * * @param soundDirectory directory where all sounds are kept (have to be located in the assets/ folder) */ SoundManager(QString soundDirectory); /** * Destructor destroys all buffers and sources. */ ~SoundManager(); /** * Called by the constructor, loads all sounds from the specified directory. * * @param soundDirectory directory where all sounds are kept (have to be located in the assets/ folder) */ bool init(QString soundDirectory); /** * Plays a sound. * * @param fileName the name of the file in the soundDirectory. */ bool play(QString fileName); /** * Plays a sound, with modified pitch and gain. * * @param fileName the name of the file in the soundDirectory * @param pitch specifies the pitch to be applied to a sound Range: [0.5-2.0] * @param gain sound gain (volume amplification) Range: ]0.0- ] */ bool play(QString fileName, float pitch, float gain);private: // Sound buffers. QHash mS

oundBuffers; // Sound sources. ALuint mSoundSources[SOUNDMANAGER_MAX_NBR_OF_SOURCES];};#endif //_SOUNDMANAGER_H
