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The more, the more句型的用法

The more, the more句型的用法
The more, the more句型的用法

1."the more..., the more..."句型常表示"越……就越……",是一个复合句(表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个the都是副词,而不是冠词),其中前面的句子是状语从句,后面的句子是主句。the用在形容词或副词的比较级前,more代表形容词或副词的比较级。例如:

① The more he gets, the more he wants. 他越来越贪。

② The more she learns, the more she wants to learn. 她越学越想学。

2."the more..., the more..."句型,主从句的时态常用一般现在时或一般过去时。例如:

①The higher the ground is, the thinner air becomes. 离地面越高,空气就越稀薄。

②The harder he worked, the more he got. 他工作越努力,得到的就越多。

3. 若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,从句的谓语动词要用一般现在时表示将来。例如:

①The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. 你越用功,进步就越大。

②The longer the war lasts, the more the people there will suffer. 战争持续得越久,那里的人们受难就越多。

4. 若比较级作表语且不位于句首时,可以不用the。例如:

When we are more in danger, we should be braver. 越是危险,我们越应勇敢。

5. 在这种句型中,主句在程度上随着从句变化而变化,常把被强调部分提前。例如:

The faster you run, the better it will be. 你跑得越快越好。

6. 这种句型的特点是前后都可以有所省略。特别是谚语、俗语,只要意义明确,越简练越好。例如:

① The more , the better.多多益善。

② The sooner, the better. 越早越好。

7. 这种句型中的比较部分通常是状语、宾语、表语,也可以是主语。例如:

① The more English you practise, the better your English is.你练习英语越多,你的英语就越好。

② The busier he is, the happier he feels. 他越忙越高兴。

③ The more air there is inside the tyre, the greater pressure there is in it. 轮胎里空气越多,承受的压力就越大。

8. 若表示"越……越不……"时,常用"the more..., the less..."句型。例如:

The more she flatters me, the less I like her. 她越逢迎我,我越不喜欢她。

9. 若表示"越不……就越……"时,常用"the less..., the more..."句型。例如:

The less he worried, the better he worked. 他越不烦恼,工作就干得越好。


① The more people you know, the less time you have to see them. 你认识的人越多,见他们是时间就越少。

② The busier she is, the happier she feels. 她越忙,就感到越快活。

③ The greater the resistance (is), the less the current (is). 电阻越大,电流就越小。

④ The bigger you are, the quicker you burn. 体型越大,引力越强。

⑤For me, the greater the odds, the greater the challenge. 对我来说,冒险性越大挑战越大.

⑥关键是前后一致,如果你前面的THE MORE 省略BE 动词,后面也要省.就像你补充里面的:

The greater the degree of pastoralism,the stronger the tendency toward nomadism.


The greater the degree of pastoralism is,the stronger the tendency toward nomadism will be.


The greater the degree of pastoralism WAS,the stronger the tendency toward nomadism WOULD BE.

而你的第一个句子中used to 是一个短语,表示曾今,所以并不是省略了BE动词,你加上BE之后,use变成普通的了,你肯定知道也是对的.


The + 比较级, the + 比较级


1.在通常情况下,前一个“the +比较级”相当于比较状语从句,后一个“the + 比较级”为主句。例如:

The more I read the book,the more I liked it.这本书我越看越喜欢。

The more difficult the questions are, the less likely he is able to answer them.


2.有时前一个“the +比较级”相当于条件状语从句,后一个“the + 比较级”为主句,从句不可用将来时。例如:

The earlier you start, the sooner you’ll be back. 你出发得越早,回来得就越早。

The more you practice, the better you can understand. 你练习得越多,理解得就越透。



The noisier they were, the happier was their mother. 孩子越吵闹,他们的母亲就越高兴。

The harder you work, the more progress you will get. 你越努力,进步就越快。


The higher the tree (is), the stronger the wind (is). 树大招风。

The more exercise you take, the stronger you are. 锻炼得越多,身体越强壮。


You practice (the) more, the better you can understand. 你练习得越多,你理解得就越透。

I knew him (the) more, the more I liked him. 我越了解他就越喜欢他。

The sooner (you finish it), the better (it will be). 你完成得越快越好。

The more (you know), the more dangerous (it will be). 你知道得越多,处境就越危险。



short→shorter→shortest; tall→taller→tallest; great→greater→greatest (2)双音节词如:clever→cleverer→cleverest;



如:large→larger→largest nice→nicer→nicest



如:big→bigger→biggest hot→hotter→hottest



如:easy→easier→easiest heavy→heavier→heaviest busy→busi er→busiest


5.其他双音节词和多音节词,比较级在前面加more,最高级在前面加most;如:beautiful; different; easily afraid; interesting; pleased


如:good, better, best well, better, best bad, worse, wo rst

ill, worse, worst old older/elder, oldest/eldest

many/much, more, most little, less, least few, fewer, fewes t

far, further/farther, furthest/farthest


moreover的用法总结大全 你们知道moreover的用法吗?我们一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 moreover的用法总结大全 moreover的意思 adv. 再者;此外;而且;同时 moreover的用法 moreover作形容词表示再者;此外;而且;同时 adv.He was,moreover,a poet of promise. adv.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人. adv.It was,moreover,a waste of time. 1.The composition is a not well written,and moreover,there are many spelling mistakes in it. 这篇作文写得不好,而且,还有许多拼写错误.

2."The price is too high,and moreover,the house isnt in a suitable position." ”房价太高,而且房屋的地点也不太合适.” 3.I dont like skating,moreover,the ice is too thin. 我不喜欢滑冰,而且冰又太薄. 4.He was,moreover,a poet of promise. 此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人. 5.The proposal was not well thought out; moreover,it would have been too expensive. 这个建议本身就不好,而且实施起来花费也太大. 【同义词】 besides prep.除...之...furthermore adv.而且,此外 also adv.也,而且,同样地too adv.也,太,很 likewise adv.同样地,此外,...then adv.那么,然后,... yet adv.还,已经,仍...what is more 而且此外,更有甚者 as well 也,又in addition adv.另外,此外 additionally adv.另外,同时,此外as adv.同样地,例如,...

another, other, more修饰数词的用法

谈another, other, more修饰数词的用法 请看NMET2000单项选择第16题: If you want to change for a double room you'll have to pay ____ $15. A.another B.other C.more D.each 该句的意思是“如果要换一个双人间,你还需再付15美元”。从题干“change for”可知已订过房间,现在要换只需再加15美元就行了。备选项D的意思是“每个”,不符合题意,A、B、C都可修饰数词,表“额外的、另外的”意思,它们之间的差别在于修饰数词的位置不同,这也正是本题的考查重点,现对another,other,more的这种用法归纳如下: 一、another another表“另一个”时只跟可数名词单数,而表“另外的、额外的、附加的”之意时,可跟带有few或具体数字的复数名词,此时可把“数词+复数名词”看作是一个整体。如: 1.—Have you finished your report yet? —你的报告完了吗? —No,I will finish it in 10 minutes. —没有,还需10分钟。 A.another B.other C.more D.less (NMET'95第27题key:A) 2.The strike may last another three days.罢工可能还要持续三天。 3.There is room for another few people in the back of the bus.公共汽车后面还能坐下几 个人。 4.I'll be here for another few weeks.我在这儿还要呆几个礼拜。 二、other 表“另外的”接复数名词,如与具体数词连用,则置于数词之后,但与定冠词the连用时,other 要放在数词前。如: 1.Tony is going camping with ____boys next Sunday.托尼将于下周日与另外两个男孩一起去


more than的多种用法 简简单单的“more than”,用法可多呢! 下面是些好例子: ●A. “More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”如: 1)Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 2)Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. ●B. “More than+数词”含“以上”或“不止”之意,如: 3) I have known David for more than 20 years. 4)Let's carry out the test with more than the sample copy. ●C. “More than+形容词”等于“很”或“非常”的意思,如: 5)In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 6)I assure you I am more than glad to help you. ●D. 在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”如: 7)The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 8)This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 9)Catherine is more diligent than intelli-gent. 10)Hearing the loud noise, the boy was more surprised than frightened. ●E. “More than”或“More...than...”+含“can”的分句时表示“否定意”,如: 11)That's more than I can do. 12) Don't bite off more than you can chew. 13)In delivering his lecture, Jason makes sure not to include more things than the students can understan d. ●F. “No more...than...”表示“不……;不如……”,如: 14) I can no more do that than anyone else.


more than... 与more ...than ... more than 与more …than 短语在英语中使用得十分广泛。其用法和意义并不简单,一不留神就可能用错。因为more than 与more …than 除了具备其基本用法外,还有些特殊用法。理解和翻译时要特别小心,不能一看到more than就简单地按照字面上的意思将其理解为“比……更……”或“超过”等,而是要根据上下文找出more than 短语的确切含义,只有这样才不至于贻笑大方。 more than 相当于一个形容词或副词短语,在句中作定语或状语,修饰其后的动词、副词、数词或名词等。 一. more than 的用法 1. more than 后跟数词,相当于over,翻译成“……多、超过……”等,强调某物数量上超出某一范围。 More than 1,500 people were killed in the earthquake. 地震中有一千五百多人遇难。 I have collected more than 3 hundred stamps so far. 到目前为止,我已收集了300多张邮票。 I’ve known him for more than 20 years. 我认识他已经二十多年了。 Their college enrolled more than five hundred new students this year. 他们学院今年招收了五百多名新生。 2. more than 后跟名词或动名词,相当于over, not just, not only,表示“不只是、不仅仅是”等。例如: She is more than a teacher to us, she is our friend. 他不只是教师,她还是我们的朋友。 Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Wood is used for more than building. 木头不仅仅用于建筑。 Blood is much more than the simple fluid it seems to be. 血液不仅仅是一种外表似乎简单的液体。 My trip to Beijing is more than sightseeing. 我去北京不仅仅是旅游观光。 I like autumn more than summer. 我喜欢秋天胜过夏天。


一、 more than 1. more than 可放在数词之前,意为“超过;不止;以上”,用于此意义时可与 over 互换使用。例如: Altogether more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet is covered by water. 整体说来,我们这个星球表面有 70% 以上都为水所覆盖。 2. more than 可放在名词之前,表示“不只是;不仅仅”。例如: Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不仅仅是睡眠。 Bamboo is used for more than building. 竹子不只是用于建筑。 3. more than 用于形容词或副词前,作“非常;十分”解,与 very 同义。例如: She is more than careful in doing things. 她做事非常细心。 In class, he listens more than attentively. 在课堂上,他听讲十分认真。 4. more than 之后接含有 can 的从句时,常表示否定意义。此时,从句中的谓语动词必须是及物动词,并且与句子的主语呈现逻辑上的动宾关系。例如: This secret is more than we can let out. 这个秘密我们是不能泄露的。(主语 secret 是 let out 的逻辑宾语) 比较:less than 后面接形容词、副词时,意为“不;很少;不到”,具有否定意义。例如: a) We were busy and less than delighted to have company that day. 那天我们很忙,不高兴有客人来。 b) The young man is less than twenty years old. 这个年轻人不到 20 岁。 二、more … than 1. more … than 意为“与其……不如……”;“是……而不是……”,常可与“ rather than ”或“ not so much … as”互换使用。例如: He is more like a spear than anything else. = He is like a spear rather than anything else. = He is not so much like anything else as like a spear.


英语副词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择副词 1.There’s no chance that we can change the history. _______, it is important that we learn lessons to face the future. A.Meanwhile B.Nevertheless C.Otherwise D.Therefore 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查副词词义辨析。句意:我们不可能改变历史。虽然如此,重要的是我们要吸取教训来面对未来。A. Meanwhile同时;B. Nevertheless然而,虽然如此;C. Otherwise否则;D. Therefore因此。根据句意可知,前后句意存在转折关系。故选B。 2.Linda's health is improving ________ day by day, and the doctor has advised her to stay home for a couple of weeks. A.frequently B.gradually C.fluently D.actually 【答案】B 【解析】 根据improving和day by day可知,琳达的身体在一天天“逐渐地(gradually)”康复。frequently频繁地;fluently流利地;actually实际上,均不符合语境。 答案:B 3.It’s so hot! The temperature must be __________ over 100 degrees! A.very B.well C.much D.still 【答案】B 【解析】句意:天气太热了!气温一定超过100度了。well over 远远超过,溢出,泛滥。故选B。 4.Each working day,The Daily is updated on the website every hour,unless indicated. A.otherwise B.therefore C.nevertheless D.moreover 【答案】A 【解析】句意:每个工作日,《日报》每小时都会在网站上更新一次,除非另有注明。otherwise意为“否则,另外”,符合语境。therefore因此;nevertheless然而,不过;moreover而且。 5.Many people believe that poverty is only a problem in rural areas. ________, it is also a problem in some urban areas.


more的用法小结 more一词在课本中出现较频繁。为了让同学们进一步了解它,现将其常见用法归纳如下: 一、副词,与某些双音节或多音节的形容词、副词一起构成其比较级。 1. I think our city is more beautiful than yours. 我认为我们的城市比你们的更美丽。 2. Han Mei studies more carefully than Wang Fang. 韩梅比王芳学习更认真。 二、单独作为many, much的比较级,为形容词,表"更多……"。 1. A big truck is carrying more oranges than that one. (many的比较级) 这辆大卡车比那辆装的桔子多。 2. Is there more water in the yellow glass than that in the green one? (much的比较级) 那黄杯里的水比绿杯里的多吗? 三、常放在数词或some, any等后面,表"更多、额外数量",相当于形容词,其后往往省略名词。 1. There're only two books. We'll need one more. 那儿只有两本书,我们还需要一本。 2. ---Would you like some more? 你还要吃一些吗? ---No, thanks. I'm full. 不,谢谢,我饱了。 四、not…any more, no more表"不再"。 1. The baby can't eat any more. 这个婴儿再也吃不下去了。 2. Jim and his family went to England. We saw them no more. 吉姆和家人去英国了,我们再也没有看到他们。

have got的详细用法回顾.doc

Module 4 &5需要掌握的重点语法和词组: 复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要_______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要_____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答:____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have got 表示_________________________________ 例:我有一只猫。I have got a cat. have got 的第三人称单数形式是:____________________________ ②have got可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:I have got a cat = ________________________ has got 可以缩写为:_______________ 例如:He has got a cat = ________________________ 练习:请用has got或have got填空。 1、I a bike. 2、He a bike. 3、You a bike.

英语单词,语法more than 结构用法小结

more than 结构用法小结 英语中more than 的用法比较复杂,它除了用于比较结构外,还可以与名词、形容词、动词或从句等连用,表达不同的含义。下面是more than 结构的一些常见用法 1. more than 结构后跟名词表示“不只是”;“不仅仅”等。例如: (1) However, we must consider more than the beginning of the motion. 然而,我们必须考虑的不只是运动的初始阶段。 (2) Peace is more than the absence of war. 和平不只是意味着没有战争。 2.more than 用来修饰形容词、分词和动词,表示所修饰的词份量不重或含义不够,而加以说明,译成汉语可为“非常”,相当于“very”或“much”。例如: (1) He is more than selfish. 他非常自私。 (2) He is more than happy about it. 他对此事极为高兴。 (3) I am sure conditions over there will more than satisfy your requirements. 我相信那边的条件会极大地满足你的要求。 3.more than 后接单数名词,谓语动词用单数。例如: (1) More than one person has been concerned in this. 这里涉及的不止是一个人。 (2) More than one member protested against the proposal. 不止一个成员反对这个建议。 4. more A than B 结构。用来比较两种说法的正确程度,即前一种说法(A项)比后一种说法(B项)要正确一些,表示“与其……不如……”。在这个句型里,more 后不能用形容词或副词的比较级形式,而要用原级形式,此外还可用名词、代词、动词、介词短语等。例如:(1) He is more good than bad. 与其说他坏不如说他好。 (2) It is more a poem than a picture. 与其说这是一幅画,不如说这是一首诗。 5. more than 或more... than 后接从句,可表示否定意义。例如: (1) The beauty of Hangzhou is more than words can describe. 杭州景色之美是说言所不能描述的。 (2) That is more than I can tell you,sir. 这一点我是不能告诉你的,先生。 (注意:在这种句型中,more than 后常接含有can 或could 的从句,表示“……不能”。)对于下列表示否定意义的句子,有的语法学家认为在than 后面省略了when,有的认为省掉了it,也有的认为than 用作关系代词,因而并无省略。这类句子在理解上并不困难,结构上变化也不大,从实用出发,可将其视为一种句型来学习。例如: a. You spent more money than was intended to be spent. 你花掉的钱比原计划的要多。(原计划要花的钱没有这么多。) b. This is more money than is needed. 这笔钱比需要的多。(需要的钱没有这么多。) c. We often advise him not to drink more wine than is good for his health.


1、more and more该词组被评为中国恶俗词组榜第一!!可以用a growing number of.. 2、inevitable。。不可避免。。 3、should/would/could/may/might;为什么要用这个5个词?首先,语气比较委婉,不会很肯定,显的谦虚;其次,可以不考虑动词的形式;所以这五个词被称为最贱的词。。 4、physically beneficial身体健康;副词+形容词的表达方式,比较好看,接下来也会有举例; 5、worldwide/globly/internationally famous 举世闻名 6、科技类作文;科技发展。。outline FOR(赞同): Convenient&efficient 方便、高效 Enrich lifestyle 丰富生活 Environmentlly friendly(副词修饰形容词)绿色环保 AGAINST(反对): Physically harmful/detrimental 危害健康 Negative impact on the youth 危害青少年 Insecurity of information 信息不安全 7、开头方法一: Background Con troversy (2 different/opposite ideas) As/Being a controversial issue,。。。。。作为有争议的问题。。。。 Now days,the issue on。。。is highly debatable,and ideas vary from person to person。不同的人有不同的观点。(不要用different people 。。。。) Some would claim 。。。。,while some others may suggest。。。一些人认为。。另一些人认为。。Some would claim。。。,while the idea。。。is still held by some others。Idea倒装,句子更好看。不能用some。。the other。。这样只有两种可能性,太绝对。。 8、5个常用单词的替代 F Think → claim / suggest / believe / advocate / maintain / suppose F Good → beneficial / profitable / helpful / sound / decent / positive F Bad → harmful / detrimental / hazardous / negative F Advantage → merit / virtue / benefit / profit / pro F Disadvantage → demerit / drawback / flaw / shortcoming / con / cost 9、few 0-1 几乎没有 A few 一些,不多<5 Several 若干<10 10、赞成某个观点。。As for me,I side with the fomer/latter 中立观点。。As far as I am concerned,I believe both views have their own merits and con coexit 11、like a double-edged sword 双刃剑 12、。。。。can be neither absolutely perfect nor purely harmful 13、末段(总结) All in all/to conclude/in conclusion/in general/ to sum up F When all the above-mentioned factors are taken into consideration, a conclusion could be drawn that … (主要用来凑字数) 14、On one hand,。。。。contribute greatly to。。。 On the other hand/On the contrary/ 15、in contrast,the demerits of。。。。can not be ignored.


一、副词的概念 副词(adverb,简写为adv)是一种用来修饰动词、形容词、全句的词,说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词。副词是一种半虚半实的词。副词可分为:地点副词、方式副词、程度副词、疑问副词、连接副词。 二、副词的分类 1.根据意义分类 (1)方式副词,一般用来回答“怎样地?”这类问题,具有最典型的状语形式,绝大部分都是由一个形容词加词尾-ly构成。如: calmly冷静地,carefully仔细地,小心地,carelessly粗心地,patiently耐心地,politely礼貌地,proudly自豪地,properly适当地,quickly快速地,rapidly迅速地,suddenly突然,successfully 成功地,wi1lingly情愿地,warmly热情地。 句子中的位置: ①.修饰不及物动词的方式副词要放在被修饰词之后 1)His sister sings well. 2)The baby is sleeping soundly. ②.修饰及物动词的方式副词可放在被修饰词之前或宾语之后; 如果宾语较长, 也可放在动词和宾语之间 1)He speaks French fluently. 2)All this morning Liu Ying has been writing carefully some English letters to her teachers. (2)地点副词,包括表示地点的副词和表示位置关系、方向的副词,如: here这里,there那里,upstairs楼上,downstairs楼下,anywhere任何地方,above在上方,up上面,down下面,east向东,west向西,等。 句子中的位置: 地点副词和方式副词 (here,there,down,anywhere,everywhere,inside;well,quickly,kindly 常放在宾语之后,或不及物动词之后。其中here,there,up,down等副词与不及物动词go,come,stand,walk,lie等词连用时,副词可置于句首。如句子主语是名词或名词短语时,句子需用完全倒装语序。Eg: 1) There stands the tower. 2) Down came the rain. 3) We looked for the lost wallet here and there,but in vain. (3)时间副词,有的表示确定时间,如: yesterday昨天,today今天,tomorrow明天,等; 有的表示不确定的时间,如: recently最近,nowadays现今,still仍然,already已经,immediately,立刻,just刚刚,等; 有的表示时间顺序,如: now现在,then然后,first首先,next其次,later后来,before以前,等; 有的表示时间频率,如: always总是,often常常,usually通常,seldom很少,never从不,sometimes有时,等。


名称:more 使用权限:所有使用者 使用方式:more [-dlfpcsu] [-num] [+/pattern] [+linenum] [fileNames..] 说明:类似cat ,不过会以一页一页的显示方便使用者逐页阅读,而最基本的指令就是按空白键(space)就往下一页显示,按b 键就会往回(back)一页显示,而且还有搜寻字串的功能(与vi 相似),使用中的说明文件,请按h 。 参数:-num 一次显示的行数 -d 提示使用者,在画面下方显示[Press space to continue, 'q' to quit.] ,如果使用者按错键,则会显示[Press 'h' for instructions.] 而不是'哔' 声 -l 取消遇见特殊字元^L(送纸字元)时会暂停的功能 -f 计算行数时,以实际上的行数,而非自动换行过后的行数(有些单行字数太长的会被扩展为两行或两行以上) -p 不以卷动的方式显示每一页,而是先清除萤幕后再显示内容 -c 跟-p 相似,不同的是先显示内容再清除其他旧资料 -s 当遇到有连续两行以上的空白行,就代换为一行的空白行 -u 不显示下引号(根据环境变数TERM 指定的terminal 而有所不同) +/ 在每个档案显示前搜寻该字串(pattern),然后从该字串之后开始显示 +num 从第num 行开始显示 fileNames 欲显示内容的档案,可为复数个数 范例: more -s testfile 逐页显示testfile 之档案内容,如有连续两行以上空白行则以一行空白行显示。

more +20 testfile 从第20 行开始显示testfile 之档案内容。 扩展:cat、more、less的的区别 使用cat more less都可以查看文本内容,但是它们三者有什么区别呢? more和less的功能完全重复吗? cat 连续显示、查看文件内容 more 分页查看文件内容 less 分页可控制查看文件内容 通俗点说: cat一次性把文件内容全部显示出来,显示完了cat命令就返回了,不能进行交互式操作,适合察看内容短小、不超过一屏的文件; more比cat强大一点,支持分页显示,你可以ctrl+B ctrl+F .....上下滚屏,但是不支持像shift+G(跳到文件尾)这种操作; less比more更强大一点,支持各种命令,随便翻页、跳转、查找.....想怎么看,就怎么看,爱怎么看,就怎么看。


h a v e_g o t的详细用 法

复习:have的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。 ①have的意思是:________,它的单数形式是:_______。have是_______词。 例如:我有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends.他有许多好朋友。_____ _____ many good friends. ②把下列两道题改为否定句: 1、I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结:have 的句子改为否定句要 _______________________________________________________________ 2、He has a dog:_________________________ 总结:has的句子改为否定句要 _____________________________________ 同样的道理:请将下列两道题改为一般疑问句: I have many good friends:_____________________________ 总结: ______________________________________ He has a dog:_________________________ 总结: ________________________________________________________ 练习: 一、用have的正确形式填空: 1、He_____two brothers. 2、I_____a beautiful picture. 3、Betty_____ a lovely dog. 4、They_____some friends here. 二、请将下列的句子改为否定句和一般疑问句。 1-3题改为否定句:1、He has two brothers. ___________________________________________________ 2、I have a beautiful picture. ___________________________________________________ 3、Betty has some friends here. ___________________________________________________ 4-6题改为一般疑问句: 4、They have a good teacher. _________________________________肯定回答:_________________ 5、I have some cards. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 6、Tony has a sister. __________________________________________否定回答: ____________________ 三、请用所给词的适当形式填空。 1、I _________ (have)a brother,but I_________ (not have)a sister. 2、He _________ (have)a beautiful pen. _________ you_________(have)a pen? 3、Lingling _________ (have)an English dictionary. 4、_________ Tony_________(have)a car? have got 的用法及否定句、一般疑问句的变法。


more than 的用法(北京四中网校-〉名师答疑-〉高三-〉 英语)... 答: more than 的用法 1. more than后面跟名词,意为“不只是,不仅仅是”。例如:(1)Hibernation is more than sleep. 冬眠不只是睡觉。(2)Kate was more than a teacher. She also did what she could to take care of her pupils. 凯特不仅仅是位教师,她还尽其所能照顾她的学生。 2. more than与数词连用,意思是“多于,大于,超过”。例如:(1)I have known him for more than twenty years. 我认识他已超过二十年了。(2)More than ten policemen turned up at the spot where the accident happened. 十多位警察出现在出事地点。 3. more than与形容词和分词连用,表示“非常、十分”。例如:(1)They were more than happy to see us come back from the expedition. 看到我们远征而归,他们异常高兴。(2)I was more than surprised to see the lion standing at the body. 看到那头狮子站在尸体旁边,我非常惊讶。4. more than 与动词连用,对动词起着加强语气的作用。例如:(1)Repeated advertising will more than increase product sales. 多次做广告意味着增加产品的销售。(2)His

more than的用法

More than的用法 平时我们经常都会在课文或者练习中看到与“比较”相关的“more than”的出现,“more than”看似简单,其实很有内涵,有多种意思和用法,味道隽永。今天的每日一课将总结一下more than 的若干用法,希望能对大家有所帮助。 一,“More than+名词”表示“多于……”、“非但……尤其是”。 如: 1) Modern science is more than a large amount of information. 现代科学不仅仅是大量的信息。 2) Jason is more than a lecturer; he is a writer, too. 詹森不但是一个演讲家,他更是一个作家。 二,“More than+数词”含有“以上”或“不止”之意,相当于over。 如: 3) I have known David for more than 20 years. 我已经认识大卫超过20年了。 4) Let’s carry out the test with more than the sample copy. 三,“More than+形容词”等于“很,非常”的意思。 如: 5) In doing scientific experiments, one must be more than careful with the instruments. 在进行科学实验的过程中,使用器具时必须非常小心。 6) I assure you I am more than glad to help you. 我敢保证我是非常乐意帮助你的。 四,在“More...than...”中,肯定“more”后面的而否定“than”后面的,约等于“是……而不是……”。 如: 7) The difference between pure linguistics and applied linguistics is more apparent than real. 语言学理论和实用语言学之间的区别是很表面的而非真实存在的。 8) This book seems to be more a manual than a text. 这本书更像是一本指南而非教科书。 五,“no more...than...”表示“不……;不如……”。 如: 14) I can no more do that than anyone else. 我无法做得比别人更好。 “no more…...than...”的语义,也可用“not any more than...”来取代 如: 15) Dr Hu is no more a poet than Dr Wu is a philosopher. = Dr Hu is not a poet any more than Dr Wu is a philosopher. 胡教授并不是一个诗人,正如吴教授并不是一个哲学家。 六,此外,“more than”也在一些惯用语中出现。 如:
