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1. that不能用于引导非限制性定语从句

2. 有时as也可用作关系代词

3. 在非限制性定语从句中,用who, whom代表人,用which代表事物。

4.当先行词是专有名词或物主代词(my he she their his her mine theirs等)和指示代词(指示代词分单数(this / that)和复数(these / those)两种形式)所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。

Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理·史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。

My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。

This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。

5.非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,

He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。

Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸气,这就叫做蒸发。




1.Mike,as we expected,attended the meeting.像我们所期望的


2.He wasn't unconscious,as could be judged from his eyes.他




Her house, which was built a hundred years ago, stood still in the earthquake.(那座房子在地震中依然耸立,它是一百多年前建造的。) II.指代先行词有多种情况。定语从句置先行词后面。


1)They talked about a movie,the name of which I've never forgotten.他们谈论过一部电影,我决不会忘记片名。

2)In Sydney the Chinese team got 28 gold medals,16.5 of which were won by women.在悉尼奥运会,中国队夺得了28枚金牌,其中16.5枚是女子夺得的。


The dam,which is the biggest in the world,is 3,830 metres long.大



The moon,which doesn't give out light itself,is only a satellite of the earth.月球本身不发光,它只是地球的一个卫星。


Football,which is a very interesting game,is played all over the world.足球是一项非常有趣的运动,全世界都踢足球。


1)Three of the biggest man-made projects in the world are the Great Wall of China,the Pyramids of Egypt and the Aswan High Dam,which is also in Egypt.世界上最大的三项人造工程是中国的长城,埃及的金字塔和阿斯旺高坝,它也在埃及。

2)The Nile,which used to flood every year,now runs more regularly below the dam.尼罗河年年涨洪水,现在比较正常地在大坝下面流过了。


Mike's brother is a policeman,which he isn't.迈克的哥哥是警察,他可不是。


Li Ling is very clever,which Li Long isn't.李玲很聪明,李珑可不是。


My family,which has 35 people,is a large one.我家有35口人,是一个大家庭。


Last year he went to Egypt,which is in Africa.他去年去了埃及,埃及在非洲。


1.He is quite pleased,as /which can be seen from his face.他非常高兴,从他的表情可以看出来。

2.You always work hard,as /which everyone knows.大家都知道,你一向勤奋学习。


3.This elephant is like a snake,as anybody can see.像任何人都能看见那样,这头象像条蛇。

4.Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light.竹子是空的,这就使得它很轻。在否定意义的非限制性定语从句里,一般用which引导。

5.He came to my birthday party,which I didn't expect at all.我完全没有想到,他来参加我的生日聚会了。


1.Bob's father,who worked on the project,spent four years in Egypt.鲍勃的父亲从事这项工程,在埃及度过了四年。

2.Dad,this is Zheng Jie,who I knew in Paris.爸,这是郑杰,我在巴黎认识的。这一句是用主格who代替宾格 whom。

3.His mother,whom he loved dearly, died in 1818.他非常爱戴他的母亲,她死于 1818年。

4.Mr King,whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital.金先生的腿受了重伤,他很快就被送去住院了。

the +n.of whom/whose; prep.+whose; prep.+whom等引导非限制性的定语从句。

5.He spoke of a pen-pal,the name of whom /whose name I've never forgotten.他提到过一个笔友,他的名字我从未忘记。

6.About 2,000people,many of whom were Europeans,worked on the project.大约两千人从事过这项工程,其中很多是欧洲人。

7.In his office there are nine clerks,the youngest of whom is Mr Liu.他办公室有9个职员,其中最年轻的是刘先生。

8.I decided to write about Chaplin,one of whose films I had seen several years before.我决定写有关卓别林的文章,他的一部电影我几年前就看过了。

9.We went to hear this famous singer, about whom we had heard many stories.我们去听这个著名的歌唱家演唱。我们已经听说了有关他的很多故事。

10.Mr Pattis,in whose office Ms King was working,was very surprised when he found out her secret.金女士在帕蒂思办公室工作。他发现她的秘密时感到非常惊奇。

五、when,where引导非限制性定语从句时,作定语从句的状语。when =and then, where =and there。why不引导非限制性定语从句。

1.He was quickly taken to hospital,where a doctor wanted to examine Mr King's legs.金先生很快被送去住院,在那里一个医生要检查他的腿。

2.We will put off the outing until next week,when we won't be so busy.我们把郊游推迟到下个星期,当我们不忙的时候。

3.He went to America in 1912,where and when he was noticed by an important film director.他在1912年去了美国,在那里当时的他引起了一个重要电影导演的注意。

在prep.where /when非限制性定语从句里,where =there,when =then。

4.His head soon appeared out of the second storey windows,from where he could see nothing but trees.他的头很快从第二层楼的一个窗户伸出来了,从那里他只能看见树木。

5.That was in 1929,since when things have been better.那是在1929年,从那时起情况就已经好转了。

6.I went to bed at ten,before when I was reading for an hour.我10点去睡觉,在那时以前我看了1小时的书。

有时候where /when可以用prep.which替换。

7.The southern states wanted to set up a country of their own,where they would be free to keep black slaves.南方各州要建立一个属于他们自己的国家,在那里他们将自由地保留黑人奴隶。

8.I still remembered January 10,on which /when he came to see me.我仍然记得1月10日,他来看我的那一天。

在限制性定语从句中可省略作宾语的关系代词whom, which, that。

That is the naughty boy (whom/that) we talked about last week.


Is this the radio (that/which) you bought last Saturday?


在direction(方向), way(方式), distance(距离), time(时间), times(倍数)等后面所接的定语从句中常省略that, which, in which。

The direction (in which) we move a body can be changed.


The distance (which或that)light travels in one second is 300, 000 kilometers. 光每秒走的距离是30万公里。








例 1. Do you remember the girl who taught us English?


例 2. Clock is a kind of instrument which can tell people time.


例 3. This is the place where he used to live.


例 4. Mr. Zhang, who came to see me yesterday, is an old friend of mine.


例 5. We walked down the village street, where they were having market day.




大多数限制性和非限制性定语从句的先行词往往为某一个词或短语,而特殊情况下非限制性定语从句的先行词也可为整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句常由 which 引导。

例 1. A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much.


析:由语境可知,令“我”恐惧的内容应为“中年女子杀害了自己的丈夫”这整个一件事,因此先行词为整个主句,此时应由 which 引导定语从句。

例 2. A five-year-old boy can speak two foreign languages, which surprises all the people present.


析:由语境可知,令所有在场的人感到惊讶的内容是“一个五岁男孩会讲两门外语”这整个一件事,因此先行词为整个主句,此时应由 which 引导非限制性定语从句。


(一) that 不可用于引导非限制性定语从句

所有关系代词和关系副词均可引导限制性定语从句,大多数关系代词和关系副词可引导非限制性定语从句,但 that 不可。

例 1. 他送给他母亲一台彩电作为生日礼物,这使她非常高兴。

误: He gave his mother a color TV set for her birthday, that pleased her a lot.

正: He gave his mother a color TV set for her birthday, which pleased her a lot.

值得注意的是,不少同学误认为只有 which 才能引导非限制性定语从句,这个观点是不正确的。使用非限制性定语从句时,如果先行词指人,则用 who , which 或 whose 引导非限制性定语从句;先行词指物可用which 引导非限制性定语从句;先行词表时间或地点且在从句中作时间状语或地点状语时,可用 when , where 引导非限制性定语从句。

例 1. We'll graduate in July, when we will be free.


例 2. Last Sunday they reached Nanjing, where a conference was to be held.



关系代词 whom 在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用 who 代替 whom ,但 whom 在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用 who 来代替。

例 1. This is the girl whom I met in the street.


析:先行词 the girl 在限制性定语从句中作宾语,可用 who 代替whom .

例 2. A young man had a new girl friend, whom he wanted to impress.


析:先行词 a new girl friend 在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,不可用 who 代替 whom .

在限制性定语从句中,先行词指人时可用 that 代替 who/ whom ,但在非限制性定语从句中先行词指人时,不可用 that 代替 who/whom .


误: She has a sister, that is a teacher.

正: She has a sister, who is teacher.



例 1. This is the book (which/that) he lost yesterday.


析:先行词 the book 在限制性定语从句中作宾语,关系代词 which 或that 可以省略。

例 2. The book, which he lost yesterday, has been found.


析:先行词 the book 在非限制性定语从句中作宾语,关系代词 which 不可省。


21.The letter is from my sister, ______is working in Beijing.

A. which

B. that

C. whom

D. who

22.In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds of ____are women.

A. them

B. which

C. whom

D. who

23.You're the only person ______I've ever met ______could do it.

A. who;/

B./; whom

C. whom;/

D./; who

24.I lost a book, ______I can't remember now.

A. whose title

B. its title

C. the title of it

D. the title of that

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a010632955.html,st summer we visited the West Lake, ______Hangzhou is famous in the world.

A. for which

B. for that

C. in which

D. what

26.I have bought such a watch _______ was advertised on TV.

A. that

B. which

C. as

D. it

27.I can never forget the day _______ we worked together and the day ______ we spent together.

A. when; which

B. which; when

C. what; that

D. on which; when

28.The way ______he looks at problems is wrong.

A. which

B. whose

C. what


29.This is the reason ______he didn't come to the meeting.

A. in which

B. with which

C. that

D. for which

30.This machine, ______for many years, is still working perfectly.

A. after which I have looked

B. which I have looked after

C. that I have looked after

D. I have looked after

31.The reason ______he didn't come was ______he was ill.

A. why; that


C. for that;that

D.for which;what

32.He is working hard, ______will make him pass the final exam.



C.for which


33.That is not the way ______I do it.



C.for which

D.with which

34.I have two grammars, ______are of great use.

A. all of which

B. either of which

C. both of that

D. both of which

35.I want to use the same tools _______used in your factory a few days ago.

A. as was

B. which was

C. as were

D. which

36.My neigh bours used to give me a hand in time of trouble, _______ was very kind of them.

A. who

B. which

C. that

D. it

37.This is the magazine _______ I copied the paragraph.

A. that

B. which

C. from that

D. from which

38.He is not such a man _______ would leave his work half done.

A. that

B. which

C. who

D. as

39. You can depend on whatever promise _______ he makes.

A. /

B. why

C. when

D. whose

40. Smoking, _______ is a bad habit, is, however, popular.

A. that

B. which

C. it

D. though


限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句 2.关系代词which与as引导非限制性定语从句的区别。 (1)which与as都可以引导非限制性定语从句,which引导定语从句要置于先行词后面,而as引导的定语从句位置相对灵活,可放在句首,也可以放在句后 eg.正像他所意识到的那样,我对他非常有用 As he realized, I was very useful to him. 空气,众所周知,是一种气体 Air, as we know, is a gas. 他是个外国人,正像我从他口音判断的那样。 He was a foreigner, as I know form his accent. 他又来晚了,这一点使老板很生气 He came late again, which made his boss angry. (2)当定语从句位于主句后面,纯粹表示主句所述的内容,往往用which;当定语从句中有“如同……那样”的含义时,用as比用which更常见。 Eg.妈妈老把我当成小孩对待,让我无法忍受 Mummy always treats me just like a baby, which I can’t bear. 事与愿违,这是常有的事 Things will turn out contrary to on e’s wishes, as is often the case. (3)“介词+关系代词”结构的定语从句,必须用which,不能用as. Eg.我们周围有很多氧气,没有他们我们无法生存 There is a great deal of oxygen around us, without which we could not live. 3.引导限制性定语从句时which与as的区别 定语从句前面有such, as, the same 时,引导定语从句的关系代词用as,不用which. Eg 所需要的字典有许多都有了


限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的六点区别 区别一:形式不同 限定性定语从句主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开,口语中使用时也不停顿;而非限定性定语从句与主句之间通常有逗号隔开,口语中使用时有停顿。 区别二:功能不同 限定性定语从句用于对先行词的意义进行修饰、限制和识别,如果去掉,就会造成句意不完整或概念不清;而非限定性定语从句用于对先行词起补充说明作用,如果省略,句意仍然清楚、完整。如: People who take physical exercise live longer. 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义) His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整) 区别三:翻译不同 在翻译定语从句时,一般把限定性定语从句翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,而把非限定性定语从句与主句分开。如: He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。 I’ve invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。 区别四:含义不同 比较下面的两个句子: I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一个医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个) I have a sister, who is a doctor. 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐) 区别五:先行词不同 限定性定语从句的先行词只能是名词或代词,而非限定性定语从句的先行词则可以是名词或代词,也可以是短语或句子;另外,当先行词为专有名词或其他具有独一无二性的普通名词时,通常要用非限制性定语从句,而不用限制性定语从句。如: Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。(which指drive too fast) He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(which 指整个主句)


定语从句 用来说明主句中某一名词或代词(有时也可说明整个主句或主句中一部分)而起 定语作用的句子叫作定语从句。 一.词引导的定语从句 1. 关系代词用来指代先行词是人或物的名词或代词 句子成分用于限制从句或非限制性从句只用于限制性从句 代替人代替物代替人或物 主语 Who which that 主语 Whom which that 宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which) 例1:This is the detective who came from London. 例2:The book which I am reading is written by Tomas Hardy. 例3:The desk whose leg is broken is very old. 例4:This is the room that Shakespeare was born in. 2.关系代词的用法 (1) 如果先行词是all, much, anything, something, nothing, everything, little, none等不定代词,关系代词一般只用that,不用which。例如: All the people that are present burst into tears. (2) 如果先等词被形容词最高级以及first, last, any, only, few, much, no, some, very等词修饰,关系代词常用that,不用which, who,或whom。例 如: (3) 非限制性定语从句中,不能用关系代词that,作宾语用的关系代词也不 能省略。例如:


从句 从句按其在主句中的句法功能可分为三类: 即名词性从句、形容词性从句(即定语从句)和副词性从句(即状语从句)。 引导从句的词称作关联句. 一、名词性从句 引导这些名词性从句的关联词包括: 从属连词that, if, whether; 连接代词 who,whoever,whom,whomever,which,whichever,what,whatever,wh ose; 连接副词where, when, why, how。 其中, 从属连词只起连接作用, 在从句中不充当任何句法成分, 而连接代词和连接副词既起连接作用, 在从句中又充当一定的成分. That Owen should have married his cousin is not at all surprising. The fact is that he didn't go to the dinner party. I don't know if he will attend the meeting. Have you heard the news that Mary is going to marry Tom? 你听说玛丽要和汤姆结婚的消息了吗?(that引导同位语从句) [提示]

1. 在含有主语从句的复合句中, 为保持句子平衡, 常用it作形式主语,而将真正的主语从句置于句末. It's well-known that water is indispensable to life.(形式主语) 2. 为保持句子平衡, that引导的宾语从句也常用it代替, 而将真正的宾语从句置于主句句末。这常常出现在主句有形容词或分词作宾语补足语的情况下。 He made it quite clear that he preferred to live here. 3. 从属连词whether和if都作“是否…”解, 但if不可引导主语从句和表语 从句。whether可与or(not)连用, 而if不可以。 I don't know whether (if) she is at home. Whether she comes or not makes no difference. 4. that和what引导名词性从句的区别: that在从句中不充当成分,而what在从句中充当一定的成分, 如主语、表语、宾语等。that可省略, what则不可省。 He always means what he says. She suggested (that) he do it at once. 5. 同位语从句大多由从属连词that引导, 常跟在下列名词后面, 如fact, idea, opinion, news, hope, belief等, that不可省。同位语从句一般用来解释说明这些名词的具体含义和内容。 We are familiar with the idea that all matter consists of atoms. The news that we are invited to the conference is very encouraging.


非限定性定语从句是英语语法中从句的一种,是定语从句的分支之一。作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常和主句间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立。运用非限定性定语从句,尤其要注意其语法运用及其所表示的东西。 1 who引导的非限制性定语从句 Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook. 我们的向导,一个法裔加拿大人,擅长于烹调。 My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this year. 我家的园丁非常悲观,他说今年将不结苹果。 2 whom引导的非限制性定语从句。 关系代词whom用于指人,在句中作动词宾语和介词宾语,作介词宾语时,介词可位于句末。 如:Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris. 彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。 Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist. 史密斯先生是一位著名的科学家,我从他那儿学了许多东西。 3 whose引导的非限制性定语从句。 whose是关系代词who的所有格形式,在从句中作定语。whose通常指人,也可指动物或无生命的事物。 如:The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard. 那位小男孩学习很努力,他的父亲是位工程师。 Above the trees are the mountains, whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. 在树林的高处是山,其壮丽的景色完全映照在河面上。 The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period. 这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。 4 which引导的非限制性定语从句。 关系代词which在非限制性定语从句中所指代和修饰的可以是主句中的名词、形容词、短语、其他从句或整个主句,在从句中作主语、动词宾语、介词宾语或表语。 ①which指代主句中的名词,被指代的名词包括表示物、婴儿或动物的名词、表示单数意义的集体名词以及表示职业、品格等的名词。 如:These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit. 这些苹果树是我三年前栽的,还没有结过果实。 She is an artist,which I am not. 她是一位艺术家,而我不是。 Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses. 水是一种清澈的液体,有许多用途。 The two policemen were completely trusted,which in fact they were. 那两个警察完全受到信任,事实上,也真是如此。 ②which指代主句中的形容词。 如:She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was. 她对孩子们很耐心,她丈夫却很少这样。 She is always careless,which we should not be. 她总是马虎大意,我们可不应该这样。 ③which指代主句中的某个从句。


定语从句 一、限制性与非限制性定语从句 (一)限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别 限制性定语从句对先行词起修饰限制作用;而非限制性定语从句是对先行词起补充说明作用。非限制性定语从句中,先行词与定语从句往往有逗号割开。非限制性定语从句相当于并列句、状语从句等。如: I want this man, who (=for he) can speak English. He gave up the plan, which (=though it) was a very good one. I met John, who (=and he) told me the news. I will take this one, which (=for it) seems to be the best one. He has two sons, who work in the same pany. (He has only two sons.) He has two sons who work in the same pany. (Perhaps he has more than two sons.) (二)非限制性定语从句中关系代词和关系副词的用法 1、关系代词和关系副词在任何情况下都不能省略; 2、Who(主语),whom(宾语),which(主语、宾语)不能用that代替,也不能互相替 换; 3、介词+which/whom+从句结构中,介词不能移到从句的后面; 4、when, where可用于非限制性定语从句。 二、关系代词的用法 (一)关系代词的作用和分类 1、关系代词的作用有三个: (1)连接作用:关系代词引导从句,把它和主句连接起来; (2)替代作用:关系代词在从句中替代它前面的先行词; (3)成分作用:关系代词在从句中总是充当句子成分。 2、关系代词的用法分类 关系代词的用法与分类有三点依据: (1)根据所引导的从句的限制性和非限制性; (2)根据所替代的先行词是指人还是指物; (3)根据它在从句中所充当的成分----主语、宾语、表语或者定语。 (二)关系代词that和which的用法 1、限制性定语从句中,必须用关系代词that的情况: (1)当先行词是不定代词all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, the one时。如:


定语从句练习 1.A teacher is a person_____passes knowledge to students. A.who B.whose C.whom D.which 2.The woman _____ you met in the street is Kate. A. why B.when C.whom D.where 3.Please pass me the book_____cover is green. A.which B.whose C.who D.where 4.This is the room_____he lived last year. A.which B.where C.in where D.who 5.This is the room_____he lived in last year. A.which B.where C.in where D.who 6.The girl_____I spoke to is my cousin. A.where B.whose C.whom D.which 7.They’re the people _____were seen yesterday. A.that B.whose C.whom D.which 8.He came back for the book____was on the desk. A.who B.whose C.whom D.which 9. He came back for the book____he had forgotten. A.where B.whose C.who D.that 10.I know the date____Lincoln was born. A. why B.when C.whom D.where 11.I would like to linve in a place_____there is plenty of sunshine. A. that B.when C.which D.where 12.That is the reason _____he was late. A. why B.when C.whom D.where 13.I have no idea about the man ____wrote the article. A. who B.when C.whom D.that


限制性定语从句 真题再现 1. Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon______ school education depends. A. it B. that C. whose D. which 2. As the smallest child of his family, Alex is always longing for the time _______ he should be able to be independent. A. which B. where C. whom D. when 3. Creating an atmosphere _______ employees feel part of a team is a big challenge. A. as B. whose C. in which D. at which 4. The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere ______ his employees enjoy their work. A. where B. which C. when D. who 5. She has a gift for creating an atmosphere for her students _____ allows them to communicate freely with each other. A. which B. where C. what D. who 6. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of ______ uses it somewhat differently. A. which B. what C. them D. those 7. Children who are not active or _____ diet is high in fat will gain weight quickly. A. what B. whose C. which D. that 1.D。本题考查的定语从句的用法,upon which的用法,句意为:一些专家认为,阅读是一些学校教育依赖的重要的技能。 2. D。考查定语从句,先行词the time,定语从句缺少时间状语,用关系副词when。 3. C。句意:创造一种雇员感觉是其中一员的氛围是一个大的挑战。这是一个定语从句,in the atmosphere“在氛围中”是一个固定搭配,因此选用in which。此外也可以是where。 4. A。句意:公司老板正尽力创造一种轻松的气氛,在这种气氛中,其员工喜欢他们的工作。句中先行词为atmosphere,抽象的地点名词,在从句中作地点状语,故用关系副词where。故选A。 5. A。句意:她具有给学生营造一种允许他们自由交流的氛围的天赋。分析句子结构可知,定语从句“_____ allows them to communicate freely with each other”修饰先行词atmosphere,将先行词代入从句后为:The atmosphere allows them to communicate freely with each other,由此可知先行词在定语从句中作主语,而且指代物,所以需用关系代词which,故正确答案为A项。 6. A。句意:英语是一种被几种不同文化共有的语言,每种文化使用英语多少有些不同。本题考查非限制性定语从句。先行词为cultures,将先行词代入定语从句后为:Each of the cultures uses it somewhat differently,由此可见先行词在定语从句中作介词of的宾语,且of 被提前,故答案为A项。what不能引导定语从句,故被排除;如选C项,需在each of前加


非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句也是定语从句的一种,在高中语法知识中它也是非常重要的一项的,老师们对于非限定性定语从句的讲解也是非常重视的。因为在考试中经常会出现该从句的讲解,下面大家就跟随小编一起来了解该从句的讲解。 说到非限定性定语从句的讲解,还要分成不同的部分,首先大家要知道就得就是该从句的作用是什么。其实它在句子中是一个独立的成分,不会受到主句的限制,把从句去掉之后,主句仍然是成立的。这也是为什么它会叫做非限定性定语从句。其次,大家要了解该从句的形式:非限制性定语从句与先行词以及主句之间的关系不甚紧密,因而通常要用逗号与主句分隔开。例如: Have you seen the film Titanic, whose leading actor is world famous? 你看过“泰坦尼克号”这部电影吗?它的男主演可是世界闻名的。 My friend, who has served on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month. 我有位朋友,他一辈子服务于国际奥林匹克委员会,下个月就要退休了。 在非限制性定语从句也分成不同的种类,在不同情况下,该从句的使用方法也是不一样的,在考试中经常会考察大家对于该从句不同类型的运用。如果大家不能很好的掌握这些用法,在考试的时候就一定会丢分了,下面就是关于该从句不同类型的介绍: (1) who引导的非限制性定语从句 Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.我们的向导,一个法裔加拿大人,擅长于烹调。 My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this year.我家的园丁非常悲观,他说今年将不结苹果。 (2) whom引导的非限制性定语从句 关系代词whom用于指人,在句中作动词宾语和介词宾语,作介词宾语时,介词可位于句末。如: Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他。 Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist.史密斯先生是一位著名的科学家,我从他那儿学了许多东西。 (3) whose引导的非限制性定语从句 whose是关系代词who的所有格形式,在从句中作定语。whose通常指人,也可指动物或无生命的事物。如: The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard.那位小男孩学习很努力,他的父亲是位工程师。 Above the trees are the mountains whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. 在树林的高处是山,其壮丽的景色完全映照在河面上。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.这剧本是那个时期的典型作品,风格拘谨刻板。 (4) which引导的非限制性定语从句 关系代词which在非限制性定语从句中所指代和修饰的可以是主句中的名词、形容词、短语、其他从句或整个主句,在从句中作主语、动词宾语、介词宾语或表语。


2016年必考英语语法——限定性定语从句 1.that即可代表事物也可代表人,which代表事物;它们在从句中作主语或宾语,that 在从句中作宾语时常可省略关系词,which在从句中作宾语则不能省略。而且,如果which在从句中作“不及物动词+介词”的介词的宾语,注意介词不要丢掉,而且介词总是放在关系代词which的前边,但有的则放在它原来的位置 2.which作宾语时,根据先行词与定语从句之间的语义关系,先行词与which之间的介词不能丢 3.代表物时多用which,但在带有下列词的句子中用that而不用which,这些词包括all, anything, much等,这时的that常被省略 4.who和whom引导的从句用来修饰人,分别作从句中的主语和宾语,whom作宾语时,要注意它可以作动词的宾语也可以作介词的宾语 5.where是关系副词,用来表示地点的定语从句 6.when引导定语从句表示时间 〔注〕值得一提的是,表示时间“time"一词的定语从句只用when引导,有时不用任何关系代词,当然也不用that引导 By the time you arrive in London, we will have stayed there for two weeks. I still remember the first time I met her. Each time he goes to besiness trip, he brings a lot of living necessities, such as towers, soap, toothbrush etc. 7.whose是关系代词,修饰名词作定语,相当于所修饰成分的前置所有格

高考英语语法知识点 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句

考点23 限制性定语从句与非 限制性定语从句 高考频度:★★★★★ 考向一非限制性定语从句 非限制性定语从句是对意义已经非常明确的先行词给予补充、说明,删去非限制性定语从句,主句的意思仍是概念清晰、结构完整的。非限制性定语从句的引导词有who,whom,which,whose,as,when,where等,that不可用于引导非限制性定语从句,从句之前要用逗号。 先行词指人,则用who,whose,which等; 先行词指物,要用which; 先行词表时间或者地点,并在句中作时间状语或者地点状语时要用when或者where引导。 一、使用非限制性定语从句的情况: 1. 关系代词指代整个主句时,使用非限制性定语从句。 ?You did a lot for me, for which I was grateful. 你为我做了许多,对此我很感激。 ?The Diaoyu Island belongs to China, as is known to us. 众所周知,钓鱼岛属于中国。 ?A middle-aged woman killed her husband, which frightened me very much. 一个中年女子杀害了自己的丈夫,这令我十分恐惧。 2. 当先行词指的是世界上独一无二的事物或人名地名等专有名词时,使用非限制性定语从句。 ?China, which is my motherland, is developing fast. 中国是我的祖国,正在快速发展。 ?Eason, who was a pop star, got married last year. 伊森去年结婚了,他是明星。 ?Last Sunday they reached Nanjing , where a conference was to be held. 他们上周日到达南京,有个会议要在那里举行。


限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句的区别 一、在句中作用不同 限制性定语从句对被修饰的先行词有限定制约作用,使该词的含义更具体,更明确。 限制性定语从句不能被省略,否则句意就不完整。 非限制性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,只是对其作一些附加说明,不起限定制约作用。如果将非限制性定语从句省去,主句的意义仍然完整。 二、外在表现形式不同 限制性定语从句因与先行词关系密切,所以不可以用逗号将其与主句隔开;而非限制 性定语从句与先行词关系不十分密切,所以可用逗号将其与主句隔开。 例1. Do you remember the girl who taught us English? 你还记得教我们英语的那个女孩吗? 例2. Clock is a kind of instrument which can tell people time. 钟是一种能够告诉人们时间的仪器。 例3. This is the place where he used to live. 这就是他过去居住的地方。 例4. Mr. Zhang, who came to see me yesterday, is an old friend of mine. 张先生昨天来看我,他是我的一位朋友。 例5. We walked down the village street, where they were having market d ay. 我们沿着村里的大街向前走去,村民们正在那里赶集。 析:在前三个例句中,定语从句与先行词关系密切,为限制性定语从句,不可用逗号将其与主句隔开。在后两个例句中,定语从句与先行词关系不密切,为非限制性定语从句,可用逗 号将其与主句隔开。 三、先行词内容有所不同 大多数限制性和非限制性定语从句的先行词往往为某一个词或短语,而特殊情况下非限制性定语从句的先行词也可为整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句常由which 引导。


高考总复习:非限制性定语从句 编稿:陈玉莲审稿:王春霞 真题再现 1. In our class there are 46 students, _____ half wear glasses. A. in whom B. in them C. of whom D. of them 2. It is the third time that she has won the race, ______ has surprised us all. A. that B. where C. which D. what 3. When deeply absorbed in work, ______ he often was,he would forget all about eating or sleeping. A. that B. which C. where D. when 4. That evening, _____ I will tell you more about later, I ended up working very late. A. that B. which C. what D. when 5. I wish to thank Professor Smith, without _______ help I would never have got this far. A. who B. whose C. whom D. which 6. The air quality in the city, _____ is shown in the report, has improved over the past two months. A. that B. it C. as D. what 7. Alot of language learning, has been discovered, is happening in the first year of life, so parents should talk much to their children during that period. A. as B. it C. which D. this 8. By 16:30, ____ was almost closing time, nearly all the paintings had been sold. A. which B. when C. what D. that 9. After the flooding, people were suffering in that area,_______ urgently needed clean water, medicine and shelter to survive. A. which B. who C. where D. what 10. Ellen was a painter of birds and of nature, _____, for some reason, had withdrawn from all human society. A. which B. who C. where D. whom 11. Maria has written two novels, both of ___ have been made into television series. A. them B. that C. which D. what 1. C。前后两句话之间无连词,故不能用人称代词them而应用关系代词whom引导定语从句;在46个学生当中,表所属,应用of。故答案选C。 2. C。所填词前有逗号,是非限制性定语从句,先行词是整个主句,关系词在从句中做主语,选C。其余选项与题干不符。 3. B。非限制性定语从句,which作表语。 4.B。题干中that evening是先行词,其在定语从句中作介词about的宾语,所以用which。句意:以后我将和你谈起的那个晚上,我工作到了很晚。 5. B。分析从句结构,主谓宾齐全,without ____ help做从句的谓语,whose help作with的宾语。


限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句六大区别及练习 区别一:形式不同 限定性定语从句主句和从句之间不用逗号隔开,口语中使用时也不停顿;而非限定性定语从句与主句之间通常有逗号隔开,口语中使用时有停顿。 区别二:功能不同 限定性定语从句用于对先行词的意义进行修饰、限制和识别,如果去掉,就会造成句意不完整或概念不清;而非限定性定语从句用于对先行词起补充说明作用,如果省略,句意仍然清楚、完整。如: People who take physical exercise live longer. 进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。(若把从句去掉句子就失去意义) His daughter, who is in Boston now, is coming home next week. 他女儿现在在波士顿,下星期回来。(若把从句去句子意义仍然完整) 区别三:翻译不同 在翻译定语从句时,一般把限定性定语从句翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,而把非限定性定语从句与主句分开。如: He is the man whose car was stolen. 他就是汽车被窃的那个人。 I’ve invited Jim, who lives in the next flat. 我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。 区别四:含义不同 比较下面的两个句子: I have a sister who is a doctor. 我有一个医生的姐姐。(姐姐不止一个) I have a sister, who is a doctor. 我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐)

区别五:先行词不同 限定性定语从句的先行词只能是名词或代词,而非限定性定语从句的先行词则可以是名词或代词,也可以是短语或句子;另外,当先行词为专有名词或其他具有独一无二性的普通名词时,通常要用非限制性定语从句,而不用限制性定语从句。如: Peter drove too fast, which was dangerous. 彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。(which指drive too fast) He changed his mind, which made me very angry. 他改变了主意,这使我很生气。(which指整个主句) Mr. Smith, who is our boss, will leave for Japan next week. 我们的老板史密斯先生下周要去日本。(先行词为专有名词,要用非限制性定语从句修饰) Her father, who has a lot of money, wishes her to study abroad. 她父亲很有钱,希望她出国学习。(先行词为表独一无二意义的普通名词,要用非限制性定语从句修饰) 区别六:关系词不同 关系词that和why可用于限制性定语从句中,通常不用于非限制性定语从句;另外,在限制性定语从句中,关系词有时可以省略(参见本章有关内容),而在非限制性定语从句中关系词一律不省略。 【巩固练习】 1. — Is that the small company you often refer to? — Right, just the one _______ you know my father used to work for years. A. that B. which C. where D. as 2. — Where did they fi nish the experiment? — It was in the lab _______ was taken charge of by Prof. Smith.


非限练习+详解 1. The place _______interested me most was the Children's Palace. A. Which B. where C. what D. in which 2. Do you know the man _______? A. whom I spoke B. to who spoke C. I spoke to D. that I spoke 3. This is the hotel _______last month. A. which they stayed B. at that they stayed C. where they stayed at D. where they stayed 4. Do you know the year ______the Chinese Communist Party was founded? A. which B. that C. when D. on which 5. That is the day ______I'll never forget. A. which B. on which C. in which D. when 6. The factory ______we'll visit next week is not far from here. A. where B. to which C. which D. in which 7. Great changes have taken place since then in the factory _______we are working. A. where B. that C. which D. there 8. This is one of the best films _______. A. that have been shown this year B. that have shown C. that has been shown this year D. that you talked 9. Can you lend me the book ______the other day? A. about which you talked B. which you talked C. about that you talked D. that you talked 10. The pen ______he is writing is mine. A. with which B. in which C. on which D. by which 11.They arrived at a farmhouse, in front of ______sat a small boy. A. whom B. who C. which D. that 12.The engineer ______my father works is about 50 years old. A. to whom B. on whom C. with which D. with whom 13.It there anyone in your class ______family is in the country? A. who B. who's C. which D. whose 14.I'm interested in ______you have said. A. all that B. all what C. that D. which 15.I want to use the same dictionary ______was used yesterday. A. which B. who C. what D. as 16.He isn't such a man ______he used to be. A. who B. whom C. that D. as 17.He is good at English, ______we all know. A. that B. as C. whom D. what 18.Li Ming, ______to the concert enjoyed it very much. A. I went with B. with whom I went C. with who I went D.I went with him 19.I don't like ______ as you read.
