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Chapter 1 建立贸易关系

1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establishing Business Relations

2. 回复请求建立业务关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations

3. 索取产品资料Request for Product Literature

4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature

5. 邀请会面Invitation to the Business Appointment

6. 接受会面邀请Accepting the Invitation to the Business Appointment

7. 谢绝会面邀请Declining the Invitation to the Business Appointment

8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the Meeting

Chapter 2 推销

9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers

10. 向不特定客户推销Sales Circular to Non-Specific Customers

11. 寄信给老客户Sales Letter to Old Customers

12. 寄信给新客户Sales Letter to New Customers

13. 推销新产品Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products

14. 推销劳务Sales Letter for Promotion of Labor Services

Chapter 3 询盘和订货

15. 一般询盘General Inquiry

16. 回复一般询盘Reply to the General Inquiry

17. 具体询盘Specific Inquiry

18. 报虚盘Making a Non-Firm Offer

19. 报实盘Making a Firm Offer

20. 买方还盘Making a Counter Offer

21. 卖方返还盘Making a Counter-Counter Offer

22. 下订单Placing an Order

23. 接受订单Accepting an Order

24. 拒绝订单Declining an Order

25. 下续订单Placing a Repeat Order

26. 推荐替代品Offering a Substitute Product

27. 接受替代品Accepting a Substitute Product

28. 拒绝替代品Declining a Substitute Product

29. 涨价通知Notice for Price Increase

30. 回复涨价通知Reply to the Price Increase Notice

Chapter4 付款

31. 询问付款方式Asking about Payment Terms

32. 接受付款方式Accepting Payment Terms

33. 要求修改信用证Request for Amendment to L/C

34. 信用证修改Amendment to L/C

35. 付款通知Payment Notice

36. 收到付款通知Receipt of Payment Notice

37. 催促付款(初次) Urging Payment (First Notice)

38. 催促付款(最后通告) Urging Payment (Last Notice)

39. 索取发票Asking for Invoice

40. 寄送发票Sending Invoice

Chapter 5 包装和交货

41. 包装要求Packaging Requirements

42. 回复包装要求Reply to Packaging Requirements

43. 装运时间Time of Shipment

44. 回复装运通知Reply to Time of Shipment

45. 催促装运Urging Shipment

46. 回复催促装运Reply to Urging Shipment

47. 出货通知Shipment Advice

48. 货物抵达通知Goods Arrival Notice

Chapter 6 投诉和致歉

49. 投诉货物未寄达Complaint about Goods Arrival Failure

50. 对货物未寄达致歉Apology for Goods Arrival Failure

51. 出货延迟Late Delivery

52. 对出货延迟致歉Apology for Late Delivery

53. 投诉货物质量Complaint about Poor Quality of Goods

54. 对货物质量不佳致歉Apology for Poor Quality of Goods

55. 投诉货物数量Complaint about Wrong Quantity of Goods

56. 为数量错误致歉Apology for Wrong Quantity of Goods

57. 投诉发货出错Complaint about Receiving Wrong Goods

58. 为发货有误致歉Apology for Sending Wrong Goods

59. 抱怨包装不良Complaint about Poor Packaging

60. 为包装不良致歉Apology for Poor Packaging

61. 付款出错Payment Error

62. 为付款出错致歉Apology for Payment Error

63. 对服务的不满Service Dissatisfaction

64. 对服务不满致歉Apology for Customer Service Dissatisfaction

Chapter 7 商务交往

65. 请求筹备出差Request for Preparing for a Business Trip

66. 回复请求筹备出差Reply to the Request for preparing for a Business Trip

67. 确认预定行程Confirming Itinerary Reservation

出差后的感谢 Thanks for a Business Trip 活动通知 Activity Notice 集会通知 Gathering Notice 邀请担任演讲者 Inviting Speaker 回复演讲邀请 Reply to the Invitation for Speaker 展销会通知 Trade Fair Notice 回复邀请 Reply to the Trade Fair Invitation 请求帮忙做问卷调查 Request for Filling Out Questionnaire 请求转载许可 Request for Reproduction Permission

Chapter 8 公司人事

人事查询 Personnel Enquiry 找寻人才 Looking for Qualified Personnel 晋升公告 Promotion Announcement 调动通知 Transfer Notice 褒奖员工 Complimenting Employees

Chapter 9 公司内部

会议通知 Meeting Notice 例行报告 Routine Report 问题报告 Problem Report 提案 Proposal 回复提案 Reply to Proposal 说服对方 Convincing the Other Side 给予指示 Giving Instructions 新产品说明 New Product Description

Chapter 10 社交信函

邀请与约见函 Invitation and Appointment Letter 回复邀请 Reply to Invitation 祝贺函 Letter of Congratulation 慰问函 Letter of Sympathy 感谢函 Letter of Thanks 道歉函 Letter of Apology 通知函 Letter of Advice 鼓励函 Letter of Encouragement 探病函 Letter of Consoling the Sick 吊唁函 Letter of Condolence 节日问候 Seasons Greeting

Chapter 1 建立贸易关系

68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76.

77. 78. 79. 80. 81.

82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89.

90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100.

1. 请求建立贸易关系Request for Establish ing Busin ess Relatio ns

We have learned from ①(信息来源)that you are ②(公司性质)in ③(国名或地域名). Weare glad that you are interested in ④(产品名称). So, we are willing to establish bus in ess relati ons with you. Attached please find ⑤(附件内容).

We are⑥(公司性质).We export ⑦(出口产品名称)to ⑧(出口产品目的地).If ⑨(对


We look forward to receivi ng your inquiry at an early date.

2. 回复请求建立贸易关系Reply to the Request for Establishing Business Relations

Thanks for your email to en ter into bus in ess relati ons with us in ①(经营范围).We

have read your ②(邮件附件内容).

As you know, we are ③(重述本公司身份).We have a large ④(需求量大的产品名称)

market here, so we are seeking new partners. If possible, we ' d like to be ⑤(我

方角色)in ⑥(国名或地域名).Should ⑦(对方提供的优惠),we ' ll⑧(订单种类).

We look forward to your favorable reply.

3. 索取资料Request for Product Literature

We learn from ①(信息来源)that you are ②(供货商身份).We ③(关注产品途径)and

became much interested in your ④(产品名称).

We are ⑤(我方公司身份).As we are in terested in doing bus in ess with you, we would

like you to send us ⑥(邮寄方式)the detailed in formation about ⑦(欲购产品名称)

to ⑧(邮寄地址).The dema nd for ⑨(产品类型)in our market is really great.

Your immediate attention is highly appreciated.

4. 回复索取产品资料Reply to the Request for Product Literature

Weare so glad that you are interested in ①(产品名称).Attached are ②(附件内容). As you

requested in your email, we sent you our ③(索取资料)by ④(由E寄方式), which will tell you

everything about our ⑤(产品名称).

Although established in ⑥(公司成立时间), we are developing very fast. Wepay great attention to

⑦(特另U关注之处).We have introduced advaneed production equipment

from ⑧(国名或地域名).We now export our products to ⑨(出口产品目的地).⑩(产品畅销国国名或地名)is our largest market. 迫(某一特定产品系列)is a bestseller.

We look forward to your trial order.

5. 邀请会面In vitatio n to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt

I ' d like to invite you for a meeting with ①(我公司会面人职务和姓名)if you feel convenient.

As (会议名称)will be held in ③(会议地点)from ④(会议起始日)to ⑤(会议结束

日),we thi nk you ⑥(对方可能采取的行动).If you come, we would like to in vite you

for a meeting with ?(我公司会面人)at (⑧(会面地点),on ⑨(双方会面日)to discuss 璽(双方会面商讨事宜). 11 (我公司会面人)wishes to have an opportunity for a

meet ing with you.

We look forward to receivi ng a positive reply from you.

6. 接受邀请会面Accept ing the In vitati on to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt

I ' m glad that you will arrange a meeting between ?_(对方会面人职务和姓名)and me

on the day before the opening of ②/ 会议名称)to ③(会面事宜).

As a matter of fact, we had had the intention to meet 題(对方会面人职务)during ⑤(会议名称)before we got your email. Wecherish the opportunity ⑥(我方珍惜之事),and are pleased to have a chanee to ⑦(有机会之事).

We look forward to see ing you in Don ggua n.

7. 谢绝会面邀请Decli ning the In vitati on to the Busin ess Appo in tme nt

Thank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日),inviting me to have a meeting with

②(对方会面人职位)on③(对方建议的会面日)before the opening of ④/会议名称)at


I ' m sorry to say that we are unable to go to ⑥(会议名称),when we ⑦(拒绝会面原因).That ' s why lean ' t go and meet ⑧(对方会面人职位).

Wehope that you will understand our situation. Wewish to meet sometime in the near future to ?_(会面目的).

8. 要求更改会面时间及地点Request for Changing the Time & Place of the Meeting

Thank you for your email of ①(对方邮件发送日),inviting me to have a meeting with

②(对方会面人职位)on③(对方建议的会面日)before the opening of ④/会议名称)at ⑤(会面地点).

we d like to have the meeting on ⑥(我方提出的会面时间)at ⑦(我方提出的会面地点).It will be much more convenient to us if you agree to the date and place we have suggested. Your favorable reply would be highly appreciated.

Chapter 2 推销

9. 向特定客户推销Sales Letter to Specific Customers

I would like to tell you that we have got the ①_(产品名称)you inquired about ②(对方询盘时间).Attached are ③(附件名称),which will give you all details for placing an order.

④(产品名称)we ' ve got are ⑤(产品优势).They are really ⑥(欲推销产品引以为傲之处).They are at least as good as, if not better than, ⑦(与同类产品一样好),but

prices are


We expect your feedback before the end of this mon th.

10. 向不特定客户推销 Sales Circular to No n-Specific Customers We are willing to seek partners for ①(出口产品类型 ).

We are ?_(我公司注册地点

),specializing all kinds of

③(产品种类).They are

bestsellers both at home and abroad. We ' ve now made some researches on ④(新研

制产品名称 ),which we are able to provide regularly.

If you are in terested, please con tact me at ⑤(电话联系方式 ).For more related


you can ⑥(获知信息途径 ). Maybe we will make arrangements for a meeting

to discuss details concerning

⑦(商讨事宜 ).

11. 寄信给老客户 Sales Letter to Old Customers

It ' s been Q (有业务往来持续时间 )since we executed your last order. Recently, we got in large quantities of

②(新产品名称).Attached please find


I ' d like to inform you that, we are ④/ 优惠措施)on certain

items, including


方感兴趣产品名称 ).Would you have a look at the attached catalogue? If you wish to

order large quantities, ⑥(联系方式)me. Wewill try to work out terms and conditions to our mutual

ben efit.

We look forward to our continued mutually-profitable bus in ess relati on ship. We expect ⑦(期待事宜).

12. 寄信给新客户 Sales Letter to New Customers

Weare glad to learn, from ①(信息来源),that you are interested in ②(产品名称).We ③(经营情况).Attached please find ④(附件名称).



We look forward to your trial order and assure you of our prompt atte nti on. 13. 推销新产品 Sales Letter for Promotion of New Products We re pleased to inform you that, with years of research, we Much to our delight, they enjoy great popularity.

've sent you ②(邮寄方式)③(邮寄样品种 use will convince you of their extraord inary

④(查看信息途径). Attached please find

⑤(附件名称).We hope you ' ll take this opportunity to


双方禾U 益起见 ).If you consider placing an order, we ' ll grant you


ve in troduced our

new products ①/ 产品名称)to market. As we guess you might be in terested, we 类及数量)for your trial use. A trial

functioning. For more in formati on, please
