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taylor swift introduction(Taylor英文简介)

taylor swift introduction(Taylor英文简介)

Taylor swift brief introduction

Hello everyone,you know i am crazy for Taylor,so i want to introduce her to you today!

Taylor Alison Swift was born in December13,1989,now she is23years old,she is an American country pop singer-songwriter,guitarist and actress.Apart from her parents, she also has a younger brother.Her grandmother was her music influence.Debuted in 2006,she has alredy released four albums(Taylor Swift,Fearless,speak now,red), two Live concert.and also a few singles.She has also acted in some films,including Hannah Montana with Miley Cyrus and also Valentine's Day with Taylor Lautner.Of course,the recording industry had to recognize how awesome she is,giving her awards like the CMA Horizon Award in2009and Grammy Album of the year in2010. Anyway,Taylor means so much to me,and she is a real good girl.

Taylor swift版last christmas 歌词

Last Christmas 演唱:Taylor Swift Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special Once bitten and twice shy I keep my distance But you still catch my eyes Tell me baby, do you recognize me Well it’s been a year It doesn’t surprise me Merry Christmas I wrapped it up and sent it With a note saying I love you I meant it Now I know what a fool I've been But if u kiss me now I know you'll fool me again Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special Last Christmas I gave you my heart But the very next day you gave it away This year to save me from tears I’ll give it to someone special A crowded room Friends with tired eyes I’m hidding from you and your soul vival My god i thought you were Someone to rely on Me I guess I was a shoulder to cry on A face on a lover with a fire in his heart A gril under cover but you tore her apart

Taylor Swift新歌又能在线听了,只不过这次要收钱

Taylor Swift新歌又能在线听了,只不过这次要收钱 虽然泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)的歌迷此前一直无法在流媒体上听到这张销售额已达 450 万的新专辑《1989》,但对于少部分坚持不买实体专辑的人来说,好消息终于来了:泰勒的歌又可以在线听了!《1989》将在 Jay Z 新收购的 TIDAL 流媒体上线,只不过要花点钱。 据 Digital Spy 网站报道,Jay Z 近期花 5600 万美元收购了瑞典音乐流媒体服务商Aspiro,TIDAL 正是其旗下的两项流媒体服务之一。TIDAL 以提供一流的“高保真”音乐著称,但每月要收取 19.9 美元的会员服务费。 对于泰勒来说,比起已决裂的 Spotify,TIDAL 显然有能力向她支付更多的分成和版权费。 自从泰勒将她所有的歌从 Spotify 下架,并拒绝在流媒体上线新专辑《1989》以后,她和 Spotify 的关系就彻底僵化了。Spotify 还专门制作了一个名为“回来吧!Taylor!”的音乐列表,表达他们对 Taylor Swift 的不舍。 去年 11 月 Taylor Swift 接受《时代》杂志专访时曾谈到为什么要将所有音乐从Spotify 上撤下来:“我认为艺术应该有更大的内在价值,但当我把音乐放到 Spotify 上时,结果跟我想的不一样,令我很失望。” 她在访谈中称歌迷仍然可以从 iTunes 下载自己的歌,她并不是在乎版权费,而是在乎人们不用花钱就可以听到自己的音乐:“在 Spotify 上,对那些想下载歌曲的人却根本没有任何限制。人们应该意识到音乐家们创作的音乐是有价值的。” 泰勒当时也指出一些其他的流媒体服务商如 Beats Music 就没有提供免费下载。 Spotify 在《时代》杂志刊出后回应称,公司实际上每年已向 Taylor Swift 支付 2 百万美元的流媒体播放全球版权费。但这一说法很快被 Taylor 的团队反驳:“在过去的 12个月中,我们只收到属于国内部分的 49 万美元。”这笔钱和 Spotify 公布的费用显然

TaylorSwift -- Enchanted 着迷 中英歌词

TaylorSwift - Enchanted 着迷 There I was again tonight 我在这里,在这样的夜晚里 Forcing laughter, faking smiles还是一样,勉强的笑声,虚伪的微笑 Same old tired, lonely place. 那个地方,也还是一样的,疲乏而孤单 Walls of insincerity 虚伪毫无保留的如铜墙铁壁般将我包围 Shifting eyes and vacancy 还是一样,飘忽不定的眼神,空空荡荡的房子 Vanished when I saw your face. 但是就在你出现的那一瞬间,这一切立即消失的无影无踪 All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷” Your eye's whispered "have we met?" 你的眼睛悄悄向我传达着“我们以前见过吗” Across the room your silhouette 来自这个拥挤空间的另一个角落 Starts to make its way to me. 你完美的侧脸已踏上了通向我心房的道路 The playful conversation starts 一段俏皮的小交流,就这样有了开始 Counter all your quick remarks回应着你传达的每一个神态 Like passing notes in secrecy. 就好象悄悄的传递着我们秘密的小纸条 And it was enchanting to meet you. 那就是,我已经对你着迷 All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you. 我的零零碎碎的词字,只能拼凑出“我已经对你着了迷” Chorus This night it sparkling, don't you let it go如此绚丽的夜晚,你会就这样让它成为记忆里的一个片段吗? I'm wonder struck, blushing all the way home 我小小的惊讶着,涨着粉嘟嘟的脸走在回家的路上 I'll spend forever wondering if you knew 我用了好久好久的时间来猜想,你是否知道 I was enchanted to meet you. 我已经对你着迷 Verse 2 The lingering question kept me up 有这样一个问题,在我脑海里徘徊 2 am,凌晨2点,我依旧睡意全无 who do you love? 谁才是你心中那一个呢? I wonder till I'm wide awake. 我无法将这个问题从我脑海中删去,直至我完完全全的清醒 Now I'm pacing back and fourth 此时,我正心思不宁的在房间里来来回回的走动 Wishing you were at my door. 祈祷着,此刻,你就在房门的另一面 I'd open up and you would say, 打开门后,你会对我说 hey,It was enchanted to meet you. 嗨,我已经对你着了迷 All I know is I was enchanted to meet you. 我似乎已被意识植入,已经对你着了迷Chorus


You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift You're on the phone with your girlfriend 你在电话里与你的女朋友谈心 She's upset 她心烦意乱 She's going off about something that you said 她不想听你说的那些事 she doesn't get your humor like I do 她不像我那样懂得你的幽默 I'm in my room 我在房间里 It's a typical Tuesday night 那是一个很平常的周二晚上 I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like 我正在听着她不喜欢的音乐 And she'll never know your story like I do 她永远不会像我一样知道你的故事 But she wears short skirts 但她穿短裙 I wear T-shirts 我穿T恤 She's cheer captain 她是拉拉队长 And I'm on the bleachers 而我是露台上的看客 Dreaming about the day when you wake up 梦想着这一天当你醒来 And find that what you're looking for has been here the whole time 你会发现你一直在找的东西就在你身边 If you can see I'm the one who understands you 你应该能看到我是唯一能理解你的人 Been here all along so why can't you see 一直在你左右你为什么看不见呢 You belong with me 我们在一起才合适 You belong with me 我们在一起才合适 Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans 你穿着破旧的牛仔裤和我走在街上 I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be 我情不自禁地想它怎么可以这样 Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself 我坐在公园的长椅上因为自己而大笑


环球音乐使用了什么杀手锏让TaylorSwift继续签约 11月19日,Taylor Swift在INS上发布公告,宣布将离开BMLG,转向环球音乐集团的品 牌旗下厂牌Republic。到目前为止,世界顶级艺人成为自由职业者已经不到一个月了。 在此之前,世界各地的许多音乐公司都在搬迁,而老东家BMLG在几个月前就进行了续约 谈判。作为公司第一位签名艺术家,他的父亲也是公司的股东,泰勒自己贡献了公司收入的80%。即使如此,BMLG还是没能改变主意。 她签了什么合约? 那么,环球音乐通过“Republic Records”给泰勒带来了什么样的协议,她能否乐意接受? 根据双方已经披露的信息,本合同有两个要点。从此以后,泰勒将拥有自己手中所有作品 的“大师唱片”,并赢得Spotify在环球旗下的所有艺术家的份额。

毫无疑问,让Taylor Swift拥有自己的“大师录音”是第一件会给她留下深刻印象的事情。这是基于完全形成的音乐作品的核心权利,它可以从根本上控制作品,并在所有的许可过程中,包括场景的使用中,都有最终的决定。 显然,这位创作了许多热门歌曲的歌手对她所有的作品以前都归BMLG所有这一事实感到不满,在与她的老俱乐部谈判中,收回自己所有的音乐权利是她的主要诉求。但是在版权丧失后,商标的价值会急剧缩水,因此双方一直未能达成协议。 据《福布斯》杂志报道环球唱片公司提供的合约包括5张将于Taylor Swift年后发行的专辑,所有根据合约发行的音乐将在5年后由她自己版权所有。也就是说除了合同中的相关收入之外,环球公司还没有音乐版权来签署Taylor Swift,这是历史上最有价值的合同。 此外,环球公司还慷慨承诺将其所有的艺术家都给予Spotify的股份该公司将Spotify出售。自2014年以来泰勒一直在与Spotify等流媒体音乐应用进行斗争并删除了该平台上的所有作品,以抗议Spotify对音乐家的超低使用价格。 毫无疑问合作伙伴关系Taylor Swift中的这一条款在帮助音乐制作人共同获得公平收入方面迈出了一大步。 虽然泰勒与环球音乐的合同的财务条款尚未披露,但该合同的估计价值至少为2亿美元。


Taylor Swift - Blank Space - 歌词中英对照- [00:00.00]曲名:Blank Space [00:01.00]演唱:Taylor Swift [00:02.00]专辑:1989 [00:03.00]翻译:AmazStar (水平有限希望各位大神多多指正引用改写请注明) [00:04.00]时间轴:AmazStar (水平有限希望各位大神多多指正引用改写请注明) [00:04.30] [00:04.60] [00:04.90] [00:05.00]Nice to meet you, where you’ve been?很高兴遇见了你,你去哪了呢? [00:08.00]I can show you incredible things.我可以给你无数不可思议的东西[00:10.00]Magic, madness, heaven, sin.魔力、疯狂、天堂、罪恶 [00:12.00]Saw you there and I thought 看到你时我就在想 [00:15.00]oh my god 哦我的天! [00:16.00]Look at that face, you look like my next mistake 看那张脸,我知道你就是我的下一个错误!

[00:19.00]Love is a game,wanna play? 爱情是一场游戏,想来玩吗?[00:26.00]New money, suit and tie. 新晋贵族西装革履 [00:28.00]I can read you like a magazine.看透你就像在看本杂志 [00:30.00]Ain’t it funny,rumors fly? 流言蜚语,很好玩吗? [00:31.00]And I know you’ve heard about me 我知道你一定听说过我[00:35.00]So hey,let’s be friends and I will see how this one ends. [00:37.00]那么好吧,让我们成为朋友,让我看看这一次是怎么结束的[00:40.01]Grab your passport and my hand 带上你的护照抓住我的手[00:43.00]I could make the bad guys good for a weekend. 我能让坏小子也能乖乖过个周末 [00:45.00]So it's gonna be forever Or it's gonna go down in flames 它是永恒还是会消失在那一瞬间的火焰中 [00:49.00]You can tell me when it's over 当它终结时你可以告诉我[00:53.00]If the high was worth the pain 这些精彩是否值回了那些痛苦[00:55.00]Got a long list of ex lovers.They’ll tell you I’m insane 我的名单上有那么多的前任~他们会告诉你我早已疯了! [01:00.00]Cause you know I love the players 可是你知道嘛每每我深陷其中[01:03.00]And you love the game 而你们只是享受这个游戏过程 [01:05.00]Cause we're young and we're reckless 我们年轻且疯狂[01:07.50]We'll take this way too far 这条路,我们走得太远了

Taylor Swift-新歌发布新闻双语

Taylor Swift’s ‘Look What You Made Me Do’ just broke two streaming records 泰勒.斯威夫特的《Look What You Made Me Do》刚刚打破了两个收听记录 The actual music video for Taylor Swift’s new single hasn’t even been released yet, and already her lyric video has broken a YouTube record. 泰勒.斯威夫特的新单曲MV还没有正式发行,但她的歌词视频却已打破了Youtube纪录。 Taylor dropped her single “Look What You Made Me Do” on Thursday night, along with an Alfred Hitchcock-style animated lyric video, which was viewed more than 19 million times on its first day. That made it the most-viewed lyric video on YouTube in a single day, Variety reported. The title had previously been held by the lyric video for “Something Just Like This” from Coldplay and the Chainsmokers, which racked up 9 million views in a single day. 泰勒在周四晚上发布了她的的单曲《Look What You Made Me Do》,同时还发布了一个希区考克风格的动态歌词视频,该视频在发布的第一天收视率已经达到1900万。Variety报道称,这使得它在一天内就成为了Youtube上收视率最高的歌词视频。该头衔原来由酷玩乐队和烟鬼乐队的歌词视频《Something Just Like This》所拥有,因为该视频一天收视率达到900万。 On Spotify, listeners streamed “Look What You Made Me Do” more than 8 million times, setting a global record for the most first-day streams on the platform, the Associated Press reported. 联合通讯社报道称,在Spotify上,听众对于《Look What You Made Me Do》的下载量已经达到800万次,这创造了一个在平台上首日下载量最多的世界纪录。 [The old Taylor Swift is ‘dead,’ but the new one still wants revenge] [昔日的泰勒.斯威夫特已经“死去”,但崭新的泰勒.斯威夫特仍然想要重生] On top of all that, lots of people actually paid cold hard cash to have the song in their


Taylor Swift 《We are never ever getting back together 》 《绝对绝对分定了》(官方中文版) I remember when we broke up, the first time. 我记得那次分手第一次saying this is it I ' ve had enough. 说就这样吧我受够了cause like we hadn ' t seen each other in a 就像我们整个月没见面 whe n you said you n eeded space …what? 当时你说你需要一点空间?不懂? Then you come around again and say. 之后你又回到我身边说baby I miss you and I swear I ' m gonna change. 宝贝我想你了我发誓我会改变trust me. 相信我 remember how that lasted for a day? 记得吗那只维持一天 I say I hate you, we break up, you call me, I love you. 我说我恨你我们分手吧!你打给我说你爱我Oh Woo-Oh We called it off again last night. 昨晚我们又分了 but oh woo-oh, this time I ' m telling you, 但这次我告诉你 I' m telling you, 告诉你! We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说话传到我朋友再传给我but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 但我们绝对绝对绝对绝对分定了 Like …ever. 很.. 绝对 I' m really gonna miss you picking fights. 我会想念你来找我吵架and me falling for a screaming that I 'm right. 而我大叫着说你我是对的 and you hide away and find your piece of mind with some indie record that ' s much cooler than mine. 而你只会躲起来图个清静改听独立音乐说我不够酷 Oh, oh, You called me up again tonight. 昨晚我们又分了 but oh woo-oh,this time I ' m telling you, 但这次我告诉你 I' m telling you, 告诉你! We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 You go talk to your friends talk to my friends talk to me. 你跟你朋友说话传到我朋友再传给我 but we are never ever ever ever getting back together. 但我们绝对绝对绝对绝对分定了 I used to think that we were forever, ever . 我曾经以为我们会永远永远在一起 and I used to say never say never. 我曾经说过没有绝对 so he calls me and he' s like . 他打给我说 “ I still love you. ” “我还是爱你” and I' m just like “this is exhausting … you know...we are never getting back together. 但我...我觉得“这有点烦人你懂吗我们绝对分定了。” Like ever. ” “绝对。” We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 We are never ever ever getting back together. 我们绝对绝对绝对分定了 month


泰勒斯威夫特的完美蜕变优秀英语作文 Taylor has come a long way in four years 音乐小天后泰勒斯威夫特的完美蜕变 When Taylor Swift first came to public notice she was a 17-year-old newcomer who loved singing to her own guitar. She was far more enthusiastic than accomplished, but had an undeniable spark. 泰勒斯威夫特第一次走进观众的视野时, 还只是个喜欢抱着吉他自弹自唱的 17 岁新人。尽管那时从她身上看到更多的是对音乐的狂热而非娴熟的技巧,但 不可否认她迸发着迷人的火花。 Four years later, the spark is more like pyrotechnics, and Swift has become a multi-awards winner, with the biggest selling albums for the past year. 四年后, 火花变成了烟火, 斯威夫特凭借去年推出的最高销量专辑成为诸多 奖项的得主。 For her consummate career, she was named Billboard magazine's Woman of the Year last week. The 21-year-old singer-songwriter is the youngest artist to receive the honor. It comes on the heels of several 2011 Billboard Music Awards, among them Top Country Album for the five-time platinum selling Speak Now, her third album that was released last October. 基于其圆满的音乐事业,上周她被《公告牌》杂志评选为"2011 年度 女性"。这位现年 21 岁的创作歌手是该奖项最年轻的获得者。此前不久她 刚刚在 2011 公告牌音乐颁奖礼获得数项大奖,其中包括凭借去年十月发行的第 三张专辑《现在说出来》所取得的五白金销量而成功斩获的最佳乡村专辑奖。 "Taylor has shown the power of good songwriting with music that has transcended genres," Bill Werde, Billboard's editorial director, said. "And at the young age of 21, Taylor has already made a major impact on music and has been an incredible role model for aspiring artists and young women everywhere." "泰勒在作曲上展现出过人的才华, 其音乐已经超越了现有流派。 " 《公告牌》杂志编务总监比尔沃德赞扬道。"尽管只有 21 岁,泰勒已经震 撼了整个乐坛,不可思议地成为了激励艺人以及各地年轻女性的楷模。"

我最爱的霉霉Taylor Swift_写人作文

我最爱的霉霉Taylor Swift “追星”在我的生活中似乎是个敏感话题,因为和它同时出现的是家长、老师的唠叨:小小年纪追什么星啊?学习成绩还要不要了?再说了人家的感情生活要你管么?…… 我们现在不追星,那么什么时候去追? 你只闻到她的香水,却没看到她的汗水;你说她不入流,她的“美国年度乡村女歌手”不是浪得虚名;你只听到“霉霉”觉得她永远交不上好运,你可知她的专辑销量荣登榜首;你否定她的现在,她决定她的未来;你嘲笑她一无所有不配去爱,我可怜你总是等待;你可以轻视她的年轻,她会证明这是谁的时代。梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤也要活得漂酿。她是TaylorSwift(泰勒斯威夫特),她为自己代言。 我在听歌时喜欢浏览一些欧美歌手,无意中发现她排名第一。我试着听了她的一首后就被她那种带有磁性的嗓音吸引住了。于是,她成为我喜爱的歌手之一了。直到我把她所有的歌下载下来,陶醉其中。我在Google上搜索她,发现她不仅有副好嗓子,还有副好脸蛋。=v=她又成为了我最喜爱的三大歌手之一。有一天,我还发现了她还有一颗善良的心。她在之前出售“SpeakNowHelpNow”的门票,供人们观看她为“SpeakNowWorldTour”的彩排,而全部收入将用来资助贫困儿童。 她有两首歌是我最喜爱的也是最难忘的:和。第一首歌我知道那种被别人冷落和嘲笑的时候自己心中的感情,可是为什么就是有那么些人很卑鄙呢?第二首唱出了Taylor闯荡乐坛的艰辛,就像歌词中说的那样“OhI‘mjustagirl,tryingfindaplaceinthisworld……”(哦-我只是一个女孩,努力去寻找世上属于我的天空。) 她改变了我的音乐风格——适合我的是乡村音乐,还有对人生的价值观——或者,我不一定能改变世界,而是去改变自己。 她拥有敏锐的耳朵和机智的脑袋,所以成就了她超级强的作曲谱词能力。以至于她的每一首歌你都会觉得悦耳,这会让你“三秒钟爱上Taylor”。 为什么我会支持她?为什么我会收集她的美图?为什么我会买她的专辑?为什么我会毫不犹豫地还击黑她的人?为什么我会把自己的名字改为她的姓氏?为什么为什么? 不需要太多的解释。因为我是Swiftie中的一员,我们是她强大的后盾! --来源网络整理,仅供学习参考

taylor swift 专辑fearless中英对照歌词

Jump Then Fall I like the way you sound in the morning,我很喜欢你在早上的声音, we're on the phone and without a warning我们通了电话,没有一个警告 I realize your laugh is the best sound I have ever heard我知道你的笑是最好的声音我听到过 的 I like the way I can't keep my focus,我很喜欢我不能让我的焦点, I watch you talk you didn't notice我看你说你没有通知 I hear the words but all I can think is we should be together我听到的话,但我只能认为这是我们应该在一起 (chorus) (合唱) every time you smile, I smile每次你微笑,我微笑 and every time you shine, I'll shine for you 每次你擦鞋,我会为你服务 whoa oh I'm feeling you baby哇噢,我感觉你的婴儿 don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me不要害怕,然后下降跳,跳,然后落入我 baby, I'm never gonna leave you,宝宝,我尽管这不会离开你, say that you wanna be with me too说,你希望与我太 cause I'm gonna stay through it all so jump then fall导致我gonna通过它留都是这么跳然后下降well I like the way your hair falls in your face 以及我很喜欢你的头发,在属于你的脸 you got the keys to me I love each freckle on your face, oh,你明白我的钥匙我爱你的脸每雀斑,哦, I've never been so wrapped up,我从来没有这样结束, honey, I like the way you're everything I've ever wanted亲爱的,我很喜欢你的一切我所想 I had time to think it oh-over and all I can say is come closer,我有时间去考虑它哦,过去,我只能说是更加接近, take a deep breath and jump then fall into me 深呼吸和跳跃,然后落入我 (chorus) (合唱) every time you smile, I smile每次你微笑,我微笑and every time you shine, I'll shine for you 每次你擦鞋,我会为你服务 whoa oh I'm feeling you baby哇噢,我感觉你的 婴儿 don't be afraid to jump then fall, jump then fall into me不要害怕,然后下降跳,跳,然后落 入我 baby, I'm never gonna leave you,宝宝,我尽管 这不会离开你, say that you wanna be with me too说,你希望 与我太 cause I'm gonna stay through it all so jump then fall导致我gonna通过它留都是这么跳然后下降 the bottoms gonna drop out from under our feet 底部gonna辍学在我们的脚下 I'll catch you, I'll catch you我会抓住你,我 会抓住你 when people say things that bring you to your knees,当人们说的事情,使你的膝盖, I'll catch you我会抓住你 the time is gonna come when you're so mad you could cry时间是gonna来当你生气你可以哭 but I'll hold you through the night until you smile但我会维持到晚上,你,直到你的微笑 whoa oh I need you baby哇哦我需要你的婴儿 don't be afraid please不要害怕,请 jump then fall, jump then fall into me跳然后 下降,跳跃,然后落入我 baby, I'm never gonna leave you,宝宝,我尽管 这不会离开你, say that you wanna be with me too说,你希望 与我太 cause I'm gonna through it all so jump then fall 导致我通过它gonna都是这么跳然后下降 jump then fall baby跳落在婴儿 jump then fall into me, into me跳落在了我, 把我 every time you smile, I smile每次你微笑,我 微笑 and every time you shine, I'll shine每次你擦 鞋,我会发光 and every time you're here baby, I'll show you, I'll show you每次你在这儿孩子,我将告诉你, 我带你去 you can jump then fall, jump then fall, jump then fall into me, into me你可以跳,然后下降, 然后下降跳,跳,然后落入我到我, Untouchable Untouchable like a distant diamond sky I'm reachitaylor swiftng out and I just can't tell you why 触摸不透这感觉就像遥远的星空 我试着去接近我却不能告诉你这是为什么 I'm caught up in you I'm caught up in you 我不自觉的喜欢上你 我不自觉的喜欢上你 Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you're close I feel like coming undone 触摸不透 这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈 当你在我身边的时候我感觉我都要失去控制了 In the middle of the night When I'm in this dream 在深夜我的梦魇里 It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name 那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字 You gotta come on, come on Say that we'll be together 你快来吧快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on Little taste of heaven 来吧来吧 我的情绪很低落 It's half full and I won't wait here all day I know you're saying that you'll be here anyway 已经过了半天我不会再继续等下去 虽然我知道你说你会来的 But you're untouchable Burning brighter than the sun Now that you're close I feel like coming undone 但是你是那么触摸不透 这感觉比日光灼烧还要强烈 现在你在我身边我都要失控了 In the middle of the night When I'm in this dream 在深夜我的梦魇里 It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name 那漫天的小星星都在显示你的名字 You gotta come on, come on Say that we'll be together 你快来吧快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on 来吧来吧 Oh In the middle of the night We could form this dream 在深夜里我们可以做这样的梦 I wanna feel you by my side Standing next to me 我希望能感觉到你在我身边 You gotta come on, come on Say that we'll be together 你快来吧快来吧 说我们要在一起 Come on, come on Little taste of heaven 来吧来吧 我的情绪很低落 I'm caught up in you 我不自觉的喜欢上你 Oh, oh, oh Untouchable Burning brighter than the sun And when you're close I feel like coming undone 触摸不透 这感觉比太阳灼烧还要热烈 当你在我身边的时候我感觉我都要失去控制了 In the middle of the night When I'm in this dream It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we'll be together Come on, come on Oh, oh In the middle of the night When I'm in this dream It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name You gotta come on, come on Say that we'll be together Come on, come on Little taste of heaven Come on, come on It's like a million little stars Spelling out your name

我最爱的霉霉Taylor Swift 初中作文【900字】

我最爱的霉霉Taylor Swift 初中作文【900字】 “追星”在我的生活中似乎是个敏感话题,因为和它同时出现的是家长、老师的唠叨:小小年纪追什么星啊?学习成绩还要不要了?再说了人家的感情生活要你管么?…… 我们现在不追星,那么什么时候去追? 你只闻到她的香水,却没看到她的汗水;你说她不入流,她的“美国年度乡村女歌手”不是浪得虚名;你只听到“霉霉”觉得她永远交不上好运,你可知她的专辑销量荣登榜首;你否定她的现在,她决定她的未来;你嘲笑她一无所有不配去爱,我可怜你总是等待;你可以轻视她的年轻,她会证明这是谁的时代。梦想是注定孤独的旅行,路上少不了质疑和嘲笑,但那又怎样,哪怕遍体鳞伤也要活得漂酿。她是TaylorSwift(泰勒斯威夫特),她为自己代言。 我在听歌时喜欢浏览一些欧美歌手,无意中发现她排名第一。我试着听了她的一首后就被她那种带有磁性的嗓音吸引住了。于是,她成为我喜爱的歌手之一了。直到我把她所有的歌下载下来,陶醉其中。我在Google上搜索她,发现她不仅有副好嗓子,还有副好脸蛋。=v=她又成为了我最喜爱的三大歌手之一。有一天,我还发现了她还有一颗善良的心。她在之前出售“SpeakNowHelpNow”的门票,供人们观

看她为“SpeakNowWorldTour”的彩排,而全部收入将用来资助贫困儿童。 她有两首歌是我最喜爱的也是最难忘的:和。第一首歌我知道那种被别人冷落和嘲笑的时候自己心中的感情,可是为什么就是有那么些人很卑鄙呢?第二首唱出了Taylor闯荡乐坛的艰辛,就像歌词中说的那样“OhI‘mjustagirl,tryingfindaplaceinthisworld……”(哦-我只是一个女孩,努力去寻找世上属于我的天空。) 她改变了我的音乐风格——适合我的是乡村音乐,还有对人生的价值观——或者,我不一定能改变世界,而是去改变自己。 她拥有敏锐的耳朵和机智的脑袋,所以成就了她超级强的作曲谱词能力。以至于她的每一首歌你都会觉得悦耳,这会让你“三秒钟爱上Taylor”。 为什么我会支持她?为什么我会收集她的美图?为什么我会买她的专辑?为什么我会毫不犹豫地还击黑她的人?为什么我会把自己的名字改为她的姓氏?为什么为什么? 不需要太多的解释。因为我是Swiftie中的一员,我们是她强大的后盾!
