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[英语语法手册]非限定动词 A







He likes to sing


They like to sing.



The man walking in front was carrying a flag.


The men walking in front were carrying flags.











He promised to do it tonight.他答应今天晚上做。(非限定动词to do 的动词性质表现在它有宾语"和状语tonight它的非动词性质表现在它用作promised的宾语。)

I am sorry to have disturbed you.我打扰你了,对不起。(to have disturbed是动词不定式to disturb的完成式,说明非限定动词有时态上的变化,这也是非限定动词的动词性质。)

I saw many people spreading manure in the fields.我看见许多人在地里施肥。(非限定动词spreading是现在分词,它有宾语manure和状语 in the


There is no time to be lost.必须抓紧时间。(to be lost是动词不定式to lose的被动式,说明非限定动词有语态上的变化这也是非限定动词的动词性质。)



I have no time to finish that long novel this week.我本周没有时间读完那本长篇小说。(不定式短语)

Forgetting the past means betrayal.忘记过去就意味着背叛。(动名词短语)

Members wishing to see the play are requested to notify Li Min be fore Saturday.愿意看戏的会员请在星期六以前通知李敏。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 B






He wants to study Japanese.他想学习日语。(动词不定式to study后面有宾语Japanese)


The rain continued to fall heavily.雨继续下得很大。(动词不定式to fall后面有状语heavily)

动词不定式加宾语或状语构成动词不定式短语,如上二例中的to study Japanese和to fall heavily。




To lean out of the window is dangerous.把身子伸出窗外是危险的。

To talk with him is a great pleasure.和他谈话是一件非常愉快的事。

To die for the people is a glorious death! 为人民而死,虽死犹荣。


It is a great pleasure to talk with him.

It is a glorious death to die for the people.

注意也常用"It is+形容词+动词不定式短语"这样的句型:

It is necessary to make a plan for this course of study.必须订一个学习这门课程的计划。

It is not difficult to learn a foreign if you spend time and effort on it. 小只要你花时间下功夫,学好一门外国语并不难。

It's just impossible to see that and not weep.看见那种情景而不哭是根本不可能的。(注意weep之前省去了to,以免重复)


Her wish is to become an astronaut.她的愿望是成为一名宇航员。

Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.我们的计划是在两周内完成这项工作。

His only desire was to be useful to the country.他唯一的愿望是做一个对国家有用的人。


He wants to be a village school teacher in a mountain area.他要做个山村教师。

Do you like to watch football matches? 你喜欢看足球赛吗?

Learn to walk before you run.先学走后学跑。

We decided to make changes in our plan.我们决定把计划做些修改。

动词不定式也可以用来作某些形容词的宾语。这些形容词通常只有ready(准备好,愿意),eager(急于),anxious(急于)等,但为了学习上的方便,也可以包括able(能够),sure(一定),glad(高兴),sorry(难过),afraid(怕),free(随意),pleased(高兴),determined(决心),willing(愿意)等。如:He is sure to succeed.他肯定会成功。

How do you do? I'm glad to meet you. 你好?见到你很高兴。

The boys and girls are anxious to learn how to skate.这些男孩子和女孩子渴望学会滑冰。


He is always the first one to get up.他总是第一个起床。

I have a few words to say on this question。关于这个问题我有几句话要说。

They are discussing ways to guarantee high output.他们正在讨论保证高产量的办法。

After the Ching Ming Festival it is time to sow sorghum,millet and corn.清明节一过,正是播种高梁、谷子和玉米的时节。



He went to Beijing to study in 1988.一九八八年他去北京学习。

He went to Paris to learn French.他去巴黎学法文。

[注一]强调动词不定式所表示的目的时,动词不定式可变为in order to (为了)或so as to(以便)加动词原形。如:

We often listen to English broadcasts in order to get more practice in training our ears.我们经常听广播,以便加强听力训练。

In order to learn acupuncture,she practiced on herself every day.为了学习针灸,她每天在自己身上试验。(注意in order to可放在句首) We must have good soil so as to grow roses.种玫瑰花要有好的土壤。

[注二]动词不定式可以放在句首,使其所表示的目的更加明显突出。如:To be a good teacher one must use good teaching methods.要成为好的教师一定要有好的教学方法。

To de fend our country we must strengthen ourselves.为了保卫祖国,我们必须自强不息。

[注三] 注意有些用作句子独立成分的习惯语,如to begin with(首先),to conclude(最后),to be sure(当然),to tell you the truth(老实对你说)等。


My grandmother lived to see the birth of my little daughter.我的祖母活到亲眼看到我的小女儿出生。

A few years later he came home to find that his hometown had greatly changed.几年后他回到家里,发现故乡的面貌大大地改变了。

[注一] 有时可以用too...to(太…而不能)结构来表示"结果办不到"。如:He is too young to join the army.他太年轻了,不能参军。

It was too cold,to go out last night.昨晚太冷,无法出去。

[注二] 动词不定式和only连用时,常表示未预料到的结果。如:

I went to see him only to find him out.我去看他,不料他出去了。

I hurried to the post office,only to find it was closed.我匆忙赶到邮局,不料已经关门了。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 C


动词不定式可用作复合宾语中的宾浯补足语。可有这种复合宾语结构的动词有get(请),ask(请求),order(命令),persuade(说服),advise(劝告),like(喜欢),want(想要),tell(叫),know(知道)help(帮助),call on(号召,请求),等等。如:

He got someone to repair the door.他请人修理门。

I persuaded my brother to change his mind.我说服我弟弟改变了主意。

The doctor advised him to take a good rest.大夫劝他好好休息。




Make the past serve the present and foreign things serve China.古为今用,洋为中用。

He let me go home.他让我回家。

We must have someone repair the refrigerator.我们必须叫人来修电冰箱。

I heard him speak in the next room.我听到池在隔壁房间里讲话。

Mother is helping pat (to) clean her shoes.妈妈正帮蓓蒂刷鞋子。


[英语语法手册]非限定动词 D



He decided not to go home.他决定不回家。

The teacher warned the pupils not to go skating on thin ice.教师警告学生不要在薄冰上滑冰。

I told him not to open the door.我叫他不要开门。

疑问词 + 动词不定式


When to start has not been decided.何时动身尚未决定。(作主语)

They told her where to find her little brother.他们告诉她到哪里找她的小弟弟。(作宾语)

The teacher showed the students how to do the exercise.老师教学生如何做练习。(作宾语)

He thought a lot about how to improve his English pronunciation.他对如何提高英语语音想得很多。(作介词的宾语)

动词不定式复合结构"for + 名词(或代词宾格) + 动词不定式"



For us to learn foreign languages is important.学习外语对我们来说是重要的。

在句中,for us在逻辑上是to learn foreign languages的主语。这种结构作主语时,和简单的动词不定式结构一样,一般都用引词讧来代表并放在句首,"for + 名词 (或代词宾格) + 不定式"则放在句末。如:

It is important for us to learn foreign languages.

It is necessary for us to learn from each other.我们必须相互学习。


It is for you to decide.这得由你决定。


Can you arrange for a car to take us there?你能安排一辆汽车送我们到那里去吗?


There is a lo to work for us to do.有很多工作要我们去做。


The policeman blew his whistle for the carts to stop.警察吹哨要那几辆大车停下来。(作目的状语)

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 E



I saw him go out.我看见他出去了。(saw与go out两个动作同时发生)

Would you help me put things in order before we leave?在我们离开之前,你帮我整理一下东西好吗?(would help和put同时发生)


I hope to see you again.我希望再见到你。(to see这个动作发生在hope 之后)

The boy said he wanted to be a scientist.这男孩说他想做一个科学家。(to be在wanted之后)



一般式to write进行式to be writing

完成式 to have written



I am sorry to have kept you waiting.对不起,叫你久等了。(to have kept 发生在am所表示的时间之前)

She seems to have read the book before.她好像看过这本书。(to have read发生在seems所表示的时间之前)

The battery appears to have run down.这组电池好像已经用完了。(to have run down发生在appears所表示的时间之前)


We were to have met at ten.我们本来是约定十点钟见面的。(结果未见




He see ms to be recovering.他看来在康复。

When he came in,I happened to be lying on the bed,reading. 他进来的时候,我碰巧正躺在床上看书。

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 E



一般式to be written

完成式to have been written


The next thing to be done is to carry away the earth.下-步要做的事是把土运走。

No harm seems to have been done.似乎并没有造成损害。


有时在不定式符号"to"和动词原形之间插入一个副词,这种现象叫做分裂不定式(split infinitive)。插入动词不定式的副词,习惯上往往与不定式动词连在一起。如:

He likes to half close his eyes.他喜欢半闭着眼睛。

Our object is to further cement friendly relations between the two countries.我们的目的是进一步加强两国之间的友好关系。

At first he wasn't interested in bookkeeping,but later he began to actually like it.起初他对会计工作没有兴趣,但到后来倒喜欢起它来了

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 F






I have finished repairing that machine.我修完那台机器了。


They have started working in the apple-orchard.他们已经开始在苹果园里劳动了。


repairing that machine和working in the apple-orchard。


Getting up early is a good habit.起早是个好习惯。(动名词getting up 作主语)

The foreign visitors enjoyed seeing Chinese acrobatics.外宾喜欢看中国杂技。(动名词seeing作宾语)



Seeing is believing.百闻不如一见。

Reading aloud is very important in learning English.学习英语朗读很重要。

Looking down on women is feudal ideology.轻视妇女是封建意识。


It's no use over spilt milk.牛奶打翻了哭也没有用。(作无益的后悔没有用)

It's no good talking about it.谈也无用。


Her job was looking after the pigs.她的工作是喂猪。

His hobby is collecting stamps.他爱好集邮。

[注] 动名词作表语时,不可与进行时态相混淆。试比较:

She was washing clothes. (过去进行时)


Her job was washing clothes. (动名词)




please stop talking.请不要讲话。

You must practise reading English aloud.你应练习朗读英语。


My sister is fond of reading novels.我姐姐喜欢看小说。

We're tired of having the same kind of food everyday.我们对天天吃同样的饭菜感到厌倦。

Instead of going to Zhongshan park,they went to the ZOO.他们没有去中山公园,到动物园去了。

Mr. Bush earns his living by teaching.布什先生以教书为生。

He was punished for stealing.他因偷盗受到惩罚。


My father works in a printing shop.我的父亲在一个印刷厂工作。

Our school built a swimming pool last summer.我们学校去年夏天修建了一个游泳池。

Our teacher uses a very good teaching method.我们教师的教学方法很好。



Trying without success is better than not trying at all.试验没有成功也比不试验好。

He Hated himself for not having worked hard.他悔恨自己没有用功。



Your going there will help a lot.你到那里对事情将大有帮助。

(your going there作主语)

Please excuse my interrupting you.请原谅我打断你。(my interrupting you作excuse的宾语)

Do you mind my smoking?我可以抽烟吗?(my smoking作mind的宾语) Aunt Liu was very happy about Wang's coming to see her.刘大娘很高兴王来看她。(Wang's coming作介词about的宾语)

We are looking forward to the expert's coming to speak to us.我们盼望那位专家来给我们作报告。(the expert's coming作look forward to的宾语)


Please excuse me interrupting you.

Aunt Liu was very happy about Wang coming to see her.


His father agreed to him becoming an engine-driver.他父亲同意他做火车司机。

DO you remember me and my mother coming to see you?你还记得我和我母亲来看你吗?

Tides are caused by the moon and sun pulling water toward them.海潮是由于月亮和太阳吸引海水而引起的。




完成式having written



Children enjoy watching colour TV. 儿童喜欢看彩色电视。


Would you mind opening the window and letting a little a air in?请你打开窗子,透透气好吗? (opening和letting发生在mind之后) 注意下面两句中动名词所表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前。如:Do you remember cutting rice on the state farm? 你记得在国营农场割水稻的事吗? (cutting发生在remember之前)

I shall never forget seeing Lu Xun for the first time in 1932.我永远不会忘记一九三二年第一次见到鲁迅的情景。(seeing发生在 forget之前)


I regret having been unable to write to you earlier.我很抱歉未能早点写信给你。

His leg showed no symptom of having been injured.他的腿不像受过伤。

We were overjoyed at the news of China haying launched another man-made satellite.我们听到中国又发射了一颗人造卫星时都很高兴。



一般式being written

完成式having been written


This picture shows a child being beaten by a Japanese soldier.这张照片上一个孩子在遭到日本兵毒打。

The meeting was put off without his having been consulted.会议延期并未和他商量。




The students like playing football.这些学生喜欢踢足球。(经常性的爱好)

Would you like to play football this afternoon?你今天下午愿意踢球吗?(指一次的动作)



She hates to trouble you.她不愿意麻烦你。(to trouble的逻辑主语是she)

She hates smoking.她不喜欢吸烟。(smoking的逻辑主语不一定是she,也可能是"别人")


Stop talking.不要讲话!(talking的宾语,指停止"讲话"这个动作)

Stop to think about it for a moment.停下来一想。(to think是目的状语,指停下来,以便想一想)

I remember seeing him。我记得见过他。(已见过,指过去的动作)

You must remember to post the letter.你不要忘了寄这封信。(还没有寄,指未来的动作)

4)某些及物动词后面只能跟动名词作为它的直接宾语,不能跟动词不定式。其中常用的有finish(作完,结束),avoid(避免),enjoy(享受),mind(在意,反对),insist on(坚持),object to(反对),give up(放弃),practise (实践,练习),put off(延期)等。如:

We all enjoy listening go Beethoven's symphonies.我们都喜欢听贝多芬的交响乐曲。

We should avoid making grammer mistakes in our exercises.我们应在练习中避免犯语法错误。

The doctor says I must give up smoking.医生说我必须戒烟。

Would you mind repeating what you have just said?你重复一下你刚才说过的话好吗?


I hope to visit China again.我希望再访问中国。

I wish to take this opportunity to make up for the lessons I have missed.我想趁此机会把拉下的课补上。

Teachers and students managed to set up a laboratory.师生设法修建了一个实验室。


When did you begin learning (to learn) typewriting?你什么时候开始学打字的?

They continued working (to work) after the meal.他们饭后继续工作。

二者形式相同。但动名词有动词性质(有时态和语态变化,可有宾语和状语),没有复数,前面也不可用冠词。名词化的动名词(verbal noun)的用法则和一般名词完全一样:它没有动词性质,有单复数形式,前面可用冠词。试比较:

She likes reading Jane Eyre.她喜欢读《简·爱》。(动名词)

The reading of The Dream of the Red Chamber took her about two weeks.她花了差不多两周的时间读完《红楼梦》。(名词化的动名词)

They started cleaning their room at six.他们六点钟开始打扫房间。(动名词)

They gave the classroom a good cleaning.他们把教室很好地打扫了一下。(名词化的动名词)





[英语语法手册]非限定动词 G



reading materials阅读材料(reading是动名词用作定语,逻辑上materials决非.reading的主语,reading materials = materials for reading。)

leading comrades领导同志(1eading是现在分词作定语,逻辑上comrades 是leading的主语,leading comrades= comrades who lead。) 动名词作定语的例子还有:

a reading-room阅览室

drinking water饮用水

a writing course一门写作课

a sleeping car卧车(火车中可以睡觉的车厢)

the getting-up bell起床铃

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 H












an exciting story一个令人兴奋的故事(主动)

excited spectators激动的观众(被动,即被引起激动的)

a moving film一部感动人的影片。

A moved audience受感动的观众

A tiring journey累人的旅行

A tired football player累了的足球运动员

He told us many interesting things last night.他昨夜告诉我们许多有趣的事情。

She is interested in astronomy.她对天文学有兴趣。


fallen leaves落叶

the exploded bomb已爆炸了的炸弹

a retired miner退休矿工

returned students归国留学生


the changing world正在变化着的世界

the changed world已经起了变化的世界

boiling water正在开的水

boiled water已经煮开过的水(可能是凉开水)

developing countries发展中国家

developed countries发达国家

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 I


1) 作定语作定语用的分词如果是单词,一般放在它所修饰的名词之前。如:

I'm reading a very interesting book.我在读一本很有趣的书。

He likes to drink cold boiled water. 他喜欢喝凉开水。


China is a developing socialist country belonging to the Third world.中国是一个发展中的社会主义国家,属于第三世界。

(= which belongs to the Third World)

The man sitting it the corner is my brother.坐在角落里的那个人是我的兄弟。(= who is sitting in the comer)

Most of the people invited to the party did not come.被邀请参加晚会的人多数没有来。(= who were invited to the party.)


The opera is very moving and instructive.这个歌剧很动人,且有教育意义。

The cups are broken.这些杯子是破的。

He is married.他已经结婚了。

[注] 分词作表语用时,相当于形容词,不可与进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式相似,但可以从意义上加以辨别。试比较:Lei Feng's spirit is inspiring the people all over the country. 雷锋的精神鼓舞着全国人民。(现在进行时)

His report is inspiring. 他的报告令人鼓舞。(现在分词作表语)

The road was completed by the PLA men.这条路是解放军战士修成的。(被动语态)

The road is completed.这条路已经筑成。(过去分词作表语)



Looking out of the window,I saw groups of children passing by the house.我从窗口望出去,看见成群的孩子们从房子前面走过。(= When I locked out of the window)

Heated,the metal expands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。(= When it is healed) Opening the drawer he took out a dictionary.他打开抽屉,拿出一本词典。(= He opened the drawer and took...这两个动作是一个接着一个) [注]如果要强调分词短语与谓语动词所表示的时间关系,分词短语之前可用when或while等连词。如:

While working in the factory (= While I was working in the factory),I learnt a lot from the workers.我在工厂工作期间,从工人那里学到了很多东西。

When heated,the metal expands.这种金属加热后即膨胀。


Feeling tired, I telephoned and said I couldn't come to a hospital

of Chinese medicine.我感到

累,打电话说我不能去。(= Since I felt tired)

Thinking that Chinese medicine might help,he went to a hospital of Chinese medicine.他想中医也许有效,于是到一家中医医院去治病。(= As he thought that...)

Inspired by the excellent situation they worked even harder.在太好形势的鼓舞下,他们更加努力工作。(= Since they are inspired by...)


He came running back to tell us the news.他跑着回来告诉我们这个消息。(方式)

She stood there waiting for the bus.她站在那儿等公共汽车。(伴随情况或方式)

The child fell,striking head against the door and cutting it.小孩摔了一跤,头在门上碰破了。(结果)

He went out slamming the door.他走出去砰地一声把门关上。(伴随情况) The lichens came borne by storms.这些地衣是由暴风雨带来的。(方式) 分词的否定结构


Not knowing what to do,she went to the teacher for help.她不知道该怎么办,就去请老师帮助。

I left at noon,not staying for lunch.我是中午走的,没有留下来吃午饭。


The boy was left uncared for.那孩子无人照管。



We saw them walking across the road.我们看见他们穿过那条马路。

We heard the children singing "I Love Beijing's Tian An Men"我们听见孩子们唱《我爱北京天安门》。

I found my hometown almost completely rebuilt.我发现故乡几乎全部改建过了。


We must get the television set repaired.我们必须把电视机修好。(请别人修)

I had my watch mended in town.我在城里修的表。(叫别人修的)

If we have shortcomings,we are not afraid to have them pointed out

and criticized.我们如果有缺点,就不怕别人批评指出。(请别人指出) 但have的复合宾语中的过去分词的动作有时不一定由别人来完成,而是表自己的经验。如:

He had his arm broken.他把手臂折断了。(不是别人给弄折的,而是自己弄折的)


They were seen walking across the road.

The children were heard singing"I Love Beijing Tian An Men"。


I saw him go upstairs.我看见他上楼去了。(看见他上楼整个过程,只说明他上楼这件事)

I saw him going upstairs.我看见他走上楼的。(只看见他上楼这个动作的一部分,说明他上楼的情景)

I was working in the room all morning· I heard somebody All knock at the next door.我整个上午在房间工作,听见有人敲隔壁房间的门。(听见敲门整个过程)

When I went back to the room,I heard her practicing singing in the next room.我回房间时听见她在隔壁房间练歌。(只听见一部分,回房间前她已开始唱了)

[英语语法手册]非限定动词 J





完成式having written


Working together with Dr. Bethune,we learnt a lot from him.



Knowing that they were going abroad next week ,they began to make preparations.他们知道他们下星期要出国,所以都开始作准备。(knowing发生在began之前)

He came up to me,saying"Glad to see you again."他来到我跟前说道,



Having done his homework,the schoolboy began to write his diary.这个小学生做完作业后,开始写日记。(having done his homework发生在began 之前,表示时间。)

Not haying done it right, I tried again.没有做对,我就又试。

(not having done发生在 tried之前,表示原因。)


一般式being written

完成式haring been written


This is one of the many dams being built the river.这是沿河修筑的许多水坝之一。

Being surrounded,the enemy troops were forced to surrender.敌军被包围了,被迫投降。

Having been asked to stay,I couldn't very well leave.人家请我留下,我就不好离开了。

独立结构(absolute construction)


The young woman standing over there is our new English teacher.站在那边的年轻妇女是我们新的英语老师。(分词短语standing over there 的逻辑主语是 the young woman)

Having finished his work,he went out to play volleyball.他做完工作后,出去打排球。(having finished his work的逻辑主语是he)但有时分词短语有它自己的独立的主语,这种主语常常是名词或代词(主格),放在分词短语之前,这种结构叫做独立结构。独立结构常用作状语,多用在书面语中。如:The dark clouds having dispersed,the sun shone again.乌云已散去,太阳又普照大地了。(时间状语)

We shall thresh the wheat,weather permitting.天气好的话,我们就打麦。(条件状语)

Their room was on the first floor,its broad window overlooking the park.他们的房间在二层楼上,房间里的宽大的窗户俯视着公园。(伴随情况状语,the first floor在英国指第二层楼,在美国指第一层,其余可类推。) We redoubled our efforts,each man working like two.我们加倍努力工作,一人干两人的活。(方式)

Almost all metals are good conductors,silver being the best of all.几乎所有的金属都是良导体,银是最好的导体。(伴随情况)

The meeting over,we all left the room.会议结束以后,我们就都离开了房间。(时间状语,注意over之前省去了being)

This done,we went home.做完此事,我们就回家了。(时间状语)

She gazed,her hands clasped to her breast.她双手*在胸前凝视着。


Generally speaking,this book is not very difficult.总的说来,这本书并不很难。

Judging from what you say,he has done a very good job.从你的话看来,他的工作做得很不错。

Considering that he has been in china for only a year,he speaks Chinese well.考虑到他到中国才一年,他的中国话讲得很不错了。

类似的习惯用语尚有talking of (谈起),speaking of (谈到)等引导的分词短语。

[注二]英语里还有一种较口语化的"with + 名词或代词宾格 + 分词 (或形容词、介词短语)"结构,也往往作状语用,表示伴随情况。如:He fell asleep with the lamp burning. 他没有熄灯就睡着了。

She gazed with her hands clasped to her breast.她双手*在胸前凝视着。


He sleeps with the windows open even in winter.他即使在冬天也开着窗户睡觉。

A girl carte in with a book in her hand.一位姑娘手里拿着一本书走了进来。(在笔语中,也可说:A girl came in,book in hand.)


初中英语语法—限定动词与非限定动词 1. 限定动词 限定动词在句子当中作谓语,受主语的人称和数的限制 e.g. He can speak both English and French. 2. 非限定动词 非限定动词在句中不可单独用作谓语,不受主语的人称和数的限制;它在句中可以用作其他句子成分。非限定动词有三种,即不定式、动名词和分词 1) 不定式一般由“to+动词原形”构成,在句中可担任各种成分 e.g. I hope to see you soon. 2) 动名词有些动词的ing形式可起名词的作用,在句中也可但人很多成分e.g. Seeing is believing. 3) 分词分词有两种,现在分词和过去分词,这两种分词可构成谓语外,还可用作句子的很多成分 e.g. She seemed surprised. 3. 动词不定式 动词不定式是一种非限定动词,分为带to的不定式(to+动词原形)和不带to的不定式。动词不定式不能单独用作谓语动词,不受主语的人称和数的限制,但保留动词的性质,可以有自己的宾语和状语,并且有进行时、完成时,被动语态的变化;同时又具有名词、形容词和副词的特征,在句中可作主语、表语、宾语、宾语补足语、定语和状语。 1) 动词不定式的完成式、进行式和被动语态 动词不定式有一般式、完成式、进行式、主动语态、被动语态。下面以动词do为例,列表如下:

时态语 态 主动语态被动语态一般式to do to be done 完成式to have done to have been done 进行式to be doing ①动词不定式的一般式表示动词不定式的动作与句中谓语动词所表示的动作同时发生或之后发生。 e.g. You must help me to do the cooking this afternoon.(help和do两个动作同时发生) I hope to see you again.(to see这个动作发生在hope之后) ②动词不定式的完成式强调不定式所表示的动作发生在句中谓语动词所表示的动作之前。 e.g. I’m sorry to have given you so much trouble.(谓语动词之前发生) ③动词不定式的进行式强调在谓语动词所表示的动作发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行。 e.g. I was pleased to be talking with them. ④动词不定式的被动语态表示不定式的动作与它逻辑主语或中心词是被动关系(动宾关系)。 e.g. She was the first one to be asked to speak. ⑤动词不定式的否定在不定式to前加not构成 e.g. Try not to be late. 2) 动词不定式的作用


英语非谓语动词对比辨析100题 1. (1)__from the top of a hill, our house looks like as a car. (2) ____the dog came over, our friend ran away. (3) ________ from the top of a hill, and you’ll find the city more beautiful. d) ________ more clearly, they came up and got close to it. A. Seeing B. To see C. Seen D. See 2. (1)Disneyland is well worth______________. (2)Disneyland is worthy of______________. (3)Disneyland is worthy to______________. A. be visited B. visiting C. visit D. being visited 3. (1)Tom said to the doctor, ”I don’t want_____” (2)Tom said to the doctor,” I don’t want you_____ me.” (3)Tom said to the doctor,” The machine wants_________. A. examining B. to examine C. to be examined D. examined 4. (1)I’ll have my brother________ my radio tomorrow. (2)I’ll have my radio __________tomorrow. (3)Tomorrow the radio needs___________. A. repair B. repairing C. repaired D. to repair 5. (1)We were watching TV when we heard the door___________. (2)We were watching TV when we heard someone ___________ at the door. (3)We noticed him_________ the door just now. A. knocked B. knocking C. knock D. to knock 6.(1)After a rest, we went on____ the same problem. (2)After a rest, we went on______the next problem. A. go B. going C. to go D. went 7. (1)The old lady needs__________ after. (2)The old lady needs__________ after her grandson. A. looking B. looked C. look D. to look 8. (1)I’m sorry I can’t make myself__________. (2)I’m sorry I can’t make you__________ me. A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. understand 9.(1)I’ve never heard a word of Italian_______. (2)I’ve never heard you________ a word of Italian. A. speaking B. speak C. spoken D. to speak 10.(1)These young men asked the government_______ them to work in Xinjiang. (2)These young men asked_______ to work in Xinjiang. A. sending B. to send C. to be sent D. send 11.(1)The organizer expected the meeting___next week. (2)The organizer expected__the meeting next week. A. to hold B. to be held C. hold D. held 12.(1)He went to a party without________. (2)He went to a party alone without_____________ anyone else. A. inviting B. invited C. being invited D. invite 13. (1) _____ by Hank, we entered the dining room. (2) ____ Hank, we entered the dining room. (3) _____________ Hank, and we entered the dining room.


10.1.1 非限定动词的含义和种类 1)非限定动词(non-finite verb)作为动词的非谓语形式,不受主语的人称和数的限制,不能在句中做谓语,这是非限定动词与限定动词(谓语动词)的主要区别。 2)非限定动词没有语法上的主语,但往往有逻辑上的主语。 例 1 Experts hope to find a solution to the problem. 专家们希望能找到解决这一问题的方法。(不定式to find…的逻辑主语是 句子主语experts。) 例 2 It would be difficult for the youth to understand this. 要让年轻人理解这一点是会很难的。(不定式的逻辑主语是the youth) 3)非限定动词有三种,即不定式(infinitive),动名词(gerund)和分词(participle)。分词又有现在分词(present participle)和过去分词(past participle)两种。 10.1.2 非限定动词的性质 非限定动词具有双重性质,即动词性质和非动词性质。 1)限定动词的动词性质表现在:非限定动词有时态和语态变化,有肯定与否定形式,可被状语修饰,可带宾语等。 2)非限定动词的非动词性质表现在:不定式和动名词具有名词性质,而分词具有形容词性质。 10.1.3 非限定动词的语法作用 由于不定式和动名词具有名词性质,因此可在句中做主语、表语、定语、宾语和补语;另外不定式和介词+ 动名词还可做状语。而由于分词具有形容词性质,因此可在句中做表语、定语、状语和补语,但不能做主语和宾语。 10.1.4 非限定动词短语及其复合结构 由于非限定动词具有动词性质,因此可与表语、宾语、状语等修饰语连用,构成非限定动词短语,即不定式短语,动名词短语和分词短语。 非限定动词短语的逻辑主语可以是句子中的某一成分(如主语或宾语等),如10.1.1中的例1;而其本身也可以带逻辑主语,构成非限定动词复合结构,如10.1.1中的例2。


一、非限定动词的基本概念 1.非限定动词的种类、意义和特征 非限定动词有三种:不定式(to Do或do)、动名词(doing)和分词(现在分词doing和过去分词done)。 1)非限定动词与限定动词(谓语动词)的基本区别限定动词在句中可以单独作谓语动词,其形式要与句子的主语的人称和数取得一致。而非限定动词在句中不能单独作谓语,不受主语的人称和数的限制。 ①He likes to sing.他喜欢唱歌。 ②They like to sing.他们喜欢唱歌。 (限定动词like受主语人称和数的限制,第一句为likes,第二句为like。非限定动词to sing 则不受这种限制,它的形式不随主语而改变。) ③The man walking in front was carrying a red flag. 在前面的人打着一面红旗。 ④The men walking in front were carrying red flags. 在前面的人们打着红旗。 (限定词be受主语的人称和数的限制,它的形式须与主语一致。第一句为was,第二句为were。非限定动词walking则不受主语的限制,它的形式不随主语而改变。) 2)非限定动词短语及其复合结构 非限定动词属于动词的一种形式,因此还保留着动词的某些特征:及物动词要有宾语,连系动词要有表语,可以有状语来修饰,而且有时态和语态的变化。 ①He promised to Do it tonight.他答应今天晚上做。 (非谓语动词to Do 的动词性质表现在它有宾语it和状语tonisht。) ②I am sorry to have Disturbed you.我打扰了你,对不起。 (to have Disturbed是动词不定式to Disturb的完成式,说明非限定动词有时态上的变化。) ③I saw a girl Drawing a picture in the house.我看见一个女孩在那所房子里画画。


非谓语动词专项练习 1.The meeting _______ next week is sure to be a great success. A. to take place B. to be taken place C. to have taken place D. being taken place 2._______ by the Comrade Lei Feng, we try our best to do good deeds. A. Inspired B. Being inspired C. To be inspired D. Inspiring 3.It's no good _______ here. Let's go home. A. to wait B. waited C. waiting D. being waited 4.I listened to the wind, ______ that he would not come tonight. A. thinking B. to think C. thought D. being thinking 5.As a result of my laziness, I failed ________ my work in time. A. and finished B. to finish C. and finishing D. to finished 6.I am sorry ______ written you a letter at the time. A. to have not B. to not have C. not to have D. not having 7.Tom apologized to me ______ again. A. to be late B. of being late C. to have been late D. for being late 8.I remained _______ long after I had been told the story. A. puzzling B. puzzled C. being puzzled D. to be puzzled 9.Will you lend him a magazine _________? A. to be read B. for reading C. to read D. he read 10.The article _________on this subject was written by Mr. Black. A. referring B. referred C. referring to D. referred to 11.Living near the sea, ___________________. A. we enjoy healthy air and beautiful sight B. healthy air and beautiful sight is what we enjoy C. it is healthy air and beautiful sight we enjoy D. so we enjoy healthy air and beautiful sight 12.__________ since the night before, I felt very hungry. A. Having not eaten anything B. Not eating anything C. I hadn't eaten anything D. Not having eaten anything 13.We then listened to the child ________ the article ______ on the blackboard. A. read, writing B. reading, writing C. to read, written D. read, written 14.________ it with me and I'll see what I can do. A. When left B. Leaving C. If you leave D. Leave 15._________ such a chance, why don't you have a try? A. To give B. Having C. Given D. Giving 16.We discussed the plan that we would like to see ________ the next week. A. carry on B. carrying out C. carried out D. to carry out 17._________ made them much disappointed. A. His not coming back B. Not his coming back C. He not to come back D. Not he come back 18.Five people were reported ________ in the accident. A. to be killed B. to kill C. killed D. to have been killed 19.I flew to Paris this morning, my assistant ________ me there this Friday. A. joining B. to join C. will join D. wants to join 20.He tried to calm himself, _______ . A. force B. to force C. forcing D. forced 21.____________ , I went to the park with my uncle. A. As holiday B. Being no classes C. Since have no classes D. It being a holiday 22. "Do you mind _________?" "Go ahead." A. opening the door B. your opening the door C. my opening the door D. I opening the door 23. I have one or two things ____________. A. to look B. to see C. to see to D. to look to 24._________ is bad for his health. A. Mike smoking B. Mike's smoking C. Mike's being smoking D. Mike smokes 25.I came into the classroom, ______ my seat and sat down to read. A. finding B. to find C. found D. founded 26.I am tired and I don't feel like _____ any further. A. to walk B. to be walking C. walking D. walk 27.She did nothing but ________walk in the street. A. taking B. take C. to take D. took 28.It is a problem that doesn't need ________ right now. A. to solve B. solving C. being solved D. to be solving 29.I ________ my handbag stolen last week. A. had B. let C. lost D. left 30.________ by a crowd of people, I felt nervous, ______ what to say. A. Watching, didn't know B. Having watched, and not knew C. Having been watch, not known D. Being watched, not knowing


Chapter 11 Verb (3) 11.1含义和种类 非限定动词是动词的非谓语形式。限定动词在句子中做谓语,受人称和数的限定。 非限定动词在句中不单独做谓语,不受主语的人称和数的限制,非限定动词有三种:即不定式,动名词和分词。11.2性质 非限定动词具有双重性质,即有动词的性质又有非动词的性质。 11.3不定式 不定式有两种,即带to的和不带to的。 语态变化:

11.4功用 不定式可以用做主语、表语、宾语、同位语、状语和补语。例如: 1.To see is to believe. 2.It’s always pays to tell the truth. 3.They demanded to be shown the authentic documents. 4.I need a pen to write with. 5.He gave the order to start the attack. 6.I stayed there to see what would happen. 11.5 动名词 动名词由动词原形加-ING而成, 其构成法如下: 11.6 动名词的功用 动名词在句中可用作主语、表语、宾语、定语补语等。 例子如316-318页。

1.Seeing is believing. 2.It’s no use crying. 3.The main thing is getting there in time. 4. Have you finished reading the book? 5.He meant to go hunting. 6. I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. 7. I hate People being unhappy. 8. Pardon me saying it. 11.7 动名词与不定式的比较 1)而言一般地说,动名词着重进程,不定式着重结果. 2)动名词表示一般或抽象的多次性行为,而不定式则往往 表示具体的或一次性的动词. 3)在某些动词之后只能用动名词, 而另一些动词之后能用 不定式。常后接动名词的动词有acknowledge, admit, advocate, avoid, consider, contemplate, deter, delay, deny, dislike, enjoy, escape, evade, fancy, finish, grudge, imagine include, recall repeat risk resist stop suggest等;


非谓语动词 非谓语动词(一)——动词不定式 动词不定式、分词(现在分词,过去分词)和动名词统称为非谓语动词。现代英语将现在分词和动名词合为一大类叫作v + ing形式。这些动词的形式不能在句中单独作谓语用,因而没有语法主语。但可以有逻辑主语。由于没有语法主语,也就不受人称和数的限定,因为不是谓语,也就没有时态和语态,但这些词仍能表示动作和状态,所以仍有表示与其他动词相对时间关系的形式。由于与其它词有逻辑上的主谓关系,因此也有表示主、被动的形式,同时也有自己的宾语和状语,一起构成非谓语动词的短语(动词不定式短语,分词短语,动名词短语)。动词不定式、过去分词及v-ing形式在句中均不能作谓语用,所以叫做非谓语动词。 (一)动词不定式:动词不定式由―to+ 动词原形‖构成,如:to study, to play,动词不定式虽然不能作谓语动词用,但仍留着动词的特征,它可以带有所需要的宾语或状语而构成动词不定式短语,如:to study hard, to play table tennis。 2、动词不定式的基本用法:动词不定式能起名词、形容词和副词的作用,可在句中作主语、表语、宾语补足语、定语和状语用,如: (1)作主语:To help each other is good.(动词不定式作主语时,一般可用it作形式主语,而将作主语的动词不定式置于句末,如:It is good to help each other. (2)作表语:My job is to drive them to the power station every day. 动词不定式在系动词be之后作表语,与表示将来时的be + 动词不定式结构有所区别,如:Our plan is to set up another middle school for the peasants’ children.我们的计划是给农民子弟再成立一所中学。(句中的谓语动词为is,动词不定式to set up… 为表语,主语为plan,但plan并不是动词不定式的逻辑主语,即动词不定式to set up所表示的动作不是主语plan产生的。)We are to set up another middle school for the peasants’ children.我们将为农民的子弟再成立一所中学。(句中的are to set up整个结构为句中谓语,主语为we,同时也是动词不定式to set up所表示的动作的逻辑主语,即动词不定式to set up所表示的动作是由we产生的)。 (3)作宾语:①作及物动词的宾语,如:She wishes to be a musician.;②作某些形容词的宾语:可以有动词不定式为宾语的形容词一般有glad, sorry, afraid, pleased, determined, willing, eager, anxious, ready, sure等,如:I am determined to give up smoking.;③动词不定式一般不作介词的宾语,但动词不定式之前如有疑问词时,就可作介词的宾语,如:Can you give us some advice on what to do next? (4)作宾语补足语,如:Tell the children not to play on the street. 如果句中的谓语动词为see, hear, watch, notice, have, make, let等,作宾语补足语的动词不定式须将to省去,如:I saw a little girl run across the street. (5)动词不定式在句中作宾语,如带有宾语补足语时,须先用it作形式宾语,而将该动词不定式后置,如:I don’t think it right to do it that way. (6)作定语:动词不定式作定语时,须位于被其修饰的名词或代词之后,如:Is this the best way to help him? 和定语用的动词不定式如果是不及物动词,不定式后面就要用必要的介词,如:He is the man to depend on. 如果被不定式修饰的名词为place, time, way,不定式后面的介词,习惯上可以省去,如:The old man is looking for a quiet place to live. (7)作状语:动词不定式可以作下列的状语:①目的状语:Every morning he gets up very early to read English. 为了强调不定式表示目的的作用,可在不定式前加in order to或so as to(以便或为了),但应注意in order to位于句首或句中均可,而so as to不能位于句首,如:She reads China Daily every day in order to (so as to) improve her English. 将表示目的的不定式置于句首,也可强调目的的作用,如:To master a foreign language, one must work hard at it. ②结果状语:They lived to see the liberation of their home town.他们活到亲眼见到了他们家乡的解放。③too + 形容词或副词+ 动词不定式,表示―足能…‖的结果,如:You are old enough to take care of yourself now. 3、复合结构不定式:由for + 名词(或代词宾格)+ 动词不定式即构成复合结构的动词不定式。其中for


基础语法复习五动词2 动词非限定形式 动词在句中除了充当谓语之外,还可以起名词,形容词或副词的作用,在句中充当主语,宾语,表语,补语,定语和状语。这就是动词的非谓语形式。 动词非谓语形式有三种: 不定式to+ 动词原形 分词doing现在分词done过去分词 动名词doing形式与现在分词相同 动词非谓语形式不随着主语的人称和数的变化而变化,所以又称为非限定性动词。仍具有动词的一般特征,可以带有宾语,状语等构成短语。 动词的不定式 动词的不定式能起名词,形容词和副词的作用,充当谓语以外的各种成分。 做主语 To learn English is not an easy thing. 做宾语 He wants to visit Nanjing. 做宾补 I expect you to write to me. 做表语 Our task is to realize the modernization of our country. 做定语 Mary has a lot of typing to do . 做状语 He got up so early to catch the train. 另外:1。有些动词后面不定式不带to:make, let, hear, see, notice, feel, watch. Help。 We watched them play football。 不定式的完成式主要体现它所表现的动作发生在谓语动词表现的动作之前。但在plan, hope, expect, should, like之后,则表示没有实现的动作。

I am sorry to have kept you waiting. He pretended to have read the book. Ha p lanned to have gone abroad. (He planned to go abroad but he didn’t.) I hoped to have seen her. 动词不定式的进行式表示主要动作发生时,不定式所表示的动作正在进行。动词不定式的被动态表示不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示动作的承受者。 They seem to be talking about sth important. The house to be built is for the teachers. The medical team asked to be sent to the front at once. 动名词 动名词起名词的作用,在句子中做主语,宾语,表语和定语。动名词仍保留动词的一般特征,可以、有自己的宾语和状语,构成动名词短语。 做主语 Playing football is my favorite sport. 做宾语 Would you mind opening the window? She is used to getting up early. 做表语 His work is teaching English. 做定语 He is in the reading room. (a room for reading) This is a swimming pool. (a pool for swimming) 另外: 动名词的否定形式not+动名词 动名词的被动语态being+过去分词 动名词的完成形式having+过去分词 Tom made his aunt angry by not taking his medicine. I remember being taken to Wuhan when I was a small child. She denied having opened the box. 有些动词只能用动名词,有些动词后面只能用不定式,有些两者都能使用,但含义不相同。 这些动词后面只能用动名词 avoid consider delay deny dislike enjoy excuse fancy forgive finish imagine keep mind pardon postpone prevent practise resist risk suggest can’t help doing can’t stand it’s no use it’s no good it’s worth 这些动词后面只能用不定式 decide desire expect hope mean pretend promise refuse undertake 两者都能使用但意义不同 love like hate prefer remember forget regret


最新英语非谓语动词用法总结(完整) 一、单项选择非谓语动词 1.Students surf the internet _______ more information about the university they are dreamt of. A.found B.finding C.having found D.to find 【答案】D 【解析】考查非谓语动词。句意:学生们上网是为了找到他们理想大学的更多的信息。此处表示目的用不定式,指上网的目的。故选D。 2.Look over there! There is a long, winding path ________ up to the house. A.lead B.leading C.led D.to lead 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查非谓语动词。句意:看那边!有一条长长的蜿蜒小路通向那所房子。分析句式可知,这是个there be 句型,因此,此处用非谓语动词,path与lead是主动关系,因此用现在分词,故选B。 3.______ to nuclear radiation, even for a short time, may influence genes in human bodies. A.Having exposed B.Being exposed C.To expose D.Exposed 【答案】B 【解析】 【详解】 考查动名词。句意:暴露于核辐射中甚至很短时间都会影响人体的基因。分析句子成分发现even for a short time是插入语,may influence是谓语,前面的部分应该是主语,be exposed to“暴露于”,要用动名词Being exposed to。故B选项正确。 4.The lecture, _______at 7:00 pm last night, was followed by an observation of the moon with telescopes. A.starting B.being started C.to start D.to be started 【答案】A 【解析】 选A start与逻辑主语the lecture之间为主动关系,故排除B、D两项。不定式作定语时,常表示动作尚未发生,故排除C项,此处用现在分词作后置定语,表示主动。 第四步:根据与谓语动词的先后关系确定时态 非谓语动词表示的动作发生在谓语动词表示的动作之前用过去分词或v.-ing形式/不定式的


一: 适用于不定式的情况 1 与疑问代词、疑问副词或whether连用时 2 用了形式主语It,而把非谓语动词后置时,特别当表语Important,necessary,essential. 3 表示某次具体行为时。 4 主语通常是aim, ambition, duty, work ,job, idea, task, plan, habit, wish, hope, intention Thing, favorite, happiness, mistake, question, problem, suggestion, purpose, policy 5主语是不定式,what-从句 6下列动词后面跟动词不定式做宾语: Ask, afford, agree, bother, choose, demand, expect, fail, fear, help, hope, intend, learn, Manage, plan, promise, refuse, want, wish, pretend, prepare, volunteer等。 7would like, except, but之后用不定式. 8下列动词后面跟动词不定式做宾补: Advise, allow, ask, beg, cause, enable, encourage, expect, fell, forbid, force, hear, invite, inform, let, make, listen to look at need, notice, observe, order, permit, persuade, remind, request, see, send, tell, teach, trust, urge, want, warn watch, wish。 9修饰下列名词时使用不定式: Ambition, anxiety, attempt, arrangement, chance, claim, decision, determination, disinclination, failure, inclination, invitation, method, need, plan, patience, promise, proposal, readiness, refusal, reason, resolution, tendency, threat, way, wish, will. 10被修饰的名词前面有only, last, next,序数词或形容词的最高级时 11形容词absurd, bold, brave, cowardly, careful, careless, cruel, clever, crazy, foolish, Honest, generous, good, kind, nice, mad, polite, rude, selfish, silly, stupid, thoughtful, Thoughtless, wise, wrong, sweet, sensible, courageous 等后通常用介词of引出不定式 的逻辑主语。 二: 适用于动名词 1当表语是useless,pointless,worth(while),no use, no good等时. 2在there be 结构中,be 后为no use/good/point/need时 3在there be 结构中,no后面的非谓语动词时 4下列动词后面跟动名词做宾语: Admit, advise, allow, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, encourage, escape, enjoy, excuse, fancy, finish, imagine, mind, keep, miss, permit, practice, prevent, propose, put off, suggest, recommend, understand. 5介词后作宾语的动词形式是动名词,feel like 后给动名词 6不定式往往表示全过程,现在分词说明动作还在进行,表示部分过程 7现在分词与宾语为主动关系,过去分词与宾语为被动关系 8在look forward to, be used to, object to, compared to, in addition to , limit… to…, Devote… to…, take to(开始从事),close to(接近于)等结构中,to是介词,其后的 动词该用-ing形式. 三: 例句差异 1.try to do (努力做某事)=make an effort, attempt to do try doing 试试做某事= make an experiment 2. mean to do 打算做某事


龙源期刊网 https://www.sodocs.net/doc/ac14691847.html, 英语非限定动词的选择 作者:刘浩 来源:《教育教学论坛》2014年第04期 摘要:目前高职院校中许多学生的语法基础薄弱,这导致了提高他们英语技能的过程缓慢而艰难,进而使他们对学习英语失去兴趣和信心。我们认为有必要改变他们的“语法短板”现象,而在弥补语法的过程中,如何选择非限定动词又是一个难点,本文提出了一套在教学中行之有效的方法来解决这一难题。 关键词:英语;非限定动词;选择 中图分类号:G712?摇文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-9324(2014)04-0112-02 一、引言 按照教育部颁布的《高职高专教育英语课程教学基本要求》,高职院校的大学英语教学的目的是“使学生具有一定的听、说、读、写、译的能力,在涉外交际的日常活动和业务活动中进行简单的口头和书面交流,为今后进一步提高英语的交际能力打下基础”。从中我们可以看到,高职院校的大学英语教学注重英语能力的训练而不是英语知识的传授,但是在实际的教学过程中,笔者感到很多学生的英语语法基础很薄弱,如果在教学过程中仅仅注重能力训练而不弥补他们的语法短板,技能训练只会事倍功半,久而久之,由于技能提高得太慢,学生也会对英语学习失去信心,从而达不到教学要求。 二、掌握非限定动词的重要性 英语中的非限定动词在句中不可单独用作谓语,俗称非谓语动词,其种类包括动名词、动词不定式和分词。对于学生而言,如果没有掌握这个语法知识,使用英语时会出现的错误通常在于以下几点。 1.违背在句子的同一层次内只能有一个限定动词的存在(并列谓语动词除外),其他与之并存的动词必须非限定化,即限定动词的排他性这一规则。例如:Ineed a person look after my child.(错误)这个句子在同一层次内有两个谓语动词need和look after,应该改为I need a person to look after my child.(正确) 2.错误地使用非限定动词。以非限定动词作状语为例,非限定动词中,动词不定式和分词都可以做状语,但是有一定的要求。例如:He got up early this morning catching the train.(错误)He got up early this morning to catch the train.(正确)这种错误是很多学生感到困惑的地方,在现在的一些语法书上,我们都只看到了一些规定性的语言使用规则,没有解释其中的理由,比如:有些动词只能加动名词做宾语;有些动词只能加动词不定式做宾语;有些动词既能加动名词又能加动词不定式做宾语。这两种学生经常出现错误的地方,前者还好解决,只要学
