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初三中考缺词填空专项冲刺练习 有答案

初三中考缺词填空专项冲刺练习 有答案
初三中考缺词填空专项冲刺练习 有答案

museums, the design museum shows objects that are easily found in our daily life, such as fridges and washing machines.

The a 3 of design museums is that they are places where people feel familiar with the exhibits(展品). Being different from the art museum visitors, design museum visitors s 4 feel frightened or puzzled. This is partly because design museums clearly show how and why mass-products(批量产品) work and look as they do, and how design has i 5 the quality of our lives. Art museum exhibits, on the other hand, would most probably fill visitors with a feeling that there is something b 6their understanding.

Several new design museums have opened their doors in r 7 years. Each of these museums has tried to satisfy(满足) the public?s growing interest in the field with new i 8 . London?s Design Museum, for example, shows a collection of mass-produced objects from electric typewriters to a group of Italian fish-tins. The choices open to design museums seem f 9less strict than those to art museum, and visitors may also sense(感觉到) the humorous part of our society while walking around such exhibits as interesting and unusually attractive toys c 10 from our everyday life.


In many countries, people t__________ (1) by car or by bike. They also get from place to place using p__________ (2) transport such as buses and trains. However, some people live in parts of the world where it is i__________ (3) to build roads. In these places, animals or other f__________ (4) of transport have to be used.

It is difficult to w__________ (5) in snow but easy to ski over it. So in places like Alaska, people use skis. If they want to go faster, they get dogs to p__________ (6) them on sleds(雪橇). Riding a snowmobile(雪地摩托) is a more m_____ _____ (7), but expensive way of getting around on snow.

In desert(沙漠) like the Sahara in North Africa, people s__________ (8) get around on camels. Camels survive w__________ (9) in the desert, not because they can s__________ (10) water in their bodies though! They can survive without water for two weeks and without f__________ (11) for up to a month. H__________ (12) can only go without water for about three to five days.


She is Liu Hui ,a middle school student in Anhui, one of the “ stay-at-home children” in her town. Liu Hui is 12 years old and lives (66) w _________ her sister. Her parents left home to make money in big cities when she was (67) o ________ four. Liu Hui has to take (68 ) c _________ of her younger sister. They have to stay at home alone (69) b ________ they have to go to school.

“I used to feel (70) s ________ without my parents at home,” she said, “but now I know (71) w _________ they do so. They have to go away to make money for (72) u _________ so that we can live a better life.”

Every day, Liu Hui gets up at 6:30 a.m. and cooks (73) b ______________. Then the two girls go to school. They have supper at 6:00 p.m. Then Liu Hui does housework and (74) h _____________ her sister with her homework. She usually goes to bed at 9:30 p.m.

Though busy, Liu Hui is still the (75) b ________ student in her class. She said, “My life is OK. But I still hope my parents will come back and live with us.”


“Sorry” is a word that people in Britain often say in their daily life.

One day while I was w 1 on the street, a young man ran by hurriedly, brushing(轻擦)against my handbag. He continued his way, but turned b 2 and said “sorry” to me. Even in a rush, he didn?t f 3 to say “sorry”. One day, after I bought some bananas, the shopkeeper was passing me the change, but I wasn?t ready for it and a coin dropped onto the ground. “Sorry, Madam,” he said w 4 bending to pick it up. I was s 5 why he said “sorry” to me. Another time, I stepped on a man?s f 6 at the entrance to a cinema. At the same time, we b 7 said “sorry”.

Slowly, I got to know that whe n something unpleasant happens in daily life, the British don?t

c 8 much about who is wrong. If someone is in trouble, a “sorry” is always n9 . Perhaps that is w 10 I seldom see people quarrel on the buses or streets in Britain.


Coober Pedy is a small town in the Australian desert (沙漠). It's famous not only for its opals (猫眼石) , but also for a very unusual(71) r________—the people live and work underground.

Why do people choose to live under the ground? To avoid (避开) the(72) h_______ days and cold

nights-daytime temperatures can rise to 50 °C or more and on a cold night they can fall to (73) z_______. The locals say that their strange lifestyle is the only answer(74) t________ the unpleasant climate (气候) . In the

underground homes, the temperature is always a very pleasant 19°C to 24°C .But that's not the only advantage ; the people there don't need to pay builders if (75) t_______ want to build a home or make any changes.

You would be very surprised to see (76) h________ well people manage to live underground. They have modern kitchens and bathrooms, sometimes even spas (温泉)“People think it's impossible to live here and that we're like ancient people, (77 ) b_______ that's not true. " says Bev Smith, who has lived in Coober Pedy for over 30 years. When my husband, Larry, and I first came here, life was very ( 78 ) d _______ and many people decided to leave. But now, things have (79) c________ a lot and we?re very comfortable. We now have underground shops, hotels, restauran ts, cafes and churches!”

Abigail and Brian Tynan (80) 1_______ their large house in Melbourne(墨尔本) two years ago to have in an underground home. "My mouth fell open when I saw my wonderful underground home," remembers Brian. " I really enjoy living here. "


When Mike was walking through the town, he noticed a stranger man. The stranger looked at him with a big frown(皱眉)and it made Mike very uncomfortable. Mike did nothing w_____71___ , but the man still frowned at him. He was so angry that he frowned at the man with his tongue(舌) out. And he found most of the people around looked unhappy and frowned. Mike wondered w____72____ so many people frowned at each other.

A clever idea came into Mike?s head. He should s____73____ first. It seemed silly at firs t, but he want to h_____74___ a try. When a woman walked towards him, he smiled a___75___ her and the lady smiled at him, and most of the people smiled at him, too. Everybody seemed happy b______76_____ of the smile of the clever boy.

Then Mike once again met the stranger and the man still looked at him w____77___ a frown. Mike had a good idea. He smiled a big smile w___78___ the man passed him. The man stopped, looking at Mike?s face and he started to smile. The two strangers laughed and they b_____79_____ felt happy. Just a smile lifts you up f____80____ a feeling of down. So when you see a man with a frown, put a smile on your face. And you?ll find that the world is a happy place.


中考英语一模:缺词填空(含答案) 缺词填空(共10空;每空l分,计l0分) 根据短文内容和首字母提示,在下文空格处填入适当的词使短文完整。在答题卡标有题 号的横线上,完整地写出空缺处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词) For me, living in Canada for 25 years, China is a new world that I have longed to explore. This spring, I c 66 Yangzhou to be my first stop on a 16-month trip around China. It was like love at first sight. At 15, I bought a book of collection of p 67 about Tang Dynasty. Through it, I heard of Yangzhou for the first time. I was deeply attracted by a poem written by Li Bai –“Sailing to Yangzhou in M68 ”. Yangzhou has always been famous for its gardens. A 69 them, the Slender West Lake, one of the b 70 attractions in the city, was my first stop. The park with its fantastic landscape and lots of history has enough to keep a t 71 busy for the whole day. What a shame I simply could a 72 half a day! My next stop was He Garden, one of the best protected gardens in Yangzhou. It was once owned by the family of He Zhidao in Qing Dynasty. He Zhidao successfully brought Chinese and W 73 architectural(建筑的) features together. Yangzhou is also the starting point of the Grand Canal tour. Taking a boat along the part of the canal in Yangzhou, I was amazed at the liveliness of this ancient waterway and the c 74 history an d culture. Luckily, my two-day trip to Yangzhou was filled with p 75 and wonder. It made me hungry for more China. 66.chose 67.poems 68. March 69.Among 70.biggest/busiest/best 71. tourist/traveller 72.afford 73.Western 74.city’s/colourful 75.pleasure 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。 When you laugh, you will 61. ____________(['??p(?)n]) your mouth and your teeth. The healthier those teeth are, the happier you look. Why is that? It’s because your teeth are important in many ways. If you take care of them, they’ll help to take care of you. 62. ____________(强健), healthy teeth help you eat the right food to help you grow. They also help you speak clearly. You can take care of your teeth by doing like these: Brush your teeth 63. ____________([twa?s]) a day after breakfast and before bedtime. If you can, brush after 64. ____________ lunch or after eating sweet cakes. Brush all of your teeth, not just the front ones. Spend some time on the teeth along the sides and in the back. Take your time while brushing. Spend at 65. ____________(至少) three minutes each time. Be sure your toothbrush is soft. Ask your parent to help you get a new toothbrush 66. e___________ three month. Learn how to floss(用牙线清理) your teeth, which is a very important way to keep them healthy. It feels strange when yo u do it at first, but soon you’ll get 67. u to doing it. The floss gets rid of food that’s hidden between your teeth. Brushing and flossing 68. ____________ your teeth healthy. You also need to care about what you eat and drink. Eat 69. m fruits and vegetables and drink water 70. ____________ of(代替) drinks. 在短文的空格内填入适当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)(14分) Today we're going to school by bus as usual. We normally leave home at 8 a.m., but we’re leaving e___81___ because we’re testing some new devices for this month’s report. All these devices are useful when you're travelling. So, what have we got? -


语文选词填空题专项训练 应试技巧 技巧1:拿捏词义的轻重 近义词虽然表达的意思是相近的,但在表现事物的某种特征或程度上,往往有轻重之别。我们辨析时就要注意区别。 例如:“损坏”“毁坏”“破坏”其表现的程度就层层升级,依次加重。再如:“陌生”与“生疏”,两个词都有“不熟悉”的意思。但“陌生”表示对一个人或事物因初次接触而不熟悉;“生疏”则可表示对一个人或事物以前熟悉或曾经有过接触,因相隔时间长变得不熟悉了,或者因接触时间不长次数不多所以不熟悉。 技巧2:限定词义的范围 有些近义词虽指同一事物,但所指范围却有大有小,这种分别也是辨析近义词的一个标准。例如:“边疆”“边境”“边界”范围是越来越小。“边疆”指远离中心的地方,靠近国界的领土,范围大,同时这个概念比较抽象;“边境”指靠近国界的地方,范围较小,同时这个概念比较具体。“边界”仅指一条界限,范围最小。再如:“年纪”与“年龄”。“年纪”专指人的年龄,词义范围小,“年龄”指人或动物植物已生存的年数,词义范围大。如:(1)校园里的两棵银杏树,看上去它们的年龄足有千年。(2)你这把年纪还带头干活,我们这些年青人哪敢怠慢?这里的例(1)的“年龄”就不能换成“年纪”。 技巧3:揣摩词义侧重 有些近义词虽指意义相似,但由于词素构成不同往往所指的侧重点不同,使用就有所不同。 例如:“景色”与“景点”,“景色”侧重指景象、情景。“景点”侧重指景物的地点。再如:“诡辩”与“狡辩”都指无理强辩,但“诡辩”着重在“诡”,即欺诈、怪异,“诡辩”就是用欺诈的手段,奇怪的言辞,似是而非的论证来为自己的谬论辩护。“狡辩”着重在“狡”,即不老实,耍花招,“狡辩”是歪曲事实,狡猾的为自己的错误言行辩解。 技巧4:分清词性和语法功能 近义词一般词性相同,但也有词性不同或不完全相同的。 例如“诞生”与“诞辰”,前者为动词,后者为名词,词性不同,用法自然就不同了。也有因词性不同,句法功能也就不同,如“突然”(形容词,作状、谓、定语),“猛然”(副词,作状语)。再如:“申明”与“声明”,“申明”动词,陈述说明,含有解释、分辩的意思,在句中一般作谓语;“声明”,动词兼名词,当众宣布、公开表明立场态度或说明情况,在句中作谓语,也可作宾语。如:2005年2月10日下午3时,朝鲜外务省突然发表——,鉴于美国丝毫没有改变对朝敌视政策,朝决定无限期中止参加六方会谈,并采取措施进一步扩充核武库。此句中需要一个名词性的词语,应该填“声明”。 技巧5:语感与第一印象 选词填空题还考察我们的日常词汇和语言积累,许多固定搭配或者约定俗成说法,凭借语感即可做出答案。考生在考场上一定要相信自己的积累,不要耗费两大量时间迂回于一道试题。此外,有些词语习惯搭配我们也需要注意,这些就是考察我们的词语积累了。 技巧6:找准对象 近义词在实际运用时,使用对象也有区别。主要是谈话人或陈述对象所处的地位不同而使用的词语不同。例如:“爱戴”与“爱护”都可一用于人,但“爱戴”只用于下对上,“爱护“用与同志之间或上对下,有时还用于物。如“爱护公物”。如“他是一个深受群众爱戴


中考语文古诗文名句填空题大全 七年级上册 1.《<论语>六则》中阐述学习与思考辩证关系的句子是:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。出自本文中的成语有:温故知新,不耻下问,学而不厌,诲人不倦,三人行必有我师。 2.《木兰诗》中运用夸手法写行军之神速的句子:万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。描写边塞苦寒的句子是:朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。以互文、对偶修辞写战斗惨烈的句子是:将军百战死,壮士十年归。含义是:将军和壮士从军十年,经历了千百次残酷的战斗,有的死了,有的胜利归来。成语:扑朔迷离,出自课文原句:雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离。 3.《回乡偶书》中把几十年的生活变迁包含在一句中是:少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 4.《夜雨寄北》诗中写诗人想象情景的句子是:何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。 5.《淮上与友人别》中写景寄予别离情意的句子是:扬子江头柳青,花愁杀渡江人。描写握别的情景的句子是:数声风笛离亭晚,君向潇湘我向。 6.《送杜少府之任蜀州》中表达朋友虽然相距遥远却如在身边的感情诗句是:海存知己,天涯若比邻。 7.《酬乐天初逢席上见赠》诗中以比喻修饰表现自己豁达胸襟的诗句是:沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。这句的原意是:沉舟侧畔,千帆竟发,病树前头,万木争春。现在的新意是:新事物必将取代旧事物。 8.《卖油翁》中揭示道理的句子是:无他,但手熟尔。本文说明了熟能生巧的道理。 9.《三峡》一文中渔者歌曰:巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳。比喻水流速度之快的句子是:其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。 10.《陌上桑》一文中行者见罗敷,下担捋髭须。少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩头,耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄;来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。运用侧面烘托手法,表现人物之美丽。 11.《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》诗中写诗人对友人的关切的句子是:我寄愁心与明月,随君直到夜郎西。 12.《江南春》诗中写江南春色的美景是:千里莺啼绿映红,水村山郭酒旗风。借古讽今的句子是:南朝四百八十寺,多少楼台烟雨中。 13.《登飞来峰》诗中抒发诗人不畏艰险、立志革新的政治抱负的句子是:不畏浮云遮望眼,只缘身在最高层。 14.《望岳》诗中描写泰山的秀丽景色的句子是:造化钟神秀,阴阳割昏晓。表现诗人不怕困难,敢于攀登俯视一切的雄心和气概的名句是:会当凌绝顶,一览众山小。 15.《观沧海》中最能反映作者博大胸襟的诗句是:日月之行,若出其中;星汉灿烂,若出其里。 七年级下册 16.《黔之驴》中成语:庞然大物(表面上庞大的东西)黔驴技穷(比喻仅有的一点本领也用完了。) 17.《陋室铭》中点明主旨的句子是:斯是陋室,惟吾德馨。写居室环境清新雅致的句子是:苔痕上阶绿,草色入帘青。写室中人交往的句子是:谈笑有鸿儒,往来无白丁。 18.《爱莲说》中借莲的形象写君子既不与世俗同流合污,又不孤高自许德句子是:出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。借莲写君子仪态端庄,令人敬重而不敢轻侮的句子是:亭亭净植,可远观而不可亵玩焉。高度概括莲的品质的句子是:莲,花之君子者也。成语:出淤泥而不染。 19.《饮酒》中的名句:采菊东篱下,悠然见南山。总结全诗的主旨句是:此中有真意,欲辨忘言。 20.王湾的《次北固山下》表现诗人放眼山川的宽阔胸怀的句子是:潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。颈联是:海日生残夜,江春入旧年。最能体现乡愁的句子是:乡书何处达?归雁边。 21.愈的《早春呈水部十八员外》写景的句子是:天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。议论的句子是:最是一年春好处,绝胜烟柳满皇都。


2020中考英语短文填空难题训练 (一) Henry was a kind, good boy.His father was dead, and his mother was very poor.He had 1.__________ one-year-old little sister.He wanted to help his mother, because she could not always 2._______________ enough money to buy food for her little family. One day, Henry found a wallet in the street.At that time, Henry might have kept all the money, because no one saw him when he found it.3., he remembered that his mother had taught him to be 4.and never keep what did not belong to him.So Henry gave the wallet back to the owner.The owner gave Henry one dollar for 5. the wallet to him. With the dollar he bought a box, three 6.and some shoe polish(鞋油).He then went to the corner of the street and said to everyone whose boots(靴子) did not 7.clean, “Brush your boots, sir, please?” He was so polite 8.several gentlemen soon began to notice him, and to let him polish their boots.The first day he earned fifty cents and he gave all the money to his mother. When Henry gave the money to his mother, his mother said to him 9.great joy, “You are a dear, good boy, Henry.I did not know how I could make enough money to buy food, but now I think we can manage to get on quite well.” Henry worked after school every day.He made almost enough money to support 10.mother and his little sister. (二) Hayley Korman, a 15-year-old girl from California, US, did something different last summer.Her mobile phone didn’t work one day, so she decided to try and live 1.it.She took a six-week summer travel with some friends. Hayley and ten other teenagers rode their 2.____3,000 miles (4,800km ) across the States.With two college students as guides, they started from a beach in Georgia 3.June 23.They traveled through small towns in the south, crossed rivers and climbed 4..They made camps there. It’s not 5.to find a comfortable place to sleep.“It was too hot in the south, and very humid, too.” Hayley said. 6.there were such difficulties, no one left the team.“Everyone was hard-working and did everything for the group,” Hayley said.“We learned 7.to live with other people.” They 8.postcards and letters to their parents to tell them how it was going.They had to shop for food by themselves.They shared responsibilities (责任) and they 9.after each other.From these things, they not 10.trained (锻炼) themselves, but also opened up their eyes.“Southern people are really nice,” Hayley said.“It’s a whole new world for us.”


中考英语语法填空经典题型带答案经典 一、初三中考语法填空(含答案详细解析) 1.He was ________ (mention) in the letter. 【答案】 mentioned 【解析】【分析】句意:他在这封信里被提到了。mention是及物动词,根据句子机构可知是被动语态,be已经给出,行为动词使用过去分词mentioned,故答案是mentioned。【点评】考查一般过去时,注意动词过去式的变化规则。 2.语法填空 Last night I went to a concert of Chinese folk music. ________ piece which was played on the echo especially moved me. I was made________(feel)sad and painful ________(strong).The piece ________(name)Erquan Yingyue, but it was one of ________(move)pieces of music that I've ever heard. The echo sounded so sad ________ I almost cried along with it as I listened. Abing, ________ was a folk musician, wrote the music. He could play many musical ________(instrument) with his father's help. By age 17, he was known ________ his musical skills. Today, Abing's Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the greatest echo masters play and praise. It ________(become)one of China's national treasures. 【答案】 The;to feel;strongly;was named;the most moving;that;who;instruments;for;has become 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了作者对二泉映月这首曲子的感受和了解。 (1)句意:回声中播放的那首曲子尤其打动我。根据which was played on the echo可知做piece的后置定语,故piece表示特指用定冠词,位于句首首字母大写,故填The。(2)句意:我强烈地感到悲伤和痛苦。was made to do,固定搭配,被迫做,故填to feel。 (3)句意:我强烈地感到悲伤和痛苦。副词修饰动词feel,strongly,是副词,强烈地,故填strongly。 (4)句意:这首曲子叫二泉映月,但它是我听过的最动人的乐章之一。 name和piece是被动关系,描述过去用一般过去时,主语是piece名词单数故助动词是was,故填was。(5)句意:这首曲子叫二泉映月,但它是我听过的最动人的乐章之一。one of是最高级的标志,was是系动词其后是形容词,修饰物用ing结尾的形容词,故此处是moving是多音节单词,最高级是the most+moving的形式,故填the most moving。 (6)句意:回声听起来如此悲伤,我听着几乎要哭了。so...that,固定搭配,如此……以至于,引导结果状语从句,故填that。 (7)句意:阿炳是一名民间音乐家,他创作了这首音乐。定语从句中缺少主语指代人阿炳故用who,故填who。 (8)句意:在他父亲的帮助下,他可以演奏许多乐器。many修饰名词复数,故填instruments。 (9)句意:到17岁时,他的音乐技能已经广为人知。be known for,固定搭配,因……而出名,故填for。


、根据语境,在括号里填上适当的词语 倾诉倾吐 1.他把这些烦心事一直埋在心底,不愿意向任何人( )。 2.这两个许久不见的好朋友正在( )对对方的思念。 静谧宁静 3这一声凄凉的狗叫身,打破了夜晚的( )。 4.我又躺在田野里,在无限的( )中,忘了世界。 二、把下列词语补充完整,抖根据语境填上合适的词语。 百折( )( ) 立( )顶( ) ( )不安( ) 蹒跚( )( ) 可( )一( ) ( )落石( ) 悬崖( )( ) 攀( )越( ) ( )来入( ) 1.完成这项工作,需要我们有( )的毅力。 2.因为自己的错误导致班级荣誉受损,她整天( )。 三、先连线,再选词填空 心惊自受 流连肉跳 十指忘返 自作连心 1.惊险的极限挑战活动令人( ),勇敢的挑战者却是镇定自若。 2.即使孩子不小心磕破了皮,母亲都会很心痛,毕竟( )。

四、在括号里填入适当的词语,并选两个词造句 ( )的地球( )的怀抱 ( )的生活( )的海洋 ( )的枪口( )的丛林 造句:______________________________ 造句:______________________________ 五、选择最恰当的动词填入句中 1.考人把饼干丁很小心地放在湖边的围栏上,退开一步,( )起嘴向鸣群呼唤。(嘟搓) 2.当我们不得不去收起遗像的时候,海鸥们像炸了营似的朝遗像( )过来。(扑飞) 3只见松鼠像粒子弹似的从里头( )了出来,跳到了大柜顶上。(蹿跑) 4.一只大狐狸正( )着秋田狗大摇大摆地走过来,它嘴里叼着一只哆哆嗦嗦的鸡。(朝冲) 六、根据语境填入恰当的成语。 1.苏州园林的设计,可谓是( ). 2.西安是一座( )的城市,历史为它注入了活力。 3中国许多名句流传至今,( )。 4.今天的交响乐既欢快又动听,真是( )啊! 参考答案 一、倾吐倾诉宁静静谧 二、不回地天寝席学步见斑水出峭壁山岭频梦百折不回寝不安席 四、脆弱温暖幸福枯竭冰冷茂密 家如同一个温暖的怀抱可以治愈你受的伤痛。


初中阶段语文古诗词理解性背诵默写汇编 七年级(上)理解性背诵默写 (一)《观沧海》(曹操)1.《观沧海》中,最能表达作者博大胸襟的句子是: 日月之行,若出其中。星汉灿烂,若出其里。 2.《观沧海》一诗中,描写草木景色的句子是:树木从生,百草丰茂。 3.《观沧海》一诗中写大海水波动荡,山岛高耸突兀的句子是:水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。 4.《观沧海》一诗中对景物作总写的句子是:水何澹澹,山岛竦峙。 5.《观沧海》一诗中详细写诗人见到的景象的句子是:树木从生,百草丰茂。秋风萧瑟,洪波涌起。 6.《观沧海》一诗中描写诗人想象中的景象的句子是:日月之行,若出其中。星汉灿烂,若出其里。 7.《观沧海》一诗的主要表达方式是描写,但是也有两句诗是叙事的,这两句诗是:东临碣石,以观沧海。 (二)《次北固山下》(王湾) 1.王湾在《次北固山下》一诗中描绘涨潮时水面宽阔,帆船顺风而行的句子是:潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。2.《次北固山下》一诗中,表现时序变迁,新旧交替这一自然规律的诗句是:海日生残夜,江春入旧年。3.《次北固山下》一诗中游子思乡情深的诗句是:乡书何处达?归雁洛阳边。 (三)《钱塘湖春行》(白居易) 1.白居易在《钱塘湖春行》中,借莺燕的活动来传达春天来临的信息并表达自己喜悦之情的句子是:几处早莺争暖树,谁家新燕啄春泥。 2.白居易在《钱塘湖春行》中描绘春花初绽,春草吐绿的诗句是:乱花渐欲迷人眼,浅草才能没马蹄。 (四)《西江月》(辛弃疾) 1.辛弃疾的《西江月》中,以动衬静,使用对偶手法,描绘乡村夏夜恬静之美的句子是:明月别枝惊鹊,清风半夜鸣蝉。 2.《西江月》中,作者通过侧面烘托表现农村丰收景象和人们喜悦心情的诗句是:稻花香里说丰年,听取蛙声一片。 3.《西江月》中与陆游的“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”的意境相同:旧时茅店社林边,路转溪头忽见。 (五)《天净沙·秋思》(马致远) 1.《天净沙·秋思》中写农村晚景的句子是:枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。 2.马致远在《天净沙·秋思》中渲染萧条.冷落.凄凉气氛的写景的句子是:枯藤老树昏鸦,古道西风瘦马。3.马致远在《天净沙·秋思》中写游子孤寂愁苦之情的名句是:夕阳西下, 断肠人在天涯。 4.该曲的主旨句是:(夕阳西下,)断肠人在天涯。 (六)《龟虽寿》(曹操) 1.人们常引用曹操《龟虽寿》中的诗句:“老骥伏枥,志在千里。”来比喻人虽老了却仍有雄心壮志。 2.曹操的《龟虽寿》中表达诗人积极奋发的精神和伟大抱负的诗句是:老骥伏枥,志在千里;烈士暮年,壮心不已。 (七)《过故人庄》(孟浩然) 1.孟浩然《过故人庄》中描写农村优美风光的句子是:绿树村边合,青山郭外斜。 2.孟浩然《过故人庄》中表现对朋友,对乡村的依恋之情的句子是:待到重阳日,还来就菊花。 3.陆游在游山西村后与友人相约:“从今若许闲乘月,柱杖无时夜叩门” 异曲同工,孟浩然与故人“把酒话桑麻”后约定:待到重阳日,还来就菊花。 4.孟浩然《过故人庄》中表现恬静的农家生活:开轩面场圃,把酒话桑麻。 (八)《题破山寺后禅院》(常建) 1.唐代诗人常建在《题破山寺后禅院》中描写禅院幽静的句子是:曲径通幽处,禅房花木深。2.大自然美丽的湖光山色涤荡了我们的心胸,让我们心清如水,愉悦了百鸟的性情,使它们在山林中尽情歌唱。这真是:山光悦鸟性,潭影空人心。(用《题破山寺后禅院》中诗句回答。)


Unit 1 A A hobby is an interesting way of s 1 your free time. There are so many different hobbies for different people to c 2 . Some hobbies are very popular, w 3 others are quite unusual. You may choose one that you are i 4 in. You may enjoy c 5 things, such as stamps, foreign coins and so on. If you like work with your hands, you may enjoy model making and paper cutting, which both need great attention in detail. Or you may enjoy creative hobbies, like painting and writing. Many people p 6 outdoor activities to indoor activities. They get great p 7 from sailing and cycling and so on, which they can enjoy with others. Wherever you live, there is always a hobby for you to choose. The hobby can help you r 8 after your daily work. The hobby can give you many hours of pleasure and make your spare time interesting and c 9 . The hobby can bring happiness, k 10 and friendship. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B President Hu Calls For Sound Preparations For Expo Chinese president Hu Jintao called for sound preparations in the run-up to the Expo 2010 Shanghai China and hoped the success of the event would have positive e 1 on the global economy. “The Shanghai World Expo is the s 2 world pageant( 庆典) in the country after the Beijing Olympics. Hosting the event s 3 is very important to promoting our exchanges and cooperation(交流与合作) with other c 4 and regions across the world,” said Hu on July 15th at an exhibition in Beijing on the Expo. Hu made the remarks at an exhibition in Beijing’s Capital Museum,which i 5 arti- Facts, pictures and videos that recorded the 150-year-plus d 6 of the event. The exhibition also has a section that s 7 preparations for the Expo 2010, which features a 3-D animated short video of a t 8 of the site and the models of 60 pavilions. President Hu visited the exhibition along with other senior Chinese l 9 , They praised the preparations and expressed their t 10 to all the participants. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Unit 2


2009—2010学年度(下)第一次质量测试 九年级语文试卷 选词填空专项训练 考试时间:8分钟试卷满分:30分 请选出依次填入下列各句横线中的词语最恰当的一组,将答案写在下面的表格中。 1.(1)在激烈的决赛中,我乒乓健儿经过艰苦拼搏,终于了对方的攻势,获得了冠军。 (2)不法商人以次充好,用假货来利益,这是法律所不允许的。 (3)社会治安的问题引起了人大代表和政协委员的,他们将会在“两会”上提出提案,以便更好地解决。 A.遏止谋取关注B.遏制谋取关心 C.遏止牟取关心D.遏制牟取关注 2.(1)近几年来,他们了不少资料,向美国读者介绍中华移民遭受歧视和虐待的详情。 (2)这类事件,十年前有它,现在可没听说过。 (3)一本只有几十页的小书,居然附有两页纸的表,这实在让人深思。 A.收集允许勘误B.搜集容许勘误 C.收集容许刊误D.搜集允许刊误 3.(1)他跟着大队跑近前线,炮声越来越响了,清脆的枪声也渐渐地清楚了,淡淡的白烟也了,心头反而一步步平静下来…… (2)我离开仙台之后,就多年没有照过相,又因为状况也无聊,说起来无非使他失望,便连信也怕敢写了。经过的年月一多,话更无从说起,所以虽然有时想写信,却又下笔。 (3)好风景固然可以打动人心,但若得几个情投意合的人,相与其间,那才真有味儿;这时候风景觉得更好。 A.看见难以徘徊B.望见难以徜徉 C.望见不能徜徉D.看见不能徘徊 4.(1)当你于深山美景时,轻舟已过十六弯。 (2)我国在城市中施行了向困难居民发放最低生活金的制度。 (3)如今人们都在人才“高消费”:文学硕士当迎宾小姐,副教授当殡仪馆领班……难道我们真的是人才过剩了吗? A.沉湎保障赞叹B.沉醉保障惊叹



中考语文古诗文名句填空题大全 七年级上册 1.《<论语>六则》中阐述学习与思考辩证关系的句子是:学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆。出自本文中的成语有:温故知新,不耻下问,学而不厌,诲人不倦,三人行必有我师。 2.《木兰诗》中运用夸张手法写行军之神速的句子:万里赴戎机,关山度若飞。描写边塞苦寒的句子是:朔气传金柝,寒光照铁衣。以互文、对偶修辞写战斗惨烈的句子是:将军百战死,壮士十年归。含义是:将军和壮士从军十年,经历了千百次残酷的战斗,有的死了,有的胜利归来。成语:扑朔迷离,出自课文原句:雄兔脚扑朔,雌兔眼迷离。 3.《回乡偶书》中把几十年的生活变迁包含在一句中是:少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰。 4.《夜雨寄北》诗中写诗人想象情景的句子是:何当共剪西窗烛,却话巴山夜雨时。 5.《淮上与友人别》中写景寄予别离情意的句子是:扬子江头杨柳青,杨花愁杀渡江人。描写握别的情景的句子是:数声风笛离亭晚,君向潇湘我向秦。 6.《送杜少府之任蜀州》中表达朋友虽然相距遥远却如在身边的感情诗句是:海内存知己,天涯若比邻。 7.《酬乐天扬州初逢席上见赠》诗中以比喻修饰表现自己豁达胸襟的诗句是:沉舟侧畔千帆过,病树前头万木春。这句的原意是:沉舟侧畔,千帆竟发,病树前头,万木争春。现在的新意是:新事物必将取代旧事物。 8.《卖油翁》中揭示道理的句子是:无他,但手熟尔。本文说明了熟能生巧的道理。 9.《三峡》一文中渔者歌曰:巴东三峡巫峡长,猿鸣三声泪沾裳。比喻水流速度之快的句子是:其间千二百里,虽乘奔御风,不以疾也。 10.《陌上桑》一文中行者见罗敷,下担捋髭须。少年见罗敷,脱帽著帩头,耕者忘其犁,锄者忘其锄;来归相怨怒,但坐观罗敷。运用侧面烘托手法,表现人物之美丽。 11.《闻王昌龄左迁龙标遥有此寄》诗中写诗人对友人的关切的句子是:我寄愁心与明月,随君直


学科教师辅导教案 学员编号:年级:课时数: 学员姓名:辅导科目:学科教师: 课程主题:授课时间: 学习目标 教学内容 2019年广东省初中毕业生学业考试英语试题 五、短文填空 What will happen if a family is without the Internet for a month? One American family decides to find out. They have sent an invitation to a leading US television, expecting that it will send a film group to record their day-to-day life ___71____ technology for a month. When the film group meet ___72____ Smiths, they find that Mr. Smith, Mrs.Smith and their two sons are so crazy about technology that ___73____ hardly do the things together. At mealtimes, no one ___74____ at the dining table for their fo od.”Everyone just runs into the kitchen, takes their food and goes back to their screen,”Mrs.Smith explain, “___75____ we don’t make a change, our family will become stranger to each other!” Getting back to the normal life without the internet is not ___76____ .especially when the Smiths lose themselves in it. They have to make many ___77____ .For example, the two brothers have to do to the school ___78____ to borrow book for for their scientific projects, and Mr. and Mrs.Smith need to go out shopping because they cannot buy things ___79____ . As the family have picked up the new lifestyle, they find that they can spend more time over meals, playing sports and doing all ___80____ of activities together. Would they be able to go for long without using the Internet after the challenge? 71.________72.________73.________74.________75.________ 76.________77.________78.________79.________80.________ 71.without 72. the 73.they 74.sits 75.If 76.easy 77.changes 78.library 79.online 80.kinds 中考英语短文填空解题技巧 一、解题基本步骤 (一)跳过空格,不看选项,快速地阅读全文,从整体上感知全文,掌握大意。 注意:重视首尾句;记叙文抓故事性文章的时间、地点、人物、事物。 (二)复读短文,确定语义,判断词形。 先易后难 易:固定词组、常见句型或明显的语法结构 难:名词、动词、形容词、副词,注意联系上下文 (三)三读短文,上下参照,验证答案。 内容:上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章。 语法:语法结构是否正确无误。 二、具体解题技巧 (一)考虑该空填什么词性 1、名词:单复数形式, 所有格的用法 表示某一事物,有具体的和抽象的之分。分为可数名词和不可数名词。 强调:不可数名词都默认为单数,所以总是用is或者was;最好不要根据some、any、a lot of等词去作判断,以免受误导。1)可数名词如何变“复数形式”: a.一般情况下,直接加-s,如:book-books, bag-bags, cat-cats, bed-beds 。 b.以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加-es,如:bus-buses, box-boxes, brush-brushes, watch-watches 。


英语缺词填空专项测试 (1) At different times in a man's life his food has different effects (影响) on his body. Among children f 1 is quickly changed to the power(力量) to run and play games. Most of a young man's food is spent on growing t 2 ; We grow upwards only d 3 the first twenty years of our l 4 , not later. Working men get their strong bodies from their food; and if they work h 5 , they do not get fat. Office workers eat well and s 6 down a lot, and may begin to grow fat when s 7 quite young. Many older people t 8 to work much and walk often. P 9 the most difficult time is when a man r 10 sixty years of age. His body and mind b 11 restful, without much work or interest. That is when food changes quickly to f 12 . (1)1.food 2. tall 3. during 4. lives 5. hard 6. sit 7. still 8. try 9. Perhaps 10. reaches 11. become 12. fat (2) Bats(蝙蝠) are the only flying "animals" in the world. It is k 1 to all that they cannot see very well. "As b 2 as a bat" is often heard. Yet, they have no t 3 flying on the darkest nights and f 4 their way round very well. Why can bats fly and see at night? They fly b 5 "radar(雷达)". The bat's radar w 6 the same way as the radar on ships and planes. As a bat flies t 7 the air, it makes a sound. If the sounds hit t 8 , they will come back and the bat's ears will r 9 the message. In this way, the bat is a 10 to know where the things are. Bats go out for f 11 at night. In the daytime, they hang in some d 12 places. 1.known 2. blind 3.trouble 4. finding 5.by 6.works 7. through 8.things 9. reaches 10. able 11. food 12. dark (3) Tennis is in its second life. Its first game b 1 in France. The name of the game comes from the French word "tennez". The English men c 2 the game "tennis" when they watched the Frenchmen play 800 years ago. The Englishmen liked the French game. Tennis courts were built in every park, in every city, just l 3 today. The two countries played a 4 each other. At first they played for honor. Then they w 5 money. Later people began cheating(欺骗)to get money. Three hundred years ago the game was forbidden(禁止)to stop the cheating. The game a 6 disappeared. Americans found the old courts when they went to Europe 100 years ago. They
