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COMMUNICATION The 2002 Olympic Games of Protein Structure Prediction

Protein Engineering vol.16no.3pp.157–160,2003DOI:10.1093/proeng/gzg022


The 2002Olympic Games of Protein Structure Prediction

Daniel Fischer 1,2and Leszek Rychlewski 3


Department of Computer Science,Ben Gurion University,

Beer-Sheva 84015,Israel and 3BioInfoBank Institute,Limanowskiego 24A/16,60-744Poznan,Poland


whom correspondence should be addressed.E-mail:d?scher@cs.bgu.ac.il

The summer of every even year is considered by the protein structure prediction community as the Olympic Games season,because in addition to a number of continuous benchmarking experiments such as LiveBench,much effort is invested in the blind prediction experiments CASP and CAFASP.Here we report the major advances registered in the ?eld since the last Games of 2000,as measured by the recently completed LiveBench-4experiment.These results provide a timely measure of the capabilities of current methods and of their expected performance in the upcoming CASP-5and CAFASP-3experiments.We also describe the initiation of the two new,community-wide experiments,PDB-CAFASP and MR-CAFASP.These new experiments extend the scope of previous efforts and may have important implications for structural genomics.

Keywords :CAFASP/CASP/LiveBench/protein structure prediction/structural genomics


One of the challenges of the post-genomic era is to assign three-dimensional (3D)structures computationally to the proteins encoded in genome sequences (Fischer and Eisenberg,1997;Abbott,2001;Fischer et al.,2001a).As a result of the various sequencing and structural genomics projects,structure prediction methods are playing an increasingly critical role in translating the information on the relatively small subset of proteins whose structures will be solved into accurate models for all proteins (Baker and Sali,2001,Fischer et al.,2001a).To understand the capabilities and limitations of current methods,a number of assessment experiments have been developed.In this paper we describe what we have learned from recent experiments,focusing in the sub-area of fold recognition (FR);for reviews,see elsewhere (Fischer and Eisenberg,1999;Jones,1999;Kelley et al.,1999;Fischer,2000;Rychlewski et al.,2000;Shi et al.,2001).FR methods use the structural information of solved proteins to model the structure of those proteins that share no signi?cant sequence similarity to any of the proteins of known structure.

We ?rst brie?y describe the major prediction experiments and the main lessons learned from the 2000session.In the CASP (CASP4,2000)blind prediction experiment,a few dozen proteins of known sequence but unknown structure are used as prediction targets.Human predictors ?le their models before the experimental structures are determined.When the structures become available,the predictions are evaluated by expert human assessors.The Fully Automated version of

Protein Engineering 16(3),?Oxford University Press


CASP is the CAFASP experiment (Fischer et al.,2001b).In CAFASP,the same prediction targets are used,but only the predictions of automated servers are considered (i.e.there is no human intervention in the prediction process).In addition,in CAFASP the evaluation of the predictions is carried out by fully automated evaluation programs,rather than by human assessors as in CASP.Thus,the evaluation results are com-pletely objective and reproducible.The Fully Automated CAFASP experiments are valuable not only within the com-munity of computational biologists,but also to biologists;what biologists want to know is which program they should use for their prediction targets and not which group was able to produce the best predictions at CASP.With the advent of genome sequencing projects and with the worldwide structure genomics initiatives,the need for fully automated structure prediction has become evident.

The large-scale version of CAFASP is the LiveBench (LB)experiment.LB assesses the servers using a relatively large number of prediction targets compiled every week from newly released protein structures.Another advantage of LB is that it runs continuously and not only once every two years.Thus,it can provide a snapshot of the predicting capabilities of the servers approximately every half year.Another related,large-scale evaluation project,not discussed here,is EV A (Eyrich et al.,2001),which mainly includes the evaluation of automated homology modeling,secondary structure and contact prediction methods.CASP5,CAFASP3and LB-6are currently under way and their results were to be announced at the Asilomar meeting in December,2002.Over 150predicting groups worldwide have registered in CASP5;in CAFASP3there are over 70automated servers of which 30are also participating in LB-6.

What have we learned from previous experiments?

Because the results of CASP-4,CAFASP-2and LB-2have been published (CASP4,2000),we only brie?y summarize some of the main ?ndings,focusing on the FR servers.

Probably the most widely agreed upon conclusion is that the evaluation of the accuracy of predicted 3D models is very dif?cult (Siew and Fischer,2001;Cristobal et al.,2001).While most predictors agree on what could be considered an excellent or completely wrong prediction,there is much controversy on how to assess and grant credit to those that are only partially correct.The problem of delineating an exact ranking of the predictors arises because many groups ?le excellent predictions for the ‘easy’prediction targets and most groups ?le completely wrong predictions for the hardest ones.Thus,the differences among most groups are due mainly to those targets in the middle,for which the assessment problem is most severe.In addition,if the test set is not very large,then slight ?uctuations can have a signi?cant effect in the ?nal ranking.

Despite these dif?culties,progress in evaluation methods has been achieved and it seems that it is possible to distinguish a group of best performing servers from the others.Taken

D.Fischer and L.Rychlewski

Table I.LiveBench-4sensitivity results

Sensitivity range(%)Names of servers




The sensitivity indicates the percentage of correctly predicted targets(out of108),based on MaxSub’s evaluation criteria.The performance of the LB-4meta-servers is described in the text.

*New servers.

together,the results of previous CASP,CAFASP and LB experiments seem roughly to agree on a group of?ve top-performing servers(referred to here with their four-character code used in LB):3DPS(3D-PSSM)(Kelley et al.,1999), MGTH(Mgenthreader)(Jones,1999),INBG(INBGU) (Fischer,2000),FFAS(FFAS)(Rychlewski et al.,2000)and FUGU(FUGUE)(Shi et al.,2001),with ST99(SAMT99) (Karplus et al.,1998)following closely.

Another important lesson from the recent experiments has been that the best human predictors still outperform the automated methods.Understanding and analyzing the aspects of human expertise that lead to a better human performance is important to allow their future incorporation into automated programs;this is and will continue to be one of the major challenges for bioinformaticians(Siew and Fischer,2001). Nevertheless,CASP4and CAFASP2demonstrated that the automated methods perform surprisingly well.Out of over100 human groups that participated in CASP4,only11human groups were ranked by the CASP4assessor above the best of the servers,3DPS.Furthermore,at rank7was the semi-automated method named CAFASP-CONSENSUS,that?led predictions using the CAFASP results of the servers.This demonstrated that the use of the automated predictions of a number of servers could result in improved performance and may probably be considered one of the most valuable lessons from CASP4.

Owing to the large-scale nature of the LB experiments, some quanti?cation of the servers’performance is possible. The LB-2results indicated that the best servers are able to produce correct fold assignments for between one-third and one-half of all newly released structures that show no sequence similarity to other proteins of known structure.Another valu-able quantitative measure computed in LB is the speci?city performance.Knowing the speci?city of any prediction pro-gram is essential for its wider applicability.LB-2demonstrated that the servers’speci?cities need to be improved.

One of the most signi?cant results of LB-2was the superior performance of the automated meta-predictor pcons (Lundstrom et al.,2001).Pcons automates some of the pro-cedures used by the CAFASP-CONSENSUS in CASP4and selects one of the models from those produced by a number of servers.As expected,and consistently with the CASP4/ CAFASP2results,pcons generally outperformed the indi-vidual servers.

For further details on the LB-2and CAFASP2see(Bujnicki et al.,2001;Fischer et al.,2001b)and the comprehensive tables available at the corresponding web pages.

Since the publication of the LB-2and CAFASP2reports, new servers have been developed and evaluated in subsequent LB rounds.To obtain an updated snapshot of the predicting capabilities of current servers,we report the main results from the recently completed LB-4.


LB-4was run between November2001and April2002. Seventeen servers were evaluated using108newly released structures as targets.For detailed evaluation information, including separation between‘easy’and‘hard’targets,and the four different evaluation methods used,see the LB-4web pages.Here we report the LB-4results using a simpli?ed approach.Table I lists the performance of the LB-4servers, using a rough ranking based on overall sensitivity.Sensitivity is de?ned here as the percentage of targets for which a (partially)correct prediction is obtained,as assessed by the MaxSub evaluation method(Siew et al.,2000).We deliberately group similarly performing servers in one single range to emphasize the fact that the differences among servers may not be very signi?cant and can be affected by the particular way of evaluation.We should also note that some servers(e.g. SFAM)are aimed at a particular type of prediction problems and thus may not be fairly ranked by an overall number. Table I shows that four of the?ve top-performing servers identi?ed in previous experiments still rank at the top(3DPS, INBG,FFAS and MGTH).However,four new servers now accompany them.FUG2and FUG3are variants of FUGU developed by the same group.ORFs is a pro?le-to-pro?le comparison server developed at bioinfo.pl by one of the authors of this paper.SHGU(3D-SHOTGUN)is an enhancement over the INBG method,developed by the other author of this paper (Fischer,2003).PDBb corresponds to a local implementation of PSI-BLAST.It is clear that all FR servers outperform PDBb. The sensitivity of the top ranking servers is above50% (Table I).Apparently,there has been a slight improvement in the sensitivities of the‘old’LB-2servers.However,this improvement may not necessarily mean that these servers have improved.It may merely be due to the differences in the test sets(LB-4may have included more‘easier’targets),to the growth of the sequence and structural databases or both.

In a special category,LB-4also evaluated the performance of three meta-predictors:CNS2(version2of pcons,described above),3DS3and3DS5(two meta-predictors using the3D-SHOTGUN algorithm)(Fischer,2003).We distinguish meta-predictors from individual servers by the type of input required: a meta-predictor cannot run independently,explicitly requiring as input the predictions of at least one other participating server.The meta-predictors’sensitivity ranges between56and 60%,con?rming that the use of information from more than one server can result in increased performance.It seems that the performance of these meta-predictors do effectively represent an improvement.

Table II lists the overall speci?cities of the LB-4servers. The speci?city is computed as a percentage by dividing the total speci?city calculated in the LB-4web page by the total number of targets(108),times100.In LB-4,the total speci?city

The 2002Olympic Games in protein structure prediction

Table II.LiveBench-4speci ?city results Speci ?city range (%)Names of servers 41–49SHGU 21.9FFAS 6.8ORFs 6.0INBG 21.8FUG24.8FUG35.2

34–36SFAM 10–33DPS 0.1FUGU 5.2ORFb 35.9



PDBb 0.05

MGTH 0.6

GETH 0.6

The speci ?city is computed as the ‘total ’speci ?city computed in LB-4divided by the total number of targets (108).The numbers following the servers ’names are rough estimates of their ‘5%con ?dence scores ’.

is a rough estimate of the number of correct predictions a server produces while producing up to ?ve incorrect ones.Table II also lists for each server the score of its ?fth incorrect prediction.For example,the FUG2server had a speci ?city of 44%(total speci ?city of 47.6,divided by 108targets).Its 5%con ?dence threshold is 4.8.This means that FUG2approxi-mately produced 48correct predictions plus ?ve incorrect ones with scores higher than 4.8.

Six of the individual servers that ranked highest in sensitivity also rank at the top in speci ?city (SHGU,FFAS,ORFs,INBG,FUG2and FUG3).Surprisingly,in LB-2MGTH ranked at the top in speci ?city,whereas in LB-4it performs signi ?cantly worse.This may be due to a change in MGTH ’s scoring system introduced during LB-4.As expected,the servers ’speci ?cities are lower than their sensitivities.For example,while FUG2’s sensitivity was 50%(correctly predicting 54out of the 108targets),its speci ?city was only 44%.That is,some of FUG2’s correct predictions had scores lower than its 5%con ?dence threshold.

The meta-predictors ’speci ?cities are in the range 50–56%,again higher than the individual servers,most probably representing a signi ?cant improvement.The 5%con ?dence scores of 3DS3,CNS2and 3DS5are 24.7, 1.2and 4.2,respectively.The 5%con ?dence scores reported in Table II are of great value to the users of the servers,as they give an indication of when a particular prediction may be reliable.Depending on the way in which each server scores its predic-tions,a more con ?dent prediction can mean a larger or smaller score.Probably the most valuable outcome of LB,rather than attempting to provide an exact ranking of the servers,may be the availability of these con ?dence thresholds.The LB-4web pages include detailed information listing the scores of the ?rst to tenth false positives of each server.

As speci ?ed above,one of the advantages of LB is that it uses a relatively large test set (108targets)compared with that used in CAFASP (at most one or two dozen FR targets).Thus,the relative ranking of the servers and the speci ?city analysis provided by LB are more robust than those produced at CAFASP.Despite the smaller test set used in CAFASP,both experiments identify almost the same group of top-performing servers.

The 2002Structure Prediction Games

The results of the ongoing LB-6and CAFASP-3experiments will be particularly interesting because of the presence of new servers that have not been evaluated in LB-4.Another interesting addition in 2002is the introduction of two new evaluation experiments,PDB-CAFASP and MR-CAFASP.The goal of PDB-CAFASP,like CAFASP3and LB,is to evaluate the performance of fully automatic 3D protein structure prediction servers.The difference in PDB-CAFASP is the set of targets used.CAFASP uses CASP targets,LB uses newly released 159

PDB entries,whereas PDB-CAFASP uses as targets pre-release PDB entries.Pre-release PDB entries are entries soon to be released,whose structures are not yet published,but whose sequences are known.Thus,PDB-CAFASP is,like CAFASP,a blind prediction experiment,where the predictions are made before the experimental structures are available.

MR-CAFASP is an experiment aimed at evaluating the potential of predicted models to be of aid during the experi-mental structure determination process.The focus will be on targets with no close homologue of known structure,where molecular replacement (MR)techniques cannot easily be applied,either because a parent of known structure is not easily identi ?ed or because the sequence –structure alignment is not reliable.

During previous LB experiments,it was discovered that in at least two cases,highly con ?dent predicted models signi ?cantly differed from the experimental structure.In both cases,the experimental structure was subsequently removed from the PDB and,in one case,the replacement entry contained cor-rected models very similar to the original in silico prediction (Bujnicki et al.,2002a,b).This lead to the consideration of whether in silico models may be of help during the structure determination process –a very important issue for structural genomics.Jones has also recently suggested that distant homology fold-recognition models may be used as molecular replacement phasing models (Jones,2001).

The questions that MR-CAFASP aims to address are as follows.Would a predicted model be of help to ?t the chain better into a low-resolution,hard to interpret,electron-density map?Can a predicted model help detect shifts and errors in the initial tracing of an electron-density-map?Can a predicted model be used as a phasing model?How can NMR bene ?t from an accurate predicted model?Because many predicted models may not be accurate enough,is it worthwhile for the experimentalist to spend some time verifying this?

In MR-CAFASP,highly con ?dent fully automatic predic-tions will be selected from the targets of PDB-CAFASP,before the experimental structure is released.From these,a number

of tests will be carried out vis-a

`-vis the experimental data,when the latter become publicly available.

For more information about PDB-CAFASP and MR-CAFASP,see the main CAFASP3web page.

Developers and the users of structure prediction programs will again be watching the 2002protein structure prediction Games.The community will learn whether new servers,not evaluated in LB-4,will demonstrate further progress or whether the main ?ndings of LB-4will simply be con ?rmed.More than ever,it will be interesting to see how useful the automated predictions will be for human CASP5predictors and,more important,to see the performance differences between the current best automated servers and the best human predictors.

D.Fischer and L.Rychlewski


It is important to state that the authors of this paper are at the same time the organizers of CAFASP and LiveBench and the developers of participating servers.Thus,even if the evaluation is carried out by fully automated procedures,it cannot be considered as independent.However,the generally consistent ranking obtained at CASP provides a valuable and inde-pendent control.

Note added after submission

The Asilomar CASP/CAFASP meeting was held shortly before this paper was accepted for publication.The results of the meeting largely con?rmed the?ndings of LiveBench:(i)four of the top-performing servers at CAFASP-3were also at the top in LB-4;(ii)the performance differences of many servers are very slight and an exact ranking is not very meaningful; and(iii)meta-predictors perform signi?cantly better than individual servers.Possibly one of the most important?ndings was that owing to the improved performance of the meta-predictors,the performance difference between the best human predictors and the best servers is narrowing.A full report of the2002Asilomar meeting will be published in a special issue of Proteins.For updated information see the CASP5site at https://www.sodocs.net/doc/a417625920.html,/casp5,the CAFASP3site at http://www.cs.bgu.ac.il~d?scher/CAFASP3and the Live Bench6site at http://bioinfo.pl/LiveBench.



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Received September30,2002;revised January2,2003;accepted January 7,2003

