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中东集市的特点之一是经销同类商品的店家,为避免相互间的竞争,不是分散在集市各处,而是都集中在一块儿,这样既便于让买主知道上哪儿找他们,同时他们自己也可以紧密地联合起来,结成同盟,以便保护自己不受欺侮和刁难。例如,在布市上,所有那 1些卖衣料、窗帘布、椅套布等的商贩都把货摊一个接一个地排设在马路两边,每一个店铺门面前都摆有一张陈列商品的搁板桌和一些存放货物的货架。讨价还价是人们习以为常的事。头戴面纱的妇女们迈着悠闲的步子从一个店铺逛到另一个店铺,一边挑选一边问价;在她们缩小选择范围并开始正儿八经杀价之前,往往总要先同店主谈论几句,探探价底。



在这里,你会看到许多精美的锅碗瓢盆,上面雕刻着各种精细复杂的传统图案,也能看到一些当地人日常使用的质朴无华的厨房用具,虽无花纹图案,但造形美观,经济实用。 再走一处便是地毯市场。这儿有各种质地的地毯,它们色彩斑炯,花纹图案富有地方特色——有的简单粗犷,有的精巧和谐得令人吃惊。再往前走便是香料市场,这里充满各种浓烈的异香奇味;接下来是食品市场,在这里,你可以买到豪华酒宴上所需的任何山珍海味,也可以与徒工、脚夫一道坐进小饭馆里去吃那不能登大雅之堂的面包和奶酪。集市里有棚顶的街巷纵横交错,有如一座迷宫,鳞次栉比地坐落其间的有印染市场、陶器市场和木器市场。随便走到哪儿,你都有可能透过某个门洞瞥见一个洒满阳光的庭院,那也许是个清真寺的院子,也许是个商旅客栈的院子。在那儿,总会有几头骆驼旁若无人地卧着嚼草料,而在骆驼的身边则总是堆放着它们穿越沙漠,从几百英里以外的地方驮运而来的大捆大捆的货物。




1)A bazaar is a market or street of shops and stands in Oriental countries.Such bazaars are likely to be found in Afghanistan,the Arabian Peninsula,Cyprus,Asiatic Turkey and Egypt.
2)The bazaar includes many markets:cloth—market,copper— smiths’market.carpet—market,food—market,dye—market,pottery—market,carpenters’market,etc.They represent the backward feudal economy.
3)A blind man could know which part 0f the bazaar he was in by his senses of smell and hearing.Different odours and sounds can give him some ideas about the various parts 0f the bazaar.
4)Because the earthen floor,beaten hard by countless feet,deadens the sound of footsteps,and the vaulted mudbrick walls and roof have hardly and sounds to echo. The shop-keepers also speak in slow, measured tones, and the buyers follow suit.
5)The place where people make linseed oil seems the most picturesque in the bazaar. The backwardness of their extracting oil presents an unforgetable scene.

II .
1)little donkeys went in and out among the people and from one side to another
2)Then as you pass through a big crowd to go deeper into the market, the noise of the entrance gradually disappear, and you come to the much quieter cloth-market.
3)they drop some of items that they don't really want and begin to bargain seriously for a low price.
4)He will ask for a high price for the item and refuse to cut down the price by any significant amount.
5)As you get near it, a variety of sounds begin to strike your ear.

Ⅲ. See the translation of text.

1)n. +n..seaside, doorway, graveyard, warlord
2)n. +v..daybreak, moonrise, bullfight
3)v. +n..cutback, cutthroat, rollway
4)adj. +n..shortterm, softcoal, softliner, hardware
5)adv. +v. .output , upgrade, downpour
6)v. +adv..pullover, buildup

1)thread (n.) she failed to put the thread through the eye of the needl

e.(v.) He threaded through the throng.
2)round (v.) On the 1st of September the ship rounded the Cape of Good Hope. (adv.) He wheeled round and faced me angrily.
3)narrow(v.) In the discussions we did not narrow the gap any further. (adj.)He failed by a very narrow margin.
4)price(n.) The defence secretary said the U.S.was not looking for an agreement at any price.(v.)At the present consumption rates(of oil)the world may well be pricing itself out of its future.
5) (v.)live About 40%of the population lives on the land and tries to live off it. (adj.)The nation heard the inaugural speech in a live broadcast.
6)tower (n.)The tower was built in the 1 4th century.(v.)The general towered over his contemporaries.
7)dwarf (v.)A third of the nation's capital goods are shipped from this area,which dwarfs West Germany's mighty Ruhr Valley in industrial output.(n.)Have you ever read the story of Snow White and the Dwarfs?

1)light and heat:glare,dark,shadowy,dancing flashes.the red of the live coals,glowing bright,dimming,etc.
2)sound and movement:enter,pass,thread their way.penetrate,selecting,pricing,doing a little preliminary bargaining,din,tinkling,banging,clashing,creak,squeaking,rumbling,etc.
3)smell and colour:profusion of rich colours,pungent and exotic smells,etc.

1)glare指刺眼的光;brightness指光源发出的强烈稳定的光, 强调光的强度。
3)quiet或silent指没有声音;而 音被压低或吸收而已。muted则指有声音,只不过声
8)exotic不仅指很奇怪,而且指外来的,本地没有的。strange 的“奇怪”内涵是:生疏、异样、不自然、费解等。

1)buyers 2)sharp,strong 3)dismal,gloomy,solemn 4)declaring,insisting 5)strike

6)abundance,plenty 7)rich and costly 8)goods 9)mixing

1)There is the cloth—market,with its profusion of rich colour.
2)There is the coppersmiths’market,where you can hear the sounds of tinkling,banging and clashing.
3)There is the carpet—market,where you can find varied textures and regional designs.
4)There is the spice—market,with its pungent and exoti’c smells.
5)There is the food—market,with everything you need for the most sumptuous dinner.
6) There is a sunlit courtyard, with flowers blooming and birds chirping.

1)A zig-zag path loses itself in the shadowy distance of the woods.
2)At the bazaar there are many stalls where goods of every conceivable kind are sold.
3)I really don't know what it is that has made him so angry.
4)The newly unearthed bronze vase is pleasing in form and engraved with delicate and intricate traditional designs.
5)Beyond the mountains there is a vast grassland that extends as far as the eye can see.
6)They decided to buy that house with. a garage attached.
7)The teachers make a point of being strict with the students.
8)This little girl is very much attached to her father.
9)To achieve the four modernization, we make a point of learning from the advanced science and technology of other countries.
10)As dusk fell, daylight faded away.
11)The apprentice watched his master carefully and then followed suit.
12)Frank often took a hand in the washing-up after dinner.

bazaar, veiled women, copper vessels, carpets, spice, mosque, camels, caravanserai, desert, etc.

XlI. Omitted.

1)As I go deeper into the bazaar, the noise of the entrance fades away, and I come to the muted cloth-market. The earthen floor, beaten hard by countless feet, reduces the sound of footsteps, and I can hear no sound being echoed. The shop-keepers speak in slow, controlled tones, and the; customers talk in the same way.
The copper-smiths' market is easily traced by the noise coming from it.As I approach it,a tinkling and banging and clashing begins to strike my ear. The noise is so deafening that 1 have to leave as quickly as I can. I can hardly imagine how those copper—smiths and their apprentices can bear to live in all that noise.
