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1.这是239房间,我想加一个枕头。(This is room 1010; I would like to have one more pillow.)

2.您可以在房间直拨国际长途。(You can make IDD call in your room.)

3.我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的额外费用。(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.)

4.对不起,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Excuse me. Do you have any laundry?)

5.好像电话有问题。(It looks something wrong with the telephone.)

6.2135房间的浴缸坏了,请派人来修理一下好吗?(The bath tub in room 2135 is out of

order/service, can you please send someone to repair/fix it?)

7. 我想要一个转换插头。(I would like to have an adaptor/ I need an adaptor..)

8.这是8976房间,请送一个电熨斗。(This is room 8976, can you send me an iron please.)

9.我想要一个客房送餐服务。(I would like to have a room service.)

10.客房里有小冰箱。(There is a mini bar in your room.)

11.我的房间现在还没打扫过,已经12点了。(My room hasn’t been made up yet. It’s already


12.请接受我代表酒店向您道歉。(Please accept my apology on behalf of the hotel.)

13.我房间的电视图象不清楚。(The TV set in my room doesn’t give clear picture)

14.这件毛衣要用冷水手洗。(I’d like this sweater washed by hand in cold water.)

15.在房间上网是免费的。(It’s free of charge to use internet in the room.)

16.房间有保险箱。(There is a safe in your room.)

17. 这个房间是海景房。(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view)

18.这是您房间的钥匙。我们的行李员会带您去房间。(This is your room key. Our bellboy will

show you to your room.)

19.我来取您要洗的衣服。(I’ve come to collect your laundry.)

20.酒店为客人提供免费的擦鞋服务。(The hotel provides free shoe shining service for its



21. 您一共有几个人用餐?(How many persons in your dinner party?)

22. 请问您预订的用餐时间是什么时候?(May I know the time for your dinner reservation?)

23. 请问以谁的名义预订?(In which name, please?)

24.您愿意吃西餐还是中餐?(Would you like Western food or Chinese food?)

25.您喜欢坐哪个位置?(Where would you like to sit?)

26.这个餐桌的位置可以吗?(Will this table be all right for you?)

27.抱歉让您等这么久。(Sorry to have kept you waiting.)

28.您现在点菜吗?(May I take your order now?)

29.对不起。我马上去给你催一下你的菜。(I’m very sorry. But I’ll go to rush your order right


30.您想喝什么酒?(What wine would you like to have?)

31.这是菜单。服务员马上就来。(Here is the menu. The waitress will be with you in a moment.)

32.给您再添点米饭好吗?(Would you like some more rice?)

33.餐厅现在客满。但我们可以在20分钟以后安排您入坐。(the restaurant is full now. but we

might be able to seat you in 20 minutes.)

34.值班经理马上就来。(The duty manager will come here soon.)

35.我们会尽快给您答复.(We will answer you as soon as possible)

36. 对此造成的不便,我们非常抱歉。(We are terribly sorry for any inconvenience caused.)

37. 您能告诉我事情的详细经过吗?(Can you tell me/describe what happened in details?)

38.您是用信用卡还是现金结算?(Will you pay by credit card or in cash?)

39.先生,您的桌子已经准备好了。请您随我来,好吗?(Your table is ready, sir. Could you come

with me, please?)

40.意大利餐厅在饭店二层。(The Italian restaurant is on the second floor of the hotel.)


41.这是西餐厅,能为你服务吗?(Western Restaurant. May I help you?)

42.您来点俱乐部三明治吗?(Would you like Club sandwich?)

43.您的牛排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?(Would you like your steak well done or rare?)

44.我想来杯加冰的威士忌。(I’d like a cup of whisky on the rock.)

45.你要甜点心吗?(Would you like to order a dessert?)

46.你们有什么样的馅饼?(What kinds of pie do you have?)

47.先生,您还要点什么吗?(Would you like anything else, sir?)

48.请问现在可以结帐了吗?(May I make out the bill for you now?)

49.您准备把费用记到您的饭店总账上吗?(Would you like to put that on your hotel bill?)

50.对不起,您不能在这里签单。(Sorry, you can’t sign the bill here.)

51.您早餐想吃点什么?(What would you like to have for your breakfast?)

52.你们的大陆式早餐都提供些什么?(What do you serve for Continental breakfast?)

53.我想坐在角落里的那张桌子,你能给我安排一下吗?(I’d prefer t he table in the corner. Can

you arrange it for me?)

54.请问您怎么付钱?(How would you like to make your payment?)

55.晚餐要不要来点葡萄酒?(Would you like to have some wine with your dinner?)

56.能不能给我们推荐点好的酒?(Could you recommend some good wine to us?)

57.您需要看菜单吗?(Would you like to see the menu?)

58.我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?(Can I have the same dish as that?)

59.您先来点什么?(What would you like to start?)

60.坐出租车从酒店到机场大约需要30分钟。(It will take 30 minutes by taxi from hotel to the



61. 等一会我会回来为你点单。(I'll return to take your order in a while.)

62. "Bourbon on the rocks"的意思是波本威士忌加冰块。("Bourbon on the

rocks" is Bourbon whiskey on ice cubes.)

63. 从你入住我们的酒店后,你就可以签单。( Since you stay at our hotel,you may sign the bill.)

64. 我们有一瓶保存了20年的葡萄酒。(We have a bottle of wine that has been preserved for

twenty years.)

65. 茅台酒精度数要比黄酒高。( Mao Tai is much stronger than shaoxing rice wine.)

66. 先生,这是酒单,请慢慢看。( Here is the drink list, sir. Please take your time.)

67. 非常抱歉,还有什么可以为您效劳吗?( I do apologize. Is there any thing I can do for you? )

68. 酒吧里有表演,您愿意去看吗?(There is a floor show in our pub. Would you like to see it?)

69. 您要喝点茅台吗?这酒从不上头。( Would you like to have some Mao Tai? It never goes to the


70. 酒吧现在客满,请稍等约20分钟好吗?( The bar is full now. Do you care to wait for about 20

minutes? )

71. 我们供应很多种饮料,请自便。( We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself. )

72. 您不介意把餐桌一边的窗户打开吧?( Would you mind opening the window by the table? )

73. 如果您不介意,我们可以为您看管行李。( If you don't mind, we can take care of your baggage for

you. )

74. 我们有上好的饮品。( We have got good drinks. )

75.“绿岛”(鸡尾酒名) 的口感相当好。(“Green Island” tastes very good/excellent. )

76. 本地啤酒很有特色。( Our special is the local beer. )

77.这是米酒,用米酿制的。( They are rice wines, made from rice. )

78.我们有些新制的鸡尾酒,如“白色美人”、“水立方”、“天堂鸟”等。( We have got some newly

made cocktails, such as “White Beauty”, “Water Cube”, and “Bird’ Nest” . )

79. “罗马假日” (鸡尾酒名)看上去不错。( “Holiday In Rome” looks nice. )

80.“红粉佳人”(鸡尾酒名)的味道有点儿甜. ( The taste of “Pink Lady” is

sweet. )



1.Housekeeping, May I come in? (我是客房服务员,可以进来吗?)

2.When would you like me to clean your room? (您需要我们什么时候打扫房间。)

3.Good evening. May I do the turn-down service for you now? (现在可以为您开夜床吗?)

4. I need one more pillow please.(我需要加个枕头。)

5.The air-conditioner doesn’t work.(空调坏了。)

6.We'll dry-clean the dress.(我们将干洗这条裙子。)

7.When can I have my laundry back? (我何时能取回洗的衣服呢?)

8. Do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on same-day?(您是要快洗服务


9.The indemnity shall not exceed ten times of the laundry charge. (赔偿金额最高不超过洗衣


10.The water tap was dripping all night long.(水龙头一晚上都在滴水。)

11.If you have any problems or requests, please don’t hesitate to let us know. (如果您有问题,请


12.Please deposit your money, jewels and other valuables in the hotel safe.(请将您的现金、珠宝


13.Sorry to have caused you so much trouble.(很抱歉给您带来这么多麻烦。)

14.I assure you it will never happen again.(我向您保证,这类事情以后不会再发生了。)

15.Please keep your room key with you all the time in case you need it when you sign your


16.You can make long distance call from your room. (您可以从您房间里打长途电话。)

17.Local calls made from the hotel room are free of charge.(在房间内打市话是免费的。)

18.Here’s a letter for you, Mr. White.(怀特先生,这儿有您的一封信。)

19.The business hours are from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.(营业时间是上午9点到晚上10点。)

20.Is it possible to rent a bike here?(酒店有自行车出租吗?)


21.The minimum charge for a private room is 200 Yuan per person.(包间的最低人均消费是200


22.Here is your card and invoice.(这是您的信用卡和发票。)

23.I want a table with a view of the garden.(我想要张能看见花园的桌子。)

24.May I have a print of your credit card? (能不能刷一下您的信用卡?)

25.You reserved a table for two by the window.(您预订了一张靠窗的两人桌。)

26.Would you like the table by the window? (您喜欢坐靠窗的位置吗?)

27.We will have you seated as soon as we get a free table.(一有空桌,我们就安排你们坐下。)

28.What kind of cuisine do you serve in your restaurant? (你们都有些什么风味的菜?)

29.What’s your recommendation for us? (您给我们推荐什么菜?)

30.Would you like to try our House Specialty? (您想尝尝我们的招牌菜吗?)

31.It looks good, smells good and tastes good.(这道菜色、香、味俱全。)

32.There is a street where the local food is served.(有条街提供当地小吃。)

33.We will change you to non-smoking area.(我们给您换到非吸烟区。)

34.How long does it take from here to the airport? (从酒店到机场要多长时间?)

35.Could you give us a brief description of the Chinese food? (能不能简单给我们介绍一下中


36.How long do you think we will have to wait? (我们要等多久?)

37.Beggar’s Chicken is one of the most famous dishes of Hangzhou. (叫化童鸡是杭州最有名的


38.Would you care for a drink before you order, sir? (先生,点菜前想喝点什么吗?)

39.We’d like to have some good dishes of Chinese characteristics.(我们想要几个有中国特色的


40.The total amount is one hundred and eighty Yuan.(总共180元)


41.How would you like your steak cooked? (您希望您的牛排怎么烧?)

42.Would you like your steak well done or rare? (您的牛排是要全熟的还是三分熟的?)

43.I’d like a cup of whisky on the ro ck.(我想来杯加冰的威士忌。)

44.If you need ice cube, please contact Housekeeping.(如您需要冰块,请与客房中心联系。)

45.You can try our new Thai style food.(您可以尝试一下我们新推出的泰国菜。)

46.You can book the tickets in the business center.(您可以在商务中心订票。)

47. Is there a Muslim restaurant nearby?(附近有清真餐厅吗?)

48.I would like a cup of tea with a slice of lemon,please.(我想要杯柠檬茶。)

49.The Reception Desk is straight ahead.(接待处就在前面。)

50.What would you like to go with your steak? (您的牛排配什么菜呢?)

51.Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the Great Wall?(你能告诉我怎么去长城吗?)

52.You can go to the railway station by subway.(您可以坐地铁去火车站。)

53.It is about 20 minutes’ drive from Tiananmen Square to the National Stadium.(从天安门到国


54.Here is the menu and the wine list. Would you like to order an aperitif? (这是菜单和酒水单。


55.Do you fancy a starter? (你们喜欢来点餐前小吃吗?)

56.Could you tell me how to use chopsticks? (你能告诉我怎么用筷子吗?)

57.By the way, what is this thing under the chopsticks? (顺便问一下,筷子底下的东西是什么?)

58.I’ve nev er had any food as delicious as this. (我从没吃过这么鲜美的菜肴。)

59.Would you like to see our cake selection? (您要看看我们蛋糕的种类吗?)

60.Have you decided on anything, Madam? (太太,您决定点什么菜了吗?)


61. I’d like a glass of “ Tree Shadow In Coconut Forest” (鸡尾酒名). (我要一杯“椰林树影”。)

62. “Summer Sunshine” (鸡尾酒名) would be nice. (来一杯“夏日阳光”。)

63. People like “Dance Of Bright Sun” (鸡尾酒名) very much. (大家都很喜欢“艳阳之舞”。)

64. “Star Of Good Fortune”(鸡尾酒名) sells well. (“幸运星” 销路很好。)

65. “Setting Sun At Dusk”(鸡尾酒名) sounds very interesting. (“日落黄昏” 听起来很有意思。)

66. Would you like a table, near the bar or by the window? (你是坐在吧台旁还是坐在窗口旁?)

67. Here are some peanuts, and they are free. Please enjoy. (这是你的花生米,请


68. I’d like a glass of whiskey, strai ght up. (来一杯威士忌,纯喝。)

69. How about a “night up”? (临睡前再来一杯,怎么样?)

70. Two ounces scotch on the rocks,please (要一杯两盎司加冰的苏格兰


71. The name of “Bright Stars” (鸡尾酒名) is romantic. ( “星光灿烂”的名字


72. A glass of whiskey, half and half. ( 一杯威士忌,一半水,一半酒。)

73. How would you like your brandy, up or down? ( 您的威士忌,加冰还是不加冰?)

74. Scotch over,please. (一杯加冰的苏格兰酒。)

75. “Love Story” (鸡尾酒名) and “Very Warm Kiss” (鸡尾酒名) are different from each other.

( “爱情故事” 和“烫热之吻” 互不相同。)

76. Make it two, please. (在给我来一杯。)

77. Please bring me a pot of hot coffee. (请给我一壶热咖啡。)

78. Do you honor this credit card? (你们接受这张信用卡吗?)

79. Please page Mr. I.i in the bar for me. (请叫一下在酒吧里的李先生。)

80. There is difference between “Burning Sun” (鸡尾酒名) and “Dance of Bright Sun” (鸡尾酒名).

( “烈日骄阳” 和“艳阳之舞” 之间有不同点。)



1. If the guest wants to make an international call, how would you tell him?

(Dial 9(or other number) first and then your country code, city code and the number you want.)

2.If the guest comes to you and says he/she can not open the door, what would you do?

( I would go with him to him room to have a check. And have his key changed if necessary )

3.When the guest asks you to take her clothes for laundry by phone, what would you say? (I will

pick up your laundry soon and may I have your room number?)

4.When you are going to clean the room for the guest, and the guest tells you it is not convenient

for him now, what would you do?

(I’ll ask the guest when it will be conven ient and note it down in the logbook.)

5.When the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and wants an extra pillow, what would

you say?

(We will send one to you immediately, and may I have your room number?)

6.If the guest calls the housekeeping service center, and says he/she is very cold, how would you


(I’ll tell the guest there is a blanket or quilt in the closet, or I’ll send him/her an extra blanket or quilt.)

7.When you are going to make turn-down service for the guest, but the guest is working, what

would you do?

( I would ask the guest if it is ok to do now, if not, when it will be convenient.)

8.If the guest calls the service center and says the bulb in his room is broken, what would you do? (I’ll apologize to the guest and tell him/her the electrician will be there soon.)

9.How would you introduce your guestroom to the guest?

(I would tell the guest about the equipment, the views, the service guide, and

security of the guestroom)

10.If the guest comes to tell you that his room is smoky and he wants to change it. But you do not

have another room available. What would you do to solve the problem?

(I would first apologize for it and explain the situation to him and help him

get rid of the smell by opening the window and cleaning the air.)


11.You are the waiter/waitress, and you want the guest to sign the bill, what should you say?

(Would you please sign the bill, sir/madam?)

12.What would you say to the guest if you want to confirm his/her reservation?

(May I confirm your reservation, sir/madam?)

13.What would you say to confirm the guest’s order?

(May I repeat your order now?)

14.What is “Mapo Tofu”?(Mapo Tofu is spicy bean curd, it is a classical Chinese dish.)

15.When a guest calls to reserve a private room for dinner, what information do you have to know?

(I have to know the date and time for the reservation, how many persons, and if there is any special requirement)

16.If the guest made a complaint about the dish, how would you do?

(I would apologize to the guest, find out the reason, and change the dish or give him discount according to the situation.)

17.How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest?

(I would tell the guest the business hours of the restaurant, the specialty, the popular dishes, the taste and so on.)

18.How would you introduce your restaurant to the guest?

(I would tell him about the business hours, the specialties, and the special programs and so on)

19.When the guest finishes his dinner, and you want to know his suggestion, what would you say? (I would ask the guest whether he has enjoyed the dinner or whether there is anything the hotel can do to improve.)

20.If the guest wants to have something which your restaurant doesn’t have, what would you say to


( Sorry sir. This is not available in our restaurant. But can I suggest

some ...?)


21.After the guest pays the bill, and you want to express your good wishes, what would you say?

(Thank you for your having chosen our restaurant and have a good time

staying in our hotel.)

22.If the guest wants to know the business hours for breakfast, what would you say?

( The breakfast is served from 6:00 am to 10:00 am )

23.If you learned that the guest would leave the hotel very early next morning. What suggestion

would you give him?

(I would suggest him to have his bills paid in the night in case there is hurry

in the morning.)

24.What would you say to someone who walks into your restaurant for a meal?

(Welcome to our restaurant. Do you have a reservation?)

25.When the guest orders the beefsteak, what do you have to pay attention to?

(How would the guest like it done: well done or rare.)

26.If you find that the guest leaves the restaurant without paying his bill, what would you do?

(I would go and politely tell him that he has forgotten to pay his bill.)

27.If the guest comes to the Western Restaurant for Chinese food, what would you do?

(I would say sorry to him and tell him where to go to have Chinese food.)

28.If the restaurant is full when the guest comes, what would you say to the guest?

(I would say “we are very sorry, but there is no seat available at the moment.

Could you please just wait for a moment?”)

29.If the guest takes out his cigarette and starts smoking in a non-smoking area in the restaurant,

what would you do?

( I would go to him and politely tell him that this is a non-smoking area and

ask him to smoke in the smoking area.)

30.While you are on duty. What would you say if the guest invites you to a drink?

(I would tell him that I am working. So I’m not supposed to accept the

guest’s invitation. But I would thank him all the same.)


31. What drinks do guests usually order after meal?

( After meal, guests usually order Brandy or Liqueur of port wine 波尔图


32. What is champagne?

( Champagne is a sparkling, dry, white wine originally from the region of

Chamagne. )

33. What is cognac?

(Cognac is a brandy distilled in the town of Cognac, France.)

34. What is whiskey?

(Whiskey is distilled alcoholic liquor made from grain, usually containing

from 43 to 50 percent alcohol.)

35. What does “V.S.O.P” mean?

( “V.S.O.P” means V—very S—superior O—old P—pale. )

36. Can you mention four major kinds of Cocktail?

(They are Short Drink(短饮类), Long Drink(长饮类), On the Rock(洛

克类)and Shooter(舒特类)).

37. Can you tell the four basic methods to make cocktail?

(They are shake (摇和法), stir (调和法), build (兑合法) and blend (搅和

法). )

38. What does “on the rocks”mean?

(“on the rocks”means served over ice cubes, that is to say, putting the ice

cubes into the glass, and then pouring the liquor on the ice.)

39. What kind of drink is cocktail?

(The cocktail is a drink made by blending spirits together or adding

condiments to a wine or more.)

40. What does “Dry”mean?

(As for Wine, “Dry”means “not contain any sugar”. As for Jin and Beer, “Dry”means “strong”)


考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best. 分析:这一问题如果面试没有安排自我介绍的时间的话。这是一个必问的问题。考官并不希望你大谈你的个人历史。是在寻找有关你性格、资历、志向和生活动力的线索。 答案译文:在高中我参加各种竞争性体育活动,并一直努力提高各项运动的成绩。大学期间,我曾在一家服装店打工,我发现我能轻而易举地将东西推销出去。销售固然重要,但对我来说,更重要的是要确信顾客能够满意。不久便有顾客返回那家服装店点名让我为他们服务。我很有竞争意识,力求完美对我很重要。 2.What would you like to be doing five years after graduation?(在毕业以后5年内你想做些什么?)


全国高职高专实用英语口语大赛”选拔赛竞赛参考题Part II Presentation (3 minutes) 1 Number of Hours Worked Per Week Numbers of Day’s Annual Holiday

JAPAN SWEDEN T he average Japanese worker spends 47 hours a week, or 2 100 hours per year, at the office or factory, while the average Swede clocks up only 37. Swedish workers have 28 days of holiday per year, but the Japanese have only 15. A typical Japanese worker takes a six-day week, however, a Swedish worker works less than 5 days a week. If you are a worker, life is much easier in Sweden than in Japan, for you can work 10 hours shorter each week and you may have a much longer annual holiday. 2 Change in Number of Visitors by Country In 2009 there were a large number of visitors to China on group or independent tour. But there were changes in the numbers of vistors from different countries. Some increased but some decreased. The greatest change happened in Bangladesh. The number of visitors from Bangladesh was down------there were 70% fewer group tour visitors and 48% independent travelers than the year before. Group


一.是非题(共45题) 1.(错)车辆故障诊断属于技术性较高的工作,尽可能交由技师来判定,服务专员只要做好客户接待 工作就可以了。 2.(对)车辆维修完毕后,应尽可能由原接待的服务专员为客户办理结账交车事宜。 3.(对)预估交车时间应充分考虑所有可能的因素,最好预留时间余地,以避免发生延期交车。 4.(对)客户预约是向客户展现主动服务的态度,更是及早掌握客户可能流失的预警措施之一。 5.(对)跟踪回访中发现客户表示故障未能完全处理正常,诸如系统功能不正常或特殊噪音/振动等问 题。应立即通知服务专员回电客户询问状况,并优先安排客户回厂诊断或返修。 6.(错)为了符合专业要求,服务专员应尽可能运用维修的专业术语向客户解释,如此客户会对于服 务专员有较高的专业评价。 7.(错)客户打来预约车辆维修保养,服务专员仅需确认客户姓名和联系方式即可。等待客户车辆进 厂后,再检查确认车辆状况与需要的维修容。 8.(对)客户回厂进行返修,为求熟悉掌握状况,最好应由原服务专员继续为客户服务。 9.(错)车辆故障问诊后,服务专员应向客户重述维修需求。但对于赶时间的客户,可配合客户状况 省略重述的动作,直接要求客户在维修工单上签名即可。 10.(对)预约分为主动预约与被动预约,主动预约是指服务站主动打给客户进行的预约招揽。 11.(对)在客户签订维修委托书(合同)前,服务专员应总结复述客户同意的维修项目,并解释说明 维修预估费用与预计交车时间。 12.(对)需求分析的目的是尽可能收集客户意见与车辆状况信息,然后站在客户的立场,向客户提出 合理的维修方案,并向客户说明维修给客户与车辆带来的好处。 13.(错)在追加的维修项目中,有些单价较小的配件或材料可以由班组直接领用追加,并在委托维修 工单中注明即可,交车时再向客户报备追认。 14.(错)在进行维修后的跟踪回访时,质量跟踪员主要询问的是客户对于维修质量、接待服务、收费 合理与交车过程的满意情形。 15.(对)善用预约系统,客户能够安排自己感到方便的服务时间进厂维修保养,也可以有效地节省维 修准备与等待的时间。 16.(对)如果客户说“修车是你们的事,我对怎么修车不感兴趣,给我把车修好就行”。即使如此,服务 专员还是需要向客户说明维修容和修理后的效果。 17.(错)接获客户预约维修后,服务专员应立即查核配件库存有无备料。如果发生缺件无法供货维修 的话,服务专员应在自客户预约后3小时告知客户,并与客户重新预约或取消预约。 18.(错)预约工位的预留时间跨度,一般可视情况而定,但原则上不可低于20分钟。 19.(对)服务专员应于客户预约进站维修时间前一小时与客户再次确认是否准时到达? 20.(对)在客户预约进厂前,服务专员应向客户再次确认维修需求、预约时间,并根据客户需求,对 维修费用做一个大致的估价,并向客户说明与解释。 21.(错)客户在描述故障过程中,服务专员应仔细倾听客户的描述。对于不清楚的地方,要立即打断 客户并询问清楚,以免发生误判。 22.(对)接待预检时,服务专员应陪同客户完成环车检查,并参考过去的维修记录,对车辆进行初步 检查及诊断,以便正确掌握情况并填入预检表。 23.(对)对客户进行故障问诊时,除快速保养外,服务专员与客户沟通的时间应至少不得低于5分钟。 24.(错)客户车辆进站后,服务专员应先倾听客户对车辆故障描述,以表示尊重客户,然后利用空档 时间查阅车辆以往维修档案,确认此次故障是否与以往维修有关。 25.(错)在客户结账交车时,无论是否属于保修围下的维修,都应将拆换下来的旧/配件返还给客户。 26.(错)客户车辆已经超过保修期,为了安全起见有必要增加修理项目。此时无法与客户取得联系, 维修技师可以先修理后再向客户解释,并争取客户的同意。 27.(对)交车时,服务专员应确认客户方便接受回访的时间与方式,并提醒下次定期保养的时间。 28.(错)客户结账时,收银员应根据结算单容向客户逐项解释维修项目及费用明细,并收款开票。 29.(错)客户要求进入车间查看车辆维修情形,服务专员应通知车间主管陪同解说现场车辆维修状况。 30.(对)对于返修的车辆,除非人为因素,车间主管应优先将车辆派工给原维修人员负责处理较佳。


看图回答问题 1.What is John doing? 2.What is in your bag? 3.What color is your bag? 4.How many books do you have? 5.What does the cat do every evening? 6.What did she do yesterday? 7.What does Tom do every Saturday? 8.Did Chen Jie go swimming with her parents? 9.What is the weather like today?(下雨) 10.How heavy is Miss White?(150公斤) 11.Is the elephant thin?(大) 12.What is Mr. Black like?(高瘦,游泳) 13.Is this a pencil or an eraser?(一支铅笔) 14.What is your mother like?(仁慈) 15.How old is your grandfather?(68岁) 16.Are you 160cm tall?(157厘米) 17.Which teacher do you like better, math teacher or Chinese teacher?(数学) 18.Is your English book smaller than math book?(英语书大,数学书小) 19.What can Tom see at the zoo?(很多动物,猴子,熊猫,大象) 20.How does Mrs. Yang go to Beijing every year?(飞机)


英语口语比赛参考题 题型一中译英 (一)中式铺床 1.客房服务,可以进来吗?(Housekeeping, May I come in?) 2.女士、先生,晚上好!现在可以为您开夜床吗?(Good evening, madam and sir. May I do the turn down service for you now?) 3.对不起,打扰您了,先生。(I’m sorry to disturb you, sir.) 4.先生/女士,您希望我们什么时候再来?(What time would you like us to come back, sir/madam? 5.夫人,我可以整理一下您床上的东西吗?(May I tidy up the things on your bed,madam?) 6.先生/女士,请问有没有要洗的衣服?(Do you have any laundry, sir/madam?) 7.我们提供快洗服务,加收50%的加急费。(We have express service at a 50% extra charge.) 8.您是要快洗服务还是当日取?(Do you prefer your laundry by express service or returned on same-day?) 9.客房里有小冰箱/保险箱。(There is a mini bar/ a safe in your room.) 10.这个房间是海景房/山景房。(The room enjoys the ocean/sea view/ the view of the hills.) 11.每间客房都有电热水壶。(We provide an electric kettle to every guest room.) 12.如果有问题,随时找我们。(If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know.) 13.中餐厅的营业时间是上午7点到晚上11点。(The Chinese Restaurant opens


一.单项选择题 1.政府购买服务对政府职能转变具有重要作用的原因是 (A) A.政府购买服务转变了传统的政府直接提供公共服务的 方式 2.关于推进和规范政府购买服务改革的主要政策依据是 (D) D. 国务院办公厅关于政府向社会力量购买服务的指导意见 3.以下对于政府购买服务与政府(对服务机构的)补助区 别的错误表述是(C ) C.政府补助所附条件要求必须与服务产出数量直接挂钩 4.政府购买服务与政府采购的关系是(A) A.政府购买服务适用于政府采购法律框架 5.政府购买服务的购买主体与政府采购主体的区别是 ( B ) B.政府采购的主体比政府购买服务的购买主体范围 更大 6. 政府购买服务与PPP 在项目性质方面的区别是( B )

B.PPP 项目主要涉及公共工程建设及(或)运营,而政府购 买服务项目主要涉及无形的服务 7.政府购买服务与PPP 在政府支出责任方面的区别是() A.政府购买服务项目遵循先有预算、后购买服务的原则 8.关于政府购买服务与 PPP 在主体间关系和合同期限方面的错误表述是( D ) D.在政府购买服务项目中,政府与服务机构之间建立平等买卖和长期合作关系 9.政府购买服务与PPP 在合作主体方面的区别是(B) B.政府购买服务项目中,与政府进行合作、提供服务的 主体包括私人部门、社会组织等 10.以下不属于政府购买服务的购买主体的是(C) C.社会组织 11.以下关于政府购买服务的购买主体的错误表述是(C) C.公益一类事业单位可以作为政府购买服务的购买主体 12. 以下选项中,哪项不是政府购买服务的承接主体?(C)

C.按事业单位分类改革的政策规定,划为公益一类的事业单 位 13.以下表述正确的是( D ) D.自然人可以作为政府购买服务的承接主体 14.以下有关公益一类事业单位与政府购买服务关系的表述,正确的是( B) B.公益一类事业单位既不能作为政府购买服务的承接主体,也不能作为购买主体 15.关于社会组织参与政府购买服务的角色作用,在以下选项中,错误的是( D) D. 可以同时作为政府购买服务的购买主体和承接主体 16.关于确定政府购买服务内容的一般原则,表述错误的是 (C ) C.属于劳务性质 17.以下不属于政府购买服务的购买领域的是(D) D.商业性服务 18. 关于政府履职所需辅助性服务的错误表述是( C )


趣味物流知识竞赛题库 精选文档 TTMS system office room 【TTMS16H-TTMS2A-TTMS8Q8-

一、判断题(判断正确的打“√”,判断错误的打“×”。) (×)1.物流客户网络是指由物流企业所服务的对象组成的一个实体网络。 (×)2.从单个运输设备的运载能力上看规模效果.可以考察是否具有载运能力越小,其革柱运输成本就越低的效果。 (√)3.物流中心的结算不仅仅只是物流费用的结算,在从事代理、配送的情况下,物流中心还要替货主向收货人结算贷款等;’ (×)4.配送中心的上游是物流枢纽,下游是零售店或最终消费者。 (×)5.在网络经济时代,很多企业要构筑广域的或者全球的供应链,这就要求物流企业有更强的能力和更高的水平,这是一般生产企业不可能做到的.从这个意义来讲,必须要依靠销售企业来做这一项工作。 (×)6.库存管理工作是供应物9X的转换点,负责生产资料的接货和发货,以及物料保管工作。 (√)7.采购工作是供应物流与社会物6E的衔接点,是依据生产企业生产一供应一采购计划来进行原材料外购的作业层。 (√)8.现代企业越来越专注自己的核心业务,即那些企业独自掌握的、能够为企业带来高知利润的业务,而把没有竞争力或者很平常的业务或者奉企业不擅长的业务外包出去。 (√)9.生产时由于物流问题使采购的材料不能如期到达,也许会迫使工厂停工,不期交付顾客订货而承担巨额违约金,更重要的是可能会使企业自身信誉受损,销量减甚至失去良好的顾客。 (×)10.第四方物流是在第三方物流基础上的进化和发展,第三方物流比第四方物流服务的内容更多、覆盖的地区更广、技巧更复杂。 (√)与FOB一样,仅适用于海上运输和内河运输。 (×)12.农产品是季节性收获的,但消费是在全年进行的,这就需要仓库的保管来支持市场营销活动。 (√)13.仓库选址中,算术模型寻求的是最佳的仓库数量、最佳的位置、最佳的规模,而模拟模型则试图在给定多个仓库、多个分配方案的条件下反复适用模型找出最优的网络设计方法。


员工服务技能大赛餐饮服务知识题 鼎盛酒店联盟发布时间:2007 年9月6日网友评论 3 条 一、问答题 1.服务员应做到哪几勤?服务员应做到“四勤”即:眼勤、嘴勤、手勤、腿勤。 2.服务员要做到哪“三轻一快”?操作轻、说话轻、走路轻、动作敏捷服务快。 3.服务员的行走要求是什么?迎客走在前,送客走在后,客过要让路,同行不抢道,不要在客人中间穿行。 4.饭店餐饮部门为客人提供哪些需要?食品、饮料、服务。 5.餐厅服务员应具备的基本技能是什么?六大基本技能:托盘、摆台、斟酒、上菜、分菜、口布叠花。 6.托盘的操作要求? 平、稳、松。 7.什么叫摆台?摆台是指餐台、席位的安排和台面的设计,也叫做餐台设计。 8.什么是看台?看台主要是供客人观赏的台面。 9.铺台布有哪几种常用方法?有三种常用方法:抖铺式、撒网式、推拉式。 10.斟酒的程序? (1)先斟果酒(即红酒),后斟烈性白酒。 (2)客人点的酒水,开启前,服务员应左手托瓶底,右手扶瓶颈,商标向主人,让其辨认。 (3)先斟主宾,再斟主人,然后按顺时针方向依次斟酒。(4)酒水不宜斟满,以八成为好。 11.请问斟酒的操作方法?斟酒时,服务员站在客人身后右侧,左手托盘,右手持瓶,酒标向客人,斟至八分满时,旋转酒瓶收回,然后擦干净瓶口。 12.怎样为客人斟啤酒?一要速度慢,二要注意酒瓶的倾斜度,瓶口留出缝隙;三要尽可能减少晃动,让酒沿杯边徐徐倒入。 13.什么时机为客人斟酒为宜? 当客人杯中酒(或饮料)喝至剩约三分之一左右时,服务员应及时为客人添酒,除非客人乐 意不需要了。 14.斟酒前服务员为什么要示瓶让主人辨认商标? 主要包括三个意思:(1)表示对主人的尊敬;(2)核实选酒有无差错;(3)证明商品质 靠。



考研复试英语口语经典问题汇总(一) 考研英语面试中,在自我介绍完结束后,老师就会开始问你问题。在回答过程中要结合自己的经历和见解来准备答案,让自己回答的问题和整个的自我介绍融为一个整体。 在每一年的面试中都会有很多相同的问题,这些问题看起来很平常,却有很多陷阱,一不小心就会被考官抓主“小辫子”了。回答这些常见的看起来很平常的问题,是很有艺术的。考研教育网编辑将历年中常见的问题进行搜集、整理,供考生参考! 一、传统面试问题(Sample Traditional Interview Questions) 1、What can you tell me about yourself?(关于你自己,你能告诉我些什么?) In high school I was involved in competitive sports and I always tried to improve in each sport I participated in. As a college student, I worked in a clothing store part-time and found that I could sell things easily. The sale was important,but for me,it was even more important to make sure that the customer was satisfied. It was not long before customers came back to the store and specifically asked for me to help them. I'm very competitive and it means a lot to me to be the best.

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛 英语口语题目(非英语专业组 )

2016 年广东省高等职业院校技能大赛英语口语题目(非英语专业组) 试题1 Suppose the company you work for is thinking of selecting a new team leader. You have been asked to make suggestions about the making of a good team leader. Please make a short speech to the head of the Human Resources Department about personal qualities a good team leader should possess. 试题2 Suppose your company is initiating a PowerPoint Presentation Skills Training plan. You are the project coordinator, and are introducing the project to all stall members. Please make a short speech about the main purposes of the training and the items to be included in the training. 试题3 Suppose your manager has noticed the signs that employees in your company are overburdened with heavy workloads. You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Please make a short speech on the measure that should ve taken to reduce stress at work. 试题4 Two accidents happened in your office in the past year that resulted


客房服务知识竞赛题 比赛份四组:题目分必答题,抢答题,分析题。 一、必答题:(每题10分,答错不扣分) 1、客房部的日常工作是什么? 答:客房部的日常工作是:向服务中心了解情况,到所属楼层进行走房查房工作,检查存在物品,清点酒水,检查各种设备是否损坏,打扫房间,补充物品,做好各项服务输送,收客衣,清洁布草车,吸尘机,叠布草,补充布草车,清洁内部卫生,回收废品,做好交接班。 2、服务员在查房或清洁房间卫生发现客人的遗留物品时,应该怎样做? 答:(1)服务员查房时如果发现客人的遗留物品应第一时间报给前 台收款员(因客人有可能还在结帐,未有离开),然后知地服务中心,如客人已走,把遗留物品交到客房服务中心,由客房服务中心做好登记手续,并立即报给大堂副理。 (2)服务员在清洁房间卫生发现客人的遗留物品时,应第一间交到客房服务中心,由客房服务中心做好登记手续,并立即报给大堂副理。 3、如何查走房? 答:查走房应从两个方面去查: (1)首先查房间里的大件物品,如电视机、电话机等,然后查小件物品,查房时,应全面看一遍,浏览一次,细致检查房间里日常备用品和酒水有否损耗,如果发现的缺少应立即报给前如收款员。 (2)还要检查客人是否有遗留物品,如果发现客人的遗留物品应按照遗留物品的处理程序去做。 4、房间清洁按什么次序去做? 答:(1)一般情况下应按照下列次序: VIP房----挂牌清洁房间----在住房----长住房----走房----空房。 (2)若开房较张,次序稍作变动: VIP房----挂牌清洁房间----走房----在住房----长住房----空房。 (3)VIP房的卫生应在接到通知或客人离开房间以后,第一时打扫。卫生班应服从服务中心的安排,不得一意孤行,贪图方便。 5、客人投诉客房服务主要有哪些方面? 答、有如下几方面: (1)太迟整理房间(2)房间设备损坏 (3)房间物品不足(4)住客受到骚扰 (5)房间不清洁(6)配套设备不全 (7)程序混乱、效益低(8)服务技术问题 (9)职员不礼貌(10)失物找不到 (11)语言沟通问题(12)职员要求收小费


徐运集团汽车服务业职业技能大赛题库 一:选择题 工作装置和电气设备 联、负极搭铁 联、负极搭铁 6、销售顾问可以从( ACD )得到转介绍的客户。 A. 老客户 、亲朋好友 B. 刁难且对销售顾问态度冷漠的客户 1、汽车一般由四部分组成,这四部分分别是 )。 A.发动机、底盘、工作装置和电气设备 发动机、车身、 C.底盘、车身、电气设备和工作装置 发动机、底盘、 车身和电气设备 2、下列不属于汽缸体的结构形式的是( D A.—般式B.龙门式C.隧道式 D. )。 轨道式 3、一个优秀的销售顾问, 销售业绩主要取决于哪两个因素? CD )。 4、 D . 5、 A. 低价格 B. 地理位置 C. 集客量 D. 成交率 活塞位于上止点时,活塞顶与气缸盖之间的空间容积,称为 D )。 A .发动机工作容积 B 气缸工作容积 气缸总容积 燃烧室容积 车辆电气系统的特点是( A.咼压、单线制、并联、 负极搭铁 .低压、 单线制、并 C.高压、单线制、串联、 负极搭铁 .低压、 单线制、串

C. 买其他品牌且和销售顾问保持联系的客户 D. 偶尔相识的人 7、与汽油机相比柴油机的混合气形成在( D )。 A. 进气行程 B. 整个压缩行程 C. 压缩行程末期 D. 进气与压缩行程 8、接听客户来电,销售顾问需要做到(BCD ) A. 4 声内接听话 B. 使用礼貌用语并报出经销商名称 C. 询问客户的称呼 D. 主动邀约客户来店看车 9、传动系中,防止车辆传动系过载的部件是(B )。 A.变速器 B 离合器C 传动轴 动桥 10、车辆在匀速行驶时,其行驶阻力包括( B )。 A.滚动阻力、制动力、空气阻力、上坡阻力 B.滚动阻力、牵引阻力、空气阻力、上坡阻力 C.滚动阻力、附着力、空气阻力、上坡阻力 D.附着力、牵引阻力、空气阻力、上坡阻力 11、转向不足的特点是什么?( B D ) A:由于横向力不同,在前轴和后轴上产生偏航力矩。 B :车辆因前桥失控滑出弯道。 C车辆出现甩尾打滑。 D :前轮摩擦力不足以形成所需的侧向力。 12、曲轴箱通风的目的主要是(B )。 A.排出水和汽油 B.排出漏入曲轴箱内的可燃混合气与废气 C.冷却润滑油 D. 向曲轴箱供给氧气 13、下列属于被动安全装置的是(BC )。


2020考研复试常见英语口语问答(附答案)Tell me a few things about yourself? Good morning dear professors, I am glad to be here. My name is XX. I am 22 years old. I was born and raised in Chongqing, this beautiful mountainous city. My major is International Trade and I graduated from JBBK University. I am planning to pursue my master degree of Journalism and Communication here. I’m an optimistic person and I am energetic. The main reason why I choose Communication as my major is that I am curious about the operation behind the media. I hope I can make a solid foundation for future profession after three years study here. Thank you so much again for giving me the chance for this interview. 为什么要选择新传专业/为啥换专业?=为啥考研? The main reason why I choose Communication as my major is that I am curious about the operation behind the media. Take one point for example, The Wandering Earth, which is a successful science fiction movie and it may become the second highest box office hit in Chinese movies’ history. So why is it so successful? Besides the movie is good, its marketing communication is also important. I want to know how it works. I think study Communication will help me understand it. What’s mor e, nowadays, in order to enhance our competitiveness and to adapt to this rapid development society, people attach great importance to diversified professional abilities. 5年后你会在做什么? I want to accumulate as much practical experience as possible. Participate in different marketing promotion projects, working with different people. I want to develop my comprehensive ability in this field. I might be a manager in an advertising company. I’m ambitious and I hope I can achieve my goals. Like my advertising works have been made some


非专业组:2011 Guangdong Advanced Career English Oral Contest For Non-Majors of English- First Round Paper 1 Making a Short Speech (3 minutes) Task: Suppose you are a newly appointed manager of the Sales Department of your company, and this is the first time you meet your colleagues in this department. Please make a short speech to your colleagues to share with them your wishes for good teamwork and your sales plan for the next season. Q: What are your major responsibilities as a sales manager? What measures would you take to encourage good teamwork in your company? What strategies do you have in promoting sales? Paper 2 Making a Short Speech (3 minutes) Task: Suppose you are the Manager of the Human Resources Department of your company and you are now receiving the delegation from the P&G Company in America, who also takes charge of personnel in their company. Please make a welcome speech to the delegation. Q: what do you think are the major responsibilities of the manager of HR department of a company? Why should you be careful about when you are receiving visitors of different cultures? What kind of company would you like to work for and why? What information should you provide when you introduce a company? Paper 3 Making a Short Speech (3 minutes) Task: Suppose you are a member on the Organizing Committee of China Import and Export Fair. Now you are gathering the exhibitors for a meeting to discuss the coming fair. Make a short speech to provide detailed information about the venue, time, size, food & accommodation, transportation, fees, etc. of the exhibition. Q: What can the exhibitor do to attract more customers and visitors at a trade fair? What should the exhibitor pay attention to when attending a fair? As an organizer, how would you organize your exhibitors? Paper 4 Making a Short Speech (3 minutes) Task: Suppose you are leading a project group specializing in the design of sports


市政务服务标准化知识竞赛题库(1) 一、必答题 1.什么是标准? 答:标准是指为在一定的围获得最佳秩序,经协商一致制定并由公认机构批准,共同使用的和重复使用的一种规性文件。 2.什么是标准化? 答:标准化是指为在一定围获得最佳秩序,对现实问题或潜在问题制定共同使用和重复使用的条款的活动。主要包括编制、发布和实施标准的过程。3.什么是服务标准化? 答:通过对服务标准的制定和实施,以及对标准化原则和方法的运用,以达到服务质量目标化,服务方法规化、服务过程程序化,从而获得优质服务的过程,称为服务标准化。 4.政务服务标准化体系容是什么? 答:政务服务综合标准体系由政务服务通用基础标准体系、政务服务保障标准体系和政务服务提供标准体系三大子体系组成。 5.什么叫服务通用基础标准? 答:在服务业组织被普遍使用,具有广泛指导意义的规性文件。 6.什么叫服务保障标准?

答:为支撑服务提供而制定的规性文件。 7.什么叫服务提供标准? 答:为满足顾客的需要,规供方和顾客之间直接或间接接触活动过程的规性文件。 8.列举3部我国标准化法律法规? 答:《中华人民国标准化法》、《中华人民国标准化法实施条例》、《国家标准管理办法》、《行业标准管理办法》、《国家标准制修订经费管理办法》、《采用国际标准管理办法》、《标准出版管理办法》等。 9.行政服务标准体系容包括哪些? 答:行政服务通用基础标准体系、行政服务提供标准体系和行政服务保障标准体系。 10.行政服务通用基础标准体系容包括哪些? 答:行政服务标准化导则、术语和缩略语标准、符号与标志标准和信息编码规则。 11.行政服务提供标准体系容包括哪些? 答:行政服务提供规、行政服务过程控制规、行政服务评价与改进。 12.列举任意三项属于行政服务保障标准体系的容? 答:人力资源标准、设施设备标准、能源与环境标准、电子政务标准、政务


2020餐饮服务技能大赛试题及答案 试题及答案 您的姓名: [填空题] * _________________________________ 1. 以下不属于西餐开胃酒的是 [单选题] 白葡萄酒(正确答案) 味美思酒 比特酒 雪莉酒 2. 服务主菜时跟配的沙拉应放在主菜盘的 [单选题] 左下方 正上方 左上方(正确答案) 右上方 3. 西餐早餐摆台铺垫布时,平整铺于餐位正中,距离桌边约 [单选题] 5 厘米(正确答案) 1 厘米 2 厘米 3 厘米 4. 西餐宴会摆台中,三套杯之间的间距是 [单选题] 1cm(正确答案)

2cm 3cm 5. 白葡萄酒、红葡萄酒和香槟酒在为客人正式斟倒前,均要先请主人品评酒质,方法是先在主人的酒杯中斟入 [单选题] 1/5 杯(正确答案) 1/2 杯 1/3 杯 1/4 杯 6. 西餐服务中,白葡萄酒的斟倒量是 [单选题] 1/5 杯 1/4 杯 1/2 杯 2/3 杯(正确答案) 7. 中餐厅开餐服务时,迎宾员应准备好菜单,提前站在餐厅门口指定位置恭候客人的到来,提前的时间是开餐前 [单选题] 5 分钟(正确答案) 10 分钟 15 分钟 30 分钟 8. 第一次续水时间一般是在会议开始后 [单选题] 10 分钟 20 分钟(正确答案)

40 分钟 9. 冲泡西湖龙井需要的水温是 [单选题] 80 度(正确答案) 100 度 90 度 70 度 10. 甜品盘用于盛放各种甜品糕点、水果、奶酪,或用做儿童餐盘,直径是 [单选题] 15 厘米 20 厘米 18 厘米(正确答案) 24 厘米 11. 西餐宴会摆台公用品烛台与花瓶的摆放间距是 [单选题] 20cm(正确答案) 15cm 10cm 25cm 12. 中餐宴会厅的室温要注意保持稳定,一般夏季气温保持在 [单选题] 18—20 度 20—22 度 22—24 度(正确答案) 24—26 度


二、考研英语复试口语常见问题30例 1. Where do you come from? I’m from Xiaogan Hubei province, a beautiful city, which is famous for the story of Dong Yong and QiXiannv. It tells a moving love story, a beautiful fairy fall in love with a poor guy, who is very Filial piety. 5. Could you tell me something about your family? Yes,there are four people in my family, my father and mother are workers, and my sister is a high school student, she is very clever and good study. 7. Which kind of professor do you like best? The professor I like best should be an excellent teacher. First, he should be knowledgeable and familiar with the latest information about our major. Second ,he should be full of experiences about teaching. Last but not least, not only should he teach a student how to learn, but also should he teach a student how to be a good person. This is my favorite professor. 9. What is your major? How do you like your major? My major is Measuring and Control Technology and Instrumentations. Our main courses include Principles of Automatic Control, Microcomputer Principle and Interface Technology, Process control instrumentation, Detection and Transform ation, C Program language, and so on. With the development of our country, automation is playing a more and more important role in the society, the degree of automation as a sign of measuring a
