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言的潜在的精彩,也没有意识到自己的思维已经被熟知母语的comfort zone给禁锢了。


















日记是指用来记录其内容的载体,作为一种文体,属于记叙文性质的应用文。日记的内容,我们对生活的观察,因此,可以记事,可以写人,可以写物。大学生短篇的英语日记,我们来看看。 大学生短篇的英语日记1 here are a great many people who have all the material conditions of happiness, health and a sufficient income, and who, nevertheless, are profoundly unhappy. in such cases it would seem as if the fault must lie with a wrong theory as to how to live. in one sense, we may say that any theory as to how to live is wrong. we imagine ourselves more different from the animals than we are. animals live on impulse, and are happy as long as external conditions are favorable. if you have a cat, it will enjoy life if it has food and warmth and opportunities for an occasional night on the tiles. your needs are more complex than those of your cat, but they still have their basis on instinct. in civilized societies, especially in english-speaking societies, this is too apt to be forgotten. people propose to themselves some one paramount objective, and restrain all impulses that do not minister to it. 大学生短篇的英语日记2 a businessman may be so anxious to grow rich that to this end he sacrifices health and private affections. when at last he has become rich, no pleasure remains to him except harrying other people by exhortations to imitate his noble example. many rich ladies, although nature has not endowed them with any spontaneous pleasure in literature or art, decide to be thought cultured, and spend boring hours learning the right thing to say about fashionable new books that are written to give delight, not to afford opportunities for dusty snobbism. 大学生短篇的英语日记3 passage 2love is difficultit is good to love, but love is difficult. for one human being to love another human being is perhaps the most difficult task that has been entrusted to us —the ultimate task, the final test and proof, the work for which all other work is merely preparation. that is why young people, who are beginners in everything, are not yet capable of love: it is something they must learn. with their whole being, with all the


1. 成功的四个步骤Four Steps to a Successful Four Steps to a Successful The first time in life? Then grasp your chance with your perfect performance o n the dating night, by learning the following principle in heart. Dress properly. While everyone wants to give an impressive debut on the first date, you should avoid wearing something too bizarre to be accepted. If you are st ill in school, a sportswear can fulfill your purpose. For businessman or grownups, c asual clothes are recommended. Never put up your working uniforms,no matter ho w well you like that Armani suit. It is no work. A few accessories such as a pair o f sunglasses or silver loops on the wrist can add up to the romance sphere. Take a bath before dating. And if you like, spray a little perfume, but unless y ou're sure that he or she likes the smell,don't use ones that are too strong. Watch your manner. You're no prince of the Scotland nor Cinderella in the le gend. Proper manners will ensure a lasting relationship while bad ones scare away your sweetheart. And do make sure you do not boast about your fortune, for, not everyone are green addicts. And your way of smiling, or your greatestoath, should neither be "coy" nor "by St. Loy!" after the nun in Chaucer. Be a little sensitive than merely innocent. Do make sure you do not intrude hi s or her privacy on the first date. For there maybe something deeply concealed wit hin the inner core of every heart, of which the owner doesn't share often with an yone but his intimacy. Finally, wish you good luck. May you get your hearts combined and start a ne w journey in the miracle of life and love. Stay tuned till a borderline is reached, an d keep on through out the whole way. 简评看来第一次约会真是令人兴奋并紧张期待的。为第一次约会所提出的建议也是仁者见仁、智者见智。王永同学用词简单、结构精炼,读起来节奏快,例如:“Dress Properly....I f you are still in school,a sportswear can fulfill your purpose.For businessman Or growmups,casual clothes are recommended.”这样的文章结构像是在提醒我们时不我待,要抓住机会,抓紧时间。 2. 我的宿舍生活My Dormitory Life My Dormitory Life Compared with the forty year old shabby dormitory I am living in now, the one I lived in for three years in high school was heaven: three students shared o ne brand new suite with air conditioners and a bathroom. In three years time we changed it thoroughly:the color of the floor turned from bright pink into muddy gray, and the closet a hive of insects proliferating among p

心得体会 学习心得体会 英语学习心得体会

英语学习心得体会 有这样一句话:Interestisthebestteacher(兴趣是最好的老师),这句话可以算得上是对想学好外语的朋友们的绝好忠告。 我是个Englishmajor,在英语系呆了将近四年,不谦虚的说,成绩还算挺好,但我从来也没有头悬梁,锥刺骨那样刻苦用功的学过,有时看到一些同学拿着厚厚的英语书坐在教室一角一啃就是三四个小时,心理很是佩服,但学习的时间和学习效果未必是成正比的,这样的同学考试成绩也未必会太好(起码对我来说)。于是同窗们不免会问:怎样才能学好英语?呵呵,这可是个高难的问题,答案会有几十种,因为回答的角度不同。多读,多听,多说,还要勤奋......(晕) 在许多人眼里,English就是应该累死,那浩瀚的单词犹如漫天繁星一望无际,无尽的语法好似绵绵群山连绵不绝,不舍弃几公斤的体重怎么能学好英语呢。 但要我想给大家的唯一个建议就是:Interestisthebestteacher.有了兴趣就好办多了,成功未必这么难,一定要找到适当的方法,我觉得自己在学英语的时候就象在娱乐,(或者说根本就是在娱乐)在这里想和大家分享一下我的学习经验,今天先说说听力。 听力好象很难哦!学校发了很多听力磁带(装满了我两个鞋盒子)但我一本都没听过。别人听这些磁带时,我就租好莱坞大片回寝室看,现在科技很发达,看片时能听原声也有中文配音,但咱学英语的如果还让电视里的外国人说中国话,不是让人笑话嘛! 听英语!(再说还有中文字幕呢)别的同学2个小时把一本磁带听

了4遍,我用2个小时看了一部英文电影。但效果可是绝对不一样的!他们(我指听磁带的同学)的最高境界也只不过能把磁带内容完全听懂。但一部英文电影带给我的远不只这些,其实一部英文电影就包含了许多英语听力精华: 一,电影总要有情节,这就包含了听力对话里的大量内容,如日常寒暄,交际用语,高兴,气愤,需要,欲望的表达等等。 二,我不相信他们(知道我说的是谁吧)在听过一盘磁带后再过一星期还能清楚的记得里面的内容。但看电影就能,因为电影是有情节的只要你能想起里面的情节,就会想起演员说过的那些话,而且印象非常深刻,别说一星期,就是一年我也不会忘。 呵呵,这么说是不是有点抽象?举个例子你就明白了。 下面是一道CETEnglish(大学英语)听力测试题 A:hey,hasthecatgotyourtongue? B:can'tuseei'mdoingmywork? question:whatdidAmean? AwhatareyoudoingBwhydon'tyoucatchthecat CwhydoyoukeepsilenceDwhynothelpme 这道题实际就是问hasthecatgotyourtongue什么意思应选c(你怎么不说话呢) 即使你知道或者是在什么书上见过这句话,我想即使不是菜鸟的话也要用3秒钟才会反映过来,若语速快的话,就要更长的时间了。 如果大家有兴趣的话,不妨看看一部不错的恐怖片小岛惊魂讲的

心得体会 英语学习的心得体会

英语学习的心得体会 英语是大家十分重视的一门学科。下面是为大家整理的英语学习的心得体会范文,供你参考! 英语学习的心得体会范文篇1 在中学阶段打下一个好的英语基础是我们的共同心愿。怎样才能学好英语呢?我们老师常说:要埋头拉车,还要抬头看路。以下算是我在老师同学的帮助下摸出的一些路吧,写出来供大家参考。1、心理素质影响学习效果 古人说:两军相逢勇者胜。强调了良好的心理素质对效果产生的重大影响,与现代心理学的看法不谋而合。你会发现,大家都在同一间教室里上课,受同一位老师教诲,甚至智商也接近,学习效果却很悬殊。这个落差往往是心理素质的差异造成的。 怎样调整自己的心理状态呢? 首先,要对外语保持长时间稳定而积极的态度。这可以归结为恒心两个字。有了它,才能像蚕吃桑叶一样,一口又一口,坚持不懈地去啃,直到预定目标顺利攻克。其次,还需要一定的自律能力。该复习时不复习,遗忘规律就会无情地吞噬着你的一部分记忆成果;该补漏时不补漏,漏洞就会不断积累扩大。所以,需要有自律能力,约束自己按科学原则去运转。 2、看写读听背多管齐下效率高 一般来说,大家学英语都有各自的一套办法:有的只爱大声读个

不停,有的只爱闷头看个不休,有的不写就记不住,有的不听心里就没底。这些方法,虽然都有一定的作用,但记忆科学通过大量实验,无可辩驳地证明:眼口手舌脑的综合运用,才能更快更深地在大脑皮层上留下不易磨灭的印象。 学外语尤其需要多种感官的综合运用。否则,搞不好学成残疾外语眼能看口不能说的哑巴外语,或一听就发慌两耳一抹黑的聋子外语。 3、活单词与死单词 经常听说某某发下宏愿:要一口气背下一本几千甚至几万词的字典,以为这样可以一劳永逸地解决单词量问题。不幸的是,这样做的人,大部分都失败了。背了若干遍的单词,仍很难在脑子里生根,不是很快忘掉,就是搅成一团乱麻。 因为他们背的都是脱离了句子和课文的死单词,大脑对这类东西格外难以留下印象。著名的心理学家艾宾浩斯曾拿自己做过对比试验,结果,记住13个有意义的音节,只需要9遍,而记住18个无意义的音节,却用掉了80遍。不仅如此,孤立地背死单词,还难以掌握它在句子中的灵活用法。因此,即使记住了一部分死词,它们也多属残障人士罢了。 如何使单词起死回生呢?我的办法是背课文! 课文不局限于教科书,也可以是讲演稿,新闻评论,散文......总之,就是能把一个个冰冷的单词变成生机勃勃的故事的文章。在大量的整段的背诵中,多次的重复不断激活记忆的单词,其用法自然而然就深入骨髓了。实际上,


作文范文 请以“How should parents help their children to be independent?”为题,按照以下要点写作: 1. 目前很多父母为子女包办一切 2. 其实父母应该。。。。。。 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to …… And most children …… According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% ……and more than 85% ….. However, kids cannot depend on their parents forever because …… Besides, being independent …… Therefore, parents need to realize the importance of helping their children to be independent. Parents should encourage their children to …… By doing so, parents …… In addition, parents should urge their kids to …… For example, …… 范文 In recent years, the vast majority of Chinese parents tend to make arrangements and decisions for their children. And most children take such excessive attention for granted and depend on their parents for almost everything. According to a survey, of all the parents interviewed, over 80% still accompany their children to schools, even to examinations, and more than 85% do housework for their kids including cooking meals and washing clothes.


大学英语作文(精选多篇) 第一篇:大学英语作文 directions: twomonthsagoyougotajobasaneditorforthemagazinedesigns&fas hions.butnowyoufindthattheworkisnotwhatyouexpected.youdecidet oquit.writealettertoyourboss,mr.wang,tellinghimyourdecision,s tatingyourreason(s),andmakinganapology. writeyourletterwithnolessthan120words. don'tsignyourownnameattheendoftheletter;use"liming"instea d.youdonotneedtowritetheaddress. 范文一: dearmr.wang, afterseriousconsideration,idecidedtoendmyworkaheadofsched ule.maybeitisreallyasurpriseforyou,however,ineedtotellyouthat theworkisnotwhatiexpected.sorrytobringyoutheinconvenience. duringsevenmonthsworkinyourteam,ihavelearnedalotabouthowt oworkinaworld- famouscompany.alsoafterwitnessingthewholeprogressofourgroup,i havelearnedthecrueltyofcompetitioninindustry.itsobviouslytrue thaticanstilllearnalotificontinueworkinyourteam.butireallynee


看电影学英语心得体会 电影这种题材来讲,我觉得有它的优势和它的局限性,它的局限性在于,任何一部原版的电影,它都不是用来教学语言的,所以它的语言有很大的随意性,规范不规范,还有各种语音都掺杂其中,如果不加分析,一概拿来,势必会搅乱方向,而且就一部电影而言,它的场景,人物都有一定的限制。这方面一些经典的语言教材有它的优越性,它们涵盖了几乎全部的英语场景,但是覆盖面太广,造成它的语言比较简单和单一。 电影的优点就是他本身是要说故事,尤其是其中的人物矛盾冲突,所以它的语言丰富多彩,能真正反映人物的心里的语言,我觉得这一部分才是语言的精华。因为语言本身就是那来应用,交流的。所以我觉得电影和那些教材是相互补充的,还有一点好的是电影的题材非常丰富,我认为除了在一些反映现代的影片中学习实用的东东,还可以在一些名著改编的电影中欣赏语言,如(哈姆雷特) 这个学期,我选择了看电影学英语这个选修课程。在这其中我收获了许多,例如:句型和词汇方面,先将词汇我把他们分为两个大面,即书面中和口语中的,也可是fml和infml,而电影中多是口语上的,这其中有可分为场景专用词和口语的惯用词,在市面的书中场景词和惯用词通常和起来讲,我觉得那些场景的专用词靠记忆就可以攻破,而一些

惯用词需要灵活掌握的词,这些也是经常在对话中卡壳的词,电影中出现平率非常高的就是这些词,我在毕业生中找了一些,如ever,or something,happen,deal等,应该将它们的用法和搭配掌握熟练。关键在讲透。再说说句子,拿市面上一些教场景的教材来说,譬如一个场景,一个问候列了很多句子供你选,这方面有人是强调背大量的句子,我觉得要光是背实际上就是量的积累,其中应有质的突破,弄清句子的使用环境,然后比较它们,再自己造句,这方面去看看电影里各种人物对话,由于人物所处的背景和心情不同,句子和词选取就更生活化。确实在英语学习中的积累是必不可少的,而且大量更有好处,我认为同时重点突出,我认为能提高效率,节约时间,与其死背了百部电影,不如研究透一部电影的句词。 对了,在学习过程还要注意几点。 一、选择电影还是电视剧。 我个人比较偏好通过美剧来操练听力,通过电影来校验听力。原因很简单:电视剧里面的语音对白绝大多数来自常规演员,看过两集之后,就会对美剧里面常规角色的发音了然于胸,有利于更好地吸收和贮备语音语汇。而电影相对而言,每一部的更换都是新一轮的挑战,挑战导致的神经紧绷偶然会现一两次用于自我评测,会让人精神亢奋,如果成绩显著会让人有成就感。但是如果长时间持续,就会使得其反,

演讲稿 大学生如何才能提高英语演讲水平

大学生如何才能提高英语演讲水平 要清楚,演讲的最终目的是要给听众去收听的,而不是比赛谁的语速更快,谁可以在最短的时间里念出更多的东西。下面是小编为大家收集关于大学生如何才能提高英语演讲水平,欢迎借鉴参考。 第一步,看 1. Ted里面有很多不同岗位的优秀人士的研究,你可以选择那种不是太长的演讲进行精听。 1)了解人家的演讲构架是什么,起承转合(连接词的使用),如何推进主题,如何说故事(例子)等等,特别是开头和结尾,一个好的演讲开头和结尾要做到点明主题和吸引观众。 2)总结人家讲的好的句子、词语和例子,例如你觉得好笑、感动或者升华主题的那种,看看能否用到自己的文章当中。积累多了这些就是自己的资料库,以后即兴演讲就知道这个好啦~~ 2. 可以专门找那些领导人、商界精英、艺人等名人的演讲,我个人是很喜欢看这类演讲,也觉得非常有帮助,因为他们的主题通常和我们生活比较相关,而且里面通常都会分享个人经历,这些故事都是演讲很好的材料。 以前上课外教定过一个关于梦想的主题,当时我就是看了乔布斯在斯坦福大学的演讲,借鉴他的故事说了一篇5分钟的演讲,外教当时给了很高分。 还有我的一个同学,特别迷恋奥巴马,他把奥巴马的演讲都看了

一遍,还模仿他的语音语调,反正现在口语很棒,纯正美音,参加全国英语演讲比赛好像是二等奖...... 第二步,仿 教我公共演讲课的外教讲过,演讲者一定要主要声调的控制,如果从头讲到尾都是一个音调是不会吸引到听众的。 So, 在看完这些视频以后,挑几个自己觉得特别好的演讲模仿人家的语音语调,特别是词语的发音问题,尽量做到标准,特别是说过给歪果仁听的时候!!! 第三步,写 与即兴演讲不同,通常上课的演讲和参加比赛初赛的演讲都是提前准备,那么演讲稿的撰写就变得特别重要。 同样的,找和自己主题相似的演讲稿,多读几篇,找到里面写作的模式和经典之处,用于自己的文章,演讲稿要遍念遍修改,念的时候会发现一些不通顺的地方,而且也能便于自己找到语调调整的地方。 多写演讲稿的好处就是日后即兴演讲的时候脑子里有很多内容可以用。 第四步,练 上课的演讲通常是规定时间都很短,所以大家要拿块表,掐时间练习。 毕竟演讲最终是用嘴巴表达出来,有时候自己不一定能在规定时间内讲完所想讲的东西,特别是一紧张就开始乱套,忘了说什么,或


大学英语作文 大一生活感想英语作文( 4 篇) 【大一生活感想英语作文篇一】 Time spent at a university is a most worthwhile period in a young person 's life. This is a time when a student begins to form. his or her ideas about life in general. Attending classes and studying in the library keep a student busy and provide him or her with access to valuable information, adding to his or her knowledge base. Campus life can also be rich and colorful. Most universities offer a variety of extracurricular activities such as sports events, contests, and other social gatherings, enabling the students to experience relief fi 'om study and homework. Students often form. lifelong friendships through the varied experiences of university life. During the time a student spends at university, he not only develops his intellectual ahilites,he also develops social skills as well as knowledge and wisdom necessary for choosing a future career. By learning how to balance intense study and recreation, a student will be well prepared for the


关于大学生兼职的英语作文: Taking a Part-Time Job Nowadays, many people think that college students should take a part-time job for several advantages. For one thing, it gives the students a chance to know the society to learn to be independent. For another, they can also get financial reward and working experience as well, which is helpful to their growth. What's more, they can put what they have learned into practice, and know their strong and weak points so that they can improve their studies and personalities, which are beneficial in their later lives. However, still many people think taking part-time job may have some negative effects on students. In their opinions, it will take them much time and energy, and will affect their studies as a result. What's worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies in the end. In my opinion, I am in favor of taking a part-time job. But we have to keep a balance between the job and the study. After all, study is our main task at school. 关于大学生宿舍安全问题: Campus Security Campus security has been a big topic many people pay great attention to. Students' fight,injury and being robbed can be heard of from time to time.Some students have fights with each other,some are injured unexpetedly,some students' belongings such as ,bikes and cell phones are stolen.What's more,some students are extorted money by the bad boys in society. What has caused these problems?In my opinion,the reasons are as follow.First of all,students nowadays have less awareness of law.They can't tell what is legal and what is not.Second,schools don't have a good management. People in society can enter them easily.These people go into the campus,stealing and fighting. But how to solve the problems?We should strengthen the education on law in school,letting the students know what is right and what is not.We're supposed to place great emphasis on campus management.Only students can go into the campus and people in society can not without permission. I hope our campus is a safe and peaceful place for us to learn. 有关大学生结婚问题: Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has become a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on. Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done


大学生如何提高自己的英语水平 升上大学后,很多同学都不知道怎么去学好大学英语,下面学习啦小编为大家带来大学生提高英语水平方法,供大家参考学习! 大学生如何提高英语水平 大学生提高英语水平方法:听 学英语最重要的是听。只有多听,才能掌握单词的正确读音,和句子的语调。所以,有时间就用手多听英语,不过内容不仅限于文章,歌曲、新闻以及其他内容也是有帮助的。 大学生提高英语水平方法:读 学习一门语言除了听以外,总重要的就是读了。可以找一群志同道合的朋友,一起读书。这样更有利于学习英语。也可参加一些英语晨读,这样会有更大的收获的。 然后,平时要多读一些英语方面的书籍,这样能够学习更多的词汇和句式,同时能够学习到更多的表达方式。也能了解更多的英语国家的风土人情。 大学生提高英语水平方法:练 适当的做一些英语题目也是非常有必要的。毕竟实践才能发现自己的不足之处。通过英语练习,才能够发现自己的薄弱方面,如词汇、句式等,然后在加强学习,以求进步。 大学生提高英语水平方法:说 英语是种语言,语言的学习就是为了方便交流。所以,找个朋友或同学一起用英语交流吧,这样才能发挥英语学习的作用,也能实现从英语学习到实用英语的转变。 影响大学生英语听力水平的主要因素及提高方法 1。听音材料语速快,学生在听的过程中反应不过来。在平时上课时,教师的语速都不快,特别是外教,为了使学生充分理解所讲内容,有意放慢语速,发音很标准。而听力材料的内容一般按英语国家正常语速录制的,语音流畅。这使很多学生一下子适应不了,对听的内容反应不过来。 2。没有掌握单词的正确发音,对英语的语调和连读不熟悉。许多学生对单词的正确读音不重视,平时读记单词时只是按照自己的意念,不按单词的正确音标来读、来记,因而当听到单词的正确读音时,就不能做出正确的反应和理解。 3。听音的方法不正确。许多学生听时不以句子、意群为单位,而是把注意力放在每个单词上,造成词与词之间不连贯。另外,有的学生在听的过程中边听边翻译,如果前面的内容没理解,后边的内容又来了,速度自然也难以跟上。 4。对英语国家的社会文化、风土人情了解不够,没有亲身的体验,似懂非懂难以确定。 一般来说,在理论上我们可将听力理解分成5个部分,即辨音、信息感知、听觉记忆、信息解码、运用所学语言使用或储存信息。在顺序上,后一个部分总是依赖前一个部分。辨音包括辨别各种语音、语调和音质等,这是听力理解的第一步。因此想要学好英语的话,就去abc360英语,外教一对一,他们的老师都是来自欧美和菲律宾的,教学很好,效果也很好。信息感知是指学生在具备了辨音能力之后有意识的感知语流中的语音组合,从而获取句子意义的阶段。听觉记忆指的是将感知到的听觉信息在被理解之前在大脑中保存一定的时间。信息解码是指理解或获取信息的过程。在经过了以上四个阶段之后,学生就可以运用所学语言将信息表达出来或储存在记忆中。在切分阶段,听话者将短时记忆中的语音串切分成从句、短语、单词或其他语言单位,并在大脑中以心理表征的方式建构意义。在运用阶段,听话者借助世界知识和语言知识将大脑中的心理表征语与已有知识联系起来,从而对听力材料做出正确的理解。 提高英语成绩的唯一秘诀是持之以恒。所以,不要放弃,坚持每天学习英语,每天抽出


大学英语日记100字带翻译 英语日记一Do you mind being called a bad student? Of course not. So far as I know, everybody intends to be (become) a model student.However, to be a model student is by no means an easy thing. First, he must do his best to obtain knowledge. A man without sufficient knowledge will not succeed. Secondly, he must remember to improve his health. Only a strong man can do great tasks. Thirdly, he should receive moral education. If his conduct is not good, no one will consider making friends with him. 你介意被称为坏学生吗?当然不。就我所知,每个人都打算做模范学生。然而,做模范学生却不容易。第一,他必须尽力获得知识。一个没有足够知识的人是不会成功的。第二,他必须记住促进健康。只有强壮的人才能做大事。第三,他应该接受道德教育。如果他品行不好,没有人会考虑与他交朋友的。 英语日记二As is well known, books teach us to learn life, truth, science and many other useful things. They increase our knowledge, broaden our minds and strengthen our character. In other words, they are our good teachers and wise friends. This is the reason why our parents always encourage us to read more books.Reading is a good thing, but we must pay great attention to the choice of books. It is true that we can derive benefits from good ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


1.?现在大学校园里,迟到、早退、旷课是常见的现象 2.?保证学生的出勤率对大学教育的重要性 3.?作为一个大学生应该怎样做 ?Attend Your Classes Regularly ?? Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon that some university students are late for o r even absent from classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroo m before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the stu dents and teachers. ? In fact,it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly. First,it wil l ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning. That is very helpful to you if y ou want to do a good job in your study. Second,attending classes regularly is a way of s howing respect to your teachers ,too. Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not att end their classes,which,in turn,will affect their teaching and be no good for the stude nts. Third,attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality,which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. ? Therefore,we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes re gularly from now on. And some day we’ll benefit from it. -=============================================================== Currently,more and more students from university whose often later for class,leave earlyfore class or stay
