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本上,走到哪里读到哪里。如【】apple 、mad、sad、had、cat、Jack…但丝毫没见进步。为何?道理很简单,我们平时说话都以句子

为单位而不以单词为单位。比如到了美国见到一个卖水果的,人家问:“What can I do for you?”我们不能简单地回答成“Apple”,而是

应该说成“I’m lookin’for some apples.”所以孤立地练习音标和



衡量语音好坏的标准是句子的发音!只有摆对方向才能学有所用。那么如何去练习句子的发音呢?给大家介绍句子读法“三剑客”:连读、失去爆破、弱读。比如,on it不应读成【on】【It】,而应读成【o】【nI】【t】,同样,first time中的两个【t】应读成一个

【t】;美国总统奥巴马在2008年芝加哥获胜演说中读“must be”中的【t】不读出声,读“could be”中的【d】彻底消失。所以,与其将大量精力浪费在一个孤立的音标上,倒不如学习如何读好句子,毕竟这才是根本。


1.情景式口语就是用英语实行日常的交流,这里要注意小词的使用。比如“深红色很适合你。”很多同学会说成“Dark red fits you.”其实是“Dark red becomes you.”其中“become”是颜色配人的意思;“价钱写在标签上。”很多同学会说成“The price is written on the tag.”其实是“The price is marked on the tag.”,所以要注意细节的把握。

2.描述式口语就是用英语描述一个事物。比如“a member of your family you like most”就是典型地用英语描述一个人。而多数同学也只会用“beautiful”、“handsome”、“kind”这样的词实行空洞地描述,殊不知像“bushy eyebrows”(浓眉)、“reliable”(可靠)、“oversensitive”(敏感)这样的词语会让口语更加精准、真实和生动。毕竟好的口语并不是滔滔不绝,而是能够准确表达自我真实感受。

3.思辨式口语就是用英语就某一问题实行自我观点的阐述。比如“Some people think TV has a positive effect on our society while others hold the opposite opinion. What do you think and explain why.”这就是一个典型的思辨式口语话题。在表明观点时,很多同学会说“I think”或“in my opinion”。但有更好的说法如“Frankly I think…”、“I mean…”等。表明肯定和否定未必就只有“yes”和“no”,还能够用“I’m with you on that.”、“I’m not so sure really.”来更好地表达。



Job A:manager B:candidates A:will you tell me something about yourself? B:ok,my name is Limingqiang ,I graduate form bit , my major is Computer science and technology ,I am at good at communicate with different person .I like singing ,playing basketball ,reading book and so on. A:what do you think are your strengths and weaknesses? B:I think I have positive opinions to work and life ,I can work hard without any complain .but ,I know I still have many weakness ,such as careless. A:how long do you think you'd stay with us if you were appointed? B:sorry I don't know exactly ,I think I will stay as long as possible. A:which is more important to you :status or money? B:status,status is more important than money ,when you have good status ,you will have money . A:why do you want to leave your present job? B: because the workplace have long way to my house. I should spend 2 hours in the way. A:which do you think are good working conditions? B:A good office environment A:what is your best quality? B:loyal(effort) A:what are your long-range goals? B:I want to be a good engineer. A:OK,you wait for notice B:thanks

高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话

高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话 以下是小编给大家整理的关于高中生活 School Life英语口语情景对话,希望可以帮到大家 odd: Hello! 你好! Jeanna: Hello! 你好! Todd: Hi, what's your name? 你叫什么名字? Jeanna: Jeanna. 迪安娜。 Todd: OK, Jeanna, how old are you? 迪安娜,你多大了? Jeanna: I'm 15 years old. 我15岁了。 Todd: 15! OK, are you in high school? 你在上高中吗? Jeanna: Yes, I am. 是的。 Todd: OK. What do you think about high school? 你觉得高中生活怎么样? Jeanna: It's fun. Very diverse. 挺好的。高中生活很多样。 Todd: What do you like to study in high school? 你在高中最喜欢学什么? Jeanna: I like history a lot. 我很喜欢历史课。 Todd: OK. Why do you like history?

为什么喜欢历史课呢? Jeanna: It's interesting to learn about the past, different things, and different cultures. 了解过去,不同的事物,不同的文化十分有趣。 Todd: OK. What's one thing you don't like about high school? 高中你最讨厌的是什么? Jeanna: People can be really cruel. 高中的人有时很残忍。 Todd: Oh, really! How? How are people cruel? 真的!怎么残忍? Jeanna: There's a lot of judgmental-ness. 有很多人性格都是批判性的。 Todd: Oh, that's too bad. So, you're nice to everybody? 那太糟了。那么,你对所有人都很好? Jeanna: Generally. 通常是。 Todd: OK. OK. Who's your favorite teacher? 好的。你最喜欢的老师是谁? Jeanna: Probably my English teacher. 大概是我的英文老师。


一、判断口语好坏的标准 当我们听别人说英语的时候,我们经常会为某人漂亮的口语素偶这幅,我们只知道他说的好,但好在哪里呢?许多人没有认真想过。判断英语口语好坏可以有各种各样的标准,我们这里提出几条,供大家参考。 1.首先是要语音好,它包括音准、连读和失去爆破等几项基本技巧,当然语调也要自然, 这点我们下面还要专门讲。 2.第二就是能够很好的掌握英语的节奏。这一条非常重要,但却被无数学习英语的人所忽 略。你听人说英语,说的非常流畅、自如,他已经完全可以把英语当作交流的工具,你也会认为他的英语说的好,国际上许许多多费英语民族的人在跨国交流中所说的英语大多属于这一类。 3.第三时候能够说正规英语,也就是呵护英语语法规范的英语。如果你说的英语到处都是 语法毛病,句子结构有问题,时态、语态、人称、数等等也有问题,那就不仅听起来难受,而且还会影响到理解。 4.第四是说英语的高级境界,恐怕也是最难的,那就是能说地道的英语,也就是说能够用 符合英美人习惯的用于和表达方式。要实现这一点,如果能够在国外长期生活当然最好,但在中国的条件下,你仍然能够荣国多种渠道,比如读英文报纸、看英语电影、不断保持和英美人的接触等。 二、掌握英语节奏的重要性 不同的语言具有不同的语音特征,英语属于日耳曼语系,而汉语则属于汉藏语系,两者在语音方面有极大的差异。 英语的节奏主要靠重音来控制的,单词有单词的重音,句子有句子的重音,一个句子中重音的数量比音节的数量更重要。如果一句话中出现几个重音,那么几个重音之间应保持大致相等的时间距离,这样听起来才舒服。

语调 英语语调主要有降调、声调和平调三大类,更复杂的语调如降升调或升降调之类无非是升调和降调的某种搭配组合。不同的语调可以表示说话人不同的态度和不同的隐含意思。英语中同一句话采用不同的语调会产生截然不同的语意概念。 例如:“yes”,若用降调,表示说话人对所回答的问题十分确定;若用升调,表示对问题有疑问。 一、降调 1.用于陈述句,如: I have already read that book.↘ That street is two miles long. ↘ 2.用于特殊疑问句,如: What has happened to him? Which direction is it to the post office? 注意:特殊疑问句有时可用升调表示别人重复刚说过的话,如: What is your major?↗(你说你的专业是什么?) Where shall we go for the holiday? ↗(你说我们将到哪儿度假?) 3.用于祈使句,如: Go back to your seat! ↘ Please do not hesitate to contact me. ↘ 4.用于感叹句,如: What a small world! ↘(这个世界竟是如此之小!) Oh! My poor Mathilde, how you’ve changed! ↘(噢,我可怜的马蒂尔德,你怎么变成这样了!) 5.用在选择疑问句中“or”之后的部分,如: Do you want to ride or walk? ↘ Would you like coffee or tea? ↘ 二、升调 1.用于一般疑问句,如: Do you mind if I sit here? ↗ Can you hand in your compositions today? ↗ 注意:一般疑问句有时也可以用降调,表示一种不耐烦的口气,或表示命令等,如:Are you satisfied? ↘ Will you take off your hat, please? ↘ 2.用于罗列中最后一项之前的各项,如: For each incomplete sentence, there are four choices marked A) ↗,B) ↗,C)↗,and D). ↘We study Chinese ↗,history ↗, geography ↗,and English. ↘ 3.用于陈述句,表示疑问、怀疑、未定、猜测或期待等,如: You really want to do it? ↗ She might have gone. ↗ I think so. ↗ 4. 用于置于句首的状语短语或状语从句,如: After dinner ↗, I read a magazine and made telephone calls. ↘ While you were writing letters ↗, I was reading a book. ↘


高中英语口语考试内容 【篇一:高中英语口语考试内容】 人机对话。part a reading aloud.听一段英语小短文,跟读。 part b 五问五答,听一段英语对话,根据提示问电脑五个问题,电脑会回答你;然后再听电脑的提问, 回答五个问题 part c 故事复述。听一段英文故事两次,然后在限定时间内用英语复述出来。(我是广东 的考生) 【篇二:高中英语口语考试内容】 ◆◆非回享用户暂时不能发布经验“有得”你还可以输入1000字 ◆◆如对这篇经验有疑问,可反馈给作者,经验作者会尽力为您解决! 你还可以输入500字 相关经验 82013.05.0802012.12.2502013.09.2002013.07.2902014.04.30相关标签 作者的经验如要投诉,请到,如要提出意见、建议,请到反馈。热门杂志第1期作文书写技巧802次 分享第12期祝你好“孕”406次分享第1期当我们有了孩子304次分享第1期新学期新气象132次分享 第1期孕妇饮食指导481次分享 2017baidu◆请扫描分享到朋友圈 【篇三:高中英语口语考试内容】 你问的就是英语口试吧?首先,这个是一对一的考的,就是一个老师考 你一个人.当前一个考生进到考场考试,你就会被安排在外面的等待区 等待(只允许一个人在等待区),你后面的考生在后面排队,等前一个 出来,你进去,你后面的考生就进等待区.在等待区会给你一份资料让你 自己先看看读读,那上面就是口是要考的东西.三个部分:第一部分是 给你几个单词的英标,一般是多音节的,考察你对英标和单词重音的掌握;第二是一篇英语文章,考察你的语调和对英语断句啊之类的掌握;第三就是临场发挥,考官会问你一些问题(资料上没有的),比如你今 天吃了什么,介绍一下你的学校或者你的班级之类的. 我们这边是这样,不知道你们那边是否一样.


1.Where will you choose to live, a small town, the countryside or a big city? Why? Big city shopping and life are more convenient, alternative things are more convenient to go out a little tourism. Interpersonal relatively simple small town life are more relaxed, but relatively few choose to go out shopping, information industry, the county of closure. 2.What can we do to arouse more people’s social conscience? 3.Does human activity improve or damage the earth? How? Environment is usually changed to benefit human life. Cars and roads make transportation is convenient, the factory make the products, make our life more comfortable, public services in water treatment equipment, electric power and waste disposal make our lives more convenient. All these advances, however, with a serious environmental costs. Human activities will be seriously damaged. A major, the influence of human activities on a regional water environment pollution.Factories, in order to convenient with water in the river, and the sewage discharge into the river Another serious long-term effect of air pollution is a problem of global warming. People cut down trees in great quantities, make carbon dioxide exceeds a certain

高中英语口语情景对话室友素材 (1)

原版英语口语情景对话第0015集:室友 你认为有室友陪伴好不好呢?你有没有遇上像Jessica一样的好室友呢? Roommates Todd: So, JJ, I hear you've got a good living arrangement. JJ: I love it, and of course, you know, like any person, I was a little bit leery about living with roommates but at the same time I thought, living in a foreign country, I didn't want to isolate myself completely, especially since I don't speak the language and I first met Jessica at the airport and when we were close to tears from laughing so hard on the train ride from the airport to Matsudo Station I realized this is going to be a good living arrangement, and we got here and the Brits had taken one half of the apartment and so we Americans moved into the other half and have gotten along brilliantly, even the little squabbles that tend to come up seem to be solved fairly quickly, maturely and I love it. This is the best living arrangement I've ever had. At the same time I think it's kind of something that's, that can be expected when you come to teach abroad. It takes a certain kind of person to decide to leave everything familiar behind and meet new people, have new experiences. You're not taping any of this are you? Todd: No, I am actually. Thanks a lot JJ. 英语单词:


《英语口语训练》课程标准 学分:8 参考学时:120 一、课程概述 本课程是高职学院应用英语专业的一门必修课程。通过学习本课程,能使学生在掌握一定词汇量的基础上,学习口语表达的一些基本技巧和方法,循序渐进地学会口语交流。使学生能在一般社交场合能使用英语本族人普遍接受的语言与英语国家人士交谈,做到正确表达思想,语音语调自然,无重大语法错误。依据学生掌握英语口语交际能力的需要,该标准把学生的口语交际能力细分为六大能力,以提高、培养学生的五大能力教学任务,并根据任务设计教学活动,设定教学课时、考核方案。 二、课程目标 《英语口语训练》课的最终目标是提高学生的口语能力,使其能够使用英语进行日常交流、表达思想,依据这一纵向目标,本课程标准把课程总体目标分为六个能力目标:词汇能力、流利程度、语音语调的标准性、功能句型的使用、基本语法的正确性及文化意识的强弱。六大能力相互关联,缺一不可,应贯穿于口语教学的始终,并穿插进行,单独或同时存在于课堂教学的各个环节。 三、课程内容

2.主要内容与要求 任务一:任务重点为日常交流中所需基本词汇,主要包括: 1 个人信息 2 性格特点 3 兴趣爱好 4 健康问题 5 交通 6 食物 7 服装服饰 8 家庭设施 9 家庭成员 10 公共设施 11 常见动植物 12 旅游 13 天气 14 时间日期 15 中西方节日 要求学生掌握并熟练使用日常交流各方面的基本词汇,能够以足够的词汇量就某一话题,或为达到某一日常生活目的用英语进行交流。 任务二:此任务旨在提高学生口语表达的流利程度,在用英语表达自己时不再结结巴巴,能够以句子为单位进行交流。达到这一任务过程中,学生的语言输入和输出相结合,通过句子、文章的背诵、复述等手段提高流利程度。语言输入材料应来自教材和补充课外内容,如


高中学生英语口语等级测试试卷 注意事项: 1.教师用卷中所提示的答案仅为参考答案。测试第二大题时,学生可根据所读 短文的内容用不同的方式回答。测试第三、第四大题时,学生可根据所给提示或内容要点用不同的方式表达。 2.第三大题情景对话由主考或副主考开始。 一、用正确的语音语调朗读下面的短文。(记10分) Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings and actions of y outh. Today there are about seven million Americans in the colleges and universities. Young persons under 25 make up nearly half of the American population. M any of these will soon be in charge of the nation. Naturally, their ideas are i mportant to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to un derstand what they think and feel. College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong. They are d eeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before. They see much that is wrong in th e old ways of their elders. So they insist on changing them. As a result, there is often trouble in American families. 二、根据所读短文内容回答下列问题。(记10分) (1) How many Americans are there in the colleges and universities? About seven million. (2) Why are young people very important in the USA today? Because many of them will soon be in charge of the country. (3) What is necessary for older people to do? It is necessary for older people to understand what young people think and fee l. (4) What strong opinions do the college students today have? They have strong opinions about right and wrong. (5) What often causes trouble in American families? The different ideas and opinions between parents and children often cause trou ble in American families. 三、根据所给提示用英语进行交谈。(记10分) 提示:假如你的朋友问你有关急救的知识,你告诉对方,如果发现某人已停止呼吸,就必须你必须立刻设法使他呼吸;如果某人在大量出血,应想法设法给他止血,要他用手帕压迫出血点并固定住它;如果某人被动物咬伤,应


高中英语口语20个主题情景对话 高中英语早已告别了“哑巴英语”,锻炼的是高中生英语口语的表达能力和交流能力,下面是为大家整理的高中英语口语20个主题情景对话,帮助大家练习日常英语口语。 相貌 A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she? B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like that girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you. 身体部分 A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut. B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion.

中小学英语语音学习方法技巧大全 英语口语技巧————五步搞定语音语调

有相当一部分英语学习者在语音、语调方面处境很尴尬,一个单词的发音要么发错,要么发得特别清楚,但是即便是特别清楚的发音也和真正地道的英语发音有很大的距离,原因何在?说到底还是功夫不到家。到底应该怎样下功夫?下面我为大家提供一种非常有效的五步语音语调突破法。 第一步:听录音,做标记 听录音对于英语学习者是件很普通的事情,但却很少有人能好好利用手中的录音取得满意的效果。先选择一盘或几盘语音比较清晰的录音材料,或者找一些语音非常好听你愿意模仿的录音材料,先听六遍,按顺序在录音材料原文上做好标记。选择录音材料时切记量不要太多,难度不要太大。英语的发音规则是相同的,练习时贵在精而不在多。 第一遍感受录音的语音、语调。不要读出声音来,只要静静地听、仔细地感受就可以了。 第二遍标记单词的重音(wordstress),把耳朵听到的每个单词的重音标在录音材料原文上。不要因为已经背过这个单词,知道这个单词的重音,或者查过辞典就把这个单词放过去。一定要标记一次,因为在不同的语境中或者表示不同的含义时,单词的重音也会有所区别。第三遍标记所有单词与单词之间的连读。有些连读如果不看录音材料很可能就不理解意思,一些固定的连读方式也要引起注意。 第四遍标记句子的升调、降调,要体会不同的句型所使用的语调的变化。 第五遍标记句子的重音。这与单词重音不同,例如without这个词既可以做介词也可以做副词使用,这个词的重音很清楚,但是它在句子中出现时,如果不是特别强调这个词,一般情况下不能重读。相当一部分人在读英语句子时,每个单词都念得非常清晰,好像机器一样把每个单词都按词典里的发音念出来。但是现实生活中说话绝对不是这样。所以要注意句子的重音,一个单词本身有重音,但是这个单词在听到的句子里面并没有得到强调,它就不是句子的重心,例如:It’s none of your business. (这不关你的事)。其中的It’s就会念得很轻,同时none of会连读,business会重读,这些地方都要标注出来。


高中英语口语测试题型与评分标准 高中英语口语测试试卷共四大题,满分40分。 一级 (一)朗读短文(计10分) 1.目的:测试语音、句子重音、连读、不完全爆破、意群和停顿、升调和降调以及流畅程度。 2.要求:能比较流利地朗读一篇所学课文或难度略低于所学语言材料的短文。 (二)回答问题(计10分) 1.目的:测试对所读短文的掌握情况。 2.要求:能根据短文内容回答所提问题。 二级 (三)情景对话(计10分) 1.目的:测试对日常交际用语的掌握情况。 2.要求:能根据所给情景提示进行交谈,不少于6句。 (四)话题简述(计10分) 1.目的:测试连续说话的能力。 2.要求:能按题目的提示要点连续说一段话,清楚地表达主要意思,不少于10句。 评分标准 1.朗读短文 一档(9-10分)语音语调正确,朗读自然流利,且有节奏感。 二档(6-8分)语音语调基本正确,虽有一两处错误,但朗读还比较自然流利。三档(3-5分)语音语调不够正确,朗读不够连贯,有一些错误。 四档(0-2分)语音语调较差,朗读不连贯,错误较多,影响意思表达。 2.回答问题 计分以小题为单位 一档(2分)意思明白,语音语调正确,词语、语法合乎规范。 二档(1分)意思明白,语音语调基本正确,词语、语法有些错误。 三档(0分)答非所问,或错误较多,不能达意。 3.情景对话 一档(9-10分)意思明白,表达清楚,语音语调正确,词语、语法合乎规范。二档(6-8分)意思比较明白,表达比较清楚,语音语调基本正确,词语、语法有个别错误。 三档(3-5分)意思不够明白,表达不够清楚,语音语调较差,词语、语法有些错误。 四档(0-2分)只能说出一些与内容有关的词语,语音语调较差错误很多。 4.话题简述 一档(9-10分)语音语调正确,讲述连贯,表达清楚,不少于8句。 二档(6-8分)语音语调基本正确,讲述比较连贯,表达比较清楚。不少于8句,但有个别错误。 三档(3-5分)语音语调基本正确,讲述不够连贯,有一些错误或不满8句,影响意思表达。 四档(0-2分)语音语调较差,错误较多;或只能说出一些与内容有关的单词。

高中英语 口语情景对话 讨论最喜欢的事物素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0221集:讨论最喜欢的事物 你最喜欢的颜色、水果、季节和电影都是什么?和Shawn一起讨论下吧。 Todd: OK, Shawn, I'm going to talk about your favorites. Shawn: Sure Todd: What's your favorite color? Shawn: I say, green. Todd: Green. Shawn: Yes. Todd: OK. And what's your favorite fruit? Shawn: My favorite fruit: orange. Todd: Orange! Shawn: Oranges. I love oranges. Very sweet and good for the body. Todd: Yeah, have you had any of the oranges in Japan? Shawn: I've had a couple. Much better than the ones I have back in Canada. Todd: Oh, really. OK. Um, what's your favorite season? Shawn: I'd say spring, cause it's a combination of warm weather, at the same time it's not hot like it is in the summer. In spring it's a bit cool. You can walk around very relaxed. It the best. It's a combination of all the seasons in one. Todd: OK. what's your favorite movie? Shawn: My favorite movie! I'd have to say "Gladiator." Russel Crow. It's a tragic movie about a very strong leader who, how-should-I-say, triumphs over,


“我听不懂快速语音的段子,如何跟上节奏?” “我不知道如何表达自己的意思,经常是想到了却说不出来,我该怎么办?” “我找了许多网站上的英语广播节目来听,却没有很大的提高,这是为什么?” “我能够顺利的写出来作文,但是却不能快速准确的说出自己的意思,为什么会这样?” 这些问题在我的英语学习过程中都曾经遇到过,对于同学们的这些疑问,我深有体会,也真正地能够理解。那么,学习英语尤其是口语和听力到底有没有一种一剑封喉的万全之策?能否在3个月内使一个有高中基础的英语学习者达到听力和口语与英美人士基本无差别的方法呢? 答案是:有!为什么这么说呢?其实高中基础的英语学习者已经具备了英语理解和交流的基本能力,只要用科学的方法加以训练,再加上有恒心有毅力,那么经过坚持不懈的努力,都可以以假乱真,体验一次做“native speaker”的感觉! 在英语学习的过程中,口语和听力如何提高是大家经常谈论的话题。对于母语并非英语的人来说,学习英语的目的无非是理解和交流。首先要理解对方所说的单词、句子,已经其中表达的内在含义;其次自己要有流畅的表达能力,能够说出自己所想的内容,这样才可以达到交流的目的。听力和口语正好对应了上述语言学习中的两个方面。听懂别人,表达自己,这样就完成了一次最基本的交流。 一般来说,一个人的听力水平和口语能力密不可分。听力水平高的人可以很好的理解讲话人的意图,并能够听出一些习惯用法的表达,并在以后的口语交流时从自己的记忆库中调用适当的表达方法;口语表达比较好的人一般听力也比较好,因为口语表达是在一种交流的环境中进行的,要让他人理解自己的意思必须首先了解他人的表达习惯和方法,而这正是听力能力的范畴。所以,口语和听力不可分割,而听力又扮演了基础能力的角色。 一个人的英语口语水平主要体现在以下几个方面:语音、语调是否正确、标准;是否有语法错误,所用词汇是否符合英语表达习惯;口语表达是否流利顺畅,一气呵成。练习口语是要决在于模仿,口语能力其实是在模仿的基础上形成的。提高口语能力,要加强自己的模仿能力,对于模仿能力的训练应从练习听力开始。下面我向大家介绍一些方法,这些方法是我自己曾经用到的,效果比较明显,如果大家能够根据自己的基础和特点适当变化,相信会有更好的效果。

英语口语四人对话(8篇_题目 答案)

口语试题题目 1. In Chinese culture, would asking questions be considered acceptable or impolite when you meet people for the first time? Is interrupting during a conversation considered acceptable or rude? 在中国文化里,问问题被认为是可以接受的或不礼貌的,当你第一次和别人见面。在一次交谈中是被打断是可以接受的还是认为是粗鲁的? 2. Suppose one of you has just been offered a part-time job with the payment of 180 yuan an hour, make up a conversation based on this situation. 假设一个你刚刚得到了一份180元一小时的兼职工作,编一个对话基于这种情况。 3. What characteristics do you look for in the person you want to date? For example, do you consider religion, race, ethnic, background, age, physical characteristics, financial state? What else? 你会约会什么特征的人?例如,你会考虑宗教信仰、种族、背景、年龄、身体特征、财务状况等?还有别的什么? 4. Some people consider fireworks and firecrackers

高中英语 口语情景对话 关于梦想工作的计划素材

原版英语口语情景对话第0163集:关于梦想工作的计划Christian梦想成为一名外交家,综合各种因素他为自己做了详细的规划,一起来看看吧。Todd: OK, Christian, what is your dream job, if you could have any job in the world? Christian: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferably in Japan. That's why I came to Japan to learn Japanese and hopefully obtain a master degree in International Relations. After getting my master's degree in International Relations, I would like to go home and enter the diplomat school for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a three year program, and then, after that hopefully come back to Japan and work for the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo. Todd: Must be pretty competitive. Christian: It's very competitive, but I think if you know a certain language that not many people speak it gives you a competitive edge nevertheless so that's why I came to Japan because I know at this stage there are only 300 hundred people from Norway living in Japan and not all of them are here to study Japanese, they represent different companies or schools, or they're missionaries so, that's the track I'm on right now but we'll see how it goes in the end. Todd: How about when you were a child, what was your dream job? Did you want to be a diplomat when you were say, 10? Christian: No, when I was ten I probably didn't know what I wanted to do. I was just too busy playing in the street, you know, having fun with my friends and these things. When I was that young I really didn't have a dream job like fireman, police. I never really went through that stage, you know. Todd: I wanted to be a baseball player. Christian: Alright, fair enough.


高考英语口语考试必背 1. I quit! 我不干了 !. 2. Let go! 放手 ! 3. I ’ m easy随便.! 4. Allow me. 让我来。 5. My treat. 我请客。 6. Bless you! 祝福你 ! 7. Forget it! 休想 ! ( 算了 !) 8. I decline! 我拒绝 ! 9. I promise. 我保证。 10. Take care! 保重 ! 11. They hurt. ( 伤口 ) 疼。12. Bottoms up! 干杯 (见底 )! doubt it 我怀疑。14. I'm single. 我是单身贵族。15. Keep it up! 坚持下去 ! 16. That's all! 就这样 ! 17. Time is up. 时间快到了。18. What's new 有什么新鲜事吗19. Count me on 算上我。20. I'm his fan 。我是他的影迷。21. Is it yours 这是你的吗 22. That's neat. 这很好。23. Are you sure 你肯定吗24. Do l have to 非做不可吗25. He is my age.他和我同岁26. Here you are. 给你。27. Any thing else 还要别的吗28. Do me a favor 帮个忙,好吗 29. Keep in Touch. 保持联络。 30. Who's calling 是哪一位31. You set me up! 你出卖我 ! 32. How's it going 怎么样33. I have no idea. 我没有头绪。 34. I just made it! 我做到了 ! 35. I'll see to it 我会留意的。36. I'm in a hurry! 我在赶时间 ! 37. It's her field. 这是她的本行38. It's up to you. 由你决定。39. Just wonderful! 简直太棒了 ! 40. You owe me one.你欠我一个人情 41. Any day will do. 哪一天都行 42. Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吧 ! 43. I can't help it. 我情不自禁 don't mean it. 我不是故意的。45. not a chance 没有丝毫机会 46. Come off it. 别装蒜 /胡说 47. Not really. 48. It ’成交sa。deal. 49. It takes all sorts 世上的人形形色色,无奇不有50. Better play it safe 慎重;别冒险 51. I beg to differ 我不同意,恕我直言。52. Just my luck 真倒霉 53. You bet!你说的没错 /当然。 54. There you go !就这样了! 55. Here you go !干得好!56. Many happy returns of the day! 祝你长寿,祝你生日快乐。57. As predicted. 正如所料58. Can ’ t complain虽然还有一些小问题,但情况还可以。59. Let ’ go Dutch各付各的钱60. ?I can manage it myself. 我自己能行。 ... ’ s fine with me我无所谓 /我没问题。 62. You can say that again. 你说的太对了 63. As it comes, please! 随便 ,谢谢 ! 64. How would you like your tea 你的茶要怎么沏 ?(言外之意就是问你要加糖或加奶吗) 65.Don ’ t be a wet blanket不.要做一个扫兴的人 66.Well done! /Good job! Quite perfect! 干得不错! 67. You've got a good point 你说的很有道理68. Shall I take your order 请点菜 /Are you being severed 点过菜了吗 70. Dinner is severed! 晚餐已准备好! 71. At your service 听您的吩咐;随时提供方便 72. Dinner is severed! 73. Do you really mean it 此话当真“ 74. mean it 我是认真的75. It ’ s nothing at all/Think nothing of 回it.答感谢时用。 76. So long/see you. 再见。
