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TPO15 听力答案解析

TPO15 听力答案解析
TPO15 听力答案解析

By 宋思祺

TPO15 Section 1

Conversation 1


1.男生为什么去学校的报纸办公室?老师说,(9,21)I remember you . You're interested

in working for the paper.我记得你,你是对为报纸工作很感兴趣,学生说是的,作为记者。Yeah, as a reporter。老师后面又说,(50)Advisor Absolutely! Let's see . I think I told you that we ask prospective reporters to turn in some outlines for possible articles . 我告诉过你做记者要交几篇提纲Student Yeah, I sent them in about a week ago, but I haven't heard anything back yet, so, so I thought I'd stop by and see, but I guess you haven't looked at them yet .我发了,但是并没有收到回音,所以过来看看。这里就可以得出结论,学生来是为了看看他有没有获得记者的职位。所以选C

2.问学生为什么想给学校报纸写文章。(47秒)I'd like the experience. It would look

good on my resume .我想要这种经历,这会使我的简历看上去更好,这就可以选D,他认为经验非常重要。

3.学生提到了计划增加学费的话题,advisor对这个话题的看法?(1,50)Student OK.

Uh … wha t the other outline I sent i n, about the proposed increase in tuition fees?那另外一篇提纲呢?关于计划增加学费的。Advisor Oh, it lo oks like we've got that covered。老师说,这个话题已经有人写了。所以,答案是D,这个话题已经分配给了其他的记者。

4.学生在第一篇为报纸写的文章中要写什么?(1:57)Student So I am starting with

an article about the physics department. I guess I'd better get to work. Do you have any advice on how I should cover the story?所以我从关于物理学院的那篇文章开始,你有什么建议么?这里我们知道他的第一篇文章是关于物理学院的,具体一点物理学院怎么了?我们应该还记得,前面学生发了两篇outline,一篇是上一题中提到的已经有人cover的增长学费的,还有是(1:33)Advisor WeII, you turned in an outline on something to do with the physics department? 你交了与物理学院有关的提纲?Student Yeah, they're trying to come up with ways to get more Students to take their introductory courses.是的,他们正在想办法吸引更多学生上他们的介绍课程。这样就可以选车A,他准备写物理学院吸引更多学生的计划。

Lecture 1


1.问lecture的大意?(第一句)For decades, psychologists have been looking at our

ability to perform tasks while other things are going on, how we are able to keep from being distracted and what the conditi ons for good concentration are. 心理学家一直在观察我们在进行一项活动同时旁边还有其他事情在进行的能力,我们怎样保持不被干扰,以及怎样的条件下可以集中注意。教授通过开门见山的方法,

(接着)As long ago as 告诉我们lecture的主要内容是关于集中注意的能力的研究。

1982, researchers came up with something called the CFQ - the Cognitive Failures Questionnaire.这里讲了研究者想出的一种叫做CFQ的研究方法。由此得出,答案是D,大脑怎样处理干扰的研究。

2.CFQ的两个缺点?(49)And that's part of the problem with th e CFQ.这个位置就

是答案的信号,他说,这就是CFQ存在的问题,那么接下来就可以听到问题是什么。(接着)It doesn ’ t take other factors into account enough, like forgetfulness.

不能把其他的因素考虑在内,比如忘记了。这是第一个问题,这时选出D,不能考虑其他原因,一些不是外界干扰分散注意的因素。(接)Plus you really can ’ t say you are getting objective scientific results from a subjective questionnaire where people report on themselves. plus是信号词。提示下面是第二个原因,不能通过这种主观问卷的形势得到客观的科学的结果。相当于答案A,它依赖于主观的报道。

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b03969559.html,vie 引入了星空背景的实验想要研究关于大脑和干扰物得什么理论。在老师描述了第

二个星空背景的实验后,学生问,(3.45)So doesn't that mean that the first hypothesis you mentioned w as wrong, the one that says we don't even perceive irrelevant information when we are concentrating?这不说明,第一个理论,说我们在注意集中时不接受无关的信息的理论是错误的么?老师说(3:54)Yes that's right, up to a point, bu t that ’ s not all.对的,但是这不是全部,这句话是信号,首先告诉我们第一个答案,B,实验调查人们在集中注意力时是否能不接受无关信息。That’s not all,暗示后面紧跟第二个答案,(4,10)That was quite a surprise and it approved that the second hypothesis – that we do perceive everything all the time but the brain categorizes distractions differently, well, that wasn't true either. 它证明了第二个理论,我们接受所有信息但大脑会分类分散注意力的事物,也是不对的。相当于答案C,调查大脑是否对分散注意力的事物分类,把不相关信息放在次要位置。

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b03969559.html,vie的物体visual cortex(视觉外表)的扫描揭示了什么。(3:58)Lavie also discovered

that as she made the task more difficult, V5 became less active, so that means that now people weren’t really noticing the star field at all. Lavie 发现人物越难,V5就越不活跃。所以答案选A,当任务变得更难,V5变得越不活跃。


thinks the solution lies in the brain’s ability to accept or ignore visual information.

She thinks its capacity is limited.It’s like a highway. When there are too many cars, traffic is stopped. 重点是要听到it’s like a highway,暗示highway是一个比喻,lavie 认为问题的关键在于大脑接受或忽略信息的能力,她认为脑容量有限,就像高速公路一样,我们就可以看出来,说高速路,是用来比喻大脑容量有限的局限性。


6.老师对于Lavie的工作的态度?(4:45)Now that may be the correct conclusion for

visual distractions, but more research is needed to tell us how the brain deals with, say, the distractions of solving a math problem when we are hungry or when someone is singing in the next room.这是在说lavie的研究的结论对于视觉干扰是对的,但是还需要有更多的研究来告诉我们大脑怎样处理其他的干扰,比如说做数学题的时候饿了或是有人在隔壁唱歌。所以答案是D,她认为研究结果只能用于干扰上。

Lecture 2 12A 13B 14(AD) 15(AC) 16D 17C

1.问lecture主要内容?(35)We examine these layers to learn about different geologic time periods including when they began and ended.老师在一开始就指出主题,她说我们检查这些地表层从而知道不同的地质时期,包括他们什么时候开始什么时

候结束,很简单就选出A,确定一个地理时期什么时候开始,什么时候结束。2.教授为什么提到pleistocene epoch?(43)For example, from about 1.8 million years ago to around 11 thousand years ago was the Pleistocene epic. 比如说什么…F or example是信号,告诉我们提出pleistocene是举例。四个答案中只有B是举例give an example of,是举一个定义好的地质时期的例子

3.研究者通过研究sediment碎片,了解地理时期的特点,教授说sediment揭示了一个时期的什么方面?(1::23)The Holocene epic is characterized by different sediments, ones that form when the climate is warmer. Because the climate changed, the types of plants and animals changed also. holocene时期的sediment就不一样,这个时期的sediment是在温暖的气候形成的,由于气候的变化,动植物的类型在这个时期也不同。这一句就说明了sediment揭露了一个时期的气候和动物。


4.根据老师所说,1800C.E这一年的重要性在于什么?首先要找到lecture里出现了1800CE这个时间的部分,(2:13)The idea is that around the year 1800 CE the human population became large enough, around a billion people, that its activities started altering the environment. 1800CE年,人口增加,有1亿人左右。这就告诉我们选A,人口达到1亿。然后紧接下来This was also(信号词)the time of the industrial revolution, which brought a tremendous increase in the use of fossil fuels such coal. Also是信号词,告诉我们1800CE的第二点重要性,这是工业革命的时代,带来了利用化石燃料,比如煤矿的巨增。(2:35)The exploitation of fossil fuels has brought planet wide developments: industrialization, construction, uh, mass transport. And these developments have caused major changes like additional

e rosion o

f the Earth ’ s surface and deforestation.然后这些发展造成了主要的影


5.教授关于8000年前农业的扩张怎么说的。(3:36)But I want to stress this is just a hypothesis. The idea that early humans could have had such a major effect, well I'm just not sure we can compare it with the industrial age.他在介绍完了8000年前农业扩张对环境产生影响的观点以后说,我想强调它只是假设理论,早期人类可以有如此大的影响,我不是很确定我们可以把它和工业时期比较一下。所以选D,老师认为农业对环境造成的影响没有一些研究者说的那么大。

6.教授关于未来的研究者们说了什么?(4:01)It'll be future researchers who have a better perspective and will be able to really draw a line between the Holocene and the Anthropocene epics.未来的研究者将会有更好的观点,能够划分清楚Holocene 和Anthropocene时期的界限。相当于选项C,他们将会决定anthropocene时期从什么时候开始。

Section 2

Conversation 1 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C

1.为什么女生去见老师?(46秒)And I actually study more for this class than I do for all

my other classes. But I didn’t see the grade I expected on my mid-term exam, which is why I came by. Which is way I came by告诉我们前面从句中说的就是他来见老师的原因。她说,我其实在这一门课上学的更多,但是我没有在期中考试去的期


2.老师提到他在大学时踢足球的经历是要说明什么?(34秒)You know I played

soccer in college and my biggest challenge, and I didn’t always succeed, was getting my studying in during soccer season. Are you having a similar …你知道我在大学踢足球,我最大的挑战并不经常成功的是在足球季里学习,你也有类似的…?类似的什么他没有说完,这个时候当然是指类似的经历。所以答案可以选B,女生也许没有足够时间学习。

3.女生在实验项目中学习的什么?(1:02)I say this because your work on the lab

project was exemplary. I was so impressed with the way you handle the microscope and the samples of onion cells, and with how carefully you observed and diagramed and interpreted each stage of cell division.老师说学生的实验项目做得很好。他对她处理显微镜和洋葱样品,以及认真观察绘表解读细胞分裂的每个阶段印象深刻。说明实验项目的内容是研究洋葱的细胞分裂。所以答案是C,洋葱的细胞分裂的过程。

4.教授对于大脑研究的结果是怎么说的?(2:16)There is research that shows that

after about an hour of intense focus, your brain needs a break. It needs to, you know, shift gears a little. Your brain's ability to absorb information starts to decline after about the first hour. 有一个研究显示在一个小时的紧张集中后,你的大脑需要休息。需要休息,转换一下。你大脑吸收信息的能力在一小时后会开始下降。所以他想要告诉学生连续学习长时间不比学一小时休息一下有效。所以答案选A,几个短时期的学习比一个长时段学习有效率。

5.最后老师为什么要回到跑道上赛跑的话题上来?(2:43)Think of your brain as: a

muscle.If you didn't practice regularly with your track team, and then tried to squeeze in three weeks worth of running practice just the day before a track meet, how well do you think you'd perform in your races?把你的大脑看成是肌肉。这句话是重点,告诉我们老师又提到跑步是在拿女生熟悉的话题作类比,说如果怒有规律的训练,而是试图在比赛前一天完成3周的跑步练习,你觉得你能在比赛表现的多好?意在告诉她大脑和跑步时的肌肉一样需要规律的长期练习。所以是在重复证明自己之前说的关于学习习惯观点。所以答案是C,解释他关于学习习惯的观点。

Lecture 1 6. B 7. A.D. 8. B 9. C 10. D 11. A



虽然找关键词技巧很重要,但是要是一句也听不懂那也绝对不行。当然你不可能一句都听不懂吧。其实听完第一段就基本知道她要讲什么了。根据听力的结构,一开始教授是介绍了parchment羊皮纸这种材料以及palimpsest可以消去旧字另写新样的羊皮纸,这种再利用parchment的方式(你要听不懂这个也算了)。不过要听最后他说,(1:57)Perhaps, the most famous example is the Archimedes' palimpsest. 也许最著名的例子是Archimedes阿基米德的palimpsest羊皮纸,说明接下来主要讲的就是这个example吧,这个例子是怎么回事呢,下面又接着说了,(2:35)It had been discovered that the book was a palimpsest, and beneath the surface writing on the manual script laid, guess what? Mathematical theorems and

diagrams from Archimedes 有本书被发现是palimpsest,在它的表面下是Archimedes的数学理论和表格。说明这个例子是讲的这个人的数学著作是怎么被发现的。所以答案是B,古老数学作品的恢复。


时先介绍了一下parchment这些东西是什么吧。那他说parchment的特点肯定就在一开始的这段lecture中找(28秒)During the 1400s, when printing was being developed, paper became the predominant material for books in Europe, but prior to t hat, it was parchment . Parchment is durable, much more so than paper, and it could be reus ed which came in handy since it was a costly material and in short supply. 首先说1400年代,印刷业开始发展,纸张就成了主要的印书的材料但是在这之前是parchment,所以说明parchment是在纸张1400年代出现时才开始不再是主要材料开始减少的,所以一个答案是D, 它被用来印书的用途在1400开始减少。后半句说的是parchment很珍贵,她可以再利用因为它很昂贵并且供给的少,可以再利用说明它用的时间就会长一些,所以另一个选A,它比纸张持续时间长。


(1:23)刮和洗分别是removing ink from parchment的两种方法。(1.25)In the late Middle Ages, it was customary to scrape away the surface of the parchment with an abrasive, which completely wiped out any writing that was there. 在中世纪晚期,经常摩擦刮掉parchment表面的文字,可以完全擦出上面写的文字。(1:35)But earlier in the Middle Ages, the original ink was usually removed by washing the used parchment with milk. That removed the ink. But with the passing of time, the original writing might reappear.但是中世纪早期,原有的墨水一般通过用牛奶洗parchment 的方式去除,这样去掉墨水,但是随着时间,原来写上去的东西可能会再现。是在说明washing的方式去除墨水没有scrape有效,因为还可能再现。所以答案是B,作为永久去除墨水的方法,washing不如scraping有效。

4.Archimedes palimpsest 变成了哪一种书?听这一段。(2:21)But in 1998, a book of

prayers from the Middle Ages sold in an art auction for a lot of money, more money than anyone would pay for a damaged book from the 12th century. Beautiful or not, why? It had been discovered that the book was a palimpsest, and beneath the surface writing on the manual script laid, guess what? Mathematical theorems and diagrams from Archimedes。重点在a book of prayers.一本祈祷的书(在艺术拍卖上拍卖了很多钱,比一般人愿意给一本12世纪损坏的书出的钱更多,这一段描述的都不用管。why后面是重点)…最后被发现是Archimedes的数学作品。所以答案是C,一本祈祷的书。

5.老师关于看Archimedes 的文章的多种技术暗示说什么?(4:17)But actually, it

was a physicist who came up with a method that was a breakthrough. He realized that the iron in the ancient ink would display if exposed to a certain X-ray imaging method, 一个物理学家想出了突破性的方法。他意识到古代的墨水中含有的铁暴露在一中X射线下可以现实出来。这种方法是突破性的方法说明它是最好有效的一种。所以选D,X射线图像比其他技术有效。

6.教授关于Archimedes palimpsest 的重要性表示什么。(2,03)Archimedes lived in

Greece around 200 BCE, and as you probably know, he's considered one of the greatest Mathematicians who ever lived, 介绍了阿基米德这个人,说他是生活在希

腊的伟大的数学家等等这些不用管,even though , many of his writings had been lost , including what many now think to be his most important work called The Method .Archimedes…even though是转折,提示我们要认真听了,然后她说他的许多作品都丢失了,包括被认为是他最重要的作品的method。这个method是作品的名字吧,阿基米德的羊皮纸指的就是这个作品吧,因为他说(2:54)Then in the 10th century, a scribe made a copy on parchment of some of his texts and diagrams including, as it turns out, The Method .在十世纪,一个抄写员在羊皮纸上抄写了一份他的文章和图表,左后turns out就是method这个书,说明这个阿基米德羊皮纸上的内容就是method,所以答案就选A,它很重要因为包括了阿基米德最重要的作品。

Lecture 2 12. B 13. A.B.E. 14. A 15. A 16. B 17. B

1.为什么讨论hydrothermal vents的发现?(55秒)First, I ‘d like to talk about some

discoveries that have challenged one of these fundamental assumptions about what you need in order to have a biological community. And, well, there actually were quite a few surpris es. I t all began in 1977 with the exploration of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor.他说他要讲一下挑战生物群体生存条件的原有假设的发现,是非常吃惊的一个发现,这就是发现hydrothermal vents。说明这是一个例子,挑战原有的观点,选B,现实这个发现怎样挑战了关于生物社区的假设。2.hydrothermal vents周围的环境的3个让科学家认为不会有有机体生存的特点是

什么。(1分55)First of all, sunlight doesn't reach that far down so it ’ s totally dark.

There couldn ’ t be any plant or animal life since there's no sunlight, no source of energy to make food.首先,阳光不能到达那么深的地方,所以它是黑暗的,没有动物植物,没有能量。所以选E,缺乏阳光是一个条件。(2:16)Student 1 And what about the water pressure? 学生问那水压力呢?Didn ’ t we talk before about how the deeper down into the ocean you go, the greater the pressure? (2:24)Professor Excellent point! And not only the extreme pressure, but also the extreme temperature of the water around these vents.老师说对,不仅仅是压力,还有这些vent周围极端的水温度。这一句告诉我们是不是可以选AB吧,极端的热量和极端的压力。

3.教授对于研究者对发现在海底的生物社区的反应暗示了什么?(1:05)And, well,

there actually were quite a few surprises. 这其实相当吃惊,这里就说明了研究者对结果是吃惊的,所以没有surprise的两个选项CD可以去掉了。那么到底是对什么吃惊呢?要具体看他们发现了什么。(1:52)Nobody expected there to be any life down there是没有人想到会有生命在海底。所以是A,他们对hydrothermal vents附近的大量有机体生存感到吃惊。

4.Chemosynthesis化学合成在hydrothermal vents的生物社区中的角色是什么?

(3:30)these are chemosynthetic, which means that they get their energy from chemical reactions. How does this work? 先要找到出现这个词的地方吧,他说,这是化学合成,就是通过化学的反应获得能量。那么他怎么工作呢,这个问句告诉我们答案在后面(3:47)this hot water contains a chemical called hydrogen sulfide, and also a gas , carbon dioxide. Now these bacteria actually combine the hydrogen sulfide with the carbon dioxide and this chemical reaction is what produces organic

material which is the food for larger organisms. 他说热水包括一种化学物质叫hydrogen sulfide,这是什么你也不用管,然后还有气体二氧化碳,细菌就把这两种物质,化学物质和气体混合,然后化学反应就产生了作为更大一点的有机体食物的有机材料,理解了这个过程,就可以得知化学合成的作用是产生有机体需要的食物。所以答案是A,它让有机物把hydrogen sulfide转为食物。

5.为什么教授提到住在tube warm体内的一种细菌。(5:03)These bacteria that live

inside the tube worms, the tube worms provide them with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide. And the bacteria, well the bacteria kind of feed the tube worms through chemosynthesis, remember, that chemical reaction I described earlier.老师是在解释虫给细菌提供hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide,细菌通过前面提到的化学合成的过程给虫喂食。看到4个选项有三个是说举例,而老师这是在解释tube worm怎样通过细菌生存的这个过程,不是在举例,所以三个give an example 的选项肯定都不对,所以不用看后面就可以选B 解释什么为tube worm提供用于产生能量的有机材料。
