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课程《欧洲文化入门》考试时间 120 分钟日期年月日姓名学号学院班级

Ⅰ.Read the following unfinished statements or questionas carefully. For each unfinished statement or question, four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D are given. Choose the one that you think best completes the statement or answers the question. Write the letter of the answer you have choosen in the corresponding spcae on the answer sheet. (40 points, 2 point for each)


———— was the founder of scientific mathematics.

A. Pythagoras

B. Democritus

C. Aristotle

D. Diogenes

2. Which of the following figures was regarded as “the master of those who know”by


A. Plato

B. Socrates

C. Aristotle

D. Cicero


________ was called “the greatest historian that ever lived”by Macaulay.

A. Thucydides

B. Herodotus

C. Socrates

D. Aristotle

4. The first king to unite the Hebrews was a warrior-famer name________ .

A. Moses

B. Joshua

C. Saul

D. David

5. Who issued the Edict of Milan in 313,whick granted religious freedom to all and made

Christianity legal?

A. Domitian

B. Valerian

C. Constantine

D. Theodosius

6. The ancestors of the Jews are called Hebrews which mean ________ .

A. wanderers

B. travelers

C. traders

D. merchants

7. In the latter part of the fourth century the ________ swept into Europe from central


A. Turkish

B. Huns

C. Athens

D. Roman

8. Apart from being a place of worship, the ________ was a place for recreation and the

center of trade and community activity.

A. bridge

B. church building

C. village

D. subway

9. For two centuries beginning from the late fifteenth century,________ was the golden

city which gave birth to a whole generation of poets, scholars,artists and sculptors.

A. Milan

B. Florence

C. Venice

D. the papal states

10. which of the following figures knows “how to make beauty yield meaning and meaning

yield beauty”?.

A. Boccaccio

B. Shakespeare

C. Raphael

D. Petrarch

11. ________ is recognized as the father of the modern European novel and has had great

impact on world literature.

A. Don Quixote

B. hamlet

C. Gargantua and Pantagruel

D. Utopia

12. The English poet Alexander Pope once wrote:Nature and Nature’laws lay hid in

night.God said, “let________ be”, and all was light.

A. Copernicus

B. Kepler

C. Newton

D. Einstein

13. It is generally believed that modern philosophy begins with Francis Bacon in England

and with ________ in France.

A. Corneille

B. Locke

C. Rousseau

D. Descartes

14. The great contribution of St.Jerome was ________.

A. the building of monasteries

B. the translation of Old and New Testaments into Latin

C. the setting up of the church system

D. none of the above

15. Which of the following is not true about Dante?

A. Dante was a great Italian poet.

B. Dante wrote Beowulf

C. Dante wrote his masterpiece in Italian

D. Dante was a great political thinker

16. Scientists in the 17th century,such ans Galileo and Newton,attached great importance

to ________ .

A. deductive reasoning

B. classical authority

C. direct observation and experiment

D. humanist learning

17. Which of the following is not true about Aristotle?

A. In Aristotle the great humanist and the great man of science meet.

B. Aristotle founded the school of the Stoics.

C. Aristotle was tutor of Alexander.

D. Aristotle wrote many books on logic,politics, poetry, rhetoric and other subjects.

18. ________ believed that the highest good in life was pleasure, freedom from pain and

emotional upheaval. .

A. Sophists

B. Cynics

C. Sceptics

D. Epicureans

19. ________ is said to have told the king of Syracuse: “Give me a place to stand, and

I will move the world.”

A. Archimedes

B. Aristotle

C. Plato

D. Euclid

20. In The Revolution of the Heavenly Orbs,________ put forward his theory that the sun,

not the earth, is the center of the universe.

A. Kepler

B. Galileo

C. Newton

D. Copernicus

Ⅱ.In the following part there are two columns.The left hand column consists of a list of names. The right hand column consists of a list of titles, names of organizations,

works or remarks in the right hand column and put the number a or b or c etc. in the bracket on the test paper.(10 points, 1 point each)

21.St.Jerome [ ] (a)Latin version of Bible

22.Dante [ ] (b)The City of God

23.Aristophanes [ ] (c)The Canterbury Tales

24.Virgil [ ] (d)Aeneid

25.Constantine [ ] (e)Last Supper

26.Augustine [ ] (f)Virgin Mary

27.Chaucer [ ] (g)Edict of Milan

28.Leonardo da Vinci [ ] (h)Frogs

29.Raphael [ ] (i)The Divine Comedy

30.Homer [ ] (j)Odyssey

Ⅲ.Give a one-sentence answer to each of the following question. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the test paper.(20 points, 2 points each)

31.Among many elements which constitute European culture, what are the two major ones?

32.What are the four schools of philosophers who often argued with each other in the

4th century B.C.in Greece?

33.What gave birth to Christianity?

34.What does the Old Testament mainly deal with?

35.What classes were the people of weatern Europe under feudalism mainly divided into?

36.Why did the Crusades go on about 200 years?

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b36825468.html, the two men who made great efforts to promote learning in the Middle Ages.

38.Which period does Renaissance refer to in the European history?

39.List tow most famous pictures painted by Leonardo da Vinci.

40.Who established oil colour on canvas as the typical medium of the pictorial tradition

in western art?

IV.Explain each of the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the test paper in around 40 words.(20 points, 5points each)



43.John Locke


V.Write Between 100-120 Words on the following topic in the corresponding space on the test paper.(10 points)

45.What is Baconian philosophical system and the different between inductie method (推

理法)and deductive method(演绎法)?



1-10: A, C, A, C, C, A, B, B, B, D

11-20: A, C, D, B, B, C, B, D, A, D

Ⅱ. 21a,22i,23h,24d,25g,26b,27c,28e,29f,30j


31.The major elements are the Greco-Roman element and the Judeo-Christian element.

32.The four schools of philosophers are Cynics,the Sceptics,the Epicureans and the


33.It was the Jewish tradition that gave birth to Christianity.

34.The Old Testment is about God and the Laws of God.

35.people of western Europe under feudalism were mainly divided into three

classes:clergy,lords and peasants.

36.In 1071 the armies of the Turkish Moslems occupied Palestine, killing many Christain

pilgrims and even selling many others as slaves, which roused great indignation among Christains in western Europe and resulted in the crusades lasting on about 200 years.

37.They are Charlemagne and Alfred the Great.

38.Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid 17th century.

39.Mona Lisa and Last Supper are Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous pictures.

40.It was the great Venetian painter Titian.


41.Athens was a democracy. Democracy means “exercise of power by the whole people”,but

by“the whole people”the Greeks meant only the adult male citizens, and citizenship was a set of rights which a man inherited from his father.

42.Beowulf is an Anglo-Saxon epic, in alliterative verse, originating from the

collective efforts of oral literature. The story is set in Denmard of Sweden and tells how the hero, Beowulf, defeats the monster Grendel and Grendel’s mother, a sea monster,but eventually receives his own death in fighting with a fire dragon.

43.John Locke was a great English empiricist and an outstanding political philosopher,

whose writing on economics, politics and religion expressed the ideas of the time.

44.Odyssey deals with the return of Odysseus after the Trojan war to his home island

of Ithaca. It describes many adventures he ran into on his long sea voyage and how finally he was reunited with his faithful wife Penelope.



The answer as follows:

1.The whole basis of his philosophy was practical: to give mankind mastery over the

forces of nature by means of scientific discoveries and inventions.

2.He held that philosophy should be kept separate from theology, not intimately be

blended with is as in Scholasticism.

3.Bacon established the inductive method. Induction means reasoning from particular

facts or individual cases to a general conclusion. Deductive method emphasized reasoning from a known principle to the unknown and from the general to the specific.

4.In a word, to break with the past, and to restore man to his lost mastery of natural

world. This was what Bacon called the Great Instauration.






2019年10月髙等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二)试卷(课程代码:00015) 本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。 考生答卷前必须将自己的姓名和准考证号写在答题卡上。 必须在答题卡上答题,写在试卷上的答案无效。 第一部分:阅读判断(第1?10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 To Lease(租赁) or Not to Lease Planning to lease a car because you don't think you can afford to buy? Think again. Leasing can end up being just as expensive as buying. Most people think about leasing because they believe it will cost them less money. They're right-it is cheaper, but only in the short term. For example, if you were to lease anew Subaru Forester, you might pay $300 per month for the car. If you were to buy the same car, you would pay about $400 per month. Over a three-year, you would save $3600-a big savings. But after your lease is over, you have to give the car back. Many people want to lease because they can drive a more expensive car than they might otherwise be able to afford. For example, if you spend $300 monthly on a car, you might be able to lease a new Ford Explorer. For the same price, you might have to buy a used Explorer, or buy a new but much less expensive model. A lease,therefore,allows you to drive the latest models of more expensive cars. However, whatever car you can afford to buy you get to keep it, and it will always have a resell or trade-in(以新旧换)value if you want to upgrade to a new car later. Furthermore, people who lease cars are often shocked by how much they must pay when the lease is over . Most leases limit you to a certain number of miles. If you go over that, you must pay for each mile. As a result, you may end up paying thousands of dollars in mileage(里程) fees. In addition, when you lease ,you have to pay for regular maintenance and repairs to the vehicle. Since you must return the car finally, you are paying to repair someone else's car.


1.下列实验操作示意图所示的实验操 作正确的是 C.制备较纯净的HF D.红磷转变成白磷 3.下列实验方法能达到目的的是 A.用相互滴加的方法鉴别Ca(OH)2和NaHCO3溶液 B. 用饱和Na2CO3溶液除去乙醇中少量的乙酸和水C. 取皂化反应后的混合液滴入水中,判断皂化反应是否完全 D. 用氨水清洗试管内壁附着的银镜 5.在化学实验操作中,往往由于读数不规范导致较大的实验误差。下列有关实验中,会导致所配制(或所测定)溶液浓度偏大的是(其他操作均正确) A.配制500 mL 1 mol/L稀硫酸实验中,用量筒量取18 mol/L浓硫酸时俯视读数 B. 配制100 mL 5 mol /L氯化钠溶液实验中,定容时仰视读数 C. 用标准盐酸滴定待测NaOH溶液的实验中,使用碱式滴定管开始平视,后来俯视读数 D. 用标准NaOH溶液滴定待测盐酸实验中,使用碱式滴定管开始平视,后来俯视读数 6.下列实验操作或对实验事实的叙述不正确的是 A.用硝酸银溶液可以区分二氧化氮和溴蒸气 B. 酒精灯碰倒洒出酒精着火,迅速用湿抹布扑盖 C. 温度计摔坏导致水银散落到地面上,应立即用水冲洗水银 D. 检验氯代烃中的氯元素时,可先加氢氧化钠溶液加热,再加入硝酸溶液,最后加入硝酸银溶液来进行检验 7.下列实验或实验现象的相关描述中正确的是 A.浓硫酸、浓硝酸、新制氯水分别滴在pH试纸上,试纸均出现先变红后褪色现象 B.乙醇的消去反应、皂化反应、淀粉的水解反应均可用浓硫酸作催化剂 C.氢氧化钡、硝酸钡、氯化钡三种溶液中分别通入SO2,均会产生白色沉淀 D.点燃条件下,镁条、铁丝、氢气均可在O2或Cl2中燃烧 10.下列实验操作不能达到其对应目的的是 编号实验操作目的 A 取4 g NaOH加入96 mL水中(水的密度近似为1 g/cm3) 配制4%NaOH溶液 B 滴定实验中,用待测液润洗锥形瓶避免造成误差使滴定结果偏低 C 向CH3COONa溶液中滴入酚酞溶液,加热证明升高温度能促进CH3COONa水解 D 向盛有铜片的试管中加入浓硫酸,加热证明浓硫酸具有强氧化性 8.下列实验操作正确的是 A.制乙酸乙酯时,迅速将乙醇注入浓硫酸中B.手上沾有少量苯酚,立即用氢氧化钠溶液清洗 C.少量浓硫酸沾在皮肤上,立即用大量清水冲洗D.用氢气还原氧化铜时,加热一段时间后再通入氢气 9.在允许加热的条件下,只用一种试剂就可以鉴别(NH4)2SO4、KCl、Al2(SO4)3和Fe2(SO4)3四种溶液,这种试剂是A.氢氧化钠溶液B.氨水C.硝酸银溶液D.氯化钡溶液


绝密★考试结束前 全国2014年4月高等教育自学考试 英语语法试题 课程代码:00831 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. How many ______ are there in the word “monotonous”? A. o B. oes C. o’s D. os 2. Do you think there’s any possibility of arriving at the gym by ______ bus and still having the time to play ______ basketball together? A./; / B. a; the C. the; / D./; the 3. Today, Mary learned in ______ school how to behave well at ______ table. A. the; / B./; / C. the; the D./; the 4. Listen, Diana. I don’t care if you ______ the bus this morning. But you ______ late for too many times. You're fired. A. have missed; came B. would miss; have come C. missed; have come D. are missing; came 5. It so happened that Mary’s car ______when Jack went to borrow it. A. repaired B. was being repaired C. was repaired D. had repaired



10月高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试 英语(二) 试卷 (课程代码 00015) 本试卷共8页,满分l00分,考试时间l50分钟。 考生答题注意事项: 1.本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2.第一部分为选择题。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3.第二部分为非选择题。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。 4.合理安排答题空间,超出答题区域无效。 选择题区 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~l0题,每题l分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了l0个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该旬提 供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择8;如果该旬的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。 Black Friday Everyone likes to shop for gifts for the holiday season, but few people know

the history of holiday shopping. While people have heard of Black Friday; most do not know its origins. Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving (感恩节).On this day most retail stores open their doors very early一some as early as 4 am. In addition, they provide their customers with great discounts on products. With this in mind, it is clear to see why so many shoppers buy many of their Christmas gifts on Black Friday. Black Friday is not as ok! as many people think. In fact, it is believed that the first Black. Friday was held in the 1970s in the USA. It was a day when stores decided to mark the start of the holiday season In order to draw more customers, they offered great discounts. All products sold very well. This large success resulted in the name Black Friday, it was so named because the stores were "in the black". This financial term means the stoics made a lot of money. However, it was not until around that Black Friday really started to gain in popularity. Today in the USA, countless advertisers proudly announce their Black Friday sales. They hope to attract shoppers into their stores. Black Friday is a day when many shoppers in the USA go out and buy gifts, even though Christmas Eve is still a more popular day to shop. Thanks to the Internet, it is now possible to get some excellent Black Friday deals online. So if you don't want to get to the stores by 4 am, this is the perfect way to still get items at reduced prices. 1.Many people know the history of Black Friday.? A. True B. False C. Not Given 2.Most stores open their doors for business very early on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 3.Customers get better service on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 4.Black Friday started in the USA. A. True B. False C. Not Given 5.The holiday season ends on Black Friday. A. True B. False C. Not Given 6."In the black" is a financial term. A. True B. False C. Not Given


一、是非判断题: 1.粗氯化钠必须用称量纸称量。(非) 2.溶解粗氯化钠时,加入的20ml蒸馏水需要很精确。(非) 3.用玻璃棒搅拌溶解氯化钠时,玻璃棒不应该碰撞烧杯内壁。(是) 4.可以把粗氯化钠溶液配制成饱和溶液。(非) 5.粗氯化钠溶液中含有不溶性杂质和可溶性杂质,必须先将不溶性杂质过滤除去。(是) 6.可以用无毒的CaCl2代替毒性很大的BaCl2除SO42- 。( 非) 7.BaSO4刚沉淀完全就应该立刻过滤。(非) 8.待过滤的溶液都应该冷却至室温再过滤。(非) 9.除去SO42-、Mg2+、Ca2+、K+离子的先后顺序可以倒置过来。(非) 10.氯化钠溶液在蒸发结晶过程中可以不搅拌,直到蒸干为止。(非) 实验五硫酸铝的制备 一、是非判断题: 1. NH4HCO3的作用是为了调节溶液pH值,以便生成Al(OH)3沉淀。( 是) 2. Al2(SO4)3的结晶水合物只有Al2(SO4)3·18H2O一种。( 非) 3. 在生成Al(OH)3 的过程中要加热煮沸并不断搅拌。( 是) 4. 硫酸铝加热至赤热分解成SO3和Al2O3。( 是) 5. 停止减压过滤时,操作不当会导致自来水溢入吸滤瓶内。( 是) 二、选择填空题: 1.在Al3+溶液中加入茜素的氨溶液,生成( A )色沉淀。 A.红色B.白色C.蓝色D.黑色 2.Al2(SO4)3易与碱金属M I(除Li以外)的硫酸盐结合成(B )。 A.配合物B.矾C.混合物 3.在蒸发皿中制备硫酸铝晶体时,加热浓缩至溶液体积为原来的(A )左右,在空气中缓慢冷却结晶。A.1/2 B.1/3 C.2/3 D.2/5 4.硫酸铝可作净水剂,是因为与水作用所得的(B )具有很强的吸附性能。 A.结晶水合物B.氢氧化铝C.Al2(SO4)3胶体 5.下面Al3+形成的配合物中,哪一个是错误的。(D) A.[AlF6]3- B.[Al(C2O4)3]3- C.[Al(EDTA)]- D.[AlBr6]3-


2005年4月全国高等教育自学考试英语语法试题 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) Chose the best answer from the choices given and put the letter in the blank. 1. The task force is supposed_____. A. to be getting reinforced B. that to be getting reinforced C. to being got reinforced D. that been got reinforced 2. He muffled his voice to avoid_____. A. having been identified B. to be identified C. identified D. being identified 3._____, I would call him in advance. A. Had I been you B. I were you C. Were I you D. I had been you 4. The company encourages _____ uniforms. A. to wear B. wears C. wearing D. have worn 5. What is _____ story you have ever heard? A. funnier B. a funniest C. the funnier D. the funniest 6. You may take an oral or written exam _____ you prefer. A. according as B. according to C. if D. whether 7. The Tower of London, _____ so many people lost their lives, is now a tourist attraction. A. which B. there C. where D. from it 8. Pride and prejudice _____ never failed to characterize the aristocracy. A. had B. has C. have D. are 9. Not only the players and the coach but also the referee _____ responsible for the defeat. A. were B. was C. is D. are 10. How often _____ your car _____? I think it ought _____ twice a week at least. A. is … washed, to be washed B. is … washed, to wash C. is … washed, to have washed D. has … been washed, to be washed 11. The noise of the desks _____ could be heard out in the street. A. having been opened and closed B. opened and closed C. being opened and closed D. to be opened and closed 12. I had hoped that Jennifer _____ a doctor, but she was not good at medicine. A. will become B. become C. would become D. becomes 13. Most people enjoy _____. A. to flatter B. to be flattered C. flattering D. being flattered 14. Congratulations on _____ to the university. A. having admitted B. being admitted C. admitting D. have admitted 15. As we went _____ in our investigation of the case, we had more evidence of a political conspiracy. A. far B. farther C. further D. farthest 16. _____ his immense fortune, he died a most unhappy man. A. Although B. With all C. With D. Because of 17. He takes no interest in studies; _____, he plays tennis all day. A. in short B. instead C. anyhow D. still 18. The factory was burned down last night; _____ many workmen were thrown out of employment. A. for this sake B. on that account C. in that case D. unfortunately 19. The old _____ usually self-conceited as age sometimes does tell. A. is B. will be C. are to be D. are 20. There _____ a tall building, several tennis courts and lots of non-deciduous trees on the center of the area. A. is B. are C. stand D. appears 二、选择填空题(本大题共6小题,每小题2分,共12分)


无机化学实验期末试题 一、 填空题(30分) 1.(2分)原电池Zn?ZnSO 4 mol ·L -1) ??CuSO 4( mol ·L -1)?Cu 的电动势理论值E 0为 ,在 CuSO 4溶液中,加入氨水直至沉淀溶解完全。插上盐桥,与Zn?ZnSO 4 mol ·L -1)组成原电池,测得电动势为E 1。则E 1 E 0 (填“>””<”或”=”) 已知:V Zn Zn 7626.0/2-=+θ?,V Cun Cu 340.0/2=+θ? 2.(5分,每空1分) (1) 在试管中依次加入H 2O 、CCl 4和 mol ·L -1 Fe 2(SO 4)3各,振荡试管,混合均匀,再逐滴加入·L -1KI 溶液,振荡试管,CCl 4层的颜色为 。 (2)在试管中依次加入CCl 4、 mol ·L -1 FeSO 4和 mol ·L -1 Fe 2(SO 4)3各,振荡试管,混合均匀,再逐滴加入·L -1KI 溶液,振荡试管,观察CCl 4层的颜色。与(1)相比,颜色 ,原因为 。 (3)在试管中依次加入H 2O 、CCl 4和 mol ·L -1 Fe 2(SO 4)3各,NH 4F 固体少许,振荡试管,使NH 4F 固体溶解,混合均匀,再逐滴加入·L -1KI 溶液,振荡试管,观察CCl 4层的颜色。与(1)相比,颜色 ,原因为 。 3.(3分)在“磺基水杨酸合铁(III )配合物的组成及其稳定常数的测定”实验中, 某同学得到的曲线形状如图:其中A 1= ,A 2= ,水杨酸合铁(III )配合物的最大浓度14105.2--??=L mol c ,则计算出的该配位反应的表观稳定常数为 . 4.下列氢氧化物中(6分,每空3分): Cu(OH)2 Ni(OH)2 Sn(OH)2 Pb(OH)2 Sb(OH)3 Mn(OH)2 碱性氢氧化物有: 两性氢氧化物有: 5.下列硫化物中(6分,每空分): ZnS CuS CdS HgS Sb 2S 3 Ag 2S 能溶于21-?L mol HCl 的有

自考 英语语法复习题

自学考试 英语语法复习题 单项选择题 Choose the best answer from the choices given. 1. Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _______ when he _____ at the party. A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 2. By the time he was twelve, Edison_____ to make a living by himself. A. wouldn?t begin B. has begun C. had begun D. was begun 3. He ____ his leg when he ______ in a football match against another school. A. broke; played B. was breaking; was playing C. broke; was playing D. was breaking; played 4. The students ____ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _____ in the office. A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left 5. Hello, I ____ you ____ in London. How long have you been here? A. don?t know; were B. hadn?t known; are C. haven?t known; were D. didn?t know; are 6. She can?t help ___ of her son. A. thinking B. to think C. to be thought D. have thought 7. The room was empty ___ a few chairs. A. except B. except for C. besides D. besides for 8. Four plus three ___ seven. A. equals B. equaled C. equaling D. equal 9. I?d rather that he ___ it blue. A. painted B. paint C. paints D. painting 10. The Browns ___ moving away on Saturday. A. is B. are C. will be D. has been 11. She said that it ___ snow. A. may B. can C. should D. might 12. Amy and her cousin just bought two new ___ coats. A. winters B. winter?s C. winters? D. winter 13. Today was ___ beautiful day that I couldn?t just keep myself indoors. A. a such B. such a C. a so D. so a 14. There is no decision ___ on your application. A. still B. so far C. yet D. thus far 15. I would appreciate ___ it a secret. A. that you keep B. you to keep C. your keeping D. that you will keep 16. Invite them only on those occasions ____ their late arrival will not cause you inconvenience. A. when B. that C. where D. which



绝密★考试结束前 全国4月高等教育自学考试 综合英语(二)试题和答案 课程代码:00795 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2. 每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 I. GRAMMARAND VOCABULARY Complete each of the following 15 sentences with the most likely answer. Blacken the letter corresponding to your choice on the answer sheet. (1 point each, 15 points in all) 1. Mr. Johnson ______ rather not invest that money in the stock market. A. should B. could C. would D. must

2. Americans eat ______ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910. A. more than twice many B. as twice as many C. as many as twice D. twice as many 3. In 1900, the energy derived from burning petroleum was only four percent ______ of coal. A. that B. this C. what D. which 4. Many patients insist on having watches with them in hospital, ______ they have no schedules to keep. A. since B. even though C. so D. as if 5. In summer, she would sit in the garden enjoying the fresh air and the smell of the things she ______. A. was planting B. had planted C. has planted D. would plant 6. There ______ nothing more for discussion, the meeting ended earlier than expected. A. to be B. to have been C. being D. be 7. ______ we can hope for is to avoid complete failure in the coming game with that strong team. A. For the best B. With the best C. At best D. The best



4月英语(二)真题 第一部分:阅读判断(第1~10题,每题1分,共10分) 下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C,并将所选答案的代码(指A、B或C)填在答题纸的相应位置上。 Using Music to Change Your Mood Everyone knows that listening to music when feeling bad can provide a relief. Music can also reduce stress, make depression more bearable and help you relax. All the benefits of music can only be got if the listener enjoys the music he is listening to. If the listener dislikes the music or finds it boring,it will have a negative effect on him instead of a positive one. Now let's examine what most of us do when it

comes to listening to music. We usually just listen to a play list and allow a program to randomly(任意的)select the songs we are going to listen to. This is where the program lies. What if you liked the first song but found the second one boring? What if the third one was a motivating song while the fourth didn’t suit your emotions? What do you think the result will be? What you'll have is an emotional mess! The first song will lift your mood a little. The second will make you a little bored. The third will motivate you and then the fourth will put you down. In the end you’ll end up feeling worse than before. I strongly recommend dividing your play list into different small lists. For example, a list for relaxation, a list for motivation and so on. Another very important thing you must do is to get rid of all of the old music that you are bored of. Besides, don't listen to songs with negative words or messages. The music you listen to can delay your recovery from breakups(分手)by months and months!


无机化学实验模拟试题(三) 一、填空题 1、溴蒸气对气管、肺部、鼻、眼、喉等器官都有强烈的刺激作用,进行有关溴的实验应在_______中操作,不慎吸入少量溴蒸气时,可吸入少量_____和_____解毒。 2、试管中的液体加热时,不要用手拿,应该用夹住试管的部,试管与桌面成倾斜,试管口不准对着自己或别人,先加热试管的部,慢慢地移动试管热及____部,然后不时地______试管,从而使试管各部分受热均匀。 3、取用白磷和金属钾时,需用取,取用剧毒物(如As2O3)时,不能与接触,更不能让有毒物进入中。 4、装碱的瓶子不能用塞,而用塞。 5、从滴瓶中取用少量液体试剂,要用滴管,取用时持试管,持滴管的橡皮头,将滴管放在试管的____, 然后挤压橡皮头,使液体滴入试管。 6、化学试剂按照含杂质的多少分为______、

_______、_______、_______四种规格。 7、在实验室中分装试剂时,固体试剂装在_______,液体试剂装在_______或_______中。 8、塞子的大小与仪器的口径适合,通常以塞进瓶口的_______为宜。 9、铬酸洗液的配制方法是使25g_____固体溶于50ml水中,然后向溶液中加入450ml_____、_____即成,切勿将____加到______中。 10、铬酸洗液用过后,应倒_____中,洗液反复使用直到出现______就失去了去污力,沾在器壁上的用MnO2用_____来处理,洗净的仪器,绝不能用布或纸______。 11、试管可直接用火烤干,但必须先使试管口向___,以免水珠_______,火焰不能集中在一个部位,应从______开始,缓慢移至______,如此反复烘烤到不见______后,再将管口朝___,把水气赶净。 12、分析天平不能称________的物质,有腐蚀性蒸气或吸湿性物质必须放在_______内称量。 13、仪器干燥的方法_____、_____、_____、_____、


全国2014年4月自学考试英语语法试题 课程代码:00831 请考生按规定用笔将所有试题的答案涂、写在答题纸上。 选择题部分 注意事项: 1.答题前,考生务必将自己的考试课程名称、姓名、准考证号用黑色字迹的签字笔或钢笔填写在答题纸规定的位置上。 2.每小题选出答案后,用2 B铅笔把答题纸上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不能答在试题卷上。 一、单项选择题(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) Choose the best answer from the choices given and blacken the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. 1. How many ______ are there in the word “monotonous”? A. o B. oes C. o’s D. os 2. Do you think there’s any possibility of arriving at the gym by ______ bus and sti ll having the time to play ______ basketball together? A./; / B. a; the C. the; / D./; the 3. Today, Mary learned in ______ school how to behave well at ______ table. A. the; / B./; / C. the; the D./; the 4. Listen, Diana. I don’t care if you ______ the bus this morning. But you ______ late for too many times. You’re fired. A. have missed; came B. would miss; have come C. missed; have come D. are missing; came 5. It so happened that Mary’s car ______when Jack went to borrow it. A. repaired B. was being repaired C. was repaired D. had repaired 6. The president thought it essential that the university ______ general education as a foundation for students’ future development. A. stresses B. stress C. stressed D. would stress 7. ______ it not for water, this world would be a lifeless place. A. Were B. If C. Was D. Had 8. You ______ driven 70 miles an hour. Now tell me what we shall do with this speeding ticket? A. needn’t have B. couldn’t have C. mustn’t have D. shouldn’t have 9. He admitted ______ in love with the girl, but felt too shy to even meet her. A. to fall B. fell C. falling D. fallen 10. Did you see a middle-aged man with a scar on his face ______ the street just now? A. crossed B. cross C. crossing D. has crossed
