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Supporting Social Awareness Requirements for Educational CVE

Supporting Social Awareness:

Requirements for Educational CVE

Ekaterina Prasolova-Forland, M.Sc (contact author)

Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU

Sem S?lands vei 7-9

N-7491 Trondheim



Phone: +4773593437

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Professor Monica Divitini, PhD

Institutt for datateknikk og informasjonsvitenskap, NTNU

Sem S?lands vei 7-9

N-7491 Trondheim



Phone: +4773594462

Fax: +4773594466


Social awareness is essential for effective learning. However, natural environments do not always provide optimal support for it. We analyze the potentials of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) in this context and provide a set of requirements for educational CVEs based on the needs of learning communities. We also present a prototype based on these requirements.

Supporting Social Awareness: Requirements for Educational CVE

Ekaterina Prasolova-F?rland, Monica Divitini IDI, Norwegian University of Science and Technology E-mail: (ekaterip,monica)@idi.ntnu.no


Social awareness is essential for effective learning. However, natural environments do not always provide optimal support for it. We analyze the potentials of Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVE) in this context and provide a set of requirements for educational CVEs based on the needs of learning communities. We also present a prototype based on these requirements.

1. Introduction

The notion of community in education has not been fully exploited. However, communities are a reality within any learning context. Students share knowledge not only with the persons in the same class or group. They rather rely on a complex network of communities spontaneously emerging within any educational context, being these communities of interest or communities of practice.

Communities are social aggregates that are fluid and emergent [23]. It is therefore difficult for community members to get an overview of the existing social structures. This is a problem because awareness of e.g. experience distribution and community membership creates occasions for knowledge sharing. Lack of this awareness creates continuous breakdowns in the flow of knowledge and it impacts negatively on learning. Hereafter we use the term social awareness to indicate awareness of the social situation in a group or community in a shared environment, which can be physical, virtual or both. This awareness includes knowledge on learners’ roles, activities, positions, status, responsibilities, social connections and group processes.

There are various mechanisms for promoting social awareness in everyday life, like chance encounters, message boards, verbal and non-verbal cues [11]. These techniques are not always sufficient due to, e.g., physical distances between the students; different schedules for the group members; social fears and inhibitions; available spaces that are not optimal for meeting, working and information sharing. Various groupware tools have been used to promote awareness, overcoming the limitations of everyday modalities of interactions [9]. However, they mainly focus on supporting already established groups rather than fluid communities [17].

In this paper we discuss the possibility to use Collaborative Virtual Environments (CVEs) for creating an infrastructure to increase social awareness in communities of learners. In order to make this possible, CVEs must be designed taking into account the social nature of learning. Socio-cultural theories have lately been proposed as a theoretical framework for the design of CSCL systems because they emphasize the social nature of work and learning, see e.g. [6, 8, 16] . Among these theories we refer to the activity theory, based on the work by Vygotski [22], Leont’ev [13] and later Engestrom [5], and on the work on communities of practice by Wenger [23]. We adopt this perspective on learning for deriving a set of requirements for CVEs supporting social awareness in learning communities.

Next section discusses the notion of community and group. Section 3 introduces a characterization of CVEs that is used to present related work and to structure the presentation of the requirements introduced in Section 4. Section 5 briefly describes a prototype addressing these requirements developed using Active Worlds [1].

2. Communities and Groups

Activity theory is based on the idea that culturally defined tools mediate all activity, so learning is participation in cultural practice. Individuals and groups can be seen as “subjects” situated in communities mediated by rules of participation and division of labor. In order to better understand the notion of community we refer to the seminal work on communities of practice presented by Wenger [23]. In this perspective, “communities of practice can be thought of as shared histories of learning” [23]. Each activity is situated on a learning trajectory, so that students move through activities, progressing from partial to full participants, able to more flexibly use the cultural tools [8, 23]. Continuous negotiation of meaning is the core of social learning and involves two processes: participation and reification, together forming a shared repertoire. Participation is the “complex process that combines doing, talking, thinking, feeling, and belonging.” [23]. Reification is the “process of giving form to our experience by producing objects that congeal this experience into thingness” [23]. The collection of such artifacts comprises the shared repertoire and history of the community, which is used by the subjects of the

community in further activities and to support their movement along the learning trajectory.

Another concept key to social learning is identity. Wenger [23] argues that learning should be primarily addressed in terms of identities and modes of belonging, rather than skills and information. In this perspective, experiences involving new forms of membership and ownership of meaning are at least as important as the curriculum coverage. A learning community can strengthen identity by incorporating its members’ past into its history and opening new trajectories. Identity is connected to the activities on the learning trajectory as well as to the roles students play. Another aspect of identity is multiple memberships, which involves reconciliation of boundaries and creation of bridges across the landscape of practice. In some cases, the boundaries are reified with explicit markers of membership, for example, titles and degrees. Participation and reification can create continuities across boundaries. For example, an artifact can be present in different communities; at the same time, people can participate in different communities at once.

Within communities, members can join in tighter interactions, forming groups. As for members of communities, members of the groups go through different trajectories of participation.

We can now reformulate our definition of social awareness: social awareness is awareness of the configurations and developments of learning trajectories and the patterns and histories of participations of the learners in the communities and groups.

3. Characterization of CVEs

CVEs are generally characterized according to the used technology, for example immersive vs. non-immersive, or number of dimensions (2D vs. 3D). Here we suggest a characterization of CVEs inspired by activity theory. In educational CVEs we consider activities performed by learners who belong to various groups and communities. Activities are mediated by artifacts. Learners and artifacts are contained in space. Space is a key resource for establishing and enabling an activity [2, 7], allowing different modes of participation and negotiation of common resources. Therefore, we propose a characterization of educational CVEs along the dimensions: learner, place, and artifacts.

3.1. The Learner

The learner is the user of the system. Elaborating on the classification proposed by Dickey [4] for users, we identify the following main elements for constructing learners: presence, embodiment and identity.

Presence is the extent to which user feels as if he is in the virtual world and to which other users and the environment appear to react to and be aware of the user [10]. The basic sense of presence in most virtual environments is supported by providing feedback to user’s actions, a list of persons online (textually) and a group of avatars (visually) with their mutual orientation and position to each other. The users can then perform a number of actions on other users such as chatting and positioning avatars relative to the others.

User embodiment is concerned with the provision of users with a representation to make others and themselves aware of their presence in a virtual space [15]. Embodiment can be supported in different ways: choice of avatars, emotional expressiveness, and navigational and observational possibilities [4]. Avatars represent the identity of users, their status and their accessibility [19]. An important part of human communication in the physical world is body language like gestures and body postures, facial expression, direction of gaze [19], as well as clothes and make-up. Most CVEs support these features only to a limited degree. Some of the CVEs, like Active Worlds, offer a number of predefined gestures like WAVE and DANCE. The body language can also be generated by extracting key words from the text messages, for example, LOL and Kiss [19]. In most virtual worlds users can move the avatar by pressing the arrow buttons on the keyboard or the mouse. Special functions, like “rotate”, “fly” and “teleport” are often available. In many systems, it is possible to observe the world from the 3rd person perspective, as well as from various altitudes or different perspectives.

Identity is often tied to a user nick, avatar or a unique user number. The identity is often associated with a reputation, a circle of acquaintances, a place in the social hierarchy in the virtual world [12]. The identity is often not constant [21]. In some systems, for example Active Worlds, identity is tightly coupled to the objects the user creates. The studies of early text-based MUDs and MOOs, e.g. [3], show the importance of communication in the identity construction in virtual environments. Another way of identity construction is the manipulation of shared artifacts [20] and co-construction of environment [21].

3.2. The Place

Places can be classified considering their outlook, structure, and function [18]. By the outlook of a virtual environment we refer to how it “looks like”. The design could be quite abstract or on the contrary, seek to recreate a certain place as closely as possible. Typical examples of the latter category are the many universities and schools that introduced virtual representations of themselves (eCollege, VHS, Flo, Virtual Campus, etc.). For example, the design of Virtual Campus of the University of Sydney is based on the campus metaphor [14]. By the structure we understand the mutual relations between different

parts of the virtual environment, for example the mutual position of rooms within a virtual campus or the spatial organization of buildings in a 3D world. The structure can be predefined or created and modified by the users. For example, the students using the LambdaMOO environment of the Virtual Campus [14] can add their own rooms to the global system of campus. On the other hand, chat worlds, like Palace and Bluxxun Interactive, offer little space for user modification. Finally, CVEs can play a number of roles, such as a meeting and working place, an information space for accessing and sharing information, an environment for simulations and demonstration of scientific concepts and art, and an arena for role-playing and story-telling. A system with a given design and structure can have one major role or several overlapping, interleaving roles, intended by the designer or introduced by the user.

3.3. The Artifacts

Artifacts can be e.g. whiteboards, 3D models of human body, documents, and virtual furniture. We define artifacts as units created and modified by users for the purpose of communication facilitation and task accomplishing. We can differentiate between pre-designed artifacts for common use, such as whiteboards and bulletin boards, and those created by individual users or groups, such as documents and graphical objects.

When artifacts are shared, they become both the subject and the medium for communication [20]. An artifact serves the communicational purposes by providing information about the actions performed on it and the identity of the person performing the actions. For example, the users can observe the modification of the artifact directly, either in real time (animation of other users’ actions on artifact, pointers with the name of the modifier, highlighting etc) or post factum, by reflecting on the change in the parameters (position, color etc). The information about the performer of an action can be provided directly by observing avatars or other representations of users performing actions on objects or leaving records on the artifact with the information on who changed it and when.

4. Requirements for Educational CVEs for Supporting Social Awareness

Based on the understanding of learning communities presented in Section 2, we present a list of requirements for supporting social awareness. The requirements are organized along the three dimensions identified for the characterization of CVEs. When considering learners, CVEs must fulfil the following requirements:

L1: The representation of each individual learner must evolve with and reflect the movements of the learner along the learning and participation trajectories as well as the learner identity, for example, the activities, the roles and the multiple memberships of the learner in the groups and communities.

L2: The construction of identity should be supported by providing necessary communication channels and artifact manipulation. Communicational methods should facilitate the recognition of the communicational patterns among learners.

L3: The embodiment of a learner must reflect her place on the learning trajectory, i.e. the level of knowledge and skills, to support the distinction of “apprentice and master” and facilitate the “division of labor”. The environment should offer the possibilities to easily navigate to other group/community members to keep social contact. The embodiment should permit emotional expressiveness to allow effective communication and also provide awareness about the actions and activities performed by others.

L4: In order to facilitate participation, the environment should make the learners aware of other learners, and the relationships between them, i.e. provide

a sense of social presence.

When considering the place, CVEs must fulfill the following requirements:

P1: The place should provide a framework for the activities performed there and be structured, possibly hierarchically, to reflect the division of labor and resources, the structure of communities, the subjects and mutual relationships between them.

P2: The structure must be dynamic, to reflect and facilitate the changing structure of the communities and groups involved, the patterns of participation and the development of the learning trajectories, i.e. to the connection between the individual learner and the other learners, the memberships, responsibilities and resource division, interpersonal relationships, power issues and communication structure. At the meta-level, it must be possible to establish connection between individual learners into constellations of learners, reflecting either groups or communities, and between constellations of learners and places.

P3: The outlook can be static, but it must reflect the spirit and identity of the communities and groups.

P4: The environment should support a flexible usage

of different parts of the place for playing different roles, for example places for meetings or information access. It should provide predefined tools for different roles and allow the learners to modify the place according to their current needs.

When considering artifacts, CVEs must fulfill the following requirements:

A1: The artifacts represent the cultural tools from the activity theory, facilitating the mediating communication, learning and task completion. Artifacts should together comprise a shared repertoire for the community.

Different types of artifacts must be allowed with related actions, to provide general environmental presence and to provide the awareness on the ongoing activities.

A2: It must be possible to associate artifacts to people, to provide the awareness of their participation and learning trajectories, i.e. activities, roles, responsibilities, resource division and memberships.

A3: It must be possible to leave traces of users action on the artifacts, reflecting the activities and resource ownerships

5. Prototype

To investigate the feasibility of the requirements, we developed a virtual world, Viras, using the Active Worlds [1]. Viras is based on the metaphor of archipelago, with islands connected to other islands via teleportation links, bridges, and roads (Figure 1). Islands are populated by users and various types of artifacts. We decided to adopt this metaphor after analyzing various spatial metaphors used in educational CVEs [18], trying to combine different features in order to achieve a high degree of flexibility. In Viras, users are represented by avatars, objects they create and the history of communications (L1). Users can communicate by text chat, messages sent to others or left in the world, changing artifacts, changing position of the avatar and making gestures (L2). The user can choose from a predefined list of avatars. The dynamic construction of user’s identity is mostly achieved by the conversations and the created artifacts and constructions. Users may leave their traces everywhere, not only where they “live”, but also in places belonging to groups or communities they are participating in or just visiting for a short time (L1). The communicational patterns are indicated implicitly by grouping of avatars and constructions and explicitly by the links and references left by the users in their areas (L2). The user can navigate through the environment by walking, flying, or by following teleportation links to islands belonging to other users, groups and communities. The effectiveness of this navigation depends on the amount and structure of links created by the users. The expression power of the embodiment is limited by the amount and selection of available avatars, so the level of knowledge is more likely to be expressed by the conversations and created artifacts. Avatars have a limited numbers of gestures, which may provide some information about the user’s emotional status, but chat is much more effective. The awareness of the activities provided by the embodiment is mostly mediated through the position and movements of the avatar (L3).

By observing the in-built list of users online, as well as avatars present, their position and mutual orientation, the user can acquire a sense of social presence (L4).

The outlook of Viras is chosen to be an archipelago in order to support an informal atmosphere (P3). Moreover, an island defines clear territorial boundaries, but without the closeness of e.g. rooms and buildings. Also, islands connected to form an archipelago can serve as metaphor of the way communities and groups can be combined (P1). The environment can be used both for socializing and for work (P4). The outlook is partly static, since the design of the backdrop and ground are chosen by the administrator, as well as some constructions that to a certain degree influence the style and direction for user-made constructions (P3). The structure is, however, fully dynamic, since users can freely modify all constructions that are public or their own property, such as rooms, houses, islands, bridges, and roads. A number of house and islands templates are provided so the users can fill in their parameters, modify them, copy and create new ones. Users may migrate between different islands, settle together with friends or working partners, or can own several rooms or buildings distributed on the islands (P2).

The structure of the world is partly hierarchical and is meant to reflect the social structures within the group and communities, relations between them and between the individual members; for example, each person lives in a building or a part of it; each group owns an island or a group of islands. A community is represented by an archipelago. All islands and buildings are hierarchically connected by virtual bridges, or teleportation links, while some near islands are connected by real bridges visible on the surface and houses are connected by roads (P1). Each major island contains a meeting house for the whole group that resides there, which can also be transformed for other purposes. The main island in the center of the world provide users with a common meeting place and a major transportation node, as well with a collection of artifacts necessary for working and socializing (P4).

The requirements related to the artifacts demand a variety of artifacts for different purposes, as well as the possibility to leave the traces of the user’s personality and activities on them. A number of such artifacts are provided so the users can fill in their parameters, copy and create new ones. There are artifacts for facilitating communication and transportation, such as templates for message boards, document links, teleportation links. There are also templates for artifacts facilitating personal expression, containing pictures, text and examples of buildings (A1). The users can leave their traces by creating and changing their own artifacts with a name and time stamp on it, copying public artifacts and thus making them their own or by destroying public property in their area (A2). The users also may leave explicit information about themselves and their activities in the description fields of the artifacts or by attaching signs with comments to them (A2, A3).

Figure 1. Archipelago

6. Conclusions

Based on a social approach to learning, we presented requirements that CVEs must fulfill and we have briefly described a prototype addressing these requirements. The development has been directed to the realization of a dynamic environment that can be shaped directly by community members. The focus in this initial phase has not been on providing a direct support for learning activities, but rather on providing a virtual space where these activities can take place. To test our approach, we performed a case study where about 50 students divided in 15 groups used the virtual world for a month. The increase in awareness was moderate, but many students suggested that it could improve if they could spend more time using the system and if the system would allow easier building and better overview. After our experience with the design of Viras and its initial usage, we are fully aware that the realization of all the requirements in one virtual world is complex due to the limitations of the technology and the different scenarios of possible usage, imposing different demands on the system. However, we believe that Viras is a good starting point for exploring more in details social awareness support by the means of CVEs. In this perspective, we are currently studying the usage of Viras by a new community of students to understand its impact on learning.

7. References

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2011111547 蒋雯营销1101 奥美和联合利华企业的公关活动 一、多芬“女人生来美丽”公关案例描述 2005年,联合利华旗下最具价值的品牌多芬做了一份横跨亚洲10个国家和地区、总计访问2100名女性的调研报告——《多芬美丽白皮书》。结果显示:由于受到狭隘的、模式化的美丽定义的影响,仅有4%的女性认为自己是美丽的,大多数女人会感觉别人的美丽而没有意识到自己的美,对美丽这件事60%的女人表示“有压力”。同亚洲的其它地区一样,中国社会对于美丽的定义也是传统而又独特的。时而因为对自身的外貌缺乏自信,不少中国女性致力于对美丽的无限追求,有时甚至以一些不切实际的标准来要求自己,一旦这个理想标准无法达到,便感到沮丧和担忧。 多芬与奥美从这一文化张力中看到了突破口。为了把多芬的全球核心价值观“女性真正的美丽”带给中国消费者,2013年多芬与上海奥美广告、奥美公关携手,在中国发起了一场关于美的社会讨论,激起人们对于美的重新思考,并深化对美的理解。多芬于2012年3月8日推出“女人生来美丽”活动,将准妈妈的大肚子作为创意的载体。他们邀请了一位女摄影师和三位女艺术家在三位准妈妈的肚子上通过作画的方式描绘了三个问题,唤醒社会对女性美丽标准的反思。这些问题十分尖锐——“我快来到这世界,倘若长大后只有A罩杯,你们会笑话我吗?”“我是还未出生的女孩,如果以后体重140斤,我还会是你们的宝贝么?”“未出生的我长大后可能是塌鼻梁的女孩,你们还欢迎我吗?” 之后,配合“女人生来美丽”的传播活动开始分三个阶段展开: 3月8日当天,时值妇女节,多芬借助官方微博推出“那一瞬,我觉得你很美”的互动活动,倡导消费者能给身边的女性一个赞美。经过微博的大规模传播,消费者的注意力全部被集中到“所有女性都是美丽的”这一点上。 3月18日——25日,多芬开始在官方微博平台上推出此次主题平面广告,并且每隔一天就推出一张作品,同期在平面纸媒上进行投放。在这个阶段,多芬请了一些意见领袖来评论这些作品,并进行传播。这些意见领袖包括美容专家、心理学家、女性作家,以及一些草根的女性博主。意见领袖之一、美国乔治亚理工学院心理学博士张怡筠在个人微博中分享了这样一个故事:“小时候,有人说她


营销策划方案:Social没有创意,只是传统 创意的social化 多年前跟立二拆四混的时候我总是耻于承认自己是个做网络营销玩炒作的,总感觉上不了台面,后来social来了,大家都说自己是做social的,你会做 social,他会做social,谁他妈不会做social 啊,不就是发发微博写写段子嘛。最近圈内有人说social做的痛苦,有人说social做的快乐,有人说social有病,得治。这事挺好,我相信经过这事大家都认识到social并不万能,social没有之前传得不懂就落伍,也没有现在悲观派说的social没屌用。这个东西就在这里,什么味,取决于你舌头的敏感度。 我相信,经过一番争论与挣扎,一口浓痰吐出来,就会感觉清爽许多。崛起,幻灭,升华,等把这些路都走完,我们所希望的世界,终将来临。 而更早之前,人们热衷于说传统广告已死,而现在死掉的没几家,而且都是服务不好的,创意好的公司都活的好好的,而且要价还特别贵。所以传统广告并没有被大家说死,反而是social快被捧杀。现在有很多传播人都挺迷茫的,不知道自己该干点啥,做广告还是做

social?这是个问题。 其实到底做什么,这个问题没那么重要,重要的是我们在与消费者对话,至于对话的形式,可以多重多样,也可以手脚并用,看你有哪些手段了。 痛苦派:段子呢?! 我进过一家老牌4A公司,接到第一个案子,当我把传统创意在social上的传播方案做完之后,老板质问我:段子呢?!我竟无言以对,是啊,段子呢?我压根就不会写段子啊,真是忧伤呀。 Social被神化,被捧杀了,所以这个行业中得很多人做social做的如此痛苦,他们在苦苦想一个试图打动消费者的段子,最后所运营的官微被各种网络流行语充斥,而转发量迟迟没有见涨,设计师一个通宵做了张精美大图,发到微博上转发2,一个是设计这张图的自己,一个是配文字的文案。客户一顿怒斥,段子呢!月费越来越低,运营微博加微信的月费从10万砍到8万,最后到5万,而客户却对你们说,他们运营才2万呢!你们的价值呢?真是忧伤呀。


精品—忠言逆耳助我行作文|忠言逆耳助我行议论文三篇 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(一) 在我小时候,因为不听妈妈的话,结果差点就丢了小命,到至今都有些后怕。 事情是这样的,那是一年夏天的中午,我和姐姐吃晚饭后,就在一起嘀嘀咕咕的商量着一会到河边去玩会水,我和姐姐正说着,姐姐正说着,妈妈突然拍了拍我们说:热了在家洗洗澡,我和姐姐拿起书包就跑,我们两个一看,氺好深!我和姐姐不约而同的喊了一声,然后扔下书包就往水边跑,然后各自坐在了一边,脚垂到水里,在水中脚溅起的浪花,在加上又刮来一清风,感觉凉快多了。过了一会姐姐说:你往那边去去,我往你那边坐坐。我猛地点点头,然后小心地往那边移了移,谁知,突然一只脚踩空了,而后陷进了泥土里不知不觉,另一只脚就漂了起来,然后我才知道我掉进了水里,就要刮跑了。这时我条件反射似的一只手突然从水里伸了出来,当时的水都把我整个人都埋住了,姐姐看到这个情况,吓了一跳,赶紧拉着我的手,特别有力的把我往上拉,嘴里还喊着上来,快上来。这时姐姐班的几个男生从旁边经过,开玩笑的说了生:哎,你在捞鱼啊!我妹掉里面了,快过来帮帮忙。听到姐姐说有人掉河里了,那个男生立马跑过来,叫我:哎,把你另一只手伸出来。当时我听到了那个声音,就赶快把手伸了出去,在姐姐和那位哥哥地帮助下,我被拉了出来,看着那位哥哥,我个姐姐说:谢谢你!而那位哥哥却说:没事,以后不要再来这里玩了。然后就走了。但是我的鞋子也被刮跑了一只,然后又跑回家换了一双。不过谁知这件事让妈妈知道了,然后狠狠地教训了我们一下,生气地说:跟你们说了多少遍了,不准往河边去,就在家洗洗,不听话,这次知道了吧!我和姐姐都乖乖地点了点头。从那以后我和姐姐就听了妈妈的话,再也没有去河边玩了。然后我也受到了教训,现在只要有深水,我就特别地害怕。 经过了这件事,我记得了妈妈地许多不可以,因为那些不可以,都是对我好,那些逆耳忠言,也是对我好,它们就像一盏盏指路的明灯,指引我们走向正确的道路。 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(二) 曾几何时,在流言蜚语中派回,找不到方向;曾几何时,在他人的言语中迷茫,不知路在何方。只因为没有忠诚的劝诫,前途一片迷茫。直到现在,才懂得逆耳忠言对我们的谆谆教育。 不曾忘却:忠言逆耳利于行,良药苦口利于病。回眸史册,商纣王,不听忠诚劝告,亲手把自己的国家埋葬;蔡恒公不听扁鹊的建议,最后只能把自己的命搭上。 有人说,那已成为历史,距现在已经相当遥远,不知道的参考。那么说说在我身上所发生的吧! 上中学后,我的几个好朋友都迷上了网络游戏,经常三五成群偷偷的跑去上网,他们也常常告诉我网络游戏如何好玩,在里面想干什么就干什么无不痛快。终于,在他们的勾引下,我也步入其中。刚开始,只觉得好玩,便三番两次的和他们同去,渐渐地我也迷恋上了她。 可是好运总不能永远陪伴我。有一次,我和他们玩得正高兴的时候,老师来了。老师对我说:千万不要网络游戏迷惑了你们,那样,他会毁了你们的一生。我明白老师是为我们好的,可是一旦迷恋上她,就别想一下摆脱它。我仍然是我行我素,只是去的次数逐渐减少。 直到发生了一件事,我才彻底摆脱它。那是星期六的一天,我有去玩了。却没想到爸爸也跟着我,我刚到门口,爸爸的大手拉着我往家去。回到家中,免不了皮肉之苦,过了一会儿,爸爸的气消了,对我一阵心灵教育:孩子,你知道吗,网络游戏对你来说有什么好处呢,网络是一把双刃剑,你总是看到它坏的一面。你自己好好想想,你今后怎么办吧。 从那以后,我再也没有越雷池半步。而同伴的成绩一次不如一次。我这才惊觉老师,爸爸的忠言在帮助我们抵制不良诱惑啊。 忠言逆耳利于行。我终于明白了这个道理。 忠言逆耳助我行议论文(三)


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bc6110229.html, Oliver Wyman Executive Management David Bliss Delta Organization & Leadership David Bliss leads Oliver Wyman’s Delta Organization & Leadership business and is based in New York. He has been with the firm for 19 years, working with boards, CEOs, and senior leadership teams on issues of significant strategic organizational change. He works in the areas of CEO succession, board effectiveness, large-scale change management, collaborative strategy development and implementation, organizational architecture, executive leadership, and governance. His clients have been in the telecommunications, high technology, financial services, media, and pharmaceutical industries. Before joining Delta, David spent 22 years at Xerox Corporation, where he held senior line and staff positions in sales, marketing, product planning and development, business unit management, and corporate strategy. David holds a B.S. in Marketing and Finance from Babson College and is a graduate of the Executive Program of the School of Organization and Management at Yale University. Partha Bose Chief Marketing Officer Partha Bose is the Chief Marketing Officer of Oliver Wyman Group, providing global leadership for the marketing functions within Oliver Wyman. He drives the firm’s collective efforts to build equity in the brand, and provides leadership to strategic and operational marketing activities across the business units and geographies. He is a member of the Oliver Wyman Group management committee. He also chairs the firm’s pro bono committee. Prior to coming to Oliver Wyman, he spent 18 years in leadership positions with leading professional services firms as a partner at McKinsey & Company in London and New York, where he was also the Editor-in-Chief of the McKinsey Quarterly, a senior partner at The Monitor Group in Cambridge, MA, and as global Marketing Director for Allen & Overy, one of the world’s largest law firms, based in their London headquarters. For three years he ran his own strategy consulting practice advising five of the world’s leading US and European law firms. Born in India, he holds a Bachelor of Engineering (Mechanical) degree from the M.S. University of Baroda, India, a Master of Science from Columbia University’s Graduate School of Journalism, and an MBA from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Sloan School of Management. Jacques César Consumer & Industrial Value Transformation Jacques César leads Oliver Wyman’s Consumer & Industrial Value Transformation (CIVT) business unit, which comprises the B2B and B2C practices. Jacques has 21 years experience of consulting in the U.K., Continental Europe, and North America. He has led the development of Mercer's Value and Offer Engineering approaches and focuses on helping clients execute large-scale profit and sales improvement programs. Jacques graduated from the Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures in Paris with a Master’s in science. He also holds a B.A. in economics from La Sorbonne and a joint M.B.A. from Institut Supérieur des Affaires, Paris, and Stanford University.


忠言逆耳利于行精选作文 篇一:忠言逆耳利于行 我们每个人都爱听好听话,但是人生道路不可能事事都一帆风顺。假如我们一直伴着好听话成长,一直执迷不悟地沉醉于自己所谓的一点点成绩,那么我们就永远不可能成长。成长的道路上,一定会有人在我们的耳边说着不好听的话,说着令我们难堪的话,或长辈,或兄弟姐妹,或朋友。我们也许会生气,也许会厌恶,但是这些不那么好听的话却能激励我们进步,教诲我们成长,这就是——忠言逆耳利于行。 唐代的名臣魏征经常向唐太宗进谏,甚至有时当面指出唐太宗的不足,弄得唐太宗经常下不来台,甚至扬言要杀掉魏征。但是就是这样的忠臣,这样逆耳的话语,却时时刻刻提醒着唐太宗,勉励着唐太宗。魏征的《谏太宗十思疏》,唐太宗每天早上朗读它一遍,因为它无时无刻不催促着唐太宗为民造福,做一个明君。这是忠言逆耳利于行的正面例子。反之,历史上也一定有反面例子。比如比干劝商纣王不能横征暴敛反被剖心,伍子胥劝吴王杀掉勾践夫妇不成反被杀害。所以忠言不是对所有人都能产生积极影响,有的人一点就通,能够虚心接受别人的意见,有的人却夜郎自大,至死不悟。 但是现代社会和古代不同,我们更应该认真聆听逆耳忠言,更加

需要接受逆耳忠言。对待逆耳的话,我们应该保持一个清醒的头脑,一个冷静的心理,不让自己产生误解,也不让自己消极。我有一位朋友,她很直率,很坦诚,而且十清楚白事理。但是正是因为她的直率、坦诚有时也会很令我难堪,会让我下不来台。我刚开始会很不解,很迷惑,甚至会不耐烦。但是认真想想,她所说的其实不那么好听的话却一直对我有益,一直渐渐地渗透着我。我终于知道,那些只会对自己说好话的朋友,是损友,会让自己沾沾自喜从而一点一点退步;然后一直指出自己不足的朋友,让自己渐渐进步的朋友才是真正的益友。 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。但愿这句传颂千古的至理名言能够就这样传颂、弘扬下去,经久不衰,历久弥新。 篇二:忠言逆耳助我行 “看看你考的这点儿分!还是班长呢,你也不嫌丢人!我看你这学期就没把心思放在学习上,整天熬夜有什么用啊?你看人家考得好的,有几个是天天熬到十一、二点的?就你这样的成绩,别说考一中了,二中都不一定能考上!我看你再这样下去的话,还不如复读呢!”……(中国精选作文网 t262) 家长会后,便怒气冲冲地拿着成绩单来找我。爸爸批评的话语如同一盆冷水,把我从头浇到底,让我那因放假而欢愉的心情霎时从云间跌倒谷底。想起爸爸方才严厉的话语,不悦的心情霎时又被而委屈吞没…… 不就是考砸一次吗?有什么大不了的?还说得那么严重,我的分


逆耳忠言助我行 喝一口手中母亲刚熬好的中药,苦涩立即在我口中漫延开来,“咳咳咳……”我立即吐了出来并故意大声地咳着。母亲在我旁边看着,摇摇头:“唉,‘良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行’这道理你怎么就是不懂呢?” “良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行”我在心中默念。手不由得颤抖了一下,老师那充满不屑和鄙视的话突然在我耳际响起…… “凭你这资质,根本就不可能会有所成就,你永远也别妄想成功。这就是整天只知道胡思乱想的结局。”老师就这样当着全班人的面,把我那满是红叉的作业本展示出来,并用不屑的语气对我说了这句话。他的话深深地刺痛了我的心,我低着头,不敢面对老师那鄙视的目光。班上的同学小声地讨论着,我听到全班同学都对老师的话表示赞同,我感到很多人都带着同情的眼光地看着我,但我知道更多的是幸灾乐祸……一阵寒风向我吹来,泪水也簌簌流下,“你们会后悔的!”我在心中愤恨地说道。 从此,我在学校依然像以前一样我行我素,让老师对我的行为叹气,让所有人都以为我依然无药可救,可是我知道,我早已不再是以

前的我了,上课我会很专心地听讲,吸收老师所传授的知识,回家后也暗暗努力地学习。终于我等到了机会,在期中考,我取得了惊人的进步。可我却没有表现出太多的惊喜,我继续努力着,努力着……就在我一次次得到优异的成绩后,我收敛了我的叛逆,我只在老师的办公桌上放了一张字条“我只想证明给某些人看,他的看法是错误的!”成功的喜悦冲昏了我的头脑,以至于我没有留意到老师对我欣慰的嘴角上扬的弧度…… 自从小学毕业后,我就再也没有回去母校,因为那里有太多不好的回忆。可我却不知道,由于那段奋斗的时光让我能够比别人更快地适应中学繁忙的学习生活,而这一切,都是我一直所“讨厌”的老师给予的。 “良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行,妈,我知道了。”我将手中的药一饮而尽,然后向母校的方向跑去……


忠言逆耳利于行 人生的旅途中总会有许多的岔路口,然而成功的巅峰却只有一个。成功的人,不是因为他们有多么优秀,而是因为他们能接受逆耳忠言、苦口良药,所以我们要明辨并接受逆耳忠言,才能成功。 逆耳忠言如镜,以之可鉴得失。魏征屡次顶撞太宗,太宗能明鉴受之,方得贞观之项羽刚愎自用,仅因几句忠告之言,竟疏远了亚父范增,终被迫乌江之刎。孟尝君接受冯燰买义之言,终居相位数十年。魏征之言可定大逆不道之罪,却能点出太宗治国之得失,范增之言逆耳,却蕴含成功之道,冯燰之言难以让孟尝君接受,却为他指出了治理封地的得失,可以说没有接受他们三人的忠告,就不会有贞观之治和孟尝娇君的富贵,忠言虽然逆耳,但却是歧途上的最佳警钟。 逆耳忠言如星,以之可明方向。清王朝内部以天朝上国自居,却不顾“欲求超胜,必须贯通”之忠言,终尝闭关锁国之恶果,楚杯王不听屈原连齐抗秦之忠言,终于客死它乡。秦穆公不听蹇叔之忠言,终落得大败而归。徐光启的话指明了中国应有的发展方向,却冲击了满清“骑射为本”的思想,倘若清王朝不是对其不屑一顾,怕是就不会再有所谓的半殖民半封建的中国了吧;若是楚怀王信屈原忠言,远离秦使张化的糖衣炮弹,怕是也不会有秦王朝的统一吧;若是穆公听取蹇叔之言,也不会受其大败之辱吧。由此可见,忠言虽然逆耳,却能使人悬崖勒马,重归正途。 逆耳忠言如令,可以定成败。仲达的兵马已达城下,却因猜疑而回绝了攻城之请,反是错失良机。子产告诫子太叔以猛政治民,但子

太叔却以宽政治民,致使盗贼横行;夫差不听信伍子胥之忠言,终被勾践灭国。倘若他们听取了忠告,三国也许会提前结束,子太叔也许会与子产齐名,夫差也就不会亡国。因为忠言与他们内心的想法不符,就回绝其言,往往会引人走上失败之路。由此可见,忠言虽然逆耳,却能打开成功之门,避开失败的深渊。 当我们走在追求成功的路上的时候,请谨慎对待那些逆耳的建议,因为只有它们,才能给予我们真正的成功之路,当你拒绝了它们,也就亲手关闭了成功的大门,所以请接受逆耳忠言。


忠言逆耳利于行作文(初中初一800字) “良药苦口,益于疾病;忠告逆耳,益于实践”的意思是:良药苦口,难下咽,却能治愈疾病。建议可能与自己的想法不同,但符合自己的利益。每个人都知道这个事实,但是很难做到。 唐太宗李世民任用人才。其中一个是一位名叫魏徵的部长。他敢于直言不讳并向他提出抗议。他经常和唐太宗打架,非常生气,唐太宗几次想杀他,但他都忍了。魏徵死后,唐太宗悲伤地说:“以铜为榜样,穿得得体。从过去学习,我们可以知道国家的兴衰。向他人学习,你就能看到收获和损失。”既然魏徵已经去世,是时候知道他的死讯了。“这种例子不仅在古代很常见,在现实生活中也很常见。 ”梅·许逊的雪比梅的白三倍,但是雪失去了它的香味.”这是我对父亲教诲的总结。 升到初中第一天后,我开始熟悉我的同学。因此,我父亲经常在午饭后和我谈论学校事务。当谈到一些名列榜首的女孩和一些不喜欢她们的女孩时,我的反应非常强烈。我父亲笑着对我说,“那是因为人们学习好,有资本。”“仍然有糟糕的研究!”我很快补充道。“这意味着他们口才很好,但你不能说他们好。”就这样,我被父亲打了。“没错,”我父亲补充道:我有时间问他们如何学习。“‘那帮老...’我在心里骂。很快就被遗忘了。 我父亲和我最后一次参加期末考试就要到了。我父亲告诉我,我不足以帮助我复习,于是我不耐烦地答应了。看到我不听,我父亲批评了我。在考试前几天的复习中,我父亲放弃了午睡时间来监督我的

学习。起初,我很不情愿。渐渐地,我开始全身心地投入到学习中,并且觉得我不能让父亲失望。在那段时间里,我还遇到了一个小学同学,她学习成绩很好。我记得父亲说过的话,并问她如何学习。她坦率地告诉了我。这样,我在班上得了第十名,数学得了第一名。 在回家的路上,风吹在树叶上,好像在为我鼓掌。在我父亲知道这件事之后,他嘴角露出一丝微笑,让我继续努力。 人们说,“没有压力,就没有动力。”在生活中,如果没有逆耳忠言,一个人似乎就失去了通往成功之路的风向标。因此,让我们接受那些不在我们心中的建议,驶向成功!


逆耳忠言助我行作文 逆耳忠言助我行作文(一): 入口即化的是蜜言,令人生畏的是谗言,唯有苦口逆耳的才是助我成长的忠言。 ――题记 亘古以来,人月交替,王朝兴衰,似乎构成了一个长久不变的规律:兴国之本是有敢于直谏的臣子与善于纳谏的明君,魏征的批评指责,曾令唐太宗咆啸:“我当杀此田舍翁!”但依然吸纳谏言,开创了贞观盛世! 贞观四年,唐太宗打算大兴土木,建造乾阳店,给事张玄素说,在国家元气尚未恢复时,您这样做的过失比隋炀帝还大,甚至会得到同桀、纣一样的下常对如此尖锐的言辞,唐太宗非但没有动怒,而且理解了意见,下令缓建,还重赏了他。 唐太宗的这种气度是其之所以兴盛的原因。 拿破仑曾率领强大的军队征战,富尔顿告诉拿破仑,砍掉船上的桅杆,撤去风帆,不管刮什么风,不管什么天气,装上钢板,安上蒸汽机,就能够横渡英吉利海峡,但因用词不当,与拿破仑的思想有冲突,一气之下的拿破仑没采用他的推荐。试想,如果拿破仑静下心来,认真想一想,也许历史将改变。

为什么一些人听不进这些忠言呢!难道只因为话中多了分真诚与直接么!难道只有奉承的话才能取悦你们!为什么不为一个能直接指出自己不足的朋友而高兴呢! 想想自已,有时不也是这样么!父母对自己有一句劝告,有一句评价,我们就会生气不听……上初中后,学习了这么多的历史事件,最后明白了,父母的话,哪一句不是“忠言”阿!正是父母的一句句,我才有了这天的成绩! 阿!请铭记吧“逆耳忠言助我行”! 逆耳忠言助我行作文(二): “良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。”的确,良药很苦,可它能治病,忠言逆耳,可它能帮你向成功更进一步。 那次,因为考试不好,我的情绪极差,那时,我多么想听到有人鼓励我,也许那些鼓励的话会使我一开始就振作起来,但是没有。有的只是一句句挫伤我自尊心的话。妈妈说:“你这次怎样考得这么差,这样的分数不属于你,我辛辛苦苦的养你这么多年,要得就是这个吗?你看×××以前学习不都没你好吗?但是此刻,人家不也比你好吗?你怎样就不能努力阿……” 我明白妈妈说的都是气话,那些话都是为我好,但是她根本不明白那些话对我的打击有多大。那次我几乎都快绝望了。都快对自己失去信心了。之后,我跑了出去,一个人漫步在大街上。


关于逆耳忠言助我行作文600字汇总5篇 ——WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改—— 关于逆耳忠言助我行作文1 魏征直言进谏李世民,开辟了唐朝“贞观之治”的盛世;诸葛亮直谏后主刘禅,促成“宫中府中,俱为一体”的局面;邹忌婉谏齐王,达到“战胜于朝廷”的目的。这样的事例不胜列举,我们又怎能无动于衷? 于是我想到古有魏征、诸葛亮、邹忌上谏君主,兴国安邦,今有老师、朋友、亲人指点我,助我前行。 “你呀,做题正确率怎么那么低?脑子笨还是粗心大意,下次再这样,我就叫你家长来问问原因了。”看着那张被批改得“血淋淋”的试卷,老师这样对我说,尖锐的字眼像一把把尖刀直插心房,令人难以接受。我悻悻地走回教室,坐下细想了这前前后后的事,终于觉得是自己的失误。于是我在改进,从那以后,看到的便常是老师拿着试卷时满意的点头和嘴角扬起的弧度。 “你太自私了,从来不为别人着想,我不再是你的朋友了……”朋友的愤然离去留下一个满脸愕然的我。“我招你惹你了,平时对你不是挺好的吗,怎么说翻脸就翻脸?话还说得那么直,谁受得了啊?”我气愤地想着。我已不想去追问她离开的理由,望着天空中飞舞的雨丝,聆听着雨打白杨叶时有节奏的声响,记忆中春燕呢喃,终于觉得她的话很有道理。于是忧伤之中我也在改正。渐渐地,我开始懂得关心别人,多为别人着想。身边的朋友又多了起来,往日离开我的朋友,也

远远地向我招手…… “妈,我这次肯定能得第一名。”一次演讲比赛前,我信心满满地对妈妈说。妈妈摇着头说:“我看你这次可能不会成功,平时我都没看你怎么练习,孩子,不付出是不会有收获的。”说完转身就去洗碗了,可我分明看到她眼中的忧伤。“这什么家长啊,难道就不能鼓励一下孩子吗?怎么还泼冷水啊。”我不乐意地小声嘀咕着。果不其然,那次演讲我由于准备的不充分而讲得一塌糊涂。直到那时,我才明白妈妈的良苦用心,眼前又浮现出妈妈那天的背影,忽然想起汪国真的一句话:“背影,尽管有的很孤单,却让人如此难忘”。 成长路上,忠言逆耳;逆耳忠言,伴我前行。它们犹如大海上的风暴使大海深处风起云涌,焕然一新;它们犹如沙漠里的飞沙走石,让沙漠表面诡谲绮丽,妙趣横生。 我喜欢这些逆耳忠言,因为它们让我们的人生之路更加坦坦荡荡;我喜欢这些逆耳忠言,因为它们让我们的头脑更加清醒明朗;我喜欢这些逆耳忠言,因为它们使我们的人格更加完善健康。 我喜欢这些逆耳忠言,我感谢所有助我成长的人。 关于逆耳忠言助我行作文2 “看看你考的这点儿分!还是班长呢,你也不嫌丢人!我看你这学期就没把心思放在学习上,整天熬夜有什么用啊?你看人家考得好的,有几个是天天熬到十一、二点的?就你这样的成绩,别说考一中了,二中都不一定能考上!我看你再这样下去的话,还不如复读呢!”……家长会后,便怒气冲冲地拿着成绩单来找我。爸爸批评的话语如同一


忠言逆耳利于行 一位父亲嘱咐即将独闯天下的孩子:“孩子,你要记住,当你取得了一点小成就时,不要被他人的美言所迷惑。永远记着:对你最好的人是指正你错误的人。” 古人云:“良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。” 所以,请不要被美言与暂时的安逸所惑,要接受那些表面上难以接受实则益于我们的良言。 山口处的一个山洞,谁说里面一定住着妖魔鬼怪?它或许通往我们心仪已久的世外桃源。听似逆耳的忠言,是我们成功路上必不可少的支撑。巍巍朝堂上,臣子争相附和时,总是他直言利弊。下朝时,皇帝总是咬牙切齿,咆哮着:“会当杀死田翁!”却总是接纳他的建议。魏征的直言虽然逆耳,但千年来,“贞观之治”为人称道,“大唐盛世”令人向往,足见忠言的功用。忠言虽逆耳,却刺痛了听者的心,使其痛改前非,走向成功。 沙漠中的海市蜃楼,谁说它是迷途中错误的引导?它或许给迷途者走出沙漠的希望。看似不留情面的人,却是我们成功路上的恩人。一句“陛下虽得廉颇、李牧,弗能用也。”气得文帝恼羞成怒。思虑良久,文帝也只能责备“公奈何众辱我”。可因此有了冯唐持节赦魏尚的典故。冯唐的直言虽然逆耳,但苏轼的那句“持节云中,何日遣冯唐?”足见这一英明举措对后世的影响。忠言虽逆耳,却指出了听者的缺点,使其知错就改,走向成功。 良言是春风,唤醒沉睡的人;是雨露,洗涤蒙尘的心;是旭日,

照亮前行的路。楚汉战争时期,韩信的实力曾一跃超过项羽和刘邦。韩信没有采纳蒯通的建议称王,而是甘愿做刘邦手下,最终被斩于长乐宫钟室。他大喊:“悔不听蒯通之言,竟死于儿女子之手!”已无力回天。逆忠言者亡,顺忠言者昌。当年对蒯通劝其称王甚为不解的韩信,最终死在吕后手中时的顿悟,却已何其晚矣! 大树沉醉在赞歌中不能自拔,将啄木鸟的美意拒之门外,最终落得痛苦倒下的悲惨下场。人若沉醉在美言中不能清醒认识自我时,请让逆耳的忠言萦绕耳畔吧,唤醒你,指引你。 从今天起,过滤掉美言与安逸,吸纳益于我们的良言。 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行!


2021必背作文摘抄——四大名著中值得背下来的金句,句句都 能用到满分作文里 经典名著中往往藏着金句,摘抄下来弄懂意思,在写作文的时候它就是你拿高分的法宝了。 下面是四大名著里值得背下来弄懂的金句,本子准备好了吗? 1《三国演义》 宁教我负天下人,毋教天下人负我。 鞠躬尽瘁,死而后已。 治世之能臣,乱世之奸雄。 良禽择木而栖,贤臣择主而事。 天下动之至易,安之至难。 举杯畅饮情何放,拔剑捐生悔已迟。 屈身守分,以待天时。 天下英雄,惟使君与操耳! 势弱只因多算胜,兵强却为寡谋亡。 胜负兵家之常,何可自隳其志。 事定之后,乃计曲直,不亦善乎? 生得其名,死得其所。 淡泊以明志,宁静而致远。 大丈夫处世,不能立功建业,不几与草木同腐乎! 天下高见,多有相合 良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。 龙游沟壑遭虾戏,凤入牢笼被鸟欺。 玉可碎而不可改其白,竹可焚而不可毁其节。 身虽损,名可垂于竹帛也。 2《西游记》 敢问路在何方?路在脚下。 道高一尺,魔高一丈。 海阔凭鱼跃,天高任鸟飞。 山高自有客行路,水深自有渡船人。 一叶浮萍归大海,人生何处不相逢。 人逢喜事精神爽,闷上心来磕睡多。

操心怎似存心好,争气不如忍气高。 人心生一念,天地尽皆知。善恶若无报,乾坤必有私。不信直中直,需防仁不仁。 有缘洗净忧疑病,绝念无私心自宁。 3《水浒传》 人无千日好,花无百园红。 送君千里,终须一别。 人无刚骨,安身不牢。 表壮不如里壮。 篱牢犬不入。 拳头上立得人,胳膊上走得马,人面上行得人。 骏马却驮痴汉走,美妻常伴拙夫眠。 柔软是立身之本,刚强是惹祸之胎。 欲求生快活,须下死工夫。 酒不醉人人自醉,花不迷人人自迷。 4《红楼梦》 满纸荒唐言,一把辛酸泪。都云作者痴,谁解其中味。世事洞明皆学问,人情练达亦文章。 侬今葬花人笑痴,他年葬侬知是谁? 孤标傲世偕谁隐,一样花开为底迟。 机关算尽太聪明,反误了卿卿性命。 到头来都是为他人作嫁衣裳。 一畦春韭绿,十里稻花香。 一朝春尽红颜老,花落人亡两不知! 寒塘渡鹤影,冷月葬花魂。 偷来梨蕊三分白,借得梅花一缕魂。 千里搭长棚,没有个不散的筵席。 滴不尽相思血泪抛红豆,开不完春柳春花满画楼。 二十年来辩是非,榴花开处照宫闱。 天上一轮才捧出,人间万姓仰头看。


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目录一·简介 (一)时间地点 (二)愿景,重点,企业文化 (三)企业主管 (四)主要客户 二·360传播方案 (一)什么是奥美360度品牌 (二)奥美360度传播目标 (三)如何实现目标 (四)360度传播方案 (五)奥美360度品牌管家 (六)360度品牌传播途径三·360度经典案例——动感地带(一)动感地带2011年年度策 (二)动感地带品牌回顾 (三)动感地带市场分析 (四)我们的优势

(五)动感地带发展目标 (六)动感地带品牌发展思路 (七)动感地带品牌建设工作部署 (八)工作实行 四·总结 一.简介: (一)时间地点:1980年成立于美国纽约的奥美公共关系国际集团(简称:奥美公关) 是世界十大专业公关公司之一,它和奥美广告等姊妹公司分享同一 企业品牌。1995年开始在中国大陆设立分公司,目前已成为国内最 大的公关企业。 (二)愿景:被重视传播之道者所重视,成为客户的关键合作伙伴之一。 重点:我们的客户.在奥美公关,我们的成功用客户的成功和满意度来衡量 企业文化:“态度”、“关系网”、“勇气”、“创造力”、“机智”、“好奇 心”、“信任” (三)企业主管: 1. 奥美公关前任CEO 现任董事长玛莎——斯夫曼 * 她是奥美公关国际集团27年来不容置疑的当家人; * 她被权威机构评为“全球公关界50位最有影响力的女性”; * 她始终坚信真相决定企业成败;

* 她率先将数字化营销概念带给企业客户; * 她认为:“服务一流客户的前提是,首先将自己培育成一家持续进步的一流公司” 2. 奥美新任全球首席执行官--柯锐斯 * 一次“艾美奖”提名 * 亚洲《公关周刊》“2007年度公关风云人物” * 从亚洲公关大奖、“纽约电影电视节”和“亚洲电视大奖”等多个奖项中载誉而归(四)主要客户:大多为国际知名企业,包括:诺基亚;国际商业机器(IBM) ;联合利华;美林证券;陶氏化工;Asia Info ;福特汽车;苏格 兰投资发展局;辉瑞制药;百时美施贵宝;《商业周刊》会议部 等。 二.360传播方案 (一)什么(WHAT)是奥美360度品牌 【什么是360度】——1、表达了它的全面和完整,含概了品牌的六种资产:“产 品,形象,商誉,顾客,通路,视觉” 2.揭示了它是一个循环的过程:“检视品牌资产——确认 或定义品牌精髓——品牌精髓反映于所有传播工具——定 期追踪品牌状况”周而复始。 【什么是品牌】——大家都不陌生,简言之,工厂生产的是产品,消费者购买的是 品牌。直观的来说:可口可乐中99.7%都是糖和水,喝的是它 的品牌。 (二)奥美360度传播目标 【品牌写真】(BrandPrint):描述品牌个性 【品牌世界】(Brand World):通过各种接触点尽可发现品牌与客户/消费者之间的相互关系 【挑战】(Challenge):从360度的角度发掘品牌面临的最大挑战 (三)如何实现目标 【品牌扫描】(Brand Scan):用360度的方法获取,整理,解析有关品牌的信息 【品牌检验】(Brand Audit):懂得品牌与消费者之间独特的关系 【接触点】(Points of contact):找到品牌可在消费者生活中得以强化的范围(四)360度传播方案: 【传播策略】:运用品牌扫描与检验,发掘企业品牌面临的最大挑战,定义品牌 --消费者联系,从而发展品牌IDEA,作为品牌策略贯穿整个活动。


奥美公关 中国最大的公关顾问公司,于北京、上海、广州、成都、深圳设有办公室,专长于以下六大领域:科技、医药保健行销、企业财经、公共事务、体育营销和消费者营销。 奥美北京公关荣获2008年度公关风云代理商 1980年成立于美国纽约的奥美公共关系国际集团(简称:奥美公关)是世界十大专业公关公司之一,它和奥美广告等姊妹公司分享同一企业品牌。1995年开始在中国大陆设立分公司,目前已成为国内最大的国际公关企业。 奥美公关从事于建设和保护品牌形象的事业,并且协助客户进行改革。奥美公关服务范围涵盖业务增长、企业变革、资金筹集、危机管理、领导地位定位、行政总裁来访安排、媒体关系、技巧开拓、产品销售、结盟关系拓展、员工和政府关系等等。 奥美公关被业内权威刊物《PRWeek》评选为2001年度最佳公关公司,亦曾获《Asian PR News》颁发年度最佳公关网络(Network of the Year) 和年度最佳公关顾问公司(Consultancy of the Year) 两项大奖。目前,奥美公关是全球20大跨国公关公司中增长最迅速的一家,亚太区总部设在香港。奥美公关透过遍布美国、欧洲和亚洲区46个市场的51间办事处,以及隶属全球最大行销传播集团--WPP集团旗下的其它姊妹公司和附属机构,为世界各地客户提供全方位的专业公关顾问服务。 服务项目: 政府与非政府组织游说危机管理投资者关系高级管理层形象媒体与行业关系媒体培训企业形象传播内部沟通产品或服务项目上市市场进入策略和资讯 品牌咨询数字社群影响策略和沟通活动绿色行销企业社会责任 企业文化 奥美公关中国推出的“金玉良言”手册(So You Want to Work in P.R.?),汇集了奥美全球众多高级管理者以及资深营销专家对于公关人才的良言警句。在中国,公共关系是一个年轻且具备巨大潜力的行业,公关人才的成长与培养尤为重要。但是如何成为一名专业的公关人才是许多刚刚迈入公关领域以及在门外观望的学生们的共同疑问?考虑到年轻人喜欢从前辈处汲取经验、并得到建议与指导,奥美中国区总裁柯颖德先后对包括美国、中国、巴西和欧洲等地区的资深营销人员进行采访,并搜集这些专家多年来的思考与总结,浓缩为一句句“金玉良言”,且汇编成册。该书分别从“态度”、“关系网”、“勇气”、“创造力”、“机智”、“好奇心”、“信任”七方面,诠释优秀公关人才需要具备的素质与态度。 奥美公关中国区总裁柯颖德表示:“我在中国生活了13年,我的一个愿望就是帮助有意进入公关行业的年轻人找准方向,规划职业道路,并在他们当中建立公关行业人才的专业标准。奥美作为行业内领先的公关公司,在服务客户的同时,也希望将自己的经验与诸多年轻人广泛分享,成为指引其未来发展道路的一盏明灯。” 态度一位伟大的公关专业人士要始终关注客户- 追求结果,同时愿意尝试新的方法。成功的公关人员要有‘激情和智慧’- 仅有一点还不够,必须两者兼备。不管你在讲蛋黄酱还是泌尿系统疾病,你都要迷上它才行! 最好的公关人员并不想着如何使自己出名,而是更多地想着如何让别人或别的事情变得更广为人知。他们具有明辨是非的成熟心智,处事得体。凭借良好的信誉,他们总是机会多多。进取的态度-不断超越的意愿。一名优秀的公关人员会认识到超越既定目标的重要性,为了争取成功,义无反顾。 公关人员需要机智,外交手腕和永不言败的态度以实现目标;但更重要的是,需要思考周详,有文化敏感度,同时拥有积极的处事态度。在当今的公关界,如果你对打造量身定制的解决方案有着浓厚兴趣并引以为豪,那你就会成长起来并乐在其中。 关系网 1.在这个一名优秀的公关人员通常拥有稳固的社会关系网,与各类人员建立关系。他


材料作文:忠言逆耳利于行 材料作文:忠言逆耳利于行 在小时候,父母总给我们下了无数的规矩提了无数的要求。我们作为孩子在本该童真和快乐的年纪里当然是万般抵制的,但当我们一点一点长大并自己处理更多的人和事时不由得会想到,曾经那些逆耳甚至厌恶的话,好像是在帮助我们前进。 人生的足迹在风中一点点的踏下而心却好像总在逆风中受着历练。从小到大,少不了的就是妈妈的百般唠叨,她们的唠叨总是让我们心烦。但在风平浪静后有可曾想过她的话,或许她的话没有书中文字的美丽,但那包含她的爱。我的母亲总是给我立很多规矩,叫我一一遵守不能违反。我自然万般地抵触,在正是调皮捣蛋的年纪里没少挨妈妈的打。但她每次打完我又是心疼的安抚我,细细阐述那些基本的道理。岁月一天天的'流逝我也一天天的长大,而母亲的规矩少了取而代之是一句话:没有规矩,不成方圆。母亲的这句话伴着我走着,但我有的时候也会犯错误;那次在初中我竟然胆大到逃课打篮球,事情当然很快传到母亲那里。我回到家,

母亲看着我,她眼里淡淡的眼神让我低下了头,她走进屋里,哭了。她弯着的脊背仿佛一盆冷水泼醒了我,我也恍然明白,她自己为我和家付出了太多甚至牺牲了自己却得不到回报是有多痛,我狠狠地给自己两巴掌,我主动写好检查放在桌头,自己又去上学了。 在那之后,母亲原谅了我也恢复了往日的唠叨,我也真正明白那些话的意义,那些规矩的真正含义。毋庸置疑,父亲抑或是母亲说这些话是没有在意我们愿意还是不愿意,是因为他们知道这些话都是为了将来。我妈妈有一次在我的本子上写道:请原谅我的唠叨和立下的规矩,我知道你想要的是快乐和自由,但这些给不了将来的你选择生活的权利。我觉得,长大后当我有了自己的孩子,我也许还会这样告诉他,因为我也不希望将来他会恨我。 当我在风中度过青葱的岁月时,我忽然发现:当年那个唠叨的人渐渐跟不上我了,她或他脸上的皱纹更深了,他们老了,不再是往昔的年轻,却留下数不尽的忠言回荡在我耳畔。 【材料作文:忠言逆耳利于行】 1.忠言逆耳利于行的作文900字 2.忠言逆耳利于行作文500字 3.忠言逆耳利于行作文800字 4.忠言逆耳利于行初三750字作文


全球十大公關公司 安可顾问(APCO worldwide)安可顾问有限公司成立于1984年,是美国精信全球集团(Grey Worldwide) 下属 企业,也是一家全球著名的咨询机构,是一家全球领先的独立咨询机构,在美洲、欧洲、亚洲、中东及非洲的主要城市设有办事处。被欧洲权威公关业期刊《Public Affairs News》评选为2005年度欧洲最佳顾问公司。1997年,安可顾问(中国)有限公司进入中国大陆,在北京、上海和深圳设有代表处,地区总部位于香港。其核心业务涵盖企业传播、投资者关系和员工传播、危机管理、专项议题管理诉讼公关等。 博雅公关(Burson-Marsteller)美国博雅公共关系有限公司成立于1953年,是全球领先的公共关系和公共事 务公司。公司在广泛的公共关系、公共事务、广告及与网站相关的服务领域向客户提供战略思维和项目施行服务。公司的全球无缝网络由44个全资事务所及49个子事务所构成,在全球遍布6大洲57个国家开展业务,在全球拥有1600名专业员工。博雅公关公司1979年加入Young & Rubicam Brands扬雅集团,扬雅是全球领先的通讯服务网络公司的WPP集团(纳斯达克股票代码:WPPGY)的子公司。可以横向联结集团内姐妹公司的资源,满足客户的多元传播需求。1986年博 雅公关和新华社合作成立了中国第一家专业公关公司——中国环球公关公司。 爱德曼国际公关(Edelman)总部设于美国芝加哥和纽约的爱德曼(Edelman)公司成立于1952年,是世界上 最大的一家提供公关咨询服务的独立公关公司,是全球第六大公关公司,现在世界各地超过45家办事处拥有2,000名雇员。公司在2006年被PRWeek 授予年度最大公关公司称号。Advertising Age也在2005年“最佳公司”专刊中评爱德曼评为最佳公关公司同时PR周报在2006初将“Editor’s Choice”(编辑首选)奖予爱德曼。爱德曼国际公关有限公司是中国最早的中外合资公共关系公司。1985年,爱德曼国际公共有限公司的雏形——注册在法国巴黎的nterasia PR办事处在北京成立。是当时中国的第一家中外合资的公关公司。爱德曼在中国被称为一家“漂亮女性公司”,因为除了少数管理层之外, 中国爱德曼全是清一色的女性。 福莱公关(Fleishman-Hillard)福莱国际传播咨询总部位于美国的圣路易斯,有超过60年的历史,是全球最大 的传播服务集团宏盟集团(Omnicom)(纽约证券交易所代码:OMC)的子公司,也是全球营业额最大的专业公关咨询公司。在北美、欧洲、亚太、中东、南非和拉丁美洲设有80个独资办事处。,福莱国际在全球范围内在公共政策和公共事务以及政府关系等方面都具有丰富的经验和卓越的能力。在亚太,福莱在北京、广州、香港、吉隆坡、马尼拉、墨尔本、首尔、上海、新加坡、悉尼和东京经营着11家办事机构。北京福莱希乐国际传播咨询有限公司(简称福莱国际传播)的前身是福莱灵克公关咨询有限公司,于2005年8月从中外合资企业变更为福莱国际传播咨询公司的全资子公司,并因此而更名。福莱灵克公关咨询有限公司(FHL)成立于1994年7月,是由世界最大的公关公司之一美国福莱国际传播公司与北
