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Situation Teaching Primary English Teaching Method

Situation Teaching Primary English Teaching Method
Situation Teaching Primary English Teaching Method

Situation Teaching Primary English Teaching Method

English is a very practical tool for discipline, the use of practical English communication is the main performance. Therefore, English teaching in primary schools must provide students with sufficient English for effective use of the opportunity to practice, So that students can deepen understanding and familiar with the use of a firm grasp, to achieve the purpose of learning and Zhiyong. Situational teaching is a conscious and unconscious mental activity of the unity of mental activity, has inspired students in the cognitive can be implied, so that the students conscious and unconscious education input. Namely: standing on the edge of their territory, touch environmental hygiene conditions. Standing on the edge of its territory can make the students aware of the process becomes easier, contact Environmental Health and cognitive conditions can make the students more firmly. Combination of teaching practice I think the following aspects should be situational teaching.

一、Use of materials, the activation context.

Primary school English teaching materials of interest from the outstanding training for students starting teaching situation itself contains a wealth of content. Such as textbooks, all with color pictures, full set of materials throughout the session context; Good new material in close connection with students, love the activities, good imitation, Love said, love to sing, love dance, and perform layout and design features. Arranged a large number of textbooks for primary students loved the songs, games, and some interesting stories in simple. Fully exploit the teaching materials to stimulate students to enjoy learning fun, the implementation of visual aids, creating teaching situation,if the display the new language point, we can show the physical materials (different school supplies, food, clothing, color, etc.) ,or draw the corresponding stick figure, the brain can stimulate the students excited, and direct experience in English, to stimulate interest in learning, enhance the learning enthusiasm, desire for knowledge to strengthen and form a deep impression. If I give the whole class and their own depicting an English name, and

asked them not only in the English classroom use, say hello, also as far as possible in the more extra-curricular use, which not only increases the chance of their speaking practice, and enable them to have the feeling this language.

二、Simulation performance, creation of scenarios.

In teaching, teachers can not be moved into the classroom real-life scenario, but it can simulate the real situation, the creation of a language close to real life environment, which will help students understand and master the conversation. For example: In the fifth grade, Professor of English Buying train tickets in this class will let the students go to buy a ticket to play Li,mom played the conductor to stop Danny. Simple content, easy to perform when the plot with the students fully involved, vivid performance as a whole really Keben Ju has captured the attention of students and stimulate the students interest. So that the students had learned unconsciously how much for a ticket from Shijiazhuan to Beijing,please? I need four tickets,please. When dose the train leave? Don’t run. And many other Super Sentence. And this kind of teaching so that students understand the content is not empty but real and profound. Another example of the content in the learning My family, I let the students to their home family portrait to class for the whole class so that students introduce their family, and then role play family dialogue. The enthusiasm of the students is very high, the atmosphere is very active. English said that he do so that students feel at home in English on the side, can easily say it in English, learn English, English is not difficult. These dialogues show, not only can help students understand the conversation. See you can realistically conversation situation, so that students feel there is immersive, greatly stimulated the expression of their inner desire to participate more actively in the dialogue, deepen understanding of the content of the dialogue. At the same time expose their own in performance talent, reflected in the mutual self-evaluation.

三、The use of audio-visual means, rendering context.

Teaching in English created by the simulated performance situations, often under constraints of time, can not do it all, in this case, the availability of audio, video, slide projector, multimedia and other electronic teaching tools to render scenarios transplantation, vivid reproduction of the dialogue of the time and space, so that audio-visual integration, illustrated, which is appropriate for students curious, seeking fun, novelty of the age characteristics. English teaching in primary schools, the creation of situational awareness for students to language, to use language in real situations to receive unexpected results. Use of multimedia equipment in the classroom important and difficult to break through the teaching, the creation of communicative activities, students actively participate in the situation, into the situations so that students understand the context, this breakthrough performance view of language situations. Students in real situations more easily into the role, the classroom atmosphere is also very active. Teachers to the students to learn the dialogue into it, it will enhance the students understanding of the language, the language and expression to help students establish a link between the object, thereby mobilizing the enthusiasm of students, make students more conscious, more interesting to carry out social activities in English. For example: in the learning My country and English-speaking country, I will be online on the use of multimedia computer presentations of these countries put to film students, eliminate students strangeness of these countries, so that students in a learning process as full of mysterious country travel, as in-depth profile as a tourist-depth text into the character, and consciously take the initiative to practice and master the basic situation of each country.

四、Taught English songs and contrast situations.

Many primary school English learning content can be expressed as songs, which helps stimulate interest in and dispersed and difficult. Therefore, In English teaching music and English as a financial one, can help students understand the dialogue, the performance of scene content, the creation of a sound language environment, students naturally into. In the singing process, can ask and answer their songs and dialogue or sub role, reflecting the song in the communicative situation, so that students from the mechanical, dull, dull,

intense learning environment freed, eliminating fatigue, learning, and feel the joy of learning improve learning efficiency.

五、Design of the game, to enhance situation.

Since the implementation of the new curriculum standards, primary foreign language teaching more and more attention. Primary English teaching has undergone many changes. However, the majority of foreign language teaching in China still remain in traditional 3P (Presentation-Practice-Production) education level. Many teachers still occurs everyday English, "Man Tangguan, Yingyi Han" phenomenon, boring classroom atmosphere, students passive acceptance, resulting in tired of psychology. How to make foreign language teaching to adapt to changes in foreign language teaching in the 21st century, how to change the foreign language teaching "time-consuming and inefficient," the situation is each of our foreign language teachers must seriously think about. To do this, we must break the traditional mode of teaching, to seek more effective, more suitable for the characteristics of foreign language teaching students.

Educators Bloom that "the success of foreign language teaching should create more situations in curricular, students have the opportunity to have learned the language of the use of materials. "Fully reflects the practical and communicative language, to enable students to" Learning "is also conducive to language, memory and consolidation. In recent years, I continue to practice in English teaching, the use of situational approach assisted instruction, received very good results.

六、Meaning and Significance of the teaching situation

Teaching is a scene full use of the image in the teaching, the creation of specific scenes vividly aroused emotions of students in order to guide students to understand and

apply the whole language teaching method. The purpose is to stimulate students interest in learning, develop good study habits, a firm grip on the right have learned. Creation of scenarios for teaching, to better help students understand the language, to improve the actual use of language. Scene of teaching can also significantly reduce teaching time, and achieved good results. Natural language in the real atmosphere, students can actively participate in, a bold attempt to greatly enhance the language information input, and produce language internalization, do apply their knowledge, so as to further lay a good foundation for learning English.

七、Teaching the theoretical basis for the use of situational approach

(一)Situational approach consistent with the use of the knowledge base of students, age psychological characteristics, cognitive patterns and characteristics of children to learn the language.

1. Meet the students knowledge base. In the initial stage of learning English, learning and mastering knowledge of English have very little to the new words, sentence to introduce the students are familiar with learning and practice scenarios. In this way the structure is fit the students level of knowledge, is conducive to their understanding of words and sentence patterns and precise use, so they are willing to participate, a positive response, learning to be enjoyable.

2. Meet the psychological characteristics of students age. Pupils lively, active, so that they dry to recite language word, sentence, text, like them tied up, students sentiment it? The use of situational teaching methods, language and situations will combine to create vivid, lively classroom learning environment, students activated the psychological inner driving force, so that the brain is full of vigor and vitality.

3. Meet the student's cognitive laws. From perceptual to rational knowledge, this is the universal law of access to knowledge. The integration of linguistic knowledge in

a specific scenario, the knowledge and scenarios, abstract closely integrated with the image, set up by the perceptual knowledge for students to understand the bridge leading to the rational, so that students in the learning process to maintain interest; in listening, speaking English, learned the process of deepening understanding of the content and consolidation.

4. Consistent with the characteristics of students to learn the language. Children are always asked to understand the meaning before attention to linguistic form, so teachers should try to make them close to real life scenarios in a meaningful understanding of language. They are adept at using their imagination to learn and use language, so teachers can use their imaginations to provide scenarios and space.

(二)Situational approach consistent with the use of physiological, psychological principle.

1. Consistent with ergonomic principles. Neurophysiological studies have shown that the image of the right brain in charge of thinking, is the emotional brain. Creation of scenarios is the golden key to open the right brain. In specific situations to your liking, that English will not only stimulate the brain, activates the right brain, causing a high degree of excitement, the thrill of learning to the students bring. Turn left and right brain so excited, thinking and language not only caused by resonance, and can greatly develop the potential of the brain, the students will not feel tired, but was clear-headed, quick thinking.

2. Meet the Principles of Psychology. Listening, singing English songs to the students to establish the psychological unconscious tendency to arouse a high degree of motivation, inspire learning needs of students and the excitement, the potential energy to burst out, and this easy for students to acquire knowledge laid the psychological foundation.

(三) the use of situational approach to better complete the "primary English curriculum standards" for primary school English teaching requirements.

"English curriculum standards" that: The core of primary school English teaching is to stimulate the enthusiasm of students to learn English, which requires close contact with the contents of primary school teaching and learning practical life, and continuously enrich the lives of the factors which go into the classroom, and the gradual creation of a reproduction of life, the scene of the expression of life to create a communicative life into the teaching mode. To enable students to obtain treatment and use information, communicate with others in English, using English to solve practical problems. Attention should be paid off from the daily life of students, training students the ability to actually use the language. (Words:2028)






在教学中,教师不可能将真实生活情景搬入课堂,但能模拟真实情景,创设接近生活的真实的语言环境,这有利于学生理解和掌握对话内容。例如:在教授五年级英语Buying train tickets 这一课时就让学生扮演李明去买票,扮演妈妈、列车员去制止Danny。简单的内容,轻松的情节加上同学表演时全身心的投入,惟妙惟肖的表演就像一个全真的课本剧,深深吸引了同学们的注意力,激发了学生们的兴趣。使学生们不知不觉中就掌握了How much for a ticket from Shijiazhuan to Beijing,please? I need four tickets,please. When dose the train leave? Don’t run.等很多实用句型。而且这样的教学使学生对内容的理解不是空洞的而是真实的、深刻的。又如在学习My family这一内容时我让学生把自己家的全家福带到课堂上让学生面向全班同学介绍自己的一家人,然后进行角色表演家人对话。学生的热情非常高涨,气氛非常活跃。用英语说自己家的事让学生感




教师将学生要学的对话融于其中,会加深学生对语言的理解,帮助学生在语言与表达对象之间建立起联系,从而调动学生积极性,使学生更自觉,更有趣地进行英语交际活动。例如:在学习My country and English-speaking country时我利用多媒体电脑将网上有关这些国家的专题介绍片放给学生,消除学生对这些国家的陌生感,使学生的学习过程就像是在一个个充满神秘色彩的国度旅行,像一个旅行者一样深入情景深入课文深入角色,自觉主动实践,掌握各个国家的基本情况。

























下面是由托普仕留学(中国首家高端精品留学机构)专家对地理信息系统专业知名企业的介绍,希望对准备去留学的同学们有所帮助! 1、美国环境系统研究所公司(ESRI) 该公司成立于1969年,总部在美国加州,是世界最大的地理信息系统技术提供商,其商业合作伙伴计划,在全球有超过2000个领域开发商、咨询服务商、增值代理以及数据提供商,与分布在80个国家的国际代理一起,构成了ESRI公司强大的技术支持与服务网络。 2、东方道迩数字数据技术(北京)有限公司 该公司成立于2001年,位于中关村科技园,是“国家规划布局重点软件企业”之一;公司侧重于空间信息领域发展,为客户提供高质量大规模的空间数据产品。公司以发展成“世界数据工厂”为目标。 3、北京北方数慧系统技术有限公司 2001年在上海浦东张江高科技园区成立上海数慧系统技术有限公司,2003年在中关村高新技术园区成立北京公司。该公司以行业应用解决方案为核心的信息技术服务领域居于领先地位。 4、中国超图软件股份有限公司 该公司是中国乃至亚洲领先的地理信息系统平台软件企业,主要从事GIS基础平台和应用平台软件的研究、开发、推广和服务。 Note: 我一生只做了一件事,就是将GIS从实验室转变成为一个蒸蒸日上的工业。——Jack Dangermond Jack Dangermond是ESRI公司创始人,现任总裁,被公认为GIS业界先驱和技术领导者。2008年1月21日-22日,Jack Dangermond先生先后到访北京大学、中科院地理所、北京师范大学以及国家基础地理信息中心。在他的演讲中既有宏观的谈论GIS在改变世界中的价值,也具体谈到了未来GIS的发展的趋势,以及他本人对GIS产业发展的看法和感受等。致力于学习GIS的学生可以详细阅读他的演讲稿,相信对求学之路会有很大的指导意义。 以上是由托普仕留学(中国首家高端精品留学机构)专家对地理信息系统专业知名企业的介绍,希望对准备去留学的同学们有所帮助!如果有疑问或者感兴趣的话,可以咨询托普仕留学专家。


第I卷(选择题,共50分) 注意事项: 1.答第I卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号、考试科目用铅笔涂写在答题卡上 2.每小题选出答案后,用铅笔把小答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其它答案,不能答在试题卷上。 一、英语知识运用(本题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1.–Excuse me.Is the department store far from your school? –Not very.It’s about_______. A.10minutes walk B.10minutes’walk C.10minutes’s walk D.10minute’s walk 2.–May I use_______mobile phone? –Sorry,_______is left in the office. A.you;I B.your;my C.yours;mine D.your;mine 3.My father was born_______.When he was_______,he went abroad. A.in1970;in his thirty B.in the1970s;in his thirties C.in the1970;in his thirty D.in1970s;in his thirties 4.–I think students can have cell phones to help with their studying. –_______.They often use them to play games instead of studying. A.I’m afraid so B.All right C.You are right D.I don’t think so 5.–Why do you like using? –Because it can help me keep_______touch with my friends. A.on B.for C.at D.in 6.You must_______at the airport an hour before your plane takes off. A.check up B.check in C.check out D.check 7.–I can’t walk any further. –_______.Let’s stop here for a rest. A.Neither can I B.So can I C.Neither I can D.So I can 8.______she is,the higher marks she will get. A.The more careful B.The more carefully C.The much careful D.The careful 9.–You are not a new member,are you? –_______.I joined only yesterday. A.No,I’m not. B.Yes,I’m not. C.No,I am. D.Yes,I am. 10.This is the only dictionary______I brought back from abroad. A.which B.that C.whose D.what 11._______of the students in our class______girls. A.Two third,are B.Two thirds,is C.Two third,is D.Two thirds,are 12.–Could you take care of our dog while we are away? –_______. A.With pleasure B.It’s my pleasure C.Never mind D.That’s all right 13.–What about having a drink? –________ A.Good idea. B.I don’t want to. C.Help yourself. D.Me,too. 14.–Do you get someone_______your clothes? –Yes,I often have them_______. A.wash,washed B.washed,wash C.washing,wash D.to wash,washed 15.–I’m going to a job interview.I feel a little________. –Take it easy.Listening to music can help you relax. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/bd6172149.html,fortable B.satisfied C.nervous D.disappointed 16.We should turn off the lights when we leave the room_______we can save electricity. A.in order to B.so as to C.such that D.so that 17._______lovely weather it is!Shall we go for a walk? A.What B.What a C.How D.How a 18.Twenty minutes______not enough for you to finish it. A.were B.is C.are D.has 共8页第1页共8页第2页


2019中考英语作文题目及范文预测3篇 中考英语作文是很多考生觉得难的。你知道今年会有哪些预测英语作文吗?下面是橙子给大家精心挑选的20xx中考英语作文题目及范文预测3篇,希望大家喜欢!供你参考和阅读! 20xx中考英语作文篇1 假定你是高三(1)班的班长李雷。几天前,你们班有个同学因为闯红灯被汽车撞倒,现在还在医院里面,请你给全班同学写一封倡议信。 信的内容包括: 1.分析现象; 2.不遵守交通规则的危害; 3.提倡同学们遵守交通规则。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3.开头和结语已为你写好,不计入总词数。 Dear Classmates, The other day, one of our classmates was knocked down by a car at the crossing. Yours truly, Li Lei 范文 Dear Classmates, 1 / 5

The other day, one of our classmates was knocked down by a car at the crossing. It is not the car driver but the student himself who is to blame due to the fact that he ran through the red light. Records show that an increasing number of people die in traffic accidents every year, most of whom walk regardless of speed limits, talk and laugh while riding bikes and cross the road without noticing the traffic lights. This will not only do harm to their own lives but also put other people in danger. So many people violate traffic regulations that we should attach great importance to traffic safety. Only when everybody is aware of the problem can we be safe on roads. Yours truly, Li Lei 20xx中考英语作文篇2 养成良好的生活习惯和学习习惯,对于我们每一位学生成长很有帮助。请根据提示要点用英语写一篇词数90左右的短文,发表在学校网站上。 提示要点: (一)良好的生活和学习习惯包括: 1)在生活方面:①健康饮食②经常锻炼③利用好时间 2 / 5


2015年山东省普通高校(春季)考试英语试题 卷一 (选择题, 共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共计30分) 1. ----Hi, Tom. ? ---- Fine, thanks. And you? A. How are you B. How do you do C. What are you doing D. Who are you 2. ----What’s the young lady like at the school gate? ---- . A. She is a teacher B. She is 18 C. She is beautiful D. She is a friend of mine 3. The more you practice, you will be. A. better B. best C. the best D. the better 4. ---- Oh! We’ve just missed the 7 o’clock bus· ---- . The next bus will come in half an hour. A. Excuse me B. Don’t worry C. Have fun D. With pleasure 5. It’s very cold outside. You’d better your coat. A. have on B. wear C. put on D. dress 6. ---- May I look at your new camera? ---- . Here you are. My mother bought it for me last week· A. Of course B. Good idea C. Thank you D. I’m sorry 7. ---- Please send my Christmas to your grandparents. ---- I will. Thank you. A. greet B. greeting C. greetings D. greets 8. ---- Don’t too late, or you will feel tired in class tomorrow. ---- I won’t, Mom. A. stay up B. put up C. wake up D. pick up 9. ---- Can you help me carry the box upstairs? ---- . A. Thanks a lot B. With pleasure C. You’d better not D. Yes, please 10. ---- First let me introduce myself. I’m Bill Cart from Canada. ---- . A. I’m very sorry B. Nice to meet you C. It’s a pleasure D. Nothing special 11. ---- Could you tell me the way the post office? ---- Walk straight ahead and turn left at the first crossing. A. for B. on C. at D. to 12. ---- Have you ever been to the Great Wall? ---- Yes. I there last year. A. went B. have gone C. have been D. go 13. ---- Are you ready to order, sir? ----- . A. Not at all B. Yes, sit down please C. Sorry, I have no time D. Yes, a sandwich and a beef 14. ---- useful advice the teacher gave us! ---- Yes, it has helped us a lot. A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 15. you have dreams, something nice will happen.


一、我对地理信息系统专业的认识 在高考填报志愿的时候,看到了地理信息系统这个专业时其 实还不是很了解,当时就是感觉这门专业应该是偏向于理科, 然而这门专业却知之甚少。之后,来到了学校,通过从学姐, 学长和老师口中,渐渐地对GIS专业有了全新的认识。 我校的地信专业创办于1999年,是在原林业信息系统专业 (方向)和城市规划专业的基础上发展起来的,现在已经是第 十一届了,已毕业了六届。而我们这一届,是地理信息系统作 为独立专业进行招生的第一届,而现在我们所学的地信专业也 与综合院校的纯理论的地理信息系统不同,我们更偏向于城市 规划和森林资源监测。当了解了专业的大致方向后,知道GIS 专业其实是一门实用性的专业。 到了大一下学期,曹林老师为我们上了《地理信息系统导论》,让我对所学专业有了更深层次的思考。 地理信息系统专业建立在地理学基础上,以计算机技术为主 要辅助手段,是一门集地图学、地理学、计算机技术和遥感技 术于一体的边缘学科。因为地理信息系统涵盖了很多学科,所 以我们需要掌握很多方面的知识,我们需要学习地理学、数据 统计、森林资源调查,和计算机应用方面的基础理论知识,还 要有扎实的地理信息系统、遥感、地图学以及“3s”技术等方 面的理论基础和技术方法。而我们学习这门专业最终的目标是 地理信息系统的应用和二次开发,去解决实际生活中的问题。

而地理信息系统的就业方向为:1、能在科研机构或高等学校从事科学研究或教学工作;2、能在自然资源特别是森林资源、环境、交通、土地、基础设施和规划管理等领域从事与地理信息系统有关的应用研究、技术开发、生产管理和行政管理等工作;3、继续攻读相关专业的硕士研究生。 二、我对地理信息系统的认识 地理信息系统是在地理尺度范围内,对模式和过程进行描述、解释和预测。(引自《地理信息系统与科学》paul a) 通常来说,我们提到的GIS是指Geographic Information System,也即地理信息系统的简称。但从根本上说,GIS是一门用来解决实际的问题的应用技术,它是一门应用于现实世界的科学。我们需要去大量采集各种信息,然后根据需要修改、编辑、整理这些信息,然后输入到地理信息系统中,然后系统将反馈出我们所需要的数据。例如:在澳大利亚,考拉熊将濒临灭绝。每位市民只要一发现考拉熊的踪迹,就可以用ipone来拍照,因其具备GPS功能,就能连同位置信息一起传送到服务器上。通过这样的地理信息系统,我们就能了解到在澳大利亚,哪些地方还存活有考拉熊。这就是一自发提供的地理信息,很大程度上改变了我们获取数据的传统方式。在比如,人们可以用手机记录下某段路面出现的坑洞,然后拍下照片将其反馈给市政部门。市政部门会在地图上将有洞的位置标绘成红色的点。当相关部门采取措施前往维修时,点的颜色会变成橙色,而当洞被填平后,又会从橙色


模拟考试(六) 英语试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 第Ⅰ卷(选择题共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项 符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出) 1. —Hello, Mr Li. __________? —Fine. Thank you. A. How do you do B. How are you C. Who are you D. what are you doing 2. The earth _____ round sun. A. is going B. go C. goes D. went 3. Tom is the _________ son in the family. A. three B. third C. thirteen D. four 4. ______ wonderful birthday I am having! A. what B. what a C. how D. how a 5. The moon light is coming in _______ the window and the room seems quite and beautiful. A. through B. across C. over D.on 6. He is doing exercise in order to _______. A. lost weight B. lose weights C. lose weight D. lose weigh 7. —_________ drive so fast, Peter! \ —Sorry, I won’t. A. Not B. Not to C. Don’t D. Don’t to 8. Would you love _______ to the movies with us? A. comes B. to come C. came D. is coming 9. Her grandma ________ ten years ago. A. dead B. was dead C. has been dead D. died 10. Alice sent best wishes ______ my parents. A. for B. with C. to D. about 11. He is a ______ man. A. pretty B. handsome C. old D. beautiful 12. We _______ our school half an hour early this morning. A. arrived in B. arrived C. arrived at D. arrived to 13. The days are getting ________. A. more and more cold B. colder and colder C. coldest D. more cold 14. Tom prefers going to the seaside __________ the hills. A. to climb B. to climbing C. climb D. climbing 15. Would you like to _____ a ticket, sir? A. book B. order C. to book D. to order 16. I still remember the party ______ it happened yesterday. A. as B. as if C. even though D. although 17. The first lesson ______ I learned will never be forgotten. A. which B. that C. what D. whom 18. A good worker should have ______ and knowledge. A. luck B. money C. skills D. time 19. Let’s play games _________ watching TV. A. instance B. instant C. instead D. instead of 20. A lot of new roads ______ built in the west of China. A. must B. must be C. has D. have 21. Be careful when ________ the street. A. to across B. cross C. you cross D. you’ll cross 22. Let’s go to the movie, ______? A. do I B. don’t we C. shall we D. will you 23. _______ two football games in out school next week.\ A. there is has B. there are have C. there are going to be D. there is going to be 24. She will go if it __________ tomorrow. A. isn’t rain B. don’t rain C. doesn’t rain D. didn’t rain 25. I don’t like Japanese food. Neither _______ my mother. A. like B. does C. don’t D. doesn’t 26. Is that the reason _______ you are late for school? A. which B. that C. what D. why 27.You should come earlier _____ you can catch the bus. A. in order to B. as soon as C. such that D. so that 28. I didn’t know _________ they could pass the exam or not. A. that B. why C. how D. whether 29. I won’t ________ much of your time. A. take off B. take up C. use up D. agree with 30. The slow music _______ you _______ slowly. A. makes, walk B. makes, to walk C. make, walk D. make, to walk 二、阅读理解(本大题共10个小题,每小题2分,共20分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项选出)


1.沉迷网络游戏 题目:李华沉迷于电脑游戏中,影响了学习。作为他的好朋友,你打算怎么帮他呢?请用下面所给的提示词写一篇不少于80字的短文。字迹工整,语言流畅。 提示词:give up, concentrate on, be (become)interested in ★范文Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him. Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon.


英语阶段性测试一(春考班) 本试题共80分,考试时间是60分钟。请将第I卷的答案涂到答题卡上,将第Ⅱ卷的内容写到答案页上。 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、选择题(本大题共30个小题,每小题1分,共30分) 1. Li Ming is a student. A. 17 years old B. 17-year old C. 17 year old D. 17-year-old 2. Liu Xiang is a great runner. He won his first gold medal the age of 19. A. on B. at C. in D. of 3. Uncle Wang is a friend of . He is reading newspaper now. A. me; today’s B. my father’s; today’s C. my father; today D. mine; today 4. Would you please my little dog when I am away? A. look after B. look at C. look up D. look down 5. ---How is your grandmother now? --- . A. She is old B. She is a nurse C. She is fine D. She is 80 6. Not only Mary but also her parents to another shopping center tomorrow. A. are going B. is going C. go D. goes 7. ---Did you meet the writer at the station? ---No. He by the time I got there. A. has left B. was leaving C. had left D. left 8. ---Hello, my I speak to John, please? --- A. It’s me. Who are you? B. I’m. Who’s that? C. Who’s calling? This Tony. D. Yes. Speaking. 9. He comes from Japan, but he _____ speak Chinese very well. A. could B. can C. should D. shall 10. I live in a room windows open to the south. A. whom B. that C. whose D. what 11. It is important for him this. A. understand B. understanding C. understood D. to understand 12. Tom was made _________ by his little sister. A. to cry B. cry C. crying D. cried 13. ---He can’t see the picture well from here. --- . A. Neither can’t I B. Neither can I C. Neither I can D. Nor I can 14. Tom, be quiet. The baby_____ in the next room. A. sleep B. slept C. sleep D. is sleeping 15. He refused to let us know the reason he didn’t go to the party. A. why B. which C. how D. that 16. ---May I take your order now? --- . A. No, I’m in trouble now B. Yes, I’d like a dish of chicken C. Yes, We obey orders D. No, I don’t have a choice of meat 17. The you study, the mistakes you will make. A. more careful; fewer B. more careful; less C. more carefully; fewer D. most carefully; fewer 18. You won’t pass the test __you work hard. A. since B. unless C. because D. in order that 19. He will show his new CD player to you as soon as he his letter. A. finishes writing B. will finish writing C. finishes to write D. will finish to write 20. This book is written in easy English beginners can read it easily. A. so; that B. so an; that C. such; that D. such an; that 21.---Must he come here tomorrow? ---No, he _____ . A.mustn’t B. can’t C. needn’t D. may not 22. Are you _____ in the job? A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. interests


国内地理信息系统(GIS)专业的就业现状分析 [摘要]目前中国大学生就业的发展形势而言,”大学生就业难”已经具有了一定的普遍性,即这类问题不仅仅局限于某个或某类专业的大学生群体,而是普遍存在于各种类型的专业与行业当中,当然,作为地理学科中的一个重要组成部分,地理信息系统(GIS)专业也包括在内。对于国内地理信息系统(GIS)专业存在的就业问题,其中不免有部分原因与其他专业是共通的,比如政府的毕业生就业制度和人事制度改革不协调、户籍制度改革滞后、就业市场不健全等等,在此,我们主要针对地理信息系统(GIS)专业存在于就业中的具体问题进行分析,而不对此进行赘述。 [关键词]招聘单位大学生职业分类工作经验工薪问题 1招聘单位的阻力与社会价值观的偏见 在地理信息系统(GIS)领域,其大学生就业问题主要表现在两个方面——招聘单位和应聘者。首先,对于国内目前的许多与地理信息系统相关的企业而言,由于IT市场的需求,这些企业单位往往都非常渴望招聘到高端的地理信息系统开发人员,从项目主管,到GIS工程师,再到GIS程序开发员,几乎每一项职业的需求量都有很大的年增长率。但,国内目前的GIS市场还正处于起步上升阶段,发展速度虽然迅猛,但是GIS企业却大多为中小企业,规模不大,资金不足,并没有足够的能力承担起新人的培养。因此,在众多企业的要求里,较丰厚的工作经验往往成为了阻碍GIS专业毕业生成功进入企业单位的门槛。 (此次图为2004年至2011年,广西师范学院资源与环境学院各届GIS毕业生所在行业变化趋势图,可见,事业、企业单位是GIS专业学生的主要流向渠道,但由于事业单位裁员、企业单位规模小等多因素的影响,二者的变化并不稳定,GIS专业毕业生的就业状况也并不是特别理想) 至于除企业单位以外的最大一类招聘单位——事业单位和国有企业,情形也不容乐观。由于目前大多数国有大中型企业和事业单位正经历着减员增效的宏观调控时期,从而使得它们接受应届毕业生的积极性不高,毕业生能够直接进入这类招聘单位的机会也会相对减少。 另外,对于所有的GIS用人单位而言,据胡都不了避免地存在着两大类“偏见性”问题——“盲目追求高学历”和“性别歧视”。目前社会上将学历作为唯一用人标准的风气比较盛行,认为毕业于“名校”的学生就一定比毕业于“二三流学校”的学生好,无疑,这种非理性的人才高消费很大程度上妨害了GIS专业人才的合理使用。 “大学生就业难,女大学生就业更难”这种现象在各行各业中也并不少见。由“性别歧视”所造成的对女大学生的偏见和错误的价值取向,使得很多GIS用人单位在一开始就将女大学生拒之门外。


2019年春季高考英语模拟试题1 1.--Do you play______piano in your free time? --No,I like sports.I often play______soccer with my friends. A.不填;the B.the;不填 C.the;the D.a;a 2.--May I play computer games now,Mom? --No.You____finish your homework first. A.must B.can C.could D.may 3.My parents often tell me____too much junk food because it’s bad for my health. A.not eating B.not to eat C.eating D.to eat 4.--Therewas thick haze in our city this spring.What do you think of it? --I think____cars we drive,___pollution our city will have. A.the fewer;the fewer B.the fewer;the less C.the more;the fewer; D.the more;the less 5.Do you enjoy____TV or____story-books? A.watching;looking B.seeing;reading C.watch;read D.watching;reading 6.---Let’s stay at home,____? --Good idea. A.will you B.won’t you C.shall we D.do you 7.I had some medicine,__________it hasn’t done much good up to now. 第1页共12页


山东省2018年普通高校招生(春季)考试 英语试卷 本试卷分一卷(选择题)和二卷(非选择题)两部分,满分80分,考试时间60分钟。考生请在答题卡上答题,考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并回收。 卷一(选择题,50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小题,每小题1分,共30分。在每小题列出的四个选项中,只有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上。) 1.--.He is from Hang Kong. --Nice to meet you. A.Let me introduce myself B.Let me introduce Tom C.This is Tom speaking D.Have a good time,Tom 2.--Could you give me some on how to improve my spoken English? --I’m so glad to hear that! A.movements B.suggestions C.greetings D.treatments 3.--Nowadays people are encouraged eat fruit and vegetables to keep_______. A.honest B.nervous C.healthy D.proud 4.--Why do you like swimming? --Because I find _______ very relaxing. A.it B.one C.those D.these 5.--_________? __Good idea. A.Why not join us in the game B.How did you know that C.When would you like to come D.What would you like for dinner 6.--_______beautiful the park is !We may have a picnic here this weekend . --Sound great. A.What a B.What C.How a D.How 7.--It’s an impossible task for us to finish the building in half a year. --Yes,it will take _________ one year. A.at least B.at last C.in time D.in order 8.--I think Mary is a successful woman. --I agree with you .She has nearly _______all her dreams. A.realized B.won C.understood D.believed 9.--_________? --Chinese folk music. A.How about going for a walk B.What’s your favorite sports C.How do you like Chinese D.What are you interested in C.At the City Stadium D.At the City Park 11.IF Bob wants to apply for the job, he needs to ________ . A work part-time B work six days a week C call Sandy at 555-778-6356 D have work experience 12.I hope that you can come and celebrate the Spring Festival with my family. A do B did C does D done 13.--? ---I’d like to buy some traditional Chinese souvenirs. A What can I do for you B How much do they cost C What size do you take D What color do you like 14.--What did you do last weekend? ---I Mount Tai with my friends. A climb B climbed C will climb D am climbing 15.--I wonder_________ a film. --Once a month. A.when you see B.where you see C.whether you have seen D.how often you see 16.--Who is the man _________by the window. --He is our English teacher. A.sits B.sat C.sitting D.is sitting 17.--Downing Hotel.Can I help you? --_________. A.I’m looking for a dress for my daughter. B.I’d like to buy a ticket for tonight’s film. C.I’d like to reserve a double room for this Friday. D.I’ve caught a bad cold and I’m feeling terrible. 18.I felt very tired after a day ‘s hard work,________I went to bed early. A.but B. or C.while D.so 19.--I haven’t finished my dinner yet. --Hurry up ! Our friends ________ for us. A.are waiting B.were waiting B.had waiting D.waited 20.--_______I have found somewhere to live, I will send you my address. A.Unless B.Until C.Though D.Once
