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六年级下册英语- 小升初英语专项练习 看图写话(含答案及解析) 全国通用

六年级下册英语- 小升初英语专项练习 看图写话(含答案及解析) 全国通用
六年级下册英语- 小升初英语专项练习 看图写话(含答案及解析) 全国通用


1.书面表达。每个假期都在期盼中来临, 在欢乐中度过。下面的图片是John上次五—假期的活动, 请帮助John回忆—下假期活动。要求:(1)用—般过去时态描述, 正确使用提示词。(2)条理清楚, 意思连贯, 语句通顺, 书写规范、清晰。(3)不少于5个句子, 40个单词。

Happy May Day

Hello, I'm John. I had a happy May Day. On that day l went to Turpan. ……


例:—May I go to Beijing?

—Yes, you may./No, you may not.

(1)(Yes) ________

(2)(No) ________

(3)(Yes) ________


Water comes into our homes

Water⑴comes from the rain. It⑵________. The water is not clean (干净的)there. We can't drink it. It must⑶________.The water factory makes it clean. Then it⑷________.It comes out from the tap. We use water to⑸________.


⒈No dogs./We shouldn't take dogs into the park.



This is________.




I like it.


例: This is me. I'm short. I'm thin.




Look at the picture.




Pic. A

This is my mother. She is a doctor. Her name is Li Yue. She is 35 years old. She can draw cartoons very well. I love her.

Pic. B


On Children's Day, I can……I can……I can……I can……

14.请根据图片提示,以“Helping old people”为题,说一说我们该如何尊敬老人、帮助老人。


16.以The Earth is sick!为题完成小作文

The Earth is sick

The Earth was clean and beautiful.

Now some parts are


iron the clothes 烫衣服

例子:Candy is combing (梳头)her hair in the bathroom.






提示:1).What can you see in the classroom?

2).How many are they?

3).What can you do in the classroom?


Bob一一A helpful boy

Bob is a helpful boy. He always helps his classmates and teachers.The blackboard is always dirty after lessons.He often cleans it.

20.根据提示,描述Mr Brown的周末活动。

Mr Brown is always very busy on the weekend. Every Saturday morning he gets up very early. Then he……21.你的朋友Mike要去邮局寄一封信,但不知道怎么走。你能根据下图写一段话告诉Mike去邮局的线路吗?


23.根据图片提示,请以“Better city, better life”为题,写一写如何做一名合格的市民。


first → next → then → after that→finally



→ → →





Age Body Job Hobby

58 tall/thin

52 short hair/a pair of glasses

例如:This is my Grandpa. He is fifty—eight this year. He is tall and thin.

He is a doctor. He likes reading books.


fly kites paint a picture read a book eat sandwiches watch birds collect shells swim in the sea

Today is Sunday. Tim and his friends are playing at the beach. Look, Tim and John are flying kites. Betty……


swim in the sea read a book play ball games

paint a picture collect shells fly kites

Today is Sunday. There are many people at the beach. Look, May is swimming in the sea. ……


This is________.




I like it very much.


第 1 题:

【答案】Happy May Day

Hello,I'm John. I had a happy May Day. On that day I went to Turpan. I took many pictures of grapes. I rode a horse. It looks like a mule. It's very interesting. I ate lots of mutton kebabs there. They were delicious. I bought many gifts for my friends. It was a wonderful May Day.




1.度过愉快的五一假期had a happy May Day。

2.五一假期中活动took many pictures;rode a horse;ate lots of mutton kebabs ;bought many gifts for my friends。




第 2 题:

【答案】(1)—May I go shopping?

—Yes, you may.

(2)—May I watch a film?

—No, you may not.

(3)—May I go on a trip?

—Yes, you may.


【解析】【分析】例句意思是: —我可以去北京吗? —是的,你可以,/不,你不可以. 这是根据图片编写一个May I......? (我可以......?)的对话.

(1)图片是购物"go shopping",提示是肯定回答. 根据例句, 组成对话: —May I go shopping? —Yes, you may. 故答案为: —May I go shopping? —Yes, you may.

(2)图片是看电影"watch a film",提示是否定回答. 根据例句, 组成对话:—May I watch a film? —No, you may not. 故答案为: —May I watch a film? —No, you may not.

(3)图片是去旅行"go on a trip",提示是肯定回答. 根据例句, 组成对话: —May I go on a trip? —Yes, you may. 故答案为: —May I go on a trip? —Yes, you may.

【点评】这是考查写作的题目. 要掌握May I ...? 句型.

第 3 题:

【答案】falls into seas and rivers;go to a water factory;goes through pipes to our homes;wash our hands 【考点】看图写话

【解析】【分析】(1)由图片和短语知雨水流入大海和河流,It是第三人称单数形式,故答案为falls into seas and rivers。

(2)由图片和句意知海水和河流水不能直接饮用,需要工厂进行处理,must是情态动词后跟动词原形,故答案为go to a water factory。

(3)根据图片和短语知,处理过的水通过管道到达人们的家里,it是第三人称单数形式,故答案为goes through pipes to our homes。

(4)根据文章内容可知,水到家家里就可以使用了,图片在洗手,to为动词不定式符号,故答案为wash our hands。


第 4 题:

【答案】Don't ride bikes. /We shouldn't ride bikes in the park.

Don't throw rubbish. /We shouldn't throw rubbish in the park.

Don't walk on the grass. /We shouldn't walk on the grass in the park.

Don't pick flowers. /We shouldn't pick up flowers in the park.

Don't climb trees. /We shouldn't climb trees in the park.


【解析】【分析】此篇写作属于看图写话。要以中山公园的规则为主要内容展开写作。由其注意对于图片中提示标志的表达,要使用祈使句或者We should/We shouldn't+动词原形表达。同时结合动词词组例如ride a bike;throw away;walk on the grass;pick flowers等。注意语句要不少于6句表达。


第 5 题:

【答案】Look!This is our classroom. It is big and clean.There are two fans in it .There are many desks and chairs. .There are four lights. I love my classroom.


【解析】【分析】这是一篇看图写句子,时态需要一般现在时,句型重点用there be 结构,首先介绍这是教室,然后描述里面的东西,最后表达自己的感情。


第 6 题:

【答案】 a lady bug;cute;is black and red;can fly





(2)可能用到的词汇有:lady bug“瓢虫”,cute“可爱”,red and black“红黑相间”,fly“飞”等。



第7 题:

【答案】This is me. I'm short. I'm thin. My grandparents are old. The tall man is my father. My mother is tall and thin. I love my family.




1. 介绍家人,时态用一般现在时,要注意对描述外貌的形容词的运用。

2. 根据图片可能用到的词汇有:father“爸爸”,mother“妈妈”,grandpa“爷爷”,grandma“奶奶”,tall“高的”,thin“瘦的”,old“老的”等。

3. 根据提示写出句子,完成短文。


第8 题:

【答案】This is a girl. She is playing the violin. She is tall and thin. There is a chair near her. A toy car is beside the chair. And there are some books behind the chair.




1. 这是介绍图片内容,首先仔细观察图片了解主语动作和人物特征。

2. 有用的信息有:这是一位女孩。她又瘦又高。她在拉小提琴。图中有把椅子。椅子旁边有一辆玩具


3. 根据所含信息写出句子即可。


第9 题:

【答案】Today is Sunday. It is sunny. There is a swing on the playground. There are four children on the playground too. They are playing football. They are very happy.


【解析】【分析】这是一篇结合图片提示完成这篇短文,短文主要用there be句型,描述操场上孩子们踢足球,本文主要用一般现在时,注意主谓一致,写作中注意上下文的过渡要符合逻辑关系。


第10 题:

【答案】Look at the picture. Some boats are on the sea. Some people are on the beach. Tony is lying on the chair and having a rest. Peter is enjoying the sunshine. Henry and Helen are doing some exercise. All of them are very happy.




(1)用祈使句介绍看图片。Look at……

(2)介绍海边的东西及人们正在干的事情。boats,lying,having a rest,enjoying,doing some exercise



第11 题:

【答案】It is sunny today. There are some trees and flowers in the park. Birds and bees are flying happily. Some children are in the park too. Mary is playing on the swing. Linda is running. Mike is riding his bike. All of them are very happy.




1. 仔细观察图片,了解所给信息。

2. 根据图片内容,用现在进行时来描述孩子们正在做的事。

3. 可能用到的短语和词汇有:trees“树”,flowers“花”,run“跑步”,play on the wing“荡秋千”,ride one's bike“骑自行车”,等。

4. 根据提示写出句子,注意现在进行时的句子结构。


第12 题:

【答案】This is my father. He is a cook. Her name is Lin Tao. He is 36 years old. He can play football very well.

I love him.


【解析】【分析】这是仿写。A短文意思是:这是我的妈妈。她是一位医生。她的名字叫李月。她35岁了。她卡通画画得很好。我喜欢她。这里介绍了年龄,职业,爱好等。介绍爸爸也要如此,用he(his)来代替女性的she和her,厨师是cook,爱好可以选择play football“踢足球”等。


第13 题:

【答案】 On Children's Day, I can go to the zoo with my parents. I can go to the cinema with Mike. I can ride a bike in the park. I can play football with my classmates.



1. 题目要求写一篇描述儿童节活动的短文,仔细观察图片,然后根据题目提示,写成一篇短文。

2. 图片对应的短语有:去动物园“go to the zoo”;去看电影“go to the cinema”;骑自行车“ride a bike”;踢足球“play football”等。

3. 根据提示句型。组成句子。构成短文。


第14 题:

【答案】Helping old people

Old people usually need help in their lives, so we should often help them.

We can help them cross the street. We can help them clean windows and sweep the floor. On the bus we can give our seats to old people. On the weekend, we can play chess with old-people, too.


【解析】【分析】本文是根据图片及题目Helping old people进行写作,内容简单,把相应的内容用英语表达出来即可。短文用第一人称,一般现在时;注意词汇的选择,句型的运用。


(1)介绍老年人需要帮助。need help。

(2)具体介绍周末帮助老年人及跟老年人一起干的事情。help them cross the street,help them clean windows and sweep the floo,give our seats to old people. play chess with old-people。


第15 题:

【答案】They are my parents. My father is a doctor. He can swim. My mother is a teacher. She can dance. I love them very much.




第16 题:

【答案】The Earth is sick

There is air and water on the Earth. People, wild animals, insects and plants live onthe Earth. Many years ago, the Earth was

clean and beautiful. Today, we have air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. People are cutting down th e forests to build

factories and houses. They must stop cutting down the forests. People are killing animals to get meat and skins. They must

stop killing animals. The Earth is very sick. We must save the Earth.




第17 题:

【答案】(1)is doing his homework in the dining room

(2)Father is cooking in the kitchen

(3)Mother is ironing the clothes in the bedroom

(4)Grandpa is reading newspaper in the living room


【解析】【分析】根据图片和例句提示这是用现在进行时写句子的题目. 注意现在进行时的结构是: 主+be+动词现在分词+ 其他. 正在做的动作有: iron the clothes 烫衣服; do one's homework做作业, read newspaper 读报纸; cook做饭等.

(1)根据图片Sam在做作业, 做作业是短语do one's homework, do用现在分词doing, 句子是: Sam is doing his homework in the dining room. 故答案为: is doing his homework in the dining room.

(2)根据图片爸爸正在厨房做饭. 做饭cook, 用现在分词cooking, 故答案为: Father is cooking in the kitchen. (3)根据图片妈妈正在熨衣服. 熨衣服iron the clothes, iron用现在分词ironing. 故答案为: Mother is ironing the clothes in the bedroom.

(4)根据图片爷爷在客厅读报纸. 读报纸read newspaper, read用现在分词reading. 故答案为: Grandpa is reading newspaper in the living room.

【点评】这是考查看图表达的题目. 注意现在进行时的结构和熟练掌握常用短语.

第18 题:

【答案】I can see many things in the classroom. There are desks and chairs.There are six desks and there are six chairs.I can study in the classroom.



【点评】范文按照写作提示逐一完成,并且使用了名词复数和there be句型来表达。

第19 题:




每个情节要表达动词词组clean blackboard;carry bags;open the door; give money to poor people;help Ann with her Maths和give his seat to old people等。


第20 题:

【答案】Mr Brown is always very busy on the weekend. Every Saturday morning he gets up very early. Then he does morning exercises at six o'clock and has breakfast at half past seven. He does some reading at nine

o'clock. He plays football at four o'clock. He cooks dinner in the evening and then goes to the cinema at eight thirty.




第21 题:

【答案】Go straight and at the second crossing turn left . Then go along the street and turn right.You will see the post office on your right.


【解析】【分析】这是一篇看图写路线的写作,作文要求是写出从书店到邮局的路线。文章可以用祈使句和一般将来时表达。按照图片路线进行描述,Go straight,turn left . Then……


第22 题:

【答案】This is my desk. It 's brown. It is big. It is in the my bedroom. I like it.




第23 题:

【答案】Better city, better life

We should plant many trees in spring. Trees can keep the air clean. It's good for our health. And we must keep streets, parks and other places clean. When we see old people on the bus, we should give our seats to them. We must walk or drive on the right of the road and we must obey the traffic rules.


【解析】【分析】本文是根据图片提示及题目Better city, better life进行写作,内容简单,把相应的内容用英语表达出来即可。短文用第一人称,一般现在时;注意词汇的选择,句型的运用。


(1)应该种树及种树的原因。plant many trees,keep the air clean……。

(2)应该保持周围的环境干净。keep streets, parks and other places clean。

(3)在公交车上主动为老年人让座。give our seats to them。

(4)必须遵守交通规则。obey the traffic rules。


第24 题:

【答案】 My name is Mike. I get up early on Saturday morning. First I de exercise in the park. Next I have breakfast at seven o'clock. Then I do my homework in the study. After that I play chess with my grandpa. Finally I read a book in the evening. This is my Saturday.




1. 题目提示用first“首先”,next “第二”,then“然后”,after that“然后”,finally“最后”来表述动作的次序。

2. 根据图片提示,可能用到的词汇有:do exercise“做锻炼”;have breakfast“吃早点”,at seven“在七点”,do one's homework“做作业”,play chess“下棋”,read a book“读书”。

3. 根据提示,写出句子,注意动作的先后次序,可以适当发挥。组成短文。


第25 题:

【答案】 In the past, we lived in small houses. People often went to work by bike. And we washed clothes by hand. Now our lives change a lot. We live in tall buildings. People usually drive cars to work. We use washing machines to wash clothes. Life is easy these days.




第26 题:

【答案】 My name is Peter. I will go to Sanya with my family for the holiday. Sanya has beautiful beaches with clear water. We will see some tall trees by the sea. We will visit the Sea World and see different colourful fish in it. We will go swimming in the sea too. It will be a happy trip.




第27 题:

【答案】This is my grandma. She is fifty-two years old this year. She has short hair and a pair of glasses. She is a teacher. She likes singing.




第28 题:

【答案】Today is Sunday. Tim and his friends are playing at the beach. Look, Tim and John are flying kites. Betty is painting a picture. Aunt May is reading a book under the umbrlla. Uncle Tom is watching birds. Tim's parents are eating sandwiches. Bob and Sally are collecting shells. Where is Peter? He is swimming in the see. 【考点】看图写话,其他作文


(1) 根据图片和提示, 短文时态以现在进行时为主.

(2) 根据图片和提示, 所做的活动有: fly kites放风筝; paint a picture 画画; read a book读书; eat sandwiches吃三明治; watch birds 看鸟; collect shells收集贝壳; swim in the sea海里游泳. 注意各个动词的ing形式.

(3) 跟据提示组成注意句子. 叙述的顺序和逻辑性.

【点评】这是考查知识综合运用的题目. 首先确定时态, 然后根据提示组成句子, 注意叙述的逻辑性.

第29 题:

【答案】Today is Sunday. There are many people at the beach. Look, May is swimming in the sea.Bob abd John are flying kites.Sue is painting a picture.Tim and Amy are collecting shells.Lisa is reading a book.Tom and Joe are playing ball games.They are having a good time.



【分析】这是一篇以看图为主的作文,结合图片提示完成这篇短文,短文主要以第三人称,和there be句型,描述孩子们在海滩样子,他们正在做自己喜欢的事情,本文主要是用现在进行时,注意主谓一致,写作中注意上下文的过渡要符合逻辑关系。


第30 题:

【答案】This is a big tree.;It's strong.;It has a big trunk and some branches.;It has many leaves.




(1)这是一棵大树。This is a big tree.

(2)它很壮。It's strong.

(3)它有一个大树干和一些树枝。It has a big trunk and some branches.

(4)它有很多树叶。It has many leaves.

(5)我很喜欢它。I like it very much.



班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号________ 成绩________ 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Let’s ________ a fruit salad now. Lily: Great! Ben: I ________ a pineapple and three ________. Lily: Do you have ________ mangoes? Ben: No, I don’t. I have some ________. Thery’re ________ the table(桌子). Here you are. Lily: Thanks. 2. Wang Bing: Do you have ________ bananas, Su Hai? Su Hai: Yes, ________ do. Wang Bing: ________ ________ bananas do you have? Su Hai: ________. 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! ________ I have some sweets for my friends? Mum: Sure. ________ ________ sweets would you like? Danny: ________. Mum: OK. ________ ________ ________. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have ________? Yes, I do. Look at that ________! He can ________. 5. I have ________ bananas. Do you have ________ bananas? No, I don’t. I have ________ orange. 6. This is a cute ________. Do you like ________? Yes, I do. I like ________ too.


小学英语看图说话 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

一、动物篇 二、人物篇 三、水果篇 四、季节篇 1.Look! This is a cat. It’s black and brown. Her eyes are big. Her ears are big, too. Her nose is small, Her tail(尾巴) is very long. Her favorite food is fish. She is two years old. She can run fast. She is very cute. I like cat very much. 2.I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. Look. This is my father. He is 35 years old. He is a doctor. And this is my mother. She is 33 years old. She is a teacher. I love my family. 3.From this picture, we can see many fruits. For example(例如), peach, banana, lemon, cherry, grape, pear and watermelon. (还可以介绍每种水果的颜色哦) My favorite fruit is grape. It is purple and it is sweet. Do you like grape 4.Look at the picture, it’s snowy. We can see a tree, a snowman, a boy and a girl. The tree is big and green. The boy and the girl are very happy, they are making a snowman. They like winter, I like winter, too. Do you like winter? 5.五、节日篇 六、运动篇 七、地点篇 八、 6.In this picture, we can see an old man.


英语看图说话常用句型 开头:一、突发事件 1. Do you know what happened to … last week? Let me tell you about it. Last Monday… 2. Something unlucky/ interesting happened to … yesterday. 3. The story happened on a hot summer day. 英语看图说话常用句型 开头:二、普通事件1. Tom is a middle school student in Shenzhen. One day… 2. Mary is a little girl. She is my neighbor. One day… 3. It was Sunday. The weather was fine. 英语看图说话常用句型 结尾:一、对人物的总结:1. I think Tom is really a good/ clever/ careless/ helpful boy. 2. Tom did very well. We should learn from him. 英语看图说话常用句型 结尾:二、对事件的总结 1. It’s important for us to protect the environment. 2. As a student, we should try our best to help others/ the old/ the young. 3. We should be careful when we cross the street. 4. We should pay attention to our safety at any time. 万金油句子:故事类 1. Do you want to know what happened to sb. yesterday? 2.Now let me tell you. 3.It was sunny in the morning. 4.Peter was doing sth. when suddenly he saw~~~ 5.Seeing this. Peter immediately~~~ 6.At last Peter~~and ~~~ 7.What a~~~boy Peter was!8.That's all .Thank you! 说明文类 1. Do you want to know how Peter usually spends his day / what Peter did yesterday? 2.Now let me tell you. 3. At 6:30 Peter gets/got up 4. He (often)~~~at~~~and then he ~~~ 5. He (usually) ~~~at~~~.He likes/liked very much. 6.At last Peter~~~and~~~ 7.What a ~~~ day Peter has/had. 8.That's all .Thank you ! 环境类 1.Do you want to know something about/how to protect out environment. 2.Now let me tell you. 3.Now a days our environment is becoming worse and worse.


关于复赛小学组“看图说话”环节的攻略 一. 评分标准 “看图说话”部分满分50分: ※对图片上的内容进行全面、正确的描述,35分; ※结合图片内容和自身经历,能谈及更多的内容,并抒发自己的感想,15分。 注:如不能独立对图片进行描述,但能回答评委针对图片内容进行的提问, 20分。 二. “看图说话”内容说明 总的来说,大部分图都包括角色(人物,动物,物品等),场景和角色行为几个因素,按语文上的说法也可以称之为时间,地点,人物,事件几个要素。 选手应当首先从以下这几个方面来观察一幅图: 角色 1. 图片中有(些)什么?——人物,动物,食物,生活用品,家具,… 2. 这些事物的特征?——数量,颜色,服饰,形状,位置,… 角色行为 5. 这些人或物在做什么?——发挥自己的想象力 6. 行为的结果和影响怎样?——好,不好,(不)可爱,(不)快乐,(不)累, 场景 3. 在什么地方?——海滩,公园,房间内,操场,教室,医院,商场… 4. 场景中所呈现的天气,时间怎样?——晴,阴,雨,雪,冷,热,早晨, 中午,下午,晚上 但是根据年级的不同,在各个因素设置上难易度不同,要求也不一样。下面我们分年级段按照例图进行讲解: 前言 口语本身不需要很严谨的语法结构和逻辑关系,大多是一些简单句的罗列。但是,作为网上的书面辅导,以下所写的范文例句还是不得不比较书面化,选手们看着也许会觉得比较难。我们的建议是:只抓思路和方法,不要过于关注语法和句式。

如图一 图片上有什么? 鸟 bird (表述公母对一年级选手而言过难,可以用自己会的boy, girl 表示)特征是什么? 数量:2只 two birds 颜色:1只红色 one red bird (one bird is red) 1只蓝色 one blue bird (one bird is blue)很漂亮 very beautiful 服饰:绿色的蝴蝶结 green bowknot (这个词可能有些难) 位置:站在树上 stand in a tree 行为,它们在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想) 1. 他们站在树上,谈恋爱。 They stand on the tree. They love each other. 2. 他们在亲吻,他们相爱了。They are kissing. They love each other. 3. 他们在谈论… … 。(编一段对话) The blue bird says:“ My dear,I love you.” The red bird says:“ I love you too.” … 等等。选手们可能会有更丰富的想象。 行为的结果怎样呢? 他们很幸福 They are very happy 场景描述 这幅例图没有直接的场景,可以不描述。 但是为了得高分,可以设想一些简单的场景信息,加以叙述 比如:天气sunny and warm ,时间 Saturday morning


初一英语口语试题(二):看图说话 1、Pretend that Helen is your friend,and say something about the picture(假装你是海伦的朋友,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开始): Helen studies at Zhaoqing Middle School. She gets up at 6 a.m. every day … 2、Pretend you are Jim or Kate, and say something about the picture(假装你是吉姆或 凯特,描述图画). Start like this(你可以这样开 始): This is a picture of my family. There are six people. The one…

3、Pretend you are David, and say something about the picture(假装你是大卫,描述图画)。Start like this(你可以这样开始): This is a picture of my family There are five people. The one in the middle is my grandpa… 4、Say something about the pictures: what’s the weather like there(描述图画,那里的天气怎样)? Start like this(你可以这样开始): In spring, the sun shines. It’s us ually warm and sunny……


四年级英语看图写话 专项练习

四年级英语看图写话专项练习班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号________ 成绩________ 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Let’s ________ a fruit salad now. Lily: Great! Ben: I ________ a pineapple and three ________. Lily: Do you have ________ mangoes? Ben: No, I don’t. I have some ________. Thery’re ________ the table(桌子). Here you are. Lily: Thanks. 2. Wang Bing: Do you have ________ bananas, Su Hai? Su Hai: Yes, ________ do. Wang Bing: ________ ________ bananas do you have? Su Hai: ________. 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! ________ I have some sweets for my friends? Mum: Sure. ________ ________ sweets would you like? Danny: ________. Mum: OK. ________ ________ ________. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have ________? Yes, I do. Look at that ________! He can ________. 5. I have ________ bananas. Do you have ________ bananas? No, I don’t. I have ________ orange.


小学四年级看图写话三篇 【篇一】送给老师的花 教师节就快到了,小云想送些礼物给老师,来表达她对老师的感谢,送什么呢?贺卡、钢笔、笔筒……这些礼物似乎太没新意了。于是,小云决定要送一份与众不同的礼物给老师。 鲜花*能表达对老师的赞美了,就送鲜花给老师吧!记得那一次,成绩一向很好的小云,因为粗心在一次测验考砸了。老师居然没有批评她,而是耐心给她补课,使小云成绩有了很大的提高。小云打心底里感激老师。 想着想着,不知不觉就来到了学校。现在时间尚早,同学们还没到校。小云就悄悄溜进教学楼,来到办公室前。菊花插在哪里好呢?小云再一次扫视老师的桌面,啊!有了!就插在笔筒上吧!小云想:菊花代表顽强、无私的精神,老师看见了一定喜欢! 阳光照了进来,照得菊花发亮,窗外的牵牛花好像正在歌颂这个庄严的节日,正在赞美全世界老师的辛勤劳动呢! 老师,祝您节日快乐! 【篇二】我是好孩子 一天放学回家的路上,我忽然看见邻居张爷爷家的玻璃碎了,原来是邻居家的小孩儿用足球踢碎的。我想:如果张爷爷家的玻璃老是不修,那刮风下雨的时候该有多冷啊!于是,我匆匆忙忙地往家跑。到了家以后,我从我的存钱罐里拿出了我辛辛苦苦攒得的十元钱,又

急匆匆地向张爷爷家奔去。 我气喘吁吁地来到了张爷爷家门口,敲了敲门,开门的是张爷爷,我有礼貌地对他说:“张爷爷,您家的玻璃碎了,您拿这十元钱去把玻璃修好吧!”张爷爷惊讶地摆摆手说:“孩子,你真好。这玻璃又不是你踢碎的,我怎么能叫你赔呢?”我坚持着说:“爷爷,天越来越冷了,再不把玻璃修好,您会冻病的。这是我的一点心意,您就快收下吧!”张爷爷激动地拉着我的手说:“孩子,你真懂事!来,爷爷也是个老球迷,我这一直收留着一个足球,虽然旧了,但还能踢,就送给你玩吧!”我推让着说:“老爷爷,这是您的纪念品,您还是收留着吧!您什么都不用给我,这是我应该做的。”说完,我就往家跑去。 回到家,我把这件事从头到尾讲给了妈妈听。妈妈一边竖起大拇指一边夸赞我说:“好孩子,你长大了!” 【篇三】胜似亲人 生活中,关爱的事像是天上的星星一样,多得数不清。有的让你感动,有的让你开心,有的让你后悔,甚至有的让你悲伤。下面,让我来给你讲一讲。 那一天晚上,狂风怒号,寒风呼啸,外面冷极了,我走在回家路上,路上已经没人了,有一位搭客司机也匆忙地骑着摩托车回家。他走着走着,车子突然不动了,也许是天气冷;也许是车子没油了。只见他一直尝试开动车子,但也无济于事。正当他绝望时,一位路过的搭客司机看见了在发愁的他,坐在车上一动不动。他赶紧上前问,


四年级英语看图写话专项练习 班级_________ 姓名__________ 学号________ 成绩________ 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Let’s ________ a fruit salad now. Lily: Great! Ben: I ________ a pineapple and three ________. Lily: Do you have ________ mangoes? Ben: No, I don’t. I have some ________. Thery’re ________ the table(桌子). Here you are. Lily: Thanks. 2. Wang Bing: Do you have ________ bananas, Su Hai? Su Hai: Yes, ________ do. Wang Bing: ________ ________ bananas do you have? Su Hai: ________. 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! ________ I have some sweets for my friends? Mum: Sure. ________ ________ sweets would you like? Danny: ________. Mum: OK. ________ ________ ________. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have ________? Yes, I do. Look at that ________! He can ________. 5. I have ________ bananas. Do you have ________ bananas? No, I don’t. I have ________ orange.


一、动物篇 二、人物篇 三、水果篇 四、季节篇 1.Look! This is a cat. It’s black and brown. Her eyes are big. Her ears are big, too. Her nose is small, Her tail(尾巴) is very long. Her favorite food is fish. She is two years old. She can run fast. She is very cute. I like cat very much. 2.I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. Look. This is my father. He is 35 years old. He is a doctor. And this is my mother. She is 33 years old. She is a teacher. I love my family. 3.From this picture, we can see many fruits. For example(例如), peach, banana, lemon, cherry, grape, pear and watermelon. (还 可以介绍每种水果的颜色哦) My favorite fruit is grape. It is purple and it is sweet. Do you like grape? 4.Look at the picture, it’s snowy. We can see a tree, a snowman, a boy and a girl. The tree is big and green. The boy and the girl are very happy, they are making a snowman. They like winter, I like winter, too. Do you like winter? 5.五、节日篇 六、运动篇 七、地点篇 八、 6.In this picture, we can see an old man. He is Father Christmas. His name is Santa Clause. He is fat and short. On Christmas Day, he will give presents to children and say “Merry Christmas!” I can sing a


2012级第3学期口语考试题签 1 Key words and expressions: air pollution sustainable development classified rubbish plant trees vehicle

Picture 1 In order to make the earth happy all the time, we should try our best to reduce the air pollution. It can be seen from the picture that in order to reduce the air pollution, we can do the following things. Firstly, plant trees to absorb the harmful air. Secondly, do our best to classify the rubbish. Thirdly, go out by bike instead of taking a vehicle. Fourthly, persuade more people to join the team of protecting the environment, we should start from the small things in our life, start form ourselves. What’s more, we should follow the way of sustainable development. All in all, I believe our life will become better and better and if we do the above things.


看图说话 ——语言知识向能力转化的有效途径 看图说话是语言课堂中常用的一种活动形式。它形式简单易操作,更是一种将知识转化为能力的有效途径。 一、看图说话的作用和功能 1.看图说话可以培养学生用英语进行思维的能力 语言能力和思维能力相互作用、相辅相成。学生语言能力的发展是其思维能力发展的重要前提,而思维能力的发展又可以促进言语的表达。学生要开口说,首先要考虑说什么,怎么说。 看图说话的过程实际上也是一个思维的过程,学生要将自己听到的、看到或读到的语言信息输入大脑,经过认知、对比、分析、理解、记忆、推理、归纳等一系列的思维活动,对语言进行加工,然后用英语表达出来。这一过程实际上是知识与能力的相互转化,是新旧知识的相互融和,是对语言知识的应用。 2.看图说话可以提高学生的英语口语能力 语言是交际的工具。因此,在课堂教学中多给学生提供进行创造性语言活动的机会,有助于提高学生口语能力。学生在看图说话过程中将自己看到、听到和读到的新知识、新内容、新结构经过思维加工,用自己的语言口头表达出来,进行口语实践,掌握了新知识的同时也提高了口语表达能力。 3.看图说话可以拓展学生创新思维的能力 儿童是培养创新思维的最佳时期。在看图说话训练中,可以让学生结合自己所学知识展开联想,对课本内容进行再造加工。学生可以充分发挥想象,深入角色,用英语表达自己的想法。 二、看图说话的操作方式及运用 1.创设情景,进行表演性看图说话

小学生注意力不稳定,因此如果一堂课围绕几幅呆板的图进行讨论,学生很快就会失去兴趣。 此时教师再创设一个与图片类似的情景,配上音乐和道具,学生又可以活跃起来。比如教学人教版小学课本第二册Lesson 23时,笔者先呈现一幅动物园的图让学生描述,然后笔者在教室的前、后、左、右四面墙上都贴上动物的图片让学生边看图边进行对话。学生很自然地运用到了“Hi. Let’s go to the zoo. What’s this / that? Can you spell it, please? Can you see a tigerover there? Let’s go and see? Good bye!”等语言。学生在自然的语言环境中得到更多的锻炼,将所学知识直接运用于交际活动中,促进语言知识的迅速转化。 2.教师设疑让学生进行复述式看图说话 看图说话时,教师可以设计一些疑点启发学生思维。例如:教学人教版初中英语第一册Lesson63时,可以这样处理: T: Who’s that man behind his mother? S: He’s Jim’s uncle (Jim’s mother’s brother)(学生根据问题顺藤摸瓜,主动参与,还未进行到“操练”那一步,就能自如流畅地用英语复述课文了。) 然后教师继续设疑:Can you talk about the picture of your family?(学生获得更多的空间进行自主交流。) 教师用自己的一勺水,引出了学生的一桶水,以至无穷之水。 3.发挥学生的想象,进行拓展性看图说话 在看图说话时,教师可以不规定形式,让学生自由发挥。例如:教学JEFC 第一册Lesson 74时,教师可以只提供一个开头:----What can I do for you? ----I’d like some cakes.学生已经有了一定的语言基础,因此可以两人一组,充分发挥想象力把对话拓展开来。这种练习把学生从书本上引导到生活中来,实现了从知识向技能的转化。 4.通过猜谜进行创造性看图说话


知识精讲 看图说话:根据提供的图画说几句话或一篇短文。看图说话是低年级的重点也是难点。 一、看图说话应注意: (1)综合观察全图,看图上画的有什么,它们之间有什么联系,不要遗漏画面内容。 (2)看图作文常常在图画部分外,还有文字说明或要求,写作时必须看清。 (3)要抓住图中的主要内容,展开丰富的联想。 (4)要拟定适合图意的提纲,恰当地组织材料,安排层次,分清详略。 看图说话的步骤及技巧: 1、仔细推敲说话,要求找出要素看图说话,通常都会配有这样一段文字。 “图上画的是什么时候,在什么地方有哪些人在干什么想一想他们会说什么请用几句话把图上的意思连起来说一说。”这段文字很重要,同学们千万不可一看而过,要细细推敲,这段文字就是说话的要求,也提示我们如何说话。在表达的时候你就要说出这幅图所告诉你的时间、地点、人物、事情,还要发挥想象他们会说什么。 2、对比前后图画的同之处理清图意需要仔细观察、认真思考。 例如给你两幅图,第一幅图呈现了一条小鱼在鱼缸里、一个猫站在鱼缸边上正朝着鱼缸看,第二幅图呈现了一个鱼缸和一只舔着嘴巴笑眯眯的猫。你在观察时,就要对比两幅图的不一样,细心的你会发现第二幅图中鱼缸里的鱼不见了,而猫正在舔着嘴巴。经过你的认真思考,你会想到鱼被猫吃了。图中省去了猫吃鱼的过程,就需要小朋友们仔细观察、认真思考,理清图的意思。 请看这篇佳作:“有一只小花猫看到一个鱼缸里面有一条金鱼, 她想来想去:怎么能吃到这条金鱼呢小花猫伸出猫爪在鱼缸里 抓鱼,小金鱼游得非常快,就像一道红色的闪电。小花猫怎么 也抓不到它,急得满头大汗。小花猫抓抓脑袋想出了一个办法。 她对小金鱼说:“你游泳的技术真棒,可是你会跳吗”小鱼得意地 说:“我当然会跳啦!”“那你跳几下给我看看,我就不吃你了。” 小花猫刚说完,小金鱼就跳了起来,水花溅了一地。小花猫看 准时机在空中抓住了小鱼塞进了嘴里。小花猫闭上眼睛,舔着 嘴巴,得意洋洋地走开了。” 从图中场面及人物加以推测细节。 例如呈现一幅图,公园里人们在锻炼身体,有的在跑步,有的在打太极拳,还有的在打羽毛球。从哪里能看出时间呢小朋友就要仔细观察人们身上穿了什么,如果人们都穿了短袖、还有女士穿裙子,就可以推测是夏天。如果人们穿着厚厚的衣服,还有人戴手套、戴帽子,就可以推测是冬天。再看场地是在公园,人们都在锻炼身体,显然人们是在公园里晨练,从而知道图上画的是早晨。因此理清图意,仔细观察、认真思考以及合理推测很重要。 4、按顺序观察才能表达有序,而不是杂乱无章。


https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b81262486.html,/p-91315169.html https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b81262486.html,/view/7ac796db7f1922791688e8da.html?from=rec&po s=3&weight=7&lastweight=6&count=5 总的来说,大部分图都包括角色(人物,动物,物品等),场景和角色行为几个因素,按语文上的说法也可以称之为时间,地点,人物,事件几个要素。 选手应当首先从以下这几个方面来观察一幅图: 角色 1. 图片中有(些)什么?——人物,动物,食物,生活用品,家具,… 2. 这些事物的特征?——数量,颜色,服饰,形状,位置,… 角色行为 5. 这些人或物在做什么?——发挥自己的想象力 6. 行为的结果和影响怎样?——好,不好,(不)可爱,(不)快乐,(不)累, 场景 3. 在什么地方?——海滩,公园,房间内,操场,教室,医院,商场… 4. 场景中所呈现的天气,时间怎样?——晴,阴,雨,雪,冷,热,早晨, 中午,下午,晚上 四年级和五年级的“看图说话”涵盖角色,场景,角色行为各个方面,角色一般都在三个或三个以上,场景也更加复杂。 图片上有什么? 孩子们children 男孩boy 女孩?girl?(性别不明显,自己假定) 假定全是男孩Jim Peter Robert 特征是什么? 数量:3个男孩three boys 服饰:红色T恤red t-shirt 7号number 7 23号number 23 蓝色短裤blue shorts 黄色长头发long yellow hair 棕色长头发long brown hair 白色T恤white T-shirt 黑短裤black shorts 棕色短发short brown hair 位置:在操场上on the playground 行为,它在做什么?(这个可以有很多种设想) 他们在踢足球They are playing football Jim kicked the ball,Robert ran to stop him,but he missed,fortunately,Peter caught the ball at last 选手们可能会有更丰富的想象。 行为的结果怎样呢? 他们很开心They are very happy


Last Sunday was a sunny day. I went to the park to play basketball with my friends. We were playing happily when suddenly I fell over and hurt my leg. My friends carried me to the hospital at once. The doctor looked over my leg carefully, and said my leg was broken. And I needed to stay in bed for some time. My friends take turns to look after me and help me with my lessons in the hospital. I feel very happy and gets much better now.

Look at the picture, the teacher is telling her students about the Hope Project. She said, "In our country, some children cannot go to school because they don't have enough money. We should do something to help them." Lily was a kind student. She felt sorry about it and she wanted to do something for them. She thought of her pocket money, and she decided to give the money to help the poor children. So she went home and she took all her pocket money to the post office. She sent all the money to the Hope Project.


英 练 年 专 级 语 图 看 话 四 写 Let s J do % ! ? 班级 _________ 姓名 学号 成绩 Here you are. Lily: Thanks. banan as, Su Hai? 2. Wang Bing: Do you have Su Hai: Yes, bananas do you have? Wang Bing: Su Hai: 3. Danny: Do you have any sweets, Mum? Mum: Yes, I have many sweets here. Danny: Great! _______ I have some sweets for my frie nds?斤汨 Shop asistant: It ' s ____________ yuan. Thery ' re the table (桌子) sweets would you like? Mum: OK. Danny: Thank you, Mum. 4. Do you have _______ ? Yes, I do. 1. Ben: Happy New Year, Lily. Lily: Great! Ben: I _______ a pin eapple and three ________ Lily: Do you have _______ man goes? Mum: Sure. Look at that He can a fruit salad now. Ben: No, I don ' t. I have some Danny: 5. I have banan as. Do you have bananas? 7. Shop asista nt: Good morning. Can I help you? Tim: I ' d like this .How much is it? No, I don ' t. I have orange. 6. This is a cute .Do you like Yes, I do. I like too.


1、抽到题之后要保持镇定,并迅速从脑海中锁 定图片的类别。 2、锁定图片类别后要回顾此类图片会用到的单 词、句型。 3、梳理答题思路。 4、开始答题。 (1~3部需要在脑海中迅速进行,思考时间在10~20秒之内) 图片描述题库分类 人物食物 动物地点/风景 职业运动 一、对图片的第一印象: Wow! 如:1、I like this picture.(陈述句) I don’t like this picture. Because … 2、Do you think this is a good picture? (问句) 3、What a nice/beautiful/cute/funny/ colourful picture!(感叹句) 人物:答题方向 *图片中有几个人?There are ___people in the picture. *他们的穿着:They are wearing_______. *他们的表情:They are happy/sad/smiling/. *他们正在做什么:They are playing games. *他们的对话:发挥你自己的想象力,自己编对话。 I say: daddy, mommy. Let’s go to the zoo. *他们的职业:He is a driver/student. 有人物的图片最好使用第一人称,这样不涉及动词的变化。 食物:答题方向 什么食物?There are many _____in the picture. 什么颜色?The apples are _____. 你最喜欢的食物是什么?I like ______. 对身体有益吗? The fruits are delicious and good for our health. 地点/风景:答题方向 在哪?It's in the_____. 什么季节?It's spring/ summer/ fall/ winter. 天气如何?The weather is sunny/ windy/ snowy/ rainy/cloudy/hot/cold/cool/ warm/ 在这里可以干什么?We can_____.


Hello!Everyone! I’ll talk about this picture. Please look. Today i t’s a nice day. The sky is so blue. The clouds are white. The trees are green. How beautiful! After class, we are playing sports in the playground. Some pupils are playing table tennis. Some pupils are playing volleyball. Some pupils are playing basketball. They can play very well. Jack is doing the high jump. He can jump very high. Lily is playing with a ball with her friend. I’m playing an interesting game called Tug-of-war. We are so happy. I think i t’s important to do sports. It can make us stronger and stronger. So let’s do sports together. Let’s do sports every day. That’s all. Thank you. Hello! Everyone! I’ll talk about this picture. Please look!This is my room. It’s very nice. There is a picture on the wall. Near the picture there is a window. It’s bright. Look! This is my bed. It’s very tidy. Next to the bed there is a desk and a chair. There is a pencil-box, a book and a lamp on the desk. There is a book shelf near the desk. Lots of books are in the bookshelf. There is a wardrobe next to the bookshelf. I study in my room every day. I love my room. Do you love your room? Please tell me. That’s all. Thank you.
