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罗宾斯管理学第一讲2 历史沿革

罗宾斯管理学第一讲2 历史沿革

Management History Module 管理历史沿革




1. Historical Background of Management

a) Early evidences of management practice.管理实践的早期证据 b) Adam Smith’s division of labor亚当?斯密的劳动分工 c) Industrial revolution工业革命

a例子:Egypt (pyramids) 5000 years agoa project of 100,000 People for 20 years

Venice 中心码头古代威尼斯造船流水线 China 中国古代的管理实践

商周的管理职位“三官五卿六爵” 军队


Picture of the Great Wall

1. Historical Background of Management bAdam Smith 亚当.斯密

Published “The Wealth of Nations” in 1776国富论

Advocated the division of labor (job specialization) to increase the productivity of workers倡导劳动分工(工作专业化),以提高工人的生产力

Eg:别针行业―10个人,每一个做专门的任务,一天能生产约48000个大头针。每个人单独工作,分别执行每项任务,每天生产10个大头针是相当了不起的成就。CIndustrial Revolution (the late of 18th century)

Substituted machine power for human labor, making it more economical to manufacture goods in factories rather than at home用机器代替人类劳动,使它生产商品更具经济效益

Created large efficient organizations in need of management创建大型高效的管理组织 To forecast the demand预测需求

Ensure enough material was on hand to make products确保有足够的材料制造产品 Assign tasks to people给别人分配任务 Direct daily activities直接的日常工作意义:

Substituted machine power for human labor机器代替人类劳动

Created large organizations in need of management (plan,organize, lead, control)工业革命带来的大规模生产,促进了管理实践的发展,逐渐形成了系统的管理理论

2. Scientific Management科学的管理

? Fredrick Winslow Taylor

? Frank and Lillian GilbrethThe Opperational Approach 2.1 Fredrick W. Taylor- 泰勒

Frederick Winslow Taylor (March 20, 1856 ?C March 21, 1915) was an American mechanical engineer at the steel company in Pennsylvania who sought to improve industrial efficiency.一位美国宾夕法尼亚州钢铁公司的机械工程师,他试图提高

? ? ?C ?C ?C ?

? ?

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?



? Father of scientific management科学管理之父

2.1.1F.W. Taylor ?C Problems 缺点?C员工们倾向于在工作中“放松” -不存在工作标准

-工作人员很少或根本不关心他们的能力与任务的匹配 -经理和工人之间的冲突不断-工人产出只占三分之一

2.1.2 F.W. Taylor’s Solution- “one best way”: Pig iron experiment生铁的实验?C 工人们被要求用不同的程序、技术和工具来装载铁到轨道车?C 工人的平均日产量由12.5吨提高到48吨

2.1.3 Taylor’s Four Principles of Management原则

? 为每个人的工作发展一门科学,这将取代旧的经验法则。 ? 科学地选择并培训、


? 衷心地与工人们合作,确保所有的工作都按照科学的原则进行。

? 在管理和员工之间分配工作和责任。管理接管了一切比工人更好的工作。


? Scientific method ? Selecting and training ? Cooperation

? Sharing responsibility

2.1.4 Published Principles of Scientific Management (1911)好处《科学管理

原理》(1911)――科学管理理论用科学的方法来定义工作的“最佳方法”: 用正确的工



2.2 Frank and Lillian Gilbreth吉尔布雷夫妇


开发了一种名为微时计(Therbligs)的设备,用于计时工作和优化工作性能 2.2.1 How to use

Use time and motion studies to increase productivity使用时间和运动研究来提高生产力 Toyota assembly line improvement丰田汽车生产线的改进 Sports运动

Hire the best qualified employees雇佣最优秀的员工

Design incentive systems based on output基于输出的设计激励系统 2.2.2Focus & side effects 视点与副作用

Focus――Productivity improvement of Individual Operatives提高个人操作者的生产力Side effects――Operatives are looked as machines操作人员看起来就像机器一样

Conflicts between managers and operatives管理者与操作者之间的冲突

3. General Administrative Theory一般管理理论 3.1 Henri Fayol亨利.法约尔

3.1.1Henri Fayol (Istanbul, 29 July 1841 ?C Paris, 19 November 1925) 一个

法国采矿工程师和矿山主管,他开发了一个通常被称为Fayolism的商业管理的一般理论。-法国一家煤矿公司的董事总经理52年 3.1.2

Focus on all managers not first line managers as Taylor 关注所有的经理,而


concerned with making the overall organization more effective关心使整个组


Management was an activity to all business endeavors, government, and even in the home管理是所有商业活动,政府,甚至是家庭的活动两个贡献:

Planning, Organizing, Commanding, Coordinating, and Controlling 计划组织命

令协调控制 Fourteen principles for management14管理原则 3.1.3 Fayol’s Management Functions-POCCC管理职能(1) Planning― To complete a plan of action for the future

(2) Organizing― To provide and mobilize resources to implement the plan

(3) Commanding― To lead, select, and evaluate workers to get the best

work toward the plan

(4) Coordinating―To fit subunit efforts together and ensure information

is shared and problems solved (5) Controlling―To make sure things happen according to plan, and to take necessary corrective action 3.1.4 Fayol’s 14 Principles of Management十四条管理原则

1. Division of work.

2. Authority.

3. Discipline.

4. Unity of command.

5. Unity of direction.

6. Subordination of individual interests to the general interest.

7. Remuneration.(报酬) 8. Centralization.

9. Scalar chain. (等级链) 10. Order. 11. Equity.

12. Stability of tenure of personnel. 13. Initiative. (主动性,自发性) 14. Esprit de corps. (集体精神)

3.2Max Weber 马克思韦伯

A German sociologist who studied organizations.研究组织的德国社会学家



Weber’s Ideal Bureaucracy 韦伯的理想官僚结构

? ? ? ?

3.2.1 How to use-General Administrative Theorists (cont.)

?C The functional view of a manager’s job can be traced to Henri Fayol经理职位的职能可以追溯到亨利?法约尔

?C Weber’s bureaucratic characteristics are still evident in many of today’s large organizations― even in highly flexible organizations of talented professionals where some bureaucratic systems are necessary to ensure that resources are used efficiently and effectively韦伯的官僚特征在当今许多大型组织中仍然很明显――即使是在高度灵活的人才组织中,也需要一些官僚体系来确保资源有效和有效地使用

3.3 Differences between G A Theory(法约尔的理论)& Scientific Management (泰勒理论)――Fayol-G理论整个组织


从个人经验中管理的实践者――Taylor-Scientific管理个别工人在车间管理, 最低的组织层面

4. Quantitative Approach定量方法

? 量化方法对管理领域的贡献。 ? 今天的管理者如何使用定量方法。 4.1介绍

W. Edwards Deming 戴明 Joseph M. Juran朱兰

Developed and widely used after World War II在二战后发展和广泛使用

Evolved from mathematical and statistical methods developed to solve WWII military logistics and quality control problems发展从数学和统计方法发展到解决二战军事后勤和质量控制问题 Whiz Kids神童



Example美国西部航空的例子――“倒金字塔”的方式登机 Total quality management (TQM)全面质量管理(TQM)

W. Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran advocated in the 1950s in the U.S., become popular in 1980s-90s in Japan 戴明和朱兰在20世纪50年代在美国倡导,在20世纪80年代到90年代在日本流行

A management philosophy devoted to continual improvement and responding to customer needs and expectations 管理哲学,致力于持续改进和响应客户需求和期望4.3 What Is Quality Management? 质量管理是什么

?CThis approach has contributed most directly to managerial decision making, particularly in planning and controlling

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

这种方法对管理决策产生了最直接的贡献,特别是在计划和控制方面 -Linear programming线性编程

-Critical-path scheduling analysis关键路径调度分析

?C The application of computer software programs made it possible to use quantitative techniques for managers 计算机软件程序的应用使得对管理者使用定量技术成为可能

5. Understanding Organizational Behavior 组织行为 5.1 Organizational Behavior (OB)

? 研究人们的行为在市场中运作;人是组织中最重要的资产

? Early OB Advocates早期OB倡导者:Robert Owen、Hugo Munsterberg、Mary Parker Follett、Chester Barnard


的) ? (1)1924照明实验(实验组、对照组)

? 在不利的工作条件下,生产力意外增加


? 社会规范、团体标准和态度比金钱激励更能影响个人的产出和工作行为。 How to use OB


? ? ? ? ? ? ?


6. Systems Approach系统理论

? 描述一个使用系统方法的组织。 ? 讨论系统方法如何帮助我们管理。 6.1 System Defined

A set of interrelated and interdependent parts arranged in a manner that produces a unified whole.一组相互关联和相互依存的部分安排的方式产生一个统一的整体

First advocator: Chester Barnard, a company executive第一拥护者:切斯特巴纳德,一个公司高管 1938, publication of The Functions of an Executive1938年出版的《行政职能》 1960s widely accepted。1960s广泛接受 6.2 Basic Types of Systems 系统的基本类型 Closed systems 闭合系统

Are not influenced by and do not interact with their environment (all system input and output is internal).

? Open systems 开放系统

? Dynamically interact to their environments by taking in inputs and transforming them into outputs that are distributed into

their environments. ? organizations

? 接收来自环境的输入 ? -将输入转换成输出 ? -输出被分配到环境中

6.2.1The Organization as an Open System将组织作为一个开放的系统


Production department and marketing department 生产与销售 Purchasing department and production department 生产与采购

Organizations’ survive and their environment, such as government regulations, supplier relations, o the varied external constituencies upon which it depends 企业的生存与环境

6.2.2 总结

? Coordination of the organization’s parts is essential for proper functioning of the entire organization. 协调合作

? Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other areas of the organization. 局部决


? Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their external environment. 组织必须适应


7、权变理论 7.1 Defined

? 有时也称为情境的方法。

? ? ?

