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2015年6月CET-6 作文预测




Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic Expenditure on Fast Food. You should write at least 150 words and base your composition on the outline given below.

Expenditure on Fast Food

The bar chart demonstrates the expenditure on fast foods of different income group s. Overall, people of high income group spend the most money on fast foods (a little more than 80 pence per person per week). In comparison, people who have an average income and low income spend less, around 70 pence and 40 pence respectively.

The high income group prefers hamburgers and spends 43 pence per week on them. This is more than twice the amount of money they spend on pizza (20 pence) and fish and chips (17 pence). Hamburgers also rank first among the choices of the average income group at 34 pence. Compared with the high income group, the average income group spends more on fish and chips–25 pence per person per week. They only spend a little more than 10 pence on pizza.

Fish and chips replace hamburgers and become the most popular choice in the low income group – people spend an average 18 pence per week on them. Money spent on hamburgers is only 14 pence per person per week, which is almost one third of that of the high income group whereas money spent on pizza is a mere 7 pence.




第一段中different income group意为“不同收入群体”,in comparison意为“相比较而言”,respectively意为“分别”;第二段中rank first意为“排第一”,fish and chips意为“炸鱼和薯条”,per person per week意为“每人每周”;第三段中whereas 意为“然而”,mere意为“仅仅”。


Directions: Several cities in China have introduced a new electronic system to guarantee fair enrollment for middle schools. Under the new system, a student’s household registration determines which school he would be admitted to. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on A Balanced Education, You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

A Balanced Education

It can be inferred from the picture above that the enrollment policy of compulsory education in China – an automatic selection according to one’s registered residence –was designed to ensure that every child,

regardless their family background and social status, can enjoy equal chance.

Admittedly, with such a policy, students no longer have to take examination and schools can no longer pick the students they deem most potential. Students will be judged only by their registered address, not their intelligence. Nevertheless, in my opinion, these measures are only palliatives. The reason why parents and children have been competing for all these years is that the educational resources are unevenly distributed in China. Some of the schools recruit better teachers and possess better equipments while others don’t. One of the most obvious results of the current enrollment policy is a surge in the price of the real estate that guarantees enrollment to a more promising school.

It is no denying that this policy would work within a short period of time. But to sustain the balance in education, the government should probably put more money in cultivating outstanding teachers and encouraging them to support education in less developed regions.



第一段中enrollment policy意为“招生政策”,compulsory education意为“义务教育”,automatic意为“自动的”,be designed to意为“目的是”;第二段中palliative意为“缓和剂”,unevenly意为“不平均地”,distribute意为“分配”,promising意为“有前途的”;第三段中It is no denying that意为“不可否认的是”,sustain the balance意为“保持平衡”。

part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a

Time Spent on Housework. You should write at

Time Spent on Housework

The bar chart demonstrates the amount of time men and women of different employment groups spend on housework in 1995, 2005, and 2015. Overall, regardless of the employment status, the amount of time women spend on housework dropped slightly in 2005 and rallies in 2015 whereas that of men increased by 0.5 in total.

Women with no employment spend the most time on housework in all three years and the number fluctuates slightly from 7 hours in 1995 to 6.5 hours in 2005, and returns to 7 in 2015. Women with part-time employment spend a little less time on housework. The number of hours they spend on housework is 5.5, 5, and 6 in 1995, 2005, and 2015 respectively. Women who are full-time employed spend 2 hours on housework in 1995, 1.5 in 2005, and 2.5 in 2015. They only spend around one-third the time other women spend on housework.

In comparison, men with full-time employment spend the least hours on housework, with an overall uprising trend. In 1995 and 2005, they spend only 1 hour on housework per day and in 2015, the figure increase by 0.5 to 1.5.



第一段中regardless of意为“不管……”,employment status意为“就业情况”,increase by意为“增长了”;第二段中fluctuate意为“波动”,the declining of scholars’;第三段中uprising trend意为“上升趋势”,figure意为“数据”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the topic Handle Criticism and Compliments Properly based on the picture below. You can cite examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

Handle Criticism and Compliments Properly

What we can see from the picture above is that a salesman in an office trying to promote a kind of hearing aid says: “It’s a special hearing aid. It filters out criticism and amplifies compliments.”Funny though it sounds, it reflects the improper way of handling criticism and compliments, which is not uncommon among some people.

There is no doubt that criticism can sometimes do harm to people’s confidence and dignity and compliments can be encouraging. However, it is improper,even wrong to simply reject criticism and amplify compliments. On the one hand, criticism has a tremendous value for one’s growth and development as a human being, such as helping people

’s self-knowledge, stopping one from erring, etc. On the other hand, compliments, especially deceptive ones made on purpose, will lead to blind optimism, which will hinder one from making right judgments, decisions or choices.

To conclude, one cannot simply take a negative attitude toward criticism and welcome compliments excessively. A proper way is to accept pertinent and beneficial criticism and refuse insincere compliments.



第一段中promote意为“推销”, hearing aid意为“助听器”filter out意为“过滤”,amplify意为“放大”;第二段中dignity意为“尊严”,improper意为“不恰当的”,tremendous意为“巨大的”erring意为“犯错误” deceptive意为“欺骗性的”;第三段中excessively意为“过度地”, pertinent意为“中肯的”。


Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of the impact of floods of smart phone apps on their users and then explain the advantages and disadvantages of numerous smart phone apps200


As is depicted in the picture, a woman talks to a man, complaining the floods of apps. What she intends to express includes two points: apps would generate many amazing things; various choices of apps draw the users’ attention so that they ignore the real world.

Let’s put it another way. On one hand, it is convenient for smart phone users to have so many apps. They can surf the Net through apps to do

whatever they want: buying things, chatting with their friends, receiving emails, having video conferences, reading books, and watching films, etc. On the other hand, the side effects caused by apps cannot be undervalued. Firstly, it may lead to message leakage. Secondly, the rubbish files produced by apps may slow down the running speed of smart phones. Thirdly, overuse of smart phones will be harmful for one’s physical and mental health. Smart phone users are engrossed in their screens and are isolated from the outside world, ignoring everything around them.

To conclude, apps should be utilized wisely. When enjoying the enrichment of apps we should stay awake and not be dragged into the virtual world.



第一段中intend to意为“想要”,generate意为“产生”,shade away意为“消逝”,Contrarily意为“相反地”;第二段中undervalue意为“低估”,message leak意为“消息泄露”,be engrossed in意为“沉迷于”;第三段中utilize意为“利用”,enrichment“丰富”,drag into意为“拖进”。
