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( )1. A. bag B. map C. grade D. can

( )2. A. usually B. just C. under D. up

( )3. A. sweater B. team C. bread D. head

( )4. A. pear B. there C. where D. here

( )5. A. collect B. cock C. o’clock D. Holiday







6.look the same _____________

7.a map of China _____________ 8.half past six _____________

9.have a chat _____________ 10.blow out _____________



1.I live in Qidong, but my aunt__________(live) in Shanghai.

2. Shall we ________________(go) to the cinema by bus?

3.—What did you do last Sunday?

—I__________(pick) oranges in the country.


4. ___________(drink) some juice, please.


( )1. Look, there is__________old woman near__________house.

A.an; the

B. an; a

C.a; the ( )2. I like reading and I can learn a lot__________the books. A. of B. on C. from

( )3. —__________you a student?

—No, I___________not.


A. Are; is

B. Is; am

C. Are; am

( )4. My father is tall, but my brother is___________.

A. high

B. short

C. tall

( )5. My grandfather often____________dinner at home.

A. have

B. has

C. having

( )6. Look! The girl_____________ long hair is Lucy.

A. with

B. put on

C. in

( )7. The coat_____________the wall isn’t Kate’s. It’s_____________

A. on;his

B. to;mine

C. in;he

( )8. There are many_____________in the police office.

A.woman police

B. policewomen

C. policewoman

( )9. My grandpa is old._____________he looks young.

A. And

B. But

C. Or

( )10. We usually_____________mooncakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. We_____________a lot of delicious cakes yesterday.

A. eat;ate

B. eat;eated

C. ate;ate



2.Please read Lesson One.(改为否定句)

__________ __________Lesson One, please.

3.Jackie has lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)

__________ Jackie_________ lunch at school?

4.My favourite subject is Science.(对画线部分提问)

___________ ____________ favourite subject?

5.They have maths on Tuesday and Friday.(对画线部分提问)

__________ __________they have Maths?


5.Ann is ten years old. Lucy is eight years old.(把两个句子合并为一个句子) Lucy is two years_________ _________ Ann.



A: Good morning. _________1_________

B: Yes,I’d like a birthday card.


B: No,I,d like one for my mother.


As What a good daughter! _________3________

B: It looks nice. But my mother doesn’t like red.


B: She likes blue and green._________5________

A: Of course. Here you are.

B : It’s nice. It’s my mother’s favourite. _________6________

A: Two yuan, please.

A.Do you want it for your teacher?


B.How much is it?

C.Can I help you?

D.What is her favourite colour?

E.Can I look at that green one?

F.What about this one?


2. ______

3. _______

4. _______

5. _______

6. _______


A boy and a girl catch a bird and _____1_____ it in a birdcage (鸟笼).They like it ____2______ and _____3_____ it every day. A cat sees the bird and wants _____4_____ her supper. _____5_____ the bird is in the cage. She can’t catch it. So she is very _____6_____.


One day, she opens the door of the cage _____7_____ wants to catch it. But the bird flies away. The cat _____8_____, and she has _____9_____. The two children _____10_____ and see the bird isn’t in. They are very angry and put the cat into the cage.

( )1. A. take B. put C. carry D. bring

( )2. A. well B. very C. much D. very much

( )3. A. see B. look C. have a look D. have a look at

( )4. A. have it for B. has is for C. to have it for D. to has it for

( )5. A. But B. And C. So D. Then

( )6. A. angry B. happy C. glad D. tired

( )7. A. but B. and C. so D. or


( )8. A. can to fly B. can fly C. can’t to fly D. can’t fly

( )9. A. no ways B. some ways C. any way D. not way

( )10. A. come back to home B. come back home

C. come to home

D. back home



Mrs. Green is going to give a birthday party for Mary (Mary is her daughter). Mary is going to be thirteen years old. Twenty friends of Mary’s are going to come to the party. They are all girls. Mrs. Green is getting ready for the party. Mrs. White is helping her.

“Let’s make a pretty cake,”Mrs. White says to Mrs. Green.

“OK. Thank you very much.”

Mrs. Green is going shopping now. She’s going to buy fruit for the party. Mrs. Green buys some fruit. She buys a lot of pears, oranges and bananas. Then she goes home.

It’s three o’clock in the afternoon. Everything is ready. Now the first girl is arriving. The party is going to start in thirty minutes.

( )1.___________ is going to give a birthday party for Mary.

A. Mrs. White

B. Mrs. Green

C. Mary

D.Mary’s friend

( )2. Mary is going to be__________ years old.

A. twenty

B. ten

C. twelve

D. thirteen


( )3.______________ are going to come to the party.

A. Thirty boys

B. Twenty girls

C.Forty children

D. Mrs. Green and Mrs. White

( )4. Mrs. Green buys___________ for the party.

A. a cake

B. some fruit

C.some bananas and apples

D. a lot of oranges

( )5. The party is going to begin at___________ in the afternoon.

A. two thirty

B. three

C. Four

D. three thirty


南京即将在2014年8月举办青奥会,现在要招募部分友好家庭来接待外国来宾。请根据下面提供的信息,为启东的Liu Ping同学写一份自我介绍。


Name: Liu Ping Age: 12

City: Qidong Family: Dad, Mum

School: Spring Primary School

Hobbies: dancing and playing the piano

The weather in August: sunny, hot


Hello, my name is Liu Ping._______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________Welcome to Qidong.





( )1. A. bag B. map C. grade D. can


名师解析:a在单词中一般有五个音最为常见:1.在开音节中发/ei/音,例如:name plane cake ;

2.在闭音节中重读时发/?/音,例如:bag dad hat;

3.在闭音节中非重读时发/?/音,例如:away asleep sofa;

4.后面是ss,sk,sp,st,f 时发/a:/音,例如:ask grasp class;


5.在w 或wh 后面时发/?/或/?:/,例如:want water watch。所给的四个选项,A项bag的发音为/ b?g/;B项map的发音为/m?p/;C项grade的发音为/ gre?d/;D项can的发音为/ k?n/。因此可知C项中的字母a发音为/e?/,其他三项中的字母a发音为/?/,故可知本题的正确答案为C项。



( )2. A. usually B. just C. under D. up


名师解析:字母u的发音基本上有两种,第一种是在例如dude(哥们),excuse(原谅)等单词中,字母u发/ju:/,发这个音的时候,u属于元音字母,如果它是一个可数名词且为单数时,前面的不定冠词要用an;第二种是在例如bus(公共汽车),unknown(未知的)等单词中,字母u发/∧/。根据所给的四个选项,A项usually的发音为/'ju:∫u?li/;B项just 的发音为/d3∧st/;C项under的发音为/'∧nd?/;D项up的发音为/∧p/。因此可知字母u 在单词usually中的发音为/ju:/,而在其他三个选项的字母中发音均为/∧/,因此可知本题的正确答案为A项。



( )3. A. sweater B. team C. bread D. head


名师解析:字母组合ea通常读长音/i:/,也就是第一个元音字母的名称音,如在:pea, sea, tea, beach等单词中均读长音/i:/。除此之外,字母组合ea还可读短音/e/,如在:head, bread, weather, heavy等单词中。在个别情况下还可读双元音/ei/,如在:great, break等单词中。







( )4. A. pear B. there C. where D. here


名师解析:A项的单词pear的发音为/pe?/;B项的单词there的发音为/ee?; e?/;C项的单词where的发音为/we?/,因此现在可知前三个选项中字母e的发音均为/e/。而D项中单词here的发音为/h??/,因此字母e在D项中的发音为/?/。故可知本题的正确答案为D项。


易错提示:要特别注意字母e的不同的发音规则,本题很容易先入为主,看到there、where 和here形似的单词就直接认为这三个单词的发音一样,因此直接误选A项。

( )5. A. collect B. cock C. o’clock D. Holiday



(2)o在重读闭音节中读作/?:/,例如:Lorry,block,fond等单词中。注:在-r音节中读作/?/,例如:report,former,informal等单词中。而当o + m,n,v,th时,o常读作/∧/,例如:recover,honey。A项单词collect的发音为/k?'lekt/,因此字母o在单词中的发音为/?/。B项单词cock的发音为/k?k/,C项单词o’clock的发音为/?'kl?k/,D项单词holiday的发音为/'h ?l?de?/。因此可知只有A项中字母o的发音与其他三项不同。










6. look the same _____________

7. a map of China _____________ 8.half past six _____________

9. have a chat _____________ 10.blow out _____________


名师解析:1. 问路中的“问”应用动词ask,而道路为名词way,中间应加定冠词the修饰,因此“问路”应翻译为ask the way。way还有其他的固定短语,如on the way to表示“在去某地的路上”,in the way表示“挡路”。

2. 翻译时应注意每个词的翻译,“一只”应用不定冠词a或an,或者数词one。而“有趣的”应为形容词在此作定语,即interesting,由于interesting是以元音音素开头的单词,因此前面的不定冠词应用an。“猴子”应翻译为monkey。因此本短语应为an interesting monkey。

3.“春节”为专有名词,首字母需要大写,应翻译为Spring Festival,要注意掌握专有名词的正确书写。

4.“禁止吸烟”通常作为公共标语使用,应为No Smoking。类似的短语还有No Parking禁止停车等。


5.“起床”为固定动词短语,应翻译为get up。应熟练掌握各个常见的动词短语。

6. look意为“看”,the same为固定短语,意为“一样的”,因此look the same应翻译为看起来一样。

7. a为不定冠词,意为“一个”,map为名词,意为“地图”,a map of…为固定短语,意为“……的一张地图”。China意为“中国”,因此这个短语应翻译为一张中国的地图。

8. half意为“一半”,通常在表达时间时当时间为半点时用half past…表达,six意为“六”,因此这个短语应翻译为六点半。

9. chat在此作名词,意为“聊天”,因此have a chat应翻译为“聊天”。

10. blow为动词,意为“吹”,而out通常与动词搭配意为某物或某事完结,因此blow out 应翻译为“吹灭”,为固定短语。

参考答案:1. ask the way 2. an interesting monkey 3.Spring Festival 4. No Smoking

5.get up








1.I live in Qidong, but my aunt __________ (live) in Shanghai.

思路分析:本题考查的是根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式,要注意动词的时态的正确判断。名师详解:题干意为“我住在启东,但是我的阿姨住在上海。”根据前半句的live可知本句的时态为一般现在时态,而根据后半句的主语my aunt为第三人称单数可知此处谓语动词应填入一般现在时态的第三人称单数形式lives。


易错提示:本题容易忽略后半句的主语为my aunt为第三人称单数形式,从而没有判断出来应用第三人称单数形式lives。

2. Shall we ________________(go) to the cinema by bus?

思路分析:本题考查的是根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式,要注意动词的时态的正确判断。名师详解:题干意为“我们坐公交车去电影院吗?”根据句意以及句首的Shall可知此处应填入动词原形,即为Shall we do sth.?这是提建议的固定句型。


易错提示:本题无法根据Shall we…来判断谓语动词的形式。

3. —What did you do last Sunday?


— I __________ (pick) oranges in the country.

思路分析:本题考查的是根据句意写出所给单词的正确形式,要注意动词的时态的正确判断。名师详解:根据问句问的是“你上周日做了什么?”可知,因为是问“last Sunday”,因此句子的时态应为一般过去时态,因此答语中的谓语动词也应用过去式,pick的过去式为picked。故应填入picked。


易错提示:本题容易忽略问句中的时间状语last Sunday应用过去式,而写出错误的动词形式。

4. ___________ (drink) some juice, please.






()1. Look, there is __________ old woman near __________ house.

B.an; the B. an; a

C. a; the





( )2. I like reading and I can learn a lot __________ the books.

A. of

B. on

C. from


名师解析:本句句意为“我喜欢读书,并且我可以从书中学到很多东西。本题考查的是learn sth. from…的固定用法,意为“从……中学到……”,这是learn的固定用法,因此可以判断答案为C项。


易错提示:本题最容易误选A项,学生容易直接看到a lot以及空后的名词复数books就直接认为此处考查的是固定短语a lot of,从而判断错误。

( )3. —__________ you a student?


—No, I ___________ not.

A. Are; is

B. Is; am

C. Are; am


名师解析:本句句意为“你是一名学生吗?”“不,我不是。”第一空根据空后的主语you 可知,通常you与be动词的are搭配;而第二空的I通常只与am搭配构成主系结构。故本题答案应为C项。


易错提示:本题学生容易根据空后的a student为名词单数从而误判第一空应填be动词的is 形式从而误判。

( )4. My father is tall, but my brother is ___________.

A. high

B. short

C. tall






( )5. My grandfather often ____________ dinner at home.

A. have

B. has

C. having


名师解析:句意为“我的祖父经常在家吃晚饭。”那么根据句意分析,以及句中的时间标志词often表示“经常”,可知本句的时态为一般现在时态,且根据本句的主语为“My grandfather”为第三人称单数形式可知,谓语动词应用一般现在时态的单数第三人称形式,have dinner 为固定短语,意为“吃晚饭”,因此本题的正确答案为B项。



()6. Look! The girl _____________ long hair is Lucy.

A. with

B. put on

C. in






()7. The coat _____________ the wall isn’t Kate’s. It’s_____________

A. on;his

B. to;mine

C. in;he


名师解析:本题句意为“墙上的外套不是Kate的,那是他的。”第一空根据空后内容可知考查的是on the wall的固定短语,意为“在墙上”,其他两个介词to和in没有此用法,因此可以直接判断出答案选A项。


易错提示:本题容易因为没有牢记on the wall的固定短语从而选择错误的介词。

()8. There are many _____________ in the police office.

A. woman police

B. policewomen

C. policewoman





易错提示:本题最容易错选A项,认为女警察就是用woman来修饰,而忽略policewoman 本身就是女警察的意思。

()9. My grandpa is old. _____________ he looks young.

A. And

B. But

C. Or







()10. We usually _____________ mooncakes at Mid-Autumn Festival. We _____________ a lot of delicious cakes yesterday.

A. eat;ate

B. eat;eated

C. ate;ate







6.Please read Lesson One.(改为否定句)

__________ __________Lesson One, please.



而谓语动词应用动词原形。故可知正确答案应为Don’t read。

参考答案:Don’t read


7.Jackie has lunch at school.(改为一般疑问句)


__________ Jackie_________ lunch at school?

思路分析:本题考查的是实意动词变为一般疑问句时的用法。应熟练掌握一般疑问句的变型。名师解析:have lunch为固定短语,意为“吃午饭”,其中has为实意动词,作句子的谓语动词。因此在变为一般疑问句时需要借助助动词,因为主语为第三人称单数,故助动词应用does,而谓语动词要用动词原形。has的动词原形应为have。



8.My favourite subject is Science.(对画线部分提问)

___________ ____________ favourite subject?


名师解析:所给肯定句意为“我最喜欢的科目是科学。”将Science划线,应该是问“最喜欢的科目是什么”,且对此提问时应改为“你最喜欢的科目是什么?”,即What is your favourite subject?

参考答案:What’s your

易错提示:本题容易忽略代词的变化,只得出What’s my的错误答案。


2015年小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,e B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)desk. 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books?


2013年东华小升初入学试卷 (本试卷满分为100分考试时间60分钟) 一、语音测试:选出下列每组词中划线部分发音不相同的那一个词(5分) ()1、A、bird B、worker C、doctor D、sister ()2、A、near B、pear C、year D、dear ()3、A、food B、cook C、room D、school ()4、A、who B、where C、what D、when ()5、A、seat B、read C、bread D、meat 二、选出能替换划线部分的选项,保持句意不变。(5分) ()1、Jack is a top student.He learns every subject well. A、bad B、best C、tall ()2、——Thank you very much.——You are welcome! A、No thank. B、It doesn’t matter. C、That’s all right ()3、Is this pen broken?No,it’s OK. A、right B、nice C、all right ()4、It is seven thirty now,let’s hurry to school. A、seven past thirty B、half past eight C、half past seven ()5、There are some shops near the bank. A、a few B、any C、a little 三、情景匹配,从下面方框中的答语中找出适合上述问题的答应。(5分) ()1、How do you usually come to school? ()2、What’s the weather like today? ()3、What day is it today? ()4、What’s the matter with you? ()5、Where is my English book? 四、语法测试:选出最佳的答案,把编号写在方框内(15分) ()1、This bag isn’t mine,it’s_______,I think. A、Mary B、Mays C、Mary’s


周末重难点小升初测试试题 一、根据读音规则,判断下列各组单词中,哪一个单词划线部分的读音与其它三个划线部分的读音不同,请选出。 ()1. A. hand B. gave C. MapD. plan ()2. A. went B. bed C. me D. get ()3. A. heavy B. sleep C. weekend D. meet ()4. A. car B. FatherC. Warm D. hard ()5. A. start B. car C. father D. swam 二、翻译下列短语: 1.全世界_________ _________ the world 2.制定计划__________ a ___________ 3.去游泳_________ ___________ 4.长城the __________ _________ 5.起床_________ _________ 三、单项选择: ( ) 1. Your pen is newer than _____________. A. mine B. me C. her ( ) 2. Zhuhai is ________ than Guangzhou, I think. A. most beautiful B. beautiful C. more beautiful ( ) 3. I learned __________ pictures on the computer. A. to draw B. draw C. drew ( ) 4.How _______ she go to school in the morning ? A. is B. does C. do ( ) 5.That is _______ American national flag. There ______ fifty stars on it. A. a , is B. an , are C. an , is ( ) 6. What film are you going to ________ ? A. see B. watch C. look ( ) 7. Rome _____ ______ than Paris. A. are warmer B. is warmer C. is warmmer ( ) 8. My grandfather usually ________ the flowers in the morning. A. watering B. is watering C. waters ( ) 9. Listen! Xiaoling ________ in her classroom. A. sings B. singing C. is singing ( ) 10. Yesterday my parents and I ________ our house. A. are cleaning B. cleaned C. are going to clean 四、按要求改写下列句子: 1. It's nine thirty in the morning. (对划线部分提问) ___________________________________________________? 2.The Olympic Center is in the north of Beijing. (对划线部分提问) ____________________________________________________? 3. I am a Chinese girl.(用she改写) ___________________________________________ 4.What are you going to be when you grow up? (自由回答) ________________________________________ 5. yesterday, where, they, did, go.(连词成句) ______________________________________________ 五、补全对话 A: Hello, Bill. What are those in the box? B: 1 ________ post cards of Beijing.

六年级下册英语试题-小升初综合测试卷 外研版 无答案

小升初 一,找出每组划线部分发音不同的一项。(10分) ( )1.A.rice https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,k C.kite ( )2.A.windy B.foggy C.young ( )3.A.meat B.eat C.bread ( )4.A.box B.old C.dog ( )5.A.bus B.cup C.beautiful 二.选出每组中不同类的一项。(10分) ( )1.A.plate B.bowl C.give ( )2.A.cherry B.strawberry C.study ( )3.A.meat B.juice C.bread ( )4.A.weather B.windy C.snowy ( )5.A.salad B.potato C.tomato 三.根据例子写出所给单词的复数形式,不可数用“×”。(16分) a book books × milk × _____meat_____ _____eraser_____ _____kite_____ _____aunt_____ _____box_____ _____knife_____ _____potato_____ _____watch_____ 四.选择正确的答案完成句子。(20分) ( ) 1.What___the weather like? A.is B.do C.does

( ) 2.What's that? It's ____. A.snow B.rainy C.windy () 3.I like ____. A.a tomato B.tomatos C.tomatoes ( ) 4.Why____go out and play? A.don't B.not C.can't ( ) 5.I have ___apples. I don't have ___oranges. A.an /any B.some/any C.an/an ( ) 6.It's time ____lunch. A.to B.for C.at ( ) 7.The dog ___ two eyes. A.Has B.is C.at ( ) 8.The____are sharp(锋利的). A.k nife B.knifes. C.knives. ( )9.Does he have____cherries. A.an B.some C.any ( )10.I am____my homework. A.do B.does C.doing 五.请根据括号内的要求改写句子(每格一词)(10分每空1分)1.It’s fine.(对划线部分提问) the weather ? 2.I have some rice.(改为否定句).


2019年小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys 4.Ae B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) 1e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)desk.21cnjy 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books? A.or B.and C.with D./ 2.-________________on the desk? -Yes,it is. A.What‘s B.Where is


小升初英语入学测试 姓名 ____________ 学校______________ 联系电话________________ I.. 按要求写出下列单词:(20分) leaf(复数)_______ 2.write(同音词)______ 3. mouth(复数)_________ 4. them(主格)_____ 5.radio(复数)______ 6. teach(过去式)______ 7.down(反义词)________ 8. one (序数词)_________ 9.study(三单)___________ 10.do(第三人称单数)_________ II.用所给词的适当形式填空:(10分) 1. Lily’s brother (like) playing football. 2. I’m going to (stay) at home today. 3. --May I use ______(you) bicycle? --I'm sorry. ______(My) is not here. 4. I want (borrow) a book. 5. My grandma __________(watch)TV every day . 6. This is an (interest) story. 7. He keeps four ___ (sheep). 8. What are your parents’_______ (hobby)? 9. My (mother) job is teaching. 10. Our school is (difference) from hers. IV.选择填空:(30分) ( ) 1. ________ like English. A. Everything B. Everybody C. All D. Every ( ) 2. Peter has a lot of . A. toys cars B. toy car C . toys car D. toy cars ( ) 3. There is useful book on the desk. A. a B. an C . / D. the ( ) 4. He enjoys football. A. to play B. play C. playing D. / ( ) 5. It is cold in Beijing, but the weather in Hainan is different from in Beijing. A. it B. that C. weather D. to ( ) 6. I live Tianjin , but my father lives a farm. A. in , in B in , on C on , on D on , in ( ) 7. His son does well collecting stamps. A. at B. for C. in D. of ( ) 8. I want a room my own. A. of B. by C. on D. in ( ) 9. Here are some flowers _______ our best wishes. A. to B. with C. for D. of ( ) 10. – When is _______? -- September the tenth. A. Teachers’ Day B. The Teacher’ Day ? C. The Teacher’s Day D. Teacher’s Day ( ) 11. The farmers want to learn the most corn . A. what to get B. where to get C. which to get D. how to get ( ) 12. Can they finish pictures? A. draw B. drawing C. to draw D. draws


小升初英语测试卷 (满分100分)姓名: 夯实基础(基础卷) 一.按要求写出下列代词的相应形式(10分) 1.we(宾格形式) 2.me(名词性物主代词) 3.who(所有格) 4..she(形容词性物主代词) 5.those(单数) 6.their(人称代词的主格形式) 7.he(名词性物主代词)8.you(形容词性物主代词) 9.they(反身代词)10. have(单三人称形式) 二.单项选择题(30分) ( )1、—— ________________are you? ——I’m ten years old. A. How tall B. How old C. How many D. How long ( )2、He likes . He likes , too! A.make/swimming B.making/making C.making/swim D.make/made ( )3、----What does Tom do? ---- A. Tom goes to school. B.Tom is a boy. C.Tom is a teacher. D.Tom likes red. ( )4. do you usually come to school ?--On foot. A.What B.How C.When D.Where

( ) 5.is a nice day today. A.She B.He C.They D.It ( )6. minutes do you go to school by bus? A. How often B. How many C. How much D.How long ( ) 7. What you usually do at home? A. do B.does C.will D.Has ( ) 8. Everyone to be strong and healthy. A. Want B. wants C. wanted D.wanting ( ) 9. There was on the train. A. no persons B. any person C. anybody D. nobody ( )10.If you need a sharpener, I'lI lend you . A. some B.One C. another D. the one ( ) 11. Enjoy . A. myself B.yourself C. herself D. himself ( ) 12. The pencil-case isn 't . It 's . A. yours, his B. your, hers C. mine, he's D. his, her ( ) 13.When she was in trouble, she always asked to help her. A.him and me B. him and I C. he and me D. he and I ( ) 14. Do you have to tell us? A. something new B. new something C. anything new D. new anything


小升初英语综合测试卷及听力材料 一找出与所听单词属同一类的词,将其序号填入题前括号内(听一遍8分) ( )1 A. pencil B. twelve C. dog D. English ( )2 A. watch B. trousers C. purple D. computer ( )3 A. jacket B. China C. student D. Japanese ( )4 A. pear B. orange C. eraser D. school ( )5 A. I B. him C. their D. under ( )6 A. white B. girl C. row D. who ( )7 A. year B. Jun.1st C. March D. Monday ( )8 A. egg B. teapot C. tea D. pear 二根据听到的答句选择适当的问句(听两遍12分) ( ) 1 A. Is the black pen in the pencil-box ? B. Is this pen yours ? C. What can you see in the pencil-box ? ( ) 2 A. Shall we go now ? B. Which is for me , this one or that one ? C. Excuse me , where is the post office ? ( ) 3 A. Shall I show you a photo ? B. Can you play a computer game ? C. May I have your picture ? ( ) 4 A. How are you ? B. Can you help me ? C. Whose is this camera ? ( ) 5 A. Are you from Japan ? B. Do you like this T-shirt ? C. Can you see the blue T-shirt ? ( ) 6 A. What is the man’s job ? B. Do you know the man ? C. Can you see the man in blue ? 三听录音,完成对话(听两遍10分) A: Hello! What _______ you _______ last weekend ? B: I ______ to visit a farm with my friends ? A: What ______ you do on the farm ? B: We ______ trees . We ______ cows , too . A: Really ? That was fun ! B: Yes . It’s very interesting . A: ______ ______ did you do ? B: We collected ______ . A: Great ! I ______ to go to the farm , too ! 四按要求写词(10分) 1. teacher(对应词)___________ 2. new(反义词)________ 3. there(同音词)____________ 4. same(反义词)_________ 5. have(第三人称单数)__________ 6. they(宾格)__________


2018-2019学年六年级小升初英语科 期末综合测试卷 一、英汉互译(12分)。 1.上周末_______________ 2.感冒______________ 3. 上学_______________ 4.骑马_______________ 5. 深呼吸_______________ 6. look like____________ 7. dress up____________ 8.sounds great! _____________9. go down__________ 10. both of ______________ 11.look up__________ 12. win the race __________ 二、按要求写出词语(10分)。 1. couldn’t (完整形式) _____________ 2. I would like (缩写形式)____________ 3.this (复数) ____________ 4. get(-ing 形式) _____________ 5. there(同音词) ___________ 6.I (宾格) ___________ 7. wake(过去式) ___________ 8. have(第三人称单数)_________ 9.American (复数形式)_____________ 10. different(反义词) ___________________ 三、选出下列单词中不同类的一项(10分)。 ()1. A. left B. shop C. right D. straight ()2.A. ship B. subway C. foot D. plane ()3. A. singer B. sound C. actor D. engineer ()4. A. China B. England C. Hong Kong D. Australia ()5. A. ninth B. fifth C. eight D. twelfth ()6.A. near B. go C. wear D. stop ()7. A. wait B. south C. east D. north ()8. A. morning B. afternoon C. living D. evening


小升初英语入学测试题 Ⅰ.词汇(5分) 1.____________(Japan)come from Japan. 2.We teach ____________(they)English. 3.My cousin ____________(have)a new dictionary. 4.There are four ____________(tomato)on the table. 5.My mother often____________(buy)some nice food on weekends. Ⅱ.选择填空(20分) 1.I don’t like ____________ thrillers ____________ playing baseball. A. watching; or B. watching; and C. to watch; or 2.I like you, Tom. Let’s ____________ good friends. A. do B. be C. have 3.—Who are your parents talking ____________? —I don’t know. A. for B. to C. on 4.Can Lily ____________ French?

A. say B. speak C. talk 5.____________! Tom. It’s 7: 00 o’clock. A. Go to bed B. Get on C. Get up 6.Classes are over. The students are ____________ now. A. having breakfast B. leaving school C. sitting down 7.—____________? —It’s six o’clock. A. What time is it B. What day is it C. How old are you 8.—Where does the man ____________? —In a room near here. A. come B. go C. stay 9.Football is ____________ game. A. boys’ B. a boy’ s C. boy’s 10.The teacher and the students talk ____________ English ____________ class. A. in; in the B. in; in C. with; in the


2010年南京外国语学校英语综合能力测试试卷(答案与注解) 1、本试卷满分150分,考试时间90分钟。 2、请考生用黑色钢笔或圆珠笔答题。 3、请考试用英文或数字答题,将答案写在答题纸相应的位置上。 一、青春芳草园(5分) 1.When you travel you want to take some photos you need a c amera______ 当你旅游时想拍些照片,你需要(照相机) 2.People buy it and read it every day to know world events.N ewspaper____ 人们每天买它看它了解世界动态。(报纸) 3.When the weather was very hot,you don’t have anyting to drink,you feel t hirsty__ 天热时你没啥可喝的,会觉得(渴) 4.You write something in it every day,but you don’t want to let the others see.D iary__ 你每天都在它里面写些东西,但是不想让别人看到。(日记)注意拼写别和奶制品Dairy混了。5.2010FIFA World Cup was held here.A frica____ 2010年国际足联世界杯足球赛在这里举办。(非洲)顺便考一下体育常识,2010年世界杯由南非举办 二、口语交际园(5分) Last week was National Day holiday.Today is the first day of school after the holidays.Helen goes to school early. Before class she meets Nancy on the playground. 注:6A Unit5 原文 Helen:What did you do last week? 你上礼拜忙啥了? Nancy:I w atched_____a movie with my parents on Wednesday. 我周三和父母(看)了场电影。 Helen:Do you like the movie? 你喜欢那个片子吗? Nancy:Yes.It is an i nteresting___cartoon.We like it very much.What did you do? 是的。蛮(有趣)的动画片。我们很喜欢。你呢? Helen:I visited a farm with my family on Monday and Tuesday. 我周一和周二和全家人一起到农场去了。Nancy:What did you do on the farm? 你到农场去做些啥? Helen:On Monday,we p lanted___the trees and pulled up carrots. 周一我们(种)了些树,还拔了萝卜。Nancy:What did you do on Tuesday? 周二你们做什么? Helen:We milked cows.It was fun! 我们挤牛奶的。好有趣! Nancy:Really?What else did you do? 真的?你们还做什么了? Helen:We collected the eggs. 我们还捡蛋。 Nancy :Are there any f ruit___trees on the farm? 农场有(果)树么? Helen:Yes,there are apple trees and pear trees.We p icked_______and tasted a lot of oranges. 有的,有苹果树和梨树。我们(摘)了尝了不少桔子。 Nancy:Great!I also want to go there! 太棒了!我也想去那儿。 二.选词填空注:补自网上,网友回忆卷含此大项,却不含上一项填词题。版本差异较大。 dressing up read books took part in has a picnic taking a walk I __took part in___ a singing contest last month 2. At a party, we are__dressing up___pleasant Goat and big big wolf 3. ---Is that Jim speaking? -----no, he is not in. he is _taking a walk___in the park 4. My brother usually _reads books____at home. Sometimes he _has a picnic_ in a park


小升初英语综合测试题 一、语音(5分) 选出划线部分读音与其他三个发音不同的选项 1.A.whom B.who C.whose D.wrong 2.A.spell B.dress C.secret D.desk 3.A.birds B.flowers C.maps D.boys https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,e B.brother C.mother D.go 5.A.think B.father C.those D.that 二、词汇(20分) A.按要求写出单词的相应形式(10分) https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,e(反义词)________________ 2.desk(同义词)________________ 3.there(同音词)________________ 4.man(对应词)________________ 5.is(原形)________________ 6.knife(复数)________________ 7.right(反义词)________________ 8.China(形容词)________________ 9.bus(复数)________________ 10.children(单数)________________ B.用括号内单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1.________________(Lily)father is at home. 2.Those________________(man)bikes are underthe tree. 3.Isthis________________(he)pencil? 4.The________________(map)on the wall are Chinese. 5.________________(come)there,there‘s a bird in the tree. 6.Look at the three________________(box)on the desk. 7.That’s________________(I)desk. This one is_______________(you)https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html, 8.Those girls are________________(Japan). 9.Excuseme,is the coat________________(Tom)? 三、选择题(15分) 1.Are these your books________________his books?


小升初入学英语试卷 一、单选题 1.()He likes English and history , ___________ he doesn't like maths. A.and B.or C.so D.but 2.()She has a son __ a daughter -----i know her children . They are very nice. A.and B.or C.so D.but 3.()I have ______ uncle. He has ______ useful book . A.an,an B. a,a C. an,a D.a,an 4.()It's great to ______ you . A.answering B.hear from C.reply D.playing 5.()______ does your father look like ?---He is tall and thin. A.Which B.How C.What D.Who 6.()Do you enjoy ______ pop music ?---Yes, I do. A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.to listen to 7.()Most students _______ playing computer games. A.are interesting on B.are interesting in C. are interested in D.is interested in 8.()Can you tell me ______ you came here ?--We came here by air. A.how B.why C.when D.where 9.()What language can you ______?---English and French. A.say B.speak C.tell D.talk 10.()The teachers in our school are_____ to us . A.friendly B.kindly C.politely D.lovely 11.()He is Chinese. He comes __ China. A.in B.\ C.on D.from 12.()______ do you clean your flat?--Once a week. A.How long B.How soon C.How often D.How far 13.()What does your brother do ?-- He _______ an architect in London. A.work as B.works as https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,es from https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b92833039.html,e from 14.()Tom is ill at home, ______ he can't go to school. A.so B.if C.because D.but 15.()I get up ______ 6 every day. A.in B.at C.on D.of 16.()Wendy is quite different ________ from others. A.to B.as C.from D.like 17.()Candy's hair is ________longer than ________. A.very,my B.much,mine C.much,my D.too,me 18.()Bad luck,I _______ English exam! A.passed B.succeed C.failed D.will pass 19.()I have tow cats , one is yellow and ______ is white. A.the other B.another C.other D.others 20.()I ____ a good time and I felt very happy last night. A.enjoyed B.played C.liked D.had 21.()_____ your parents and brother work in your business?--Yes , they ___. A.Do,do B.Are,are C.Does,does D.Do,are


小升初英语测试题附参考答案 二、词汇。 A.写出下列名词的复数形式: 1.box_________ 2.pencil-box__________3.bus__________ 4.man__________ 5.woman __________ 6.boy_________ 7.coat__________ 8.watch__________ B.填写所缺字母,并译成中文: 1.fr__ __ nd( ) 2.b__h__nd( ) 3.p __ ct __ re( ) 4.st__d__nt( ) 5.ab __ __ t( ) 6.c _ _ t( ) 7.s __ster( ) 8.m _ _ t( ) 9.What are th __se?Th _____’re b ____ ds.() 10.I can’t f _ nd my w__ tch()11.th_ir sh__es()12.so __e fl ___ ers ()13.pl ____ g _ mes() 14.Th _ y are y __ ur b __ kes.() C.根据要求写词: 1.their(同音词)________ 2.white(反义词)____________ 3.they(宾格)____________ 4.different(反义词)____________ 5.us(主格)____________ 6.am(原形)____________ 7.Chinese(名词)_________ 8.class(复数)____________ 9.me(主格)____________ 10.can’t(音标)[__] 11.here(反义词)__________ 12.too(同音词)____________ D.根据中文意思,选择正确单词,把序号填在括号里: ( )1.足球A.basketball B.ball C.football D.flower ( )2.桌子A.window B.table C.door D.room ( )3.女儿A.daughter B.sister C.brother D.afternoon ( )4.手表A.what B.watch C.match D.window ( )5.三十A.thirteen B.fourteen C.thirty D.three ( )6.衬衫A.skirt B.shirt C.shoe D.blouse ( )7.照片A.game B.picture C.doll D.photo ( )8.他们的A.its B.their C.they D.them 三、按要求改写下列句子。 1.The blouse is green.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________is the blouse? 2.It’s eight thirty-five.对划线部分提问) ____________________________the time? 3.The woman is Han Meimei’s mother.(对划线部分提问) __________is Han Meimei’s mother? 4.We can see some pictures in the room.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________ you__________in the room? 5.I’m fifteen.(对划线部分提问)
