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2014年四六级模考串讲 –金凌虹写作翻译


京剧,一个拥有700多年历史的古老艺术,日渐成为一类即将消失的中国文化遗产。京剧以其特有的舞姿和唱腔,深深让无数人陶醉。但是,随着国门的打开,令人眼花缭乱的世界文化和艺术让人们不再局限于某一种消遣方式, 喜欢京剧的人少了。学习京剧要付出几乎全部的青春时光,和正常人难以忍受的身体痛苦,所以越来越少的家长愿意送自己的孩子,尤其是独生子女,去学习京剧。政府当然不愿意看到这项艺术的衰退,于是,各种由政府组织的京剧保护和推广活动相应发展开来。

Peking opera, an ancient/old art with a history of over 700 years, is graually becoming a Chinese cultural heritage which is disappearing. So many people are deeply absorbed into its unique ways of dancing and singing. However, with the open of China, a bewildering variety of world cultures and arts has liberated people from confining themselves to one certain kind of diversions, fewer people like Peking opera. Many people learn Peking opera at the expense of their whole youth and intolerable physical pain for common people, parents in decreasing numbers would like to send their children, especially the only child, to learn Peking opera accordingly. The government is certainly unwilling to see the declining of this art, hence, different kinds of campaigns organized by the government aiming at protecting and promoting the Peking opera have been launced.

2014年12月六级模考卷-写作部分 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay by commenting on the remark “When something bad happens, you have three choices: you can either let it define you; let it destroy you; or let it strengthen you. ” You can cite examples of your life to illustrate your point and then explain what your option is. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.

As a common saying goes, “When something bad happens, you have three choices: you can either let it define you; let it destroy you; or let it strengthen you. ” This saying can also be interpreted as follows: the way we treat bad things determines what kind of people we can be. If we fear bad things, we cannot make progress; if we avoid bad things, what ‘s going to welcome us is probably a failure. However, if we face bad things positively and courageously, we may become more stronger. Many cases can be listed to illustrate the point presented above, now I would like to take myself as a case in point: I intended to pursue a Master degree and began to prepare for the Postgraduate Entrance Examination since I was a freshman. My industry was beyond the imagination of many people. However, three years later, I failed in the examination. It was really hard for me to accept the cruel truth: my three years’ efforts were all in vain. Confronted with such misfortune and bad things, instead of losing confidence and giving up, I intensified my efforts and continued to prepare for the examination. Fortunately, I made it.

Life could not be a journey without setbacks, challenges and “bad things”. Regarding bad things as presents and tests of life, we can transform bad things into the stepping-stone to success. viewing bad things as misfortunes and barriers of life, we may be defeated by them undoubtedly. Facing bad things, I choose to be a warrior trying hard to solve them. What about you? ( 264words )








Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay explaining why it is unwise to judge a person by their appearance.You can give explain to illustrate your point .You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words.


The appreciation of beauty is part of human nature: we are touched by vivid paintings, impressed by splendid sculptures, and sometimes we also judge a person by his/her appearance, whether consciously or unconsciously.Natural might this be, such an action is unfortunately unwise.

The beauty of appearance does not necessarily mean inner beauty. There is no denying that film stars are blessed with outstanding appearance. Nevertheless, some of them have scandals, such as drunk driving or inappropriate low affairs. On the other hand, an ugly-looking person like Yan Zi in “Chunqiu” period saved the whole country with his wisdom. Therefore, if we mistake the beauty of appearance as inner beauty, we might unwisely take the wrong as the good.

What is more, the beauty of appearance fades with time, while inner beauty lasts forever. When we judge a person, we do not judge what he was born with, but we should value what quality he can achieve in the time to come.

All in all, appearance is temporary thing while good quality can be permanent, and the only wise way to judge a person is to judge his/her inner beauty.

(190 words)







六级写作背诵范文选 1.On Open Policy The open policy means that our country is open to investment, trade and technical and economic cooperation with other countries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. The purpose of open policy is to acquire advanced technology, management skills to serve our socialist construction so as to promote the realization of the four modernizations. We must adhere to the open policy. Because economic relations between states today have become increasingly close, and no country can possibly advance behind close doors. Only in this way, can we gradually close the gap between our country and the developed countries. Through the implementation of policy, we can learn advanced technology and managerial expertise from abroad; make full use of the foreign capitals to set up great enterprises; absorb useful and healthy ideas and new knowledge of the modern civilization; and broaden our views and raise our level of competence. 2.The place of Science and Technology in Modern Life. Human life can not continue without science and technology. For many years, human society has developed with the advance of science and technology while the development of science and technology has in turn brought the process to mankind. So the life we are living now is more civilized than that of our fore fathers. The development of science and technology have brought about many changes in people's life. For example, the invention of television and space rocket have opened a new era for mankind. Through the use of TV people can hear the sound and learn the events happening thousands of miles away. Owing to the invention of spaceship and rocket, the dream of man's landing on the moon has now come true. Science and technology also play an important role in our socialist construction. We may say, our socialist construction is just like a skyscraper, while science and technology are its base. Without the base, the skyscraper can't be built. Therefore, we should try our best to contribute to the development of science and technology so as to provide a more solid base to build our country. 3.Importance of Education China, as a developing country, is determined to catch up with and even surpass the developed ones. I think that one of the best possible ways to do so is to give first priority(优先)to the development of culture, science and especially education. In modern times, when science and technology are making great progress, the education of the work force is of primary importance. Moreover, many of the success in advanced countries have demonstrated that a nation 's prosperity mainly depends on the quality of its labour force, namely those who have been well educated. In a developing country such as China, our investment in culture, education and science, and especially elementary education, must enjoy top priority. This is crucial(决定性的)for China to catch up with the developed nations in today's surging(汹涌的) waves of technological revolution. Otherwise, the gap between China and advanced countries will be widened rather than bridged.


Protecting the Intangible Cultural Heritages 1.保护非物质文化遗产很重要 2.非物质文化遗产指的是…… 3.为保护非物质文化遗产我们应该…… 参考范文: Like tangible cultural heritages such as the Great Wall and the Forbidden City, intangible cultural heritages like Peking Opera and Confucius-commemorating rituals are equally crucial. We should make our utmost efforts to preserve intangible heritages because, without their physical form of existence, they are in greater risk of extinction. According to UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage (2003), all forms of social customs and habits, folklore, performing arts, rituals, oral traditions, festivals, traditional crafts and various knowledge and practices about nature and universe can be classified as intangible cultural heritages. As a country consisting of a great diversity of ethnic groups and with time-honored history and civilization, China abounds in intangible cultural heritages. Cultural heritages connect modern people with the historical past, allowing them to acquire a cultural and historical identity. Without cultural heritages, we would be rendered absolutely rootless and we would find it hard to cope with challenges at present and in the future. However, the modernization process poses mounting threats to intangible heritages. Many people have a blind faith in the latest electronic devices. It is also pathetic to see elderly people in possession of such legacies pass away without transmitting them to the younger generation. Faced with those challenges, we should both preserve and renovate our ancestral heritages so that we can help contribute to the cultural diversity of the world and return to our spiritual homeland in this age of impersonal science and technology.


四六级写作4大题型讲解及高分范文 一、提纲式作文 提纲式作文是最常见的题型,一般在题干中列出 2 点到 3 点写作提示,行文时可按照提示,将题点一一对应到各个段落。 第一段:描述现状 第二段:分析问题出现的原因 第三段:提出结论和建议 例:2012 年 6 月真题 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay On Excessive Packaging following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1)目前许多商品存在过度包装的现象 2)出现这一现象的原因 3)我对这一现象的看法和建议 参考范文: Nowadays many commodities are packaged excessively. It is very common that a very small item is wrapped in a very big and luxury box. Take the moon cake as an example. Every Mid-Autumn Day, we can see various delicate packaging boxes in which there are only a few small moon cakes. Obviously, excessive packaging has become very popular in our daily life. Then what are responsible for this phenomenon? Firstly, many manufactures package the goods as luxuriously and beautifully as possible to raise the prices of some common goods. Secondly, many customers think that delicately packaged goods are superior to those with plain packaging, which further boosts excessive packaging. From my point of view, delicate packaging, to some extent, means good quality, but excessive packaging is not only wasteful but also unfriendly to the environment. Therefore, on the one hand, I suggest the laws on packaging be perfected to restrict excessive packaging. On the other hand, as responsible customers, we should first consider the quality, not the packaging. This, I believe, can combat the further expansion of excessive packaging.

四六级写作冲刺背诵材料 译文版

四六级写作冲刺背诵模板句子(划线部分为可替换内容) 一、各种类型作文模板句子 1. 现象解释型 第一段提出问题:Much to our distress (或delight / surprise),these years have witnessed the tendency that many students apply for postgraduate. 令我们悲伤(高兴/惊讶)的是,这些年出现了学生报考研究生的趋势。 或Sad(可换成其他形容词) though it sounds , campus waste has become a noticeable phenomenon that we cannot afford to ignore. 虽然听起来有些可悲,但是校园浪费已经成为一个我们无法忽视的明显现象。 或Never before in history has the issue of campus waste been more evident than now. 校园浪费成为空前明显的一个问题。 或Looking back over the recent centuries, it is easy to find that the rapid advancement of economy have unleashed a major power to facilitate the development of tourism. 回顾近几百年,可以很容易发现经济的快速发展大大促进了旅游业的发展。 或Economy has received a massive impetus since the end of the 20th century. 自20世纪末以来,经济得到了迅猛的发展。 或The 21st century has witnessed significant developments in globalization facilitated by breakthroughs in terms of modern transportation and communications technology. 21世纪现代交通和通信技术的巨大突破,使得全球化有了重大的发展。 或It is a traditional practice to warn the lazy students. But in recent years, the pendulum has swung to another direction. 传统做法是警告懒惰的学生,可近些年情况有所不同。 第二段分析原因等:It`s no easy task to furnish(或offer/identify)all the reasons (或solutions/importance/negative consequences/significance ) for this phenomenon, but, on the whole, two aspects weigh heavier than others. 说明这种现象的原因(解决办法/重要性/消极后果/意义)并非易事,但是总体来说两个方面较之其他方面尤为明显。 或The deep impact (或ultimate cause)of campus waste is readily discernible in a number of areas.显而易见,校园浪费的深远影响(根本原因)可以分为多个方面。 或Facing this tendency, we can’t help exploring some underlying factors(或solutions/consequences)that are responsible. 在这种形势下,我们禁不住要探索其潜在的原因(解决办法/后果)。 或It is a tragedy that our environment has suffered great damages as a result of greenhouse gas. 温室气体对我们的环境造成了极大的伤害,这是一个悲剧。 或If we don`t put this issue under scrutiny, our lives will naturally suffer great loss as a result and this issue virtually serves the function of a trigger of dissatisfaction among the people. 如果不认真对待这个问题,我们的生活将会因此而大打折扣,这一问题也将引起人们的不满情绪。 或Those who are against campus waste consider it a potential trigger of numerous negative effects because this behavior leads to bad habit of the students. 那些反对校园浪费的人认为这种行为使学生养成不良习惯,造成许多消极影响。 或Another reason why I preach the importance of exercise lies in the fact that it strengthens the body. 我宣传锻炼重要性的另一个原因在于锻炼可以强身健体。


2020年大学英语六级作文预测:永不放弃 当今的年轻人面临巨大的生活和学习压力,这给他们的意志力带来了挑战。特别是遇到一时无法解决的困难时,很多人可能会退缩,甚至放弃。不过,容易放弃的人很难看到希望的曙光,只有永不放弃才有可能抵达成功的彼岸。 一、写作思路 首段:提出当前很多年轻人有一种不好的心态,遇到困难就容易退缩甚至放弃,并举例说明,比如学英语记单词的例子,或是工作中遇到的具体困难。 关键点:不好的心态+举例说明 中段:能够具体阐述如何做到不放弃,并举例说明。也能够分析不放弃的心态能给人带来哪些好处,比如能够锻炼人的意志,有利于增进人际关系,也有助于最终取得成功。 关键点:不管从哪个方面写,都要举例说明。 末段:强调在追求目标的过程中,永不放弃很重要。 关键点:强调永不放弃的重要性。 二、参考范文和译文 参考范文 Never Give Up “Never give up” can be very encouraging words, but the majority of youngsters are likely to give up regardless when dealing with the ordinary difficulties of life. As one example, many young people are reluctant to continue their English study when they feel difficulty learning new words.

But if one takes “never give up” as a m otto, possibilities and opportunities are expanded. It is true that giving up may make things temporarily easier, but what cannot be denied is that new opportunities arise from perseverance. Never giving up can expand one’s possibility for success. When confronted with something unknown, a little bravery can result in the possibility of success, like when Dr. Fleming discovered penicillin. Meanwhile, the sense of never giving up enhances one’s self-confidence. This makes one more likely to try new things, opening up even more new opportunities. It can even be a benefit to personal relationships. In view of all factors, never giving up is crucial to the pursuit of dreams. Even though toils lie in the way, success is at the other end. 参考译文 永不放弃 “永不放弃”是非常令人鼓舞的话,但是在面对生活中的日常困难时,绝大部分的年轻人可能会不顾一切地放弃。比如说,很多年轻人在学新单词遇到困难时,就不太愿意继续学英语了。但如果一个人将“永不放弃”作为自己的座右铭,就会有更大的发展前途和更多机会。 没错,放弃可能使事情暂时变得容易,但不可否认的是,坚持不懈就会有新的机会出现。永不放弃能增加人们成功的机会。在面对未知事物时,一点点勇气就可能带来成功,就像弗雷明教授发现青霉素一样。与此同时,永不放弃的意识能够增强一个人的自信,让人们更有可能尝试新事物,开启更多的新机会,甚至有利于人际关系。


英语四六级作文预测 一、友谊 Friendship is a kind of human relations. It is a human instinct to make friends. When in trouble, we need friends to offer us help, support and encouragement. With success achieved, we also need friends to share our joys. Friendship is also one of the greatest pleasures that we can enjoy. It implies loyalty, cordiality, sympathy, affection, and readiness to help. No man can make the most of his life without carefully and conscientiously striving to win the right kind of friends as he goes along. Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in making friends. Real friends are those who have good character, superior ability and kindness of heart. Real friends can share all our sorrows and double all our joys. While making friends, we should take care to select those who have such fine qualities. Then we should treat our friends with courtesy, be careful not to interfere unreasonably with them, and not to ridicule their proceedings. We should forgive their failures and do our best to help them. In short, when we have established friendship, we ought to cherish and treasure it by means of words and deeds. Only thus, can we develop real friendship and keep the sacred lamp of friendship burning all our life. 二、压力 As the pace of life continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation. Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go from morning till night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a healthy mind and body. Stress is a natural part of everyday life and there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing as it is often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when the stress gets out of control can it lead to poor performance and ill health. The amount of stress a person can withstand depends very much on the


四六级写作十大必背范文(一) 1. 论说文万能框架 Because of the rapid social development, the number of people who…has greatly increased/decreased. It is generally believed that … plays an important role in modern society. Due attention has to be paid to the issue of…. With the reform and opening-up in recent years,people in increasing numbers have come to realize the importance of …. If we let this situation go as it is, we do not know where humans will be in the near future. Therefore, it is necessary for us to take drastic measures. To begin with, we should appeal to the authorities to make strict laws to control …. In addition, we should enhance the awareness of people that … is vital to us. Only in this way can we solve this problem. 2. 求学信/求职信 Dear Sir or Madam, I am senior from the Department of Business Administration. I am writing the letter in purpose of applying for admission into your esteemed institution/your recently advertised position for a staff member. I am sure that I am qualified for it. First, enclosed with this letter is my resume, which further details my previous academic qualifications and work experience. Second, not only do my qualifications and experience make me a perfect candidate for it, my cheerful personality is well suited to studying in your prestigious university/working as a staff member. Last, my hobbies include sports and music.


英语四六级各题型考前备考方法 听力 建议各位考生朋友在冲刺阶段,要保证每天听上至少三十分钟的真题听力,不要计较能听懂多少,首先要保证听,其次才是精听。具体的做法就是: (1)第一天:完整的听一套真题听力。不要在乎结果,尽量听,哪怕只能听懂其中的几个词也可以接受。 (2)第二天:把之前一天听过的听力再听一遍。要求同上,也不是急于全文听懂。在这次听过之后,可以把原文拿出来朗读一遍。 (3)第三天:还是之前的材料,这次听一句,停顿一下,尽量重复说一遍,至于对错与否,也不要太过执着。 (4)第四天:材料同上,完整的听一遍即可,这次通常会有点感觉到能听懂较多了。 (5)第五天:材料同上,听一句,重述一句,对着原文检查一下,再听,再复述,到完全正确为止。 这就是一份真题应该做到的精听。如果第五天还不能做到,就按照上述步骤的4,5重复做到完全正确为止。 复合式听写 题目序号:36-46 (前八题每题分,后三题每题2分) 及格数量:6分 (写对至少5个单词,至少写出2句话的大意) 核心技巧: 1. 一定要挤出至少2分钟的时间,预览整个文章。(考前时间或者DIRECTION时间)特别关注高频词汇,因为他们会出现在后三空中! 例如:2010年12月真题: Writing keeps us in touch with other people. We write to communicate with relat ives and friends. We write to preserve our family histories…… growing importance of computers, however, there will always be a place and need for the personal lette


2018年英语四六级作文押题预测 ───共享单车 (名师总结,背诵精品,值得下载借鉴参考) 在英语四六级考试中,英语作文是需要考生重点复习的。很多学生一写英语作文就头疼,大脑一片空白,不知从何谈起,没话说。在 大学期间,同学们一定要把英语的基础搞扎实,万丈高楼平地起,我 们一定要做好铺垫,平时多积累英语作文万能句子及模板。接下来是全国英语名师为大家带来的关于2018年英语四六级作文押题预测及作文万能模板,希望能给大家带来帮助。(下载下来,每天进行背诵,作文水平将迅速提高,考场加10-20分很轻松!) 押题预测───共享单车 随处可见的蓝、黄、橙色共享自行车方便了我们的生活,让出行 更加轻松和便利。同时也【当之无愧】地成为了四六级考试出题点~ 2018年6月四六级作文很有可能考到的一个话题——共享单车~

很可能让大家写一篇说明利弊型议论文,比如从下面三个方面展开: 1. 目前许多人使用共享单车 2. 共享单车的优缺点 3. 你的看法 Key Words about Bikes自行车关键词 先来科普下和自行车相关的一些关键词吧: bicycle/bike/cycle 自行车 tandem bicycle 协力车/双座或多座自行车 public bicycle service 公共自行车服务 bike sharing 自行车共享 ride a bicycle/take a ride/cycling/cycle/bicycle/bike 骑自行车 原来表示自行车的三个单词都可以用作动词,指"骑自行车". 眼下非常流行的共享单车英文名你都知道吗? Bluegogo 小蓝单车 ofo bicycle 小黄车


四六级押题翻译和作文预测 PART ONE——Translation 【翻译第1篇】 【共享经济】 共享经济(the Sharing Economy)是一个围绕共享人力、物力和智力资源建立起来的社会经济生态系统(a socio-economic ecosystem)。在中国,以滴滴出行和摩拜单车为代表的共享经济正在成为主流趋势。自行车、房屋、日常衣物、篮球、雨伞,都可以使用神奇的共享模式。报告显示,到2020年,中国的共享经济交易量预计将大幅增长,占国内生产总值比重10%以上。甚至有人推测,只要道德和法律允许,最终所有能共享的都可以共享。更重要的是,中国庞大的人口也是一个巨大机遇。 参考译文: The Sharing Economy is a socio-economic ecosystem built around the sharing of human, physical and intellectual resources. Represented by companies like Didi Chuxing and Mobike, it’s becoming a major trend in China. Bicycles, houses, daily clothing, basketballs, umbrellas all can use the magical sharing model. According to a report, China’s sharing

economy transactions is expected to grow substantially, accounting for more than 10 percent of China’s gross domestic product by 2020. Some people even speculated that everything that can be shared will be shared eventually, as long as it is ethically and legally feasible. More importantly, China’s large population is also a huge opportunity. 【翻译第2篇】 【中美贸易】 就中美贸易(Sino- -UStrade)而言,互利共赢的经贸关系给两国人民带来了切实的经济利益。今天,美国500强企业有400多家进入中国,大多数企业获利丰厚。与此同时,在美国市场上,许多中国商品受到美国消费者的青睐。中国在美国投资设立的企业已超过1000家。我们可以预见,中美贸易摩擦将随着经贸关系的深化而凸显,但是中美经贸合作的总体发展是不可逆转的. 参考译文: In terms of Sino-us trade, the mutually beneficial and win-win economic and trade relationships does bring the two peoples tangible economic benefits. At the present, more than 400 of the top 500 US companies have their business in China, and the majority of them are making a handsome profit. Meanwhile, in American market, lots of Chinese products are


考神陈曲老师备考三部曲: 1. 四六级写作句式精华——天龙八部(最新版)——学会填句子 2. 四六级最强模板——学会写框架 3. 四六级考试终极押题——学会写素材 本文有以下三篇: 1. 描图类模板(阅读时间30min) 2. 引言类模板(阅读时间20min) 3. 说明类模板(附有书信体)(阅读时间10min) 1. 描图类模板 描图怎么描,大家根据我给的资料,整理出一个个性化的思路大纲应付此类题目。 编者按:以下列出了五个模块: 考试如果你打算写现象解释:请用①②③ 即第一段:描图;第二段:现象解释;第三段:提倡解决 考试如果你打算写正反观点:请用①④ 即第一段:描图;第二段:正反观点;第三段:自己观点 学霸版:到了考场自由组合,而⑤是例子和数据,见机在合适的地方插入即可。首先大家要学会审题,看清楚题干到底要大家干什么!

模块1:描图 第一部分:描述图片 (1) As is humorously/vividly/clearly/subtly depicted/described/portrayed/illustrated in the picture/drawing/cartoon, ______________. (句子) (2) The picture/cartoon displays/portrays a very special scene: __________________. (句子) (3) From the picture, a seemingly superficial phenomenon is presented:____________. (句子) (4) This photo captures a critical moment that ___________. (句子). (5) The drawing presents us with a thought-provoking scene: __________________. (句子) (6) In the picture we could see clearly that ______________________. (句子) (7) As we can see from the picture, ________. (句子) (8) As the picture given depicts, ________. (句子) 1. 用这些套句足矣,后面你自由发挥的句子更加精彩。 2. 表示图片的说法卡通 cartoon; 素描sketch; 照片photo; 图 片 picture; 手绘drawing。 第二部分:图片含义 (1) What the picture is trying to present is that _____(句). (2) The picture intends to inform us that ______(句).


四六级写作句式精华(一) 1. 描述类经典句 ▲用法: ...很重要,...很必要 ▲句型: _______ plays an extremely important role. ____ is of utmost importance. Nothing is more important than _______. ▲替换词: important可以替换词汇:significant(意义深远的)essential(关键的)indispensable(不可替代的)pivotal(中枢作用的)key(关键的)等等。注意:indispensable 不可替代,本身就代表了非常重要,所以千万不要写extremely indispensable. ▲变通: 我们也可以换成其他意思,比如it is of great necessity to do sth. 表示做...非常必要

比如play a role/part也可以表示扮演着重要的角色。 ▲结合经典作文开头句:“众所周知、不可否认+~~~ 很重要” There is little doubt that … It cannot be denied that … It is beyond doubts that … It is generally accepted that … It is universally acknowledged that ... There is a growing recognition that … It has been widely noted that … It goes without saying that … ▲综合版: (1) 阅读经典书籍非常重要 It is generally accepted that _reading classic books_ can play a more __ essential __role than reading __traditional__ books. (2) 从网络中获取信息很重要,但是阅读传统书籍也很必要。
