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Amy Tan was a famous American-Chinese writer. The Joy Luck Club, as her first wor k,become successful as soon as it was released.

However, their daughters were born in and grew up in America. They were affected b y the American culture and education. Different backgrounds and languages had made them misunderstand each other even hurt each other. Because of the differences in ed ucation and valuation towards equality and family, the mothers and daughters became estranged while they should have been the closest persons. In the end, when the dau ghters finally understood the “Chinese-style Maternal Love” that their mothers have given to them, the collision of two obviously different cultures are easing. The paper a nalyzes the cultural differences from the aspects such as Chinese traditional thoughts, cultural clash and cultural fusion shown in the movie.

This paper is the discussion about the the mother-daughter collision between Chinese and American cultures, it is divided into three parts:

I. The conflicts between Chinese and western culture

From a cultural perspective, the first part of the film through the relationship between the four pairs of mothers and daughters, present the two kinds of collisions between Chinese western culture and conflict, the second part describes the relationship between the mother and daughter from the conflict to the final combination. The differences between Chinese traditional ideas and American values are one of the main causes of the conflict between Chinese immigrant mothers and their American daughters. This paper is mainly discussed from the conflict and combination of the Joy Luck Club ", so as to deepen the readers' understanding and acceptance of the work.

1. The word "family" is endowed with different meanings. In China's traditional ideas, the family represents the absolute power of parents to their children. The child is a parent's subsidiary, and the parents must be absolutely obedient with children living in the control of their parents. At the same time, the family also means that the relationship between the parents and children and the child is the continuation of family life, bearing the honor of the family.And the independent and individualistic values of American traditional culture encourages individuals to struggle, emphasize self realization and independent consciousness.

2.Chinese people attach great importance to the family's collective strength, the American people believe in individualism; family is the whole world of mother . She find their own life through her daughter’s life and expected through her daughter's achievements to compensate for their own frustrated life, and her daughter is convinced that "I am what i am" and refused to intervene. The relationship between Chinese mother and American daughter, which reflects the conflict and contradiction of the different values of the Chinese family's "mutual dependence" and "individual struggle" of American culture. Home for the two generations of mother and daughter is a completely different concept

II.The fusion of Chinese and western culture

In fact, the conflict between mother and daughter is only a representation, the implication is sincere expectations from mother to daughter , mutual love and

friendship between mother and daughter . In the view of the mother, the daughter of their life is the continuation of their daughter is their hope, the daughter of their various attempts on the wish. Daughter's success is his own success, his pride. They want to in accordance with the Chinese traditional ethics, asked her daughter learn toe, life, future and marriage, everything must be to listen to the mother's arrangement. Is the daughter of the deep love and the mother daughter is full of expectations: they never let daughter from his suffering, but also to let the daughter received a good education, have the equal happy marriage, under the painstaking care of the mother away from trouble and sorrow. But the fact is China disappointed mother, daughter to pursue the is discipline of American style of individual rights, freedom and independence is particularly disgusted with mother, unable to stand the mother widespread and pervasive motherly love, can not accept mother didn't respect of daughter's own wishes your bossy ways, think mother does not accept themselves, think they always picky, think oneself regardless of how can let mother satisfied The relationship between mother and daughter, there is a contradiction and harmony. In childhood, the mothers demand more of the daughters making them feel injured. In adulthood, the mother also used their life experience, unlocked the secrets for her daughter, helped them know themselves and understood their own, and built up their confidence. Between the mother and the daughter eventually become a partner. Women should be aware of self-esteem, the mother told her daughter this truth. Only self-esteem, love can also be loved.


The Joy Luck Club (1989) is a best-selling novel written by Amy Tan. It focuses on four Chinese American immigrant families in San Francisco, California who start a club known as "the Joy Luck Club," playing the Chinese game of mahjong for money while feasting on a variety of foods. The book is structured somewhat like a mahjong game, with four parts divided into four sections to create sixteen chapters. The three mothers and four daughters (one mother, Suyuan Woo, dies before the novel opens) share stories about their lives in the form of vignettes. Each part is preceded by a parable relating to the game. In 1993, the novel was adapted into a feature film directed by Wayne Wang and starring Ming-Na, Lauren Tom, Tamlyn Tomita, France Nguyen, Rosalind Chao, Kieu Chinh, Tsai Chin, Lisa Lu, and Vivian Wu. The screenplay was written by the author Amy Tan along with Ronald Bass. The novel was also adapted into a play, by Susan Kim, which premiered at Pan Asian Repertory Theatre in New York. Characters Mothers Suyuan Woo During the Second World War, Suyuan lives in China while her husband at the time served as an officer in Chungking (Chongqing). She starts the original Joy Luck Club with her three friends to cope with the war. There is little to eat, but they pretend it is a feast, and talk about their hopes for the future. On the day of the Japanese invasion, Suyuan leaves her house with nothing but a bag of clothes, a bag of food, and her twin baby daughters. During the long journey, Suyuan contracts such severe dysentery that she feels certain she will die. Fearing that a dead mother would doom her babies' chances of rescue, she reluctantly and emotionally leaves her daughters under a barren tree, together with all her belongings, along with a note asking anyone who might find the babies to care for them and contact the father. Suyuan then departs, expecting to die. However, she is rescued by a truck and finds out her husband has died. She later remarries, comes to America, forms a new Joy Luck Club with three other Chinese female immigrants she met at church, and gives birth to another daughter. But her abandonment of the twin girls haunts her for the rest of her life. After many years, Suyuan learns that the twins were adopted, but dies of a brain aneurysm before she can meet them. It is her American-born daughter Jing-mei who fulfills her long-cherished wish of reuniting with her elder twin half-sisters. As Suyuan dies before the novel begins, her history is told by Jing-mei, based on her knowledge of her mother's stories, anecdotes from her father, and what the other members of the Joy Luck Club tell her. An-Mei Hsu An-Mei is raised by her grandparents and other relatives during her early years in Ningbo after her widowed mother shocks the family by becoming a concubine to a middle-aged wealthy man after her first husband's death. This becomes a source of conflict for the young An-Mei, as her aunts and uncles deeply resent her mother for such a dishonorable act. They try to convince An-Mei that it is not fitting for her to live with her disgraced mother, who is now forbidden to enter the family home. An-Mei's mother, however, still wishes to be part of her daughter's life. After An-Mei's grandmother dies, An-mei moves out to live with her mother in the home of her mother's new husband, Wu-Tsing. An-Mei learns that her mother was coerced into being Wu-Tsing's concubine through the manipulations of his Second Wife, the favorite. This woman arranged for An-Mei's mother, still in mourning for her original husband, to be raped by Wu-Tsing. The stigma left An-Mei's mother with


Cultural Gaps and Conflicts Between China and America from a Study of The Joy Luck Club 由《喜福会》看中美文化差异和冲突By Feng Die (冯蝶)Supervised by Associate Prof. Guo Xihua (郭锡华)Jiangnan University Wuxi Jiangsu China June 2007 ContentsAcknowledgements…………………………………………………………………………………iAbstractampKey Word………………………………………………………..………………………ii1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………12. Analyzing the Cultural Gaps and Conflicts between China and America in Detail from a Studyof The Joy Luck Club……………………………………………………………………………….4 2.1. Different values…………………………………………………………………………….5 2.2 Different concepts of family………………………………………………………………..8 2.3 Different ways of speaking and behavior………………………………………………….123. Looking forward to the future of cultural differences between China and


最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作 1 性格、学习策略和英语学习成绩的关系研究 2 美国梦和中国梦的内涵对比研究 3 多丽丝·莱辛的《金色笔记》中的怀旧情绪 4 从异化与归化的角度谈中国菜名的翻译 5 英语委婉语教学模式探究 6 西奥多?德莱塞《嘉莉妹妹》中的消费主义思想探索 7 海明威文学创作中主题的转折点——《乞力马扎罗的雪》 8 从功能翻译理论谈美剧字幕翻译 9 论《杀死一只知更鸟》的成长主题 10 《珍妮姑娘》主人公悲剧结局的必然性 11 玛丽?巴顿的女性意识 12 文档所公布均英语专业全英原创毕业论文。原创Q 799 75 79 38 13 浅析中国企业的国际化模式和策略 14 The Elementary Stage Translation Teaching Design for Undergraduate English Majors 15 以女性主义看《傲慢与偏见》中的女性形象 16 国际商务函电的礼貌原则研究 17 英语环境的营造对中学生英语学习的影响 18 美剧《欲望都市》中女性语言的语用分析 19 从语用学角度看现代汉语对英语外来词的吸收和使用 20 从功能翻译理论浅谈公示语翻译 21 模糊语用交际策略在政治语言中的运用分析 22 浅析大学英语课堂沉默现象 23 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 24 浅析我国中小企业电子商务现状与对策 25 从谈判风格看中美文化差异 26 英文导游词的特点分析 27 The Influence of Greek Mythology upon British and American Literature 28 从目的论看广告翻译中的译者主体性发挥 29 An Analysis of Vanity Fair from the Perspective of Interpersonal Function 30 从凯特肖邦的“觉醒”中映射出的女性自由 31 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School 32 美国广告语中的会话含义研究 33 英汉死亡委婉语对比研究 34 浅析英语粘着词素及其在词汇教学中的实用价值 35 从礼貌原则角度分析电影《暮光之城》中的对白 36 Application of Politeness Principle in Top Talk 37 初中英语听力教学策略初探 38 A Comparison of the English Color Terms 39 To Obey or Rebel –A Study of Female Characters in Moment in Peking 40 跨文化交际下中西饮食文化的比较研究 41 《了不起的盖茨比》中美国梦的破灭 42 思维导图在高中英语阅读教学中的应用


中西文化的冲突 中国与西方在文化上的差异是多方面的,从价值观念、传统习俗到思维方式,都有区别。 一、失败的交际 某留学生初到美国,不久被朋友请去参加一个party,他准时到达,但却发现许多人都姗姗来迟,穿得也很随便。在聚会上,有几种饮料和一些简单的食物,但是没有什么像样的菜。聚会上熟人很少,好不容易见到了朋友马克,于是与他攀谈起来,谈了大约十来分钟,马克说他要和另一个朋友去恋恋,就走开了,这位留学生非常失望。聚会的主人把他介绍给一两个人,然后就再也不管他了。两个钟头以后,他借故离开,回到家,他还是很饿,不得不煮些方便面嘱。他决心以后再也不去参加这类聚会了。(可附外教在中国之二三事) 二、习俗的差异 有一年,荷兰有位贵宾到中国访问,安排他的夫人参观幼儿园。那天下着毛毛细雨,她到达幼儿园门口时,看见一群孩子站得笔直,在门口迎接她,她看到这些感觉很不舒服。接着参观幼儿园的教室,进去后。每一个五六岁的孩子都背着手,面部表情十分严肃。她很快结束了参观。回国后,她请我到她家里看她拍的参观幼儿园的幻灯片,说这是这次访问感到最不舒服的事,下着雨,为什么还要让孩子到门口来?为什么孩子都是这样端正地坐着,五六岁的孩子应该是非常调皮的,吵吵闹闹是正常的,那才像幼儿园。我想幼儿园的老师,为了做到秩序井然,一定做了大量的工作,认为这才是有礼貌的文明表现。而就欧洲人的思维方式来说是很难理解的。 美国教师和学生在教室里站立和坐着的姿势显然与我国师生不同。我们参观他们的小学,常常觉得学生在课堂上太随便、缺乏纪律,东倒西歪,站没有站相,坐没有坐相,老师管教不严。英美人参观我们的学校,又会认为中国教师对学生管得太死,学生没有什么自由。这里既牵涉到教育思想,又与文化背景有关。我们强调集体、纪律、合作,他们强调个人、自由、发展自我。在大学的课堂上,美国教师有时候坐在讲桌边上与学生一起讨论,这在我们看来有些合体统,但美国教师的想法是在课堂上创造一种无拘无束的自由讨论的气氛。 英美人一般尽量避免身体的接触,他们忌讳在拥挤的公交车上或地铁上与陌生人的身体有长时间的接触,从人堆中挤过去则更是大忌,而且被认为是极不礼


文化是指一个社会所具有的独特的信仰、习惯、制度、性格、思维方式等的总模式,是一个社会的整个生活方式,一个民族的全部活动方式。它为一个语言社会的全体成员所共有,也为这个语言社会所独有。文化既是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物,又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。虽然随着全球经济一体化及社会信息化的发展,人类赖以生存的家园正变得越来越像个“地球村”,中美两国间的文化交流也日趋频繁,但是中美文化差异依然存在。 一、中美文化差异现象 中国有着五千年的文化和历史的沉淀,而在地球另一端的美国是一个多民族的国家,却只有200多年的历史。中美之间的文化差异是巨大的,它是两国人民交流和理解的障碍和鸿沟。中美之间的文化差异是复杂而多面的。 (一)文化观念的差异 中国的传统文化是以儒家思想为核心,历来主张尊卑有别,长幼有序,也就是说,凡事都要遵循一定的规矩,并受到等级观念的制约。例如,晚辈见到长辈为表尊重要主动打招呼;学生要尊敬老师。而美国文化主要承袭了基督教中的新教思想,等级观念淡薄。美国人更注重个人权益,追求人人平等,没有辈份间过多的礼节。子女对父母、学生对教师都直呼其名,子女可以与父母争论问题.或提出自己个性主张。 在独具特色的中国文化中,人情占很重要的地位。人情在中国社会中有其一定的社会结构性,人情与面子是相互联系的,讲情面的人会将心比心、以心换心地回报别人的情谊。因此,在中国文化中.自我评价是在人与人之间的亲情及互相交往的情谊中建立和实现的。中国人强调家族及阶级层次。中华文化崇尚集体主义。人们之间相互信赖,团结合作,当个人利益与集体利益相矛盾时,集体利益总被放在首位。在衡量个人行为时,往往是以道德为准则,注重和谐、群体利益的维护,这与美国文化截然不同。美国人崇尚个人自由,强调个人潜力的发挥,个人目标的实现及个人利益的追求,信奉法律至上。在美国,人与人之间多为互利关系,表现出人情较为淡漠,但却十分重视个人利益和自由,个人自我意识较强。 (二)思维方式的差异 思维方式是社会文化的产物,受到生产方式、历史传统、哲学思想及语言文学等方面的综合影响。受不同文化背景制约的中美两国人具有不同的思维方式。中国人偏向综合性思维.强调整体优先,采用从整体到部分的思维方式,如表达顺序时,要由大地方到小地方,即国家一省一市一区一街一号;表达时间是按年一月一日的顺序。美国人则偏好分析性思维,强调部分的优先,在表达空间顺序时与中国相反,由小地方


中西方节日文化差异比较 传统的民族节日形成是一个民族的历史文化的长期积淀。节日的由来原因与人们的生活有密切的联系, 它体现了人民丰富的情感 世界, 寄托了人民对生活的热爱。有这样一句名言: “每个民族的每个节日, 正是反映这个民族文化最真实的一面”。可见, 要了解一个民族的文化底蕴, 必须从他们的传统节日入手, 才能了解到他们的 文化特色与民族特点。 一、中西节日的起源与形成差异 中国长期以来处于封建自给自足的农业社会和自然经济中, 其传统 节日具有浓厚的农业色彩,包含了农耕文明的社会特征, 主要是从岁时节令转换而来的。我国古代长期以农为本, 在生产力和农业技术不发达的情况下, 十分重视气候对农作物的影响。在春种、夏长、秋收、冬藏的过程中认识了自然时序的复杂规律, 总结出四时、二十四节气,形成了以节日为主的传统节日。勤劳的中国人民为了更好地生存, 必须大力发展农业, 而农业的发展离不开天气的关照。古人云“春雨贵如油”、“清明忙种麦, 谷雨种大田”。在古代, 春节、清明节( 古代称三月节) 等都是重要的农事节日。 西方文化由于长久受基督教的影响, 其传统节日起源带有浓厚的宗 教色彩, 如情人节( 纪念名叫瓦丁的基督教殉难者) 、复活节( 基督教纪念耶稣复活) 、万圣节( 纪念教会所有圣人) 、圣诞节( 基督教纪念耶稣诞生) , 这些节日的起源大多与宗教有关系。当然, 西方节日中也有和农业有关的节日, 但他们以农业为主的节日的历史不如

中国漫长。 二、中西节日庆祝方式差异 中国的传统节日, 基本是封建社会时期形成的, 不可避免地留下封建社会的痕迹: 等级制、家族式, 节日无不以家族内部活动为中心。西方的传统节日就不同了, 更多的是表现出人们的互动性、集体性和狂欢性, 以自我为中心, 崇尚个性张扬。这与中国节日的家族性恰好相反, 体现了西方文化的群体性, 反映了人们渴望互相交流、群体参与的愿望,体现了人人平等、自由表现自我的特点。这里试举两例说明。 ( 1) 春节与新年。作为新一年的开始, 中西方有着极大差异的庆祝方式。春节作为中国最重要的传统节日, 源于秦朝, 定于每年农历的一月一日, 从农历12月23日开始, 人民开始开展各种庆祝方式, 一直持续到元宵节。春节的习俗繁多, 如大扫除、吃团圆饭拜年、放鞭炮, 舞狮子等。总之, 不论是大街小巷, 都笼罩着一股浓浓的喜庆气氛。而西方, 他们崇尚的是过公历新年, 即元旦。相比之下他们过年的方式就浪漫多了, 在12月31日晚, 各地区的人民涌上街道,进行盛大的狂欢, 到了深夜接近零时时, 数十万人会聚集于一起, 诚心地祈祷, 为新的一年的到来倒计时。当大钟敲响12下, 顿时, 优美的乐曲奏响, 揭开了华丽舞会的序幕, 人们通宵达旦地庆祝。 可见, 春节与新年各有千秋: 春节, 充满浓厚的传统气息和独有的魅力; 新年, 体现时代的气息和潮流的感觉, 更贴近现代生活。( 2) 万圣节与中元节。万圣节作为西方的重要节日之一, 颇受人民


“英美文学作品赏析”课程简介 一、课程简介 “英美文学作品赏析”(“Appreciation of British and American Literary Works”)是依据教育部颁布的《大学英语课程教学要求》中的较高要求,为非英语专业大学生开设的“语言文化”类课程。课程以阅读名家名作精彩片段为主,以欣赏相关作品音频、视频片段为辅,通过阅读、讲授、讨论、表演、诵读、赏析等生动活泼的形式,使学生了解英美两国文学简史,理解经典作品的主要艺术特色。本课程从考勤、学习过程、期末开卷考试三方面评估学生的学习情况。通过听、读、说、写、译的综合训练,致力于培养学生运用英语学科基础知识、运用文学常识鉴赏评析作品的能力。在轻松愉快的氛围中,提高学生的团队合作、创造性思维、跨文化交际能力,增强学生对英美文学、文化的兴趣与感悟力,促进学生语言基本功和人文修养的提高。 二、课程内容 课程共48学时,主要内容为:

三、课程考核 本课程的考查方式为:过程管理评估+期末考试评估 过程管理部分的考核构成学生平时成绩,占期末总成绩的40%;期末考试卷面成绩占期末总成绩的60%,即: 学生学期成绩=平时成绩40%+期末考试成绩60% 平时成绩=出勤40%+课堂表现20%+作业40% (作业包括翻译、课堂陈述、课堂表演、写作等灵活多样的形式) 期末考试方式:开卷考试(内容:英美文学常识,作品选段理解,作品选段分析等)四、选课指南 “英美文学作品赏析”是一门文化素养课。课程信息量大、文化内涵丰富,意图拓宽学生知识面,加深其英美国家文化底蕴,提高其人文修养。课程组在教学中力图做到精选作家、作品选段,精心选择相应的音频、视频选段,自制优美的PPP课件,精心组织教学活动,力争通过诵读、观赏、跟读、翻译、表演、陈述等丰富多彩的活动调动同学们的积极性,使其积极参与课堂活动。不少同学反映该课程对他们的英语学习和知识扩展有很大帮助,对英美作家的心路历程和写作历程感受颇深,自己“受益匪浅”。摘录同学评价如下: *“我学习到了很多,更收获到了自己心里憧憬已久的东西,感觉很是幸福。” “该课给了我接触文学,了解文学的机会。在现在这个物欲横流的社会,……我们需要一

The Joy Luck Club(喜福会影评—东西方文化差异)

The Joy Luck Club In the movie, there are many conflicts between Chinese culture and American culture, such as teaching methods, relationships, traditions and customs. First of all, there is a tremendous difference between Chinese and American teaching methods. In China, parents decide what their children should study, which can benefit for children. For example, in June’s memory of child, she should spend two hours playing the piano and be supervised by her music teacher. In China, it is very efficient to prove child who is absorbing some skills in music, art or study. Chinese children often claim that they are forced by their parents. In other words, Chinese parents have no perception of considering children’s hobbies. But in American, children can choose anyone which they are interested in. And American children are more freedom. They can plan to how to practice it. Second, in the movie, Chinese have more complex relationships between each other. June’s aunts found her sisters who had been dropped by their mother twenty years ago. They tended June to China in order to tell them about her mother. Because aunts thought the daughter is the parents’best friends that can know about her parents. In America, the different person has different feelings and thoughts. Though you are the closest, you cannot know all about each other. Third, traditions are very clearly different in this movie. With our impression, Chinese is modest and kind, which contributes to they are not willing to show off what is they are good at. For example, Lin Duo was very good at cooking, but she always said “I am not good at cooking” or “This cake is not very tasty”. When her son-in-low heard this, he put a lot of salt in dishes directly, which made Lin Duo feel embarrassed. Actually, in Lin Duo’s heart, she was long for her relations’ compliment. In the end of this text, in Chinese customs, the king of the home is husband, which means the man decides everything, including woman’s happiness and life. And one man can have many wives; however, one woman pertains to only one husband, including her body and soul. But in America, husband and wife is independent, husband would like to listen to what his lover is thinking.


第八章中美价值观的差异及原因 价值观作为一个人对周围的客观事物(包括人!事!物)的意义!重要性的 总评价和总看法,是人们对社会存在的反映"它支配和调节一切社会行为,涉及 社会生活的各个领域"价值观具有相对的稳定性和持久性,即在特定的时间!地 点!条件下,人们的价值观总是相对稳定和持久的"价值观不仅可以影响个人的 行为,还会影响到群体行为"由于价值观的不同,即使在同样的客观条件下,人 们在对于同一个客观事物也会产生不同的评价" 价值观是人们后天习得而来的,不同的社会环境和文化背景使人们形成了截 然不同的价值观,因此价值观反映的也正是时代精神"价值观也会随着社会生活的变化而变化" 不同的国家和民族各有其不同的价值观"当跨文化交际发生时,价值观的差 异必然会带来文化冲突,中美两国作为东西方文化的代表,由于历史发展的道路和地理条件等方面的差异,各自的价值观在本质上存在着极大差异"而我们知道, 价值观构成了文化的核心与社会结构的基干,人们可以通过了解价值观的不同, 加深对跨文化交际的理解" 第一节中国文化中的价值观及原因 中国半封闭的大陆型地理环境和小农经济对中国文化产生了巨大的影响"由 于古代生产力低下,以集体农耕为主,人们很少迁徙,产生了氏族制度,并慢慢 产生了封建家族制度"血缘关系在人们的生活中起着重要作用,家庭成员居住得比较集中,三代甚至四世同堂的大家庭是最常见的家庭结构"因此中国文化是建立在家庭制度之上,以/家0为基础"在几千年的中国封建社会历史中,家庭是 封建社会的最基本结构"/古代农业生产的一个显著特点,就是离不开日积月累 的生产经验,,有没有丰富的农时农事经验,对于农业收成的丰欠多寡,起着十 分关键的作用,,所以,在农业社会,老人既是德的楷模,更是智的化身"后 辈敬重和爱戴具有丰富经验的前辈长者,年轻者服从!侍奉老年人,乃是顺理成 章的事,对有生产经验的长者的尊从,对父亲!曾祖父的服从,内化为心理情感 第二节美国文化中的价值观及原因 美国开放性的海洋型地理环境和航海业!工商业的发展对美国文化产生了很 大的影响"新的个体生产取代了原始的集体协作生产,商业的发展促进了人们的法治公平意识,人们迅速摆脱了血缘关系的束缚,家庭成员居住得比较分散,家 庭结构多为核心家庭,人们更强调个体存在的价值和意义" 从历史来看,美国人民原本来自世界各地,是许多不同的文化!种族和宗教 在长期的共存中逐渐融合而成的"17世纪以前,美国的原著民多为印第安人, 但在经历了百余年的移民之后,这里己成为来自欧洲各国人民的新家园,最主要的是英国人建立的13州殖民地"后来为脱离英王的殖民统治而进行的独立战争(1754一1784)结束后,美国人民组成了新政府,以立法形式表达了他们的政治 观念,采用立法!行政!司法三种权力相互调和!制衡而防止中央权力过大"19 世纪初期,为寻求更好的生活,开拓者们向西扩张(1820一-1949)"之后,经历 了南北冲突(1850一1%9)的美国全国各地不再实行奴隶制度,,美国工业化与改革(1870一1916)开始,美国由一个农村化的国家变成了城市化的国家,机器代 替了手工,工商业经营扩大"#美国因为没有经历过封建社会,所以也就没有什么君主!等级!效忠概念,文化中的个人意识相对强烈,占据了文化的主流"


中美地理特征差异及其影响的研究 摘要:俗话说:一方水土养一方人。同处于北半球的中国和美国,分别居于亚欧大陆东端与北美大陆中部,在自然地理特征(地形、气候、水文、植被等)和人文地理特征(人口,城市,农业,工业等)方面存在着较大的差异。地理环境是中、美两国文化形成过程中一个很重要的影响因素,两地的地理特征差异在相当程度上影响了两国历史文化和发展道路的差异,中国形成了典型的农耕文明,呈现出明显的大陆性文明特点;而美国文化则是以工商文明为主,呈现出海洋文明的特征。本文着眼于对中美两国地理环境特征的差异进行对比和分析,从而进一步探讨地理环境对于民族和文化形成的影响,从而为增进对美国地理条件的了解和促进中美文化交流方面提供参考。 关键词:自然地理环境,人文地理环境,差异,文化 一、前言 地理特征即一个区域内对于地理条件整体状况的描述,可分为自然地理特征与人文地理特征。对于自然地理特征的讨论主要从地形地貌、气候、水文、植被等进行,而人文地理特征主要包括一个区域内的人口、城市、农业、工业、交通等条件。地理特征是一个区域内文化形成的重要影响条件,一个地域的文化往往带有与地理特征相对应的特性,例如:草原地区地形平坦,植被大多为温带草原或温带草原,气候大多是温带大陆性气候,夏季高温多雨,冬季寒冷干燥,草原上的人们大多数从事逐水草而居的游牧业,没有固定的交通线;而草原文化同时带给人的正是像草原本身一样粗犷豪放的感觉:蒙古长调悠扬宽广,蒙古族舞蹈热情奔放,草原生生活的民族民风也是追求自由,不受拘束。可见,地理特征影响着地域文化的形成,地域文化也体现着养育它的这方水土。 二、地理特征比较 (一)自然地理特征 1、地形 中国的地形总体描述为:东高西低,呈阶梯状分布。西部、西南部为第一级阶梯,主要地形区有青藏高原和柴达木盆地,平均海拔在4000米以上;第二级阶梯包含内蒙古高原、黄土高原、云贵高原、塔里木盆地以及准噶尔盆地,平均


中美文化差异大比较 作者:鲁鸣阅读2846次更新时间:2007-7-12 我在美国呆了14年,与其说了解了美国和过上了中产阶级的日子,不如说更了解了我自己,因为我会有意无意地用中美两种文化来看待自己。文化因素在我们身上留下的刺激痕迹有共同的地方。我要讲的是这种相对共同的东西,即华人和美国人群体性格的比较。当然每个人的神经系统和个性不一样,与环境的互动有差异,甚至背道而驰,同样的经历会有不同的感受和反馈。 本文提到的华人或中国人主要以大陆开放后从国内到美国的定居者为主,涵盖大陆、港台的华人和北美华侨和华裔美国人,而文中的美国人主要指占大多数的欧裔,涵盖其他种族。身为华人,我们有长处有出色的地方。我侧重讲毛病,因为我们通常都知道自己的长处,而不太容易看到自己的短处,甚至有时根本没意识到。我的用意不是让我们看到自己的缺陷而自卑,而是正视自己,接受自己,扬长避短。 内向文化和外向文化 中国人移民到了美国,生命的风景自然发生了变化。最大的变化,恐怕就是美国文化对我们的影响,我们或多或少地美国化了,但同时骨子里的中国文化的血液仍旧滚动着。我们很多人在出国前要比一般的中国老百姓对美国了解得多。可是到了美国后我们发现,在风景之外与进入其内是很不一样的。因为我们在中国文化中成长,我们到了美国虽然会改变,但我们的性格已经定形,很多传统和过去的刺激痕迹留在我们的意识里或下意识里了,哪怕我们自己并不察觉。 文化差异是相对而言的,这里所说的华人或中国人和美国人是群体概念,是一种刻板印象,并不代表具体的每个人。 不少人说,美国人大都比我们华人放得开,外向。这就是一个刻板印象。但我想说的是,如果和你相处的人身上有这个刻板印象,你要提醒他们,我们是在什么环境中长大的呀!如果我们有美国人那种成长环境,我们中国人可能比他们还要放得开,性格大多都会外向。当然,如果一个人从出生到成年都极内向,那是两码事,人的性格一是天生的,即基因所决定由神经系统所操纵的,二是在成长环境中发展的。 有一个有趣的现象:似乎跟华人姑娘结合的美国男子大都比较内向,或不是那种很阳刚外向的小伙子。是不是中国文化较内向和阴性,美国文化较外向和阳性,而比较内向的美国男子相对难以找到


文化差异电影 反应中西方文化冲突的电影 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间:2019-4-11 20:07 反应中西方文化冲突的电影 欧美的电影 提问者: moujiayou - 试用期一级 最佳答案 老生推荐几部中美文化碰撞的电影…… 刮痧 剧情介绍: 故事发生在美国中部密西西比河畔的城市圣路易斯。许大同来美八年,事业有成、家 庭幸福。在年度行业颁奖大会上,他激动地告诉大家:我爱美国,我的美国梦终于实现! 但是随后降临的一件意外却使许大同梦中惊醒。五岁的丹尼斯闹肚发烧,在家的爷爷因为 看不懂药品上的英文说明,便用中国民间流传的刮痧疗法给丹尼斯治病,而这就成了丹尼 斯一次意外事故后许大同虐待孩子的证据。法庭上,一个又一个意想不到的证人和证词, 使许大同百口莫辩。而以解剖学为基础的西医理论又无法解释通过口耳相传的经验中医学。面对控方律师对中国传统文化与道德规范的“全新解释" ,许大同最后终于失去冷静和理智。法官当庭宣布剥夺许大同的监护权,不准他与儿子见面。恼怒的许大同与朋友昆兰之 间产生误解和冲突;为让儿子能留在家里得到母亲的照顾,许大同搬出了家;父亲也决定 回国,为了让老人临行再见一面孙子,许大同从儿童监护所偷出儿子丹尼斯到机场送别。 受到通缉的许大同带着儿子逃逸,和大动干戈围追堵截的警察兜圈子,玩了一场追车游戏,“从容地" 在逃亡中享受父子团聚的片刻快乐。父子分离,夫妻分居,朋友决裂,工作丢失。接连不断的灾难恶梦般降临,一个原来美好幸福的家庭转眼间变得支离破碎,努力多年、以为已经实现了的美国梦,被这场从天而降的官司彻底粉碎。贫民区的破旧公寓里, 偷偷相聚的大同夫妇借酒浇愁,抱头痛哭。圣诞之夜,许大同思家团圆盼子心切,只有铤 而走险,装扮成“圣诞老人" ,从公寓大厦楼外的水管向高高的十楼--自己家的窗户悄悄 爬去,结果引来警车呼啸而至。 ================================== 喜福会 剧情介绍:


喜福会折射的中美文化的冲突与融合开题报告 本科毕业论文开题报告书 中文题目:《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 英文题目:“The Joy Luck Club” Reflects the Sino—US Culture Clash and Fusion 学生姓名:XX 学号:XXXX 班级:外国语学院XX级XX班 指导教师:XX 论文(设计)题目《喜福会》折射的中美文化的冲突与融合 选题目的和意义 美籍华裔女作家谭恩美(Amy Tan)是美籍华裔文坛上的一颗新星。1989年,她发表处女作《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club),此书一问世便成为热卖世界的畅销书,在美国掀起了一股华裔文学热,为华裔作品进入美国主流文学做出贡献。此书不仅向美国人展示了来自神秘东方的传统的中国文化,而且其用四对母女之间的感情冲突淋漓尽致地演绎出了中美文化的巨大冲突。近年来,国内外的专家学者都对《喜福会》这一华裔文学小说做过深入的研究,但大多数的研究都仅仅侧重于母女关系和单纯的文化冲突的研究。鉴于此,本文作者对《喜福会》中文化的碰撞与交融做出深刻而全面的分析,其中包括家庭教育、人生观、价值观以及东西方人受各自传统文化熏陶等。其次的一点是,本课题并没有单单来揭露东西方文化的碰撞这一方面,在中国

经济实力、综合国力不断强大,全球化的趋势不断加强的情况下,东西方的文化渐渐地融合在一起,本文又将东西方文化融合的一面展现出来,体现了现实意义和强大的社会价值。 本课题在国内外的研究状况和及发展趋势: 从20 世纪起, 特别是自20世纪70年代以来, 一批知识界、文学界的华裔精英人物不仅跻身于美国的“主流文化” 圈, 而且以他们 的才智和作品使生活在美国的华人群体及他们身后的悠久的中国文 化传统逐步凸现出来。因此, 今天, 中美文化之间的关系问题己越来越成为中美文学界、批评界所关注的热点问题之一。小说《喜福会》(The Joy Luck Club ) 便是近些年来美国华裔作家对中美文化之间的关系进行探索的一个范本。美国人类学家、空间关系学的创始人爱德华·霍尔认为,“虽然世界各国的文化具有千差万别,但大多数文化还是具有明显的倾向性的”,因此他把文化大致分为“高背景文化与低背景文化”,朱漱真(2008年)出版的“中美文化的冲突与融合对《喜福会》文化的解读”就是利用霍尔的观点来分析研究的。E.D.Huntley(1998),在“A Critical Comparison”一文中对此片文章做了建设性的比较。 小说从东方∕西方、自我∕他者两个方面构建了一个东西方文化从二元对立到二元消解的文化发展景观。自新中国成立以来,我们可以意识到中国本身也包含了部分美国文化,而美国文化也包含了部分中国文化。同时,我们也可以看到中西文化由冲突碰撞到融合的发展前景。 主要研究内容:


从《喜福会》透视中美文化冲突与融合(1) AbstractThe Joy Luck Club is the first novel of Amy Tan,a famous Chinese-American writer. In the novel she mainly describes the relationship between the Joy Luck Club mothers and their daughters and cultural conflicts. The novel is set in the age of globalization and in the multicultural American society; it represents the process of misunderstanding, conflicts, understanding and blending between the mothers and the daughters. Globalization not only brings many chances to china but also brings cultural challenges to China. As the degree of globalization is getting deeper, Chinese culture faces the danger of being integrated and changed by other cultures. Through contextual analysis of the Joy Luck Club and the cultural conflicts and blending embodied in it, this paper demonstrates that in the age of globalization a balance should be kept among different cultures, and a right attitude towards cultural conflicts should be taken, and it suggests that the native culture should not be thrown away when learning from others, and instead, it should be transmitted to others.Key WordsThe Joy Luck Club; conflict; understanding; cultural blending摘要《喜福会》是著名美国籍华裔女作家谭恩美的处女作,作者在小说中主要描述了四对移民母女的关系和她们之间由于文化的差异而引起的冲突,小说以全球化时代和美国多元文化社会为背景,呈现了4对母女由误会,冲突到理解的过程。在全球化环境下中国面临很多发展的机遇,但更多的是文化的挑战。随着全球化的加剧,中国文化面临一种被融化,被改变的危险。本文通过对《喜福会》文本及其所透视出的文化冲突与融合的分析,说明在全球化环境中,应该在不同文化中找到一个平衡点,并以正确的态度来对待文化冲突,同时不要轻易否定母文化,在向全世界学习其他优秀文化的时候,也要向他们传播中国传统文化。关键词《喜福会》;冲突;理解;文化融 合IntroductionIn the novel The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan explores the relationship between mothers and daughters. There are 4 mother-daughter pairs in the novel, mothers are the first generation immigrants, and the daughters are born in America. The Joy Luck Club mothers come from the Chinese traditional families when the dictatorial Chinese power is destroyed by the Japanese insurgents in the 1940s. They escape from the political upheaval of China, but they don't forget their Chinese traditional culture, while their daughters are born in America, they are the second generation immigrants, and they don't understand their mothers' Chinese culture, and their way of thinking, so there are often misunderstandings between the mothers and the daughters. In order to make their daughters know them and the Chinese culture, the Joy Luck Club mothers have made pain- taking efforts to remove their differences. They seize every opportunity to tell their daughters their past experiences, demonstrate their courage to challenge the feudal society and never stop extending
