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How does one define happy life ?

Helping people live a happy life is “our mission ”party chief XI JIN PING has said ,his remark has raised hope of the hundreds of millions of the people who are pursing a happy life ,but how define one happy life? A happy life often means having to do a job best-suited to oneself, having a happy family,and secure life , every child having equal access to quality education, not worry about high medical bills and getting more paid holiday to spend time and travel with family, more importantly a beautiful environment,safe food and drink water are the basic foundations of a happy life .

As a rural Chinese,happiness means students from poor family finishing study and obtaining their diploma with peace of mind ,and “second tier ”university recruiting good professors .a happy life for me is also narrowing of

urban-rural income and development gap and creation of more opportunities in the countryside so that people are not forced to go to work in cities ,and since i am a college student, a good job is essential to happy life。



外教一对一英语口语的重要性 随着2008北京奥运、2010上海世博会,中国与国际融合的脚步加快,而英语作为搭建国际化沟通的重要桥梁,受到中国社会各界尤其是企业界的追捧。从长远来看,双语人才,尤其是英语人才,不论在企业国际化人才架构中,还是在中国国际化和平崛起的进程中,都是不可或缺的“基础设施”。外教1对1的培训能很快的提高口语水平,加速双语人才进程。 正是在这样一个国际化浪潮汹涌澎湃的背景下,外教1对1培训的重要性和紧迫性再次被突显,而英语培训过程中经常出现的“缺乏方向”、“缺乏标准”和“缺乏绩效考核”成为企业挥之不去的心病。正是因为这样,我们就不难理解为何“让英语培训机构按企业特定岗位的语言需求培养人才,真正实现企业英语培训与岗位语言胜任能力的无缝对接”、“如何借助第三方语言测评机构的专业力量完善企业英语培训外包机制”、“如何更有效地向英语培训机构下订单”等话题会被企业HR们所关心和热议。 在很多有经验的HR看来,外教英语1对1培训更多是源于改善或提高员工岗位语言胜任能力的直接需求,而企业只有将培训需求和考核标准量化后,才能精准地向英语培训机构提出“订制人才”的标准和要求,这也就是我们常听到的“订单式培训”。在企业内部英语培训的外包操作上,记者最近也注意到越来越多涉外企业的HR们倾向采用“第三方语言测评机构+英语培训机构”的二元培训模式。



你是想在职场更进一步的上班族白领吗?你是即将出国留学深造的大学生吗?你是Speak英语的爱好者吗? 你在考虑学习英语吗?你烦恼于如何提高自己的英语口语能力吗?你对自己的英语成绩越来越没有信心了吗? 很多人学英语存在诸多烦恼,对于价格、教学质量、英语培训机构的选择,以及退款的一些问题都存在疑问和担忧。 越来越多的人加入到学习英语的大军中,对于他们而言,选择一家英语培训机构是一件非常容易的事情,然而选择一个真正有效果的英语培训确实非常不易。而且英语培训的价格也是越来越昂贵,那么,如何在林林总总的培训机构中找到一个最适合自己,价格也相对实惠的,却是需要方法和技巧的。在接下来的内容中,将为大家解答这方面的疑惑。 一、“洛基英语Rocky”与传统培训机构的区别对比: 1、学习效率 假设您有3小时的英语学习时间:传统的培训机构因为上课地点和时间都是固定的,那么你就可能需要花2小时在来回的路上,1小时上课,您只有1/3的学习效率; 而若您在“洛基英语”学习,就不需要培训班、家里、上作地点来回跑,学习地点由您自己决定,哪里方便哪里学,可以为您结省很多时间,让你的学习达到最大的效率,您可以各花1小时预习、上课、复习,获得100%的学习效率。 2、坚持学习率:

培训机构在重视课程质量的同时,却忽略了白领阶层的学员是在繁重的工作压力之下学习,并没有考虑到他们是否有充足的时间和放松的心情来学习。下班后只能匆匆啃一个面包赶到课堂,周末要放弃难得的休闲时光上课,成为学员坚持英语学习最大的障碍。很多学生选择英语培训机构时容易怀抱希望,交1年的学费制定学习计划,但70%的人3个月后就不会坚持学习。 在“洛基英语”,全部是在线实时互动教学,并且有专业学习顾问定期跟踪、监督学习进度,分享实用有趣的学习方法,来降低个人学习惰性,让您更容易坚持下去,事实证明9 5%的学员会完成学习。 3、教学质量: 选择英语培训,教师质量十分关键。而传统培训班中就算是中小班授课,也并不适用于每一个人的自身条件和需要。 “洛基英语”的教师都是百里挑一、在知名培训学校或大学院校有多年的任教经验,而且老师会根据个人的学习需求量身为学员订制科学高效的个性化学习方案,让学员不再无从下手,避免盲目低效的学习。 4、价格:


PartI I 一.单项选择。(共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共20 分。) 1. Do you like playing ______ by yourself ? A. on B. around C. with 2. Would you like _______ ice cream ? A. some B. any C. many 3. Have you finished _____ your homework? A. with B. do C. doing 4. I won ’t visit that place ______. A. any better B. more C. any more 5. How much are the _____? A. bread B. potatos C. tomatoes 6. Would you like some _______? A. milk B. milks C. milk ’s 7. They are from different _______. A. country B. countrys C. countries 8. Why are ______ interested in _______? A. Chinese , tea B. Chineses , teas C. Chinese , teas 9. Could you help ____ with ____English , please ? A. I , my B. me, me C. me,my 10. usually go to Church every Sunday 。 A The Browns B Brown C. the Brown 11. _____ young should look after ______ old. A. The, the B. A, A C. The, a 12. The little boy gets____on his way home. A. lose B. lost C. loses 13. I like going to school ______ foot. A. by B. on C. with 14. Can I try this dress_____. A. in B. on C. up 15. Either the apples or the milk_____ good for your health. A. is B. are C. do 16. When did you arrive______ the cinema? A. at B. in C. / 17. Mother bought two ______ for me. A. shoes B. pair of shoes C. pairs of shoes 18. I don’t have _____ money to buy a ticket to London. A. some B. many C. enough 19.Beef is usually a _______ in a meal. A. soup B. main course C. desert. 20._______ lives in the palace. A. Queen B. Queens C.The Queen 二.阅读理解,判断正误。(共15 小题,每小题 2 分,共30 分。)


网络外教一对一哪里好,网上外教一对一哪家好我在一家世界500强的外企公司,公司明年打算开发海外业务,主要是欧美市场,而我有可能会调到美国,负责当地事务的一些联络和沟通,而去到美国基本上要讲英语,而我个人的英语不是很好,所以要想个办法提高一下英语水平,同事建议我找个英语培训班,一对一那种,针对性提高一下,考虑到我白天还要上班,所以我把培训班定位为网络外教英语一对一培训,那么问题来了,网络外教一对一哪里好,网上外教一对一哪家好? 于是我到百度里去搜索,翻阅了很多资料,对比了很多家机构,终于发现一家口碑和师资力量都挺不错的机构,这家叫阿卡索外教网,线上一对一外教授课,直接通过视频授课,老师来自英语为母语的国家,发音纯正标准,而且随时随地可上课,这点对于学生和上班族来说挺方便的,免去了跑班的麻烦,这里有英语免费试听课,大家可以去试一下! 阿卡索外教网上课视频图片: 网络英语外教一对一培训机构哪个好,效果怎么样,一节课收费价格多少钱?关于阿卡索外教网怎么样,是怎么上课的?这个问题,我从以下几个方面做点解答,希望能够帮助到更多想学英语的朋友。 阿卡索外教网是深圳阿卡索资讯有限公司旗下的主打业务—,阿卡索外教网旨在为一直处于“外人禁入”的中国在线教育市场打开新的大门,让国内的英语

学习者可以直接与一线外籍教师无缝接触,学习原汁原味的地道英语,打破中国人教中国人和听录音看录像的传统英语学习模式,让学习者摆脱“哑巴英语”和“洋泾浜口音”,做到学以致用,直接开口与外国人交流。 阿卡索外教网的课程体系 阿卡索外教网的课程是最具有多重选择性的,有雅思托福口语课程,商务英语,外贸英语,日常口语,少儿英语,基础英语,休闲英语,综合英语等等,想要私人订制课程也是可以的,让学习者有更多的选择,比较人性化的哦。 一、100%专业外教团队。 阿卡索外教网在线一对一外教团队都是经过专业筛选的,具有国际认证的英语教师资格证,且大学需要是与英语相关的专业,教龄最长有二十几年。每人都拥有专业英语教师资格证书。 二、完全定制化的课程。 阿卡索外教网的课程内容都会根据学生的英语水平和学习目标来制定,优势在于课程精准,具有很强的针对性,因此在线一对一学习效果非常好,提高速度非常快。 三、全程外教在线一对一授课 阿卡索外教网为学员提供专门固定外教,随时掌握学生学习进度,前为学生备课,再根据课堂上的反馈设计相应的家庭作业。这样学习进步让你更快更好的提高英语口语能力。 四、阿卡索一对一在线外教网站简洁干净 纵观大多数外教培训机构的网站,很多都是商业化严重,满眼广告,严重影响阅读。但是阿卡索外教网网站干净而简单,清新绿色,充分体会用户体验,内容都是切实为课程和学习资料做介绍,容易让人产生好感。 网络外教一对一哪里好,网上外教一对一哪家好?最后的总结:在我体验的这么多培训班里面,没有说哪家不好,好坏都有,主要还是看各位自己的选择,多多对比才能发现哪家适合自己,我当初选择阿卡索主要是性价比高,而且是外教一对一,当时体验效果比较满意,我就直接报了半年课程,大概费用是四千元不到,很实惠,我是上班族上课都是晚上和老师视频25分钟左右,感觉时间挺适中的,不会影响到我的日常生活,又能学到英语,两全其美。


免费外教在线一对一英语口语课程,太平洋英语,三个月与老外畅谈无阻!https://www.sodocs.net/doc/b017627670.html, 第1册A版 一、Greetings 问候语 1. Hello! / Hi! 你好! 2. Good morning / afternoon / evening! 早晨(下午/晚上)好! 3. I'm Kathy King. 我是凯西·金。 4. Are you Peter Smith? 你是彼得·史密斯吗? 5. Yes, I am. / No, I'm not. 是,我是。/ 不,我不是。 6. How are you? 你好吗? 7. Fine, thanks. And you? 很好,谢谢,你呢? 8. I'm fine, too. 我也很好。 9. How is Amy / your wife / your husband? 爱米好吗?/你妻子好吗?/你丈夫好吗? 10. She is very well, thank you. 她很好,谢谢。 11. Good night, Jane. 晚安,简。 12. Good-bye, Mike. 再见,迈克。 13. See you tomorrow. 明天见。 14. See you later. 待会儿见。 15. I have to go now. 我必须走了。 二、Expression In Class 课堂用语 16. May I come in? 我能进来吗? 17. Come in, please. 请进。 18. Sit down, please. 请坐。 19. It's time for class. 上课时间到了。 20. Open your books and turn to page 20. 打开书,翻到第20页。 21. I'll call the roll before class. 课前我要点名。 22. Here! 到! 23. Has everybody got a sheet? 每个人都拿到材料了吗? 24. Any different opinion? 有不同意见吗? 25. Are you with me? 你们跟上我讲的了吗? 26. Have I made myself clear? 我讲明白了吗? 27. Could you say it again? 你能再说一遍吗? 28. Any questions? 有什么问题吗? 29. That's all for today. 今天就讲到这里。 30. Please turn in your paper before leaving. 请在离开前将论文交上。 三、Identifying Objects 辨别物品 31. What's this? 这是什么? 32. It's a pen. 是支笔。 33. Is this your handbag? 这是你的手提包吗? 34. No, it isn't. / Yes, it is. 不,它不是。/是的,它是。 35. Whose pen is this? 这是谁的笔? 36. It's Kate's. 是凯特的。


新东方 省钱才是硬道理! 在不同的城市,一样享受优惠! 实力越级,征服四六级 四六级改革迎新计,清扫备考盲点轻松拿下425” 乐词背单词,乐词不疲!震撼上线 奇迹一跃,始于新东方TOEFL培训 20年专业雅思培训助你圆梦英联邦 圆远洋飞跃梦托福留学直通车 中考、高考提高班,限时限位抢课ing 这个夏天,我就是我自己的神!WIN! 新东方托福名师助航成就北美名校留学梦想留学名校始于托福,托福培训始于新东方HELLO!这个暑假,我们相约新东方!新东方GRE让你离名校“更进一步”!在大学,来一场说过就过的考试! 出国留学,梦想马上!GO! 听说读写,新东方让你样样精通 托福万变,高分不变! 新东方通“级”令!亲,你被通“级”了! 新东方名师在线答疑一一有问题来“问吧” 起名字:精讲精练班、考前点睛班、冲刺串讲班 裸考族、刷分族、先天不足族、过级无解族酷学酷玩E计划听力口语集训营酷学酷玩词汇魔鬼速记营酷学酷玩高中预科英语数学营 泡泡小升初特训营 龙文教育 一对一辅导,还是龙文好 龙年上龙文,助你跃龙门 备战中高考,一对一全日制辅导 制胜中考上名校选择龙文更可靠 厉兵秣马战高考披荆斩棘有龙文 东学堂语文 东风化雨,学以致用 环球雅思 无论您在哪里,我们就在您身边 学大教育 学有方,大不同 暑期热,来学大酷爽一下 提分热,根本停不下来 百瑞恩教育 佰年树人瑞兆神州恩泽社会网上其他的 1、最好的培训学校就是xx 培训学校,零基础学习,小班教学。 2、有一天,当你意识到该为自己的孩子挑一所英语培训机构时,面对眼花缭乱的培训机构名称和扇动人心的广告宣传语,你如何给自己一双慧眼为自己为孩子做出正


2015~2011年各省市高考题 Passage 1(2015·新课标全国Ⅰ) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Yangshuo,China It was raining lightly when I 1 (arrive) in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didn't care.A few hours 2 ,I'd been at home in Hong Kong,with 3 (it) choking smog.Here,the air was clean and fresh,even with the rain. I'd skipped nearby Guilin,a dream place for tourists seeking the limestone mountain tops and dark waters of the Li River 4 are pictured by artists in so many Chinese 5 (painting).Instead,I'd headed straight for Yangshuo.For those who fly to Guilin,it's only an hour away 6 car and offers all the scenery of the better-known city. Yangshuo 7 (be) really beautiful.A study of travelers 8 (conduct) by the website TripAdvisor names Yangshuo as one of the top 10 destinations in the world.And the town is fast becoming a popular weekend destination for people in Asia.Abercrombie & Kent,a travel company in Hong Kong,says it 9 (regular) arranges quick getaways here for people 10 (live) in Shanghai and Hong Kong. 【语篇导读】桂林山水甲天下,阳朔风光甲桂林。作者讲述了从香港去阳朔旅游时的所见。 1.解析考查动词的时态。主句谓语动词使用了过去进行时,根据语境此处要用一般过去时态。


外教一对一教学对孩子有哪些好处? “互联网+教育”时代,英语学习的方式也在变革,渐渐回归语言的本质——即表达、交流及运用。在线外教一对一的方式越来越受欢迎。但是这种新的学习方式真的靠谱吗?小编很好奇,直接邀请个小朋友报名亲测,总结分析!希望对关注孩子英语教育的家长有所帮助。 小朋友先接受了课前测试,然后被安排了推荐外教。我们将小朋友上课的过程做了实地录像,将刚开始上课的表现和上了一段时间后的表现进行对比,发现了比较有趣的现象: 真人测试【阶段一】: 刚开始上课,看得出来小朋友对这个形式很感兴趣,也很希望和老师交流,但是还是有点放不开,想说又说不出来的感觉。自己也不时叹气,但是还是能坐得住,坚持上课,态度比较积极。 真人测试【阶段二】: 上了一段时间后,小朋友明显放开很多。也主动问老师问题,更积极地主动地去和老师交流。能听懂的更多了,看的出来,孩子上课更开心了。 体验完了整个上课流程,小编总结了一些在线外教一对一的优缺点及适合人群: 一、在线外教一对一英语的优点 1)虽然线下机构有小朋友一起学习的环境氛围,还有肢体的互动,但是在线1对1的优势也是很明显的,就是老师可以更了解孩子,针对孩子的问题进行辅导。因为1对1,孩子完全没法开小差! 2)另外,不用出门真的太省事儿了!!!不用来回接送,不用在门口白白坐等1个小时刷手机,不用担心孩子生病缺课,不用担心刮风下雨雾霾堵车等各种烦心事儿。 3)最神奇的是,这种上课形式爸妈可以监督。就像上面的视频一样,爸妈在课后任何时候都可以完整看到孩子一堂课的录音或录像(顺便也能真实了解老师的水准),这样的监督简直是我们以往无处可寻的。 4)灵活性强,可以根据孩子的上课表现及时调整上课节奏和内容。那么就是说,在线1对1的关键是,一旦发现太难了或者太简单了,就在下一节课调整掉。 其实还有很多好处,比如时间非常自由可以自己选,比如这样轻松的方式很容易让孩子习惯和老外聊天,比如旅游什么都不怕缺课了。 二、在线外教一对一英语的缺点 1)网络不稳定,受跨国网络波动影响比较大,这也是所有在线教育行业的通病; 2)外教资质良莠不齐,有些机构的老师只是有一张外国人的脸,并不具备教学资格和经验。家长在选择机构的时候就要多关注这一块。 三、在线外教一对一英语课程最适合三类家庭


英语口语20个对话主题 英语口语对话主题(001)相貌 A: That girl looks very attractive, doesn’t she? B: do you think so? I don’t like girls who look like that. I like girls who aren’t too slim. If you like her, go and talk to her. A: I’d like to, but there’s her boyfriend. He’s very broad-shouldered. B: he’s huge! He must go to the gym to have a well-built body like that. A: do you prefer tall girls or short ones? B: I don’t mind, but I like girls with long hair. A: we have different tastes. I like girls with short hair. I like tall girls- probably because I’m so tall myself. B: have you ever dated a girl taller than you? A: no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever met a girl taller than me! Have you gained weight recently? B: yes, I have. Perhaps I should go to the gym, like t hat girl’s boyfriend. A: I ‘m getting a bit plump myself. Perhaps I’ll go with you. 英语口语对话主题(002)身体部分 A: I’m going to the beauty parlor. Do you want to come too? B: sure. Let’s go. What are you going to have done? A: I want to have a foot massage and haircut. B: a foot massage sounds like a great idea. They are very relaxing. I’d also like to have a mudpack on my face. It’s supposed to help with your complexion. A: good idea. We should also pedicures and manicures. B: this could become a very expensive trip to be beauty parlour! A: I think it’s a good idea to pamper yourself occasionally. Don’t you agree? B: oh, I agree. We both work hard and a little beauty treatment can relieve stress. A: maybe we should try a thai massage too. B: what’s specia l about a thai massage? A: that’s when the masseuse walk on your back and massage you with her feet. B: sounds painful! 英语口语对话主题(003)身体部位的运动 A: when you are in a restaurant you want the waiter to bring the bill, what do you do to attract his attention? B: I just make eye contact with him and nod my head. Then I tell him when he comes over to the table. Why do you ask? A: I went out with my girlfriend to a nice restaurant last night and I noticed that many people shouted for the bill.


近五年高考英语语法填空真题解析 2018年高考题 【2018·全国I】 According to a review of evidence in a medical journal, runners live three years ___61___(long) than non-runners. You don't have to run fast or for long___62___(see)the benefit. You may drink, smoke, be overweight and still reduce your risk of ___63___ (die) early by running. While running regularly cann't make you live forever, the review says it ___64___ (be) more effective at lengthening life___65___ walking, cycling or swimming. Two of the authors of the review also made a study published in 2014___66___showed a mere five to 10 minutes A day of running reduced the risk of heart disease and early deaths from all ___67___(cause). The best exercise is one that you enjoy and will do. But otherwise… it's probably runnin g. To avoid knee pain, you can run on soft surfaces, do exercises to___68___(strength)your leg muscles(肌肉),avoid hills and get good running shoes. Running is cheap, easy and it's always___69___(energy).If you are time poor, you need run for only half the time to get the same benefits as other sports, so perhaps we should all give___70___a try. 【答案】61. longer 62. to see 63. dying 64. is 65. than 66. that which 67. causes 68. strength 69. energetic 70. it unning 【解析】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了跑步的好处,它可以帮助人们延年益寿。 63. 考查动名词。你也许喝酒、吸烟或超重,但仍然通过跑步会减少早亡的风险。此处of是介词,其后用动名词。故填dying。 64. 考查动词的时态。医学报告显示:跑步比散步、骑车和游泳更能有效地延长寿命。这里叙述的是一个事实,故用一般现在时。故填is。 65. 考查比较句型。跑步比散步、骑车和游泳更能有效地延长寿命。根据文章中的more effective可知此处填than。 66. 考查定语从句的关系词。此处a study是先行词,其在定语从句中作主语,故填that 或which。


英语口语陪练选择方法 时代日益进步,大家对英语的需求越来越大,许多像“在线教育”、“英语口语陪练”之类的新词出现在人们的眼中,不过“口语陪练”对于很多人可能是陌生的,其实我们可以简单从字面来理解,就是找人进行口语陪练。在中国,大多数英语学习者都会受困于所谓的“哑巴英语”,他们花费了大量的时间和精力来学习英语但最后却不能将其用于交流。于是就有了“口语陪练”。 在传统的口语教学中,一般都是老师授课占据了很大一部分时间,而让学生开口的机会少之又少,对他们来说一直就是处在缺乏口语的练习环境。而这时他们所需要的正是一个真正用英语来交流练习的方法和环境,而并非普通培训班的英语课程。这时候口语陪练则可以有针对性的满足他们这一需求。另外网络口语陪练相对比实体培训去除场地费用,办公费用等。有较高的价格优势。可是找口语陪练也是需要技巧的。 一、直接在社交软件上找老外 这个方案比较适合有一定口语能力的人,象我刚起步的时候,打字都打不来,更不用说语音交流了。根本不可行。 二、报英语培训班 我研究过几个著名英语培训机构的报价,决定还是算了,太贵了,动辄上万,不适合囊中羞涩的我。不过ABC360不错,它一家真人外教一对一的在线教育,学生可以通过网络视频,全程和外教一对一的进行教学,这样既能保证学生有足够的时间和外教交流互动,也能使外教及时指出学生发音等一些方面的问题。最主要的是还不贵,最便宜的只要7.2元一节课。 三、语言交换 就是找学中文的老外交换,互相学习对方的母语。我在网上找了一些这方面的网站,我注册了不少,也发了很多邀请信给里面的老外。无奈一个月下来浪费的时间不少,没找到一个聊友,看来免费的午餐真是不容易吃啊。总结下来,一个原因是学中文的老外太少了,而学英语的中国人太多太多了。 不过多说英语对口语的提高还是有帮助的。


江苏省2018年五年一贯制高职“专转本”考试 英语统考试卷 (90分钟) I. Reading Comprehension Passage One The TV play Zheng He is broadcasted on CCTV and the great Chinese traveler comes gradually back to us. It reminds us of a lot of excitement. Zheng He, the Columbus of the east, was an amazing man. He was born in 1371 and, 11 years later, was caught by the army of a rich young man called Zhu Di and made to word for him. Over time the rich man saw that Zheng He was very clever and strong and they became close friends. In 1403, Zhu Di was made the king of China and asked Zheng He to join his new government. The King wanted to learn more about the world and show other countries his power. He ordered many new ships to be built and made Zheng He the leader. Between 1405 and 1433, he led seven sea ships to different parts of the world. He certainly traveled to India, Africa and the Middle East. Some people insist that his ships may have even reached South Africa and Australia. Each trip lasted between two and four years and it is believed he sailed more than 50,000 kilometers during his travels. With 28,000 men and over 300 ships, such as boats for food, water and even soldiers’ horses, Zheng He led a fleet whose size would not be equaled by Europeans for over 500 years. On these trips, he brought with him many Chinese goods like silk and medicine to give to the foreign kings or to sell for local goods. He returned from each trip with boats filled with expensive things such as gold and jewellery, foreign guests and strange animals like a giraffe. It is a pity that we may never learn everything about Zheng He’s travels. After he died in 1433, the new king, who thought these trips were unlucky and cost too much, had them stopped and he burned almost all the books about Zheng He’s travels. It is onl y in the last 50 years, that historians have carefully studied the adventures of the great Zheng He. 1. Why did the Chinese King order Zheng He to sail to many different countries? A. To bring new countries under the control of China. B. To show the world his power. C. To receive gifts from the kings of other countries. D. To discover unusual animals. 2. What do we know about Zheng He from the passage? A. He sailed across the world. B. Each of the trips lasted one year. C. He died at the age of 62. D. He was a successful soldier. 3. Which of the following did Zheng He bring with him from China? A. Gold B. Jewellery C. Medicine D. Giraffes 4. What happened after Zheng He died? A. He was forgotten forever. B. His ships were all destroyed. C. The new king wrote a book about him D. Sea trips to foreign countries were stopped. 5. In what order did the following happen? a. Zhu Di become the King. b. Zheng He was caught by soldiers. c. The books about Zheng He were all burne d.


学习英语已经成为一种潮流,不少家长觉得传统的教育模式不适合现在孩子的需求,为了给孩子更好的教育,在线英语外教一对一受到家长的青睐。许多中国家长现在都知道在线英语外教一对一是非常好的模式,尤其适合孩子学习英语。 其实,在线英语外教一对一在近年来的大火与国内互联网行业的发展关系很大,VIPKID借着“互联网+”的东风,一举把在线英语外教一对一推向了中国家长,让越来越多的中国家长接受这种英语教育的新模式。而随着VIPKID的成功,其他的英语培训机构也纷纷提供在线英语外教一对一的服务。 VIPKID在线英语外教一对一给中国孩子英语教育新选择 在线英语外教一对一之所以这么火爆,也是因为这种教育模式的优势非常明显,在线的英语教育可以解决很多当前国内英语教育行业存在的问题。国内的英语教育市场亟待解决的一大难题就是缺乏高质量的外教,要知道中国可是有世界最大规模的英语学习人口,而国内的外教根本无法满足中国孩子学习英语的需求。不同于传统的英语教育,VIPKID推出在线英语外教一对一的模式可以解决外教不足的难题,目前已成为拥有15000名北美外教的在线教育机构,而通过互联网就可以将这些教育资源与国内教育需求结合起来,让中国的孩子享受北美外教一对一教学的英语学习体验。 在线英语外教一对一所代表的新型教育理念也吸引着中国家长,尤其是素质教育理念的流行,

家长越发需要优质的英语教育。不同于以往线下的英语教育,在线英语外教一对一的模式为孩子营造了前所未有的语言环境。像VIPKID就把北美优质外教送到了中国孩子身边,这些北美外教都是经过国际权威机构认证的、经验丰富的教师,可以为孩子带来专业的教学体验;VIPKID的教材也是专家经过调研后基于美国CCSS课程体系研发的,适合中国孩子又与国际接轨,更与美国国家地理学习合作,共同研发教材,拓展孩子的眼界,对孩子的发展非常有利。不仅如此,VIPKID创新的“翻转课堂”更可以让孩子提升参与感、互动感,让孩子体验不一样的英语学习。同时,在线的英语教育也更加方便,不会受到时间和空间的限制,中国孩子在家即可学习英语。 相信随着在线英语外教一对一这一模式的流行,越来越多的中国孩子会享受轻松、有趣的英语教育,可以像学习母语一样学习英语,享受学习英语的快乐,在未来可以走向更广阔的世界。


2015—2016 学年第一学期 会计专业1115 班《英语》模拟考试试卷 (考试形式:闭卷考试用时:120 分钟) PartⅠReading Comprehension每( 题2 分,共30 分) Directions: There are 3 reading passagesin this part. Each passageis followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four suggested answers marked A , B , C and D choose the best answer to each question Passage one It was one of those terribly hot days in Baltimore. Needless to say, it was too hot to do anything outside. But it was also scorching in our apartment. This was 1962, and I would not live in a place with an air conditioner for another ten years. So my brother and I decided to leave the apartment to find someplace indoors. He suggested we could see a movie. It was a brilliant plan. Movie theaters were one of the few places you could sit all day and —most important —sit in air conditioning. In those days, you could buy one ticket and sit through two movies. Then, the theater would show the same two movies again. If you wanted to, you could sit through them twice. Most people did not do that, but the manager at our theater. Mr. Bellow did not mind if you did. That particular day, my brother and I sat through both movies twice, trying to escape the heat. We bought three bags of popcorn and three sodas each. Then, we sat and watched The Music Man followed by The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance. We’dalready seen the second movie once before. It had been at the theater since January, because Mr. Bellow loved anything with John Wayne in it. We left the theater around 8, just before the evening shows began. But we returned the next day and saw the same two movies again, twice more. And we did it the next day too. Finally, on the fourth day, the heat wave broke. Still, to this day I can sing half the songs in The Music Man and recite half of John Wayne and Jimmy Stewart ’disalogue from The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance! Those memories are some of the few I have of the heat wave of 1962. They ’rereally memories of the screen, not memories of my life. 1. In which year did the author first live in a place with an air conditioner? A. 1952 B. 1962 C. 1972 D. 1982 2. What does the underlined word “It ”in Paragraph 3 refer to? A. The heat B. The theater. C. The Music Man D. The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance 3. What do we know about Mr. Bellow? A. He loved children very much. B. He was a fan of John Wayne. C. He sold air conditioners. D. He was a movie star. 4. Why did the author and his/her brother see the same movies several times? A. The two movies were really wonderful. B. They wanted to avoid the heat outside. C. The manager of the theater was friendly. D. They liked the popcorn and the soda at the theater.
