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The price of growth

"Great Expectations" is one of the most important works of the great critical realist writer Charles Dickens in his later life.Dickens is a novelists in 19th-century British, his work has always been committed to exposing the dark and decadent capitalist society, focus on describing the state of the Pip struggling to survive in a capitalist society, showing a strong humanitarian spirit.Dickens's life is full of bitterness and frustrations,impecunious and lonely childhood and plain boring marriage had a huge impact for his creative thinking, his early works showed a positive attitude towards life, midlife rendered desolate melancholy style, after the growth of the age and marital misfortune, coupled with a profound understanding of the social darkness, Dickens depression side of his mind has been enhanced and has been reflected in the creation, optimistic tone also has been greatly weakened.The positive hero have been a good outcome, but often tormented suffering not only to achieve the outcome of the process, but always need to pay a certain price and sometimes even painful price.At the same time, the works have the past, death, decay linked images, adding a solemn tone.

"Great Expectations" is a film about the tragedy of disillusionment.Hero Pip is a simple, kind teenager from rural with the

dream, accidentally received an anonymous sustentation fund, bid farewell to the old humble friend and difficult life,Pip came to his cherished London, began to dream of a gentleman living Pip thinks great expectations dream has been fully realized, so he drift in the flashy city, the pursuit of extravagant aristocratic life, the results end up deep in debt.At the same time, his funders quietly returned to England, and he did not expect to be burst out the true identity of the escaped prisoner, a bright future dream came to the end with the arrest of the escaped prisoner .After a serious illness, Pip, after a bitter ideological struggle, and finally realized that great expectations is an unrealistic dream, the ordinary life of the old ,good and pure friends is the real part of his life.Works clearly demonstrated the life trajectory from four stages.Shaping different Pip in different environments, the work reflected the adverse effects of capitalist society, the context of the social atmosphere of the supremacy of the interests and values distorted human development , expressed serious discontent of the social system.

ⅠPip's bitterness childhood

In the beginning of the novel, Little Pip went to cold cemetery to pay homage to his parents and the the brothers and sisters who were untimely death , just as he was immersed guess the parents' appearance, a badly bruised fugitive appears in front of him, threaten small Pip bring him food.The simple kind Pip completely panicked, apprehensively carrying

the food from home,Pip took to agreed place.This shows that the child Pip is a lovely child, knowing that the home will have unimaginable consequences, but inspired by extreme fear and courage led him to complete this "big".Imagine that, pungent vicious sister, gentle, rustic brother-in-law, extremely frightening fugitives, three extreme image appear in front of young Pip, what will the impact be to Pip.So, we have seen in the novel both a simple and brave, kind and mischievous little Pip.

, "embryonic form of the gentleman dream."

Not until came to Satis house had Pip never thought that they will dislike his home where he grew up , even though there was his elder sister who not particularly love him even wantonly beat, and he did not care about these, his biggest dream was to become Joe's apprentice, and enjoy the life fun.with Joe.However, fate always inadvertently change the initial dream. when Mr. Pumblechook brought Pip to Miss Havisham who had unlimited property in this town, the small Pip first insight into the difference between social upper and lower classes and a great shock rocked his little heart .At the same time, small Pip was deeply attracted by incomparably beautiful Miss Estella who lived in Satis house, small Pip completely immersed in the beaut of l Estella, arrogant Estella payed no attention to this innocent country side boy,a huge environmental contrast and psychological gap strongly shocked small Pip

Miss Havisham was abandoned in the wedding day, she was full of hatred, so she wants to cultivate Estella to be a beloved creature, and then take advantage of her beauty to play with all the male, in order to balance her psychology..So, Little Pip and Estella, are pawn of the Miss Havisham ,so subtle dynamic between them were under control..her instantaneous happiness was based on small Pip's suffering , at this time, little Pip was entered into a dream of a woven.

3 anonymous subvention achieved"Great Expectations"

when Pip feel ashamed his social status , the lawyer Jaggers brought an exciting news to Pip that some one was willing to training Pip become a gentleman with fortune, but Pip couldn't inquire about any information about funders.The face of the sudden good things, Pip surprised and excited.

Pip came to London to study with his fortune, in his opinion,his long-standing love, wealth and position were in close proximity.Pip experiencing spiritual struggle in this new environment,at the same time, the city's flashy life influence on him.He gradually becomes selfish arrogance, vanity, also stained with lavish habits, and living a debt-ridden life.This time, Pip has transformed from the pure and innocent little boy into the arrogant man step-by-step, we must admit that this has a great relationship with the environment in which he lived in.

4 bursting of "Great Expectations" and recovery of humanity

His real benefactor ,the escaped prisoner came back to see him from Australia, Pip's life were full with irony yet.Dickens used ironic tone to put the people of the different sectors of society into the same environment, between the characters because The identity conflict give readers a deeper understanding of the dark and decadent of capitalist social system.

Simple Pip gradually transformed from a good-natured boy into the interests and social status man,later due to the gratitude of the benefactor,after the sinking of Pip's humanity,he retrieve the original innocence, abandoned the unrealistic fantasy.returning of Pip's humanity was hard, smithy Pip experience different psychological changes in different environments, but the only constant thing is: the innocence of his heart is always in the pursuit for the future, he has never given up.

in the ending of the novel, Pip, barely survive overseas through the help of friends ,.Ten years later, Pip came back to the original smithy after the vicissitudes,Joe and Biddy warmly entertained him, sincere feelings between friends never changed.Pip standing before the ruins of the house of Satis House, gaunt Estella met by chance, they stood in front of the House,missing the old time."we were still friends",the words made them to head a bright future.the ending maybe the beginning of Pip' great expectations Only by positive humanity guiding could Pip have a mature life

时光机器 读后感(英文)

The Future World: The Time Machine GXM The Time Machine is a science fiction novel written by H. G. Wells, published in 1895. In effect, Wells had considered the notion of time travel before, in a short story titled "The Chronic Argonauts". This work, published in his college newspaper, blazing the trail for The Time Machine. The book's protagonist is ascientist and inventor living in Victorian England, and called by a narrator as the Time Traveller. The narrator starts the whole storyby discussing time-- the fourth dimension with his weekly dinner guests. However, he secretly builds a machine capable of carrying a person through time, and when he returns, he begins to restates his long journey, becoming the new narrator. In the new narrative, the Time Traveller goes to A.D.802,701with his device.tests, where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small and futuristicbuildings, doing no work and feeding on fruits. There he also meets the Morlocks, who live in darkness underground and surface only at night. What’s worse, they consider Elois as their foods and capture them everyday so that every one of the Eloi fears the Morlocks to death and never dares to fight back. Meanwhile, he saves an Eloi named Weena from drowning as none of the other Eloi take no notice that she is in jeopardy.Very soon, they develop an innocently


狄更斯《远大前程》读后感2000字 导读:读书笔记狄更斯《远大前程》读后感2000字,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 狄更斯《远大前程》读后感2000字: 花了好长时间,终于看完了这本书——《远大前程》。我是2018年5月11日开始看这本书的。整个暑假也没有碰,于是隔了这么久才把这本书看完。 这是我看的第二本狄更斯的书。一年前看完了《雾都孤儿》,奥利佛那种纯真和虔诚,到现在都印象深刻。 狄更斯的作品延续了主人公实诚的风格,匹普和奥利佛也是一样。他们两都运气很好,奥利佛有贵亲,而匹普有“贵人”相助。 总体来说,《远大前程》整本书在剧情设置上并不是非常惊艳丰富,但人物关系之间还是能做到处处有关联的。感觉可以围绕出更多的故事,却被这种人设浪费了。不知道是不是作者没有打算写成长篇小说,感觉收尾的非常急,对匹普一生铺垫很长,接近六十章的篇幅,涉及匹普人生转折点的高潮部分,只用了一两章就描写完了。 只能说我可能被大仲马的《基督山伯爵》惯坏了,现在看到每本世界名著中的每个人物,都想着Ta会和其他任何一个人物有种怎样离奇的关系和故事。 感觉全文中,人设最浪费的是艾斯黛拉这个角色,对于她性格的形成只是描述了一些过程,也没必要标志性事件。而对于她最终性格

的转变,也是一笔带过。这种转变很难说服读者,尤其是艾斯黛拉还是女一号,被捧成仙女般美丽的女一号。 除了这个以外还有艾斯黛拉的父母,那位流亡海外,匹普拯救者的父亲,还有那位在贾格斯先生家里做佣人的母亲。围绕他们三人的这个故事,本可以写的更加丰富多彩。但狄更斯只是把这三人的故事作为彩蛋埋在文中,而不是作为伏笔去更多叙述。 当然,书中也不乏一些意料之外的惊喜。比如结尾的乔和毕蒂。我真的万万没有料到,乔和毕蒂会在一起,毕竟乔虽然一辈子受尽了匹普姐姐的辱骂殴打,但在匹普姐姐遭到奥力克袭击后,他依然是如此不离不弃。我以为他太呆了,但显然狄更斯只是想证明他很实诚,却不呆滞。乔在匹普恢复后的最关键时刻离开了他,他选择了放手。我一直在揣摩乔的心情,他那么爱这位弟弟,但当匹普成为“上等人”,说不清他到底是骄傲还是惋惜。 换句话就是,乔到底知不知道,匹普过的不开心?我相信很多人在阅读这本书的时候,都会觉得匹普就是“作”,自作自受。他为了那虚无缥缈的爱情,让自己一直活在这种“未知”当中,最后的结局又无奈地打破了这种“未知”,一切重新回到起点。 他对艾斯黛拉那份爱,真的值得他付出这么多吗?我一直在怀疑那真的是爱情吗?还是他的虚荣,他这辈子没能得到艾斯黛拉一点爱,而引发的自尊维护。 “得不到的东西,才是最美的东西。” “金钱和地位,和幸福从来不是正相关。”


关于平凡的世界读后感五篇寒假,我拜读了路遥先生的这部反映建国初期社会状况的着作——《平凡的世界》。 看完《平凡的世界》后,已将近子夜,脑中已经差不多混沌一片,想不起来是什么样的感受,只是闭上眼睛便看见孙少平在悟得了人生的意义以后,幸福的向着属于自己的地方跑去,在他的脑海中,是那个美丽而善良的惠英围着红色的头巾带着系着鲜红色红领巾的明明站在山坡上迎接着少平的归来,他们是那样的幸福,那样的安宁,那样的坦然,那样的纯净。 虽然相比于大都市中的一切,以及妹夫吴仲平为他安排的前程那样让很多人憧憬的荣耀,但是,他们的幸福,他们的人生,作为普天下最为简单、最为原始、最为朴实的一种状态也是最为安全最为幸福的一种状态,那里的城堡中的主人就是他们自己,平凡的人生就是如此,没有闪亮的星,但是却因为有了素雅的云,一切仍旧具有朴实无华的美。 《平凡的世界》无疑是一部家族式的史诗,与当下流行的电视剧《闯东关》有着异曲同工之妙,都是以一个家族的纠葛变迁为窗口,了望的是整个国家的变迁与沉浮。只不过,看完平凡的世界后,心境却与闯关东完全不同,前者给人的是一种宁静,而后者给人的以一种激荡。一个是君子淡如水似的豁然开朗,一个却是英雄当如是的大气凛然。

在当下的浮躁社会中,很显然,大气凛然已经有点由于锦上添花的美而变得让人有些疲惫,但是平凡的世界不一样,平凡的世界,平凡的人生,本来就是如此,这就像是一杯清水给茫茫浊世带来了几分清凉与慰藉,让在繁忙与俗物中苦苦纠缠的人们可以暂且抛下一切烦恼,可以忘记自己现今的荣辱,而回忆起曾经最为纯真最为朴实无华的那个年代,让人们懂得,即使作为一个平凡人,亦会有平凡人的人生之幸福所在。 《平凡的世界》对人物描写的造诣之高可以说是空前绝后,并且贯穿人生的哲理于其中,发人深省。所有的人物都处于一个社会的变局之中,谁也无法预料下一步情节的发展。老实善良的少安,终于不再局限于背向蓝天面对黄土的以农为本的生活,开砖窑、包砖厂,谋求新的致富之道;热情洋溢的少平终于背乡离井,以矿山为归宿。都是人生旅途上,开始迈出了新的一步,他们不是生活中的强者,他们身上不可能没有旧的传统,但他们能够冲破旧有的樊篱,选择应走的道路,求得自身来自价值的确立。 这既是对历史性变化的追踪,也是当代青年选择人生道路的情绪体验。要说本书的成功之处在于人物的塑造,无庸质疑绝对是大众认可,不过在细品这部书后我发现路遥先生原来还在书中加入了不少的浪漫主义元素,这在孙少平在失去了田晓霞后精神迷离而遇见外星人,以致于出现第三类接


《远大前程》读后感800字 【导语】以下是为大家整理的关于《远大前程》读后感800字,欢迎大家阅读,希望能够帮助到大家! 如果说谁能把众多人物在一部毫不冗长的小说里连一个有机整体,当推狄更斯的《远大前程》,他精妙的构思已在此部小说里达到极致。这是一部结合悬疑,爱情,哲理于一体的小说,打破了狄更斯现实主义的创作束缚。 大多数人对贾斯薇小姐印象深刻,那个把自己囚禁在阴暗房间里的老女人,自己得不到真爱还报复其他无辜的男人。她的衣服是结婚当天的礼服,钟表停留在结婚时的时间,连发霉的结婚蛋糕都还保留着。作者设计他*的死亡方式顺其自然的,陈腐的东西必定要死亡,何况是有如此毒害如此危险的东西。狄更斯斯在刻画这个人物时明显受哥特式小说的影响,阴暗,抑郁的气氛占据了环境和人物内心。作者敢于表现和挖掘,恰当处理了主人公和这个人物的关系。 主人公匹普没有任何光彩夺目的地方,他的魅力来源于真实。一部小说要结合多重形象的人物,就要有足够的亲和力和引人入胜的情节。这两点作者都游刃有余,于是就让读者可以尽情陶醉其中,既探寻他的重重悬念,又在情节中感

叹人物命运多舛,周游期间,至终才发觉“远大前程”的无奈,它不过是一个欲望的幻影,在匹普和我们的心间渐渐胀大,掩盖住最后一丝现实的景象。 我们不能说这是部悲剧,飞黄腾达的幻想谁都应该有,可狄更斯所说的远大前程却是在讽刺虚有幻想的人。至于虚与实,幻想与现实,两百年后我们不是又生出截然不同的看法么?作者竭尽才华为我们讲述道理,可是两百年间,谁又能真正摆脱幻想,完完全全地创造出自己的远大前程呢? 挣扎中的人在沉醉,清醒的人又不爱功名利禄,唯有平平凡凡甚至庸俗的人们,偷偷的幻想着,也许,有人也会给我一大笔钱,成就我的远大前程,谁管给钱的是逃犯还是什么。 发黄的书页里,我以一种敬畏的心情阅读狄更斯。我能看到他忧愁又苦笑的神情,太过沉重,我只能敷衍过去。这是罪过,好在从他朴实的语言里,我还能得到他和蔼的微笑,在他设计的完美故事链条中,我甘心沦落。


求3篇50字英语读后感 本文是关于读后感的,仅供参考,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享。 求3篇50字英语读后感(一) 《百万英镑》读后感 Mark Twain"s short story of "one million pounds" is a very good work. The article on the "money is everything," "money is omnipotent," the idea of a satire, to expose the ugly face of capitalist society. "One million pounds" is about a poor, honest man, that is, the heroine of this story has received a pair of brothers, the letter sent to him inside one million pounds. The brothers had made a bet, gambling, if a poor, honest people who come knocking on the door received the one million pounds, he will be what kind of results? Brother that he would starve to death because he could not prove that the money was his own, will be subject to other people"s doubts, and even the banks do not let him save money. His younger brother that he would lead a very good, and therefore they have the brothers of one million pounds will be loaned to check the poorest people, and spent 30 days abroad. Did not expect that during this period of time, people have the rare fortune suddenly rich, has


篇一:《平凡的世界》读后感 读《平凡的世界》有感 平凡,是生活的本色 列校张力 我们每一个人,对于这个浩缈的世界来说,都十分渺小、脆弱、微不足道。这个世界也是平凡的,悲与欢、生与死、穷与富、世事的变更,于历史的长河来说,无非是些平凡事。对于平凡,我素来都是这样认为的,直到读了一本书——《平凡的世界》,这才恍然大悟。这一部伟大的巨著,为我们解说了平凡和苦难,阐释了生活的意义。书中为我们描述的是一个平凡的世界,一个黄土地上的世界。这里生活着一群世世代代面朝黄土北朝天的普通人,他们演绎着一幕幕生老病死、悲欢离合、贫穷与富裕、苦难与拼搏、世事变更的戏剧。是喜剧?悲剧?正剧?也许都有一点。在这本书里,没有华丽的辞藻、没有惊险离奇的情节,没有惊天动地的场面,有的只是平凡的人,平凡的生活,平凡的感情,平凡的故事。老师推荐我读这本书的时候,我还以为她是在搪塞我,因为我读完第一遍的时候,我没有任何感觉,这里面的事情太平凡了,平凡得让我感觉到他们都好像是发生在我的身边。然而,当我读到第三遍的时候,我已经感觉到了我的血液慢慢地开始沸腾了。书中给我印象最深的人物是孙少平。这是一位对苦难有着深切的认识,对生活有着深邃的理解,对精神世界有着深刻追求的人,他有铮铮铁骨,有强大的精神力量,有巨大的勇气。从学生时代的非洲人到成年时代的揽工汉,他经历的是艰苦卓绝的人生奋斗,然而在痛苦与磨砺中,他形成了一种对 苦难的骄傲感、崇高感。我欣赏他的苦难的哲学,钦佩他对劳动的认识,羡慕他对生活的理解。关于苦难的哲学,书中这样表达??是的,他是在社会的最底层挣扎,为了几个钱而受尽折磨;但是他已经不仅仅将此看作是谋生、活命??他现在倒很“热爱”自己的苦难。通过这一段血火般的洗礼,他相信,自己经历千辛万苦而酿造出来的生活之蜜,肯定比轻而易举拿来的更有滋味——他自嘲地把自己的这种认识叫做”关于苦难的学说??这是一种什么样的认识啊?每到我们遇到困难、挫折的时候——也许这种困难与挫折只有孙少平所遭受的苦难的百万分之一——我们可曾有过这样的认识?就算是哪天放学是下了场雨,亦或是天气有些闷热而又停了电,我们往往会听到许多的怨天尤人。然而,我想只要是你读了《平凡的世界》以后,读懂了“苦难的哲学”,那么就算是你今后遭受再多的苦难,你也不会怨天尤人。 对于劳动的认识,书中这样写道:“一个人精神是否充实,或者说活得有无意义,主要取决于他对劳动的态度。”这绝对是一条精辟的理论,在任何时候都不会过时的理论。“只有劳动才可能使人在生活中强大。无论什么人,最终还是要那些能用双手创造生活的劳动者。对于这些人来说,孙少平给他们上了生平最重要的一课——如何对待劳动,这是人生最基本的课题。”这里体现出的是两种人,勤劳的和懒散的。人生来是没有差别的,然而经过了不同的境遇和发展之后,人与人之间便产生了巨大的差别。而在这期间,对于劳动的认识不同,对产生这样的差别起着决定性的作用。正如我们考到大学的时候, 在学习方面,我们没有太多的差别。然而,经历了三年的大学生活之后,人与人之间的差别又是何其巨大。宰相刘罗锅在和绅临终前对他说:“其实,每个人的结局,都是他自己一手精心设计的。”当我们读到这里的时候,我们都应当好好想想,我们是怎样对待劳动的。孙少平,到底是一个什么样的人啊。其实,他也就是一个平平凡凡的人,一个比普通农民多读了几本书,一个对生活的意义有着更高层次追求的人。在写给妹妹孙兰香的信中充分表现了他对生活的认识:“??我们出生于贫苦的农民家庭——永远不要鄙薄我们的出身,它给我们带来的好处将使我们一生受用不尽;但我们一定又要从我们出身的局限中解脱出来,从意识上彻底背叛农民的狭隘性,追求更高的生活意义。? 润叶是悲哀的,同样晓霞也是悲哀的,同时她们又是那么的痛苦?这里的种种悲哀就构成了这平凡的世界中的一面镜子?在这面镜子面前任何人都无法保留,它透射着现实中的大抵相


《远大前程》读书笔记摘抄 江南大学 外国语学院2014-2014上学期本科生读书活动 读书报告 班级:英语1205 姓名:王露露 学号:19 geat expatation by shakespeare 外语教学与研究出版社 isbn:76515 lucy great expatation "great expectations" is the british writer charles dickens's novel,whose aim is to educate people. the stor y’s background is from the 1812 christmas eve to the winter of 1840. the story’s protagonist orphan is pip and it uses the means which is called autobiographical. the storyis about the three stages of pip’s life from the age of 7. the book is full of sympathy and meticulous brushwork to shape the little joe, pip and biti, the simple kind. but the difference is, at the time, the writer have a more profound experience of social life. sarcastic humor style past throughout the works gradually fade out.this novel shows dickens's more mature outlook on life. in the novel "great expectations", there are many characters, main characters are prominent.pip, mrs. joe,joe gregory skilling, biddy, hao weixian, estella, jagers, herbert, magwitch and so on main characters’ activities constitute the whole strip line. the development process of pip;the mystery of pip property;the love between pip and estella;the mystery of estella’s story; miss hao weixian’s strange experiences;pip and herbert’s friendship;


远大前程》英语读后感范文 【篇一】远大前程英语读后感 "Great Expectations" has been considered to be one of Charles Dickens ' most mature and relatively late works. Having experienced a wealth of human life, Dickens got a profound understanding of human-being, the surrounding environment and his life experiences while all his mature thinking and understanding were summarized into the book "Great Expectations". The original meaning of the work 's title in fact is a heritage, but when it was translated into Chinese it gave me an impression that the title shows the hero of the story had Great Expectations. However, reading over the book I realized that this "Great Expectations" takes an ironic band——it should be said that the theme of this work not only told the story of orphan Pip who wanted to be the ideal first-class disillusionment. If one does think so, he holds a wrong


电影《远大前程》观后感 主人公皮普自幼失去父母,童年是在姐姐的打骂声中度过的。偶然的机会被富有的单身母亲郝维辛选中,作为养女艾斯黛拉的小伙伴。姐姐、姐夫,包括皮普自己都认为这会是一次命运的转折,然而最终皮普除了爱上了艾斯黛拉以及被郝维辛婉言辞退之外,一切都没有发生任何改变。皮普即将成人的时候,意外的继承了一笔莫名的遗产,这也使他从乡村来到了伦敦,离开了亦父亦友的姐夫乔,和卧病在床的姐姐,离开了本该属于他的乡村生活。国际化的大城市不仅改变了皮普的外在气质,从乡下穷小子摇身成为当时的上流人士。然而也改变了他的心性。金钱使人变得麻木,甚至面对亲人、朋友。皮普成人之际得知自己继承的是童年无心救助的一位在逃犯的遗产,而这笔遗产也最终因为来历不明而被充公。经历了种种周遭,皮

普最终回到了姐夫的铁匠铺,回到了本该属于他的乡村生活,在那里他再次遇到了继承了两笔巨额遗产的艾斯黛拉…… 我们不能改变自己的出身贫贱,但是我们可以改写自己的命运。人从生来的那一刻起就带有原罪,阴暗的一面一直被潜意识埋藏在心底,可一辈子那么长,偶尔也会有爆发的时候。当外界的不可抗力唤醒良知,灵魂也会得到救赎。皮普因为继承遗产而漠视亲情,不是因为童年不堪回首的记忆,而是源于本心,内心不纯净的灵魂再怎么粉饰也改变不了污秽的本质。就像皮普本身一样,即使来到了大城市,即使过上了上等人的生活,也改变不了一身的乡土气息和看待问题的拙略目光。诚然也不否定有一部分人会通过自己的双手改变命运,依靠的是勤奋、睿智和善良,显然皮普不在其中。 电影的另一条线索围绕着单身母亲郝维辛对待爱情偏激的看法展开。郝维

辛由于自己失败的恋情从小对养女艾斯黛拉灌输着世间没有真爱,一切的爱既是痛的畸形教育。艾斯黛拉幼小的灵魂还没有到达热情绽放的年纪就已经开始凋零,以至于把自己当做交易,走进了一场本无缘分的婚姻而最终继承了一笔冷冰冰的遗产。影片后半部分,郝维辛因为养女的离弃而自食其果,在生命的最后一刻流下了悔恨的眼泪,灵魂和肉体一起在熊熊火焰中得到救赎。影片最后皮普与艾斯黛拉再次邂逅,当四目相对,当一双手触碰到另一双手的时候,是完满的结局还是痛苦的开始,导演并没有给我们以启示,众口难调之下是无尽的思考,或许那个人就是你我。 从乡村到都市,从淳朴到世俗,经历一世的周遭回到原点,或许说是环境改变了人,然而皮普显然是一个失败的牺牲品。时过境迁,你还能听见内心最初的声音吗?别忘了当初立下的那份《远大前程》。观后感》


平凡的世界英文读后感 你会写《平凡的世界》英文的读后感吗,下面为大家精心搜集了一篇“平凡的世界英 文读后感”,欢迎大家参考借鉴,希望可以帮助到大家! The man who is working is the happiest one in the world, no matter in which period. That’s a truth the book ordinary world wants to tell us. It’s loudly gives out the slogan, as a human, despair the position, as long as you have a burning heart, you will beloved by the life. Everybody in the world should love their work. One can be ordinary, but can not be mediocre. Only be a worker, and use one’s sincere heart to taste the life and experience, can we truly being alive. We have only one life. This is a book written by life. There is a kind of ordinary sound flood in the earth and universe. 读完《平凡的世界》,心中涌起一股热辣辣的感觉,有时竟禁不住热泪盈眶。我没有 资格对它评述,只有被它感动。 浪漫的彩虹,飘渺的世界!印象中最喜欢小说中的这句话。当泪水浸湿这句话的时候,我知道我又感动了。为里面主人公的困苦,被他们那种至高无上的亲情所打动。孙少安、 孙少平、孙兰香之间的兄妹之情,三兄妹与父母之间的感情,那种亲密,那种无私而伟大 的爱,无论在任何时候,任何环境都不会动摇。一家人相互理解、相互体贴,在风雨中, 在困境中,在挣扎中走完了一生的一段又一段,山水为之而动容!孙玉厚一生有几个这样 出色的儿女,真是太值得骄傲了。孙少安的不怕吃苦,和那颗有社会感知力、有经济的头 脑使他在这个平凡的世界中苦苦挣扎而不至于失败,甚至取得了辉煌的成绩。 孙少平是我最喜欢的人物,他在学校中不仅学习成绩好,运动也很好。看到他每天在 学校角落里偷偷吃干硬的窝头,为了节省钱,从来不去食堂买菜吃时,感到很凄凉。虽然 经过了许多努力仍然没有考上大学,但是少安并没有放弃自己。在帮助哥哥把窑厂搞起来 之后,就外出寻找工作,做了工地上的工人,很巧的是他遇到了自己的同学田晓霞。田晓 霞是县委副主任的女儿,现在时一名记者。在小霞的帮助下,孙少平阅读了大量的名著, 继续坚持着自己的梦想,即使是一名微不足道的煤矿工人,也从来没有怨恨过。经过长时 间的相处,少平与小霞成为了一对男女朋友,但是好景不长,小霞在一次洪水采访时,不 幸遇难死了,少平很痛苦,再一次煤矿事故中受了重伤。但是少平并没有放弃生命,而是 好好地或者继续奋斗。 这本书讲述了:故事的主人公孙少平出生在一个贫苦的家庭,从上学时候吃黑面馒头 到他长大成人后成了一名揽工汉,依然很艰苦。可是哥哥的工厂又倒闭了,全家好几口人 的生活压力全压在他一个人的身上。开始他承受不了,可后来他坚持住了,还总结出一种 对苦难的骄傲感、崇高感。读到这里我不禁为他留下了眼泪。


《远大前程》读书心得体会 《远大前程》告诉我们,金钱买不来爱情,也买不来幸福。下面是小编精心为您整理的远大前程读书心得,希望您喜欢! 远大前程读书心得篇一 由于其书名的讨巧,这本书适合送给即将毕业分别的同学,我就在大学毕业的时候得到了这本书,并有幸拜读了狄更斯的作品。之后又看了他的《雾都孤儿》,建议大家可以对比阅读:在奥力弗和皮普两个小家伙的命运沉浮中体会百味人生,眼泪和微笑共存。 《远大前程》并不远大,其实是一个小男孩的努力追求富家小姐,渴望进入上流社会的泡沫破碎的故事。颠覆了中国"人无外财不富"的传统观念,皮普在破产之后反而端正了心态,靠自己的勤奋努力重新得到尊重,并抱得美人归。这些,完全符合我们的"大团员"的审美思路。 《远大前程》是狄更斯晚期的作品,也是他最成熟的作品。这个书名是有讽刺意味的,它讲述了一个孤儿,匹普想当上等人的理想幻灭的故事,他最终没有当成上等人,当然也就没有了所谓的远大前程。本书以极其精彩的故事情节紧扣读者的心弦,生动地描写了一个饱受苦难并同命运不断抗争的孤儿匹普的心理历程,最后他终于悟出人生道理,成为一名普通人,并与初恋情人握手重逢,获得了圆满的结局。 《远大前程》的故事情节有它的独特之处,读来让读者有一种欲罢不能的感觉。本书的主人公匹普,更是联系其它人物角色的一条主线。环境可以改变人的命运,匹普就是被环境改变的。一开始,匹普

还是一个孩子的时候是多么的天真,轻易信人,富有同情心。然而,匹普遭遇的宿命就是遇上了一位女皇般的姑娘,这位姑娘将透彻影响他的一生。他开始瞧不起自己,开始为自己的家庭环境及出身感到自卑,"而我一想到这座宅邸,心中就没有一丝阳光!同时对自己的行为也更为厌恶,也更瞧不起自己的家庭。"这是一段很好的情景交融的写法,在这样一所恐怖的房间里,匹普彻底瞧不起自己。是中了魔吗?不!这正应了一句真理:人是环境中的产物。是环境改变了匹普。进一步,匹普"交上好运"后,已鬼迷心窍了,非要去当上等人。匹普要求赫伯特教他礼貌与规矩,说明他急于想成为一个伦敦人。但是,无论怎样,匹普内心中的善良,还是可以体会到的。他暗中花钱支助赫伯特的事业,这表明他是一个善良的人,对朋友慷慨仁义,决不吝啬。知道他的恩人竟然是一个逃犯时,他开始从环境中蜕变出来。"与恩人道别开始变得沉重与焦虑了。"这说明匹普开始关心恩人的安危并且对恩人产生感情了。"即使缺钱也不再用恩人的钱。"表明匹普内心美好的东西开始复苏,最终,他还是过上了平凡而真实的生活。最后,匹普与艾丝黛拉手握住手,一道走出废墟,广大的天地沉浸在静谧的月华之中,,从废墟到夜雾再到月华,象征了匹普和艾丝黛拉爱情的三部曲,开始是不可能,后来是朦朦胧胧,最后是月光普照。这是一个大团圆结局,总算无遗憾。 出身贫寒,曾经经历过家庭破产的狄更斯用深刻的笔触,以一个底层平民男孩的视角,向我们展示了英国19 世纪初的社会全景。他的社会批判性,对下层人民的人道主义同情,及现实主义的创作方法


《远大前程》读后感 11三区20113501140321 梁国锋 狄更斯的这部经典小说很有槽点,既风趣幽默又寓意深刻,好看易读而又令人感概良多,就如品了一杯好酒,历久弥香,回味无穷。书名为远大前程,实际却是一场真实发生而又破灭的幻梦,是主人公皮普的一场华丽旅程,从雾气弥漫、沼泽遍地的英国乡村质朴生活到繁华都市伦敦的五色斑斓,最后回归乡村,这场幻梦却让皮普对生活有了更深的认识,也让故事外的我们有更多的感触。 小说分为三个阶段:幻梦前,幻梦中,梦破灭后。 幻梦前,主要是讲的社会环境加之人的意识的萌芽,特别是在那个年代英国根深蒂固的阶级意识下,小皮普开始只是一个有些胆小、心思单纯的孤儿,跟着经营铁匠铺性格暴躁的姐姐和心地善良的姐夫乔一起生活,认为自己的未来就是继承姐夫的铁匠事业。但自从亲戚潘波趣带他走进镇上的孤僻富豪赫香薇小姐的那座庄园,并认识和他同龄的美丽养女艾思黛拉之后,特别是对艾思黛拉的爱意使得皮普的心境开始发生变化。而狄更斯对这变化的发生发展从语言、动作、心里等方面的描写让人回味无穷,比如书中写道:我后来也曾不止一次地尝到过一种滋味,觉得一时间仿佛天上落下一块厚厚的帷幕,盖没了人生的一切乐趣和美妙的幻想,使我百无聊赖,只有浑浑噩噩耐着性子度日。。。。。。记得后来有一段时间,我常常在星期天黄昏站在教堂公墓里,看夜幕降落,拿我自己的前程跟那一片寒风萧瑟的沼地景色相比较,觉得两者倒颇有些类似之处:一样单调、一样低下、一样看不见出路、一样是浓雾弥漫、大海茫茫。英国乡村的那浓雾一直在书中反复出现,有时消散一些,有时又弥漫更多,就如皮普的前程,看似暗淡却突然有了转折,看似光明却又危机重重。 一个突然从天而降的消息改变了皮普,让他走进了繁华伦敦,走进了这个美丽的幻梦。幻梦中的皮普在这外界环境影响下内心的挣扎更加激烈,比如回老家去看望过他误以为给她遗产的赫香薇小姐后,却找借口不去看望给他温暖和爱的姐夫乔和朋友毕吉!这些种种无不在他的内心挣扎中,但挣扎之后更多的却是走偏了。虽然我们在他的挣扎和朋友赫尔波特中能看到皮普本质上善的一面,但是一些不好的质量在皮普的身上渐渐呈现,挥霍无度、瞧不起自己原本的家人和故乡、对虚荣的上流生活的迷恋。。。。。。就在这时,那个雨夜中,渐渐沉沦在伦敦所谓的上流社会奢华生活中的皮普却被命运给了他当头一棒,原来一直以来资助自己的并不是赫香薇小姐而是曾经帮助过的逃犯浦俄洛斯。这一棒突然而剧烈,让皮普渐渐清醒于自己的生活,认清自己的现实,也让他感觉到欺骗(赫香薇)。而在认识到自己的金主之后,狄更斯的描写,对于皮普对浦俄洛斯感情由厌恶到感激的逐渐变化也很有意思,一点一点的变化,内心的波动,而筹备逃跑那一段则是小说中难得具有戏剧效果的紧张戏码,在最后逃跑的湖上,浦俄洛斯对皮普说:“我们谁说得上过几个小时会是怎么个光景呢?正像我撩得起这把河水,却看不见河底一样,可是,河水我抓不住,时光我也留不得,诺,水从指缝中漏掉了”,这段话既暗示了逃跑的失败,也表明了皮普这远大前程是一场幻梦,而更多的是对命运对时光的感叹! 遗产消失了,浦俄洛斯也因为受伤在审讯前去世了,心中的爱人艾丝黛拉嫁给了自己


读《远大前程》有感 第一次听到这个书名是在高中英语课堂上老师提到的,当时心里想着,这本书的段落都被节选到高中教材了,应该是世界名著了吧!只可惜从高一到大二,一直都没有机会读它。于是趁这个漫长的寒假,我下定决心读完它。 《远大前程》又被译为《孤星血泪》,是英国著名作家狄更斯晚年写成的教育小说。讲述的是发生在一位从小父母双亡的小朋友皮普身上的种种事情。开篇时讲述他救了一个逃犯,然后交代了他寄居在姐姐家里,整个童年都是在他姐姐的暴力下度过,得亏姐夫乔非常疼爱皮普。在这期间,皮普被一位富有的小姐当作试验品,不过,皮普在此期间却学到了许多知识;待他成年之后,被一个神秘人接到了伦敦,开始了他的绅士的生活。在伦敦,他知晓了整个童年他所遇到的所有事情的来龙去脉,也深陷于与爱斯黛拉的爱情纠纷。其实整个皮普和爱斯黛拉的故事都是那位富有的小姐的安排,一切的悲剧既是这位富有的小姐造成的,也归于命运的一种安排。故事发展到了第三部的最后,皮普出狱后,又回到了那一穷二白的时代,已经年过半百的他回到他童年生活的农村,与爱斯黛拉重逢。 在故事中,皮普的性格特征有一个明显的转变的过程。他从开始时的一位正直、无私、可爱的小男孩变成了一位不诚实又势力的绅士。他马上得到了“回报”,负伤累累,并且踉铛入狱;不过当马格威奇身亡之后,皮普再一次体现出狄更斯高尚、诚实与仁爱的品性,重新得到了心灵的平静。至于女主人公爱斯黛拉,在美丽的外表下隐藏着

一颗冷漠、做作的心。尽管她衣着华丽,且受过高等教育,但缺乏一些很普通的品质。当然因为她的人格,她最终也受到了严厉的惩罚,最好结局还算好。 当开始阅读的时候,就被里面的每一个情节所吸引,小说所设置的情节紧密联系,环环相扣。自己的心绪也是起伏不断,看着皮普一步步走向歧途,让我们越来越不认识了,内心十分煎熬,恨不得抽醒他;深深感受到译者拟题远大前程是对其的莫大讽刺。其实,皮普也是可以有远大前程的,因为从小他身上就有正直、善良的品质。可是后来他带给我的却只有失望和痛惜,当然,他最后的转变也促成了他较为美好的结局。整部小说贯穿着悲和爱的主题,其中爱是主线。皮普对爱斯黛拉的爱矢志不渝,当然,皮普姐夫对他姐姐的爱也让人深深触动,爱就是不离不弃,爱就是义无反顾,爱就是遍体鳞伤,爱就是永生永世!乔虽然属于劳苦大众,可是至始至终他善良的本性从未改变,这也体现了作者对社会底层民众可贵品质和真情实感的赞美。 环境影响着人,可是需要始终记住的是人性本真的一面不能改变,时刻心存正直、善良,学会感恩,学会爱人,才会有美好未来!


Thoughts on Great Expectations During the last month, I have been reading the novel named Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I set up my mind to finish reading it for the simple reason that I have read the Chinese version of this great novel and I was deeply attracted by the story. The main character in this novel is Pip and the whole story goes like this: Pip was a orphan and was brought up by his sister “by hand”. His sister Mrs. Joe was very strict with him while his brother-in-law treat him kindly. As a result, the two developed a intimate relationship. Since Pip was asked to visit Miss Havishams’s house, his mind and his fate began to change. In Miss Havishams’s home, Pip saw her adopted daughter Estella and fell in love with her at the first sight. Then he was determined to be well-educated and become a gentleman in order to deserve the beautiful girl Estella. And much to his delight, he was given a large sum of money and an opportunity to study abroad by an anonymous person. After a period of time, his great expectations came true and he became a gentleman at last. However, he found out that the money was offered by the criminal he had saved when he was young. He felt ashamed and didn’t want to use the money any more. What’s worse, the criminal Magwitch escaped from prison to visit Pip and was noticed by the police. At last, Magwitch was sentenced to death and Pip led a normal life. The beautiful lady became a widow as her husband died. But Pip still loved her and promised to be friends with her all the same. This ending is a bit reaasuring. Among those several characters in the novel, my favourite is Magwitch. He was homeless and poor when he was young and he used to be put into prison several times. No one cared about him, so when little Pip saved him by giving him some food, he felt moved. And he bore Pip’s help in his mind. When he was exiled overseas, he was determined to make a lot of money and help Pip become a gentleman. He worked hard and saved every coin he could, and then sent it to Pip. He did all of these secretly in order to prevent little Pip from being embarrassed. After Pip became a real gentleman, Magwitch returned to England in secret only to see whether Pip had led a good life. What we can find from him is deep love for Pip. Although the society has deserted him, he is not deserted by himself. Different from Miss Havishams who is black-hearted, Magwitch is like a father. He showed his love to Pip without any hesitation. He was just like Pip’s father. This is why I admire him very much. Then when I look back into our society, I find that some parents are not as good as the criminal Magwitch. Cases are that parents push their children to work hard in order to be admitted into the college where they were eager to go when they were young. This usually leads to two consequences. One is that the children are exerted too much pressure and they go to extremes. The other is that their children do as they are told to and don’t have their independent thinking. They lack the comprehensive abilities to cope with fierce competition in today’s society. In other words, they are likely to survive in this competitive world.
