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I. Introduction

1. Culture

a. the narrow sense

―It is the totality of the spiritual,intellectual,and artistic attitudes shared by a group,including its tradition, habits, social customs,morals,laws,and social relations.‖

b. the broad sense

It includes material culture which refers to all the products of manufacture, institutional culture which refers to social system, religious system, ritual system, educational system and kinship system etc. and mental culture which refers to people‘s mentalities a nd behaviors, their beliefs, perceptions, concept of value, thought pattern etc.

2. The relations between Culture and Translation

①The man of principle is courageous. He knows the right and will fight for it at all costs. God is on his site, and

he takes courage from the knowledge of this fact.

②The two presidents exchange sir‘s and ma‘am‘s in the venerable Southern style. After 25 minutes, Cater slowly

disengages.― I‘m grateful for this meeting.‖ He says. O n his way to the car, he talks about his next visi t, then tell Davis: ―I love you. I‘ m proud of you.‖

③Do you see any green in my eyes?

④SS guards then shoved each prisoner in the direction the doctor had indicated.

a. the macroscopical way

to see what influences the translation has produced on the cultural development of a nation or country. b. the microcosmic way

to see what cultural elements restrict or affect. It concerns more concrete problems.

Nida 奈达

-- from the Story of Stone or Dream of Red Mansion

a. Ecological Culture


―Truly, ?Storms gather without warning in nature, and bad luck befalls men overnight.‘ …‖ (Yang: 155)

―I know ?the weather and human life are both unpredictable.‘‖ (Hawkes: 231)


A toad hankering for a taste of swan (Yang: 164)

A case of ―the goose on the ground warning to eat the swan in the sky‖ (Hawkes: 242)

b. Language Culture


As for books of the beauty-and-talented type,… (Yang: 4)

And the ―boudoir romances‖,… (Hawkes: 50)


Even worse are those writers of the breeze-and-moonlight school,… (Yang: 4)

Still wore is the erotic novel,… (Hawkes: 49)

c. Religious Culture


Man proposes, Heaven disposes. (Yang: 90)

Man proposes, God disposes. (Hawkes: 152)

d. Material Culture


He transferred the sack from the Taoist‘s shoulder to his own,.. (Yang: 17)

But Shi-yin merely snatched the satcel that hung from the other‘s shoulder and slung it from his own,… (Hawkes: 65)


Mean huts and empty halls

Where emblems of nobility once hung. (Yang: 16)

Mean hovels and abandoned halls

where courtiers once paid daily calls (Hawkes: 65)


Such people may become princes or thieves, depending on whether they‘re successful or not. (Yang: 29) Zhang victorious is a hero.

Zhang beaten is a lousy knave? (Hawkes: 29)

俗语说得好:―杀人不过头点地。‖ (曹:139)

Remember the proverb ―A murderer can only lose his head‖ (Yang: 142)

―You know what the proverb says:

He who checks a moment‘s rage

Shall calm and carefree end his days.‖ (Hawkes: 216)

Unit 2 Chinese and English Though Patterns and Translation

I. Thought Pattern

thought pattern is an ingenerate part of culture.

the unique spiritual activity of human beings

the process during which one chooses, evaluates and deals with the stimulus from the outside

II. Main Differences between Chinese Thought Pattern and English Thought Pattern

a. Dialectical Thinking vs. Formal-Logical Thinking

1. Dialectical thinking is to understand the reality from the angle of changing and developing.

?The Chinese traditional philosophy treats the objective world as the whole constituted by two all-inclusive opposites, the Yin and the Yang

?Chinese people tend to pursuing the equilibrium and symmetry among different things.


2. English thought pattern takes the Formal-Logical thinking as one of its characters.

?The Western thought pattern owns the characteristics of rationality, analysis, demonstration, accuracy and system.

?They use the language with the free collocation of the words according to the grammatical rules.

b. Synthetic Thinking vs. Analytic Thinking

Chinese people usually take the unity of Heaven and Human as their ideal state and acquired the synthetic thinking.

They become used to observing the features of the objective world on the whole and studying synthetically on their findings under the overall situation.

the English-speaking people put much emphasis on the individual and analysis.

The analytical thought pattern is used to dividing the whole into many small parts and then classifying them, through the experiments and logical inference it comes to analyzing the essential factors of each part, and finds the essential laws of things from the qualitative analysis to quantitative analysis.

1. How strange then, when, seemingly, all that was venerable and progressive, old and young, sophisticated and innocent, mighty and modest in the Tory party was united to save Mr. Heath from political extinction, extinguished as he was— at the hands of comparative unknown, and what is more, a woman.



C. Thinking in Images vs. Thinking in Concepts

Thinking in images is a psychological process in which human beings analyze, synthesize, and reorganize memory presentations in brain so as to form new ones.

The Chinese are used to using images and specific things to express the abstract concepts so as to understand the abstract things better and more vividly.

English-speaking people do judgment and make inference by using concepts. .

These differences tell us that the English-speaking people are used to expressing the complex rational or mental concepts in abstract nouns, while the Chinese people usually express them in specific, vivid nouns


1. And yet it almost provokes a smile at the vanity of human ambition, to see how they are crowded together and jostled in the dust.



2. When he was in Congress, sundown would not find us in Washington the day Congress adjourned.



d. Differences in the Distance between Subject and Object

●The traditional Chinese thought treats the subject (human beings) as the center of the universe.

●no clear difference between subject and object.

●human-oriented culture

●The western people traditionally treated nature as their cognitive object, holding that only by having

understood nature can human beings grasp it and tame it.

●objective thought pattern


1. Absence and distance make the overseas Chinese heart increasingly fond of the Peking regime.



2. Symbols of reflectiveness passed into her face, and a note of tragedy at time into her vioce .



e. Inductive Thinking vs. Deductive Thinking

●The traditional Chinese thought pattern puts much emphasis on the intuitive experience and the intuitive


●Aristotle emphasized deduction, regarding the deduction as an advanced thinking method and claiming that it

can derive the unknown.

f. Spiral Thinking vs. Linear Thinking

?Chinese people like to express their opinions in an indirect and implicit way.

?English-speaking people is straightforward. They are used to putting the theme of the talk at the very beginning of the sentence.

g. positive vs. negative

1. She has been a widow for only six months.



2. We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life.



3. The real escapist can watch a free film show and sip champagne on some services.



4. He was displeased with her honesty…it took a certain amount of experience in l ife, and courage, to want to do it quite that way.



III. The Transfer of Thought Patterns in the Course of Translation

1.Transfer between Concreteness and Abstractness


As you sow, you will reap

?English: abstraction; necessity; relativity; intensity; jealousy; arrogance

Chinese: 抽象化;必要性;相对论;强度;嫉妒心理;傲慢态度

?English: Our appeal remained a dead leChinese

Chinese: 我们呼吁犹如石沉大海。

2. Rearrangement of Word Order

(1) English: The suggestion put forward by the teacher was accepted by his students.

Chinese: 老师提的建议被学生接受了。

(2) English: The woman holding a baby in her arms is waiting to see the doctor.

Chinese: 那个手里抱着婴儿的妇女正等着医生看病。

(3) English: The National Science Conference was held in Beijing in 1977.

Chinese: 全国科学会议是一九七七年在北京举行的。

(4) English: When he was twelve, Mark Twain lost his father.

Chinese: 马克·吐温十二岁时失去了(他)父亲。

3. Transfer between Covert Coherence and Overt Cohesion

(1)Chinese: 他们去用餐。美酒佳肴,使他们顿受感染。言谈间绝无恶意,甚至有友好之情。

English: They went to dinner. It was excellent, and the wine was good. Its influence presently had its effect on them. They talked not only without acrimony, but even with friendliness.

(2) Chinese: 留得青山在,不怕没柴烧。

English: As long as the green mountains are there, one should not worry about firewood.

4. Rearrangement of Sentence Stress

(1) English: I went out for a walk after I had my dinner Chinese: 晚饭后我出去散步。

(2) English: He has to stay at home because he is ill. Chinese: 他病了只得呆在家里。

(3) English: His chief contribution was making me realize how much more than knowledge I had been gotten from him.

Chinese: 他使我认识到,我从他那里学到的,远远不只是知识,这是他最大的贡献。

5. Transfer between the Subjective and the Objective

(1) English: The patient is being operated on by the doctor.

Chinese: 病人正在由医生动手术。

(2) English: Electricity can be most easily turned into other forms of energy

Chinese: 电力最容易被转换成其他形式的能量。

(3) English: Steps have been taken to diminish friction.

Chinese: 已经采取措施减少摩擦。

(4) English: The teacher may be asked questions

Chinese: 可以向教师提问。

(5) English: All objects are made to expand by heat.

Chinese: 热使所有的物体膨胀。

A Comparison of Cultural Connotations between Chinese and English Color Words and Their Translation

I. Classification of color words

three categories: basic color terms(基本颜色词),object color terms(实物颜色词) and color words in shades (色差颜色词)

Some words dominated by a common concept can form a semantic field(语义空间). The concept is called the super ordinate term(上位词)while the words forming the field are subordinate terms or hyponyms(下位词).

ten basic color terms: white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown, orange, gray and purple.


II. Structural Characteristics

1. ad j.+ basic color word

1) “deep/dark+color words”: indicating the strong color

e.g., deep blue; deep green; dark brown; dark red

2) “light/pale+ color words”:indicating the light color

e.g., light yellow; light blue; pale grey; pale whit

3) “bright/rich/vivid+ color words”: indicating the bright color

e.g., bright/rich/vivid red; bright/rich/vivid yellow

4) “dull/dirty+ color words”: indicating the dark color

e.g., dull yellow; dull gold; dirty grey; dirty white

2. color words+-ish : the different shades of the color. An adjective followed by –ish means ―slightly….‖

e.g., whitish sky, yellowish book leaves; reddish face…

3. color words+color words : the mixture of the color. The former stands for the while the latter functions as modification.

e.g., red green; green yellow; grey blue. . .

4. color words +and+ color words: Two colors coexisting in something without being mixed form a design and color.

e.g., The dog is black and white.

She has a yellow and black car.

II. Contrasts of Cultural Connotations of Basic Color Terms between English and Chinese

I. Black and 黑

i.Cultural Equivalence

(1)Darkness, Death, Misfortune and Sadness:

―黑暗‖, ―黑沉沉‖, ―黑漆漆‖;

―blackout‖,―black future‖, ―black and white‖

“In a black mood”, “a black dog”, “Black comedy”, ―black humor‖,


(2) Dirtiness, Illegality, Evil spirit:

―A black sheep‖,―a black mail‖;―黑手‖,―黑心‖.

―一身黑汗‖―black sweat‖

―黑水‖,―black water‖


― black economy ‖, ― blackguard ‖, ― blacklist ‖,

―A black sheep‖,―a black mail‖

(3) Rage, Dignity and Justice :

―气得脸铁青(意指黑)‖,“turn black with rage”.

―to look at someone black‖


ii. Cultural Non-equivalence

(1) In Chinese, ―黑‖was used to refer to reactionaries, such as ―黑组织‖,―黑后台‖,―黑爪牙‖,―黑纲领‖,―黑材料‖ ,

(2) ―Negro‖ : ―work like a black‖

(3) In business English, “in the black”and “black figure”have a positive meaning: operating a business profitably

―Black figure nation‖

iii. Translation Examples

?―black market price‖-―黑市价格‖.

?―black figure / in the black‖-―盈利、赚钱、顺差‖.

?―black figure nation‖-―国际收支顺差国‖.―interest in the black‖-―应收利息‖not ―黑色利息‖ .

?The black dog is over him.


?Tom is the black sheep of his family.


2. White and 白

i.Cultural Equivalence

(1)Brightness :

in Chinese, yin and yang, which is represented by black and white respectively .

白鹿,白鹤,白狼,白堆,白雁,白大鹅: the symbols of luck and fortune.

In Christianity, white is the most sanctified color.

(2)Purity and Innocence :


―white-handed‖,―Mark one‘s name white again‖

―不白之冤‖, ―清白无辜‖


―Honored is the green hill to provide eternal resting place for the loyal soul; Innocent is the iron used to cast the image of the hated traitorous ministers.”

(3)Death and Failure :

White is the color of death in the West.


―白旗‖―white flag‖

ii. Cultural Non-equivalence

In Chinese

(1),―白‖is the symbol of being reactionary.―白区‖―白色政权‖―白军‖

(2)―illiterate or commoner‖ as in―白衣‖and ―白丁‖

In English

(1)Useless: ―white elephant‖

(2)Holiest Color: White is the holiest color in Christianism, which is manifested in the belief that Jesus and his

angels wear white dress. ―white wedding‖

(3)kindness and good intension:―A white hat‖ ―A white sheep‖ ―A white magic‖

iii. Translation Examples

―white war‖-―没有硝烟的战争‖

―white goods‖-―体积大、单价高的家用电器用具‖

―white coal‖-―水力‖

―white sale‖-―大减价‖

They treated us white.


My children have bled me white.


3. Red and 红

i.Cultural Equivalence

(1)Happiness, Luck, Love and Beauty :

the favorite color to most Chinese ;―中国红‖―红喜事‖

?红人: a favorite with somebody in power

?红榜: honor roll

?红利: 红运: good luck

?红颜、红粉佳人: a beautiful or young woman

?红妆: a woman in rich attire

?红显: love

i.Cultural Equivalence

(1)Happiness, Luck, Love and Beauty :

―red-letter days‖―Red hat‖―Red Cross‖

―to paint the town red‖

―The red carpet‖

(2) Aggravation, Violence, Danger and Shyness :

―白刀子进去,红刀子出来‖,―刺刀见红‖, ―杀红了眼‖

―a red alert‖ and ―红色警报‖

―Red light‖ and―红灯‖

―Red battle‖―Red activities‖

(3)Eroticism, Health, Power and Deficit :

―红杏出墙‖;―Is she really so red?‖


―朱门‖―朱衣‖―朱轩‖ ―scarlet‖,

―in the red‖, ―red figure‖, ―red ink‖ or―赤字‖

ii. Cultural Non-equivalence

(1) In China,―红‖is the symbol of ―revolution‖, ―communism‖ and ―political loyalty‖ :

―五星红旗‖―红军‘―红色根据地‖―红色政权‖红色江山: the socialist country governed by the proletariat 红太阳: Chairman Mao 红宝书: works of Chairman Mao 红色长城: the people’s Liberation Army

To express one‘s envy ―眼红‖

ii. Cultural Non-equivalence

(1) In English, the word “red”is generally used as a synonym for “communism”:

―reds under the bed‖―Red neck‖―Red Army (Faction)‖ and ―Red Brigades‖

(2) ―红‖in Chinese is often used to express one‘s envy :―眼红‖

(3) specific usages in English :

―Red lining‖―redbrick‖―Catch somebody red-handed‖―Red tape‖

4. “Yellow” and“黄”

i. Cultural Equivalence

(1) Holiness, Power and Honor

one of the most respected color in ancient China; ―黄‖has the same pronunciation as―皇‖ , to symbolize imperial power :


In the English-speaking countries, yellow, as the color of gold and the sun honor and power, is a holy color in Christianity.

(2) Warning

used negatively on some occasions :

―A yellow card‖ or―黄牌‖―A yellow line‖ or ―黄线‖―double yellow lines‖ or ―双黄线‖

in China

(1) ―pornographic‖, ―obscene‖, ―filthy‖ or ―vulgar‖:―黄色书籍‖,―黄色电影‖,―黄色录像‖,―扫黄‖

(2)associated with ―things visional or out of date‖:―昨日黄花‖,―陈年黄历‖ and―黄粱美梦‖(3)"failure".―我和他黄了‖―买卖黄了‖


in English

(1) ―jealous‖ :―yellow with envy‖

(2)―cowardice‖ and ―contemptibility‖ :

―a yellow dog‖―too yellow to stand up and fight‖―have a yellow streak‖

(3)an editorial style with heavy emphasis on scandals:―Yellow journalism‖, ―yellow back‖,“the yellow press”V. Green and 绿

i. Cultural Equivalence

(1) a symbol of life and vigor, but also a sign of peace and hope :

―Greenhouse‖ ―绿油油的田野‖

(2) closely connected with the environment :

green peace(绿色和平组织) green revolution(绿色革命) green party(绿色政党) green consumerism(绿色消费)

(3)a symbol of passing :

―green light‖ and―绿灯‖ ―Give somebody the green light‖ or―开绿灯‖ ―Green card‖ or―绿卡‖

ii. Cultural Non-equivalence

in Chinese

(1)often connected with females :

―红男绿女‖ ―依红偎翠‖ ―绿窗‖;―绿云‖and―绿鬓‖

(2)―degrading‖, ―humble‖ or ―of bad reputation‖ :

―绿帽子‖and ―青楼女子‖

in English

(1)―immature‖ :

―green apple‖ or ―green corn‖

(2)―vigorous‖, ―hopeful‖, ―youthful‖ and ―happy‖ :

―the green years‖, ―a green old age‖, and ―a green memory‖

(3)―jealous‖ or ―envious‖:

―green-eyed‖ ―the green-eyed monster‖ .

ii.Translation Examples

―green meat‖ - ―鲜肉‖―a green hand‖ -―新手‖―green back‖ - ―美钞‖ ―green power‖- ―金钱的力量‖,―财团‖.

He said-Ladies and Gentlemen, -May we all live to a green old age and be prosperous and happy. 他说-诸位女士、先生-祝我们大家都有一个幸福的晚年,富裕而安康。

(2) ―My eyes, how green!‖ exclaimed the young gentleman.


(3) You cannot expect Mary to do business with such people. She is only eighteen and

as green as grass.


VI. Blue and 蓝

i 蓝in Chinese

●To Chinese people, blue is the color of the dress worn by Confucian scholars in ancient times. ―蓝衫‖ –秀才

●―青天‖ in Chinese often refers to a just judge or an upright magistrate;

●―青云‖ is extended to mean a high official position as in ―平步青云‖.

●―青出于蓝而胜于蓝‖ implying the pupil surpasses the master.

ii. Blue in English

(1)In the western religions, it is a holy color representing sacredness, truth and loyalty.

(2)Dismal and Melancholy:

―in a blue mood‖;―a blue Monday‖, indicating the first day of work or school after a pleasant, happy weekend.

“Have the blues”and “in a blue funk”also have the meaning of “unhappy”and “sad”.

(3) Noble:

―Blue blood‖ is used to refer to a person of aristocrat origins. A “Blue ribbon”is a small piece of blue material given to the first-prize winner of a competition.

(4) Business Use: ―blue-chip‖ , ―blue button‖

(6) Filthy and Obscene: ‘blue movies’, ‘blue jokes’and ?blue talk‘.

(7) Other Usage: “Out of the blue”indicates the news which is sudden and unexpected; “the blue moon”refers to the rare opportunity.

iii. Translation Examples

By one survey, more than 20 million Americans now watch at least one blue video each week.


Unit 4

Cultural Connotation between Chinese and English Personal names and Translation

I. Personal names and culture

Study in West :

anthroponymy 姓名学

Personal Names: A Bibliography

The Story of Our Names, Dictionary of American Family Names

English Surnames by Matthews in 1966, American Given Names: Their Origin and History in the Context of English Language by George R.. Stewart in 1979, Family Names

Study in China :

Explaining the Names(《释名》刘熙) .

Review of Chinese Personal Names(《华夏姓名面面观》王泉根)

Research of Personal Names in Han and Wei Period(《汉魏人名考》张孟伦)

To See Society and Culture from the mew of Names(《从姓名看社会和文化》罗光庆1985年)

II. The Similarities and Differences between Chinese and English Naming Systems

a. The Similarities between the Two Naming Systems

1. Family Names and Given Names in Both Naming Systems

?the family name comes down from the father’s side

a) Naming after the place names.

―Dongguo东郭‖―Nanguo南郭‖―Xiguo西郭‖and ―Beiguo北郭‖

London, Washington, York, Kingston, Lincoln

?the family name comes down from the father’s side

b) Naming after a person’s occupation .

―Yue乐‖―Shang商‖―Shi石‖―Tao陶‖―Tu屠‖ and ―Wu巫‖

Baker, Barber, Carpenter, Fisher, Hunter, Butcher

c) Naming after some colors .

―Huang黄‖―Bai白‖ and ―lan蓝‖

Blue, Brown, White. Green, and Black

d) Naming after animals

―Ma 马‖―Niu牛‖―Xiong熊‖and ―Long龙‖

Lamb, Fox, HuII, Wolf, Eagle, and Dove

2. The Gender Differences in Both Naming Systems

?different given names for girls and boys

the sexual bias in both naming cultures

―fa发‖,―加贵‖,―fu福‖and ―shun顺‖ ; ―zhaodi招弟‖,‖pandi盼弟‖,and ―mengdi梦弟‖

Christian一Christians, Glen一Glenda, Paul一Paula, Patrick一Patricia, Stephen一Stephanie

“Nancy boy”is a boy behaves like a girl .

―Tom girl‖ a girl with the characteristics as a boy.

?different given names for girls and boys

the sexual bias in both naming cultures

to transliterate women’s and men’s names differently by choosing different Chinese characters

―Martin/Martina (Marline)‖ and ―Jusiin/Justina (Justine)‖ : ―马丁/玛丁娜(玛汀)‖ and ―贾斯丁/嘉丝蒂娜(嘉斯汀)‖Evelyn, Innocence, and Marion respectively into―伊夫林/伊芙琳‖,―殷诺生/茵诺珊‖,and ―马里安/玛丽安‖

―王丽‖,―王力‖ :

Mr. Wang Li and Miss Wang Li

3. Pet-names, Nicknames and Pen-names in Both Naming Systems

?The Pet-names in Chinese

a) Reduplication. ―Jingjing静静‖,‖linlin琳琳‖,‖feifei飞飞‖

b) Addressing by just one Chinese character. ―jing静‖,‖lin琳‖,‖fei飞‖

c) Adding ―xiao 小‖or ―lao老‖

d) One character of the given names plus ―er儿‖. ―jing‘er静儿‖,―lin‘er琳儿‖,‖fei‘er飞儿‖

e) Some other pet-names are irregularly formed not relating to the family or given names, usually given by parents in the childhood, like ―meimei妹妹‖,―didi弟弟‖

?The Pet-names in English

a) Front clipping. ―Robert一Bert/Bertie‖, ―Anthony 一Tony‖

b) Back clipping: ―Patrick一Pat‖, ―Phillip-Phil‖, ―Benjamin一Ben/Benny‖

c) Front clipping or back clipping : ―Andrew一Drew/Andy”, ―Elizabeth一Beth/Elise‖

d) Front clipping plus back clipping : ―Rebecca一Beck/Becky”, ―Elizabeth一Liz/Liza/Lizzie‖

e) The irregularly formed ones: ―William一Bill/Billy/Billie”, “Mary一Minnie/Molly‖

―Helen‖ and ―Neil‖ belong to the same person

梁实秋: ―海伦‖and―耐耳‖

朱生豪: ―海伦‖and―耐儿‖―伦儿‖

―Catherine一Kay‖: ―凯瑟琳一凯‖.

?The Nicknames in Chinese

a)With only the describing words. ―Fatty一胖子‖, ―Shorty-矮冬瓜‖,‖Beanpole一竹竿‖,‖Skinny瘦猴‖,and


b)The describing words plus the full names of the persons. ―及时雨宋江‖,―九纹龙史进‖,―黑旋风李逵‖,―智


―Song Jung the Timely Rain‖, ―Nine Dragon Shi Jin‖, ―Li Kui the Black Whirlwind”, “Wu Yong the Wizard”and “Panther Head Lin Chong”.

―Alexander the Great‖ and ―Killer Lewis‖:―亚力山大大帝‖and―杀人王刘易斯

c) There are also some nicknames not just for one individual but for a group of people.

―Uncle Sam‖ referring to the Americans and ―John Bull‖ referring to the Englishmen.


people from Hebei province:―九头鸟jiutouniao”.

?The Pen-names

―Lu Xun鲁迅‖'(Zhou Shuren周树人),‖Lao She老舍‖ (Shu Qinchun舒庆春), ―Bin Xin冰心‖(Xie VJanying谢婉莹) and ―Ba Jin巴金‖(LiFugan李芾甘)

Mark Twain (Samuel Longhorne Clemens), O.Henry(William Sidney Porter), and George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

b. The Differences between the Two Naming Systems

1.Different Written Forms between the Two Naming Systems

NF1一F+(X)+G :Chinese names

NF2一G+(X)+F:English names


the initials of English given names and middle names :

In Britain. people are used to initiating both the given name and the middle name like ―W. S. Allen‖

in America people always only initial the middle name like ―Richard H. Lee‖.

some well-known figures : “G. H. S”(George Bernard Shaw), “F. D. R”(Fanklin Delano Roosevelt)

―FDR‖ stood for ―Franklin Delano Rooselvelt‖ ; ―FDRDEAD‖

2 Patriarch-oriented and Religion-oriented

People of the same clan in China will have a mark to identify the same generation :

―贾赦(Jia She) ‖,―贾政(Jia Zhen)‖and―贾敏(Jia Min)‖

?the taboo on using the personal names of emperors or one’s elders.

?in the English world, where being named the same names as the emperors’or the elders’is a way to show

respect and love to them :

――Junior/Jun/Jr‖ and ―Senior/Sen/Sr‖

―2nd‖ or ―II, III‖

“John Smith Jr./John Smith Sr.”, “Henry V”and “John Ford II‖, and we translate them respectively into―小约翰·史密斯/老约翰·史密斯‖,―亨利五世‖and―约翰·福特第二‖.

The spirit of Confucianism focusing on patriarch and ethics has also influenced the diction in Chinese naming:―jizu继祖、guangzu光祖、yaozong耀宗、xiaoxian 孝先‖and ―xiaoru孝孺、kejian克俭、zhongliang忠良、fangzheng 方正‖

?―In English culture, every phase of a man‘s life is touched by Christianity

a Christian name

Adam, Daniel, David, Eva, Paul, John and Peter

3 the Special ―Zi字‖and ―Hao号‖in Chinese Nearing Culture

the Chinese characters ―ming名‖and ―zi字‖ had different meanings. When a baby was three-month old, he would get a “ming”(the given name), and at twenty years old would get a ―zi字‖,which is the courtesy title by which a person is addressed by his friends, so in English it is translated into “courtesy name”.

Some literati even gave themselves some laudatory titles to call themselves, especially used when publishing works or giving their autographs in calligraphy, paintings or letters, and this title is called ―hao号‖ translated as ―literary name‖ in English.

―TaoYuanming陶渊明‖: ―Mr. Five Willows‖(五柳先生)

4 English Naming is Less Purposive than Chinese Naming

Chinese people used to connect names with people’s life and soul, believing that the name would determine one's fate .

―kang 康‖ or ―jian健‖ , ―fu富‖―gui贵‖or ―fa 发‖ , ―xiaag祥‖ or ―fu福‖

English choice of names comes from the Bible, the circle of kin, the public figures, and the influence of books and films.

c. Translation in Literary Works and in Rhetoric Use

●In literary works the authors have formed a lot puns in the names of fictional figures, some in lotion, while

some others in meaning

―Jia Baoyu贾宝玉‖(假宝玉), ―Jia Yucun贾雨村‖(假语存), ―Zhen Shiyin甄士隐‖(真事隐)

―yuan 元、ying迎、tan探、xi惜‖(原应叹息)

John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress: Mr. Worldly Wiseman, Faithful, Hopeful, Giant Despair, and Mr. Nogood

●In literary works the authors have formed a lot puns in the names of fictional figures, some in lotion, while

some others in meaning

free translation, ―袭人‖(Aroma),―紫鹃‖(Nightingale),―晴雯‖(Skybright), and ―平儿‖(Patience)

Hawks used Latin names to rename the religious people, in order to keep the refined and mysterious color. ―空空道人‖(Vanitas) ―茫茫大士‖ (Impervioso),渺渺真人‖ (Mysterioso) ―妙玉‖(Adamantina ), ―芳官‖ (Perfumee).

d. Two Unsuccessful Cases

―I bet you can‘t spell my name,‖ says I.

―I bet you what you dare I can,‖ says he.

―All right,‖says I, ―go ahead.‖

―G-e-o-r-g-e J-a-x-o-n一there now;”he says.

(The Adventure of Huckleberry Finn. Chapter XV1I. P 134)


(Zhang Yousong(张友松)and Zhang Zhenxian(张振先)in 1978 )



●―Yong-twan is thirte en now/ And yet I do avow/He can‘t discriminate/The figures six and seven.‖

c. Translation of Personal Names in Rhetoric Use

●―Lin Daiyu‖―Lei Feng雷锋‖―A‘Q阿Q‖―Ghuge Lung诸葛亮‖―Napoleon‖―Shylock‖

―Don Juan‖

●―Zhang San, Li Si, Wang Wu张三,李四,王五‖―every Tom, Dick and Harry‖

●―Jack of all trades, and master of none‖, ―Jack of both sides‖ ―Every Jack has his Jill‖

门门懂,样样瘟‖,―墙头草,两边倒‖, ―有情人成眷属‖

●Pure Transliteration

--―亚当Adam‖―夏娃Eve‖ and ―诺亚Noah”―罗密欧Romeo‖,―朱丽叶Juliet‖ and ―奥塞罗Othello”

●Culture Compensation

a) To Give up the Name, Only Get the Image Transferred into a Seemingly Equivalent One in the TL.

--―说曹操,曹操到‖“talk of the devil and he will appear”

--―情人眼里出西施‖―Helen is always in the lover‘s eyes‖

b) To Give up Both the Name and Its Image, Only Get the Meaning Transferred

--―I‘m not a Helen of Troy or a Cleopatra.‖―我既无沉鱼落燕之容,又无闭月羞花之貌‖.

--―情人眼里出西施‖―Helen is always in the lover‘s eyes‖

c) To Reserve the Name



―Tong shih imitating His shih‖(Hsi shin was a famous beauty in the ancient Kingdom of Yueh. Tung shih was an ugly girl who tried to imitate her ways.)

I.Animal Expressions in General

1. eight categories in English:

(1) adj.+animal expression

?Eager beaver(干劲十足的人) big bug (大人物) early bird (早起或者早到者) lucky dog (幸运儿) black sheep (害群之马)

(2) n.+animal expression

?movie bug (电影迷) spring chicken (年轻的少女) iron horse (自行车) sea wolf (海盗) saw horse (锯木架)

(3) -ing+ animal word

?spelling bee(拼字竞赛) sitting duck(容易攻击的对象) fighting cock(好斗的人) willing horse(自愿工作的人)

(4) animal expression + n.

?monkey business (不法或不道德的行为) flea market (旧货市场) crocodile tears (假慈悲) lion heart(勇士) calf love (少年时代的恋爱)

(5) animal expression+-ed

?chicken-hearted (胆小的) hen-pecked (妻管严的) dog-tired (疲劳的) He horse-played around with the boys.(疯狂地) His judgment is worthless. He parrot-talks and just repeats what he has heard. (重复地)

(6) animal expression + animal expression

?cock sparrow (公麻雀) hen sparrow (母麻雀) bull elephant (公象) cow whale (母鲸)

(7) animal expression –and - animal expression

?cat-and-mouse(折磨人的) horse-and-buggy(过时的) cat- and- dog(不和谐的)

(8) as+adj. +as+animal expression

?as brave as a lion (勇猛如虎) as timid as a hare (胆小如鼠) as hungry as a hawk (如同饿狼) as mute as a fish (噤若寒蝉)

2. Chinese patterns:

?虎背熊腰,虎头虎脑,狐朋狗友,龙腾虎跃, 虎头蛇尾,龙飞凤舞,龙马精神,狗仗人势

(1)小家伙儿虎头虎脑,真可爱。This little boy is lovely, strong and good-natured.

(2)有什么了不起,他不就狗仗人势嘛! He is not extraordinary but takes advantage of somebody else’s power to hotly people.

(3)他那驴脾气一上来,谁都拦不住。He is so stubborn that when he is in the temper, nobody can draw him back.

(4)他有一群狐朋狗友。He has a gang of scoundrels.

(5)他猫腰进了山洞。He climbed into a mountain cave by couching one's body

II.Similarities of English and Chinese Animal Words


In the both language fox refers to crafty people,

―as cunning as a fox‖

(2) Wolf

bloodthirsty and cruel: “as cruel as a wolf”, “a wolf in sheep‘s clothing‖. to seduces women: ―色狼‖greedy: ―wolfing down his food‖ , ―狼吞虎咽‖telling lies : ―cry wolf‖ , ―狼来了‖

(3) Monkey

to describe naughty children make a fool of: ―耍猴‖ , ―make a monkey (out) of‖

(4)Parrot refers to a man who repeats the words of others without his own opinions

He doesn’t have an idea of his own. He just parrots what others say. 他没有自己的观点,只是鹦鹉学舌罢了

(5) Bee stands for busy and hardworking people. “as busy as a bee”;

(6) Jackal means greedy, contemptible.

(7) Pig: dirty, greedy, lazy, and ugly

―eat like a pig(吃得象猪一样)”; ―make a pig of oneself(大吃大喝)”; ―as dirty and greedy as a pig(象猪一样脏、贪婪)”; ―He has been a pig about money(他对钱贪得无厌)”.

(8) Pigeon: peace

(9) Ass:such a person who is foolish and simple ―make an ass of oneself(使自己出洋相,干蠢事)‖

(10) snake: harmful

―a snake in the bosom(恩将仇报的人;背信弃义的人)‖―a snake in the grass(暗藏的敌人:背后捣鬼的人)”

III. Different Animal Words Referring to the Same Meaning

To describe that a person is timid, Chinese people say ―胆小如鼠‖,

while in English people would use ―rabbit‖, ―chicken‖, or ―pigeon‖, e.g.: ―as timid as a rabbit‖, ―chicken-hearted‖ and ―pige on-hearted‖. And think that mice are quiet, so they say ―as quiet as a mouse‖.

Chinese consider hare as a prompt and rapid animal, so they have the saying of ―动如脱兔‖, while in English hare means cowardly, such as ―as timid as hare‖.

To describe some one is anxious about something, Chinese use the idiom ―热锅上的蚂蚁‖, while English use ―like

a cat on hot bricks‖.

Chinese say ―吹牛‖ while English say ―talk horse‖ .

To describe some one is strong, people in English say ―he is as strong as a horse‖ while Chinese say ―健壮如牛‖;

English say ―work like a horse‖ while Chinese say ―温驯肯干似老黄牛‖.

IV. Same Animal Words Having Special Meaning only in English or Chinese

(1) Cat ―Cat‖ is an animal word that has abounding connotations in English, but little in Chinese. E.g. ―ra in cats and

dogs‖, ―let the cat out of the bag‖ , ―cat burglar‖, ―A cat has nine lives.‖, ― A cat may look at king.‖

(2) Beaver English people consider that a beaver is an animal that holds good skill and original creation. beaver stands for the active and studious man. e.g. ―eager beaver‖

(3) Ostrich stupid, escapist, good appetite in English

“ostrich belief”means the thought of self—deception; “to bury one’s head ostrich-like in the sand”means somebody who refuses to face reality; ―ostrich policy‖ ; ―have the digestion of an ostrich‖

(4)lion bravery, dignity, and power in English

“the lion and the fox”, “British Lion”, “beard the lion‖ , ―twist the lion‘s tail‖

(5) Silkworm Culture of Chinese silkworms is of long standing; the poem says that ―春蚕到死丝方尽,蜡炬成灰泪始干‖ highly praise the man who is devotional and self-giving. But in western people’s eyes it is at most a worm.

(6) Turtle In China, turtle stands for long life in the past, but now it stands for men whose wives are affair with other men.

(7)Mandarin Duck In China, the mandarin duck symbolizes love.

(8)crane is a long-lived symbol in Chinese culture.

V.Cultural Differences of English and Chinese Animal Words

Phoenix It symbolizes the power in Chinese. ―百鸟朝凤‖ corresponds to the rela tionship of Lord and his ministers.

―Phoenix‖ gradually became a special byword for empress in feudal times. Its appearance betokens a peaceful period. ―龙凤呈祥‖

In English phoenix has a meaning of rebirth or revival. It refers to perfections and excellent persons.

(2) Horse In China phrases about horse always connected to war, talents ,such as―戎马生涯‖,―金戈铁马‖, ―单枪匹马‖,―马前卒‖, ―厉兵秣马‖ , ―马到成功‖ , ―兵荒马乱‖ , ―千里马‖ .

In English horse stands for courage, magnanimity, and means each aspect in life. ―A good h orse should seldom spurred‖, ―A good horse can not be of a bad color‖, ―horse doctor‖ ,‖lock the stable door after the horse is stolen.‖

VI. Words with complimentary sense in English, but derogatory sense in Chinese


In Chinese, dogs are generally connected with unpleasantness. Phrases with dogs are used as disparaging terms, and connected with various bad human actions. ―走狗‖, ―狐朋狗友‖, ―丧家犬(狗)‖, ―狗仗人势‖, ―狗东西‖, ―狗腿子‖, ―狗嘴里吐不出象牙来‖, ―狗急跳墙‖, ―挂羊头,卖狗肉‖ ―兔死狗烹‖


The word in most situations is in good sense in English, used to describe a person who deserves the deserving pity. ―help a dog over a stile‖, ―a lucky dog‖, ―an old dog‖, ―love me, love my dog‖, ―every dog has his day‖.

They even call some food with ―dog‖, such as ―hot dog‖ , ―a dog in a blanket‖, ―dog and maggot‖ , ―doggie bag‖, In western culture, dog means faithful, reliable and hard-working. ―as faithful as a dog‖ , ―dog-tired‖ .

―dog sleep‖ , ―dog-eared books‖ , ―dog watch‖


Chinese regard the Chinese dragon ―龙‖ as a totemic. It stands for propitious, authority, and rareness. In feudal society, the dragon stands for the monarch.

While in English-speaking countries, dragon is an evil symbol. It means a fierce person, a ruthless guardian or a tough old woman, the dragonish woman also is called "dragon" in English.

(3) Cattle

Chinese call people who is earnest and diligent in his work ―老黄牛‖, and connect ―obstinate‖ and ―stubborn‖ with cattle, ―牛脾气‖ .

In English there are many forms of address to ―cattle‖ . Cow is a derogatory term, meaning fat, clumsy, rude and disgusting. ―cow son‖. ―Bull‖ in English stands for ponderous, savage, and violent people. ―bull gang‖, ―a bull in a china shop‖ , ―John Bull‖ . Bull also means absurd and speculative, such as ―shoot the bull‖ ―bull market‖.

(4) Fish

In English ―fish‖ is a derogatory term, describing bad persons or things, ―a poor fish‖ , ―a loose fish‖ , ―fish in the air‖

In Chinese ―鱼‖(fish) pronounces the same as the word ―余‖ , to express their fine wish of ―年年有余(鱼)‖ . (5) Magpie

It means gab, tragedy and doom and the condition of chaos or a great mess in English culture. ―mutter like a magpie ‖, ―a magpie collection ‖

In Chinese culture, magpie is a luck symbol. It stands for happ y, lucky and blessedness. For example: ―灯花结彩,喜鹊闹枝‖;―喜鹊叫,贵客到‖;―喜鹊嘈,有喜兆‖ .

VIII.Suggestions on Translation

1.Same Animal Words with Same Cultural Connotations――Literal Translation

?Cowboy (牛仔) A cat has nine lives (猫有九条命) barking dogs do not bite (吠大不咬人) big fish eats little ash (大鱼吃小鱼) eat like a wolf (狼吞虎咽)

2. Same Animal Words with Partially similar Cultural Connotations-- Literal Translation with Footnotes

?He is a pig.―他像一头猪,又脏又贪吃.‖

3. Same Animal Words with Partially Different Cultural Connotations――Free Translation

(1) Do not pour water on a drowned mouse.

?Literal translation: 不要往死的老鼠身上泼水。Free translation: 不要落井下石。

(2) He is holding a wolf by the ears.

?Literal translation: 他正扯着狼的耳朵。Free translation: 他现在骑虎难下。

4. Different Animal Words with similar Cultural Connotations――Substitution

―black sheep(害群之马)‖; ―a lion in the way(拦路虎)”; ―beard the lion(虎口拔牙)”; ―place oneself in the lion‘s mouth(置身虎穴)”;

5. Unique Cultural Connotations in One Language-Explanation

?―a bull in a china shop(像钻进瓷器店里的公牛一动就闯祸)‖,

?―兔死狐悲(The fox is sad at the death of a bare----to feel sad for the less of one‘s kind.) ‖


简析文化与翻译的关系 论文摘要:如何破除不同文化背景下的语言障碍,更有效地传达原作所表达的意思一直是人们关注的焦点。本文从中西方文化在思维差异、文化心理、宗教信仰、自然环境及生活习俗等几个方面,阐明文化差异对英汉翻译的影响。 论文关键词:翻译文化意识文化与思维 1.引言 朱光潜先生认为,外国文学中的联想意义在翻译中最难处理。因为它在文学语境中有其特殊的含义,这种含义在词典中是查不到的,但对于文学来说却又十分重要。这就要求我们必须了解一国的风俗习惯和历史文化背景,否则在做翻译的时候就会有无法下手的感觉。(朱光潜,1996:184)。英国文化人类学家爱德华·泰勒在《原始文化》(1871)一书中,首次把文化作为一个概念提了出来,并表述为:“文化是一种复杂,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其作社会上习得的能力与习惯。”可见文化的覆盖面很广,它是一个复杂的系统。语言作为文化的一个组成部分,反映出一个民族丰富多彩的文化现象。 翻译之所以不那么容易,乃是因为语言反映文化,承载着丰厚的文化内涵,并受文化的制约。一旦语言进人交际,便存在对文化内涵的理解和表达问题。这就要求译者不但要有双语能力,而且要有双文化乃至多元文化的知识,特别是要对两种语言的民族心理意识、文化形成过程、历史习俗传统、宗教文化及地域风貌特性等一系列互变因素均有一定的了解。正是以上这些互变因素,英汉民族的语言文化才体现出各自特有的民族色彩。 2.影响翻译的文化元素 2.1宗教 大家都知道,《圣经》在西方的文化生活中扮演着源头的角色。相关数据表明:绝大多数的美国人仍然信信仰宗教。而中国人则长期受到儒家学说的影响,即使在中国广为流传的佛教,也是一种受到深刻世俗影响的多神论,这就不同于西方人大一统的一神论宗教观念。中国人信仰佛教·道教,在语言中就有“玉帝”、“佛祖’’等词语,而西方则人信仰基督教,所以就有“上帝”一词。汉语中的“谋事在人,成事在天”,在英语中就有两种不同的译法,即“Man propose,Heaven disposes”;或者是‘‘Man Dropose,God disposes”。它们的差异就在于对“天”字的不同翻译。“天”在中国的传统文化中具有浓厚的佛教·道教色彩,而“God”则具有明显的基督教色彩。后者的归化变译法固然利于西方读者的理解与接受,但不利于“天”这一独具中国特色的文化内涵的传播。英语深受宗教的影响,主要体现在一些成语中,如It’s in God’s hands(听天由命)等。翻译中对于宗教知识的掌握是十分必要的。以汉语中的“临时抱佛脚”这个成语为例,如果简单地翻译成“to embrace Buddha’S feet in one’S hour of need”就会让西方读者感到奇怪,为什么在有需要时要抱佛主的脚呢?这样做有什么用呢?如果我们稍加处理的话,西方读者理解起来就是另外一回事了“to embrace Buddha’s feet in one’s hour of need——seek help at the last moment”。(包惠南,2003:20)。 2.2文化心理 由于不同的民族使用的语言是不一样的,而且它们的历史和文化也是各不相同的。所以各个民族在其长期的发展过程中,在各具特色的历史条件下形成了自己的民族特色。这对一个民族的心理的形成有着巨大的影响。历史文化的不同主要在一些历史典故以及许多忌讳和好恶的差异上得到体现。以数字“9”为例。这个数字在中国古代的意义很特别,因为它代表着至高无上的意义:即九九归一,一统天下之义。而“4”这个数字由于和汉语中的“死”读音相近,所以很多人现在还是不喜欢这个数字,尤其是电话号码。相当多的人不愿意要以“4”为尾号的号码。至于“8”这个数字由于与发财的“发”谐音而深受一些人的热捧。而在西方人的意识里,4、8和9只是极普通的自然数符号,并不具备这些特殊的意义。众所


中西语言文化差异与英汉互译 【摘要】不同的国家有着不同的语言文化,翻译与文化有着密可不分的联系。文化的共性使翻译成为可能,但其语言文化的个性又给翻译活动设置了障碍。我国汉族文化与英、美等西方文化之间存在很大差异,这种差异造成思维方式不同,具体体现在汉、英两种语言上的互译上。因此,在当今全球化竞争日益激烈的形势下,把中英文翻译地更准确更贴近两种语言文化氛围是十分必要的。 【关键词】思维方式;差异;英汉翻译 0.引言 翻译作为语际交际是语言的转换过程,同时也是文化交融的过程。在很大程度上,它与文化因素、背景知识有很大的关系。翻译作为沟通两种不同语言的桥梁,在跨文化交际中起着不可或缺的重要作用。然而,不同的语言文字有着其自身的文化内涵:一种语言文字中的某些含义,有时候很难通过译文用另一种语言文字传达给读者,而翻译中所失去的恰恰就是跨语言文化的内涵与微妙。正因为如此,翻译工作者就要从提高自身的素质方面出发,努力创造出既符合我国国情,又符合英语特点,并能让英语国家人们读懂和理解的英语表达法。 1.中西语言文化差异 由于中西方文化差异的影响,英语重形合,而汉语重意合。由于中国传统的思想把人与自然看成是一个有机的整体,从而形成了汉民族汉语重意合和具象思维的特点。西方的哲学家认为人类可以征服自然,这使得他们常把观察的视点放在动作的承受者上,所以,英语中存在大量的被动语态。另外,汉民族的思维受道家和儒家思想的影响,汉语常用人称作主语,经常会用“有人”“人们”“大家”等泛指人称或省略主语的无主句。同时在对待时间的态度上,中国人以过去为取向,无论人们做什么都要考虑此事过去是否做过,而西方人尤其是英美人则习惯未来取向,主张一切着眼于未来。从而决定了中国人偏重顺向的和螺旋式的思维,而西方人则偏重于逆向和直线式的思维。英语具有明显的词形变化、形式多样的语法形式。而汉语无词形变化,语法形式的表达主要依靠词汇手段。英语可通过动词的屈折变化来体现不同的时态,而汉语因无词形变化需借助于词汇手段即表示时间的副词来交代动作发生的时间。英语是形合语言,这源于西方人习惯于分析,逻辑和推理,思维模式呈线性。反映在语言上是注重形态变化和语法结构,多用关联词语体现句子内部和句子之间的关系,结构较明晰。而汉语是意合语言,中国人讲注重整体和谐,具有直观性、综合性和整体性特点,汉语思维重综合和意会,反映在句子成分和结构上相对不明晰,这些差异在语篇衔接上有所体现,作为在作者和读者之间起到桥梁作用的译者,应该了解英汉语篇连接上的差异,需要使用一些翻译策略,使译文通顺连贯。 2.差异与英汉互译


浅谈文化因素对英文翻译的影响 摘要:翻译是语言的翻译,而语言又是文化的一部分,所以语言的翻译也是文化的翻译。文化渗透于社会生活的各个方面,英文翻译不可避免地受到文化因素的影响。英文翻译不仅是一种语言翻译,更是一种文化翻译。文化因素处理的好坏决定着翻译成功与否。因此,我们不仅要学习语言本身,更要学习语言文化,包括交际模式、习俗、价值观、思维方式及处世态度等,这些翻译工作者一直关注的问题。只有深刻把握不同文化背景知识、不同民族思维模式的差异,以及英汉两种语言风格的异同,才能正确处理好文化因素的影响,进行成功的翻译交际。本文着重从思维方式、文化背景和社会习俗、宗教信仰、生存环境四个方面论文化差异对翻译有影响。 关键字:中英翻译文化因素影响 一、翻译与文化 1、翻译与文化的定义 所谓翻译,就是运用一种语言把另一种语言所表达的思维内容准确而完整地重新表达出来的语言活动,是两个语言社会之间的交际过程和交际工具,它的目的是要促进本语言社会的政治、经济和社会文化进步。翻译的诞生给说不同语言的人们带来了很大的方便,它是人们彼此之间进行信息交流的桥梁。 文化是一种社会现象,是人们长期创造形成的产物。同时又是一种历史现象,是社会历史的积淀物。确切地说,文化是指一个国家或民族的历史、地理、风土人情、传统习俗、生活方式、文学艺术、行为规范、思维方式、价值观念等。 2、翻译与文化的关系 任何翻译都离不开文化,许多有经验的译者或翻译研究者都比较注意文化与翻译的关系。谭载喜说:“翻译中对原文意思的理解,远远不是单纯的语言理解问题。语言是文化的组成部分,它受着文化的影响和制约。在翻译过程中,译者对某段文字理解的正确与否,在很大程度上取决于他对有关文化的了解。对于译者来说,没有两种文化的对比知识,就无从谈起对语言文字的正确理解与表达。” 在翻译过程中,表面上存在着中外文字表达上的差异,仅仅从文字技巧上来着手是难以解决含义差异的,必须要从文化的差异上来处理中外文字在表达内涵上的不同,因为这些差异源自生活上的不同。对文化的理解对翻译是极其重要的,缺乏文化元素的译文等于缺乏了


浅谈英汉翻译中的文化差异 [摘要]要在两种语言之间进行翻译,除了通晓两种语言文字之外,还必须深刻理 解两种文化之间的差异。本文拟从文化与翻译的关系的角度、以中西文化差异为突破口,对这一问题进行探讨并在此基础上对一些文化差异较大的语言现象提出建议性的翻译方法。 [关键词]文化;文化差异;翻译 根据《现汉》,“文化”有三个定义:1.人类在社会历史发展过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和,特指精神财富,如文学、艺术、教育、科学等;2.考古学用语,指同一历史时期的不依分布地点为转移的遗迹、遗物的综合体。同样的工具、用具、同样的制造技术等,是同一种文化的特征,如仰韶文化、龙山文化;3.指运用文字的能力及一般知识,学习∽ / ∽水平。 而美国1974年出版的The New World Encyclopedia给“Culture”一词下的定义是:It is the totality of the spiritual, intellectual, and artistic attitudes shared by a group, including its tradition, habits, social customs, morals, laws and social relations. Sociologically, every society, on every level, has its culture. The term has no implications of high development.对比这两种定义,不难发现中国人与英美人对“文化”的理解不是完全相同的。英语的Culture定义排除了物质文明发展水平的高低,它只强调艺术、文学、观念、习俗等精神财富,而汉语的“文化”则包括“物质财富”。 据上所述,文化包括了人类生活的方方面面,它包含了人类创造的一切财富,而语言是人类最杰出的创造物之一,因此,语言是文化的产物,同时,又是文化的载体。文化的发展能促进语言的发展,而文化要靠语言来传播和继承。作为记录人类思想和历史的工具,每一种语言都有其独特的文化特色和文化内涵,而翻译就担负着在语言和文化中进行转换、促进交流的重任。正如刘宓庆(1995,316)所说:“语言中几乎处处有所谓‘文化符号’,留待译者‘解码’(decoding)。”在翻译中,译者首先要对原文中的文化符号进行解码。这些文化符号源自我们身处的社会环境,只有悉心分析,敏锐观察才不会有所错漏。在解码之后,译者还需用译语将原文的文化信息重新编码。这一过程则更为不易,要求译者对译语语言和文化有精深通透的了解和把握。正如王佐良先生所言,译者处理的是个别的词,面对的却是两大片文化。(1984:34)美国翻译理论学家尤金.奈达指出:“翻译是两种文化之间的交流,对于真正成功的翻译而言,熟悉两种文化甚至比两种语言更重要,因为语言只有在其文化背景中才有意义。” 因此,在翻译工作中,译者除了深厚的语言功底外,还应具备广博的文化知识,才能使两种语言达到真正的交流。尤其是掌握汉英两种语言所反映的中西文化差异这方面的知识更加重要。由于这一问题的广泛性、多变性和复杂性,要进行全面探讨是不可能的。本文仅从以下几个方面对此进行一下论述:


Unit 1 Book3 中国传统节日 中国传统节日以中国的农历为依据。农历年的岁首称为春节,俗称“过年”,有祈年等多种习俗,是中国人民最隆重的传统节日,象征团结兴旺。其他主要的节日有元宵节、清明节、端午节、七夕节、中秋节、重阳节、冬至节、腊八节等等。各个节日都有其来源讲究和风俗习惯。农历节日与农历中的二十四节气不同。农历节日是中华民族凝聚力与生命力的体现。 Traditional Chinese Festivals Traditional Chinese festivals are usually fixed according to the lunar calendar. January 1st on lunar calendar has been designated as the Spring Festival (generally referred to as guonian). There are several customs during the Spring Festival, such as praying for a good harvest, etc. The Spring Festival is the most ceremonious traditional festival in China and symbolizes unity and prosperity. Some other significant Chinese festivals include the Lantern Festival, the Pure Bright Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Double-seventh Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Double-Ninth Festival, the Winter Solstice, and the Eighth Day of the Twelfth Lunar Month, etc. Each festival has its own unique origin and custom. These Chinese festivals that follow the lunar calendar are different from the 24 Solar Terms in the lunar calendar. They embody China’s cohesion and vitality. Unit 3 Book3 中国画 中国古代四大艺术“琴棋书画”的“画”特指国画。其绘画形式是毛笔蘸水、墨、颜料作画于绢、帛、宣纸之上,古代称之为水墨丹青。为区别于西方的油画而称之为“中国画”,简称“国画”。其题材有人物、山水、花鸟等。技法可分为工笔和写意。国画的艺术特质在于“笔墨”,强调以形写神,画尽意在。国画在艺术创作上反映了中华民族的审美意识和情趣。 Traditional Chinese Painting The four art forms in ancient China are guqin, chess, penmanship, and painting. And painting particularly refers to traditional Chinese painting. Traditional Chinese painting is done with a brush dipped into black or colored ink and is painted on silk or xuan paper. In ancient China, it was called “ink-painting”. In order to distinguish it from Western oil-paintings, the Chinese people term their works “traditional Chinese painting” (abbreviated to “Chinese painting”). The subjec t matters of Chinese paintings are typically figures, landscapes, birds and flowers. The drawing skills and techniques employed by the Chinese painters can be divided into two forms:


英语翻译与中外文化差异的关系研究 伴随中外学术交流的频繁展开,英语作为中外交流的桥梁,越来越受到关注。翻译工作者只有把握好中西文化之间的差异,才能让英语翻译表达更为准确,才能从根本上提升英语翻译人员的翻译能力,更好地展现语言的魅力。基于此,文章主要分析了英语文化对英语翻译效果的影响。 标签:英语文化;翻译效果;影响 一、文化和翻译的内涵 语言不仅是文化的载体,也是文化的重要组成部分。文化的形成需要相当长的时间,需要经历长期的历史沉淀。其内涵主要包括两个内容:精神文化和物质文化。文化不是一成不变的,它会随着社会的发展而不断发展,此外,文化也是不同的。基于流畅性和准确性的翻译是一种改变语言信息的文化行为。翻译产生于不同文化背景的人迫切需要沟通和交流的背景下,同时可以促进社会的发展和进步。文化与翻译之间的关系非常密切。任何翻译都与文化密不可分,英语也不例外。经验丰富的英语翻译和翻译研究人员都重视翻译与文化之间的关系。在英语翻译过程中,虽然理解了原文的意义,但远不止简单的语言理解,因为语言是文化的重要组成部分,因此,语言会受到文化的影响。在英语翻译过程中,译者对段落理解的准确性主要取决于他或她对文化的理解程度。 翻译是语言转换的过程,但由于翻译具有许多社会功能,是社会活动的重要组成部分,因此它本质上是一种社会活动,也是一种心理活动。在不同的文化背景下,不同时期的翻译功能存在一定的差异。因此,译者必须在翻译过程中理解翻译的功能及其相关的社会背景和文化。只有这样,译者才能正确处理英语文化因素对英语翻译效果的影响,并在英语翻译中成功传达。否则译者很容易犯下社会语用错误。可以说,如果不考虑文化因素,翻译工作无法进行,没有文化的翻译将是苍白无力的。 二、英语文化对英语翻译效果影响 1.社会历史背景对英语翻译效果的影响 每个国家的历史都不同,所以不同国籍的人会有不同的行为和態度。与此同时,民族语言的发展是由社会发展过程和民族的一切历史文化背景决定的,尤其是思维方式差异的影响更加突出。中国人的思维方式受到儒家文化的影响,强调“和谐”,主要体现在句型流畅。英语更加侧重分析,句型主要是基于主语和谓语为主,再加以短语及从句。译者应注意用英语句子表达的文化含义,而不是字面翻译,以达到文化交流的目的。 2.环境对英语翻译效果的影响


Exercise I. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.如今,作为东方艺术的一颗璀璨的明珠,京剧不仅在中国各地喜闻乐见,而且已被全世界人民广泛接受。 2.根据所表演角色的性别、年龄和社会地位的不同,演员角色分成四类:生(男角)、旦(女角)、净(花脸男角)、丑 (丑角)。 3.京剧的独特艺术魅力使它经久不衰:它创造了一种台上台下演员观众相互交融的美学欣赏与享受。 4.他曾成功地塑造了许多古代中国妇女的形象,完美地表现了她们的温柔、优雅和细腻。 5.梅兰芳也是把京剧介绍到国外的第一人。 6.作为中国的文化瑰宝,京剧必将获得全中国和全世界人民越来越多的喜爱。 Key to Exercise I. 1.Today, as one of the glowing pearls of oriental arts, not only has Beijing Opera been widely enjoyed all over China, it has also been well received all over the world. 2.According to the gender, age and social position of the different roles which they play, actors and actresses are divided into four categories: sheng (male roles), dan (female roles), jing (male roles with facial paintings) and chou (clowns). 3.The uniqueness of Beijing Opera makes its artistic charm so everlasting: the creation of an aesthetic co-appreciation between the actors and actresses on stage and the audience off stage. 4.Mei Lanfang had created very successfully various images of ancient Chinese women and expressed their tenderness, elegance and subtlety. 5.Mei Lanfang was also the first person who introduced Beijing Opera to foreign countries. 6.Being a great treasure of the Chinese culture, Beijing Opera will surely be more and more appreciated by people in China and in the whole world. Exercise II. Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. 著名的京剧武生徐力先生最近接受了我们舞蹈学校的邀请,担任高级舞蹈教员。武生是京剧中的一个重要生角。武生的特点是武艺好,身手矫健敏捷。武生演员常通过在舞台上翻滚武打(tumbles, tweists, and somersaults)来表现他们高超的武艺。武生的动作准确有力,是大量艰苦训练的结果。 中国古典舞蹈和民族舞蹈的舞台技巧和身段(floor skills and postures)大多来自中国传统戏曲的武功(acrobatic skills)。我们舞蹈学校非常荣幸能够请到徐先生教授女子班毯子功(floor skills)和男子班的功夫课。有关课程安排请点击此网址。 Key to Ex. II Make a web advertisement in English, based on the information given in Chinese. A Rare Opportunity The famous Beijing Opera performer of Wu Sheng (acrobatic male role), Mr Xu Li, recently accepted an engagement with our Dancing School. Wu Sheng is a very important role in Beijing Opera. It requires a high level of acrobatic skills. Wu Sheng actors often show off their skills with tumbles, twists, and somersaults on the stage. These skills and movements require great precision in timing and strength, which takes a lot of training and exercise. Many of the floor skills and postures of classic and ethnic Chinese dances were originally from the acrobatic skills of traditional Chinese operas. Our dancing school is very fortunate to have Mr Xu Li to teach our Floor Skills class for girls and Kungfu class for boys. For class schedule, please click HERE. Exercise III. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.齐白石以革新水墨画和毕生献身于这项中国的传统艺术形式而闻名于世。 2.他在几天后把那幅画重画了很多次,但是总比不上他当天即兴完成的作品。 3.兰亭序的极高的艺术价值促使更多书法家临摹王羲之的字体。 4.一个好的书法家所写出来的字必须充满生气,活力并具备完美的形体。 5.书法是一门艺术,它需要清醒的头脑以及对毛笔有全面的掌握。 6.这个年轻演员认识到自己的演技还差,无法与他老师的演技相提并论。 Key Exercise III.


186科技资讯 SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 中英文中对同一颜色的理解也有很大 差别。因此初看到blue films 时还以为是 那种比较悲伤忧郁的蓝调电影,后来发 现居然是指“黄色电影”!yellow dog 也 不是指“好色之徒”而是“忘恩负义之 人”的意思。红色在中文里往往跟吉 祥、喜庆,兴旺的事物联系在一起,如 "红利"、"红火"、"红包",“走红”,“红遍大江南北”,"披红"、"开门红 "、"满堂红"等等。红色在中文里还象 征着女性,如“红颜”,“红粉知 己”。红在汉语中还有象征“革命,进 步”的意思,如“红军”,“红旗”, “又红又专”等等。在英语中红色虽然也有喜庆的含义,但是远没有中文里红色的象征意义强烈。此外,红色在英语中有不少贬义的象征,如在英语词典中 “red”是共产主义或共产党的同义词,表达这一意思时常常有贬意,甚至谩骂的意味。red belt指的是赤化区,而且在英语中red使人联想到的是暴力与流血。Red Brigade(红色旅)是指意大利的秘密恐怖 组织,专门从事绑架、谋杀和破坏等一系列恐怖活动。red lining(圈红线),指美国金融机构将贫困地圈上红线,拒绝向这一地区提供住房贷款,使这些地区陷 入了更大的贫困。四.动物 由于受历史、习俗、价值观念、宗 教信仰等诸方面文化因素的影响, 中英两 种语言赋予动物词汇以各自特定的文化内 涵。在中国,龙被视为神物,它象征着 权力,力量,威严,智慧等等。中国 古代皇帝把自己比作“真龙天子”,披 “龙袍”,坐“龙椅”,高兴时“龙 颜大悦”,发怒时则“龙颜大怒”。 在 今天,龙在中国人民心中仍是神圣的, 翻译是在语言的平台上进行的,而语言反映着文化,承载着丰厚的文化内涵。当语言进入交际,便存在对文化内涵的理解和表达问题。文化是一种复杂的,包括知识,信仰,艺术,道德,法律,风俗以及其他社会上习得的能力与习惯(爱德华.泰勒 《原始文化》)。由于地理,历史,宗教信仰,生活习俗等一系列因素的影响,各个民族在漫长的发展过程中形成了具有各自特色的文化体系,彼此间具有差异性,这种文化差异给翻译带来了很大的影响。一.习语 习语是某一种语言在使用过程中形成 的独特的固定的表达方式。从广义上来 说习语包括成语,谚语,歇后语,典故等。它们与文化传统紧密相连,不少习 语蕴涵的文化寓意在另一种语言中未必能 找到对应的表达,翻译时忌直译,死 译,需要视情况作灵活处理。例如,英 语成语 “bury one's head in the sand”(采取鸵鸟政策),如果直译的话,中 国读者还是不能通过字面意义来理解它的 比喻意义。又如,汉语成语 “扬眉吐 气”,如果直译成“to raise the eye-brows and let out a breath”恐怕会贻笑大 方。 由于各自民族生活环境,文化习俗的差异,英汉习语中的比喻体往往不同,但是两者的比喻意义相同或相近,在这种情况下可以采用套译的方法,即在另一语言中找出与之对应的习语。例如,英语习语“rats desert a fallinghouse”,可以用中国读者熟悉的“树倒猢狲散”来套译,两者具有异曲同工之妙。又如中文中的“杀鸡取卵”,在英文中可以找到对应的习语:“kill thegoose that lays golden eggs”.采用类似方法翻译的例子还有很多,诸如:落汤鸡-like a drowned rat ;a poor fish-可怜虫;like a cat on hot bricks --似热锅上的蚂蚁; as strong as a horse-- 力大如牛;drink like a fish 牛饮; a lion in the way-- 拦路虎等等 。 二.俚语俚语是一个民族民间文化和内涵最丰富的那部分语言,由于文化含量重,较难理解,给翻译带来了很大的困难。对俚语意思的误解常会导致尴尬。曾有这么个笑话,有位在中国的外国客人问翻译:“I wonder if I can go somewhere?"(我可以方便一下吗?) 翻译却回答说:“Yes, you can go anywhere in China." 关于上厕所的俚语还有不少,如: "Last nightI went to visit John twice."(昨晚我去了两趟厕所);在别人家里作客时可以这么问:“May I use the facilities?"或 “Whatis the geography of the house?"女厕所的表达最是委婉,如dressing room (更衣室),loungge (休息室),powder room(化妆室)等。广义的俚语包括行话,如在青少年中比较流行的语言:“bur" 指头发,"flutter bum"指男朋友, "party-pooper"指扫兴的人。美国的黑社会组织经常使用的一些行话,如用juice 或 ice 指贿赂。扒手的切口语,如 moll buzzing (扒窃妇女),shorts (电车或公共汽车),hole (地铁)。这些五花八门的俚语就算对于英语国家的人自身来说也是个难以理解,令人头疼的东西,因此对翻译工作者来说更是个难题。三. 色彩浅谈文化差异对翻译的影响 陈萍 (上海金融学院 200000) 摘 要: 语言是文化的载体,反映着文化。有效的交际需要掌握语言知识,更要了解不同语言之间的文化差异。文章主要就习语,俚语,色彩,动物四个切入点列举了中西文化的差异,并对翻译中遇到的一些文化差异提出了恰当处理的方法。文章最后还对译者提出要求。 关键字: 文化 文化差异 翻译 利用率。加强机械租赁计划的管理,避 免机械设备在项目上的闲置。第三,加 强对水平运输机械台班量的控制,杜绝 签发“人情台班”。督促设备管理人员 加强对机械设备的维修管理工作,使机 械设备尽可能地始终处于完好状态,提 高完好率。 3、科学合理地进行施工组织设计 施工组织设计的编制应遵守以下几个 原则:认真研究项目概况,提出有针对 性的施工方案,确保重点及难点处施工 的顺利安排;遵守国家有关的规范和操 作规程,合理地安排施工顺序;尽量使 用先进的施工技术和科学的管理方法。 4、健全项目各项管理体制 健全的管理体制犹如身体的神经系统,协调着各方人员的行为及准则,按照可控的程序来运行。如岗位责任制、材料入库制、限额领料制、(半)成品的保护及回收制、集中搅拌制、成本分析核算制等。而以上制度的健全与维护均为项目成本的中间考核提供了直接或间接的依据,加强中间成本考核对项目的成本控制起着非常重要的作用。5、加强风险管理风险是实际情况与主观预测之间的差异,建筑工程的风险主要存在于政治、经济、工程、公共关系和管理等几个方面。企业可以采取策略投标、合同谈判、风险共担、购买保险、风险转嫁等一些措施,防范或规避风险,而有些风险的发生对项目的成本影响甚至有可能是毁灭性的。因此在企业及市场竞争日趋激烈的今天,怎样合理的研究及防范风险,已自然成为现代企业管理的重要课题。参考文献:[1]孙义.施工企业工程成本管理[J].合作经济与科技,2005,08:11-12[2]陈宠,王宁.浅谈施工企业的成本管理[J].黑龙江交通科技,2005,05:22-23[3]王仙萍.浅谈施工企业项目成本的管理[J].会计之友,2005,07:30-31


2009年4月 第6卷第4期 Journal of Hubei University of Economics(Humanities and Social Sciences) 湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版) Apr.2009Vol.6No.4 一、英汉互译应注意文化差异 众所周知,文化差异是翻译中的一大障碍。任何译者都必然会遇到它。这是因为不论笔译还是口译都是借助语言来完成的;而语言本身就是文化信息的载体与容器。 [1] 而且语言与 文化密不可分,即“语言与文化的联系既多样又广泛。毫无疑问,学者、作家及社会活动家的写作活动是民族文化的重要因素,它对语言规范的发展有着影响。”从翻译的角度来看,文化差异往往通过对两种不同语言文字的比较与对照得到真实的体现,而译者必须尊重各民族语言文化的同时,还必须考虑各民族的适应度和可接受度。在交际时,译者必须介绍该民族文化在语言交际中的差异,否则就造成很大的笑话。据说一个由于文化的差异,而造成语言交流时的误解故事,即一个很流行的故事就是有位中国官员携妻子访美,在与美国员相遇寒暄时,双方都忽视了对方的语言文化差异而造成语义误解的尴尬局面。从这个事例中我们可领悟道译者在口笔译时都必须从不同的文化背景,文化常识等知识的角度去理解其语言语义。比如译者所进行的是英译汉,他或她就须首先想到本民族读者所特有的语言文化,照顾其身份与利益,扬长避短,使一些难为本民族读者所接受的文化因素尽量离他们远一些,或提醒他们以批判的态度待之,在可让译文适合欧化的同时,注意使用规范的词与句,要尽可能地从汉语中去寻找现成或规范的部分,有时即便无计可施也得设法为之,这就是翻之技巧。当然还可采用加脚注的办法,其目的都是为了消除文化上的障碍,理解上的困难。 如:“You don ’t want to lose Larry altogether,do you ?” She shook her head. S.Maugham:THE RAZOR ’S EDGE,p.256. “你不想完全失掉拉里,是吗?”她点头。 周煦良译:《刀锋》,第245页。 [2] 从译文看,译者很了解原语的文化背景,并善于处理文化差异所造成的理解障碍,即将shook 摇头译成点头。摇头是英美人同意否定句问话的习惯,译者为了使中国读者不至误会,而译成了点头。这里的文化差异在于:回答否定句时,英美人是着眼于所问的内容,而中国人则着眼于问话本身的正确与 否。所以译者的译文是恰到好处的。达到了使广大读者也无理解困难或异议。 就语言文化本身来言,一民族的文化之所以是另一民族理解和翻译的障碍,是因为它事先未为这个民族的人所了解。不管是英译汉还是汉译英,译者除了重视东西文化之间的差异外,还应重视其它翻译技巧。如“读者对等”“归化、异化”等等。 就“读者对等”而言,它是奈达有名的“灵活对等”理论的一个极为重要的部分。而众多的奈达的研究者们看中的只是他的语言形式、语言风格、语言神韵的对等,对“读者对等”这一部分采取视而不见的态度。而谭载喜在《奈达论翻译》一书中从读者反应这一角度对奈达的理论又进行了卓有成效的概括与研究。他在《翻译的性质》这一章中,特别强调论述了这一点,奈达主张,从读者的角度来看翻译,则必须引进另一观点,要看译作能否被读者所理解、衡量它的标准不仅在于译文中词句能否被理解,还在于读者对整个译文会产生什么样的反应。[3]这无疑告诉了翻译工作者在英汉互译时不仅要注重读者的反应,也要注意语义上的对等原则。 二、英汉互译应注意语义上的对等原则 1.最切近对等原则的实现 语言文化的差异,使双语翻译中绝对对等的实现难以完全达到,然而在可能的范围内尽量地贴近则是可以达到的。当然英语属印欧语系,汉语属于汉藏语系,双语的表达方式有不尽相同的地方,在这种情况下,一个成功的翻译者要学会灵活地加以变通,准确地再现原语的精神,追求最切近对等原则的实现,从而实现对等。例如: (1)鸳鸯道:家生女儿怎么样?牛不吃水强按头。(《红楼梦》四十六回) “It makes no odds ”,said Faithful,“You can take an ox to the water,but you can ’t make him drink (Hawkes) “What difference does it make?You can ’t force an ox to bend its head to drink ”,said Yuan yang.(Yang) 霍克斯将英谚中“You can take a horse to the water,but you can ’t make him drink ”作了变通,这样既保持了汉语谚语 的表达力,也成功地达到了对等。对西方读者而言,也是一点 论语言文化与翻译技巧 王芳,张君 (湖南工业大学外国语学院,湖南株洲412008) 摘 要:语言是交际的工具,是文化信息的,若忽略了语言与文化,无论怎么说都难以获得成功的译文;同样是 翻译,译文还有高下优劣之分。好的译文不仅符合作者的原意,还能传达其微妙之处,使读者能很好理解原文要旨,感受其风格等。本文试图用一些例证,以印证语言文化与翻译技巧的重要性。 关键词:文化;翻译;技巧 122··


一、对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 (1) 对龙图腾的崇拜在中国大约已绵延了八千多年。Chinese Dragon totem worship in China has been around for over 8,000 years. (2) 中国龙是古人将鱼、蛇、马、牛等动物与云雾、雷电等自然天象集合而成的一种神物。 The ancients in China considered the dragon (or loong) as a fetish that combine s animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial phenomena. (3) 中国龙的形成与中华民族的多元融合过程同步。The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. (4) 在中国人的心目中,龙具有开拓变化和团结凝聚的寓意。 To the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.

二、秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。近年来,中国东北某些城市的老年人自发组织了了秧歌队,队员常年通过跳秧歌舞来保持健康,同时他们也乐在其中。 (1) 秧歌舞是中国汉族的一种民间传统舞蹈,通常在北方省份表演。 Yangko is one of the traditional folk dances of Han nationality in China. It is usually performed in Northern provinces. (2) 秧歌舞者通常穿上明亮多彩的表演服装,他们的表演动作有力迅速。 The dancers usually wear / are dressed in colorful and light costumes, and the performance is powerful and rapid. (3) 在农历春节、元宵节等节日期间,人们一旦听到锣鼓声,不管外面天气有多冷,他们都会蜂拥到街上看秧歌舞表演。 During some festivals such as the Spring Festival, the


摘要 本文阐述了文化、语言、翻译三者之间的关系,论证了文化翻译的理论基础。本文认为:文化翻译是在文化研究的大语境下来考察翻译,即对文化以及语言的“表层”与“深层”结构进行分析与研究,探索文化与翻译的内在联系和客观规律;文化“传真”意指文化翻译的基本准则,既要求译语从文化义的角度准确地再现原语文化所要传达的意义、形式及风格,又满足译文读者的需要。翻译中“文化传真”度的把握也是本文探讨的重点。 关键词:文化翻译;文化“传真”;文化“传真”的度 Abstract: The paper studies the theoretical basis of the translation of culture by exploring the relation between culture, language and translation. The translation of culture is discussed in the broad context of research on culture. This includes an analysis of the surface and deep structures of culture and language, and the examination of the internal contact between culture and translation as well as the objective laws pertaining to their interaction. Facsimile of culture refers to the basic criterion of translation, one which requires that the meaning, form and style of the source language be precisely expressed in the translation from the angle of culture,also,satisfy the needs of reader’s. In addition, the paper explores the extent to which a facsimile of culture could be achieved in translation. Key words: Translation of culture; facsimile of culture
