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【Abstract】With the development of English Methodology, esp. the Communicative Approach, the principle of authenticity and conversation of English classroom teaching in senior high school has always been an important issue in the field of foreign language. The following passage illustrates the importance of the principle of authenticity and conversation of English classroom teaching in senior high school from the perspective of Communicative Approach. This essay first is devoted to the origins of Communicative Approach and its enlightenment on English teaching in senior high school. Then it demonstrates the definition and importance of authenticity and conversation and the relationship of the two. Finally it explains despite of the unavoidable disadvantages of Communicative Approach, its proposal of “Giving propriety to speaking and laying equal attention on the four basic skills” inspires the new thought in English classroom teaching in senior high school. But to make full use of it in English classroom teaching, the two factors of authenticity and conversation should be well integrated in the course of classroom teaching.【Key Words】authenticity; conversation; communication; English classroom teaching 【摘要】随着英语教学法,特别是交际法的不断发展,英语课堂教学的真实性和对话性就成为外语界探讨的一个重要问题。以下篇章从交际法的角度阐述了对高中英语课堂教学有重大影响的高中英语课堂教学的真实性和对话性的重要性。通过介绍了交际法产生的背景及其对高中英语课堂教学的启发,解释了交际法下英语课堂教学的真实性和对话性的重要性及二者的关系,最后分析说明了尽管交际法也存在一些不足之处,但其提倡的“口语领先,兼顾四会”的确对高中英语课堂教学起着重大作用。而要真正利用其来为英语教学服务,必须让真实性和对话性统一于高中英语课堂教学中。【关键词】真实性;对话性;交际;英语课堂教学 1. Introduction There are several schools in English teaching, such as Translation Method, Direct Method, Audio-Lingual Method of Actual Oral Method, Cognitive Approach, Functional Approach, etc. The Function Approach, also named Communicative Approach, Notional Approach or Semantic-Notional Approach, with the first most commonly seen, was “a result of the growing need to promote European unity and coordination in the field of education and, linguistically, of the development of sociolinguistics and psycho linguistics.”[1] In fact there are many factors that contribute to the appearance of Communicative Approach, yet it is certain that the proposal of this method more or less enlightens those who concern about the English classroom teaching. As we know with such English teaching methods as audio-lingual and Grammar-Translation Method either rely on repletion

and drills or spare no efforts to enable students to read scientific works and enjoy literary works, and to improve the students’ ability to cope with difficult subjects and materials. Therefore, students are unconsciously taught to master grammar and vocabulary through reading and writing exercises, and the rules of the language rather than its use. This may well explain why students taught with such theories have poor pronunciation and intonation, and are weak in oral skills. Though they have learnt much about the rules, they cannot apply them even in writing, much less in speaking. Moreover, the language learned is mostly of a literary type, the vocabulary disconnected with their everyday life and the students are often overloaded and do not fully perform their potentialities. These disadvantages led the educators and linguistics to reflection. They are much worried that the students are not learning enough realistic, living language, and that they do not know how to communicate in appropriate social language, gestures, or expressions. In brief, they are at a loss to communicate in the culture of language studied. This is what Communicative Approach tries to solve. It aims to teach communication skills consciously and propose to set communicating ability as the goal of language teaching, to develop the four

abilities of language and to acknowledge the inter-dependent relationship between language and communication. Furthermore despite the disparity of weak and strong Communication Approach, the former

is defined as to use English for the purpose of study, and the latter to make use of English to study, the Communication Approach evokes the foreign language teaching in China. With the emphasis on “developing the communication competence. It takes into great consideration the needs of the students –what to teach is based on consideration of what the learners should most likely use to communicate in the foreign language,” [2] It’s more concerned with the use of the language to serve as the motivation of the learning, and stimulates their active participation in the learning process without losing sight of grammatical and situational facts. However, to fulfill these desirable goals, two factors in English classroom teaching in senior high school are essential: authenticity and conversation. Only these two principles are co-existing and well-integrated can an English Classroom teaching be successful. 2. The authenticity of English teaching in senior high school2.1 What is authenticity in English classroom teaching in senior high schoolCurricular reform has been one of the hottest issues in language teaching nowadays, and one of the main purposes of this reform is “to transform the current situation which overemphasizes complicated, difficult, and outdated book knowledge into one which closely connects the curricular with students’ life and modern

social scientific development.” [3] Either from the perspective of Communicative Approach or that of curricular reform, this provides

the origins of authenticity. Moreover, with the further development

of foreign language teaching, authenticity has been paid more and more attention to. It has gone far beyond the scope of textbooks. Authenticity is “not an abstract or absolute notion and takes into consideration the teaching materials, classroom activities and teaching environment as well as the social and cultural context.” [4] In English classroom teaching with Communicative Approach, the authenticity of the teaching materials and classroom activities outstand amid all. As in the case of the authenticity of teaching materials, Morrow thought, “An authentic text is stretch of real language, produced by a real speaker or writer for a large audience and designed to convey a real message of some sort. [5] While traditional texts are loyal followers of the examination and cannot stimulate student’ learning motivation. Comparatively speaking, they are inauthentic, and “a rule of thumb for authentic here is any material which has not been specifically produced for the purposes of language teaching”. [6] The authenticity of classroom activities means that teachers should not design activities simply centered on the teaching goals, but closely connected with living situations. To be more exact, teachers should bear in mind how to take full advantage of the authentic materials to design authentic classroom activities, with the purpose of improving students’ language communicating competence. 2.2 The importance of authenticity of English teaching in senior high schoolAs we know, the main purpose of Communicative approach is to develop students’ communicating

abilities and the use of language and this can only be achieved through communication. However, this communication does not merely refer to teacher-and-student communication in classroom, but more

than communication to others in English in real life. This determines that only when there is real and natural situation for students’ language study can Communication Approach completely serve English teaching. While as the most important environment of English study, English classroom in senior school has every reason to be

authentic.First, in traditional language teaching, materials written

at the request of vocabulary and grammar separate themselves from the real life, lack flexibility and can not accomplish the goal to train students’ language communicating abilities in real environment.

While the authenticity of materials create beneficial circumstances

for enhancing students ‘communicating abilities. As these materials derive from the concrete situations in life and can help make

teaching interesting, lively and meaningful. Thus out comes the superiority of authentic language materials: the formal usage and

expressions set examples for language study; the familiar and attractive topics helps students to better understand the culture, customs and mind styles of the westerns and further incite their hidden study motivation, which will finally promote teaching

results.Second, authenticity of study materials paves way for the effective communication in English classroom; as what students learn from the materials may one day happen to them, their response to the situation more or less reflect their communicating competence. Therefore, it is essential for the teachers to design and organize classroom activities on the basis of authentic material and to design authentic classroom activities to provide opportunities for the students to use the target language.2.3 How to achieve the authenticity of English classroom teaching in senior high schoolThe basis for the authenticity of English classroom teaching is that of language materials, yet the authentic materials can be said to “be those factual communication activities rather than those specially prepared for language teaching.” [7] ,that is to say, articles in newspapers and magazines, review or comment on the Radio or on TV, the original texts about history geography and nature in west, records of the speeches of native speakers, etc. Such materials as take root in real life have prominent advantage over those designed merely around classroom exercises or drills. 中国移动营销策略的不足主要表现在新业务推广受网络技术条件限制;挽留中高端用户的措施更多地偏离通信本业,不利于核心竞争力的巩固和发挥;保持高利润率的愿望和良好的市场优越感可能会导致对中国联通的战略性防御措施准备不足。中国联通的营销策略具备以下特点。资费优势和CDMA独有的技术优势为其继续成长提供有力支撑;品牌战略上的不足日益明显,现有的CDMA品牌过于模糊,不利于对中高端存量市场的挖掘;营销新模式独具优势,尤其是话费分成制和终端利润制,如高佣金导致成都著名的太升南路电信市场打出"今日只卖CDMA"的横幅,但这种模式也限制了效益的提升;进攻有余,防守不足,用户"大进大出"更趋严重,服务体系和支撑系统建设有落后于竞争对手的可能;



