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AGoodPractice Guide to the Administration of Substancesand Removal of

Blood,Including Routes andVolumes


Karl-HeinzDiehl1,Robin Hull2, David Morton3,Rudolf Pfister4, Yvon Rabemampiani na5,

DavidSmith6,*, Jean—MarcVidal7 and Cor van de V orstenbosch8

1Aventis,PO Box 1140, D35001Marburg,Germany


2N IB S C,Blanch Lane, South Miimms,PottersBar, Hertfordshire EN6 3QG

英国赫特福德郡EN63QG波特斯巴镇South Miimms布兰奇道英国国家生物制品检定所

3The Universityof Birmingham, Medical School,Edgbaston,Birmingham B15 2TT


4Novartis Pharma AG,CH-4002 Basel, Switzerland


5CentredeRecherche Pfizer,Etablissement d’Amboise,Z1 Poce′-sur-Cisse—BP159 37401 Amboise Cedex,France

法国Amboise Cedex Z1 Poce′-sur-Cisse—BP159 37401Etablissementd’Amboise辉瑞研究中心

6AstraZeneca R&D Charnwood,BakewellRoad,Loughborough, Leics LE115RH

英国莱斯特郡LE11 5RH拉夫堡市贝克韦尔路Charnwood阿斯利康研究中心

7Aventis,102Route de Noisy,95235Romainville Ce′dex, France

法国RomainvilleCe′dex95235 Noisy路102号安万特公司

8N V Organon, PO Box 20,5340BH Oss,Netherlands

荷兰BHOss5340 20号信箱欧加农公司

Key words:blood volumes;blood removal;administrationsubstances;laboratory animals; refinement、


Thisarticle isthe result ofan initiativebetween theEuropean Federationof PharmaceuticalIndustries Associations (EFPIA) and the European Centre forthe Va lidation ofAlternative Methods (ECVAM)、Its objectivesare toprovidethe resear cherin the safetyevaluation laboratory with an up-to—date, easyto-use set of data sheetsto aid inthe studydesignprocess whilst atthe same timeaffording maximum w

elfareconsiderations to the experimental animals、

该文章为欧盟制药工业协会(EFPIA)与欧洲替代动物实验方法验证中心(ECV AM)之间得初步结果.其目得在于为安全性评价实验室得研究者提供最新得易于使用得数据库以帮助研究设计过程,同时最大可能地考虑到实验动物得福利。

Althoughthis articleis targetedatresearchers in the EuropeanPharmaceuticalIndustry,itis considered that the principlesunderpinningthe datasetsand refinementproposalsareequally applicable toallthosewho use thesetechniques on animalsin their research, whether inresearch institutes,universities or other sectors of industry、The implications of this articlemay lead to discussionwithregulators, suchas those responsible for pharmacopoeial testing、


There are numerouspublicationsdealingwith the administration of test substances and the removalof blood samples,and many laboratories also have their ow n‘in—house' guidelines that havebeen developed by custom and practice overmanyyears、WithinEuropeanUnion Directive 86/609EEC1 we havean obligation torefineexperiments to cause the minimumamount of stress、Wehope that this article willprovide background data useful to those responsible for protocol designand review、有关供试品给予与采血得出版物众多,且许多实验室在多年得经验与实践基础之上亦发展了它们自己得内部指南。在欧盟化妆品标准86/609EEC中,我们有义务简化实验以最小化动物得紧张程度。我们希望该文能够对那些负责方案设计与审核得研究者提供有用得背景数据.

This guideis based on peer—reviewed publicationswhenever possible,butwher ethisis notpossible we haveused ‘in—house’ data and the experience ofthose on theworkingparty(as well as helpfulments submitted by the industry)for a final opinio n、The guide also addressesthe continuing needtorefinethetechniques associatedwith the administrationof substances and thewithdrawalof blood,and sug gestswaysof doing so、Data-sharing between laboratories shouldbe encouragedto avoid duplication of animal work,as well as sharing practical skills concerninganimal welfare and scientific problems caused by‘overdosing’ in some way or another、The remendations inthis guide refer to the ‘normal’ animal,and special considerationis needed,forinstance,during pregnancy andlactation、Interpretationof studies may be confound ed when large volumesare administered or excessivesampling employed,particula

rly if anaestheticsare used、Copyright?2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd、






Dosingof experimentalanimalsisnecessaryfora variety of scientific investigations andtomeet regulatorydemands、The pharmaceutical industry,in part icular,hasinvestigatedthe levelsof dosing patible withanimal welfare and valid science、2 In thepreclinicalstage of the safety evaluation ofnewdrugs it is normal practiceto use multiples ofthe‘effective dose’in order toattempttoest ablish the necessary safety margins、Wherechemicals areof low toxicityor are onlyp oorly soluble in acceptableformulations,a large volumemay berequired to be given toindividual animals tosatisfyboth scientific and regulatory requirements、The intended clinical use mayalso have animpact onthe acceptability of larger than usual dose volumes, e、g、imaging agents or plasmaexpanders for intravenousapplication、


The objectivesof theTechnicalSub group of EFPIA/ECVAM were as follows: (i)to provideaguideon administration volumes for use in mon laboratory species used in toxicitystudies required byregulatory authorities;

(ii) to provide consensusdosage levels for routine use thatrepresent good practice in terms of animalwelfareand practicality;

(iii)to produceaguide to dosage levelsrepresentingthe upper limit of monpractice,whichleavesscope to make the case forspecialinvestigations、EFPIA/ECVAM技术小组得目标如下:




Administration volumes


Table 1presents administration volumesforthemonlyemployedroutes in the most frequently used species、They areconsensus figuresbased on published lit erature and internalguidelines、The marmoset and minipigare now considered withinthis categorybecause they are beingused increasingly in Europe、表1表示最常使用得种属得一般给药途径下得给药体积。它们就是根据发表得文献与内部指南综合得到得结果。现在认为绒猴与小型猪在此类常用动物之列,因为它们在欧洲得使用日渐增加.

Two sets of values are shown in eachcolumn:values onthe left areintended asa guide to‘goodpractice’ dosevolumes for singleor multiple dosing;values onthe right, where given, arethe possible maximal values、If maximal valuesareexceeded, animal we lfareorscientific implications may result and reference to the responsible veterinary surgeon should be made、In someinstances values arethere to acmodate pharmacopoeial requirements、


Some of these suggested maximumvalues havebeen obtained from recent literature,3,4but appear high when pared with‘goodpractice’ values、Theneed for careful attention toanimalwelfare andthe formulation ofmaterial usedat high dosevolumes are emphasized,particularly if repeat dosing is intended、Study duration could be restricted and scientific validity promised by physiological reaction to high dose volum es、Itis therefore essential fromanethical standpoint thatthese issues arefully considered,e、g、by inspectorate or ethical mittee,before protocolsare finalized and work mences、Itis alsostrongly remendedforethical aswell as scientificrea sons that physicochemical patibilitystudies(in vitro)and smallscale pilot studies

(smallgroups ofanimals) are carried out on any new formulation beforemitting to larger scale studies、Dose volumesshould be the minimumpatible with poundformulation and accuracyof administration、

从近来发表得文献中已经得到了这些建议得最大值中得某些数据,但当与“良好规范”数据相比时显得较高。强调了较高给药体积时对动物福利与使用得原料制剂进行仔细关注得必要性,特别就是拟进行重复给药时。研究得持续时间与科学有效性应该让步于由于给药体积过高所出现得生理反应。因此在方案定稿以及着手研究之前通过比如监察员或伦理委员会充分地考虑到了这些出版物中得伦理观要素.亦就伦理及科学依据强烈要求对任何新剂型进行物理化学相容性研究(体外)与小型得先导性研究(少量动物组) 以免在大型研究中出现失误。给药体积应该最大限度地与化合物剂型与给药准确性相一致。

Administrative routes


Oral route、Onoccasions,it maybenecessary torestrict the animals’ food int akebefore dosing、This factormay affectabsorption、Large dosevolumes (40 ml kg1)havebeen shown to overload thestomachcapacity andpassimmediatelyinto the smallbowel、5Larger volumes may alsoreflux into theoesophagus、Theduration of fas tingwill depend uponthe feeding pattern of thespecies,the starting timefor fo odrestriction,thephysiologyof thespecies,the lengthof time ofdosing,diet and thelight cycle、6It isremended that for accuracyof dosingand to avoid dosingaccidents liquidsare administeredbygavage、


Parenteralroutes、For substances administeredparenterally,the dose volume used, stab ility of the formulationbefore and after administration,pH,viscosity,osmolality,buffering capacity,sterility and biopatibility of theformulation are factorsto cons ider、This is particularlyimportantfor multipledose studies、Thesefactors are reviewedin some detail by Claassen、7The smallestneedle size should beused, taking into account the dose volume,viscosity of injection material,speed of injectionand species、



Subcutaneous、Thisroute is frequentlyused、The rate and extent of absorption depend onthe formulation、


Intraperitoneal、This routeis used infrequently for multipledose studies bec auseof possible plications、There is a possibilityof injecting into the intestinal tract and irritant materials maycause peritonitis、Drugabsorptionfromthe peritoneal cavity after the administration of the pound as a suspension is dependenton the propertiesof the drug particles and the vehicle,and thedrug maybe absorbed into bothsystemic and portal circulations、


Intramuscular、Intramuscular injections may be painful because musclefibres ar enecessarily placedundertension by theinjected material、Sites needtobe chosento minimize the possibilityof nerve damage、Sites should be rotated for multip le dose studies、A distinctionneedstobe made between aqueous and oily formulation swhen speed of absorption is important (oilyformulations are likely toremain as adepot for、>24 h)、With multiple dose studies there is a need to considerthe occurrence of inflammation and its sequelae、


Intravenous administration、For thisroute,distinctions are made betweenbolusinjection,slow intravenous injection and intravenous infusion、The values inTable 1relate tobolus injection and slow intravenous injection、


(i)Bolus injection、Inmoststudiesusing the intravenousroute thetest substance is given overa shortperiod of approximately 1 min、Suchrelativelyrapid

injections require the testsubstance tobe patiblewithblood and not tooviscous、Whenlarge volumes arerequired to be given,theinjection material should be warmed tobody temperature、The rate of injection is an important factor in intravenous administration and itis suggestedthat, forrodents, the rateshouldnot exceed3 ml min—1、Nodetectable changes inhaematocrit or heart ratewere observed indogs following rapid intravenous injection of6ml kg-1 saline,but20ml kg-1 was associated wit h15% haemodilutionand a transient tachycardia (up46%over1min)、8(i)团注:在大多数采用静脉内给药途径得研究中,受试物在大约1 min内快速给予。如此相对迅速得注射要求受试物与血液之间具有相容性且粘度不能太高。当需要给予较大得体积时,注射原料必须加热至与体温相同。在静脉内给药中注射速度就是一个重要因素,建议对于啮齿类动物而言,注射速度不应超过3ml/min。犬经静脉内快速注射6ml /kg生理盐溶液后未发现红细胞压积或心率变化,但快速注射20ml /kg后血液被稀释了15%且出现一过性心动过速(一分钟内心率增加达46%)。

(ii) Slow intravenous injection、Becauseof theexpected clinical applicationof the pound, orbecauseoflimiting factors such as solubility or irritancy, it may benecessary to consideradministering substances byslowintravenous inj ection、Typically,different techniques would beapplied for slowinjectionto minimiz ethe possibility of extravascular injectionof material、For slow intravenousinjection over the course of 5–10 minastandardorbutterfly needlemight be used,or better still an intravenous cannula maybe taped in placein a superficial vein (short term),or surgicallyplaced some time prior touse (longer term or multipleinjections)、


It hasbeen shownthat rats may begiven daily intravenous injections of isotonic s aline at dosagesup to 80 ml kg—1 at 1 ml min1for4days without significantsignsofdistress orpulmonary lesions、9 However,pulmonarylesions increased inincidenceand severity whenthe duration of treatment increased to30days and the injection

was administered at either 0、25,0、5or 1、0ml min—1、10 Theremay well have bee nadverse effects at anearlier timepoint butthe pathology had nothad time to dev



(iii)Continuous infusion、For similar reasons of solubility orclinicalindicationit may be necessary to considercontinuousinfusion,but careful consideration is neededif infusions are prolonged、Thevolumeand rateof administration will depend on thesubstance being given and takeaccountof fluid therapypractice、As a guide,thevolume administered ona single occasionwill be,10%of the circulating blood volume over2h、Information on circulating blood volumes isavailable in Table 3、Minimal effectiverestraintof animals with least stress is a keyfactorto consider for



The total duration ofan infusion is also a factor、Table 2presents remended dose rates andvolumes for discontinuous (4h per day) and continuous(24h) infusion、(Further dataare requiredto plete this table、)


Volumesand rates for therabbit arebased ondata derivedfromembryotox icity studies,which showed no effects on the foetusbut perivasculargranularleucocyte cuffingand proliferative endocarditis in dams receiving〉2ml kg-1 h-1、11 Infusion rates in rats aretypically in the range 1–4 mlkg-1h—1,12–14but ideally should not exceed 2 ml kg—1 h-1inembryotoxicity studies、Values for the mouse,15dog and macaque16 andminipig (unpublished data)are based on repeated dose studies of 1 month induration、


ml/kg/h时,母体出现血管周粒细胞成袖口状聚集以及增殖性心内膜炎.大鼠得典型输液速度在1–4 ml/kg/ h,但在胚胎毒性研究中得理想速度应不超过2ml/kg/h.对于小鼠、犬与恒河猴以及小型猪(未公开数据)


Other limits, indicating the importance of thevehicle formulation at high dose vol umes,are highlighted infour publications、17–20These data indicate that thereare large differences intoleratedvolume by i、v、infusion, dependentupon the ve hicle used、The long-term effects onotherphysiological systems have not been investigated、



Intradermal、Thissite is typically used forassessment of immune,inflammator yor sensitization response、21,22Material may be formulatedwith an adjuvant、Volumesof 0、05–0、1 ml can be used,dependentuponthe thickness of the skin、


Vehicles for administration


Vehicleselection isan important consideration in all animalinvestigations、Vehicles themselves shouldoffer optimal exposure but shouldnot influence the results obtained forthepound under investigation,andas suchthey should ideally be bio logically inert, have noeffect on thebiophysical properties of the poundand haveno toxiceffects ontheanimals、If a ponent of the vehicle hasbiological effects,the dose should be limitedsuch thatthese effects are minimizedor notproduced、Simplevehicles usedto administerpounds include aqueous isotonic solutions,buffered solutions,co—solventsystems, suspensionsand oils、For non—aqueous injectates,consideration should be given for time ofabsorption before re—dosing、Whenadministering suspensions the viscosity,pHand osmolality ofthe material need to be considered、The use of cosolvent systems needs careful attentionbecause the vehicles themselves have dose-li miting toxicity、Laboratories areencouragedto develop astrategy to facilitate selectionof the most appropriate vehicle based onthe animal study beingperformed and the properties ofthe substance under investigation、







Blood removal is oneof the most mon procedures performedonlaboratory animals and methodsforlab oratory mammalsand birds werereviewed in the first repor

tofthe BVA/FRAME/RSPCA/UFAW Joint WorkingGrouponRefinement、23This current articleaims to provide aneasy-to-use guidebased on thelatestavailableinformation,and addresses the needsoftoxicokinetic(pharmacokinetic) andtoxico logystudies、Thepractice of blood sampling fromavariety of rodents using the retrobulbar venousplexustechnique isstill inmon use andsuggestions for alternative routes are describedbecause ofconcernsoverthe sequelae of using this meth



Circulatingblood volumes


The calculation oflimit volumesforblood sampling relies on accurate data oncirculatingblood volumes、Areview of theliteratureindicatesthat thereisconsiderable variation in these values,probablyrelatingto the techniques used, the strain and gender of animal,etc、Thetechniques mostfrequently citedare radiolabelled erythrocytes,24–26 radiolabelled transferrin,27 radiolabelled serumalbumin,28–30marker dyes,31enzyme dilution,32,33fibre optics34 and dextran—70、35采血量根据准确得循环血容量数据计算。文献综述表明应考虑到这些数据得变异情况,可能与使用得技术、品系与动物性别等有关。引用最多得技术为同位素标记性红细胞、同位素标记性转铁蛋白、同位素标记性血清白蛋白、标记用染料、酶稀释法、光纤与右旋糖苷—70。

Table 3gives thecirculating bloodvolumes of the species monly usedinsafety evaluation studies、Data onthe marmoset and minipig,which are being more freq uently usedin toxicology,have now beenincluded、Thevalues shown havebeenadapted fromdifferent sources assuming that the animal is mature,healthyand on an adequateplaneof nutrition、23,36–39


Bloodsampling volumes


Our remendations arebased on published work,on recent work carried out to inform the workingparty aboutcertain issues andisbeing submittedfor publicationand on information from ‘in—house’ standard operating procedures、我们推荐得数据基于公开得研究结果,最近开展得研究以告知工作组有关某些问题得数据与正在被提交


Animal welfare is a primeconsiderationwhenblood sampling is approaching limits butthe scientific impact ofan animal’sphysiologicalresponse alsomust be considered because this mayaffectdata interpretation and validity、Assessmentof cli nical signs shownby the animals,priorto sampling,withreferral to supervi sory or veterinarystaff in doubtful cases, is anexpectedprerequisite、当采血量接近极限时动物福利为首要考虑得问题,但亦必须考虑动物得生理反应与科学性之间得冲突,因为这可能影响数据得阐释与有效性。在可疑得情况下,监察员或兽医应在采血前对动物表现出来得临床症状进行评估。

Workof Scipioni et al、40indicatedthat removal of up to 40% of arat’s total blood volumeover 24h and repeated 2weeks later caused no grossilleffects、By and largethere are few dataon critical aspectsof animal well—being after removalof blood,s uch as heart rate, respiratory patterns,various hormonal levels and behavioural aspect ssuch asactivitiesand time spent carrying themout、All these may change in response toexcessiveblood removal but it wouldrequire considerable effortand resources to investigate them、However,haematological parameters canbe measured easilyand in a smallproject41the redblood cell count (RBC),haemoglobin level (HGB), haematocrit(HCT), mean corpuscular volume(MCV)and red cell distributionwidt

h(RDW) were measured after theremoval of varyingblood volumes、Volumes of 7、5%, 10%,15%and20%of circulatingblood volumes(as 0、3—ml aliquots) were removedfr om male andfemale Sprague-Dawley rats(n=7)weighing ca、250g over a24-hperiod to mimicakinetic study、Animals then were followed for up to 29 days、Scipioni等得工作表明24小时内大鼠得取血量达其总血容量得40%并重复取血2周后总体上不会引起致病性效应。基本上只有少量有关取血后动物健康得临界特征得数据,如心率、呼吸特征、各种激素水平以及行为特征如活动与移动自身所花得时间。所有这些均可能由于过度取血而出现变化,但研究这些变化需要耗费相当多得精力与资源.然而,血液学指标很易通过一个小型得研究来测定,采集不同体积得血量后,测定了动物得红细胞数量(RBC)、血红蛋白水平(HGB)、红细胞压积(HCT)、平均红细胞容量(MCV)与红细胞分布宽度(RDW)。在24小时内得取血体积占体重大约为250g得雄性与雌性SD大鼠(n=7)得循环血容量得7、5%、10%、15%与20%(按0、3-ml等分)以模拟动力学研究。随后对动物进行追踪观察,总共29天.

The results showed thatthere was considerablevariation in the timestaken for all

these parameters to return to baseline levels, and inthe15%and20% groups some oft he parameters(MCV,RDW)did not return to baselineeven after 29 days、Therecoverytimeremended here for multiplesampling,therefore,is the time taken forall ratsin a ‘volume'groupto return to‘normal’(the starting levelfor each animal plus or minus 10%)、Single sampling (such asthat required for routinetoxicity studies) beyond 15%is not remended becausehypovolaemic shockmay ensue ifit is notdone very slowly、Multiple small samples areunlikelytoproduce suchac ute effects、


Table4 featureslimitvolumes and adequate recovery periods andtakesinto account thestress of multiple samplingin addition to other proceduresin assessing overallseverity、Thetable addresses both single andmultiplesampling regimes、Additional recoverytimeis proposed foranimalson toxicity studies because a critical evaluation of haematological parameters isrequired insuch studies、



Thehighervolume (20%)is intended to facilitate serial bloodsamplingfor toxico— or pharmacokinetic purposes where multiple,small samples are usually required、However,it should be rememberedthat the consequential haemodynamiceffec tof taking such large volumes may well affect the calculated half—life Assessment of terminalhalf—life shouldbe possible if final samples aretaken within 24h of the killing of a nanimal、These values donot include aterminal sample,whichcan be takenwhen theanimal is terminally anaesthetized、Blood replacementhasnot beencon sideredbecause the volumes proposed do not warrant such intervention、计划采用较高得体积(占循环血容量得20%)以利于毒代或药代动力学得连续性采血,此处通常要求多次、少量取样。但就是,应该记住如此大体积采血对血液动力学得重大影响,可能影响半衰期得计算。如果最后一次采样在处死动物得24小时内则有可能对终末半衰期进行评估。这些数据不包括最后一个样本,该样本为当动物最终被麻醉时能够被采集得一个样本。未考虑使用血液代用品,因为在推荐得采血体积下不允许使用此类人为干预。

Using the valuesfromTable4,an easyreference guideforthe volumes that can be removed without significant disturbance toan animal'snormal physiology is presented inTable 5、




Sites for venepuncture and venesection have been consideredmainly in rodents and rabbit、23 This informationhas been reviewed in the lightoftechnical advances in blood samplingprocedures;the advantages anddisadvantages ofsites foreach species are shown inTable6,with the remended ones for repeatedsampling summarized in Table 7、静脉穿刺与静脉切开得部位主要考虑用于啮齿类动物与家兔。根据采血程序得技术进展对该信息进行了总结;每种种属得采血部位得优势与缺点见表6,重复采样得推荐部位总结于表7.

Itisimportant tonote that samples takenfrom differentsites may show differences inclinical pathology values and have implicationsfor historical databases、For the more traditional routes,a descriptionofthemethodologycan beobtained from the standa rd literature、However,other methods require a special mention and have beenreviewedbelow、


Lateral tarsal(saphenous)vein、Thistechnique has been used in manylaboratory animals,including rats,mice,hamster,gerbil,guinea pig, ferret,mink42and lar ger animals,and volumes such as 5% of circulating blood volumemay betaken、It d oes not requireananaesthetic and so is particularly suitable forrepeated blood samp ling as inpharmacokinetic studies、The saphenousvein ison the lateral aspect of the tarsal joint and is easier tosee when the fur is shavedand the area wiped with alc ohol、The animalis placed in a suitablerestrainer,such as a plastictube, and the operator extends the hindleg、Thevein israisedby gentle pressure above the join tand the vesselis puncturedusing thesmallestgauge needlethat enablessufficiently rapidblood withdrawal without haemolysis(e、g、25–27 g for rats andmice)、Forsmall volumes,a simple stab leads to a drop of bloodforming immediately at the puncture siteand a microhaematocrit tube can be used to collect a standard volum e、After bloodhasbeencollected,pressure over the siteissufficient tostop further bleeding、Removalof thescab will enable serial sampling、跗外侧静脉(隐静脉):该技术已经在许多实验动物中应用,包括大鼠、小鼠、仓鼠、沙鼠、豚鼠、雪貂、水貂以及体型较大得动物,可以采集占循环血容量5%得血量。该方法不要求麻醉,因此特别适用于重复采血,如药代动力学研究。隐静脉在跗骨关节得旁边,当刮去被毛并用酒精擦拭后很容易瞧见。将动物置于合适得固定器上,比如塑料试管,操作者分开动物得后肢。在关节上轻轻施压则该静脉凸起,然后采用能够满足快速取血而不会引起溶血得最小号得针头刺入血管(如25–27G针头适用于大鼠与小鼠)。对少量采血而言,可以采用简单得刺伤从而在刺伤部位快速形成血滴,此时可使用微量血细胞比容试管收集标准体积得血液。采血后,在刺伤部位施加足够得压力以止血。剥去结痂可连续取血。

There appear to be no plicationsreportedotherthan persistent(minor) bleeding and the methodhas the advantage that anaesthesia is not required、Even though no studieshavebeen doneon animalwelfare in terms of body weight gain,diurnal rh ythm, behaviour,etc,it seems unlikely that thisroute will seriouslyaffect ananimal’s well-being、


Marginalearvein/central ear artery、Blood sampling from themarginal ear vein is monly usedin rabbitsandguineapigs、Thisroute may alsobe chosen in

minipigs,often binedwith the use ofan intravenous cannula、Good restrain tisnecessaryand theapplication of local anaesthetic cream some 20–30min before bleeding helps to prevent an animalfrom shaking its head as theneedle is pushedthroug htheskin、Bleeds mayalso be taken bysmearingthesurface overtheveinwith petroleumjellyandthenpuncturingthevein and collectingthe b lood intoa tube、For theremoval of larger amountsof blood thecentral artery in rabbitscan beused,but afterwardsitmust be pressed forat least 2min to preventcont inuing bleeding and haematoma、The animalshould be checkedforpersistentbleeding 5 and 10minlater、Repeatedsamples can betaken from this artery using an indwelling cannula, thus facilitating a kinetic regimen over8h、


Sublingual vein、This techniqueis easyto performin rodents such as rats andis suitable for the removal of largevolumes of blood(e、g、0、2–1ml)at frequentintervals,limited onlyby the blood volume to be removed and by the necessary repeated anaesthesia、A refined method43 avoids someof the disadvantages previouslyseenand can be usedfor repeated sampling、Rats are anaesthetized and heldbyan assistant in asupineposition、Thelooseskinatthe nape ofthe neck is gathered up in order to produ ce partial stasis inthe venousreturn fromthehead、Asecond person gentlypulls out thetonguewitha cotton-tipped applicator stick,graspsit with thumb and forefin ger and one ofthesublingual veins (there is one oneach sideof the midline)is pu nctured with a 23–25 ghypodermic needle as near to the tipof thetongue aspossi ble、The rat is turned overto allow bloodto drip into a tube andafter the requisitevolume ofbloodhas beenobtained thepression at thescruff ofthe neckis released and the animal is placedinasupine position、The tongue isagain extended i norder to stem the flow of bloodwith a drycotton—tipped applicator stick;usually there is no needtouse any haemostatic agent、

舌下静脉:该操作在啮齿类动物如大鼠中易于进行且适合于较大体积(如0、2–1 ml)得频繁性采血,仅受限于采血体积与必要得重复性麻醉。一种简化得方法避免了以前得方法中所见到得缺点且能够用于重复


Withthis technique,rats do not show anysignificant differences in foodor water consumption or bodyweight gain pared withuntreatedanaesthetized control animals、Mo reover,there appearto be fewerpathological changes than with retrobulbar samplin g44、However, anaesthesia may stillbea limiting factor、


Lateral tailvein、In principle this route is similar to the lateral tarsal vein bu ttendstoyield smaller blood volumes(0、1–0、15ml inmice;up to2ml in warmedrats)、Blood is removed either bysyringe/needle or stab punctureof a lateral t ail vein、Anaesthesiais unnecessary, which makesthis route particularly suited for repeated bloodsampling、Vasodilatationmay be necessary to promote bleedingand can becaused by exposing an animal to37°Cfor 5–8min orby local warmingof the t ail、Thereappear to be few disadvantages that affectanimalwell-being,but animalsmust becloselymonitored for signs of distress ifheat exposure isused、尾侧静脉:原则上该途径与跗外侧静脉相似,但倾向于获得较小得采血量(小鼠0、1–0、15ml;处于暖与条件下得大鼠最高可达2ml)。可以通过注射器/针头或刺穿尾侧静脉采血。由于勿需麻醉,这使得该途径特别适用于重复采血.有必要使血管扩张以促进血流,可以将动物暴露于37°C得温度中共5–8min或加热尾部。该方法损伤很小,基本不会影响动物健康,但在加热时必须严密监测动物得不适症状。

Cranialvena cava、Minipigsmay berestrained in aslingor ontheir backs with theforelegs retracted caudally、Other methods, sometimesusedinagricultural settings (snout tying, hog tying,suspending animals by theirrearlegs),arest ressful and are inappropriate for laboratoryanimals becauseofthe potential adverse effectson the science、In order to avoid injury to thevagus nerve,the needle isinserted intothe right sideof theneck,lateral to the manubrium sterni, and directed at a 30–45°angle towardsthe left shoulder、A poppingsensationwillbe felt by the sampler when theneedle entersthevein, andthen blood can bereadily withdrawn、Thismethodcanalso be utilized for sequential venipuncture but haematomasform in

thearea aftertheneedleis withdrawn,thereforeitis best reservedfor procedures that donot require withdrawalmore oftenthan weekly、45


Amputation of the tail tip、This technique ismonly used in rats and mice, with sampl evolumesof 0、1–0、2 ml being obtained、Amputation should be restricted to the ta il tip(0、5–1 mm should be adequate,and over time a maximumof 5mm can be removed) andrepeat bleeding is feasiblein the shorttermby removing the clot、Serialampu tationsresulting ina significant shortening of the tail(i、e、>5mm) arenot acceptable、The techniquemay not be suitable for older animals、Anaesthesia is remended、


Cardiacpuncture、This shouldalwaysbe carried outundergeneral anaesthesia and in thepast it hasbeen usedwith recovery in small rodents due tothela ck of alternative routes、However,other methods arenowavailableand because of potentiallypainfuland fatal sequelae, suchas pericardial bleedingandcardiac tamponade,thistechnique shouldonlybeusedforterminal bleeds、心脏穿刺:该方法通常在麻醉条件下进行,在过去由于缺乏替代途径,因此被用于对小型啮齿类动物采血。但就是,现在有其它方法可供利用,并且由于潜在性疼痛与致命性后遗症,如心包出血以及心脏压塞,因此该技术应仅用于末期采血.

Retrobulbar plexus、The retrobulbar route has been monly used by researchers in t he past but has been observed tocause adverseeffects、Concernhasthereforearis en because ofthese effectsandtheir potential severity、Recently, however,other m ethods have been developed thatmeet the scientificrequirements andalso improve the welfareof theanimals、Nevertheless,the Technical Subgroupfelt that i twasworth reviewing in detail some of the advantages anddisadvantages of retrobu

lbar bleeding in the context ofthe new methods、


Bleeding from this plexus alwaysshould be carried out under general anaesthesia

in all species and anaesthesia is a requirement in somenational regulations、The methodhas beendescribedin detail byanumber of workers、46–48 对于所有种属得静脉丛采血均应该在常规麻醉条件下进行,在某些国际注册中要求对动物进行麻醉.大量工作者对该方法均进行了详尽得描述。

There is little publishedwork on refining themethod、The approach(lateral or access via the dorsalor upper aspect of the eyein rats) as the optimal way tope netrate theconjunctivain orderto minimizetissue damage has been discussed、23An intervalof 2 weeksbetween bleeds at the same site shouldallowdamaged tissue to repair in most cases,49 but thisdoesnot meanthat theanimals donot experiencesomedisfort duringthe early stages beforehealingis plete;there are, how ever,concerns overrepeated retrobulbar punctures、Whereassome studieshaveshown thatrepeated orbitalbleedsdo not affect theanimals’diurnal rhyt

hm50,51or thehistologyof theorbitaltissuelong term52,49(i、e、bothsho wed that any tissue damage healed),otherstudieshave foundhistologicalchange s, abnormalclinical signs andevidenceof disfort53–55which hasled to animals having to bekilled onhumane grounds and so lost from the study、There arealsoother seriou spotentialadverseeffects:


(i)retrobulbar haemorrhage resultinginhaematoma and excessivepressure on the eye, whichisalmostcertainlypainful for theanimal;

(ii)any pressure required to stem persistent bleeding (e、g、by pressing onthe eye)or pressure from a haematomacan leadto corneal ulceration, keratitis,

pannusformation,ruptureof the globe and micro—ophthalmia;

(iii) damage tothe optic nerve and other intra-orbital structures,whichcanlead todeficits invision and evenblindness;

(iv) fracture of the fragilebones of theorbit and neuraldamage bythe

micropipette;andpenetration of the eye globe itself with a lossof vitreoushumour、





Many of theseunwanted sequelaemay stay undetected,being located deep within the orbit、Theincidenceofunwanted side-effects appears to vary between 1%and 2%,52but may be far higher in the hands of some technicians,even thoughtheywe re experienced (see table 1 ofRef、55)、


Frequency of needle punctures

It isimportant to carry out the minimumnumber of needle punctures consistentwith obtaining good scientificdata、The same puncture siteshouldnotbe used,i、e、use differentpoints alonga vein、





This is an importanttechnique forrepeatedbleeds、Temporary cannulaesuch as butterfly needles and over-the-needle cannulae can beused in the shortterm(working day),whereas for long-term usesurgical implantationof biopatible cannulaeis required、These methods allow repeated blood sampling withminimaldistress and disfort for the animal、Theuse ofsubcutaneous venousaccessports is alsou

seful because it allows an implanted animal tostay withits peers, but thereare a number of potential problems that must be addressed:


(i)Surgical skills are essentialanditmust bedone in a sterileway forgood long-termperformance56and to avoid plications suchas infection、Clotting frequently occurs and may prevent bothblood removal andprolongedinfusionofsubstances、

(ii)It may be necessaryto restrain an animal orto separate it from its peersin order to prevent removal or biting oftheattached externalcannulae,whichiswhya subcutaneous venous access portis preferredin the long term、

(iii)Afterlong-termcannulation,penetration ofthe vessel canoccurand an animal mayalso outgrow its cannula、






Some mentson how variousanaesthetics affect the musclecellsin the splenic capsule (if present) are givenin the first report of theBVA/FRAME/RSPCA/UFAW,23a swellasother aspects of promoting blood withdrawal、Inrelation totheremovalof bloodfrom small laboratorymammals,it isworth noting that the bination of fentanyl andfluanisone(Hypnorm),with orwithout midazolam(Hypnovel),causes a significant peripheral vasodilatation in all species、Although this makes takingblood sampleseasier,italso makes post—sampling haemorrhage more likely and soparticular attentionmustbe paidto ensuring haemostasis、Consideration should be givento theuse of localanaesthetics、

