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上午场 A卷 1. inspiring = striking启发灵感的;

2. discarded= abandoned被抛弃的;

3. baffled= puzzled困惑的;

4. confirming = proving有说服力的,证明;

5. of no need to say = obvious显而易见的;

6. adhesive = sticky附着的;

7. ensured = guaranteed有保证的;

8. duration = length 持久;

9. enabled = allowed可行的;

some degree = to certain extent某种程度上;

B卷 1.

episode = event事件;

2.restore = return恢复;

3.account for = explain解释;

4.broaden = expand扩大;

5.supplant = replace代替;

6.be subjected to = be restrained to受制于;

7.augment = increase增加;

下午场 1.



3.viable=capable of succeeding可行的


5.unprecedented=not previously experienced史无前例


7.suffice=be enough充足

8.spurt=sudden increase急剧上升
















上午场 =considerable广大的,范围大的

2. temporary=short-term短暂的

=begin again重新开始

= strong 剧烈的

=return to normal 恢复

6. complex=complicated复杂的


=too much 过多的

=significantly 极大地

10. trigger=start开始

=at the same time同时发生的


下午场 1. derive=obtain获得


for=make possible允许,使成为可能




to=responsible for归因于


to=be used to习惯于

=carry out实施




=unwilling to do不情愿的




by=occurred together with伴随着

response to=as a result of 由于

=very significant 极大的

1. inexplicable=mysteriously 难以解释地

2. engage in=practice 从事

3. intentional=planned 故意的

4. profusely=abundantly 大量地

5. repetitive=happen many times 重复发生的

6. elaborate=develop 进一步详细阐述,发挥

7. retention=keeping 保留

8. contribute=provide 提供

9. still=motionless 静止不动的

10. constitute=compose 构成

11. thus=therefore 因此

1.property=characteristics 特征

2.substantially=significantly 显着地

3.allegedly=supposedly 假设地

4.apparent=obvious 明显的

5.occasionally=sometimes 偶尔地

6.drastically=extremely 猛烈的

7.segregated=separated 分割

8.leftovers=remains 剩余物

9.ensured=guaranteed 确保

10.match=agree with 匹配


A卷 1. faithfully = accurately 准确地,真实地

2. admiration for = high opinion of 崇拜

3. fragile = delicate 脆弱的

4. perceived = seen 被察觉到

5. garment = article of clothing 服装

6. thus = in this way 因此

7. install= put in place 安装,设置

8. prompt = encourage 促使

9. obtain = gather 获取

10. are preserved = survive 被保存下来

11. a wealth of data = a lot of information 大量的信息

12. encompass = include 包含

B 卷 1. delicate = carefully managed 需小心处理的

up with = tolerate 忍受

3. entail = involve?包含,涉及

4. essential = main 主要的

5. suppose = assume 假设

6. encompass = include 包含

7. lethal = deadly 致命的

8. appeal = attract 吸引

9. emergence = development 出现

10. vicinity = area 周围地区

11. proximity =closeness 接近,靠近

A卷 1. Supplement = addition补充

2. presumed = assumed假定的

3. inhospitable = bleak荒凉的

4. sterile = barren贫瘠的

5. hazard = danger危险

6. fragile = delicate脆弱的

7. subtle巧妙的 = complex

8. hostile = combative敌对的,好战的

9. rot = decay腐烂

10.articulate(人)善于表达的;(说话)口齿清楚的 =


B 卷 1. allied = combined联合的

2. compilation 汇编 = integration 整合

3. isolated = separated分开的,独立的

4. vulnerable易受伤害的 = unprotected

5. distinct = clear清晰的

6. intact 完好无损的 = whole完整的

7. disperse = spread传播,扩散

8. mutual = shared 共同的,互相的

9. annual = yearly每年的

1. verifying = confirming 确认,证实

2. ascend = go up 上升

3. converge on = meet at 集会,会面

4. vanish = disappear 消失

5. features = ascepts 特征

6. unrivaled = unequaled 举世无双的

7. mere = only 仅仅

8. verging on = bordering on 濒于,近乎

9. admirably 值得赞赏地= very well

10. durable = long-lasting 持久的

11. continuously = constantly 持续地

= recognizable 可辨别的

= keep 保持

= confirm 证实

= swallowing 食入,咽下

= biult-in 本身的,固有的

= liquid 液体

= accidental 意外的,偶然的

= complete 全面的

= state forcefully 坚持

= understand 理解

= abundant 大量的

= claim 声称

1. unpromising = unfavorable 不利的,不乐观的

2. oblige 使有义务= force

3. extend = expand 拓展,扩张

4. diffuse = spread 扩散

5. exhibit = show 展示

6. surplus = the amount that exceeds 过剩

7. consistent = doesn’t change significantly 一致的,持续的

8. collective = group 集体的

9. erect = construct 建造

10. reinforce = support 支撑,加强

11. constituent = component 成分

12. gradual = slow 逐渐的,缓慢的

13. predominent = are in the majority 占主导的

14. exhausting = extremely tiring 筋疲力尽的

15. obsolete = out of date 过时的,淘汰的

16. speculate = put forward as a possibility 推测

17. aggregation = groups 集群

18. lateral = side 侧边的

19. take precedence over = have greater importance than 优先,更重要

20. little short of miraculous = amazing because almost impossible 简直


21. designation = identification 指定

1. anonymous = unidentifiable 匿名的

2. culminate = high point 达到顶点

= rose 出现

4. respectively = seperately 分别地

5. decisive = determinate 决定的

6. obviously = clearly 明显地

7. widespread = common 普遍的

8. dense = thick 浓密的

9. thus = consequently 因此

10. profound = very strong 深远的

11. painstaking = need lots of efforts 需要努力的

12. prerequisite = requirement 先决条件

13. considerable = significant 可观的

14. derive = obtain 获取

15. mean = average 平均的

16. account for = explain 解释说明

17. discrepancy = inconsistence 不一致

18. striking = noteworthy 引人瞩目的

. 1. intact=in complete form完整的

2. competence=ability能力

3. eventual = later 最终

4. advent?= arrival来临

5. stationary= fixed 固定的

6. utilize =?exercise 实施

7. adjacent =?neighboring 邻近的

8. exhibit= display 展示

9. compensate for= make up for 补偿

10. crude= primitive 原始的

11. initiate= start 开始

12. elaborated=complicated 复杂的

13. remarkably close=extremely close 非常近的

14. remarkably= strikingly 惊人地

15. chronological= a list that pair pastevents with dates 按时间顺序排


= helpful 有利的

or so = roughly twenty 二十个左右

= concentrated 关注的

= about to happen 即将发生的

= improvement 改善

= almost completely 几乎

= surprised 惊讶的

= disturb 打扰

= simple 简单的,基本的

= primitive 原始的

= in the end 最终

= begin 开始

1. exclusively = solely 唯一地,仅仅

2. supplement = add to 补充

3. autonomous = independent 独立的

4. erase = eliminate 消灭

5. persistent = lasting 持续的

6. promote = encourage 促进

7. contradictory = conflicting 相矛盾的

8. manifestations = expressions 表现

9. evident = obvious 显然的

10. assess = evaluate 评估

11. moral = lesson 寓意,教益

12. considerable = a large amount of 大量的

13. inadvertently = accidently 偶然地

14. explicit = clearly stated 清楚表达的

15. suspicion = distrust 怀疑

16. experiment with = try to 尝试

17. drastic = extreme 猛烈的

18. acquire = obtain 获得

19. vacate = empty 清空

20. counterpart = equivalent 等价物

21. compelling = convincing 有说服力的

1. regimes = governments 政权

2. a surge of = a sudden increase in 急剧增加

3. synthesizing 合成= combining

4. elevated = raised 提高的

5. rudimentary = primitive 原始的

6. motives = reasons 动机

7. anticipate = predict 预计

8. foundation = basis 基础

9. vicinity 周围地区= region

10. contribute to 导致= add to 增加

11. exhaust = use up 用完,耗尽

12. on balance = overall 总的来说

13. prevailing = widely accepted 普遍接受的

14. retention = preservation 保留

1. ceaselessly = continually 持续地,不停地

2. exploit = use 运用

3. furnish = equip 提供

4. witness = experience 经历

5. scrutiny = close observation 仔细审查

6. undoubtedly = certainly 肯定

7. scatter = distribute 分散

8. exceed = be more than 超过

9. supplement = add to 补充

10. compose = make up 组成

11. extract 提取;(用力)取出 = remove

12. pioneering 开创性的= original 独创的

13. margin = limit 极限,界限

14. sparse = thinly distributed 稀疏的

15. contract into = be reduced to 缩减成

16. promote = encourage 促进

17. bare = not covered by leaves 裸露的

1. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的

2. revered = greatly admired 受尊敬的

3. advent = arrival 到来

4. impluse to = push toward 推动

5. potential = possible 潜在的,可能的

6. appreciably = significantly 可观地

7. fluctuations = variations 波动,变化

8. maintain = claim 认为

9. dramatic = powerful 巨大的

10. fulfill = achieve 完成,取得

11. steadily = continuously 稳步地,持续地

12. plague = cause trouble for 困扰,折磨

13. abrupt = sudden 突然的

14. scattered = spread apart 分散的

15. presumably = probably 大概

16. modify = change 改变

17. drastically = extensively 极大地

18. prohibit = prevent 阻止

19. eminent = distinguished 杰出的

20. conceivable = imaginable 可想象的

21. dismiss = reject 拒绝

22. relatively = comparatively 相对地

23. rebound = recover 恢复

24. roughly = approximately 大约

25. generating = producing 产生

26. conjunction = combination 结合,交汇

27. nonetheless = even so 尽管如此

28. advocate = supporter 支持者

29. sabotage = intentionally damage 故意破坏

= with great detail 精心制作地,详尽解释地

31. abandon = no longer occupy 抛弃

32. intermittently = periodically 间歇地,断断续续地

33. heighten = increase 增强

34. prevail = dominate 普遍,占主导

35. substantially = largely 极大地

1. presumably = it is reasonable to assume 想必是,很可能

2. pertinent = relevant 相关的

3. subdue = defeat 打败

4. coincide with = occur at the same time 巧合,与…同时发生

5. their component = what they consist of 成分

6. postulate 假设 = propose 提议

7. exceedingly = extremely 极其地

8. ongoing = continuing 持续的

9. correspond to = match 相符

10. complexity = sophistication 复杂

11. allow = make possible 允许

12. sophisticated = highly developed 复杂的

13. surge = sudden increase 激增

14. propotion = size 比例,大小

15. sustain = support 维持

16. invariably = always 一贯地

17. formulate 确切表达 = state

18. decipher 解密 = figure out 弄明白

19. retain = keep 保持

20. initiate = start 开始

21. alter = change 改变

22. integrate = combine 结合

23. keen = sharp 敏锐的

24. intend = plan 打算

25. secrete 分泌 = creat产生

26. evoke = cause 引起

27. ingenious = clever 聪颖的

28. feat = achievemnet 成就

29. bizarre = strange奇怪的

30. unpredictable = uncertain 不确定的

1. relentless = without pause 不停的

2. encounter = come into contact with 遇到

3. mobilize = put into action 发动

4. remarkable = impressive 令人印象深刻的,惊人的

5. rule out = exclude 排除

6. ideal = prefect 理想的,完美的

7. periodically = at regular intervals of time 周期性地

8. elaborate = complex 复杂精细、

9. confirm = prove 证实

10. ornament = decorate 装饰

11. stamina = endurance 耐力

12. peak = highest point 顶点

13. property = characteristic 特征

14. substantially = significantly 极大地

15. allegedly = supposedly 据称

16. apparent = obvious 明显的

17. swift = fast 快速的

18. significant = considerable 大量的

19. modest = relatively small 不多的

20. consequently= therefore 因此

21. abrupt = sudden 突然的

22. derive= obtain 获得

23. core = center 核心

24. presume = suppose认为

1. divert = redirect 使转向

2. excessive = too much 过多的

3. capacity = ability 能力

4. widespread = common 普遍的

5. durable = long-lasting 持久的

6. pose = present 提出

7. hasten = hurry 急忙

8. courteous = polite 有礼貌的

9. sparse = thinly distributed 稀疏的

10. episode = occurrence 事件

11. proponent = supporter 支持者

12. swift = quick 快速的

13. resultant = consequent 结果的

14. parallel = match 比得上

15. profound = very strong 深远的

16. shallow = have little depth 浅的

= related 相关的

18. compilation = collection 汇编,集合

19. disperse = spread 散布

20. recognized = accepted 认可的

21. simultaneously = at the same time 与此同时

22. dismiss = reject 不予考虑

23. elevated = high 高的

1. intriguing = fascinating 吸引人的

2. inconclusive = not definitive 非决定性的

3. skeptical = doubtful 怀疑的

4. unethical = improper 不合适的

5. considerable = significant 大量的

6. innovation 创新= change

7. evident = clear 明显的

8. succeeding = following 随后的

9 . persuasive = convincing 有说服力的

10. corroborate = confirm 证实

11. promote = encourage 促进

12. devastating = extremely destructive 毁灭性的

13. point out = state 指出

14. favor = prefer 更喜欢

15. install = put in place 安装

16. hierarchy = system of ranking 等级制度

17. rudimentary = simple 基础的

18. initiate 开始 = introduce 引进

19. related to = in proportion to 与。。。有关

20. distract = grab one’s attention 使注意力分散

21. speculate = guess 推测

22. pioneering 先导性的= original 原创的,新颖的

23. distinct = separate 不同的

24. enable = allow 使能够

25. restrict = limit 限制

26. stimulate = encourage 刺激,鼓励

27. surplus = excess 多余的

28. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的

29. elaborate = complex 复杂精细的

30. unfavorable = disadvantageous 不利的

31. trigger = initiate 引发

32. severely = greatly 极大地

33. reinforce = strengthen 加强

= component 成分

逐步的 = slow 缓慢的

= be in the majority 占主导地位的

= limited 局限的

确定无疑的= simple (表示强调)纯粹的,完全的

使能= allow 允许

开创性的= original 原创的

= complete 完整的

表面地= on the first impression 依初次印象的

= add 增加

= extend 延长

= almost completely 几乎

= surprised 吃惊的

3. disrupt = disturb 打乱

4. rudimentary = simple 基础的

5. painstaking = at great effort 艰苦的

6. precious = expensive 珍贵的

7. his imitators = people who copied his work 他的模仿者

8. unfavorable = negative 不利的

9. more permeable = have more places where crossings could occur 更易


10. pursue = engage in 从事

11. comparable = similar 相似的

12. exclusively = solely 仅仅地

13. supplement = add to 补充,增加

14. autonomous = independent 独立自主的

15. erase = eliminate 消除

16. likewise = similarly 相似地

17. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的

18. might = strength 力量

19. cue = signal 信号

20. qualify量化 = calculate 计算

21. arduous = difficult 艰难的

22. quest = search 追寻,搜索

23. conducive to = favorable to 有利于

24. generate = produce 产生

1. isolated 隔离的,孤立的= widely separated 远远地隔开

2. distinct = clear 清晰的

3. mutual = shared 共同的

4. exploit = take advantage of 利用

5. optimal = most favored 最佳的

6. excrete = release 释放

7. stationary 静止不动的= fixed 固定的

8. specify 明确指出 = state 说明

9. focus = concentrate 注意力集中于

10. imminent = about to happen 即将发生的

11. refinement = improvement 改善

12. alter = change 改变

13. booming = rapidly growing 快速增长

14. anticipate = expect 预期

15. intrusive 入侵的 = unwelcome

16. monumental = enormous 极大的

17. manipulate = skifully use 熟练使用

18. pursue = practice 从事

19. subsistence =survival 生存

20. constituent = component 组成部分

21. gradual 逐渐的= slow

22. predominate = are in the majority 占主导地位的

23. diffuse = spread 分散

1. collective = group 集体的,共同的

2. erect = construct 建立

3. consequent = resulting 随之而来的

4. reinforce 加强 = support

5. intact = whole 完整的

6. readily = easily 轻而易举地

7. strictly aquatic habitat = only live in aquatic environment 只生活在水

8. simultaneously = meanwhile 同时地

9. exclusively = only 仅仅

10. artificial = man-made 人造的

11. annual = every year 每年的

12. derive = obtain 获得

13. remian = maintain 持续

14. mean = even 平均的

上午场 1. profound = strong 强烈的,深刻的

2. plausible = resaonable 合理的,说得通的

3. honor = respect 尊敬

4. self-sufficient自给自足的 = independent

5. constant = occurring periodically 持续地

6. exploit = use 利用

7. retain = keep 保持

8. resolve = settle 解决

9. fortunately = luckily 幸运地

10. seldom = rarely 很少

11. exclude = keep out 排除…在外

12. accommodate 容纳= allow 允许

13. detect 察觉= notice 注意到

14. debate = argue about 辩论

下午场 1. obsolete = out of date 过时的

2. suitable = appropiate 合适的

3. ambitious = impressive but difficult to achieve 雄心壮志的

4. take precedence over = have greater importance than 优于

5. thereby = consequently 因此

6. generally = usually 通常

7. tend to =take care of 照顾

8. perceive = see 看待

9. scatter = spread apart 分散

10. presumably 据估计= probably 大概

上午场 1. obvious 明显的 = clear

2. adjacent to = next to 毗邻

3. widespread 广泛传播的 = common 常见的

4. dense = thick 厚的

5. sophistication = complexity 复杂精细

6. anchored = held in place 固定住的

7. eventually 最终= over time 随着时间的流逝

8. renowned = famous 着名的

9. concur with = agree with 与…达成共识

10. distinctive = characteristic 特色鲜明的

11. gradually = slowly 逐渐地

12. surplus = excess quantity 过剩

13. exhibit = display 展示

14. embody = incorporate 包含

15. collapse = fall inward 崩塌

16. intense 剧烈的= extreme 极其的

17. in retrospect = in reconsidering the past 回顾

18. scenario = version of events 情形

19. repetitive = happening many times 重复的

20. elaborate 精心制作的= developed

21. retention = keeping 保持

下午场 1. overwhelming = without doubt 绝对的

2. substantial = large 巨大的

3. inadvertently = unintentionally 无意地

4. pointless = of no use 没用的

5. unprecedented = previously unequaled 前所未有的

6. seldom = rarely 很少

7. indispensable = essential 必要的

8. hasty = hurried 匆忙的

1. cycle 循环 = pattern of events that repeat itself

2. surplus 剩余的 = extra 额外的

3. disrupted = disordered 打乱的

4. dramatically = significantly 极大地

5. trigger 引发= start

6. simultaneously = at the same time 同时

7. magnitude = extent 程度

8. ongoing 正在进行的 = continuing 持续的

9. correspond to 符合= match 匹配

10. complexity = sophistication 复杂

11. allow 允许 = make possible 使…可能

12. enhance = improve 提高

13. peculiar = unique 独特的

14. exert 运用,施加= put forth

15. disperse = scatter 分散

16. address = deal with 处理

17. scarcity 罕见= insufficiency 不充足

18. prolong 延长= extend 延伸

19. commonplace = ordinary 普通的

20. rudimentary = primitive 原始的

21. hazardous = dangerous 危险的

22. pertinent = relevant 相关的

23. cease = stop 停止

24. integrate 整合 = combine 结合

25. launch 发起 = start 开始

26. methodically 有条理地 = systematically 系统地

27. accelerate = speed up 加速

28. perfect = improve 完善

1. permeate = spread through 渗透

2. spurt = sudden increase 激增

3. camouflage = disguise 伪装

4. facilitate = make easier 促进

5. impetus 推动 = incentive 激励

6. sustain = keep 保持

7. resemble = be similar to 相像

8. wrought使发生了,造成了(尤指变化)= create

9. identical = the same 相同的

10. sophisticated = complex 复杂的

11. inconspicuous = not easily noticed 不明显的

12. plentiful = numerous 大量的

13. emergence = rise 兴起

14. routinely = regularly 常规地

15. distinctive 有特色的 = attractive 吸引人的

16. vicinity 周围地区= region

17. contribute to 导致 = add to 增加

18. exhaust = use up 耗尽

19. on balance = overall 总的来说

1. garment = article of clothing (一件)衣服

2. thus = in this way 因此

3. install 安装 = put in place

4. promote = encourage鼓励,促进

5. prerequisite 先决条件 = requirement 要求

6. proper = appropriate 合适的

7. rule out = exclude 将…排除在外

8. ideal 理想的 = perfect 完美的

9. periodically = at regular intervals of time 定期地

10. elaborate 复杂精细的 = complex 复杂的

11. constituent = component 组成成分

12. gradual 逐渐的 = slow 缓慢的

13. predominate = in the majority 占主导

14. diffuse = spread 分散

15. lucrative = profitable 有利可图的

16. revere = greatly admire 敬重

17. advent = arrival 到来

18. give an impluse to = push forward 推动

19. repetitive = happen many times 重复的

20. elaborate 复杂精细的 = developed 先进的

21. retention = keeping 保持

22. stimulate 刺激 = encourage

23. indispensable 必不可少的 = essential 必要的

24. conventional = traditional 传统的

25. confirmed = proven 经证实的

26. ornament = decorate 装饰

27. stamina = endurance 耐力

28. peak = high point 最高点

29. customarily = commonly 通常地

30. replicate = copy 复制

31. investigate 调查 = examine 检查

32. relentless = without pause 不停的

33. encouter = come into contact with 遇见

34. mobolize = put into action 动员

35. remarkable 非凡的 = impressive 令人印象深刻的 1.

keenly =very?极其

2.subsequent = later后来的

3.abundant = plentyof大量的

4.remarkable = noticeable引人注目的

5.profound = far-reaching?深远的

6.significant = important?重要的

https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c29266459.html,patible = harmonious?协调的
