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1. Enlightenment: With the advent of the 18th century, in England, as in other Europe

an countries, there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment. The Enlighten ment on the whole, was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeois agains t feudalism. They fought against inequality, stagnation, prejudices and other survivals of feudalism . They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them wit

h the actual deeds and requirements of the people.(启蒙运动)

2. Ode: A complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on so

me lofty or serious subject. Odes are often written for a special occasion, to honor a person or a se ason or to commemorate an event.(赋;颂歌;颂诗)

3. Romanticism: A movement that flourished in literature, philosophy, music, and art in

Western culture during most of the 19th century, beginning as a revolt against classicism.(浪漫主义)

4. Epic: A long narrative poem telling about the deeds of a great hero and reflecting the

values of the society from which it originated. Many epics were drawn from an oral tradition and were transmitted by song and recitation before they were written down.(史诗)

5. Romance: Any imagination literature that is set in an idealized world and that deals

with a heroic adventures and battles between good characters and villains or monsters.(冒险故事;传奇)

6. Sonnet: A fourteen-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter. A s

onnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.(十四行诗)

7. Iambic pentameter: A poetic line consisting of five verse feet, with each foot an ia

mb—that is, an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed syllable. Iambic pentameter is the most comm on verse line in English poetry.(抑扬格五音步)

8. Couplet: Two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme. A heroic couplet is an iambic p entameter couplet.(两行诗;对句)

9. Conceit: A kind of metaphor that makes a comparison between two startlingly differe

nt things. A conceit may be a brief metaphor, but it usually provides the framework for an

entire poem. An especially unusual and intellectual kind of conceit is the metaphysical conceit.(奇喻)

10. Alliteration: The repetition of the initial consonant sounds in poetry. (头韵)


Part I The Anglo-Saxon Period (449—1066) 1.Literature characteristics

Literary divisions : pagan &Christian

2 .Representative achievement of Anglo-Saxon period—The Song of Beowulf (了解Beowulf 的文学地位,主题,故事梗概等内容。) (1)Literary position:①a national epic of the English people.

②The first major poem in a European vernacular language;

(2)Major Themes :①Goodness conquers evil. ②Men against nature ③To judge the greatness of a human being by the greatness of his deeds and his noble ancestry. ④Help your neighbor. ⑤Forces of always at work in society.


除害。国王当晚设宴款待,孰料妖怪格兰戴又复出现,捉食一名济兹战士,贝奥武夫与之格斗,贝奥武夫扭断其臂,妖怪落荒而逃,因受重伤致死。第二天晚上,格兰戴的母亲前来为其子复仇,其后贝氏把她在一湖泊的洞穴中杀死。第二部分描叙贝奥武夫返国,被拥为王,前后五十年,举国大治。最后贝奥武夫以垂老之年,杀一喷火巨龙,但其个人亦因而身受重创,终於身死。诗末叙其葬礼,并有挽歌。(Content of the story: the first part describes the hogwarts Denmark grand palace, the king in the before and after 12 years, half-human magic genie grant wear hogwarts infested every night to catch food fighters.Just at this time in southern Sweden aziz Wang Zibei took Beowulf visit rate retainer, assist the pesticides.King feasted on the night, what the devil teh wear again appear, catch a aziz warrior, Beowulf and combat, Beowulf twist off the arm, the monster be defeated and flee, because of the seriously wounded to death.The next night, grand mother came to avenge his son, followed by bayesian kill her cave in a lake.The second part describe Beowulf returned, as king and before and after fifty years, the country https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c87597096.html,st year of Beowulf in arthritic, kill a fire-breathing dragon, but its individual is so badly injured, finally died.His funeral at the end of the poem, and a dirge.)

3.define the terms: epic, alliteration Part II The Anglo-Norman Period (定义条款:史诗,头韵第二部分盎格鲁)

1. 了解中世纪文学特点:传奇文学(romance)特点及其题材(Understand the characteristics of the medieval literature: the epic literature (American) characteristics and subject matter)

(1)Special features of romance:

A).To sing knightly adventures or other heroic deeds in verse or prose.

B). Motifs of the quest, challenge, test, and meeting with the evil giant.

C). The hero is the knight, setting out on a journey to accomplish some goal --to protect the church and the poor, to attack infidelity, to rescue a maiden, to meet a challenge, or to obey a knightly co mmand.

D). Mysteries and fantasies (improbable, supernatural)

E). Romantic love

F). Standardized characterization Heroes, heroines and wicked stewards can be easily moved from one romance to another.

G). Loose and episodic structure

H).The language and style are simple and straightforward. I).The romance reflects a chivalric age. (2)The three major subjects:

A. The Matter of France (about Charlemagne and his peers)

B. The Matter of Greece &Rome (stories about the ancient Romans, and the Greeks)

C. The Matter of Britain (about King Arthur and his round-table knights (浪漫的特点:











c .英国的问题(关于亚瑟王和他的圆桌骑士)

2. 了解Sir Gawain and the Green Knight的故事梗概、写作特点、主题。(1)《高文爵士和绿衣骑士》故事梗概:某年圣诞节,亚瑟王在自己的宫廷里举行宴会。一位绿衣骑士前来向圆桌骑士挑战:有谁敢当场砍下他的头,并让他一年后回敬一斧。高文接受挑战,砍下了绿衣骑士的头。那具依然活着的躯体捡起头颅,回到绿色的教堂。一年以后,高文践约去寻找绿衣骑士,来到一座城堡。城堡女主人趁丈夫外出狩猎耍尽花招引诱高文;高文不为所动。最后高文在向导的陪同下离开城堡前往绿色教堂。绿衣骑士原来就是城堡的男主人,他举斧向高文进攻三次,前两次落空,第三次在他的脖子上划出轻伤。绿衣骑士向他解释:落空的两斧是对他两次不受女主人诱惑并如实交换所得之物的回报,第三斧则是对高文隐瞒女主人送他腰带的惩罚。高文辞别绿衣骑士返回亚瑟王的宫廷,将自己的历险告诉众人,骑士们一致认为他为圆桌骑士争了光。那根女主人送他的腰带成了纯洁的道德的象征。 (Sir Gawain and the green knight story synopsis: one Christmas, held in the court of king Arthur in his own party.One of the green knight to challenge the knights of the round table: who dares to cut off his head, and on the spot and let him back a year later a hatchet.Gawain challenge, cut the green knight's head.That is still alive body to pick up the head, back to the green of the church.A year later, gawain keeping to look for the green knight, came to a castle.Castle hostess while her husband went hunting ver do lure gawain;Gawain unimpressed.Finally, gawain, accompanied by the wizard, left the castle for the green church.The green knight was the master of the castle, he attacked gawain three axes, two previous failed, the third time in his neck out minor injuries.The green knight explained to him: one of two axes was not a mistress and temptation for him twice exchange income returns, according to the facts right third axes is gawain's punishment to hide the hostess send belt.Gawain farewell the green knight to return to the court of king Arthur and his adventure told the crowd to the knights agreed that his glory for the knights of the round table.The root the hostess gave his belt became the symbol of moral purity.)

(2)写作特点:故事的结构极为完整而集中,形成一个有机整体。第三部分故事双管齐下,有条不紊,而不显重复。作者善于运用悬念,善于烘托气氛,尤其是四季的景色、宫廷的华丽、奇异的冒险,富于浪漫主义色彩。对话流畅自然,尤其高文与城堡主妇的对话,有攻有守,十分生动。从结构、叙事、心理描写、对话等方面看,已有点象近代小说。从诗歌形式讲,它和《珍珠篇》等诗有异曲同工之妙,全诗共分101段,每段20、30行不等,都是双声体,但每段结尾都有“轮”,指用两个音节作一行打住,下面是四短行押韵诗,非常工整。(Writing characteristics: the structure of the story is very complete and concentrated, form an organic whole.The third part of the story both, in an orderly way, and not repeat.The author is good at using suspense, is good at foil atmosphere, especially the four seasons scenery, magnificent palace, singular adventure, full of romantic.Natural and fluent dialogue, especially with gawain castle housewife's dialogue, have kept for some time, is very vivid.From structure, narrative, psychologically, dialogue, etc, have been a bit like the modern novel.In poetry form, it and "pearls" poems have the same effect, such as the poem is divided into 101 segments, each line 20, 30, is double body, but every ending has "round", refers to make a line stop with two syllables, here are four short lines of rhyming, very neat)

(3)Major themes:

A. Nature vs. human society

B. The futility of human constructions

C. The viability of chivalric values

D. The fall of man and loss of innocence

E. Faith in God

F. Celtic Pagan Sources and Christian overlay

3. define the term: romance Part III Geoffrey Chaucer (自然与人类社会

b .人类建筑的徒劳骑士的值的可行性

d .的男人和失去的纯真大肠对上帝的信仰

f .凯尔特人异教徒和基督教叠加来源


1. 了解Chaucer文学地位、文学贡献,掌握其写作特点及代表作。

(1)乔叟地位与贡献:①founder of English poetry. ② founder of English realism. ③ the first great poet writing in the English language. ④introduced ( from France) the rhymed stanza of various types esp. the rhymed couplet of 5 accents in iambic meter (heroic couplet) instead of the old alliterative verse.(五音步抑扬格的双行押韵体;英雄双韵体)⑤established English as the literary language of the country.

⑥made the dialect of London the standard for the modern English speech. (英语诗歌的创始人。②英语现实主义的创始人。③第一个伟大的诗人写的英语。④介绍(法国)各种类型的押韵节特别是5口音的押韵对联抑扬格米(英雄偶句诗)代替旧的头韵的诗行⑤建立英语作为这个国家的文学语言。


(2)Artistic Features:(艺术特点)


Messenger of Humanism Affirm man's right to pursue earthly happiness Praise man's energy, in tellect, quick wit and love of life Expose and satirize the social vices, including religious abuses ② The first important realistic writer Present a comprehensive realistic picture of the English soci ety Create a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life Explore the theme of the indiv idual's relation to the society ③“Father” of English poetry Introduce the rhymed stanzas of va rious types to English poetry (e.g. heroic couplet) Develop his art of poetry Master of the English language(①信使的人文主义肯定人的权利追求世俗的幸福赞美人的能源、智慧、敏锐的才思和对生命的爱揭露和讽刺社会恶习,包括宗教虐待②第一重要的现实的作家提供一个全面真实的照片整个英国社会创造生动的人物画廊各界探讨个人与社会的关系的主题③“英国诗歌之父”介绍各种类型的英语诗歌的押韵节(如英雄偶句诗)他的诗歌的艺术发展掌握英语的)

(3)代表作 The Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》、 Book of the Duchess《公爵夫人之书》、The House of Fame《声誉之宫》 2. 掌握 The Canterbury Tales的故事梗概、写作特点、主题。熟悉、掌握并学会分析General Prologue的内容及结构特点。

(1)故事梗概:叙述朝圣者一行30人会聚在泰巴旅店,这些朝圣者有骑士、僧尼、商人、手工艺者、医生、律师、学者、农夫、家庭主妇等当时英国社会各个阶层的人士,他们准备前往坎特伯雷去朝拜圣托马斯。店主爱热闹,自告奋勇为他们担任向导,并提议在往返圣地的途中每人来回讲两个故事,以解旅途中的寂寥,并由店主做裁判,选出讲故事最好的人,回到旅店后大家合起来请他吃饭。众人接受了店主的建议,于是次日一同踏上朝圣之途,并开始讲故事。(Narrative pilgrims line of 30 people gather in the hotel, the pilgrims have knight, the monks and nuns, businessmen, crafters, doctors, lawyers, scholars, farmers, housewives, etc. At that time the British society people of all ranks and classes, they are prepared to Canterbury to visit st Thomas.The shopkeeper love lively, volunteered as a guide for them, and proposed in the holy land back and forth on the way back and forth two story, each with solution in the lonely journey, and by the owner to do the referee, choose the best stories, back to the hotel after we could eat together and ask him.They accept the advice of the owner, so the pilgim road trip together, and began to tell a story.)


①All tales but two are written in verse (poetry);

②Connected in two ways: the host?s criticizing; intimate connection between the tales and the Prologue.

in order to get a better understanding of each tale, readers have to read back the corresponding por tion of the Prologue. (①所有的故事,但两个都写在诗(诗歌);②连接在两个方面:主机的批评;亲密的连接之间的故事和序言。③为了得到更好地了解每个故事,读者阅读相应部分的序言。)

(3)The themes of The Canterbury Tales, and include topics such as courtly love, treachery, and avaric e.

Religious malpractice is a major theme.

Also, focusing on the division of the three estates (nobility, clergy, and commoners) are a big part of the tales. (《坎特伯雷故事集》的主题,主题包括宫廷爱情,背叛和贪婪。



(4)In The General Prologue(开场白), Chaucer sets up the general structure of the tales and introduces each of the characters who will tell the tales. The characters who tell each of the tales are as important as the characters in the tales that they tell; a significant portion of the action of The Canterbury Tales takes place within th e prologue to each of the tales. The General Prologue in essence serves as a guide. Chaucer only li ved to write 24 tales. Some of the stories that remain are only fragments which have either been l ost or were never completed by the author. (乔叟设置的总体结构,介绍了每个人物的故事将告诉故事。故事的人物告诉每个故事中的人物一样重要,他们告诉,很大一部分的《坎特伯雷故事集》序言中发生的故事。一般开场白本质上仅作为指南。乔叟生活写24故事。的一些故事,仍只是片段的丢失或被作者从未完成。) 3. 掌握英雄双韵体(heroic couplet)的特点。

In prosody, Chaucer mostly used the ten-syllable line in rhymed couplets (later developed into the most fashionable "heroic couplet” of the 18th century). It refers to lines of iambic pentameter wh ich rhyme in pairs: aa, bb, cc, and so on.。


4. 了解大众民谣(popular ballads)特点,题材。

(1)Ballad: literature of English people (peasants), not written but oral.

a narrative poem that tells a story.

a story told in song, usu. In 4-line stanzas, with the 2nd and the 4th lines rhymed.

(2)Subjects: young lovers? struggle against feudal-minded families; conflict between

love and wealth; cruelty of jealousy; criticism of the civil war (1337~1377 between England and F rance.); matters of class struggle. (1)民谣:文学英语的人(农民),没有写,但口服。

叙事诗,讲述了一个故事。?歌的故事,一般。在4线节,第二和第四行押韵。?(2)主题:年轻的恋人的斗争feudal-minded家庭;冲突爱和财富,嫉妒的残酷,批评的内战(1337 ~ 1377年在英国和法国之间。);阶级斗争的问题。)

Part IV The Renaissance English Literature(ca.1485-1603)


(1)Humanism is the key note of the Renaissance.

Feature1: a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.

There rose a current of the study of Greek and Latin authors, in doing which people caught someth ing in spirit very different from the medieval Catholic dogma. The love of classics was but an expr ession of the general dissatisfaction at the Catholic and feudal ideas.

Feature2: a keen interest in the activities of humanity. People didnt think they should live only for God. Thinkers, artists and poets arose to admire human beauty and human achievement, which ran in odd with theology. Hence arose the thought of Humanism. Humanism is the key note of the Re naissance. ((1)人文主义是文艺复兴的关键。Feature1:有好奇心对古典文学的渴望。玫瑰有当前希腊语和拉丁语作家的研究,在人们被一些精神不同于中世纪的天主教教条。经典的爱不过是一种不满的情绪的表达天主教和封建思想。Feature2:人类的活动兴趣浓厚。人们没有认为他们应该只活神。思想家,艺术家和诗人起来欣赏人体美和人类的成就,在奇怪的神学,因此出现了人文主义的思想,人文主义是文艺复兴的关键)(2)English literature:① drama: John Lyly, Thomas Kyd, George Peele, Robert Greene, Christoph er Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson.

② Lyrical Poetry.: Thomas Wyatt, Henry Howard, Philip Sidney and Edmund Spenser. ③prose writers:Thomas More, wrote his famous prose work "Utopia", which may be thought of as the first literar y masterpiece of the English Renaissance. Francis Bacon wrote more than fifty excellent essays, which make him one of the best essayists in English literature. (英国文学:①戏剧:约翰?莱尔托马斯·基德,乔治?Peele罗伯特?格林克里斯托弗·马洛、莎士比亚和本·琼森。②抒情诗歌:托马斯怀亚特,亨利·霍华德,菲利普西德尼和埃德蒙·斯宾塞。③散文作家:托马斯,写了他著名的散文“乌托邦”工作,这可能被认为是第一个英国文艺复兴时期的文学杰作。弗朗西斯·培根写了五十多个优秀的文章,使他在英国文学最好的散文家之一。)

(3)Elements of drama:

①Plot The structure of a play?s action, the order of the incidents, their arrangement and form


The vital center of a play

How they look, what they say and in what manners they say; what they do and how their actions r eveal who they are and what they represent The human qualities are the most engaging feature. ③Dialogue Drama is described as “persons moving about on stage usingwords love and wealth; crue lty of jealousy; criticism of the civil war (1337~1377 between England and France.); matters of cl ass struggle. ((3)戏剧的元素:①情节的结构游戏”行动,事件的顺序,他们安排和形式②性格一出戏的重要中心他们如何看,他们说用什么方式和他们说,他们所做的事情,以及他们的行为揭示他们是谁以及他们代表人类的素质是最迷人的特性。③对话戏剧舞台上被描述为“移动的人usingwords 爱和财富,嫉妒的残酷,批评的内战(1337 ~ 1377年在英国和法国之间。);阶级斗争的问题。)

Part IV The Renaissance English Literature(ca.1485-1603)第四部分文艺复兴时期英国文学(ca.1485 - 1603)

Major functions of Dialogue: to advance the plot, to establish setting, and to reveal character. an q ualities are the most engaging feature. ④Staging

Things like positions of actors, nonverbal gestures and movements, scenic background, props and costumes, lighting and sound effects ⑤Theme

It is the central idea of the play. 对话的主要功能:推进情节,建立设置,并揭示character.一个品质是最迷人的特性。④登台演员的位置,非语言手势和动作,风景背景、道具、服装、灯光和音效⑤主题

它的中心思想是游戏。(4)Some Key Dramatic Terms:一些关键的戏剧性的术语:

Script脚本 Stage Directions舞台指示 Spectacle奇观 Monologue独白 Soliloquy独自一人独

白 Aside旁白 Act Scene场景 Set设置

1. The three great representative achievements in literature

①Edmund Spencer?s The Shepherd?s Calendar and Faerie Queen ②Francis Bacon?s Essays ③William Shakespeare?s dramas 2.了解莎士比亚的生平,文学地位。? One of the most remarkable playwrights and poets in the world. ? His greatness depends on his penetrating exposition of human nature, lively paintings of human life and truthful refle ctions of human reality. ? He is famous for his character portrayal and plot construction. ? He is a master of English language. ? He exerts a great influences on the writers after him. 一个世界上最引人注目的剧作家和诗人。?他的伟大取决于他穿透博览会的人性,人类生活的生动的画作和真实的反映了人类现实。?他以他的性格刻画和情节结构。?他是一个英语的主人。?他施加影响的作家。3.了解莎士比亚的主要作品及创作特点,重点掌握Hamlet, Sonnet 18

的内容、艺术特点、主题, Prince Hamlet的性格特征。

(1)38 plays + 154 sonnets +2 long poems. His Great Comedies: “ A Midsummer Night’s Dream”“ The Merchant of Venice”“ As You Like It”“ Twelfth Night”(《仲夏夜之梦》、《威尼斯商人》、《皆大欢喜》、《第十二夜》) His Great Tragedies: “ Othello”“ King Lear”“ Mac Beth”“Hamlet”(《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》、《哈姆雷特》)(2)他的戏剧的特点:。现实主义b方法的适应性,广泛的借鉴。★(3)Hamlet ? The first of his great tragedies, which is a revenge story. ? The hypocrisy and treacher y and general corruption at the royal court has been presented. ? Contrast is an important structur al principle used in the play. ? The revenge theme is interrelated with the themes of faithlessness, love and ambition.哈姆雷特?第一大悲剧,这是一个复仇的故事。?虚伪和背叛和一般腐败皇家法院提出了。?对比是一种很重要的结构原理用于玩。?不贞的复仇主题与主题相关的,爱情和野心。▲Themes:Relationships between father and son, mother and son, and Hamlet and his friends Ac tion and inaction Corrupt power and power corrupting The most significant existential questio ns; the existence of a god; “to be or not to be;”“if it be now....”The meaning and possibilities of stagecraft主题:父亲和儿子之间的关系,母亲和儿子,和哈姆雷特和他的朋友们行动和不作为腐败的权力和权力腐败最重要的生存问题,神的存在,“是或不是,”“如果现在是....“演出技术的意义和可能性▲The character of Hamlet: a humanist, free from prejudices and superstitions. Love the world ins tead of the heaven. ②treat people with love. Disgusted with uncle?s drunkenness. Shocked by mother?s shallowness. ③intellectual genius outstanding. Close observer. Sum up in “ Denmark is a prison”.人文主义,摆脱偏见和迷信。爱世界,而不是天堂。②治疗患有爱。讨厌叔叔醉酒。震惊母亲”浅薄。③知识天才杰出。密切观察者。总结“丹麦是一个监狱”★(4)Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? 我怎么能够把你来比作夏天?Thou art more lovely and more temperate: 你不独比它可爱也比它温婉:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, 狂风把五月宠爱的嫩蕊作践,And summer's lease hath all too short a date: 夏天出赁的期限又未免太短:Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, 天上的眼睛有时照得太酷烈,And often is his gold complexion dimmed, 它那炳耀的金颜又常遭掩蔽:And every fair from fair sometime declines, 被机缘或无常的天道所摧折,By chance, or nature's changing course untrimmed: 没有芳艳不终于雕残或销毁。But thy eternal summer shall not fade, 但是你的长夏永远不会雕落,Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st, 也不会损失你这皎洁的红芳,Nor shall death brag thou wand'rest in his shade, 或死神夸口你在他影里漂泊,When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st, 当你在不朽的诗里与时同长。

So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, 只要一天有人类,或人有眼睛,So long lives this, and this gives life to thee. 这诗将长存,并且赐给你生命。? The most famous and well-loved one of all sonnets . ? The stability of love and its power to im mortalize the poetry are its theme. ? Shakespeare expresses a point that as long as there are breath s in mankind, ▲Sonnet 18 is one of the most beautiful sonnets written by Shakespeare, in which he has a profound meditation on the destructive power of time and the eternal beauty brought forth by poetry to the one he loves. ▲Theme of the Poem:Literature will keep transient beauty ever lasting. 最著名的和美妙的十四行诗。?爱和稳定的诗歌受到它的力量是它的主题。?莎士比亚表达一个观点,只要人类有呼吸,▲十四行诗18是一种最美丽的莎士比亚十四行诗写的,他有一个深刻的反思时间的破坏力和永恒的美丽诗歌他所爱的。▲这首诗的主题:文学将短暂的永恒的美。▲修辞:Simile比喻、Metaphor隐喻、Personification拟人、Rhetorical Question反问 4. 掌握无韵诗(blank verse

)的特征;Blank verse is poetry written in unrhymed iambic pentameter. 英语格律诗的一种。每行用五个长短格音步――十个音节组成,每首行数不拘,不压韵。音步类型都采取抑扬格五音步。不押韵的诗称无韵诗或白体诗。多用在戏剧和叙事诗中。 5.

掌握《哈姆雷特》中反映出来的人文精神。结合人文主义回答(对于颠倒混乱的社会现实表现出深深的忧虑,呼唤理性、秩序和新的道德理想、社会理想。表达了对美好人性的追求向往、对现实中被欲望和罪恶玷污的人性的深刻批判。) 6. 了解培根的主要作品,写作特点。熟悉 Of Studies 的内容,学会分析其写作特点。(1)Major Works Essays (1594) (随笔)The Advancement of Learning (1605)(《学问的发展》)Great Instauration and Novum Organum (1620)——伟大的复兴和新工具 New Atlantis (posthumous) (2)写作特点:Bacon's essays are noted for heir clearness, brevity and force of expression. Bacon's chief concern is to express his thought with clearness and in as few words as possible. His sentences are short, p ointed, incisive, and often of balanced structure. Many of them have become wise old sayings. Ge nerally Speaking, Bacon's literary Writing Style of Bacon's style has three prominent qualities: dir ectness, terseness, and forcefulness. 培根的散文是继承人清晰指出,简洁和表达的力量。培根的主要关心的是清楚表达他的思想和尽可能少的单词。句子很短,指出,尖锐,和通常的平衡结构。它们之中的许多品种已经成为智慧语录。一般来说,培根的培根文学写作风格的风格有三个突出的品质:直接、简洁、有力。(3)Of Studies 的内容:①reading makes a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man. ②histories make men wise, poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral, gr ave; logic and rhetoric, able to contend .③Studies serve for delight. ①阅读使人充实,交谈使人机敏,写作使人严谨。②读史使人明智,诗人、使人灵秀;数学,微妙的;自然哲学使人深刻,道德使人庄重;逻辑修辞学,善辩。③研究为喜悦。

7. 了解诗歌格律,掌握iambic pentameter.

Iambic rhythms come relatively naturally in English. Iambic pentameter is the most common mete r in English poetry; it is used in many of the major English poetic forms, including blank verse, th e heroic couplet, and some of the traditional rhymed stanza forms. William Shakespeare used iamb ic pentameter in his plays and sonnets 8. define the terms: Renaissance, sonnet. 抑扬格的节奏是相对自然的英语。抑扬格五音步在英语诗歌是最常见的计;用在许多主要的英语诗歌形式,包括无韵诗,英雄偶句诗,和一些传统的押韵节形式。威廉·莎士比亚在他的戏剧中使用抑扬格五音步和十四行诗8.定义条款:复兴,十四行诗。

Part V The 17th Century English Literature: The Period of Revolution and Restoration


(1)影响:The Puritan Movement aimed to make man honest and to make man free. Puritanism was the reli gious doctrine of the revolutionary bourgeoisie during this period. It preached thrift, sobriety, hard work, but with very little extravagant enjoyment of the fruits of labor. Worldly pleasures were con demned as harmful. So in the triumph of Puritanism under Cromwell, severe laws were passed, ma ny simple pleasures were forbidden and an austere standard of living was forced upon an unwillin g people. The London theaters were closed in 1642. The whole spirit of the movement: fighting fo r liberty and justice,overthrowing despotism and making men’s life and property safe from the tyranny of rulers. 清教徒运动旨在使人诚实和使人自由。清教主义是革命的资产阶级的宗教教义在此期间,它倡导节俭,节制、艰苦的工作,但是很少有人奢侈享受劳动的果实。世俗的乐趣被谴责为有害的。因此,在清教主义的胜利在克伦威尔,严厉的法律被通过,很多简单的快乐被禁止和简朴的生活标准是强迫不情愿的人。伦敦剧院在1642年被关闭。整个的精神运动:争取自由和正义,推翻专制,使人的生命和财产安全的专制统治者。

(2)Poetry Two diverse poetic traditions—the Cavalier (Jonson) and the metaphysical (Donne ) A great poet of the century, John Milton Joh n Dryden --- the foremost poet of Restoration 诗歌两个不同诗学传统文化骑士(琼森)和形而上学(多恩)的世纪,伟大的诗人弥尔顿约翰?德莱顿- - -恢复的最重要的诗人

(3)Drama Ben Jonson: classical models & worldly, peculiarly English wit A host of successful pla ywrights, including John Webster (ca. 1580-1638), Francis Beaumont (ca. 1584-1616) and his coll aborator John Fletcher (1579-1625), Philip Massinger (1583-1640), Thomas Middleton (1580-162 7), John Ford (ca. 1586-1655), and James Shirley (1596-1666).罗摩本·琼森:经典模型与世俗的,特别英语智慧一系列成功的剧作家,包括约翰·韦伯斯特(1580 - 1638),弗朗西斯·博蒙特(ca。1584 - 1616年)和他的合作者约翰·弗莱彻(1579 - 1625),菲利普集结(1583 - 1640),托马斯·米德尔顿(1580 - 1627),约翰·福特(ca,1586 - 1655)和詹姆斯·雪莉(1596 - 1666)。(4)Prose Francis Bacon : Essays The classic King James Version of the Bible (1611) Dryden?s Essay on Dramatic Poesy The fiction prose represented by John Bunyan?s Pilgrim?s Progress. 散文培根:散文经典詹姆斯国王版《圣经》(1611)德莱顿的论戏剧诗歌小说散文代表约翰·班扬“朝圣者”年代的进步。2.了解玄学派诗歌的总体特征。Metaphysical Poets:a more colloquial language, a single-minded working of one theme. 3. 掌握three Johns: John Donne, John Milton, John Bunyan

的代表作品,写作特点。(1)John Donne :Special features ① Conceits:奇思Donne's famous analogy of parting lovers to a drawing compass affords a prime example. Th ese conceits offer brilliant and multiple insights into the subject of the metaphor and help give rise to the much-praised ambiguity of Donne's lyrics

②Wit: 机智Wit lashes through his prose and poetic works; wit kindles his edifices, conceits and subjects; wit also helps build up tensions and movements in his poems.

③Imagery: Erudite, fanciful and homely, Donne?s images reveal the width of intellectual explorations and give his poems a texture so different fro m the florid and diffuse Elizabethan poetry.

④ Dramatic and conversational style: Most of Donne?s poems employ a central speaker who takes effort to argue, to persuade, to analyse or to confess. His voice resembles that of stage characters in the sense that the messages are conveyed in conver sations. j ohn多恩:特点①自负:奇思多恩的著名比喻分手的恋人绘图指南针提供一个典型的例子。这些自负提供杰出的和多个见解的主题隐喻和帮助产生赞扬歧义多恩的歌词




(2)John Milton (Lycidas (1637) 《列西达斯》、Areopagitica (1644) 《论出版自由》 Paradise Lost 、Samson Agonistes (1671) 《力士参孙》)

(3)John Bunyan (The Pilgrim’s Progress (Part Ⅰ, 1678)、The Pilgrim’s Progress (Part Ⅱ,1684)、The Holy War)

4. 掌握John Donne的Song, A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning, Sonnet: Death be not proud 的主题、艺术特色。

(1)Theme of song: the lack of constancy, unfaithfulness and changeability of women. Characteristic : ambiguous, not hinting at the subject matter of the poem

(2) A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning:the finding of love and the possession of love. Characteristic: wit

(3)Sonnet Death be not proud:Man is superior to death;Death has not right to be proud;since human beings do not die but live eternally after …one short sleep.?;Death is but momentary while happiness after death is eternal. 艺术特色: symbolism, imagery, wordplay

5.掌握John Milton的诗歌特征,重点掌握Paradise Lost (Book I)节选的内容,学会分析撒旦的性格特征;掌握其Sonnet的主题内容,艺术特色。

(1)Features of His Poetry:Milton is a great revolutionary poet of the 17th century. Milton is a gre at stylist. His poetry has a grand style. Milton is a great master of blank verse. 他的诗歌的特点:弥尔顿是十七世纪的伟大的革命诗人。弥尔顿是一个伟大的设计师。他的诗歌风格。弥尔顿是一个伟大的无韵诗的主人。

? Writing skills

1.Grand style(宏大风格):sublimity(崇高) of thought;majesty(雄伟) of expression

2.Blank verse(无韵诗\素体诗):unrhymed(不押韵的);iambic pentameter(抑扬格五音步)

★(2)Ⅰ、themes of Paradise Lost: ①The fall of man:First Satan falls, then man falls. ②Freedom and choiceAdam falls by consciously choosing human love rather than obeying God. II、The poem ,on the surface, was "to justify the ways of God to man", i. e. to preach submission to t he Almighty. But under the surface, the main idea of the poem is the heroic revolt against God's authority. 《失乐园》的主题:①的男人:首先撒旦瀑布,然后下降。②自由和choiceAdam下降有意识地选择人类的爱,而不是服从上帝。二世,这首诗,从表面上看,是“证明上帝的方式人”,即。传提交全能者。但在表面上,这首诗的主旨是英勇的反抗上帝的权威。

▲(3)Satan (Lucifer) Character Analysis:

As a real hero, a rebel with the unconquerable will. A proud rebel who will not submit even th ough he has been defeated. His egoistic pride, his false conception of freedom, and his alienation from all good. A liar who knowingly chose evil and against his nature His despairing consciousne ss of his own evil and damnation 作为一个真正的英雄,一个反抗不可征服的意志。骄傲的叛军谁将不提交,尽管他也被打败了。自私自利的骄傲,他的错误观念的自由,和他疏远所有好。骗子故意选择邪恶和反对他的自然他的绝望意识自己的邪恶和诅咒

(4)①The sonnet presents religious doubt within the narrator regarding his relationship to God and to his work as service to God.

②The structure :Petrarchan(彼特拉克体) a dialogue in the form of a question and an answer. The sonnet presents religious doubt within The narrator regarding his relationship to God and to his work as a service to God.

(2) The structure: The Petrarchan (petrarch body) a dialogue in The form of a question and an answer.对话的形式问题和答案。十四行诗提出宗教怀疑在旁白关于他对上帝和他的关系作为服务工作的神。


6.掌握John Bunyan作品的特征,


(1)Story:A tale of adventure on a perilous path, encountering giants, wild beasts, hobgoblins, etc.

(2)Special features:The most successful religious allegory in English language Vivid characteriz ation: Travelers who represent states of the soul, or moral attitudes Style: Modeled on the prose s tyle of the English Bible; Simple diction; colloquial expressions; and straightforward sentence stru ctures特色:最成功的宗教寓言英语生动的描述:旅行者,他们代表的是国家的灵魂,或道德态度风格:模仿英文圣经的散文风格,简单的用语,俗语,简单的句子结构

7. define the term: conceit,

Part VI The 18th Century English Literature: The Age of Enlightenment in England 1.了解欧洲启蒙运动对英国文学的影响;了解18世纪英国文学的整体特征;掌握不同流派的特点和代表作家及作品

; (1)It is an age of prose rather than poetry. There are three main divisions: ① the reign of classicism ② the revival of romantic poetry ③he beginnings of the modern novels 这是一个散文,而不是诗歌的时代。有三个主要部门:①古典主义的统治②浪漫主义诗歌的复兴③他现代小说的开端

(2)I Neo-Classicism 古典主义:John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Jonathan Swift, Joseph Addison, Richard Steele, Henry Fielding, S amuel Johnson, Oliver Goldsmith, Edward Gibbon, etc.

II Realistic Novels 现实主义:Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Oliver Goldsmith,Tobias George Smollett

III Sentimentalism 感伤主义:Laurence Sterne?s A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy (1768) Goldsmith?s The Vicar of Wakefield (1766) Thomas Gray?s “An Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” (1750), Goldsmith?

s “The Deserted Village” (1770)

IV Gothic Novels 哥特式小说散文:The Castle of Otranto《奥特兰托城堡》 (1760),

by Horace Walpole (beginning of the Gothic novel in England) Mysteries of Udolpho《奥多芙的神秘》 (1790s) by Anne Radcliffe (the perfect sentimental gothic ) Frankenstein 《弗兰肯斯坦》 (1817) by Mary Shelley Ⅴ Pre-romanticism 前浪漫主义:: William Blake; Robert Burns 3. 了解新古典主义的创作特点及蒲伯的贡献;(1)Neoclassicism: It found its artistic models in the classical literature of the ancient Greek and Roma n writers like Homer, Virgil, Horace, etc. and in the contemporary French writers such as V oltaire and Diderot(狄德罗). It put the stress on the classical artistic ideal of order, logic, proportion, restrained emotion, accuracy, good taste and decorum.

(2)Alexander Pope(蒲柏)His contribution: ①An outstanding enlightener and the greatest English poet of the classical school.

②He was a master in the art of poetry and he is so perfect in using heroic couplets (英雄双韵体)that no one has been able to approach him. 新古典主义:它发现其艺术模型在古代希腊和罗马的古典文学作家像荷马、维吉尔、贺拉斯、等,在当代法国作家伏尔泰、狄德罗等(狄德罗)。它把压力对古典艺术的理想秩序,逻辑,比例,克制情感,准确性、品味和礼仪。




③He was at best in satire and epigram and was an example of conscious literary artist.③他在讽刺和警句,充其量是一个有意识的文学艺术家的例子。

4. 了解英国现实主义小说的兴起、基本特征,小说知识(1)①它偏重对现实的客观的、具体的、历史的描写,强调人物和环境之间的现实关系。②典型是现实主义创作的核心。”。

③具有强烈的批判性或揭露性,特别注重描绘社会的黑暗和丑恶现象,以及社会下层、“小人物”的悲惨遭遇。④在艺术形式和表现手法上,以生活本身的形式反映生活为其基本形式,但不局限于这一形式。⑤思想基础一般为资产阶级的人道主义。(1) its focus on the reality of the objective, concrete, the description of history, emphasizes the reality of the relationship between people and environment.(2) typical is the core of the realism creation.". (3) has strong critical or JieLouXing, with a special focus on depicting dark and evils of society, as well as social underclass, the sad fate of the "little guy". (4) on the art form and technique of expression, in the form of life itself reflects life as its basic form, but is not limited to this form. (5) ideological basis for the bourgeois humanitarian in general.(2)Elements of Fiction(小说要素):Theme、Plot and structure、Character、Setting、Point of view、Language and style

5. 掌握哥特小说及感伤主义作品的特征;

(1)The Gothic novel: the novel which exploits the possibilities of mystery and terror in gloomy lands capes, decaying mansions with dark dungeons, secret passages, instruments of torture, ghostly visi tations ghostly music behind which lurks no one knows what as the central story, the persecution of a beautiful maiden by an obsessed and haggard villain. 哥特式小说:小说利用神秘和恐怖的可能性在悲观的风景,腐烂的豪宅与黑暗的地牢,秘密通道,仪器的酷刑,幽灵般的降临幽灵般的音乐背后隐藏着没有人知道为中心的故事,一个漂亮的少女的迷上的迫害和野性的反派角色。

(2)Writers of sentimentalism justly criticized the cruelty of the capitalist relations and the gross social

injustices brought about by the bourgeois revolutions. But they attacked the progressive aspect of this great social change in order to eliminate it and sighed for the return of the patriarchal times w hich they idealized. 作家的感情主义公正的批评资本主义的残酷关系和资产阶级革命所带来的社会不公正。但他们袭击了这个伟大的社会变革的进步方面为了消除它,叹了口气他们理想化的父权时代的回归。6.了解Defoe的文学地位、代表作品、写作特点。掌握Robinson Crusoe



(1)①地位:Defoe is a great realist. The charm of his novels is their intense sense of reality, which is embodied in succession of thoughts, feelings and incidents that are easily recognized to be credibly true to li fe. The readers can see the essence of the aristocratic-bourgeois society. Defoe gave his story the q uality of factual truth from his observation of nature and society, moreover, he is a novelist of stro ng imagination. 笛福是一个伟大的现实主义者。他的小说的魅力是他们强烈的真实感,这是体现在一系列的思想、情感和事件,很容易认出可信地逼真。读者可以看到aristocratic-bourgeois社会的本质。笛福给了他的故事的质量从他的观察自然与社会事实的真相,此外,他是一个强大的想象力的小说家。

②Major Works:Roxana《罗克萨娜》 Robinson Crusoe Captain Singleton《辛格顿船长》 Colonel Jacque 《杰克上校》 A Journal of the Plague Year 《瘟疫年记事》 Moll Flanders 《摩尔·弗兰德斯》

③Special features:Defoe is an anti-romantic, anti-feudal realistic writer. His stories are all real c oncerns of his time. Defoe adopted the autobiographical form and made full use of his long traine d journalistic skill by describing things in great detail and by using specific time and space. Defo e?s style is characterized by a plain, smooth, easy, direct, and almost colloquial but never coarse lang uage. ④Language Diction: plain, smooth, easy, direct, and colloquial but never coarse Syntax: long, ram bling sentences without strong pauses to give his style an urgent, immediate, breathless quality, bu t the units of meaning are small and clear with frequent repetition so that the writing gives an impr ession of simple lucidity. 特点:笛福是一个anti-romantic,反封建现实的作家。他的故事都是真实的担忧他的时代。笛福采用自传体形式和充分利用他的长期训练的新闻技巧详细描述事情,通过使用特定的时间和空间。笛福”年代风格的特点是平原,光滑,简单,直接,而且几乎口语但从不粗语言。④语言用语:平原,光滑,简单,直接,和口语但从不粗语法:长,冗长的句子没有强大的停顿给他的风格一个紧急的,直接的,喘不过气来的质量,但意义很小的单位和清晰的频繁重复,这样写作提供了一个简单明朗的印象。

(2)Robinson Crusoe的故事梗概:鲁滨逊——星期五

艺术特色:journalistic truth with many vivid details;simple and plain sentence structure and language;first person point of view;natural order in narrations.新闻事实与许多生动的细节,简单朴素的句子结构和语言,第一个人的观点,在解说自然秩序。

7.了解Swift的代表作品,写作特点。掌握Gulliver' s Travels的故事梗概,寓言特征。掌握 A Modest Proposal的内容、主题及艺术特色。

(1)①代表作:A Tale of a Tub(一个木桶的故事)The Battle of the Books (书的战争)Gulliver’s travels A Modest Proposal(一个温和的建议)②Special features: A writer of satiric prose with a style of great simplicity, directness and vigor. His writings : easy, clear, simple, and concrete diction, uncomplicated syntax, economy and concis

eness of language.特色:一个作家的讽刺的散文风格的简单,直率和活力。他的作品:简单、清晰、简单和具体的用语,简单的语法,经济和简洁的语言。(2)①故事梗概:Lilliput(小人国)→Brobdingnag (大人国)→Laputa(拉普塔岛)→Houyhnhnms(慧骃国) ②Themes: a satire on the 18th-century English society the wickedness of the then English society the ugliness of human nature Book IV has always presented problems to critics. By one interpr etation, Gulliver judges rightly in perceiving his fellow human beings as essentially Yahoos. The Houyhnhnms exemplify an ideal to which human beings should aspire, although they can never re ach it; to call attention to the monotony of their lives or the failure of their curiosity only reveals th e reader?s participation in human depravity. 主题:在18世纪的英国社会讽刺当时英国社会的邪恶丑陋人性的第四本书一直问题提出批评。一种解释,格列佛法官正确地感知他的人类本质上雅虎。慧骃国的例证人类应该追求的理想,虽然他们永远不能达到它;,呼吁人们关注他们生活的单调或他们的好奇心的失败只揭示了读者的参与人类的堕落。(3)①内容:A modest proposal for preventing the children of poor people in Ireland from being a burden to the ir parents or country, and for making them beneficial to the public. ②It is the expression of Swift's indignation toward the terrible oppression and exploitation of the Iris h people by the English ruling class. Assuming the cool tone of an impartial outsider, the author su ggests that children of the poor Irish people be sold at one year old as food for the English nobles. The apparent eagerness and sincerity add force to the bitter irony and biting sarcasm.温和的建议,防止在爱尔兰穷人的孩子被他们的父母的负担或国家,并让他们对公众有益。②这是斯威夫特的愤慨的表达向可怕的压迫和剥削爱尔兰人民的英国统治阶级。假设冷静的语气一个公正的局外人,作者表明,穷人的孩子爱尔兰人被出售在一岁作为英国贵族食品。明显的热心和真诚的力量添加到苦涩的讽刺和尖锐的讽刺。

8. 熟悉Gray《墓园挽歌》(Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard)的内容、主题及写作特点。(1)最初是为了哀悼他在伊顿公学读书时的好友里查德·韦斯特,至少诗末所附的“墓志铭”是为他而作。但纵观全诗,其内容已经明显超越了对某个具体人物的哀思,而是通过对乡村一处墓地的描写,表达对下层默默无闻的人民的深切同情。对他们纯朴善良品质的赞扬,为他们没有机会施展天赋和才华而惋惜,同时也表现了对权贵、人间虚荣的蔑视和嘲讽,对大人物傲慢奢侈生活的谴责。这首诗充分体现了格雷的民主思想。Was originally intended to mourn while he is reading in eton college friends in Richard west, at least at the end of the poem "epitaph" is attached to him.But throughout the poem, its content is clearly beyond the grief of a particular character, but through a cemetery in the country, expressed deep sympathy for the bottom of the unknown people.Simple good quality praise to them, for they have no chance to use gifts and talents and regret, also showed the dignitaries as their agents, human vanity contempt and ridicule, condemnation of big arrogant extravagant life.This poem fully embodies the gray's democratic thought(2)Themes :1) Death: the Great Equalizer均衡,平等 2)Missed Opportunities 3)Virtue 美德

9. 了解Blake的代表作品,熟悉London; The Tiger;The Chimney Sweeper的内容、主题、艺术特色及象征意义。(1)Major Works:Songs of Innocence (天真之歌), Songs of Experience (经验之歌) Marriage of Heaven and Hell (天堂与地狱的结合), a few prophetic books(一些预言书), (2)①The dominating theme in the poem is Nature. London is not introduced in its negative aspect, but i t is inserted in natural scenery. The author describes the beauty of the city as the towers, the cathed rals, the theatres and the temples. Wordsworth personifies the city along with the earth and the sun . This reiterates his conviction that the city, at this particular point of day, does not clash with natur e but becomes a part of it. 诗的主题是自然。伦敦不是介绍了其消极的一面,但它是插入自然风光。作者

描述了美丽的城市塔、教堂、剧院和寺庙。华兹华斯体现这座城市以及地球和太阳。这重申他坚信,在这个特殊的日子,不与自然冲突而成为它的一部分。②The poem is full of the duality (二元性) of the tiger’s horrid power – horrible, yet in a way that inspires mortal awe. 这首诗充满了老虎的可怕力量的二元性——可怕的,然而,激发人类敬畏。③This poem shows that the children have a very positive outlook on life. They make the best of thei r lives and do not fear death. 这首诗显示了孩子们有一个非常积极的人生观。他们做出最好的自己的生活,不要害怕死亡。

10.了解Burns的代表作品、写作特点,熟悉A Red,Red Rose,并学会分析其艺术特色。(1)①

Major Works Poems Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect (1786) Select Collection of Original Scottish Airs(1792)②Characteristics: Poetic qualities Love, humor, pathos to touch the human heart Embody new spi rit of Romanticism The singing quality Simple and musical language (2)“A Red, Red Rose”:simile & metaphor:rich traditional associations of the rose.→love 特点:诗歌品质爱,幽默,哀婉动人的触摸人类心脏体现新浪漫主义精神唱歌质量简单和音乐语言(2)“红色,红玫瑰”:明喻和隐喻:丰富的玫瑰。→爱传统协会

11.Define the term: enlightenment; allegory

Part VII The Romantic Period: Romanticism in England

1.了解英国浪漫主义文学的整体特征和影响;掌握英国浪漫主义文学的代表作(1)Schools of romanticists ? Pre-romanticists :William Blake、 Robert Burns (2)Escapist romanticists:William Wordsworth、Samuel Taylor Coleridge、Robert Southey (3)Active romanticists:George Gordon Byron 、Percy Bysshe Shelley、 John Keats 、Charles Lamb、Walter Scott

2.了解华兹华斯和柯勒律治的《抒情民谣》(Lyrical Ballads)及其地位;(1)Coauthored(合著) by Wordsworth and Coleridge (2)地位:①Marked the beginning of the Romantic Movement. Preface became the landmark of this new litera ry trend and states all the basic principles of this new poetic species. 标志着浪漫主义运动的开始。序言成为这种新的文学潮流的地标和州所有的基本原则这一新的诗歌的物种。②It is regarded as the manifesto(宣言) of the English Romanticism Movement. 3. 了解Wordsworth的代表作品、诗学主张,创作特点。熟悉诗歌: She Dwelt Among the Untrodden Ways; I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud; Sonnet: Composed up on Westminster Bridge; The Solitary Reaper,掌握诗歌分析方法。

(1)The Prelude 《序曲》

(2In the preface of "Lyrical Ballads", he set forth his principles of peotry. ① "All good poetry i s the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings" appealed directly to individual sensations as the foundation in the creation and appreciation of poetry②The true function of poetry lies in its power to give an unexpected splendor to familiar and commo nplace things. (humble, rustic life as subject-matter) ③As to language, he endeavored to bring his language near to the real language of man. deliberate si mplicity, refusal to decorate, the truth of expression, produced a kind of pure and profound poetry with no other then poet has ever equaled.在“抒情诗集”的序言,他提出他的诗歌的原则。①“一切好诗是强烈感情的自发溢出”直接上诉到个人感觉为基础的创造和欣赏诗歌②诗歌真正的功能在于它给熟悉的一个意想不到的辉煌和司空见惯的事情。(谦卑,乡村生活为主题)③语言,他努力使自己的语言接近故意通过彼此的真实语言简单,拒绝装修,事实的表达,产生一种纯粹而深刻的诗歌没有其他诗人曾经等于。

(3)Literary Style:①Influenced from the spirit of the French Revolution. ②Theme: Broke tradition, seeking his subjects in the small happenings of country life and the talk of countrymen, children, and doings and feelings of humble people, and emotion from his inner hear t. ③Language: He stuck to emphasizing the purest by simplest words. ①从法国大革命的精神影响。

②主题:打破传统,寻求他的臣民在乡村生活的小事情和同胞们的谈话,孩子,和谦卑的人的行为和感受,从他的内心和情感。③语言:他坚持强调纯粹简单的单词。4.了解Byron的代表作品,掌握拜伦式的英雄,了解 Don Juan的故事梗概,主题、艺术特点。

(1)Literary Works :1) Hours of Idleness 《闲暇时刻》《消闲时光》2) The English Bards and Scott Reviewers 《英国诗人和苏格兰评论家》3)Child Harold’s Pilgrimage 《恰尔德·哈罗德游记》 4)Hebrew Melodies《西伯来歌曲》(2)Byronic hero, an idealized but flawed character that pervades much of Byron’s work. 1) being a rebel; 2) having a distaste for social institutions; 3) being an exile; 4) expre ssing a lack of respect for rank and privilege; 5) having great talent; 6) hiding an unsavory(令人不快的) past; 7) being highly passionate; 8) ultimately, being self-destructive 拜伦的英雄,一个理想化的但有缺陷的性格,弥漫着拜伦的大部分工作。1)作为一个反抗;2)拥有一个厌恶社会机构;3)作为一个放逐;4)表达缺乏尊重头衔和特权;5)拥有伟大的人才;6)隐藏一个令人讨厌的(令人不快的)过去;7)高度热情;8)最终自我毁灭(3)Don Juan 《唐璜》主人公唐璜是西班牙贵族青年,16岁时与一贵族少妇发生爱情纠葛,母亲为了避免丑事远扬,迫使他出海远航。唐璜在海上遇到风暴,船沉后游抵希腊一小岛,得到海盗女儿海蒂的相救。他们产生了牧歌式的真诚爱情。但是海盗归来,他们的爱情被摧毁。此后,唐璜被当作奴隶送到土耳其市场出卖。被卖入土耳其苏丹的后宫为奴供一位王后享用。但是,唐璜一心思念天真纯洁的海甸。逃出后参加了俄国围攻伊斯迈城的战争,立下战功后被派往彼得堡向女皇叶卡捷琳娜报捷,得到女皇的青睐,成为宠臣。唐璜被派遣到英国谈判。他一直认为伦敦是个自由之都,直到他被人打劫了。唐璜被英国上流社会接纳。他这儿的人“把爱情一半当荣耀,一半当买卖”。他的行为又恰恰同他的认识相违背,他在这儿同不少的贵族妇女勾勾搭搭。Don Juan is a young Spanish aristocracy, 16 years old with a noble young woman love entanglement, mother in order to avoid scandal, forcing him to sea.Don Juan in a storm at sea, the ship sank after swimming on a Greek island, the pirates get daughter Hattie's rescue.They produced the idyllic sincere love.But the pirates return, their love is destroyed.Since then, don Juan betrayed by as slaves to the Turkish market.Sold into the Ottoman sultan harem into slavery for a queen.But, don Juan hai dian innocent and pure.Escape and took part in the Russian siege of the city of Mr Michael war, after her fellow was sent to Petersburg to queen Catherine will click, get the favour of the queen, become a minion.Don Juan was sent to the UK.He think that London is a freedom, until he was robbed.Don Juan was admitted to the British society.He the people here love half when the glory, half when buying and selling ".His behavior was conflict with his knowledge, he was here with a lot of noble women nedra wonders.

Themes: It presents a panoramic view of different types of society: the lives and manners of many countries It shows Byron?s fiery passions for the liberation of the Greek people It gi ves poet?s bitter satire on the sham and hypocrisy in love, religion and the social relations of his t ime. 它给诗人的苦涩的讽刺虚假和伪善在爱情中,宗教与社会的关系。?了拜伦的炽热的激情希腊人民的解放?提出了不同类型的社会全景:许多国家的生活和礼仪

5.了解Shelley的代表作品,创作特点,熟悉并掌握Ode to the West Wind的内容、艺术特点、主题,掌握“wind”的象征意义。

(1)The Necessity of Atheism, 《无神论的必然性》 Queen Mab, 《仙后麦布》The Revolt of Islam 《伊斯兰的反叛》 Prometheus Unbound,《解放了的普罗米修

斯》 The Masque of Anarchy, 《专制者的假面游行》“Ode to the West Wind”,“西风颂” A Defence of Poetry, 《诗辩》(2)Features of Shelley?s Poetry: Rich in myth, symbols and classical allusions, short poems on nature and love. Strong dramatic power as shown in the rapidity of his lines; Style abounds i n personification and metaphor and other figures of speech.丰富的神话、符号和经典典故,短诗对自然和爱。风格丰富拟人和比喻等修辞手法υ强烈的戏剧性的力量所示台词的速度;υ▲(3)

Ode to the West Wind ①This poem was conceived and chiefly written in a wood that skirts the Arno, near Florence, on a d ay when that tempestuous wind, whose temperature is at once mild and animating, was collecting t he vapors which pour down the autumnal rains. They begin, as I foresaw, at sunset, with a violent t empest of hail and rain, attended by that magnificent thunder and lightning peculiar to the Cisalpin e regions. ▲②Theme 1). It expresses Shelley?s optimistic belief that the old world must go, a new world mu st come with the spring, faden with fresh sweet promises for suffering humanity. It anticipates the political triumph. 2). The poet asks the wind to work in him, restoring him to spiritual health a nd creative vigor. ▲③the symbolic meaning of “ the West Wind”: 1) regeneration which follows the destruction an d death of winter 2) the wind of spirit and inspiration 3) the destructive and revolutionary en ergies that had been seen in Europe 4) an abstract expression or manifestation of the spirit withi n nature 歌唱西风①这首诗构思,主要用木材,裙子阿诺,佛罗伦萨附近,在一天的风,温度是温和的,动画的是收集倾泻而下的蒸汽秋雨。他们开始,我预见到,日落时分,猛烈的暴风雨冰雹和雨,出席的,雄伟的阿尔卑斯山的地区特有的雷声和闪电。1)。它表达了雪莱的旧世界必须乐观的信念,一个新的世界必须与春天,个个都用新鲜甜美的承诺对于人类苦难。预期的政治胜利。?▲②主题2)。诗人问风在他工作,恢复他精神健康和创造性的活力。?4)抽象表达或表现在自然的精神?3)的破坏性和革命的能量一直被认为在欧洲?2)风的精神和灵感?1)再生此前毁灭和死亡的冬天?▲③“西风”的象征意义:

6. 熟悉Keats? Ode on a Grecian Urn内容。

《希腊古瓮颂》:based on any specific Greek vase. This ode is frequently treated as Keats… central poem, with its reiteration(反复) of all the major themes, its richness of imagery, its superb craftsmanship. 根据任何特定的希腊花瓶。这种歌唱经常视为济慈的中央诗,重复(反复)的所有主要的主题,其丰富的意象,其精湛的技艺。

7.了解Jane Austen的代表作品,掌握其创作特色,掌握Sense and Sensibility


(1)First novel:Sense and Sensibility《理智与情感》 Pride and Prejudice《傲慢与偏见》Mansfield Park 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》 Emma《艾玛》 Northanger Abbey《诺桑爵士》 Persuasion 《劝导》(2)Writing Style:①A realistic novelist

②She drew vivid &realistic pictures of every day life of country society in her novel. ③Main concerns: human beings in their personal relations, human beings with their families and nei ghbors ④Language: simple, easy, naturally lucid and very economical ⑤Ways of dealing with her characters: with intensity& detachment, without sentimentalism ⑥Themes: daily life of middle-class in the countryside. ①现实主义小说家②她生动现实的国家社会的日常生活的照片在她的小说。③主要关注:人类在他们的个人关系,人类和他们的家人和邻居④语言:简单、容易,自然清醒,非常经济⑤的方法处理她的角色:与强度超然,没有感情主义⑥主题:在乡村中产阶级的日常生活。(3)Pride and Prejudice:①everyday life of simple country society ②

The story centers around the heroine Elizabeth and the hero Darcy and her sister Jane and his frien d Bingley. In terms of plot, the whole story seems to be composed of ironies. With a negative start on both sides at the beginning of the story, we watch with anxiety the gradual development of love between Darcy and Elizabeth. ③Themes:

AThe marriage is merely for fortune, money and social rank. The tendency to marry for beauty, att raction and passion regardless of economic conditions or personal merits. Ideal marriage :a love match with considerations of the lover?s personal merits and economic conditions. BMoney ( important in marriage market both for women and men ) CClass(Much of the pride an d prejudice in the novel exists because of class divisions.) 傲慢与偏见:①日常生活简单的乡村社会②故事围绕着女主人公伊丽莎白和达西的英雄和她的姐姐简和彬格莱他的朋友。在情节方面,整个故事似乎是由讽刺。负面双方开始在故事的开始,我们看与焦虑的渐进发展达西和伊丽莎白之间的爱。③主题:



④人物分析:Elinor Dashwood:Sensible(通情达理的, 明智的, 懂事的)Composed(镇静的,沉着的)Affectionate(充满深情的,温柔亲切的)Principled(做事有原则的) Marianne Dashwood:Spontaneous(天真率直的, 心血来潮的)Having excessive sensibility(过度感性)Wishful(一厢情愿的) Edward Ferris:Gentle 、Courteous、Faithful、Sensible、Amiable (和蔼可亲的) Colonel Brandon:A Generous retired officer、Honorable、Gracious、Faithful、Having painful experience 8. Define the terms: Romanticism, Ode 慷慨的退役军官,光荣的,亲切的,忠诚的,有痛苦的经历8。定义条款:浪漫主义的颂歌
