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Unit 9 Do you Want to go to a movie?




本单元分为Section A, Section B 以及Self-check三个部分。Section A采用Discussion and guess与Classifying的学习策略, 利用教学图片、幻灯片、实物(电影广告、海报等)或制作课件(各种电影的精彩片段)等来展开课堂教学、Pairwork问答式的口语交际活动与小组活动,进行“询问与谈论喜好”与“制订计划”的课堂教学与练习 Section B的主要内容就是学会根据自己的爱好制订出周末或节假日的行动计划。语音教学——让学生进行模仿操练;词汇教学——采取情景介绍或演示对比的方式进行教学,让学生在情境中操练、理解含义并学会运用;口语教学——采取pairwork问答式的口语交际活动与小组活动互相操练;听力教学——采取图文配对与填写表格的方式;阅读教学:采取比较差别与寻找关键词的



动作片(Action Films)又称为惊险动作片(Action-Adventure Films),就是以强烈紧张的惊险动作与视听张力为核心的影片类型。




纪录影像的文化特征 :1、纪录影像:人类认识与发现世界的手段。2、纪录影像:一种新的表达方式。3、纪录影像:对“真、善、美”的追求

中国纪录影像的文化特征: 1、主旋律纪录影片的“大众化” 2、大众式纪录片的“娱乐化”3、精英式纪录片的精神坚守


纪录片一词就是英国的约翰·格里尔逊最早称呼出来的,她就是纪录片之父弗拉哈迪的弟子。然而她并没有给予纪录片一个完美的定义,究竟什么样的作品能算就是纪录片,围绕这个问题,众多名家都产生过分歧。纪录片美学观的奠基者:维尔托夫、弗拉哈迪。其中维尔托夫开创了“电影眼睛派”,提倡镜头如同人眼一样“出其不意地捕捉生活”,反对人为的扮演,甚至反对带有表演的影片(故事片)。而弗拉哈迪的开山之作《北方的纳努克》却就是由纳努克“真实”扮演而成,最后有现代文明重返原始生活的纳努克甚至因为缺乏过冬食物而死。同为纪录片的先驱,她们的风格却迥异,这也成为日后纪录片流派纷争的源头。50年代的纪录电影运动:五十年代末开始的纪录电影创作潮流实际上由两大纪录电影运动组成,她们分别就是法国导演让·卢什(《夏日纪事》 1961年)为代表的“真实电影”运动以及由美国梅索斯兄弟(《推销员》 1969年)代表的“直接电影”运动。真实电影为参与式电影,允许导演介入到纪录片的拍摄过程中,煽动其中一些剧情的发展。直接电影为观察式电影,力求避免干涉事件的过程,要求导演采取严格的客观立场,以免破坏对象的自然倾向。




Section A







放在Self-check 部分


















KEY:1.Yes,l do. 2.I can have cakes. 3.Yes,I can. 4.I give her a birthday card and a flower. 5.1 write down my best wishes on the card.


并说明喜欢的理由。运用I like…I don’t like…Because it is…等语言结构;然后每个组选派一名代表向全班学生阐述本组组员喜欢观瞧的电影类型;最后汇总,总结出全班同学最喜欢观瞧哪一种类型的电影。如果有可能,根据学生的选择放一部(一段)这种类型的影视节目。通过学生的讨论、调查,使她们在完成任务的过程中学会询问与陈述自己或别人在影视方面的喜好及理由,更好地巩固所学内容。



1、 Shaolin Temple is________ action movie、

A、 a

B、 an

C、 the

D、 /

2、 Jack Chan makes________ movies、

A、 comedy

B、 thriller

C、 documentary

D、 action

3、—What kind of movies does Maria___________?

—She__________ comedies、

A、 like……like

B、 likes…likes

C、 like…likes


4、 David_________ likes Beijing Opera、

A、 also

B、 too

C、 either

D、 doesn’t

5、 Rush Hour is Jackie Chan’s __________ movie、

A、 twelve

B、 twelveth

C、 twelth

D、 twelfth

6、 We don’t go to school_________ weekends、

A、 in

B、 on

C、 of

D、 for

7、 My uncle_________ to see a movie every day、

A、 go

B、 goes

C、 to go

D、 going

8、 I often go to movies_________ my friends、

A、 and

B、 but

C、 with

D、 for

9、 My brother wants_________ a movie actor、

A、 is

B、 be

C、 to be

D、 to is

10、 ________ kind of movies does Brad like?

A、 Whose

B、 What

C、 Where

D、 How

11、 I like English__________ I like Chinese、

A、 and

B、 then

C、 but

D、 or

12、—Let’s go to see a comedy、

— _______________、

A、 Excuse me、

B、 That’s great、

C、 Excuse me、

D、How do you do?

13、—Do the students like action movies?


A、 Yes, they like、

B、 Yes, they likes、

C、 Yes, they do、


Yes, they does、

14、 This is not__________ movie、 It’s ________ movie、

A、 a English; a Chinese

B、 an English; an Chinese

C、 an English; a Chinese

D、 a English; an Chinese

15、 His sister wants ______ to the shop、

A、 go

B、 to go

C、 goes

D、 going


My name __1__ Philip、 Now I live __2__ China、 __3__ Sunday my father often takes me to movies、 My favorite __4__ are action movies、

My father likes them, too、 Many __5__ people like this kind of movies because they're __6__、 My good friend, Jim, likes thrillers __7__、 I don't like thrillers、

I __8__ they are scary and boring、 Jim likes Beijing Opera, __9__、

And he wants to __10__ a Beijing Opera artist、

1、 A、 is B、 be C、 are D、 am

2、 A、 on B、 in C、 at D、 of

3、 A、 In B、 At C、 On D、 For

4、 A、 colors B、 sports C、 books D、 movies

5、 A、 young B、 big C、 small D、 long

6、 A、 exciting B、 boring C、 difficult D、 different

7、 A、 good B、 fine C、 best D、 nice

8、 A、 ask B、 buy C、 have D、 think

9、 A、 too B、 to C、 two D、 also

10、 A、 is B、 am C、 are D、 be



Bob and Frank are good friends、 They often go to movies together(一起)on weekends、 Bob’s favorite actor is Cheng Long、 He has an action movie, Who Am I、 It’s very exciting、 Frank likes the actor Rick Smith、He really likes his movie、 Black September、 Frank thinks it’s a very successful thriller、 Bob and Frank are American(美国人), but they both like Beijing Opera, they think they can learn about Chinese history from these movies、

( )1、 Bob and Frank often_________ together on weekends、

A、 go to school(上学)

B、 go to a movie

C、 are good friends

D、 go to see an action movie

( )2、 Bob’s favorite actor is__________、

A、 Frank

B、 Cheng Long

C、 Beijing

D、 American

( )3、 The film(影片)Black September is_____________、

A、 an action movie

B、 a comedy

C、 Beijing Opera

D、 a


( )4、 Bob and Frank come from____________、

A、 America

B、 China

C、 Japan

D、 England

( )5、 Which of following is false(下列那种说法错误)?

A、 Bob and Frank are good friends、

B、 Who Am I is an action movie、

C、 We can learn about Chinese history from action movies、

D、 Bob and Frank like Beijing Opera、


Mrs、 Jones’ telephone number is 2562781 and the number of the city cinema(电影院)is 2562718、 because the two numbers look the same(一样), some people often make a mistake(弄错)and telephone her when they want the cinema、

One evening, the Jones are having supper at the table、 Just then, the telephone bell rings、 Mrs、 Jones goes to answer the telephone、 A tired(累的)man says, “Excuse me, at what time does your last movie begin?”

“I’m sorry、” says Mrs、 Jones, “But you have the wrong(错误的)number、This is not the cinema、”

“Oh, sorry, it began twenty minutes ago(以前)? Thank you all the same、Goodbye、” Says the man、

Mrs、 Jones is very surprised(惊讶), so she tells her husband(丈夫)the whole thing、 Her husband, Mr、 Jones laughs(笑)and says: “I see、 The man’s wife wants to go to a movie, but he is tired、 He doesn’t want to go to a movie、 So he telephones the cinema、 His wife hears(听见)him, but she can’t hear you、 Now they stay at home this evening, and the husband is very happy and he can have a good rest(休息)at home、”


( )6、 Mrs、 Jones’ telephone number is the same as the number of the city cinema、

( )7、 People often telephone Mrs、 Jones when they want the cinema、( )8、 One evening when the telephone bell rings, they are having supper、

( )9、 the tired man wants to know when the last film begins、

( )10、 the husband is happy to stay at home、



1、 Cheng Long and Li Lianjie are great__________(演员)

2、 I think Bill Gates is a very___________(成功的)businessman(商人)

3、 I like volleyball games; Jack likes them, __________(也)

4、 They u______ read their books in the morning、

5、 I like c______ because they’re funny、


1.一Do you want to go to a m_________? 一Yes,1 want to see a comedy

2.一What k_______ of movies do you like? 一I like action movies.

3.Brad likes comedies and he a_________ likes Beijing Opera.

4.I often go to the park with my parents 0n w_________.

5.0n Sundays l usually s_________ at home and do my homework.

6.My mother tells me an interesting s _________ each evening.

7.My f_________ movie star is Gongli and I like her movies best.

8.I don’t like thrillers because they’re very s_________ .

9.Guo Peng likes comedies and he thinks they’re f________ .

10、 Yao Ming is a very f__________ basketball player in the world


I often 6_____ basketball match(比赛) 7____ TV in the evening、 My

8____ Array _


of the tallest(一名最高的)players in the 11______、 Basketball is an 12_____ and 13______ game、 The important(重要的)thing in this game is teamwork(团队精神)、 I 14______ this game very 15_______、


In my home I have a friend, a very good friend、 (A)名字叫Lily、

She is young and nice、 When(当……时候) I am at school, she plays with

a ball (B)____ lines at home、 At about five o’clock in the afternoon,

she stands at the door and meets me、 When I read books at my desk in the

evening, she sits on my desk or under my chair、 When I go to bed, (C) she

rests under my bed too、

Han Mei and Li Shan like the yellow and white cat very much、 But

when they come to see her after school, she is under the bed, or in a box,

or behind the door、



3、把C句改为同义句:She _______ _______ under my bed、


Han Mei and Li Shan often come to my home to meet me、 ( )

5、回答问题: What color is Lily? _______________



1、 Jane就是一位英语女孩,现在在中国。





一、1-5、 B D C A D 6-10、 B B C C B 11-15、 A B C C B

二、1、A 2、B 3、C 4、D 5、A 6、A 7、C 8、D 9、A 10、D

三、1-5、 B B D A C 6-10、 F T T F T

四、1、 actors 2、 successful 3、 too 4、 usually 5、 comedies

6、 movie

7、 kind

8、 also

9、 weekends 10、 stay 11、 story

12、 favorite 13、 scary 14、 funny 15、 Famous 16、 watch 17、

on 18、 favorite 19、 great 20、 player

21、 world 22、 exciting 23、 interesting 24、 like 25、 Much

五、1、 Her name is Lily、 2、 or 3、 also rests 4、 F 5、 Lily

is yellow and white、

六、 Jane is an English girl、 She is in China now、 She likes Beijing

Opera, funny stories, Chinese action movies and Chinese history、On weekends, she usually stays at home and looks at pictures of Beijing Opera、In a word, she loves China、

























本节课主要围绕movies展开,首先老师教师出示电影广告或海报(最好就是全面反映电影种类的),向学生进行介绍或播放课件:These are movies.This is an action movie.…,同时教学生词。教师可继续谈论I like movies.I like action movies.…,然后问学生:Do you like movies/action movies/…引导学生回答。

教师继续谈论1 want to go to a movie.I want to see an action movie.,然后问学生: Do you want to go to a movie? Do you want to see an action movie?

引导学生回答,从而引出本部分的教学内容。引导学生观察la部分的海报,并把海报与电影种类名词一一配对,完成 la部分的教学任务。


引导学生展开Pairwork活动,完成 1c 部分口语交际的教学任务。让学生先操练所提供的对话,再进行改编交流,学会运用Do you want to…?Yes。 I do./No,I don’t.1 want to…等目标语言。播放2a部分的录音让学生听,引导学生根据所听到的内容将电影类型按顺序进行编号,完成2a部分的教学任务。







仁化二中 Orla 单元整体说明 I.单元教材分析 本单元是九年制义务课程标准实验教科书七年级英语下册第10单元教案。本单元的核心话题是用一般过去时谈论度假等发生在过去的事情。因此“Where did you go on vacation?"" Did you go to the beach? Yes,I did.No,I didn’t.”等是教学的重点。通过对本单元的学习,学生能掌握本单元出现的地点名词,用于询问和回答过去发生的事情的短语和句型。 II.单元知识结构 (1)词汇: museum, exam, New York City; Central Park,exam,were,rainy, delicious,crowded expensive,cheap, water, cry, feel, corner, back, decide, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum, Tian’an Men Square. etc (2)句型: Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp. Did she go to Central Park?Yes,she did.No, she didn’t。 How was the weather? It was humid. (3) 语法:一般过去时特殊疑问句、一般疑问句及肯、否定回答。 III.单元总体目标 1.Master the vocabulary 2.Master and use:Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp· Did she go to Central Park? Yes,she did.No, she didn’t 单元教学重难点一览 重点难点 1.V ocabulary and Expressions2. Grammar Focus:Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp. Did she go on Central Park?Yes, she did./ No, she didn’t Use the simple past tense to talk about activities that happened in the past in English with the foll owing sentences:Where did you go on vacation?Did you go to…?Yes. … /No,… IV.单元学情分析 学生在第九单元已接触过一般过去时,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。假期活动Such as; take a trip,go to summer camps, go fishing, go swimming, and so on接近学生的生活,They are all interested in talking about it. 本节公开课的内容是Section B的2a,2b,3a,3b部分,第4课时。 Section B(二) I. 教学内容 Section B中2a.2b.3a,3b. II. 教学目标 (1) 知识与能力(Knowledge Objects) 1.Match the vocabulary:delicious, awful expensive, inexpensive, crowded,felt, corner, walk, the Great Wall, Tiananmen’s Square, the Palace museum, Hutong 2. Master and use:Where did Vera go on vacation?


人教版丨七年级上册英语9单元知识点总结 Unit9 My favorite subject is science. 1. What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?=What subject do you like best? My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的学科是数学。= I like math best. 1)favorite前一定要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。不可根据汉语意思而用人称代词如I, He 等。 What’s Gina’s favorite subject? Gina最喜欢的学科是什么? Her favorite subject is math. 她最喜欢的学科是数学。 favorite(美)亦可拼为favourite(英) 2)favorite n. 最喜欢的人或物(复数形式是favorites) These clothes are my favorites. 这些衣服是我最喜欢的。 Which color is your favorite? 哪种颜色是你最喜爱的? 2. Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学? Because it’s interesting. 因为它很有趣。

3. ---How’s your day? 今天过得如何? ---It’s OK.还行。/Great! 棒极了! 4. have + 学科:上某一学科的课。 have English 上英语课 have a class / lesson 上课 have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭/ 中饭/ 晚饭 have a soccer game 举行足球比赛 have a school trip 开展校外活动 have a party 举行派对;举办聚会 5. That’s for sure. 的确如此。 6. be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 I’m busy with my homework. = I’m busy doing my homework.我在忙着做家庭作业。 He is busy writing a letter. 他在忙着写信。 7. interesting / funny interesting“有趣的”,指引起理性的或智慧的兴趣。


优质课教案 Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. Section A (1a-2d) 曹伟利 巩义市河洛镇初级中学

Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 教材来源:初中七年级《英语》教科书/人民教育出版社2012年版 内容来源:七年级《英语(上册)》第九单元 主题:My favorite subject is science. 课时:共4课时,第1课时 授课对象:七年级学生 设计者:曹伟利巩义市河洛镇初级中学 目标确定的依据 1.课程标准相关要求 课程标准三级目标要求七年级学生能就熟悉话题进行简单的交流,能听懂有关熟悉话题的语段。 2.教材分析 本单元围绕“谈论自己所喜欢的学科”这一话题,展开形式多样的听、说、读、写学习活动。主要学习一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;掌握学科的表达;学习用because和表示品质的形容词表示理由;学习what,why,who引导的特殊疑问句。通过本单元的学习使学生学会谈论自己喜好的学科或自己喜好的其它事情并给出理由;学会说出一周的七天;学会合理地安排自己的作息时间。 3.学情分析 本单元的主题是“谈论自己所喜欢的学科”,主要是学习学科的表达、表示品质的形容词、一周中星期一到星期天的表达方式;学习用because表示理由。在询问“对方所喜欢的学科和人物”、“星期几”时,要使用以前所学过的What、Who疑问句,再学习“询问理由”所用的Why疑问句。教师可引导学生通过比较、对照的方法掌握所学疑问句的结构和使用以及回答。 目标 1.通过听力练习,能提取表达科目的单词及一些形容词。 2.能听懂有关所喜欢的科目相关话题的听力材料,并获得相关信息。 3.通过对话练习,能掌握以下句型,并表达准确表达自己的情感。 ①—What's your favorite subject? —My favorite subject is science. ②—Why do you like P.E.? —Because it's fun. 评价任务


七年级下Unit9单元检测卷 二、单项选择 21. --- What Tony ? --- He likes watching TV. A. does; look like B. does; like C. is; look like D. is; liking 22. --- What Jenny's mother ? --- She is of medium build. A. does; looks like B. do; look like C. do; looks like D. does; look like 23. --- Is your hair long short? --- It's long. A. and B. but C. or D. so 24. Would you like some tea shall we start our talk now? A. and B. then C. or D. but 25. Mr. Simmons of medium build, and he has yellow hair. A. is B. has C. looks like D. isn't 三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 26. I don't have s hair; my hair is curly. 27. Her mother is h , but she wants to be thin. 28. His mother is beautiful and his father is h . 29. He is 1.80 meters in h . 30. This kind of thing only happens in films, not in r life. 31. Can you d your new friend to us? 32. This dress is too big for me. Would you like to show us a one? 33. He answered the question d . 34. Let's go to the c (电影院) on weekends. 35. Her favorite a is Park Shin-Hye (朴信惠). 四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词) 36. How many (直的) lines must be drawn here? 37. He is wearing a pair of (眼镜) on his nose. 38. I am sure your son will grow into a (英俊的) young man in a few years' time. 39. Who was the first (人) to swim across the English Channel (英吉利海峡)? 40. Zhao Wei is a famous (演员) in China. 41. Look! The moon tonight is so (圆的) and bright.


七年级上册Unit9单元知识点总结 1.favorite=favourite 形容词最喜爱的 表达某人最喜爱的某人用形物代 my favorite his favorite her favorite our favorite their favorite 名词最喜爱的人或者事物 Apples are my favorite.苹果是我的最爱. Apples and bananas are my favorites. 2.subject科目,主题 在所有科目中只有English和Chinese 首字母大写 math=maths数学 history历史 geography地理 biology生物 music音乐 P.E.体育 politics政治 science科学 3.对why的回答用because 4.星期和月份的首字母大写 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 在英国,周日是一个星期的第一天 周一是第二天 在星期前加介词on on Monday在周一 on Monday morning在周一早晨 5.sure副词一定,当然,肯定 =of course=certainly for sure adv.确实;毫无疑问地 That's foe sure.那是肯定的。 a.I know for sure 我心里明白,我知道 . b.But for sure. 但是可以肯定 c..……+that for sure .那是肯定的 d.For sure +句子无疑,…… e.But no one knows for sure. 但是没有人确切知道. 6.free空闲的,免费的,自由的 I will give you some food for free. 我将免费给你一些食物 7.We can go to school for free. 我们可以免费上学 8.cool冷的,酷的 9.A.M.上午=a.m. 9:00a.m. 10.P.M.下午=p.m. 9:00.p.m. https://www.sodocs.net/doc/c66337797.html,e动词使用,名词用途 useful形容词有用的,有益的 a useful book一本有用的书,前面用

2017七年级上册英语知识点7 9单元

2017七年级上册英语知识点:7-9单元 2017七年级上册英语知识点:7-9单元 一重点短语: 1turn n/ ff /up/ dn 2ut up 3ix up4pur…int…add…t…6hang ut 7ath a dlphin sh 8at the end f 9tae a lass/ have a lass 10sleep late 11g fr a drive 12n next ff 13in pinin 14in the future 1free tie 16be brn 17ie sating18a piee f usi 19in first prize 20ar in 21ne teaspn f 22a slie f 23tae a pht/phts 24get ne's autgraph 2have a ard sale26get et 27have a part 28at the age f 29beause f 30at the sae tie 二考点归纳: 考点1finall的同义词组: finall = at last = in the end Finall he ae up ith an idea = _____ _____ he ae up ith an idea = _____ ____ _____ he ae up ith an idea 考点2turn n / pen的区别: 1turn n :指打开水流,煤气,电灯,电视,收音机等电器的开关。 2pen:指关着的门,窗,箱子打开。

Please _____ the dr The b _____ the puter t pla gaes last night 考点3int/ in的区别: 1int表示“到……里面去”,进入到……某空间里。属于动态介词。2in表示“在……里面”,在某一空间或范围之内。属于静态介词。There is nthing _____ the blender He put his bs ______his bapa and left 考点4t…t…的同义句: t…t…= nt…enugh t …= s…that… He is s ung that he an't g t shl = He isn't _____ ____ t g shl = He is _____ ung _____ g t shl The bx is t heav fr us t arr The bx isn't _____ _____ t arr = The bx is ____ heav ____ e ____ arrit 考点alled的同义句: alled = naed = ith the nae (f) D u n the girl alled ate ?= D u n the girl ______ate ?= D u n the girl _____ _____ _____ (f)ate ? 考点6see sb d sth、see sb ding sth的区别


新人教版七年级上册英语第九单元测试题附答案Ⅰ.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) ( )1.Math is________ useful subject, and I study it for ________ hour every day. A.a;a B.an;an C.an;a D.a;an ( )2.—What do you do ________ Saturday morning? —I read (读) books. A.at B.on C.in D.from ( )3.Mary likes sports very much.So she wants to be a(n)________ teacher. A.art B.math C.music D.P.E. ( )4.—Bob,is science your favorite ________? —No, my favorite is music. A.subject B.month C.sport D.test ( )5.—You look really________in that black T-shirt, John. —Thank you. A.busy B.free C.cool D.fat ( )6.I ________ science today.It's difficult ________ interesting. A.have;so B.has;but C.have;but D.has;so ( )7.This morning we have ________ classes,and the ________ class is history. A.four;fourth B.fourth;four C.four;four D.fourth;fourth ( )8.At about 9:20 p.m.,I finish ________ my homework (家庭作业).A.do B.doing C.to do D.to doing ( )9.—When is TFBOYS' concert (音乐会)? —________ 5:00________ Saturday afternoon. A.In;on B.In;In C.At;on D.At;in ( )10.—________ is your favorite basketball player? —Kobe Bryant. A.What B.Who C.When D.Where ( )11.Music is________ for me.I really like it.

七年级英语(下)Unit 9 单元测试

Unit 9 单元测试 I 卷(选择题,共70分) 一、听力选择(共15小题,计15分) I 请听录音中五个句子。每个句子后有一个小题,从下面所给的A、B、C三个图片中,选出与句子内容相符的图片。(每个句子仅读一遍) 1. A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. II 请听录音中五组短对话。每组对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答所给问题的最佳答案。(每组对话读两遍) 6.What does Lisa’s sister look like? A.She’s of medium height. B. She’s short. C. She has short hair. 7.What does Mr. Wilson’s son look like? A.He’s tall and thin. B. He’s heavy and tall. C. He isn’t tall or heavy. 8.Does Tony’s sister have long hair? A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesn’t. C. We don’t know. 9. Where does Frank come from? A. England. B. America. C. Australia. 10. What does Cathy do? A. A teacher. B. An actress. C. A dancer. III请听录音中两段较长的对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、


Unit 9: What does he look like? 一、词性转换 1、curly反义词:straight 2、tall反义词:short 3、high名词:height 4、thin反义词:fat 5、glass复数:glasses 6、act名词:actor actress 7、sing名词:singer 8、describe名词:description 9、different 副词:differently 名词:difference 10、real副词:really 11、big反义词:small Exercise 1: 二、重点词汇 1、a little bit & a little & a bit 1) 修饰形容词或副词时,三者可通用,但a little bit比后两者所表示的程度稍弱一点。 Today is a little bit / a little / a bit cold、今天有点冷。 2)修饰不可数名词时,a little直接跟不可数名词,a bit需加of再跟不可数名词。 There is a little / a bit of water in the glass、杯子里有点水。 3)a little 与a bit在否定句中意思恰恰相反。not a little相当于very “很,非常”,not a bit相

当于not…、at all“一点也不”。 ① He is not a little hungry、= He is very hungry、她很饿。 ② He is not a bit hungry、= He isn’t hungry at all、她一点也不饿。 2、stop to do sth、“停下来去做某事”。指停止原来做的事情,去做另一件事情。 stop doing sth、“停止做某事”,指停止正在做的事情,即不做某事了。 E、g、He stops to do his homework、 He stops doing his homework、 Class begins, please stop talking、 We are all tired, stop to have a rest、 3、remember/forget doing sth、记得/忘记做过某事(事情已做) remember/forget to do sth、记得/忘记要去做某事(事情还没做) E、g、Please remember to eat lunch、 I am sorry, I forget to my homework、 I remember playing computer with my sister yesterday、 I forget calling you、 4、no more & not…、any more & no longer & not…、any longer 1) no more = not…、any more表示数量与程度的“不再(增加)”,常修饰终止性动词。 We won’t go there any more、我们不再去那里了。 The baby watched and listened, and she cried no more、那个婴儿瞧着、听着,不再哭了。 2) no longer = not…、any longer表示时间上“不再(延长)”,常修饰延续性动词。 He no longer lives here、她不再住在这儿了。 You can’t stay here an y longer、您不能再留在这儿了。


人教版七年级英语下册第十单元知识点归纳Unit 10 I’d like some noodles. ◆短语归纳 1. would like to do sth想要做某事 2. take one’s order 点菜 3. beef soup 牛肉汤 4. one bowl of… 一碗…… 5. what size 什么尺寸 6. mapo tofu with rice带米饭的麻婆豆腐 7. what kind of什么种类8. small / medium / large bowl noodles小/ 中/大碗面 9. green tea 绿茶10. orange juice 橘汁 11. around the world 世界各地12. birthday cake 生日蛋糕13. the number of… 的数量14. make a wish 许个愿望15. blow out 吹灭16. in one go 一口气 17. come true 实现18. cut up 切碎 18.多大号碗的面条what size bowl of noodles19.冰激凌ice cream 20.不同种类的鱼different kinds of fish21.特色水饺special dumplings 22.要我帮忙吗Can I help you=What can I do for you 23.水饺店house of dumplings23.甜品屋dessert house 24.来买你的水饺吧come and get your dumplings

25..phone number电话号码26.as well as而且 27.a kind of一种…28.some kind of许多种… 29.a bowl of rice一碗米饭 30.a bottle of orange juice一瓶桔子汁 31.three oranges三个桔子(可数)32.a bottle of orange juice一瓶桔子汁(不可数) 33.some chicken一些鸡肉(不可数)34..three chickens三只小鸡(可数) ◆用法集萃 1. would like + sth. 想要某物 2. would like + to do sth. 想要做某事 3. Why don’t you + do sth.? 何不做某事? 4. the number of + 名词复数……的数量,a number of+名词复数许多…… ◆典句必背 1. What kind of noodles would you like? 你想要哪种面条? 2. I’d like beef noodles, please. 我想要牛肉面。 3. What size would you like? 你想要多大的? 4. I’d like a medium bowl, please. 我想要一个中碗的。 5. Would you like a large bowl? 你想要一个大碗的吗? 6. Yes, please. 好吧。 7. If he or she blows out all the candles in one go, the wish will come


人教版七年级上册英语单词第9单元 当今时代,英语已经成为一种多国、多文化,多功能的国际语言。英语单词是七年级英语学习最基本的要素之一,对英语学习起着举足轻重的作用。下面给大家分享一些人教版七年级上册英语单词,大家快来跟一起欣赏吧。 人教版七年级上册英语单词:第9单元go v. 去 movie n. 电影 go to a movie 去看电影 action n. 动作片 comedy n. 喜剧 documentary n. 记录片 thriller n. 恐怖电影或小说 kind n. 种类 singular n. 单数;单数形式 a.单数的 plural n. 复数;复数形式 a.复数的; opera n. 歌剧 Beijing Opera 京剧

find v. 寻找;查找 someone pron. 某人 who pron. 的人 student n. 学生 scary a. 可怕的;吓人的 funny a. 有趣的;好玩的 sad a. 悲哀的;悲伤的 exciting a. 令人激动的;振奋人心的 really ad. 事实上;无疑地;真正地 often ad. 时常;常常 think v. 认为;想;思考 learn v. 学习;学会 about prep. 关于;涉及;在方面 history n. 历史 with prep. 与在一起;和;使用工具;有;附有favorite a.最喜爱的 actor n. 演员 new a. 新的 successful a. 成功的 weekend n. 周末 too adv 也;又太 Rush 电影《尖峰时刻》




Unit 9 My favorite subject is science. 教学重、难 点1、学会星期及学科的英语表达;2、掌握并运用What’s your favorite….他人谈论喜欢的人或学科。 、重点词汇:favorite,subject,science,PE,music,math,Chinese,geography,history,why,because, Monday, Friday, Saturday, free, cool, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Sunday, A.M. P.M., useful;from, Mrs., finish, lesson,hour 2、常考短语: favorite subject 最喜爱的科目P.E.teacher 体育老师 play games 玩游戏the next day 第二天 on Monday 在周一have math 上数学课 have an art lesson 上一节美术课for two hours 两小时 语法点: 1、有关科目的名称:PE(physical education), art, science, music, math, Chinese, geography, history, physics, chemistry, politics,biology生物 2、science 当“科学”讲时是不可数名词;当它指理科的一门学科(如生物、化学、物理)时,是可数名词。 E.g. I have science on Monday.周一我有科学课。 】scientist n. 科学家 E.g. Qian Xuesen is a great scientist.钱学森是一名伟大的科学家。 2、What’s your favorite subject? 你最喜欢的学科是什么?=What subject do you like best? My favorite subject is math. 我最喜欢的学科是数学。= I like math best. 1)What’s your favorite....? = What....do you like best? My favorite....is …. =I like ....best. 2) favorite前一定要用形容词性物主代词或名词所有格一起来修饰后面的名词。不可根据汉语意思而用人称代词如I, He 等。 What’s Gina’s favorite subject? Gina最喜欢的学科是什么? Her favorite subject is math. 她最喜欢的学科是数学。 3)favorite(美)亦可拼为favourite(英) 4)favorite n. 最喜欢的人或物(复数形式是favorites) These clothes are my favorites.这些衣服是我最喜欢的。 Which color is your favorite? 哪种颜色是你最喜爱的? 3、Why do you like math? 你为什么喜欢数学? Because it’s interesting. 因为它很有趣。 4、How’s your day? 今天过得如何?It’s OK.还行。Great! 棒极了! 5、have + 学科:上某一学科的课。have English 上英语课 have a class / lesson 上课 have breakfast / lunch / dinner 吃早饭/ 中饭/ 晚饭 have a soccer game 举行足球比赛have a school trip 开展校外活动 6、That’s for sure.的确如此。 7、be busy with sth / be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 E.g. I’m busy with my homework = I’m busy doing my homework 我在忙着做家庭作业。


人教版丨七年级下册英语9单元知识点总结 Unit 9单词(音标) curly ['k??(r)li] adj. 卷曲的 straight [stre?t] adj.直的 tall [t??l] adj. 高的 medium ['mi?d??m] adj.中等的 height [ha?t] n.身高;高度 (be) of medium height中等身高 thin [θ?n] adj.瘦的 heavy ['hevi] adj. 重的 build [b?ld] v.身材 (be) of medium build 中等身材 tonight [t?'na?t] adv.&n.(在)今晚;(在)今夜 little ['l?tl] adj. 小的 a little一点儿,少量

cinema ['s?n?m?] n.电影院glasses ['glɑ:s?z](pl.)n. [轻] 眼镜later ['le?t?(r)] adv.以后handsome ['h?ns?m] adj.英俊的actor ['?kt?(r)] n.演员 actress ['?ktr?s] n. 女演员person ['p??(r)sn] n. 人 nose [n??z] n. 鼻子 blonde [bl?nd] adj.(头发)金黄色的mouth [ma?θ] n.嘴 round [ra?nd] adj. 圆形的 face [fe?s] n. 脸 eye [a?] n. 眼睛 singer ['s???(r)] n. 歌手 artist ['ɑ?(r)t?st] n. 艺术家 crime [kra?m] n.犯罪活动


新人教版七年级英语下册Unit 10单元测试及答案 一、词汇(A) 写单词(10) 1、China is a l country with long history、 2、Here is the m________、What would you like to eat? 3、Why are you late? Tell me your r__________、 4、He has two bowls of r________ every day、、 、 5、—What’s your a? —It’s 558 Bridge Street 6、I’m a little h、Would you please give me something to eat? 7、He usually o___________ food and drink in this restaurant、 8、____________ is the fifth day of a week、 9、There are many k of noodles in this shop、 10、We have many great s______________ in the restaurant、 B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(20) 1、There __________(be) some _________(beef )and __________(egg) in the noodles、 2、There_________(be) some onions and ______________(mutton) in the bowl、 3、I would like you _____________(come) to my house、 4、Look, they __________(buy) fruit and vegetables in the market、 5、Would you like some juice _____________(drink)? 6、She _______(have) an egg, a small bowl of _________(chicken) noodles and two _________ (potato)every day 7、I like ___________(listen) to the pop music and ___________(watch) TV、 8、They would like _________(see) the __________(animal) in the zoo、 9、Would you like to drink __________(apple) or _________(orange) juice? 10、There are some ________(tomato) and _______ (porridge) on the table、 11、He is _________ (like) his father、 二、句型转换(20) 1、He’d like a large bowl of porridge、(对划线部分提问) _______ _______ bowl of porridge _______ he _________? 2、My father would like beef dumplings、(同义句)My father would like ________ ________ _________、 3、Can I help you?(同义句)________ can I ________ ________ you? 4、She wants to eat dumplings、(同义句)She ______ ______ to eat dumplings、 5、I’d like beef and tomato noodles、______ ______ ______ noodles ______ you like? 6、I like green tea、_______ ______ you _______? 7、The large bowl of noodles is RMB 10、______ _______ ______ the large bowl of noodles? 8、I like rice and fish、(否定句) I _____ ______ rice ______ fish、 9、He wants to have beef for lunch、(同义句)He _______ _______ to ______ beef for lunch、 10、He and I go to see the movie、(同义句)He ______ to see the movie______ me、 11、The boy is writing a letter、the boy ? 三、根据汉语提示完成句子、(15) 1、我们也有上好的沙拉,还有饮料与绿茶 We _____ have ______ _____ , drinks and ______ ______ 2、我想要一个中等的甜点、I’d like a _________ ________ ,please 3、我不喜欢汉堡包沙拉与汤。I don’t like _______,________ _______ _______ 4、您想要订购比萨饼不?欢迎到比萨饼房来、_____ you ______ ________ _____ a pizza ? _______ to Pizza ______ 5.您穿几码的鞋?_______ _________ shoes _______ you _______?


七年级上第九单元教案(人教版英语七年级) Ⅰ. Teaching Aims and Demands 1. Knowledge Objects: key vocabulary, target language, writing practice. 2. Ability Objects: listening and speaking skill, writing skill. 3. Moral Objects: Rome was not built in one day Ⅱ. Teaching key points 1. Key vocabulary Ping-pong player, basketball player, tennis player, football player, great, born. 2. Target language Who’s that? That’s Deng Yaping. She is a great ping-pong player. When was she born? She was born in 1973. Ⅲ. Teaching Difficulty Target language Ⅳ. Teaching Methods Listening method, writing method and speaking method.Pairwork. Ⅴ.Teaching Aids A tape recorder. Pictures or photos. Ⅵ. Teaching Procedures Step1 Lead-in. Greet the class as usual and check the homework.
