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1.Early modern England

Tudor and Stuart England reigns 1480-1710s

Faces on the coins: great figures who gave their names to the age

1.Notorious Henry VIII and his six unfortunate wives who are always difficult to remember in the right order.

( divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived)

2.Stunning and perplexing Queen Elizabeth I--Gloriana

The virgin queen (joke, whether you imagine her as Cate Blanchett. Or Judi Dench)

3.Four Stuart Kings

①James I “the wisest fool in Christendom”, a man who after an adventurous youth as a King of Scotland and became a King of England.

②Charles I (his son) whose policies precipitated civil war in the middle 17 century, and was eventually put on trail and executed by his own people in 1649.

③Charles II (his son) restored to the throne after ten years of republican government (1649--1659 Oliver Cromwell) known as the “Merry Monarch”, famous for having innumerable mistresses and 14 illegitimate children.

④James II (his brother) former Duke of York, came to the throne. After three years, was driven from it in the second English Revolution of the 17 century, and driven into exile, later known as the King over the water.

It has been said that two of the Stuart Kings were politically astute狡猾的, but morally defective, and two were virtuous men, whose political ineptitude cost them the throne.

Oliver Cromwell-- He was born and died on September 3rd, also fought his two greatest battles on September 3rd. The greatest Puritan General. 清教领袖The lord protector of the English republic between 1653 to 1658. A quite extraordinary figure, ahead of time on religious toleration.

Early modern England

The broad period between the end of 15 century and the middle of 18 century.

This was a time of great events: the Reformation; the civil wars of 17 century; the foundations of the first British Empire.

Besides these rules, others like Shakespeare, Milton, diarist Samuel Pepys ( you say Peeps), the Proto-democrat John Lilburne, the early feminist writer Mary Astell

In 1500, England was very much a personal monarchy, the King really ruled.

By 1700, a constitutional monarchy, in which the centre of political life is a sitting elected Parliament, and it was not a King of England, but United Kingdom of England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales.

In 1500, England: Catholic, Christendom, practice late medieval Catholicism

In 1700, Protestant 新教政策

In 1500, a localized economy of peasant families and urban craftsmen

By 1700, a commercialized market economy

In 1500, illiterate

By 1700, literacy widespread; a print culture; the first English language newspaper

In 1509, Edmund Dudley, laid imprisoned in the tower of London

He wrote a book Henry VIII

“Commonwealth” has four roots: 1. Love of Gods 2. Justice 3. Trust 4. Concord

It also has four fruits: 1. Tranquility 2. Good example 3. Worldly prosperity 4. The honor of God

Three estates or orders: 1. Clergy 2. Chivalry 骑士: Dukes公爵, nights普通骑士, esquires侍从, gentlemen绅士3. Commonalty 平民

二.Hierarchy 等级

1.King: “anoinited of God”

2.Chivalry (beneath the crown):peerage 世袭贵族; gentry 绅士阶层

①Peerage: Inheritable titles: dukes 公爵;earls 侯爵;marquises 伯爵;viscounts 子爵;barons 男爵;lords 勋爵

特权:1. Only be tried by their peers, in the House of Lords when Parliament sat. 只能在上议院上由贵族审判

2.Had the right to sit in Parliament by virtue of their birth and social position. 由出身和社会地位直接进入议会

Churchmen 神职人员:(在上议院中)

The bishop主教, and the abbot of great monasteries 大修道院院长both sat in the Parliament in the House of Lords


Their position were not inheritable. They were pointed by the pope 国王 Gentry : knight 骑士;esquires 侍从;mere gentlemen 一般绅士

1. Knights were created by the monarch for service mainly in war or in government. “dubbing the knights”授予

In 16 century, they were usually selected to be made knights from amongest the leading families of each of 40 countries of the kingdom.


3. Mere gentlemen : No titles, except the right to be called “Mister”先生; had the right to bear a coat of arms.

In summary, peerage & churchmen & gentry were the principal landowners of England and Wales.

A study showed that in 16 century, peerage accounted for 27% of the land; gentry 46%, all the rest belonged to churchmen.

Land: incomes, the rents were paid to the landowners. 地租收入是主要来源

A source of power over tenants; “lordship” over men. 贵族身份

In rural society 农村社会

Commonalty: people divided into four subordinate groups: yeomen 约曼;husbandmen自耕农;craftsmen and tradesmen手工艺者和小买卖者;cottagers and laborers 耕农和苦力

1.Yeomen: defined as being owner-occupies who possessed freehold lands. 自有土地的农场主, but most of them were tenant farmers. 农场租户

What is crucial is substantial tenant farmers 农场承租人: they employ labor and produce surplus

2.Husbandmen: small family farmers, with holdings of under 30 acres or so .小家庭式农场主,大部分自有土地30英亩, but replying on their direct family labor. 家庭劳力

3.Village craftsmen and tradesmen: some might be of substance, e.g. Millers and blacksmiths 磨坊主和铁匠;others usually poor, e.g. Tailors and alehouse keeps 裁缝和酒屋主

4.Cottages and labors: some held a few acres of land, some might have a trade, most of them relied upon wages for at least a part of income.

In summary, the rural society was highly differentiated 高度分化

Gender & Age

Women: take their society order from their husbands, fathers, and masters, and their social identities were “subsumed” of adult male heads.

Young people: apprentices 学徒

“长着政治” gerontocratic: the old should rule

三.The household 家庭

The household can be defined in the first instance as being a unit of residence; it was a unit of authority; and has been described as a unit that was “geared for work”为工作而生

Different from modern households in there essential respects:

1.Differed structurally in that a substantial number of them contained. 家庭成员结构不同

2.Differed conceptually 家庭概念不同

3.Differed functionally 家庭功能不同

A patriarchal society 族长制观念的社会

四.Community 社区

The first county maps, which county by county were produced by Christopher Saxon 1576.

The characteristic unit of lordship was “manor”. 统治的基本单位是“庄园”Basically, each manor was divided into the demesne land and tenant land.自留地和租地

Demesne land: in the middle ages had been mostly cultivated by self labor. 由农奴耕种

By 1500, the demesne land tended to be let out by lords in large units to yeoman farmers.

As for tenant land, some was held by freehold, 1/5. A freeholder, owned his land, could leave it in his will or sell it., but he owned the duty of “recognition of lordship”to the lord of the manor, which he had to pay a small annual sum.

Most tenants held their land by “customary tenure”惯例性土地权,that is to say, the land was granted out to them in the court of the manor. 土地在庄园法庭授予他们耕种

They held it on terms “according to the custom of the manor”. 其土地权形式“依据庄园惯例”

The customary tenants were usually described as “copyholders”公薄持有农“copyholders”paid a down payment to their lord called a fine 罚金,they paid an annual rent.

sometimes custom has governed their rules in that locality “time out of mind of man”太久导致记不清了

To this extent, custom was seen as being essentially the property of the tenant community 惯例是租户社区的基本性质

Peasant rebellion and popular protest revolves around custom.

Another aspect of tenant community, the community of neighborhood.邻里关系

If custom was one key word in rural society, “neighborhood”was emphatically another.

Neighborliness also found its expression in four forms: one form was ecclesiastical parish 教区

England was divided not only into units of lordship, manor, but also into about ten thousand ecclesiastical parishes.

The towns also have distinctive institutions which wouldn?t find in the countryside. Most towns had a strong sense of identity as autonomous, self-governing communities.

六.Politics and structures of Power under the early Tudors 权力机构

On the 22nd of August 1485, Henry Tudor, who was then the earl of Richmond, defeated and killed King Richard III at the battle of Bosworth Field, a battlefield which is located in the central England in the county of Leicestershire, and was crowned upon the battlefield with the crown which was found in the King?s tent, and became King as Henry VII. In fact, he claimed to the throne was somewhat weak. He was descended on his father?s side from the widow of King Henry V, who had married Henry?s grandfather after the King?s death. His claim from principally through his mother, Lady Margaret Beaufort, who was a descendant of 14 century King Edward III. Nevertheless, weak as he was, Henry was the last of claimants of the Lancastrians House.

In the 24 years following his seizure of the throne, he made it his business first of all to hang on to it, secondly to assert his authority as best as he could, and thirdly to pass on his crown to his son Henry VIII, who succeeded him in 1509., and by doing so, he founded a new dynasty, the Tudor dynasty. 都驿王朝

By “power”, I?m concerned with the capacity to secure compliance and obedience on the part of others.

By “authority”, I mean legitimate power: those forms of power and its manifestations which were deemed by most, if not all, people to be legitimate, to put you obligation to obey.

The polity, a system of established government and rule.

In 1500, England was a quiet intensively and uniformly governed monarchy. It has existed as a single monarchy for 600 to 700 years already. The origin of the high degree of centralization probably go back to the late Saxon kings, but in particular to the time of Norman conquest of the 11 century. The king was, of course, at the centre of the polity.


The principal function of the king were seen to be those of : keeping the peace and defending the realm; maintaining the law and the administration of the law; and upholding the church: a relatively limited set of functions compared to the modern government. And to achieve those ends, the king enjoyed a variety of powers. He enjoyed what was thought of his ordinary powers, and exercised within the framework of the law, but in time of emergency, he might also exercise residual absolute powers, which could go beyond the normal boundaries of the law.



In 1400 onwards, they were often represented in the coinage, --they were represented what?s known as the “imperial crown”. The crown was symbolized that they recognized no authority higher than themselves save God alone. And though the authority of the pope was exercised within the kingdom over the church, agreements which had been reached and statutes meant that in practice in making appointments in the church, the pope usually act on the advice and in consultation with the king. So a monarchy of considerable dignity claiming a sovereignty represented in the imperial crown.


Royal authority was supreme. 皇权至高无上

Restrictions: 1. Kings were expected to take advice, to be guided by the counsel, by the counsel of their leading subjects. They ruled with the advice of a variety of councils. In addition, he was restricted by the law, the “common law” of England. The common law was administered in the King?s names. All legal writs began with the king?s title.


The administration od the law, the provision of justice, and the redness of grievances, the means of settling disputes peacefully, was one of the principal functions in the royal government.



The principal courts: a court of King?s bench: criminal matters 王室法庭处理刑事案件

The court of Common Plea: civil cases 民诉法庭处理民事案件

The Chancery, or the Court of te Lord Chancellor 衡平法庭或大法官法庭: it was a court of equity. 特殊在于它是衡平法法庭

In addition to the central courts, the Kings also exercised justice by commission. 国


In addition, the king exercised justice through the commission of the peace.


Counsel and law came together in another great institution: Parliament. the periodic meeting of the king, the nobility who had the right to sit in the House of the Lords,and the representatives of the commons of the kingdom


The House of the Lords consists of the leading lay and church nobility of the realm, summoned by a person writ to attend. 上议院由主要有贵族和教会贵族组成,通过个人文书召集.

The House of Commons consists of a gathering of two representatives for each county, they were known as the “knights of the shire”, and two representatives from the each city which had the parliamentary franchise, they were known as burgesses.


Parliament, then, represent the while realm, and it had two great functions, long established:

1. Only parliament could make statutes, new laws which could override or modify common law custom, so the legislative sovereignty of the realm lay in the Parliament, where the king, the lord, the commons acted together. Bills proposing new laws were presented, they were read and debated in each of the houses before being passed, and passed on to the king for his consent or veto.


2.Parliament could grant taxes, which from the 14 century required the consent of the House of the Commons.


One last word on institutions and that concerns finance. The king was expected to “live on his own”, that means he was expected to live on the revenues of the royal and holdings, the customs dues and other dues which were due to him as feudal overlord of the kingdom, and for all normal purposes, that should provide for all his expenses. The collection and the disbursement of royal revenues was handled by an institution called the Exchequer, at Westminster.


Reliance on taxation was rare, taxes would be voted by Parliament for extraordinary circumstances, and would then be collected and returned to the Exchequer.


The nobility were rich and powerful, but they didn?t have fully independent jurisdiction of their own, where the king?s authority didn?t run. English nobles depended ultimately for their power upon grants of royal office, their local authority was granted to them by the king.


So hoe did the early Tudors handled the relationships with the various institutions and groups on whom the effectiveness of their rule depended?

I think one can suggest four ways. Propaganda,patronage, consultation, coercion.


There was laws of treason,in the 14 century the law of treason had been introduced defining treason as acts against king?s person or his family or open rebellion against his authority. By the time of Henry VIII, it came to include even treasonable words such as, for example, denying the legitimacy of the king?s many marriage.



At the beginning of the century, the church was of course the greatest corporate institution in the kingdom. It was the English branch of a great International institution, which gave western Europe its identity, collectively, as Catholic Christendom.


The church of England was organized into two provinces with archbishops at Canterbury and York, and then there were 21 diocese each of them headed by a bishop to somewhat to mor than 9000 parishes at most local level.


Member of the clergy enjoyed a privileged position before the law, and they were supported by a variety of fees and dues paid to them



The English reformation was once famously described as being essentially “an act of state”. Its essence of being the transfer of legal authority over the church in England, from a distance papacy to a very present English crown. The universal Catholic church in England became the Anglican Church of England.

宗教改革一度被称为国家法案,其实质在于英格兰教会的统治权威从罗马教皇转移到英格兰君主,英格兰由天主教变为安立甘教会,(Anglican Church, 安立甘教会,英国国教,又译为圣公会)

And yet the two dimensions of the reformation, the legislative and the Protestant, inevitably went together.


The first phrase ran roughly from 1527 to 1531, which we can call a gathering crisis,


Henry needed a male heir, and Katherine had originally come to England as the bride of Henry?s brother, Arthur, who had shortly died, and she had subsequently married Henry.


A few arguments: First, the church in England had exercised independent provincial rights. That is to say, it had the right to autonomy in the settlement of certain internal affairs without reference to Rome.


Second, within England, the king enjoyed imperial power, not only over the state, but over the church in matters,


The phase Two the royal supremacy 阶段二至尊王权

It was masterminded by Thomas Cromwell between 1532 to 1535

First of all, they put still more pressure on the church to break any resistance within England. Parliament was brought to pass the Act of Restraint of Annates.


Secondly, the House of Commons pur forward what was called its supplication Against the Ordinaries,


In 1536 was the fall of Anne Boleyn, after her marriage to the king, and the promising start of the birth of Princess Elizabeth, no male heir had been born. The queen was arrested and executed, and shortly thereafter Henry married Jane Seymour, another lady of the court.


In 1537, Jane Seymour gave birth to a male heir, Prince Edward. Jane herself died in childbed. 珍死于难产

In 1539, Henry was persuaded to endorsed the Act of Six Articles, which returned England to unambiguous Catholic doctrinal orthodoxy in matters of faith.


In 1540, Thomas Cromwell having been accused by his enemies od secretly encouraging heresy, was arrested and swiftly executed. His real crime was in fact the fiasco of having arranged te King?s fourth marriage. His marriage to the German Princess Anne of Cleves, which brought Henry into alignment with the Lutheran princes of Germany.


Henry refused to consummate the marriage and it was swiftly dissolved.


When Norfolk brought to his attention his young niece, Katherine Howard, who became Henry?s new bride, his fifth wife. And after the discovery of Katherine Howard?s adultery in 1542, and her execution, the king was much less influenced by his more conservative advisers.

In 1543, Henry?s last Queen, Queen Catherine Parr, favored protestant.

A Fourth phase: the Edwardian reformation 第四阶段爱德华改革

Henry VIII at last died in January, 1547, and the new King, King Edward, was only nine and a half years old. Edward?s uncle, Edward Seymour, led a group of reform-minded men in taking control at the center of power.

In 1547, parliament was persuaded to repeal the heresy laws and the Six Articles, no more burning of Protestants. They issued reformist injunctions for the removal of images, and the obliterations of religious paintings by whitewashing them in churches.


In 1553, there was an emphatically Protestant statement of faith, the Forty-two Articles.


By 1553, the church of England was clearly Protestant in doctrine and in form of worship, centered on the English Bible and on the Prayer book, and the nation had become deeply divided in matters of faith.


And that led to the fifth phase of this process, the Marian Reaction.第五阶段玛丽复仇

Edward VI, the boy king, died of pulmonary tuberculosis only a month after the issue of the Protestant Forty-two Articles of Religion and the wheel turned again. So after the turmoil of the previous twenty-five years Mary had become queen after all. And she was a deeply loyal Catholic. Late in 1553, after her accession, parliament was persuaded to repeal Edward?s Act of Uniformity,which had enforced the uniform Protestant worship in the nation.


Early in 1554, Mary married. She married Prince Phillip of Spain, the future King Phillip II. Then in the fall of 1554, full papal jurisdiction was restored in England. From December 1554, those who remained in England faced the penalties of a revival of the Heresy Act. Mary died in November 1558, aged only 42.




On the 17th of November, 1558, Elizabeth I was proclaimed queen, she was of course Anne Boleyn?s daughter.so the church of England had been reestablished, English was Protestant, again, sort of, it was a confessional state bound by an Act of Conformity, that the prayer book should be used throughout the kingdom, what was often described as …the religion by law established?. There was no doubt that Engand has turned in a broadly Protestant detection again.

So what was England religion in the 1560?s? Ultimately, one could say it was queen?s religion, with regard to the Pope?s authority, it was emphatically schismatic. Papal

authority had been abrogated once again. With regard to essential doctrines, it was essentially Protestant.


What about the other threat? The radical Protestants, those who we think of now as Puritans but that was not a term they used initially, it was a term of insult that was sometimes thrown to them. They were described usually as the time as “the hotter sort of Protestants”.



The reign of Elizabeth I tends to shimmer in the historical imagination. She reigned for 45 years, she restored political stability, she settled the religious question, at least for the time being, she survived a power foreign enemy--spain.

When Elizabeth came to the throne on the 17th November 1558, the situation was far from stable, and that was evident in far various ways, not only in the risk imposed by the clear internal divisions in matters of religions, but also of International situations of considerable dangers. England as an ally of Spain was at war with France. Elizabeth?s cousin. Mary, Queen of Scotland, then aged only 16, was married to the heir of French throne, and she had a claim to the English throne, via her grandmother, Henry VIII?s sister, that raised the possibility of French ambition of uniting both Scotland and perhaps England to the French crown.

Spain was currently an ally because of Mary?s marriage to Phillip II, but Spain was also the champion of resurgent Catholicism in Europe, and closely identified with Mary?s Catholic restoration in England.

What about those vital …matters of state??

The first was religion, the religious settlement; the issue of foreign policy, and the succession were much more fraught.

So to look at the foreign policy first of all, early in the reign, in April1559, the war with France was ended by the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis. England suffered the humiliation of losing Calais, the last French possession once and for all, bu that could be blamed on Mary and Phillip, and there was a positive of the Treaty, that the peace treaty meant that the other monarchs recognized Elizabeth as Queen of England, and still, however, left the problem of Scotland, Scotland was still being ruled by French

protectorate by Mary of Guise, and then in 1559 Mary, Queen of Scots, became Queen of France as her husband acceded to the French throne.

In 1560, some English troops and ships were sent to aid the Scottish Covenanters, they were not very successfully militarily, but in June 1560 Mary of Guise died, and in July the war in Scotland was brought to an end with the Treaty of Edinburgh. French troops were evacuated from Scotland, and the Protestant lords took control in Edinburgh.


In December,1560, Francis II of France, the young king, husband of Mary, Queen of Scots, died, leaving Mary an 18 years old widow, and she returned to Scotland, she accepted the Protestant settlement which had taken place there, though she was herself an Catholic, but she also made great show after her return to Scotland of the fact that she maintained the claim to the English throne, a claim to the succession. This situation became even worse in the mid 1560.


First of all, when Mary married Henry, Lord Darnley, who was also descended from the same Tudor grandmother as Mary, Queen of Scots herself, by a second marriage that she contracted, and who also had a distinct claim to the throne. And in 1566, they had a son, James, who was baptized a Catholic, a potential successor to the English crown. By 1556, she had fallen out of love disastrously with Lord Darnley, and in 1567, Darnley was murdered by a group of Scottish lords acting, it was sain with the covert assistance of Queen Mary herself.


When Darnley died, Mary embarked with an adulterous affair with lord James Bothwell, and they married in May 1567. And all of this was too much for the Lords of Congregation and they rebelled. In June, 1567,Mary was forced to abdicate, and she was forced to flee to England. She crossed the border, and she appealed to Elizabeth for help in restoring the throne.


This was a highly embarrassing situation. They didn?t want to restore Mary, Queen of Scots, to the Scottish throne, because power in Scotland was in the hands of friendly Lords of the Congregation, who had proceeded to bring up the young James as a Protestant. They couldn?t let Mary go to France,either, if they allowed that, she might in France reassert her claim to the English throne as well as the Scottish, and perhaps tried to be restored to Scotland and possibly to England with French military aid.


Scotland was neutralized, it was to remain under the rule of the Protestant regency.


Mary was held in custody, but almost from the beginning she became the the focus plots against Elizabeth. Elizabeth wouldn?t execute an anointed queen, nor would she quietly accede in Mary?s assassination.


And Elizabeth also was refused to budge on the matter of succession. In 1563 when Parliament met it almost immediately petitioned the Queen to marry and to name a successor. By the time they met again in 1566, the situation was even worse, because Mary, Queen of Scots? marriage to Lord Darnley and her pregnancy.


In 1586, following the clear implication of Mary, Queens of Scotland, into the Babington plot to kill Elizabeth, which may possibly involved entrapment, Mary, Queen of Scots was at last sentenced to death. Elizabeth signed her death warrant, but then withheld it, until the council acted without permission by dispatching the death warrant to Fotheringhay Castle where Mary was promptly executed.


When the news came to London, the Queen was furious. Mary?s son, James VI of Scotland, now age 20 and beginning to rule in his own right, protested against his mother?s death.


The last of the Elizabeth?s reign were focused upon the war with Spain, and upon a united effort to sustain it. In 1588, the whole nation was mobilized as the Spanish Armada approached English coast,and the defeat of the Armada, the prevention of the loading troops from Netherlands to the land in England and its eventual scattering as it made its way back to Spain around the northern coast of Scotland and Ireland.


And when the queen finally died in 1603 somewhat withdrawn, James entered joyfully upon the inheritance for which he had waited so long. As he rode south from Edinburg to become not James VI of Scotland but James I of England.



So by the 1560 already, population growth and price inflation, especially on the land between landlords and tenants.




We could perhaps define the world of magic as being essentially a large body of beliefs, and practices regarding supernatural power, which stood outside the world of formal religion and yet were widely known and helped people to cope with their anxiety and their insecurities. It helped them above all, because it involved various means of manipulating supernatural powers, so as to misfortune or else to alleviate it.


This world of magic, then, was essentially a world of trying to propitiate or to manipulate unidentified supernatural powers, largely for the purposes of protection and relief.


It is important to stress, that it was not an alternative religion. It was a whole mass of supplementary beliefs and practices. But the world of the magic also had its specialists. These individuals were those who were known to have special knowledge over and above the average knowledge of magical practices, and who were often believed to have a special inherent power, often inherited. It was thought to pass through blood.


So to conclude, the whole issue of the history of witchcraft, why people were so concerned with it at a particular point in time, is clearly enormously complex. But what I;m suggesting is first, the case of England was different to a degree from what was going on elsewhere in Europe at the time. There were no mass witch hunts to marry popular superstition and ecclesiastical fantasy in the way found in various parts of Europe and in Scotland.


Secondly, in England witchcrafts prosecutions did come up spontaneously from below


Thirdly, these cases could only arise because of the existence of the law, which were perhaps essentially symbolic and contingent in their origins.



One aspect of crimes of violence and the other crimes against property.





The Arminians were another minority who occasioned a good deal of conflict in the early Stuart church, but this time they can be defined more easily in terms of theology. Theoretically, they comprised a minority of English churchmen who rejected Calvinism. They rejected Calvinist doctrine of predestination. Rather than believing that the only elect were predestined to salvation. They believed more traditionally, in the universality of God?s grace and in the free will of all mankind to choose salvation. So they are theologically distinct.


In the early seventeenth century, they came to be labeled “Arminians”, after a Dutch theologian who took this position, Arminius of Leiden. His criticism of Calvin was deemed so important at the time. The Synod of Dort, which met at 1618 at which Arminius teaching were denounced. But Arminianism also existed amongst a minority of English churchmen.


In the Netherland, Arminius was operating within the context of Dutch Reformed church with its congregational structure. English Arminians existed in the context of church was a traditional Episcopal system of church government and a highly traditional form of prayer book ceremonial. The English Arminians tended to link their belief in the doctrine of free grace to other beliefs to the structure of the Church of England. They believe in Episcopacy, not simply as a form of church government amongst others,but as a divinely sanctioned form of church government. They were very keen on structure of hierarchical authority in the church. They were also very keen on the sacraments as means of grace, as a way of coming to God.

在荷兰,阿民念是在荷兰改革派教会的公里会结构下运作; 而英格兰阿民念派所处的是传统教会管理的主教体系,具有高度传统的祷告书仪式。英格兰阿民念派希望将自由恩典的教义融入到英格兰国教会的其他信仰中。他们相信主教制度,认为这绝不是教会管理的普通形式,而是上天圣裁的管理形式。他们热衷与教会的等级权威机构,也热衷于将圣礼看作是恩典的方式,看作是接近上帝的方式。

They tend to play down preaching, preaching so dear to the heart of Puritans as the essential means of communication, as an element in worship, upon ritual, upon the performance of the sacraments. They spoke the beauty of holiness. They thought that reverent participation, in services and rituals of great beauty, had a spiritual function. 他们倾向与减少布道,布道是清教核心的交流方式,转而强调崇拜中的仪式和圣礼元素,他们强调圣美,认为美好圣礼和虔诚参与,具有精神作用。

They also had a very high notion of the dignity of the priesthood. The Arminians were a minority even amongst the bishops of the church under James I, that became clear at the very end of Jame?s reign in 1624.


First of all, some of the Arminians were of a singularly combative and authoritarian frame of mind. They were equal in their determination to impose their will to any of the most fervent Puritans, whom on the whole they detested. And secondly, in the 1620s, the Arminians succeeded in winning over to their side the young Charles, the future Charles I.


In 1625, Charles came to the throne of the death of James I, and as head of the church, he advanced the Arminians and to exclude the Calvinists.


We looked at the development of a political system which was in may ways highly centralized, but at the same time increasingly participatory and consultative. In certain matters of state, the royal will was supreme, and the prerogative power of the monarch was paramount. The prerogative power could not override the liberties of the

subject enshrined in law. And the monarch was also expected to have an eye to the views and interests of the broader political nation those who governed the localities and who acted, in a sense, as brokers between the royal administration and the nation at large.


Despite of all that, in the mid-seventeenth century that system collapsed. In 1642, civil war broke out between the crown and the parliament. In 1649, King Charles I was put on trial by a High Court of Justice formed from Parliament and executed and a republic was declared which lasted for over a decade.



A brief explanation of the Irish situation. In the aftermath of the rebellion against Elizabeth, by the Earl of Tyrone in the late 1590s, land had been confiscated from the chieftains of northeastern Ireland, the area known as Ulster, and that land had been planted with Protestant settlement, mostly people by settlers who came across from Scotland, southern Scotland, and from England. Their relation with the Irish population were fraught from the beginning. By 1641, some of the Irish chieftains in Ulster resentful of their loss of land and of power in that area planned to imitate the Scotts rebelling, seizing control of the Irish government and then negotiating a better settlement. Once the rebellion began, however, they proved unable to control it. Meanwhile, the so-called old English aristocracy of other parts of Ireland, mos of whom were Roman Catholic. They were descended from medieval Norman conquerors of Irish land, known as the old English. They joined the rebellion, principally motivated by the fact that as Roman Catholics, they were fearful of a Puritan-dominated parliament in London and what it might mean for them.



With the joining together of these two sources of discontent in Ireland, the rebellion became both a religious, a Roman Catholic, and a nationalist rebellion fueled by bitter resentment against the plantations in the north, marked by massacres and evictions of settlements.


So by the time civil war broke out in July, August 1642. To the Scots, it was about religion and distinctive institutions of what was still an independent kingdom even if they had the same king as the kingdom of England.


To the Irish, it was about land and religion.


Brief word about Oliver Cromwell. Cromwell was a squire of high birth but low means, a younger son, who had been MP for Cambridge in the Long Parliament, and who had left parliament in order to raise forces. He had gradually risen from captain of a troop to colonel of a calvary regiment.



