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美国乡村音乐 乡村布鲁斯英文歌曲.doc

美国乡村音乐 乡村布鲁斯英文歌曲.doc
美国乡村音乐 乡村布鲁斯英文歌曲.doc

爱尔兰酋长乐队(The Chieftains)作为最着名的的传统爱尔兰音乐的阐述者而在国际




当我们谈到音乐史上的许多团体时,经常会叹息“天下事合久必分”,因为只要是成了名的团体,好像总是难逃分道扬镳、各自单飞,或者是改组的命运。可是,这个“定律”对于来自爱尔兰的“酋长乐团”(The Chieftains)来说,显然不成立。虽然他们也曾历经部分人事的变动,但那都是早期还没有固定的时候。从他们成名以后,始终都维持着相同的阵容,而今年他们已经迈入了第四十个年头。

由风笛大师派迪马隆尼(Paddy Moloney)领军的“酋长乐队”(The Chieftains),成员还包括擅长竖琴与钢琴的德瑞克贝尔(Derek Bell)、负责手鼓与主唱的凯文康耐夫(Kevin Conneff)、小提琴好手史恩纪安(Sean Keane)、以及长笛好手麦特莫洛伊(Matt Molloy)。说起该团的成立,要回溯到1962年。当时有一家爱尔





美国乡村民谣 汕头市第一中学陈俊武高二(2)班 英语研究性学习指导老师:吴伊妮 【摘要】 本文主要论述了美国乡村音乐的起源、发展,介绍了美国乡村音乐的类别,以及在乡村音乐的发展历程中,一些对乡村音乐有重大贡献、有重大影响力的歌手。 【关键词】乡村音乐、起源、发展、类别、歌手 一、前言 现在的社会正在飞速发展,音乐也就成为了人们生活中不可或缺的元素。在历史的漫漫长河中,不同的时代都有着不同的音乐,然而我们又对音乐了解多少。仅 仅局限于流行音乐的我们,无法领略到真正的音乐魅力。 二、研究目的 通过研究音乐发展中重要的阶段,音乐风格的不同转变,从而使我们对音乐这个唯美的艺术有着更加透彻地了解。在共同研究中,我们还可以对历史事件有了更 丰富的认识。研究音乐,也是一种提高个人修养的好方法,沉浸于浓香的音乐史, 给人更多的是震撼。 三、研究的方法 查阅资料、访问 四、研究成果 (一)美国乡村音乐的起源 这个名字是20世纪20年代在美国出现的,它的源流很广。那时歌曲的内容,除了表现劳动生活之外,厌恶孤寂的流浪生活,向往温暖、安宁的家园,歌唱甜蜜 的爱情以及失恋的痛苦等都有。 1925年,美国田纳西州纳什维尔建立了一家广播电台。他们开办了一个"往昔的歌剧--老乡音"的专栏节目。邀请了一位名叫杰米·汤普森的81岁的民间歌手演唱, 节目受到听众们的热烈欢迎。从此,人们统称这种音乐为"乡村音乐"。乡村音乐成 为美国劳动人民最喜爱的音乐形式之一。在美国,"蓝领"指的是下层人,故这种音 乐又称"蓝领音乐"。

(二)美国乡村音乐的发展 纳西维尔电台自开办"往昔的歌剧--老乡音"节目之后,延续数十年,成为该台传统名牌节目。而纳西维尔市也被公认为"美国乡村音乐的白宫",所有乡村歌手都视之为"乡村音乐的圣地"。 四、五十年代,乡村音乐来到大的城市,受其它乐队的影响,加进了钢琴及其 它乐器和电声扩音,那时人们对这种音乐叫"纳什维尔"。由美国国家录音艺术学院举办的"格莱美奖"是其中最高奖项。 在唱法上,起先多用民间本嗓演唱,形式多为独唱或小合唱,用吉他、班卓琴、口琴、小提琴伴奏。 乡村音乐的曲调,一般都很流畅、动听,曲式结构也比较简单。多为歌谣体、二部曲式或三部曲式。 在服饰上也比较随意,即使是参加大赛及音乐厅重要场合演出,也不必穿演出服,牛仔裤、休闲装、皮草帽、旅游鞋都可以。 乡村音乐的两个最重要的组成部分是弦乐伴奏(通常是吉他或是电吉他,还常常加上一把夏威夷吉他和小提琴)及歌手的声音。乡村音乐抛开了在流行乐中用得很广的“电子声”(效果器)。最重要的是,歌手的嗓音是乡村音乐的标志(民间本嗓),乡村音乐的歌手几乎总有美国南部的口音,至少会有乡村地区的口音。 (三)美国乡村音乐的叛逆时代 20世纪60年代是乡村音乐史上最辉煌的十年,这一时期出现了像乔治·琼斯(George Jones)、约翰尼·卡什(Johny Cash)、帕特兹·克琳(Patsy Cline)等顶级的乡村音乐家。但是由于乡村音乐的普及,使纳什维尔的乡村音乐中心地位受到了挑战。如加利福尼亚的贝克斯菲尔德(Backsfield)和德克萨斯的奥斯汀(Austin)等地,也因出现了著名歌手而成为日后乡村音乐中心之一。到了70年代,乡村音乐已经显得老态龙钟了,因此一场"叛逆运动"改变了乡村音乐的传统模式。原来由制作人挑选歌曲以及安排曲目的制作方式,受到了很多人的强烈反对,他们要求自己选择歌曲,自己制作,以此来体现自己的思维方式和维护自己的出版权 力。威廉·奈尔逊(Willie Nelson)领导了这场"叛逆运动"。 1968年,纳什维尔地区的制作人们对奈尔逊那种新鲜的个人化音乐采取了强烈的排斥态度,因此威廉·奈尔逊离开了纳什维尔,来到了德克萨斯的奥斯汀。在那里他开始了一年一度的音乐会,并吸引了一批有着同样爱好的年轻人。他们那种纯朴的、根源化的风格加上个性化的表现方式,使乡村音乐呈现出更加复杂的局面。 当一个个新的概念融合到一起的时候,一个争论因此而生了,"到底什么是乡村音乐?" 著名乡村歌手肯尼·罗杰斯(Kenny Rogers)对于这个问题的回答是:“乡村音乐就是乡下人买的一切音乐。”"一句简单地回答完美的解释了全体乡村音乐家的心声,即:什么是乡村音乐并不重要,重要的是如何让乡村听众感受到不同的、既新鲜又熟悉的乡村生活体验。


乡村音乐对美国音乐文化的影响 乡村音乐是土生土长的美国音乐,体现了浓郁的美国南方民间音乐的风格。传统的乡村音乐从19世纪的弦乐曲和传统叙事歌中发展而来,它的一个显著特点就是,不受性别和年龄限制,也不受时间地点的限制,一把吉他,外加班卓琴和口琴乐器的伴奏,歌手便可以尽情抒发他们心中的快乐和忧愁。在相当长的一段时间里,乡村音乐的歌手和歌迷几乎都是农民、牛仔、矿工和伐木工等生活在南部乡村的美国白人,歌手唱歌时也总是带着浓重的南方鼻音。大部分歌曲的内容都表达了他们对爱情的忠贞不渝,对乡土的眷恋之情,或者反映了生活的艰辛,贫困的煎熬以及家庭的温馨等。美国乡村音乐的一大特点就是它对是美国的现实生活,人们的爱情观、人生观、价值观等的反映。大家都知道,美国是一个自由主义浓厚的国家,美国人讲求自由、民主,不受限制,这和乡村音乐的特点以及追求比较契合。美国的这种自由主义文化也许并不是单单由乡村音乐引起的,但不可否认,乡村音乐在其中起了不可磨灭的作用。 20世纪50年代初,随着电声乐器的发展,乡村音乐中逐渐加入了电子乐器、鼓、提琴、和号,声乐合唱也取代了先前音乐中“高亢、孤独”的歌声。这时期的乡村音乐已经慢慢失去原先醇厚的“乡土气息”,而呈现出更多的现代都市风味。借此契机,乡村音乐也在全美各地拓展了它的市场。田纳西州的首府纳什维尔是当时美国乡村音乐最大也是最为人所熟知的商业中心,绝大部分的乡村音乐歌手都来到这里寻求发展的机会,绝大部分的乡村歌曲也都是在纳什维尔的录音棚里录制的,以至于人们将这一时期的乡村音乐称为“纳什维尔音乐”。此时,乡村音乐并不只是乡村地区的“特产”,它也随着社会、时代的发展而变得现代化。就像美国这个国家,虽然建立时间较短,但他能发展成现在的世界第一大国,而且不管在经济、军事还是文化方面都引领世界,它的成功是多方面影响的作用。乡村音乐就像美国,坚韧、坚强,像一颗青松,屹立不倒。 70年代中期,以威利.纳尔逊和维龙.詹宁斯为首,在美国乡村音乐界发起了一场称为“叛逆”的运动,旨在用一种更简单朴实的方法取代已经程式化的“纳什维尔音乐”。之后不久,在70年代末到80年代初,“新传统派歌手”异军突起,成为美国乡村音乐中最走红的一派。这些新一代乡村歌手的音乐不再是纳什维

美国英文简介-An Introduction to U.S.

The United States of America (also referred to as the United States, the U.S., the USA, or America) is a federal constitutional republic comprising fifty states and a federal district. The country is situated mostly in central North America, where its forty-eight contiguous states and Washington, D.C., the capital district, lie between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south. The state of Alaska is in the northwest of the continent, with Canada to the east and Russia to the west across the Bering Strait. The state of Hawaii is an archipelago in the mid-Pacific. The country also possesses several territories in the Caribbean and Pacific. At 3.79 million square miles and with over 310 million people, the United States is the third or fourth largest country by total area. It is one of the world's most ethnically diverse and multicultural nations, the product of large-scale immigration from many countries. The


介绍美国纽约英语作文 在纽约市和出纽约市要通过两个隧道:林肯隧道和荷兰隧道。林肯隧道是一条位于纽约市的隧道,跨越哈德逊河以连接新泽西州。现在是小编为您整理的介绍美国纽约英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。 介绍美国纽约英语作文1 In 1869, the draft of the statue of Liberty was completed, and Bartholdy began to throw himself into the work of sculpture. He has traveled to the United States to win American support for the statue scheme, but Americans have been slow to realize the value of the gift. Until 1876, Bartholdy held in Philadelphia to celebrate the 100th anniversary independent exposition, in order to attract public attention of , the statue of liberty he held the torch hand on display at the fair, just a sensation. Placed in front of people in this hand only index finger on the length of 2.44 meters, more than 1 meters in diameter, nail thickness of 25 cm, 12 people can stand on the edge of the torch. So this a few days ago also little-known sculpture suddenly worth a hundred times, become the everyone to appreciate art treasures. We boarded the cruise ship and went up to the two floor. The river wind is very cool, put the hair on my forehead to the back, behind the hair along the wind, blown into the "fluttering" hairstyle. I saw a wide river, suffused with blue waves, along the river, or ————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考


篇一:美国文化之节日介绍演讲稿(英文版) the american heritage festival 1. united states is a cultural powers. short but rich history and unique it makes for an ethnic melting pot, and bring together the worlds culture. if the thought of this huge social and human treasures of get in, we may wish to take a short cut, that is, on his holiday to be a general understanding of the culture, because it is a microcosm of the festival. 2. day(情人节情人节)(february valentines day(情人节)(february 14) 3.november 1, halloween is the traditional festival of the west. halloween, namely 31 october night, children enjoy a good time to play. as night fell, the children put on colorful costume, and wore a mask of all sorts, put on a pumpkin lampran out to play.packed with parity, the demons were dressed up as children of mobile pumpkin lamp, ran to a neighbors door, intimidation, like shouting: to trick or treat and give money or to eat. if the adults do not have to change for the hospitality they candy, and those naughty boy just talk the talk: well, youre not playing entertaining, i you. 4. november 4th thursday is thanksgiving. on thanksgiving day, the united states the whole fun, people follow the customs of the prayer of thanksgiving to the church, and rural towns are nearby, theatrical performances or sporting events, etc. continues for another year of relatives will return from many, one family luck, taste the delicious thanksgiving turkey. christmas is the most typical christmas tree decorations, people in a small fir or pine filled with gifts and lantern, the top of the tree with a big star.篇二:美国文化演讲稿,英文版 presentation i’m glad to show you mine presentation today. and now let’s see some pictures. what are they? maybe you’ll say “ads”. but do you see the slogans on them? just as this one “obey your thirst”. advertisements give latest information about products. but some people think that advertisements don’t give much information but only try to persuade customers to buy. may be what mentioned above is the citizens’ view about advertisement. so, what i want to say is that we can pay more attention on advertising slogans, and some of them give us some inspiration. we might as well take a look. first i want to share my favorite slogan with you. it’s the slogan of the hennessy. “to me, the past is black and white, but the future is always color.” just as the slogan said, i hold the view that a person can’t be always lost in the past, and no matter how happy or terrible the past is, the future is worthy to be expected. this slogan gives a clear picture of the life that every successful person who want to realize the dream. besides, there’s another slogan, “start ahead”. i believe that most of us are familiar with its chinese meaning “成功之路,从头开始”. iargue that wherever we go and whatever we meet, this sentence is full of power and wisdom. the other one is the slogan of canon. as it said, “impossible made possible.” when


1、华尔街 Wall Street is the name of a narrow street in lower Manhattan in New York City, running east from Broadway downhill to the East River. Considered to be the historical heart of the Financial District, it was the first permanent home of the New York Stock Exchange(纽约证券 交易所). The phrase "Wall Street" is also used as a metonym(换喻词) to refer to American financial markets and financial institutions as a whole. Most New York financial firms are no longer headquartered on Wall Street, but elsewhere in lower or midtown Manhattan, Fairfield County, Connecticut, or New Jersey. JPMorgan Chase, the last major holdout, sold its headquarters tower at 60 Wall Street to Deutsche Bank in November 2001. 2、自由女神 Statue of Liberty Liberty Enlightening the World, known more commonly as the Statue of Liberty, is a statue given to the United States by France in 1885, standing at Liberty Island in the mouth of the Hudson River in New York Harbor as a welcome to all visitors, immigrants, and returning Americans. The copper statue, dedicated on October 28, 1886, commemorates the centennial of the


英语歌词: Shane: I remember all my life Raining down as cold as ice A shadow of a man A face through a window crying in the night The night goes into Morning, just another day Happy people pass my way Looking in their eyes I see a memory I never realized How happy you made me

Oh Mandy Well, you came and you gave without taking But I sent you away Oh Mandy Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today Oh Mandy Mark: I'm standing on the edge of time I walked away when love was mine Caught up in a world Of uphill climbing The tears are in my mind And nothing is rhyming

Oh Mandy Well, you came and you gave without taking But I sent you away Oh Mandy Well you kissed me and stopped me from shaking And I need you today Oh Mandy Bryan: Yesterday's a dream I face the morning Crying on the breeze The pain is calling All, with Shane on lead: Oh Mandy


西方的几种音乐风格 爵士乐(jazz) 爵士乐成形时间是19世纪末、20世纪初。公认的发祥地是美国南部路易斯安那州的一个亚热带城市―新奥尔良。 在众多流行音乐中,爵士乐是出现最早并且是在世界上影响较广的一个乐种,爵士乐实际就是美国的民间音乐。欧洲教堂音乐、美国黑人小提琴和班卓传统音乐融合非洲吟唱及美国黑人劳动号子形成了最初的"民间蓝调","拉格泰姆"和"民间蓝调"构成了早期的爵士乐。 从17-18世纪西方殖民主义者,将大批非洲黑人贩卖到美洲,成为那里白人的奴隶之后,他们被强迫劳动、受尽折磨。在田间、在劳动之余,黑奴们怀念故乡和亲人,常常唱一种哀歌,以表达他们痛苦的心声。这种音乐也渗透在一些宗教歌曲中。由于蓝色在美国人民中,被看作是忧郁的色彩,这种悲哀的歌曲,也就统称之为Blues(蓝色)。中国音译之为"布鲁斯"。 蓝调(blues) 蓝调音乐始于二十世纪初美国的南部。本为贫苦黑人劳动时呐喊的短曲,而其中亦混合了在教会中类似朗诵形式的节奏及韵律。 这种音乐有一种很明显的特式,便是使用类似中国民俗唱山歌的“一呼一应”的形式进行,英文叫作“Call and Reponse”。乐句起初会给人们一种紧张、哭诉,无助的感觉,然后接着的乐句便像是在安慰、舒解受苦的人。就好象受苦的人向上帝哭诉,而其后得到上帝的安慰与响应! 所以蓝调音乐很着重自我情感的宣泄和原创性或即兴性,这种即兴式的演奏方法,后来慢慢地演变为各种不同类形的音乐,如Rock and Roll、Swing、Jazz......所以蓝调亦是现代流行音乐的根源。 重金属(Heavy Metal) 重金属(Heavy Metal)是摇滚乐的一个流派.“重金属”必须具备狂吼咆哮或高亢激昂的嗓音、电吉他大量失真的音色、再以密集快速的鼓点和低沉有力的贝司填满整个听觉的背景空间,而构成一种含有高爆发力,快速度,重量感及破坏性等元素的改良式摇滚乐。通常泛指传统的主流派重金属或无法分类到其他重金属流派里的重金属乐。 民歌(FOLK) 民歌(FOLK)原本是指每个民族的传统歌曲,每个民族的先民都有他们自原始/古代已有的歌曲,这些歌绝大部分都不知道谁是作者,而以口头传播,一传十十传百,一代传一代的传下去至今。不过今天我们所说的民歌(FOLK),大都是指流行曲年代的民歌(FOLK),所指的是主要以木吉他为伴奏乐器,以自然坦率方式歌唱,唱出大家纯朴生活感受的那种歌曲。 乡村音乐(Country Music) 乡村音乐(Country Music)出现于20世纪20年代,它来源于美国南方农业地区的民间音乐,最早受到英国传统民谣的影响而发展起来。最早的乡村音乐是传统的山区音乐(Hillbilly Music),它的曲调简单、节奏平稳,带有叙述性,与城市里的伤感流行歌曲不同


简述乡村音乐的艺术特征 一.乡村音乐的起源与发展 乡村音乐于20世纪20年代兴起于美国南方的农村,是土生土长的美国音乐,具有浓郁的美国民间音乐的风格,它以小提琴和吉他作为主要乐器,偶尔也使用洋琴、口琴和曼陀铃,并在吉他和曼陀铃所弹奏的节奏基础上进行演奏和演唱。经过长时间的发展,随着美国流行音乐影响的扩大,乡村音乐慢慢融入流行音乐的主要行列,如今已经是西方流行音乐的主要组成部分,更是美国民族音乐与流行音乐融合的结晶。作为流行音乐的一种,乡村音乐经过漫长的发展,形成了众多的分支。 二.乡村音乐的类型 1.山地音乐:也称为山地歌谣。它包括英国古老的民歌、北方伐木工人的 劳动歌曲、西部天然牧场的的牛仔歌、海边水手们的劳动号子、以及后来融化进来的美国黑人音乐、爵士乐、西班牙和拉丁美洲音乐。山地音乐是乡村音乐的前身,它的曲调简单、节奏平稳、描写家乡、流浪为主。 山地音乐有乐观、豁达的精神。 2.西部摇摆:是牛仔与摇摆乐的结合。是小提琴与吉他乐队在乡村跳舞场 合演奏边区的传统舞蹈音乐,乐队富有创新精神,西部摇摆乐把乡村乐的感觉嫁接在复杂的爵士节奏上,随意借鉴爵士土乐队的即兴演奏形式。采用不同于传统乡村乐而更接近大乐队的阵容。 3.蓝草音乐:在美国肯塔基州的山区出现的乡村音乐的分支,主要来自当 地古老的民间风俗“玉米脱粒晚会”上的传统音乐形式,把田纳西州、肯塔基州等几个东南部州的民间宗教音乐、家庭歌曲及舞曲的音乐因素融合在一起,节奏硬而快、和声高而密集、强调乐队的作用。常使用的乐器:小提琴、班卓琴、曼陀铃。是一种精致的,纯正的,原汁原味的音乐,很容易辨识。折中音乐有两三部和声,激烈的节奏,不受约束的情感。 4.纳什维尔之声:主要以钢琴、弦乐和背景和声为配器,与传统的小 提琴和班卓琴的伴奏不同,这也是纳什维尔之声的为人所知的特色代表人物是汉克·威廉姆斯,他的风格既不像东南部的和声风格,也不接近西部流行的西部摇摆风格,创造了一种抑郁但却坚定的唱法。他的音乐结合了布鲁斯、南方宗教音乐和乡村音乐,抑郁的演出风格,具有独特的个性。 5.山地摇滚:乡村与摇滚的第一次结合,一种将乡村音乐中的弦乐音 响与“节奏与布鲁斯”音乐的曲式结构和歌词风格揉为一体的摇滚乐形式。主奏电吉他音响丰满而略带鼻音,低音提琴以手掌击弦,奏出活跃的低音线条,节奏吉他刮奏出清晰的节奏型,不时加入一些简单的打击乐节奏。演唱中常出现灵巧的尖声喊叫、时断时续的阻嗝声,并夹杂着椰榆、嘲讽的语气。 6.乡村摇滚:一种来源于加利福尼亚的音乐形式,后与嬉皮运动交互影响, 把他们那"回归自然"的感情带到了乡村音乐中。含有大量的布鲁斯的成分。将摇滚乐叛逆的特色凝聚到乡村乐之中,而摇滚乐在吸收了乡村乐冷淡、忧伤的气息后,也形成了一种新鲜独到的气质。 7.新传统主义:一种回归到艺术性和音乐性比形象更重要的时代的音


选择其中两个话题,写两篇短评,每篇短评字数至少300英文单词。 ●请一定根据作品进行评析,内容切题,言之有据,不要泛泛而谈; ●要进行论证,不仅仅是叙述,采用适合的论证方法,如举例法; ●语言要通顺,尽量避免语法错误。 ● 1. Analyze the theme of Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”. (In your opinion, what was the reason that made the speaker stop by the woods on a snowy evening? What might the woods and snow and dark symbolize? Why can’t the speaker stay longer by the woods to appreciate its mysterious beauty?)Your answer should be at least 300-word long. ● 2. How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister Carrie? (What is Naturalism? What kind of person is Carrie?)Your answer should be at least 300-word long. ● 3. How does Gatsby represent the American dream? What does the novel have to say about the condition of the American dream in the 1920s? Your answer should be at least 300-word long. 1.How do you see Dreiser’s naturalism influencing his work in Sister

美国乡村音乐-You Belong With Me-英文歌曲.doc

You're on the phone with your girlfriend, shes upset. Shes going off about something that you said 'Cuz she doesn't, get your humor like I do... I'm in the room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like and she'll never know your story like i do But she wears short skirts I wear T-shirts She's cheer captain And I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up And find what you're looking for has been here the whole time If you could see that I'm the one who understands you

been here all along so why can't you see, you You belong with me You belong with me Walkin' the streets with you and your worn-out jeans I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be Laughing on a park bench, thinking to myself Hey isn't this easy 1 2 3 推荐:听歌学英语:All Rise全体肃立、Flash英文歌曲:I want a fat babe-后街男孩 美国乡村音乐:Sunny Came Home


美国大峡谷的英文介绍 Although three million people come to see the GRAND CANYON OF THE COLORADO every year, it remains beyond the grasp of the human imagination. No photograph, no set of statistics, can prepare you for such vastness. At more than one mile dee p, it’s an inconceivable abyss; at between four and eighteen miles wide it’s an endless expanse of bewildering shapes and colors, glaring desert brightness and impenetrable shadow, stark promontories and soaring, never-to-be-climbed sandstone pinnacles. Somehow it’s so impassive, so remote you could never call it a disappointment, but at the same time many visitors are left feeling peculiarly flat. In a sense, none of the available activities can quite live up to that first stunning sight of the chasm. The overlooks along the rim all offer views that shift and change unceasingly from dawn to sunset; you can hike down into the depths on foot or by mule, hover above in a helicopter or raft

美国乡村音乐-Breathe 呼吸-英文歌曲.doc

I can feel the magic floating in the air Being with you gets me that way I watch the sunlight dance across your face And I, I've never been this swept away All my thoughts just seem To settle on the breeze When I'm lying wrapped up in your arms The whole world just fades away The only thing I hear is the beating of your heart Cause I can feel you breathe It's washing over me And suddenly I'm melting into you There's nothing left to prove Baby all we need is just to be Caught up in the touch

A slow and steady rush And baby isn't that the way That love's supposed to be I can feel you breathe Just breathe In a way I know my heart is waking up 1 2 3 4 5 推荐:Flash英文歌曲:The call-后街男孩音乐咖啡厅:Bonny Bonny-Cara Dillon 别了家乡 听歌学英语:Just Want You to Know

美国乡村音乐-Stay Gone-英文歌曲.doc

I found peace of mind, I'm feeling good again I'm on the other side, back among the living Ain't a cloud in the sky, all my tears have been cried And I can finally say Chorus: Baby baby stay, stay right where you are I like it this way, it's good for my heart I haven't felt like this in God knows how long I know everything's gonna be ok If you just stay gone I still love you, and I will forever We can't hide the truth, we know each other better When we try to make it work, we both end up hurt And it ain't supposed to be that way

CHORUS Instrumental: When we try to make it work, we both end up hurt Love ain't supposed to be that way CHORUS I know everything's gonna be ok If you just stay gone 推荐:视频歌曲:R&B天王大卫克雷格-Walking Away 视频歌曲:Dido经典歌曲Thank You Flash英文歌曲:I want a fat babe-后街男孩

美国乡村音乐-Country Blues乡村布鲁斯-英文歌曲.doc

爱尔兰酋长乐队(The Chieftains)作为最着名的的传统爱尔兰音乐的阐述者而在国际 上被广为尊崇。 半个世纪的演艺生涯中,酋长乐队获得了空前的成就,不仅是葛莱美的常客,其唱片在公告牌杂志200张全球经典唱片榜上亦名列前茅。 《休斯顿邮报》曾宣称:“如果说世界上还有一种比酋长乐队所做的音乐更美妙的声音,那我还从未耳闻。” 当我们谈到音乐史上的许多团体时,经常会叹息“天下事合久必分”,因为只要是成了名的团体,好像总是难逃分道扬镳、各自单飞,或者是改组的命运。可是,这个“定律”对于来自爱尔兰的“酋长乐团”(The Chieftains)来说,显然不成立。虽然他们也曾历经部分人事的变动,但那都是早期还没有固定的时候。从他们成名以后,始终都维持着相同的阵容,而今年他们已经迈入了第四十个年头。 由风笛大师派迪马隆尼(Paddy Moloney)领军的“酋长乐队”(The Chieftains),成员还包括擅长竖琴与钢琴的德瑞克贝尔(Derek Bell)、负责手鼓与主唱的凯文康耐夫(Kevin Conneff)、小提琴好手史恩纪安(Sean Keane)、以及长笛好手麦特莫洛伊(Matt Molloy)。说起该团的成立,要回溯到1962年。当时有一家爱尔

兰的唱片公司,邀请当年才二十三岁、已经活跃于都柏林传统音乐界的马隆尼,集合几个乐手,来为公司录制一些传统乐曲。对于发扬传统音乐非常有心的马隆尼立刻把握机会,结合了其他几个志同道合的朋友,组成了这支乐队,亲自担任编曲,并且开始练习。1963年,公司正式公开了这支团体,立即获得热烈的回响,在爱尔兰几乎跟披头士、滚石等当红的热门合唱团一样的受欢迎。不过,当时他们的阵容还没有固定,从1968年起,现在的其于团员才陆续加入。他们先后推出几张评价很高的专集,并且在英美各地举行了成功的巡回演出。1983年,他们首度访问中国大陆,成为第一支跟中国民间传统乐团合作、同时也是第一支在长城演奏的西方乐队。 由于酋长乐团致力於传统爱尔兰音乐在国际上的推广,而且成效卓着,他们在1989年被爱尔兰政府正式任命为爱尔兰音乐大使,足迹遍及全世界,而且经常跟各国的民间与流行艺人合作,成功的扮演文化交流的角色,自从90年代以来,更是几乎年年都夺得民歌、或者「世界音乐」方面的葛莱美奖,获得举世的瞩目与喝采。 半个世纪的辉煌已经让酋长乐队站在了后人难以企及的高峰,专辑甫一推出,便是至尊经典,这张大碟也毫无悬念的登上了Billboard世界音乐排行榜的冠军。不同的是在这张专辑里循着凯尔特音乐的独特气息对乡村音乐的寻根朔源让人不禁为这


美国乡村音乐经典歌曲80首 第一辑01 sealed with a kiss 02 great pretender 03 unchained melody 04 tennesse waltz 05 the wedding 06 changing partners 07 are you lonesome tonight 08 tam my 09 the last waltz 10 kiss me goodbye 11 all kind of my everything 12 let it b e 13 and i love her 14 hey jude 15 summer holiday 16 to sir with love 第二辑01 ritht here waiting 02 the greatest love of all 03 yesterday once more 04 saving all my love for you 05 endless love 06 making love out of nothing at all 07 i''ve never been to me 08 moonlight flower 09 you''re my everything 10 one more night 11 you needed me 12 rains & tears 13 don''t cry for me argentina 14 tell laure i love her 15 young love 16 i don''t like to sleep alone 第三辑01 sound of silence 02 yesterday 03 inside of my guitar 04 500 miles 05 sa tears go by 06 the end of the world 07 and i love you so 08 sunshine on my shoulders 09 all i have to do is dream 10 evergreen tree 11 morning has broken 12 paloma blanca 13 don''t expect me to be your friend 14 cotton fields 15 rhineston cowboy 16 nobody''s child 第四辑01 moon river 02 love is blue 03 diana 04 love me tender 05 never on sunday 06 on!carol 07 frankie 08 tea for two 09 sad movies 10 rhythm of the rain 11 hey paula 12 i went to your wedding 13 run away 14 kiss me honey,honey kiss me 15 auld lang syne 16 i''ll never dance again 第五辑01 tonight i celebrate my love 02 stay awhile 03 love story 04 the way we were 05 imaging 06 holiday 07 if 08 angel of the morning 09 that''s what friends are for 10 there''s a kind of hush 11 san francisco 12 he ain''t heavy,he''s my brothers 13 rose garden 14 i started a joke 15 help me make it through the night 16 mandy
